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KATP channels regulate insulin secretion by coupling β-cell metabolism to membrane excitability. These channels are comprised of a pore-forming Kir6.2 tetramer which is enveloped by four regulatory SUR1 subunits. ATP acts on Kir6.2 to stabilize the channel closed state while ADP (coordinated with Mg2+) activates channels via the SUR1 domains. Aberrations in nucleotide-binding or in coupling binding to gating can lead to hyperinsulinism or diabetes. Here, we report a case of diabetes in a 7-mo old child with compound heterozygous mutations in ABCC8 (SUR1[A30V] and SUR1[G296R]). In unison, these mutations lead to a gain of KATP channel function, which will attenuate the β-cell response to increased metabolism and will thereby decrease insulin secretion. 86Rb+ flux assays on COSm6 cells coexpressing the mutant subunits (to recapitulate the compound heterozygous state) show a 2-fold increase in basal rate of 86Rb+ efflux relative to WT channels. Experiments on excised inside-out patches also reveal a slight increase in activity, manifested as an enhancement in stimulation by MgADP in channels expressing the compound heterozygous mutations or homozygous G296R mutation. In addition, the IC50 for ATP inhibition of homomeric A30V channels was increased ~6-fold, and was increased ~3-fold for both heteromeric A30V+WT channels or compound heterozygous (A30V +G296R) channels. Thus, each mutation makes a mechanistically distinct contribution to the channel gain-of-function that results in neonatal diabetes, and which we predict may contribute to diabetes in related carrier individuals.  相似文献   

KATP channels regulate insulin secretion by coupling β-cell metabolism to membrane excitability. These channels are comprised of a pore-forming Kir6.2 tetramer which is enveloped by four regulatory SUR1 subunits. ATP acts on Kir6.2 to stabilize the channel closed state while ADP (coordinated with Mg(2+)) activates channels via the SUR1 domains. Aberrations in nucleotide-binding or in coupling binding to gating can lead to hyperinsulinism or diabetes. Here, we report a case of diabetes in a 7-mo old child with compound heterozygous mutations in ABCC8 (SUR1[A30V] and SUR1[G296R]). In unison, these mutations lead to a gain of KATP channel function, which will attenuate the β-cell response to increased metabolism and will thereby decrease insulin secretion. (86)Rb(+) flux assays on COSm6 cells coexpressing the mutant subunits (to recapitulate the compound heterozygous state) show a 2-fold increase in basal rate of (86)Rb(+) efflux relative to WT channels. Experiments on excised inside-out patches also reveal a slight increase in activity, manifested as an enhancement in stimulation by MgADP in channels expressing the compound heterozygous mutations or homozygous G296R mutation. In addition, the IC 50 for ATP inhibition of homomeric A30V channels was increased ~6-fold, and was increased ~3-fold for both heteromeric A30V+WT channels or compound heterozygous (A30V +G296R) channels. Thus, each mutation makes a mechanistically distinct contribution to the channel gain-of-function that results in neonatal diabetes, and which we predict may contribute to diabetes in related carrier individuals.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) has variable penetrance and phenotype. Heterozygous mutations in MYH7 encoding beta-myosin heavy chain are the most common causes of FHC, and we proposed that "enhanced" mutant actin-myosin function is the causative molecular abnormality. We have studied individuals from families in which members have two, one, or no mutant MYH7 alleles to examine for dose effects. In one family, a member homozygous for Lys207Gln had cardiomyopathy complicated by left ventricular dilatation, systolic impairment, atrial fibrillation, and defibrillator interventions. Only one of five heterozygous relatives had FHC. Leu908Val and Asp906Gly mutations were detected in a second family in which penetrance for Leu908Val heterozygotes was 46% (21/46) and 25% (3/12) for Asp906Gly. Despite the low penetrance, hypertrophy was severe in several heterozygotes. Two individuals with both mutations developed severe FHC. The velocities of actin translocation (V(actin)) by mutant and wild-type (WT) myosins were compared in the in vitro motility assay. Compared with WT/WT, V(actin) was 34% faster for WT/D906G and 21% for WT/L908V. Surprisingly V(actin) for Leu908Val/Asp906Gly and Lys207Gln/Lys207Gln mutants were similar to WT. The apparent enhancement of mechanical performance with mutant/WT myosin was not observed for mutant/mutant myosin. This suggests that V(actin) may be a poor predictor of disease penetrance or severity and that power production may be more appropriate, or that the limited availability of double mutant patients prohibits any definitive conclusions. Finally, severe FHC in heterozygous individuals can occur despite very low penetrance, suggesting these mutations alone are insufficient to cause FHC and that uncharacterized modifying mechanisms exert powerful influences.  相似文献   

The vasopressin-regulated water channel aquaporin-2 (AQP2) is known to tetramerize in the apical membrane of the renal tubular cells and contributes to urine concentration. We identified three novel mutations, each in a single allele of exon 4 of the AQP2 gene, in three families showing autosomal dominant nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI). These mutations were found in the C-terminus of AQP2: a deletion of G at nucleotide 721 (721 delG), a deletion of 10 nucleotides starting at nucleotide 763 (763-772del), and a deletion of 7 nucleotides starting at nucleotide 812 (812-818del). The wild-type AQP2 is predicted to be a 271-amino acid protein, whereas these mutant genes are predicted to encode proteins that are 330-333 amino acids in length, because of the frameshift mutations. Interestingly, these three mutant AQP2s shared the same C-terminal tail of 61 amino acids. In Xenopus oocytes injected with mutant AQP2 cRNAs, the osmotic water permeability (Pf) was much smaller than that of oocytes with the AQP2 wild-type (14%-17%). Immunoblot analysis of the lysates of the oocytes expressing the mutant AQP2s detected a band at 34 kD, whereas the immunoblot of the plasma-membrane fractions of the oocytes and immunocytochemistry failed to show a significant surface expression, suggesting a defect in trafficking of these mutant proteins. Furthermore, coinjection of wild-type cRNAs with mutant cRNAs markedly decreased the oocyte Pf in parallel with the surface expression of the wild-type AQP2. Immunoprecipitation with antibodies against wild-type and mutant AQP2 indicated the formation of mixed oligomers composed of wild-type and mutant AQP2 monomers. Our results suggest that the trafficking of mutant AQP2 is impaired because of elongation of the C-terminal tail, and the dominant-negative effect is attributed to oligomerization of the wild-type and mutant AQP2s. Segregation of the mutations in the C-terminus of AQP2 with dominant-type NDI underlies the importance of this domain in the intracellular trafficking of AQP2.  相似文献   

KATP channels consisting of Kir6.2 and SUR1 couple cell metabolism to membrane excitability and regulate insulin secretion. The molecular interactions between SUR1 and Kir6.2 that govern channel gating and biogenesis are incompletely understood. In a recent study, we showed that a SUR1 and Kir6.2 mutation pair, E203K-SUR1 and Q52E-Kir6.2, at the SUR1/Kir6.2 interface near the plasma membrane increases the ATP-sensitivity of the channel by nearly 100-fold. Here, we report the finding that the same mutation pair also suppresses channel folding/trafficking defects caused by select SUR1 mutations in the first transmembrane domain of SUR1. Analysis of the contributions from individual mutations, however, revealed that the correction effect is attributed largely to Q52E-Kir6.2 alone. Moreover, the correction is dependent on the negative charge of the substituting amino acid at the Q52 position in Kir6.2. Our study demonstrates for the first time that engineered mutations in Kir6.2 can correct the biogenesis defect caused by specific mutations in the SUR1 subunit.  相似文献   

The familial form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is caused by mutations in the SOD1 gene encoding the cytosolic antioxidant enzyme Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase. Although there is no clear correlation between disease and dismutating catalytic activity among the various disease-associated SOD1 alleles, all of the known missense mutations significantly alter the half-life of the encoded polypeptides. Using transient transfection studies in mammalian cells, it was demonstrated that a frameshift mutation in SOD1 which results in a truncated polypeptide is similarly destabilized. Using an epitope-tagging strategy to discriminate between mutant and wild-type SOD1 polypeptides, no evidence for dominant effects on polypeptide stability was detected, including that of a positive effect of the wild-type on mutant SOD1 polypeptides or that of a negative effect of mutant on wild-type SOD1 polypeptides. These experiments thus favor a non-catalytic role of mutant forms of SOD1 in disease progression.  相似文献   

Muscular dystrophy‐dystroglycanopathy (MDDG) is a genetically and clinically heterogeneous group of muscular disorders, characterized by congenital muscular dystrophy or later‐onset limb‐girdle muscular dystrophy accompanied by brain and ocular abnormalities, resulting from aberrant alpha‐dystroglycan glycosylation. Exome sequencing and Sanger sequencing were performed on a six‐generation consanguineous Han Chinese family, members of which had autosomal recessive MDDG. Compound heterozygous mutations, c.1338+1G>A (p.H415Kfs*3) and c.1457G>C (p.W486S, rs746849558), in the protein O‐mannosyltransferase 1 gene (POMT1), were identified as the genetic cause. Patients that exhibited milder MDDG manifested as later‐onset progressive proximal pelvic, shoulder girdle and limb muscle weakness, joint contractures, mental retardation and elevated creatine kinase, without structural brain or ocular abnormalities, were further genetically diagnosed as MDDGC1. The POMT1 gene splice‐site mutation (c.1338+1G>A) which leads to exon 13 skipping and results in a truncated protein may contribute to a severe phenotype, while the allelic missense mutation (p.W486S) may reduce MDDG severity. These findings may expand phenotype and mutation spectrum of the POMT1 gene. Clinical diagnosis supplemented with molecular screening may result in more accurate diagnoses of, prognoses for, and improved genetic counselling for this disease.  相似文献   

K(ATP) channels, (SUR1/Kir6.2)(4) (sulfonylurea receptor type 1/potassium inward rectifier type 6.2) respond to the metabolic state of pancreatic β-cells, modulating membrane potential and insulin exocytosis. Mutations in both subunits cause neonatal diabetes by overactivating the pore. Hyperactive channels fail to close appropriately with increased glucose metabolism; thus, β-cell hyperpolarization limits insulin release. K(ATP) channels are inhibited by ATP binding to the Kir6.2 pore and stimulated, via an uncertain mechanism, by magnesium nucleotides at SUR1. Glibenclamide (GBC), a sulfonylurea, was used as a conformational probe to compare nucleotide action on wild type versus Q1178R and R1182Q SUR1 mutants. GBC binds with high affinity to aporeceptors, presumably in the inward facing ATP-binding cassette configuration; MgATP reduces binding affinity via a shift to the outward facing conformation. To determine nucleotide affinities under equilibrium, non-hydrolytic conditions, Mg(2+) was eliminated. A four-state equilibrium model describes the allosteric linkage. The K(D) for ATP(4-) is ~1 versus 12 mM, Q1178R versus wild type, respectively. The linkage constant is ~10, implying that outward facing conformations bind GBC with a lower affinity, 9-10 nM for Q1178R. Thus, nucleotides cannot completely inhibit GBC binding. Binding of channel openers is reported to require ATP hydrolysis, but diazoxide, a SUR1-selective agonist, concentration-dependently augments ATP(4-) action. An eight-state model describes linkage between diazoxide and ATP(4-) binding; diazoxide markedly increases the affinity of Q1178R for ATP(4-) and ATP(4-) augments diazoxide binding. NBD2, but not NBD1, has a higher affinity for ATP (and ADP) in mutant versus wild type (with or without Mg(2+)). Thus, the mutants spend more time in nucleotide-bound conformations, with reduced affinity for GBC, that activate the pore.  相似文献   

The compound eye of worker honeybees with an inborn disturbance of intermediate metabolism of tryptophan — the snow (s) and laranja (la) mutations — has increased sensitivity to light, at least 100 times higher than normal in snow and at least 10 times higher in laranja. The maxima of the spectral sensitivity curves for the whole eye in snow are shifted into the 530 nm region and in laranja to 550 nm (comparedwith 545 nm for the wild type). The electroretinograms of s andla homozygotes are unusual in form on account of the presence of a fast additional component of the receptor potential that is absent in wild-type individuals. This may be the result of immaturity of the pigment granules in the mutants, due to the inherited absence of ommochromes. Pigment granules probably play an important role not only in the formation of the light-protective screen of the ommatidium, but also in biochemical processes considered to be responsible for the electrical passivity of the photoreceptor membrane. The possibility likewise cannot be ruled out that inherited changes in the photoreceptor membranes are connected with an imbalance between derivatives of tryptophan metabolism which participate in the generation of the cell receptor potential.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 69–75, January–February, 1982.  相似文献   

Although fixation of the stapes is usually progressive and secondary to otosclerosis, it may present congenitally, with other skeletal manifestations, as an autosomal dominant syndrome-such as proximal symphalangism (SYM1) or multiple-synostoses syndrome (SYNS1), both of which are caused by mutations in NOG, the gene encoding noggin. We describe a family that was ascertained to have nonsyndromic otosclerosis but was subsequently found to have a congenital stapes ankylosis syndrome that included hyperopia, a hemicylindrical nose, broad thumbs and great toes, and other minor skeletal anomalies but lacked symphalangism. A heterozygous nonsense NOG mutation-c.328C-->T (Q110X), predicted to truncate the latter half of the protein-was identified, and a heterozygous insertion in NOG-c.252-253insC, in which the frameshift is predicted to result in 96 novel amino acids before premature truncation-was identified in a previously described second family with a similar phenotype. In contrast to most NOG mutations that have been reported in kindreds with SYM1 and SYNS1, the mutations observed in these families with stapes ankylosis without symphalangism are predicted to disrupt the cysteine-rich C-terminal domain. These clinical and molecular findings suggest that (1) a broader range of conductive hearing-loss phenotypes are associated with NOG mutations than had previously been recognized, (2) patients with sporadic or familial nonsyndromic otosclerosis should be evaluated for mild features of this syndrome, and (3) NOG alterations should be considered in conductive hearing loss with subtle clinical and skeletal features, even in the absence of symphalangism.  相似文献   

The frequency of dominant cataract and recessive specific-locus mutations and mutation mosaics was determined in F1 mice derived from post-spermatogonial germ-cell stage treatment with 2 X 80, 160 or 250 mg/kg ethylnitrosourea. A total of 5 dominant cataract mutations, 3 dominant cataract mutation mosaics, 1 specific-locus mutation and 9 specific-locus mutation mosaics were recovered in 15,542 screened F1 offspring. Results indicate that ethylnitrosourea treatment increases the mutation rate of dominant cataract and recessive specific-locus alleles in post-spermatogonial germ-cell stages of the mouse and that the mutations occur mainly as mosaics. Genetic confirmation of newly induced mutations occurring as mosaics is more problematical for induced recessive alleles than for induced dominant alleles and should be considered when evaluating such mutagenicity results.  相似文献   

Reduced Coat 2 (Rco2) is an ENU-induced mutation affecting hair follicle morphogenesis by an abnormal and protracted catagen. We describe chromosomal mapping and molecular identification of the autosomal dominant Rco2 mutation. The Rco2 critical region on mouse chromosome 11 encompasses the alopecia loci, Bareskin (Bsk), Rex-denuded (Re(den)), Recombination induced mutation 3 (Rim3), and Defolliculated (Dfl). Recently, the gasdermin (Gsdm) gene was described as predominantly expressed in skin and gastric tissues. We provide evidence for a murine-specific gene cluster consisting of Gsdm and two closely related genes which we designate as Gsdm2 and Gsdm3. We show that Gsdm3 reflects a mutation hotspot and that Gsdm3 mutations cause alopecia in Rco2, Re(den), and Bsk mice. We infer a role of Gsdm3 during the catagen to telogen transition at the end of hair follicle morphogenesis and the formation of hair follicle-associated sebaceous glands.  相似文献   

Natural history of the disease in 4 unrelated Polish children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is described. Their phenotypic homozygosity was established by identification of known LDLR gene mutations on both alleles, respectively: p.G592E & p.G592E in Patient 1; p.G592E & p.C667Y in Patient 2; p.S177L & p.R350X in Patient 3; and p.G592E & deletion in the promoter region, exons 1 and 2 in Patient 4. Heterozygosity of the mutations was revealed in all patients' mothers and fathers (obligatory heterozygotes) and in 1 out of 4 siblings studied. FH was diagnosed at the age of 4 months to 9 years by cholesterol screening among family members of patients with early cardiovascular disease episodes. At the time of FH detection, the children were asymptomatic. Only in 2, some skin eruptions were found. Antihyperlipidemic therapy was started, including a lipid-lowering diet, cholestyramine, and HMG-CoA inhibitors if necessary. No cardiovascular symptoms appeared during the observation up to the age of 18, 20, 19, and 17 years, respectively. An increase in external carotid artery diameter was found in a patient at the age of 9 years, and LDL-apheresis was introduced in his therapy. We conclude that the analysis of LDLR gene mutations in the studied FH children made it possible to identify 4 presymptomatic FH homozygotes and to introduce early appropriate treatment. Multicenter analysis of such persons would finally determine if the early lipid-lowering procedures can significantly reduce the risk of premature cardiovascular disease in homozygous FH.  相似文献   

The skin provides protection against environmental stress. However, intrinsic and extrinsic aging causes significant alteration to skin structure and components, which subsequently impairs molecular characteristics and biochemical processes. Here, we have conducted an immunohistological investigation and established the proteome profiles on nude mice skin to verify the specific responses during aging caused by different factors. Our results showed that UVB‐elicited aging results in upregulation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen and strong oxidative damage in DNA, whereas chronological aging abolished epidermal cell growth and increased the expression of caspase‐14, as well as protein carbonylation. Network analysis indicated that the programmed skin aging activated the ubiquitin system and triggered obvious downregulation of 14‐3‐3 sigma, which might accelerate the loss of cell growth capacity. On the other hand, UVB stimulation enhanced inflammation and the risk of skin carcinogenesis. Collectively, functional proteomics could provide large‐scale investigation of the potent proteins and molecules that play important roles in skin subjected to both intrinsic and extrinsic aging.  相似文献   

Recently, haploinsufficiency mutations in the melanocortin-4 receptor gene (MC4-R) were detected which were assumed to lead to the phenotype of extreme obesity. Previously, we detected three obese carriers among 306 index patients. Here we describe the detection of one haploinsufficiency carrier in an additional study group of 186 obese individuals. We subsequently genotyped and phenotyped 43 family members of these four index patients, two of whom were second-degree cousins. A total of 19 carriers were identified. Extreme obesity was the predominating phenotype. However, moderate obesity occurred in three of the carriers. No other specific phenotypic abnormalities were detected. Female haploinsufficiency carriers were heavier than male carriers in the respective families, a finding similar to findings in MC4-R-knockout mice. In conclusion, our data fully support the etiologic role of MC4-R haploinsufficiency mutations in obesity.  相似文献   

Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is known to be a significant risk factor for pregnancy loss, either through still-birth or late intrauterine death or as the result of severe congenital malformation. Improved glycemic control and other advances in care substantially reduced the incidence of pregnancy loss in women with type 1 DM in most countries by the 1970s. However, because of a greater prevalence of obesity since the 1980s, the emergence of type 2 DM in pregnancy has become a significant problem. Although more pregnancies now occur in women with type 2 DM than in those with type 1 DM in many locations, relatively little information has been published about pregnancy loss in type 2 DM.Objectives: This article examines the prevalence and causes of pregnancy loss in type 1 and type 2 DM and identifies factors in addition to glycemic control that may influence pregnancy outcome.Methods: A MEDLINE search was conducted for recent literature on pregnancy loss in DM. Series reporting >200 pregnancies in type 1 DM and/or >100 pregnancies in type 2 DM were included.Results: Thirty-four studies were identified (15 in type 1 DM [1997-2007], 19 in type 2 DM [1986-2007]). In type 1 DM, major congenital anomalies now account for ~50% of pregnancy losses, and all-cause perinatal mortality remains higher than in the general population. Several studies have suggested that the perinatal mortality rate is higher in type 2 DM than in type 1 DM. Factors other than glycemic control probably explain this phenomenon: women with type 2 DM typically are older and more obese, and they come from disadvantaged communities—all risk factors for pregnancy loss, particularly late intrauterine death and chorioamnionitis. In some women, type 2 DM may be recognized for the first time during pregnancy; pregnancies in these women carry the same risks of pregnancy loss as those in women with established DM.Conclusions: Demographic changes in the prevalence of obesity suggest that the prevalence of type 2 DM in pregnancy will almost certainly increase. Although meticulous glycemic control is undoubtedly important in achieving good pregnancy outcomes, clinicians should be aware of the multiple risk factors faced by women with DM.  相似文献   

The association of autosomal recessive phosphorylase kinase deficiency in liver of a 3 1/2-year-old female child with mutations in the gene encoding the common part of the beta subunit of phosphorylase kinase is reported. The proband had a severe deficiency of phosphorylase kinase in liver, while the phosphorylase kinase activity in erythrocytes was only slightly diminished. She had no symptoms of muscle involvement. The complete coding sequences of the liver gamma subunit and of the beta subunit of phosphorylase kinase of the proband were analyzed for the presence of mutations, by either reverse-transcribed PCR or SSCP analysis. Three deviations from the normal sequence were found in the region encoding the common part of the beta subunit of phosphorylase kinase-namely, a 1827G-->A (W609X) transition, a 2309A-->G (Y770C) transition, and a deletion of nucleotides 2896-2911-whereas no mutations were detected in the sequence encoding the liver gamma subunit of phosphorylase kinase. The 1827G-->A mutation and the deletion both result in the formation of early stop codons. Investigation of DNA showed that the deletion is caused by a splice-acceptor site mutation (IVS30(-1),g-->t). Family analysis revealed that the 1827G-->A and IVS30(-1),g-->t substitutions are located on different parental chromosomes and that compound heterozygosity for these mutations segregates with the disease. The 2309A-->G mutation was detected in 2%-3% of the normal population. Thus, it is concluded that the deficiency of phosphorylase kinase in this proband is caused by compound heterozygosity for the 1827G-->A and the IVS30(-1),g-->t mutations and that the 2309A-->G mutation is a polymorphism. This implies that a defect in the sequence encoding the common part of the beta subunit of phosphorylase kinase may present as liver phosphorylase kinase deficiency.  相似文献   

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