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五味子属植物种子形态特征及其分类学意义 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在扫描电镜下观察了70多份五味子属种子样品,并拍摄了照片,其中34幅展示在文中。选取代表27个分类群,34个居群的36份种子样品,每份样品20粒,测量长、宽、厚,取平均值。采用“相对体积”这一新概念作为种子形态比较的一项指征。同时对种子整体照片所呈现的表面纹饰进行了分析归纳,将其分为4个类型:(1)平滑或基本平滑,(2)有明显的皱纹,或有或疏或密的疣状突起,(3)有密集而显著的乳头状突起,(4)密被不规则的、有结节的绳索状突起,突起物曲折蜿蜒,酷似哺乳动物的大脑。综合种子的大小、颜色、表面整体纹饰以及雄蕊群特征等分析的结果表明,少蕊组sect.Maximowiczia、五味子组sect.Schisandra和球蕊组sect.Sphaerostema的种子形态分别与其雄蕊群特征具有高度的相关性;而多蕊组sect.Pleiostema的情况稍微复杂一点,但种子形态与与其雄蕊群特征之间仍然有部分相关性。本文以种子的整体形态为基础讨论五味子属种子表面形态在该属分类上的意义。研究种子整体形态得到的证据与研究种子表面微形态得到的证据一致,不支持林祁(2000)和Saunders(2000)对五味子属的分类修订,也不支持刘玉壶(1996)将球蕊组sect.Sphaerostema划分成两个亚属的修订。 相似文献
中国北部绣线菊属的花粉形态及分类学意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了中国北部绣线菊属SpiraeaL.21种及6个变种的花粉形态,描述了外壁纹饰的形态特征,指出了外壁纹饰特征在分类上的意义。绣线菊属的花粉为球形至长球形,外壁纹饰为条网状至条纹状。外壁纹饰类型不具有属内分组意义,但对一些种类具有一定的分类价值。花粉形态支持将曲枣绣线菊S.flexuosaFisch。并入石蚕叶绣线菊S.chamoedryfoliaL.的观点[Maximowicz,C.J.(1879)、Rehder,Ai.(1940)],不同意将蒙古绣线菊毛枝变种S.mongolicaMaxim.var.tomentulosaYu提升为贺兰山绣线菊S.tomentulosa(Yu)Y.Z.Zhao[赵一之(1987)]。 相似文献
国产打碗花属植物种子形态及其分类学意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文借助于又目解剖镜和扫描电电镜对我国打碗花属5种植物的种子进行了观察。结果表明:1、该属植物的种子可分为两类,一类为旋花型,较小,表面具疣状突起,种皮纹饰呈网状,包括打碗花、毛打碗花及旋花;另一类为藤水苗型较大,无疣状突起,种皮纹饰呈咀烂状,包括藤长苗和肾叶打碗花。2、疠状突起由数个相邻种皮细胞胞间壁强烈突出而成,呈山峰状,相连或单独存在。3、该属植物种子形态存在明显区别,可作为分种的依据。 相似文献
五味子属种子形态及其分类学意义 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
用光学显微镜及扫描电镜对五味子属(Schisandra)10种96号样品的种子宏观形态和种皮的微观形态特征进行观察,首次对该属的种皮微观形态特征进行系统报道,并编排有分种检索表。研究结果表明:该属的种子宏观形态呈现平滑、细皱纹或瘤状突起,并认为五味子属种子形态可有从平滑到有细皱纹再到有瘤状突起的演化趋势;该属种皮表面微观形态可分为疣状突起型和网纹型。结合其它性状,本文认为网纹型所代表的两种植物应与本属中其它植物建立并列的分类单元。五味子属植物在种子形态特征上存在一定的差异,可为属以下、种以上的分类提供依据,并为探讨该属的系统演化提供有价值的参考资料。 相似文献
甘肃萱草属种子微形态及其分类学意义 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
采用扫描对甘肃萱草属(Hemerocallis)6种的种子微形态特征进行了研究,结果表明,该属植物种子微形态特征在种的水平上具有一定的分类学意义。 相似文献
中国滨藜属种子形态及其分类学意义 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
本文对中国滨藜属(Atriplex L.)13种植物的种子形态进行了观察并探讨其在分类学中的意义. 在种子外部形态观察基础上明确了胚根位置类型的划分标准, 认为滨藜属胚根位置仅有胚根上位和胚根侧位两种类型;利用扫描电镜首次观察报道了该属种皮微形态特征。研究结果表明, 种子形态及种皮微形态特征对属内类群划分具有较大的分类学意义。 相似文献
山茶属的花粉形态及其分类学意义 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6
本文对山茶属(Camellia L.)18个组27个代表种的花粉进行了光学显微镜、扫描电镜和大部分进行了透射电镜的观察,并对花粉大小、形状、外壁纹饰和超微结构等作了综合的比较。结果表明,其形状和大小差异不很明显。花粉壁的层次、厚度和不同层次的比例,如复盖层与柱状层以及外壁外层与外壁内层的比例等也没有显著的差异。但花粉壁的纹饰特征在扫描电镜下显示出较大的差异,具有较重要的分类学价值。根据其纹饰特征,可以把山茶属花粉大致区分为六个类型:皱疣状纹饰;粗瘤状纹饰;颗粒状至皱-颗粒状纹饰;穴-网状纹饰;皱沟状纹饰及皱波-念珠状纹饰。孢粉学上区分的类型不完全与各个学者从植物形态上划分的组相一致。其中管蕊茶 Camellia lanceolata的纹饰非常特殊(粗瘤状),其外壁表面很象牛心果(Annona reticulata)的外形特征,为其重新分类提供孢粉学依据。 相似文献
The seed surface of 12 species of Impatiens L. from Mt. Omei was observed under
SEM for the first time. The important characters used in the paper include cell specialization
on seed surface, arrangement pattern of the cells, the degree of the cell elevation, chalazal
zone morphology and appendix at the tail of the seed. According to these characters, the seed
surface morphology of 12 species can be divided into two types: 1. the seed without conspicuous differentiation of surface cells, laevigate on the surface, represented by I. wilsoni; the
seeds of species indicated by 3-colpate pollen grains are expected to belong to the type. 2. the
seed with the large cell elevation at different levels, surface scabrous, represented by the other
11 species; most species with 4-colpate pollen have this kind of seeds. The results verify that
the seed morphology of the genus can supply characters significant to taxonomy of the genus
at species level. The evolution of seed surface of Impatiens has close correlation with that ofthe flower and pollen morphology. 相似文献
Studied in this work was seed morphology of the genus Plantago (2 subgenera, 8
sections, 17 species and 1 variety )in China. The sculpture was observed under scanning election microscope. Four forms of seed morphology are recognized as follows: (1)Multi-angular type: seeds are variously angulate, yellow-brown or black, 6-30 in a fruit; seed-coat
sculpture ranges from reticulate to papillate. It occurs in Subgen. Plantago Sect. Polyneuron:
P. scheideri, P. denstflorus, P. major, P. hostifolia, P. asiatica, P. erosa and P. centralis. (2)
Navicular type: seeds are navicular, yellow, brown to black, 2 in a fruit; seed-coat sculpture
is reticulate. It was found in Subgen. Plantago Sect. Novorbis: P. virginica; Sect.
Arnoglossum: P. lanceolata; Sect. Leucopsyllium: P. minuta, P. lessingii and P. aristata and
Subgen. Psyllium Sect. Psyllium: P. indica. (3)Ovoid type: seeds are long-ovoid,
yellow-brown, black and lustrous. Seed-coat sculpture scali-ratiform. P. maxima in Subgen.
Plantago Sect. Lamprosantha belongs to this type. (4)Recti-circular type: seeds are recti-circular, yellow-brown, black, 1-2 or 4-5 in a fruit; seed-coat sculpture is reticulate and
papillate. It was found in P. maritima var. salsa of Subgen. Plantago Sect. Coronopus and P.
depressa, P. camtschatica and P. arachnoidea of Sect. Mesembrynia. The seed morphology
and seed-coat sculture exhibit specific characters, by which some of confused species can be
clarified and a new species, P. densiflorus J. Z. Liu. is established.
The present author’s seed morphology classification is in accordance with Pilger’s systemof the genus, which was established using other features. 相似文献
The pollen morphology of 19 species and 2 varieties in the genus Ribes Linn. was
examined under light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Pollen grains of the genus are subspheroidal, 15.0-41.67 μm in diameter, more or less
circular to obtusely quadrangular in outline with all sides slightly concave, or with alternating
concave sides, or elliptic under SEM, 5-, 6-zonocolporate or 5-, 6-pantoporate. Exine
usually thin, 1.0-1.5μm, without visible differentiation between nexine and sexine. Exine is
psilate or sometimes coarsely or finely granular or verrucate.
The most important characteristic of pollen in this genus is the presence of a “rugoid
Area” (ectoaperture) around the endoaperture under SEM. It is different from the other taxa
of Saxifragaceae (s. 1.). Based on the pollen morphology and the external morphological characteristics, the treatment of the genus Ribes as an independent family (i.e. Grossulariaceae)
by many taxonomists is reasonable.
The pollen grains of the genus can be divided into 4 types from the materials examined:
(1) Grossularia-type. ectoaperture colpate, with two endoapertures, exine psilate. (2) Ribes-type:
ectoaperture porous or colpate, with one or two endoapertures, exine mostly psilate. (3) Grossularioides-type: ectoaperture porous, circular, small, with one endoaperture, exine verrucate.
(4) Berisia-type: ectoaperture porous, subcircular to circular, large, with one endoaperture exine mostly psilate. The observation made by the present authors supports the subdivision of
Ribes into the subgenera Grossularia, Ribes, Grossularioides and Berisia by many taxonomists
based on the other morphological characteristics, and the observation by the present authors is
in accordance with this view. Pollen information also shows the close relationships among thefour subgenera and therefore they belong to the same genus — Ribes. 相似文献
紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)植物的种子形态及其分类学意义
总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1在光学显微镜下研究了湖北产紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)15种及2变型的种子形态特征。结果表明,其种子小,近圆形、扁圆形或肾形,黑色或深棕色,具油质体。油质体帽状、扇形、条形或不规则,紧贴种子表面或分离。根据种子表面形态,种子可分为4种类型:(1)表面光滑,如大叶紫堇(C.temulifolia Franch.)、川东紫堇(C.acu-minata Franch.)、巴东紫堇(C.hemsleyana Franch.ex Prain)、北岭黄堇(C.fargesii Franch.)、鄂西黄堇(C.shennongensis H.Chuang)和小药八旦子(C.caudata(Lam.)Pers.);(2)表面具刺或疣状突起,如阜平黄堇(C.wilfordii Regel)、小花黄堇(C.racemosa(Thunb.)Pers.)、地锦苗(C.sheareri S.Moore)和珠芽地锦苗(C.sheareri S.Moore f.bulbillifera Hand.-Mazz.);(3)表面具凹点状印痕,如刻叶紫堇(C.incisa(Thunb.)Pers.)、紫堇(C.edulis Maxim.)、地柏枝(C.cheilanthifolia Hemsl.)、蛇果黄堇(C.ophiocarpa Hook.f.et Thoms.)、北越紫堇(C.balansae Prain)和延胡索(C.yanhusuo(Y.H.Chou et C.C.Hsu)W.T.Wang ex Z.Y.Su et C.Y.Wu);(4)表面具凹点状印痕,并被有疣状突起,如伏生紫堇(C.decumbens(Thunb.)Pers.)。种子大小、形状和表面形态以及油质体形态在种内相对稳定,对一些物种的划分具有较重要的意义。 相似文献
在光学显微镜下研究了湖北产紫堇属(Corydalis DC.)15种及2变型的种子形态特征。结果表明,其种子小,近圆形、扁圆形或肾形,黑色或深棕色,具油质体。油质体帽状、扇形、条形或不规则,紧贴种子表面或分离。根据种子表面形态,种子可分为4种类型:(1)表面光滑,如大叶紫堇(C.temulifolia Franch.)、川东紫堇(C.acuminata Franch.)、巴东紫堇(C.hemsleyana Franch.ex Prain)、北岭黄堇(C.fargesii Franch.)、鄂西黄堇(C.shennongensis H.Chuang)和小药八旦子(C.caudata(Lam.)Pers.);(2)表面具刺或疣状突起,如阜平黄堇(C.wilfordii Regel)、小花黄堇(C.racemosa(Thunb.)Pers.)、地锦苗(C.sheareri S.Moore)和珠芽地锦苗(C.sheareri S.Moore f.bulbillifera Hand.-Mazz.);(3)表面具凹点状印痕,如刻叶紫堇(C.incisa(Thunb.)Pers.)、紫堇(C.edulis Maxim.)、地柏枝(C.cheilanthifolia Hemsl.)、蛇果黄堇(C.ophiocarpa Hook.f.et Thoms.)、北越紫堇(C.balansae Prain)和延胡索(C.yanhusuo(Y.H.Chou et C.C.Hsu)W.T.Wang ex Z.Y.Su et C.Y.Wu);(4)表面具凹点状印痕,并被有疣状突起,如伏生紫堇(C.decumbens(Thunb.)Pers.)。种子大小、形状和表面形态以及油质体形态在种内相对稳定,对一些物种的划分具有较重要的意义。 相似文献
The seed morphology of 47 species in Begonia in China and Vietnam were examined under Light Microscope (LM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), respectively. Seed varied from ellipsoidal to obovoid, sometimes broadly obovoid shape with large variation in size. The shape of operculum could be classified into three types: short claviform, broadly nipple shaped and obtuse. There are four types of epidermal ornamentations: straight striae, undulated striae, rounded punctum and herringbone shaped punctum. The principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis revealed that the classification of Begonia based on the seed micromorphology was incompletely consistent with the traditional classification on the section level based on the placenta; the ornamentation of seeds showed stability in different populations of a species; the operculum shape shows a considerable difference among morphologically similar species. Seed morphological characters may relate to the dispersal patterns which showed an adaptation to the living environment. 相似文献
利用扫描电子显微镜对水龙骨科(Polypodiaceae)剑蕨属(Loxogramme)14种植物的孢子形态和表面纹饰进行了观察。结果显示:剑蕨属的孢子具有单裂缝和三裂缝两种类型,个别物种具有中间过渡类型。剑蕨属的孢子纹饰为蠕虫状或浅波纹状。经比较发现,具三裂缝孢子的物种通常植株较小,而具单裂缝的种类则通常植株较大。从进化的角度来看,三裂缝孢子为原始类型,单裂缝孢子为进化类型,因而从孢子形态特征的角度支持剑蕨属为水龙骨科基部类群。 相似文献