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Various methods have been proposed to estimate demographic parameters such as mortality from field census data. Simple methods proposed earlier are applicable only for limited situations. For example, the Kiritani-Nakasuji-Manly method is applicable only if individuals are observable until their death. Improved methods proposed later are not subject to such limitations, but are not so widely used in the field of applied entomology, probably because of the complexity of the calculations involved. In this paper, I propose an intermediate method that requires only a pocket calculator, considering the practical convenience for field scientists. This method, which is a modification of the Kiritani-Nakasuji-Manly method, gives an estimate of the number of individuals entering a stage from the frequency of two stages when the stage duration is known.  相似文献   

The collaborations between statisticians and biologists during the 100 years since AAB was founded have led to a very impressive list of statistical techniques, whose use now goes well beyond agriculture and biology. One example is the maximum likelihood methodology for probit analysis, arising from the collaboration between Sir Ronald Fisher and Chester Bliss. Others include analysis of variance, design of experiments, generalized linear models and the residual, or restricted, maximum likelihood (REML) algorithm for fitting unbalanced linear mixed models.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the effect of the inclusion of soil and land‐cover data on the performance of bioclimatic envelope models for the regional‐scale prediction of butterfly (Rhopalocera) and grasshopper (Orthoptera) distributions. Location Temperate Europe (Belgium). Methods Distributional data were extracted from butterfly and grasshopper atlases at a resolution of 5 km for the period 1991–2006 in Belgium. For each group separately, the well‐surveyed squares (n = 366 for butterflies and n = 322 for grasshoppers) were identified using an environmental stratification design and were randomly divided into calibration (70%) and evaluation (30%) datasets. Generalized additive models were applied to the calibration dataset to estimate occurrence probabilities for 63 butterfly and 33 grasshopper species, as a function of: (1) climate, (2) climate and land‐cover, (3) climate and soil, and (4) climate, land‐cover and soil variables. Models were evaluated as: (1) the amount of explained deviance in the calibration dataset, (2) Akaike’s information criterion, and (3) the number of omission and commission errors in the evaluation dataset. Results Information on broad land‐cover classes or predominant soil types led to similar improvements in the performance relative to the climate‐only models for both taxonomic groups. In addition, the joint inclusion of land‐cover and soil variables in the models provided predictions that fitted more closely to the species distributions than the predictions obtained from bioclimatic models incorporating only land‐cover or only soil variables. The combined models exhibited higher discrimination ability between the presence and absence of species in the evaluation dataset. Main conclusions These results draw attention to the importance of soil data for species distribution models at regional scales of analysis. The combined inclusion of land‐cover and soil data in the models makes it possible to identify areas with suitable climatic conditions but unsuitable combinations of vegetation and soil types. While contingent on the species, the results indicate the need to consider soil information in regional‐scale species–climate impact models, particularly when predicting future range shifts of species under climate change.  相似文献   

Statistical models built using different data sources and methods can exhibit conflicting patterns. We used the northern stock of black sea bass (Centropristis striata) as a case study to assess the impacts of using different fisheries data sources and laboratory‐derived physiological metrics in the development of thermal habitat models for marine fishes. We constructed thermal habitat models using generalized additive models (GAMs) based on various fisheries datasets as input, including the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) bottom trawl surveys, various inshore fisheries‐independent trawl surveys (state waters), NEFSC fisheries‐dependent observer data, and laboratory‐based physiological metrics. We compared each model''s GAM response curve and coupled them to historical ocean conditions in the U.S. Northeast Shelf using bias‐corrected ocean temperature output from a regional ocean model. Thermal habitat models based on shelf‐wide data (NEFSC fisheries‐dependent observer data and fisheries‐independent spring and fall surveys) explained the most variation in black sea bass presence/absence data at ~15% deviance explained. Models based on a narrower range of sampled thermal habitat from inshore survey data in the Northeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (NEAMAP) and the geographically isolated Long Island Sound data performed poorly. All models had similar lower thermal limits around 8.5℃, but thermal optima, when present, ranged from 16.7 to 24.8℃. The GAMs could reliably predict habitat from years excluded from model training, but due to strong seasonal temperature fluctuations in the region, could not be used to predict habitat in seasons excluded from training. We conclude that survey data source can greatly impact development and interpretation of thermal habitat models for marine fishes. We suggest that model development be based on data sources that sample the widest range of ocean temperature and physical habitat throughout multiple seasons when possible, and encourage thorough consideration of how data gaps may influence model uncertainty.  相似文献   

In clinical research and practice, landmark models are commonly used to predict the risk of an adverse future event, using patients' longitudinal biomarker data as predictors. However, these data are often observable only at intermittent visits, making their measurement times irregularly spaced and unsynchronized across different subjects. This poses challenges to conducting dynamic prediction at any post-baseline time. A simple solution is the last-value-carry-forward method, but this may result in bias for the risk model estimation and prediction. Another option is to jointly model the longitudinal and survival processes with a shared random effects model. However, when dealing with multiple biomarkers, this approach often results in high-dimensional integrals without a closed-form solution, and thus the computational burden limits its software development and practical use. In this article, we propose to process the longitudinal data by functional principal component analysis techniques, and then use the processed information as predictors in a class of flexible linear transformation models to predict the distribution of residual time-to-event occurrence. The measurement schemes for multiple biomarkers are allowed to be different within subject and across subjects. Dynamic prediction can be performed in a real-time fashion. The advantages of our proposed method are demonstrated by simulation studies. We apply our approach to the African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension, predicting patients' risk of kidney failure or death by using four important longitudinal biomarkers for renal functions.  相似文献   

In many longitudinal studies, the individual characteristics associated with the repeated measures may be possible covariates of the time to an event of interest, and thus, it is desirable to model the time-to-event process and the longitudinal process jointly. Statistical analyses may be further complicated in such studies with missing data such as informative dropouts. This article considers a nonlinear mixed-effects model for the longitudinal process and the Cox proportional hazards model for the time-to-event process. We provide a method for simultaneous likelihood inference on the 2 models and allow for nonignorable data missing. The approach is illustrated with a recent AIDS study by jointly modeling HIV viral dynamics and time to viral rebound.  相似文献   

Within behavioural research, non‐normally distributed data with a complicated structure are common. For instance, data can represent repeated observations of quantities on the same individual. The regression analysis of such data is complicated both by the interdependency of the observations (response variables) and by their non‐normal distribution. Over the last decade, such data have been more and more frequently analysed using generalized mixed‐effect models. Some researchers invoke the heavy machinery of mixed‐effect modelling to obtain the desired population‐level (marginal) inference, which can be achieved by using simpler tools—namely by marginal models. This paper highlights marginal modelling (using generalized estimating equations [GEE]) as an alternative method. In various situations, GEE can be based on fewer assumptions and directly generate estimates (population‐level parameters) which are of immediate interest to the behavioural researcher (such as population means). Using four examples from behavioural research, we demonstrate the use, advantages, and limits of the GEE approach as implemented within the functions of the ‘geepack’ package in R.  相似文献   

1. Natura 2000 network (N2000) and national protected areas (NPAs) are recognised as the most important core ‘units’ for biological conservation in Europe. 2. Species distribution models (SDMs) were developed to detect the potential distribution of the rare and threatened cerambycid beetle Rosalia alpina L. in Europe, and the amount of suitable habitat within the N2000 network [special areas of conservation (SACs) and special protection areas (SPAs)], NPAs (e.g. national parks, regional parks, state reserves, natural monuments and protected landscapes) and the overall European protected area network (EPAN) (N2000 + NPAs) was quantified. 3. According to this analysis, the suitable habitat for R. alpina in Europe amounts to c. 754 171 km2 and stretches across substantially uninterrupted areas from Portugal to Romania (west to east) and from Greece to Germany (south to north). The overlay between the existing system of conservation areas in Europe (N2000 and NPAs) and the binary map for R. alpina showed that only c. 42% of potential habitat is protected. SACs and SPAs protect c. 25% and 21% of potential habitat, respectively. However, because the two site types often spatially overlap, when taken together the entire N2000 network protects c. 31% of potential habitat. Instead, NPAs offer a degree of protection of c. 29%. Overall, almost 60% of the area potentially suitable for the species is unprotected by the EPAN, an aspect that should be considered carefully when planning the conservation of this beetle at a large scale. 4. These results may also help to focus field surveys in selected areas where greater chances of success are encountered to save resources and increase survey effectiveness.  相似文献   

Joint modeling of longitudinal data and survival data has been used widely for analyzing AIDS clinical trials, where a biological marker such as CD4 count measurement can be an important predictor of survival. In most of these studies, a normal distribution is used for modeling longitudinal responses, which leads to vulnerable inference in the presence of outliers in longitudinal measurements. Powerful distributions for robust analysis are normal/independent distributions, which include univariate and multivariate versions of the Student's t, the slash and the contaminated normal distributions in addition to the normal. In this paper, a linear‐mixed effects model with normal/independent distribution for both random effects and residuals and Cox's model for survival time are used. For estimation, a Bayesian approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo is adopted. Some simulation studies are performed for illustration of the proposed method. Also, the method is illustrated on a real AIDS data set and the best model is selected using some criteria.  相似文献   

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