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The sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency, the cell-cycle progression analysis, and the single cell gel electrophoresis technique (SCGE, comet assay) were employed as genetic end-points to investigate the geno- and citotoxicity exerted by dicamba and one of its commercial formulation banvel (dicamba 57.71%) on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Log-phase cells were treated with 1.0-500.0 microg/ml of the herbicides and harvested 24 h later for SCE and cell-cycle progression analyses. All concentrations assessed of both test compounds induced higher SCE frequencies over control values. SCEs increased in a non-dose-dependent manner neither for the pure compound (r=0.48; P>0.05) nor for the commercial formulation (r=0.58, P>0.05). For the 200.0 microg/ml and 500.0 microg/ml dicamba doses and the 500.0 microg/ml banvel dose, a significant delay in the cell-cycle progression was found. A regression test showed that the proliferation rate index decreased as a function of either the concentration of dicamba (r=-0.98, P<0.05) or banvel (r=-0.88, P<0.01) titrated into cultures in the 1.0-500.0 microg/ml dose-range. SCGE performed on CHO cells after a 90 min pulse-treatment of dicamba and banvel within a 50.0-500.0 microg/ml dose-range revealed a clear increase in dicamba-induced DNA damage as an enhancement of the proportion of slightly damaged and damaged cells for all concentrations used (P<0.01); concomitantly, a decrease of undamaged cells was found over control values (P<0.01). In banvel-treated cells, a similar overall result was registered. Dicamba induced a significant increase both in comet length and width over control values (P<0.01) regardless of its concentration whereas banvel induced the same effect only within 100.0-500.0 microg/ml dose range (P<0.01). As detected by three highly sensitive bioassays, the present results clearly showed the capability of dicamba and banvel to induce DNA and cellular damage on CHO cells.  相似文献   

The in vitro genotoxicity exerted by the dithiocarbamate fungicide zineb, and its commercial formulation azzurro, were studied in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells by the analysis of the sister chromatid exchange (SCE), cell-cycle progression and single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assays. Both zineb and azzurro activities were tested within the range of 0.1-100.0 microg/ml. Concentrations of 0.1-25.0 microg/ml of zineb or azzurro induced a significant dose-dependent increase in SCE frequency over control values. For both test compounds, while doses ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 microg/ml did not alter the rate of cell proliferation, a significant delay in cell-cycle progression was observed within the 5.0-25.0 microg/ml dose-range. A regression test showed that either the proliferative replication index or the mitotic activity of cultures decreased as a function of the pesticide concentration within the 1.0-25.0 microg/ml dose-range. Doses higher than 50.0 microg/ml were cytotoxic. SCGE assay revealed an increase in zineb-induced DNA damage by enhancing the proportion of slightly damaged cells in the 25.0-100.0 microg/ml dose-range and by increasing in a dose-dependent manner the proportion of damaged cells within the 1.0-100.0 microg/ml dose-range. Overall, image analysis showed statistically significant positive relationships between zineb concentration and DNA damage (expressed by image length and width) and between length and width of the damaged cells. In azzurro-treated cells, only when 100.00 microg/ml was employed a significant increase in the frequency of damaged cells over control values affecting the totality of the cells was observed only when 100.0 microg/ml was employed. When lower doses were employed, no DNA damage was revealed. Based on these results, the evaluation of zineb as a genotoxic/non-genotoxic compound for human health should be reconsidered. Even though we demonstrate that the pesticide induces large DNA alterations in vitro, does no necessarily mean that the chemical should be considered clastogenic.notoxic  相似文献   

Apitol®, with cymiazole hydrochloride as the active ingredient, is used in bee-keeping against the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor. The preparation was evaluated for genotoxicity in cultured human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Sister chromatid exchange, the mitotic index and the cell proliferation index were determined for three experimental concentrations of Apitol® (0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 mg/ml). All concentrations significantly (p < 0.001) increased the mitotic index (MI = 7.35 ± 0.18%, 8.31 ± 0.20% and 12.33 ± 0.25%, respectively), the proliferative index (PI = 1.83 ± 0.01, 1.84 ± 0.01 and 1.88 ± 0.02, respectively) and the frequency of sister chromatid exchange (SCE = 8.19 ± 1.81, 8.78 ± 1.80 and 13.46 ± 1.88, respectively), suggesting that cymiazole hydrochloride has genotoxic potential.  相似文献   

There are few studies on the biological activity of aminohydroxy derivates of 1,4-naphthoquinone (1,4-NQ) on prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. We determined the mutagenic activity of 5-amino-8-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (ANQ) and 5-amino-2,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (ANQ-OH) as compared to the unsubstituted 1,4-NQ in Salmonella/microsome assay. Potential mutagenic and recombinogenic effects and cytotoxicity were analyzed in haploid and diploid cultures of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In Salmonella/microsome assay, 1,4-NQ was not mutagenic, whereas aminohydroxynaphthoquinones were weakly mutagenic in TA98 and TA102 strains. In haploid yeast in stationary growth phase (STAT), mutagenic response was only observed for the hom3 locus at the highest dose. In diploid yeast, aminohydroxynaphthoquinones did not induce any recombinogenic events, but 1,4-NQ was shown to be a recombinogenic agent. These results suggest that aminohydroxynaphthoquinones are weak mutagenic agents only in prokaryotic cells. The cytotoxicity of 1,4-NQ in yeast stationary cells was more significant in diploid cells as compared to that observed in haploid cells. However, ANQ and ANQOH were slightly cytotoxic in all treatments. Genotoxicity of these naphthoquinone compounds was also determined in V79 Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells using standard Comet, as well as modified Comet assay with the bacterial enzymes formamidopyrimidine DNA-glycosylase (FPG) and endonuclease III (ENDOIII). Both 1,4-NQ and ANQ induced pronounced DNA damage in the standard Comet assay. The genotoxic effect of ANQ-OH was observed only at the highest dose. In presence of metabolic activation all substances showed genotoxic effects on V79 cells. Post-treatment of V79 cells with ENDOIII and FPG proteins did not have a significant effect on ANQ-OH-induced oxidative DNA damage as compared to standard alkaline Comet assay. However, all naphthoquinones were genotoxic in V79 cells in the presence of metabolic activation and post-treatment with enzymes, indicating that all compounds induced oxidative DNA damage in V79 cells. Our data suggest that aminohydroxynaphthoquinone pro-oxidant activity, together with their capability of DNA intercalation, have an important role in mutagenic and genotoxic activities.  相似文献   

Wu W  Abraham L  Ogony J  Matthews R  Goldstein G  Ercal N 《Life sciences》2008,82(21-22):1122-1130
Ionizing radiation is known to cause tissue damage in biological systems, mainly due to its ability to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells. Many thiol antioxidants have been used previously as radioprotectors, but their application has been limited by their toxicity. In this investigation, we have explored the possible radioprotective effects of a newly synthesized thiol antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA), in comparison with N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a commonly used antioxidant. Protective effects of NACA and NAC were assessed using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, irradiated with 6 gray (Gy) radiation. Oxidative stress parameters, including levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), cysteine, malondialdehyde (MDA), and activities of antioxidant enzymes like glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and catalase, were measured. Results indicate that NACA was capable of restoring GSH levels in irradiated cells in a dose dependent manner. In addition, NACA prevented radiation-induced loss in cell viability. NACA further restored levels of malondialdehyde, caspase-3 activity, and antioxidant enzyme activities to control levels. Although NAC affected cells in a similar manner to NACA, its effects were not as significant. Further, NAC was also found to be cytotoxic to cells at higher concentrations, whereas NACA was non-toxic at similar concentrations. These results suggest that NACA may be able to attenuate radiation-induced cytotoxicity, possibly by its ability to provide thiols to cells.  相似文献   

Furan is found in various food items and is cytotoxic and carcinogenic in the liver of rats and mice. Metabolism of furan includes the formation of an unsaturated dialdehyde, cis-2-butene-1,4-dial (BDA). In view of the multifunctional electrophilic reactivity of BDA, adduct formation with protein and DNA may explain some of the toxic effects. Short-term tests for genotoxicity of furan in mammalian cells are inconclusive, little is known for BDA. We investigated BDA generated by hydrolysis of 2,5-diacetoxy-2,5-dihydrofuran for genotoxicity in L5178Y tk+/− mouse lymphoma cells using standard procedures for the comet assay, the micronucleus test, and the mouse lymphoma thymidine kinase gene mutation assay, using 4-h incubation periods. Cytotoxicity was remarkable: cell viability at concentrations ≥50 μM was reduced to <50%. In the dose range up to 25 μM, viability was >90%. Measures of comet-tail length and thymidine–kinase mutant frequency were increased 1.6- and 2.4-fold above control, respectively. Analysis of three fully independent replicates with a linear mixed-effects model showed a highly significant increase with concentration for both endpoints. Compared to methyl methanesulfonate used as a positive control, BDA was of similar potency with respect to genotoxicity, but it was much more cytotoxic. Furan added to cell cultures at doses that resulted in time-averaged effective concentrations of up to 3100 μM was neither cytotoxic nor genotoxic. A potential cross-linking activity of BDA was investigated by checking whether gamma radiation-induced DNA migration in the comet assay could be reduced by pre-treatment with BDA. In contrast to the effect of the positive control glutaraldehyde, BDA treatment did not reduce the comet tail length. On the contrary, an increase was observed at ≥100 μM BDA, which was attributable to early apoptotic cells. Although BDA was found to be a relatively potent genotoxic agent in terms of the concentration necessary to double the background measures, cytotoxicity strongly limited the concentration range that produced interpretable results. This may explain some of the inconclusive results and indicates that non-genotoxic effects must be taken into account in the discussion of the modes of toxic and carcinogenic action of furan.  相似文献   

Single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) was used to analyse dithiocarbamate zineb- and the zineb-containing technical formulation azzurro-induced DNA damage and repair in CHO cells. Cells were treated with zineb (50.0 μg/ml) or azzurro (100.0 μg/ml) for 80 min, washed and reincubated in pesticide-free medium for 0–12 h until SCGE. Viability of treated cells (0 h) did not differ from control remaining unchanged up to 6 h of incubation. After 12 h, viability decreased up to 70 and 54% in zineb- and azzurro-treated cultures, respectively. SCGE revealed at 0 h the absence of undamaged cells and an increase of slightly damaged and damaged cells in zineb-treated cultures or by an increase in damaged cells in azzurro-treated cultures. For both chemicals, a time-dependent repair of pesticide-induced DNA damage within a 0–12 h post-treatment incubation period was observed. Overall, damaged cells decreased as a function of the repair time for both pesticides while the slightly damaged cells decreased as a function of the repair time of zineb-induced DNA damage. Concomitantly, a time-dependent increase of undamaged cells was observed within the 0.5–12 h repair time for both pesticides. At 12 h after treatment, no differences in the frequencies of undamaged, slightly damaged and damaged cells were found between both zineb- or azzurro-treated cultures and control values as well as between zineb- and azzurro-treated cells. Immediately after exposure, nuclear DNA from zineb and azzurro-treated cells were larger and wider than nuclear DNA from untreated cells. When damaged cells were allowed to repair, a time-dependent decrease of the amount of free DNA migrating fragments was observed committed only to damaged cells but not in slightly or undamaged cells. On the other hand, no time-dependent alteration on nuclear DNA width within the 0–12 h repair period was observed.  相似文献   

Single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) was used to analyse dithiocarbamate zineb- and the zineb-containing technical formulation azzurro-induced DNA damage and repair in CHO cells. Cells were treated with zineb (50.0 microg/ml) or azzurro (100.0 microg/ml) for 80min, washed and reincubated in pesticide-free medium for 0-12h until SCGE. Viability of treated cells (0 h) did not differ from control remaining unchanged up to 6h of incubation. After 12h, viability decreased up to 70 and 54% in zineb- and azzurro-treated cultures, respectively. SCGE revealed at 0 h the absence of undamaged cells and an increase of slightly damaged and damaged cells in zineb-treated cultures or by an increase in damaged cells in azzurro-treated cultures. For both chemicals, a time-dependent repair of pesticide-induced DNA damage within a 0-12h post-treatment incubation period was observed. Overall, damaged cells decreased as a function of the repair time for both pesticides while the slightly damaged cells decreased as a function of the repair time of zineb-induced DNA damage. Concomitantly, a time-dependent increase of undamaged cells was observed within the 0.5-12h repair time for both pesticides. At 12h after treatment, no differences in the frequencies of undamaged, slightly damaged and damaged cells were found between both zineb- or azzurro-treated cultures and control values as well as between zineb- and azzurro-treated cells. Immediately after exposure, nuclear DNA from zineb and azzurro-treated cells were larger and wider than nuclear DNA from untreated cells. When damaged cells were allowed to repair, a time-dependent decrease of the amount of free DNA migrating fragments was observed committed only to damaged cells but not in slightly or undamaged cells. On the other hand, no time-dependent alteration on nuclear DNA width within the 0-12h repair period was observed.  相似文献   

The synthesis, purification and characterization of G129R-hPRL and S179D-hPRL, the two better-studied antagonists of human prolactin (hPRL), is described. Both of these have been expressed for the first time, in their authentic form, by a stable CHO cell line, at secretion levels of 7.7 and 4.3 microg/10(6) cells/day, respectively. Previous studies had shown that these hPRL analogs, when produced in bacterial cytoplasm, consistently contained misfolded forms and multimers according to the specific denaturation, refolding and purification conditions. These versions also have an N-terminal extra methionine. An extensive physico-chemical characterization was carried out after a practical two-step purification process and included SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analysis, matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectral (MALDI-TOF-MS) analysis, high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). This last technique revealed a considerable difference in hydrophobicity due to a single amino acid substitution, with S179D-hPRL less (t(RR) = 0.85 +/- 0.010) and G129R-hPRL more (t(RR) = 1.10 +/- 0.013) hydrophobic than hPRL, where t(RR) is the relative retention time. The biological characterization was based on further refinement of a sensitive proliferation assay using the pro-B murine cell line (Ba/F3) transfected with the long form hPRL receptor cDNA such that the minimal detectable dose was 0.04 ng of hPRL/mL, the Ba/F3-LLP assay. On the basis of this assay, the relative residual agonistic activity of these two products, determined against a hPRL international standard in four independent assays, was 53 x 10(-3) for S179D-hPRL and 70 x 10(-5) for G129R-hPRL. We believe that the present synthesis and characterization could be extremely helpful for studies of these two proteins, which have been reported to antagonize tumor growth-promoting effects of hPRL in vivo in animal models of breast and prostate cancer.  相似文献   

The effect of the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) on cytosolic free Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) and cell viability was explored in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1). [Ca2+]i and cell viability were measured by using the fluorescent dyes fura-2 and WST-1, respectively. DES at concentrations ≥ 1∝ increased [Ca2+]i in a concentration-dependent manner. The Ca2+ signal was reduced partly by removing extracellular Ca2+. In Ca2+-free medium, after pretreatment with 50∝ DES, 1∝ thapsigargin (an endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump inhibitor)-induced [Ca2+]i rises were abolished. Conversely, thapsigargin pretreatment abolished DES-induced [Ca2+]i rises. Inhibition of phospholipase C with U73122 did not alter DES-induced [Ca2+]i rises. At a concentration of 5∝, DES increased cell viability. At concentrations of 100–200 μ M, DES decreased viability in a concentration-dependent manner. The effect of 5 and 100 μM DES on viability was partly reversed by prechelating cytosolic Ca2+ with 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′ -tetraacetic acid (BAPTA). DES-induced cell death was induced via apoptosis as demonstrated by propidium iodide staining. DES (100 μ M)-induced [Ca2+]i rises were largely inhibited by pretreatment with the estrogen receptor antagonist ICI-182,780 (100 μ M). ICI-182,780 did not affect 5 μ M DES-induced increase in viability but partly reversed 100 μ M DES-induced cell death. Collectively, in CHO-K1 cells, DES induced [Ca2+]i rises by stimulating estrogen receptors leading to Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum in a phospholipase C-independent manner, and Ca2+ influx. DES-caused cytotoxicity was mediated by an estrogen receptor- and Ca2+-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate possible health effects of environmental exposure of humans towards methyl mercury species, relevant exposure experiments using methyl mercury chloride in aqueous solution and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were performed. The solution was monitored for the presence of monomethyl, dimethyl and elemental mercury by several analytical techniques including chromatographic as well as atomic absorption and mass spectrometric methods. Methyl mercury induces structural chromosomal aberrations (CA) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in CHO cells. At a concentration of methyl mercury in the culture medium of 1.0 x 10(-6) M where the frequencies of CA and SCE are significantly elevated, the intracellular concentration was 1.99 x 10(-16) mol/cell. Possible biochemical processes leading to the cytogenetic effects are discussed together with toxicological consequences, when humans (e.g. workers at waste deposits) are exposed to environmental concentrations of methyl mercury.  相似文献   

Peptides with gastrin immunoreactivity were measured in cod muscle (Gadus morhua) and shrimp heads (Penaeus aztecus) extracts and alcalase hydrolysates and separated by two chromatographic steps. Secretagogue activities present in crude extracts fractions were examined with or without specific antagonists of CCK receptors in AR4-2J cells. Several sub-fractions significantly stimulate amylase release, up to 110%. These stimulatory effects could be completely inhibited by the presence of L 365, 260 specific antagonist of CCKB receptors. After hydrolysis of the raw material, the samples were partially fractionated by two chromatographic steps and potential active fractions detected by a gastrin-CCK radioimmunoassay. The molecular masses of the active fractions were lower than for the extracts. Stimulation of amylase release was higher than with extracts, and the inhibition by L 365, 260, less pronounced. These results show that some peptides remaining after hydrolysis or extraction still exert biological activities and have to be tested in nutritional studies.  相似文献   

The cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an important source of β-d-glucan, a glucose homopolymer with immunostimulant properties. The standard methodologies described for its extraction involve acid and alkaline washings, which degrade part of its glucose chains and reduce the final yield. In the present study, an optimized methodology for extraction of β-d-glucan from S. cerevisiae cells, involving sonication and enzyme treatment, with a yield of 11.08 ± 0.19%, was developed. The high-purity (1 → 3)(1 → 6)-β-d-glucan was derivatized to carboxymethyl-glucan (CM-G). In vitro tests with CM-G in Chinese hamster epithelial cells (CHO-k1) did not reveal any cytotoxic or genotoxic effects or influences of this molecule on cell viability. The method described here is a convenient alternative for the extraction of (1 → 3)(1 → 6)-β-d-glucan under mild conditions without the generation of wastes that could be potentially harmful to the environment.  相似文献   

Combined patch-clamp and Fura-2 measurements were performed on chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells co-expressing two channel proteins involved in skeletal muscle excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling, the ryanodine receptor (RyR)-Ca2+ release channel (in the membrane of internal Ca2+ stores) and the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR)-Ca2+ channel (in the plasma membrane). To ensure expression of functional L-type Ca2+ channels, we expressed α2, β, and γ DHPR subunits and a chimeric DHPR α1 subunit in which the putative cytoplasmic loop between repeats II and III is of skeletal origin and the remainder is cardiac. There was no clear indication of skeletal-type coupling between the DHPR and the RyR; depolarization failed to induce a Ca2+ transient (CaT) in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o). However, in the presence of [Ca2+]o, depolarization evoked CaTs with a bell-shaped voltage dependence. About 30% of the cells tested exhibited two kinetic components: a fast transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) (the first component; reaching 95% of its peak <0.6 s after depolarization) followed by a second increase in [Ca2+]i which lasted for 5–10 s (the second component). Our results suggest that the first component primarily reflected Ca2+ influx through Ca2+ channels, whereas the second component resulted from Ca2+ release through the RyR expressed in the membrane of internal Ca2+ stores. However, the onset and the rate of Ca2+ release appeared to be much slower than in native cardiac myocytes, despite a similar activation rate of Ca2+ current. These results suggest that the skeletal muscle RyR isoform supports Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release but that the distance between the DHPRs and the RyRs is, on average, much larger in the cotransfected CHO cells than in cardiac myocytes. We conclude that morphological properties of T-tubules and/or proteins other than the DHPR and the RyR are required for functional “close coupling” like that observed in skeletal or cardiac muscle. Nevertheless, some of our results imply that these two channels are potentially able to directly interact with each other.  相似文献   

S100A4 is a Ca2+-binding protein that performs an important role in metastasis. It is also known for its antitumor functions. S100A4 is expressed by a specialized subset of CD4+CD25+ lymphocytes and is present on those cell's membranes along with peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs). There, by interacting with major heat shock protein Hsp70, S100A4 plays an important cytotoxic role. The resulting stably formed complex of PGRPs, S100A4 and Hsp70 is required for the identification and binding between a lymphocyte and a target cell. Here, we investigated the S100A4 functions in CD4+CD25+PGRPs+S100A4+ lymphocyte cytotoxicity against target cells. We demonstrated that those lymphocytes do not form a stable complex with the tumor target cells that themselves have S1004A on their surface. That observation can be explained by our finding that S100A4 precludes the formation of a stable complex between PGRPs, S100A4 (on the lymphocytes’ surface), and Hsp70 (on the target cells’ surface). The decrease in S100A4 level in CD4+CD25+PGRPs+S100A4+ lymphocytes inhibits their cytotoxic activity, while the addition of S100A4 in the medium restores it. Thus, the resistance of target cells to CD4+CD25+PGRPs+ S100A4+ lymphocyte cytotoxicity depends on their S100A4 expression level and can be countered by S100A4 antibodies.  相似文献   

Khanal RC  Smith NM  Nemere I 《Steroids》2007,72(2):158-164
Phosphate homeostasis is controlled in part by absorption from the intestine, and reabsorption in the kidney. While the effect of Vitamin D metabolites on enterocytes is well documented, in the current study we assess selected responses in primary cultures of kidney cells. Time course studies revealed a rapid stimulation of phosphate uptake in cells treated with 1,25(OH)(2)D(3), relative to controls. Dose-response studies indicated a biphasic curve with optimal stimulation at 300 pM 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) and inhibition at 600 pM seco-steroid. Antibody 099--against the 1,25D(3)-MARRS receptor - abolished stimulation by the steroid hormone. Moreover, phosphate uptake was mediated by the protein kinase C pathway. The metabolite 24,25(OH)(2)D(3), which was found to inhibit the rapid stimulation of phosphate uptake in intestinal cells, had a parallel effect in cultured kidney cells. Finally, the 24,25(OH)(2)D(3) binding protein, catalase, was assessed for longer term down regulation. In both intestinal epithelial cells and kidney cells incubated with 24,25(OH)(2)D(3) for 5-24h, both the specific activity of the enzyme and protein levels were decreased relative to controls, while 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) increased both parameters over the same time periods. We conclude that the Vitamin D metabolites have similar effects in both kidney and intestine, and that 24,25(OH)(2)D(3) may have effects at the level of gene expression.  相似文献   

In the breast tumor cell line MCF-7, extracellular nucleotides induce transient elevations in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)). In this study we show that stimulation with ATP or UTP sensitizes MCF-7 cells to mechanical stress leading to an additional transient Ca(2+) influx. ATP> or =ATPgamma-S> or =UTP>ADP=ADPbeta-S elevate [Ca(2+)](i), proving the presence of P2Y(2)/P2Y(4) purinergic receptor subtypes. In addition, cell stimulation with ATP, ATPgamma-S or UTP but not ADPbeta-S induced the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, p38 and JNK1/2 mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs). The use of Gd(3+), La(3+) or a Ca(2+)-free medium, inhibited ATP-dependent stress activated Ca(2+) (SAC) influx, but had no effect on MAPK phosphorylation. ATP-induced activation of MAPKs was diminished by two PI-PLC inhibitors and an IP(3) receptor antagonist. These results evidence an ATP-sensitive SAC influx in MCF-7 cells and indicate that phosphorylation of MAPKs by ATP is dependent on PI-PLC/IP(3)/Ca(2+)(i) release but independent of SAC influx in these cells, differently to other cell types.  相似文献   

[Arg6, -Trp7,9, mePhe8]-substance P (6–11), code-named antagonist G, is a novel peptide currently undergoing early clinical trials as an anticancer drug. A sensitive, high efficiency high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method is described for the determination in human plasma of antagonist G and its three major metabolites, deamidated-G (M1), G-minus Met11 (M2) and G[Met11(O)] (M3). Gradient elution was employed using 40 mM ammonium acetate in 0.15% trifluoroacetic acid as buffer A and acetonitrile as solvent B, with a linear gradient increasing from 30 to 100% B over 15 min, together with a microbore analytical column (μBondapak C18, 30 cm×2 mm I.D.). Detection was by UV at 280 nm and the column was maintained at 40°C. Retention times varied by <1% throughout the day and were as follows: G, 13.0 min; M1, 12.2 min; M2, 11.2 min; M3, 10.8 min, and 18.1 min for a pyrene conjugate of G (G–P). The limit of detection on column (LOD) was 2.5 ng for antagonist G, M1–3 and G–P and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 20 ng/ml for G and 100 ng/ml for M1–3. Sample clean-up by solid-phase extraction using C2-bonded 40 μm silica particles (Bond Elut, 1 ml reservoirs) resulted in elimination of interference from plasma constituents. Within-day and between-day precision and accuracy over a broad range of concentrations (100 ng/ml–100 μg/ml) normally varied by <10%, although at the highest concentrations of M1 and M2 studied (50 μg/ml), increased variability and reduced recovery were observed. The new assay will aid in the clinical development of antagonist G.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 1.1 kbp BamHI fragment of the leek chloroplast DNA (Allium porrum., fam. Liliaceae) has been determined. The fragment contains the 3' part of the tRNAGly (UCC) gene and the tRNAArg (UCU) gene on the same strand, and the 3' end of the atpA gene encoding the CF1 ATPase α-subunit which is located on the opposite strand. The gene arrangement and nucleotide sequence of this fragment are similar to those of the corresponding region in the tobacco chloroplast DNA but differ significantly from what has been observed in other monocotyledonous plants such as wheat and rice, in which the region containing these genes has undergone intensive rearrangement.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that iron plaque formation is ubiquitous in aquatic macrophytes and has been known for several decades, there are few reports of plaque occurrence in seagrasses to date. Herein we present the first microscopical observation and chemical quantification of iron (Fe) plaques on the shoots, rhizomes and roots of the seagrass Cymodocea serrulata (R. Brown) Ascherson collected from intertidal seagrass beds in Thailand. Plaques were observed on shoot bases, rhizomes and roots with the highest concentrations of iron in the plaques from the roots, reaching an average of 509 μmol gDW−1. Interestingly, the most negative stable sulphur isotope (δ34S) values, indicating H2S intrusion into the plants occurred in the sampling site with the most intense root oxidizing capacity, as indicated by a greater Fe plaque formation. These apparently contradictory findings may be attributed to oxidizing capacity of root tips and root hairs sufficient to promote Fe(III) deposition in the rhizosphere, preceding deposition of plaques on the roots. While this rhizosphere oxidation may result in a more efficient sulphide detoxification during the day photosynthetic phase, root tips and hairs may serve as vulnerable sites for sulphide intrusion at night. The presence of Fe plaque on C. serrulata roots and rhizomes reveals the complexity of seagrass–sediment interactions and deserves further attention to understand if this is a local phenomenon or a newly discovered adaptive mechanism in seagrasses.  相似文献   

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