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The Standard Genetic Code is organized such that similar codons encode similar amino acids. One explanation suggested that the Standard Code is the result of natural selection to reduce the fitness ``load' that derives from the mutation and mistranslation of protein-coding genes. We review the arguments against the mutational load-minimizing hypothesis and argue that they need to be reassessed. We review recent analyses of the organization of the Standard Code and conclude that under cautious interpretation they support the mutational load-minimizing hypothesis. We then present a deterministic asexual model with which we study the mode of selection for load minimization. In this model, individual fitness is determined by a protein phenotype resulting from the translation of a mutable set of protein-coding genes. We show that an equilibrium fitness may be associated with a population with the same genetic code and that genetic codes that assign similar codons to similar amino acids have a higher fitness. We also show that the number of mutant codons in each individual at equilibrium, which determines the strength of selection for load minimization, reflects a long-term evolutionary balance between mutations in messages and selection on proteins, rather than the number of mutations that occur in a single generation, as has been assumed by previous authors. We thereby establish that selection for mutational load minimization acts at the level of an individual in a single generation. We conclude with comments on the shortcomings and advantages of load minimization over other hypotheses for the origin of the Standard Code. Received: 4 April 2001 / Accepted: 22 October 2001  相似文献   

A computer program was used to test Wong's coevolution theory of the genetic code. The codon correlations between the codons of biosynthetically related amino acids in the universal genetic code and in randomly generated genetic codes were compared. It was determined that many codon correlations are also present within random genetic codes and that among the random codes there are always several which have many more correlations than that found in the universal code. Although the number of correlations depends on the choice of biosynthetically related amino acids, the probability of choosing a random genetic code with the same or greater number of codon correlations as the universal genetic code was found to vary from 0.1% to 34% (with respect to a fairly complete listing of related amino acids). Thus, Wong's theory that the genetic code arose by coevolution with the biosynthetic pathways of amino acids, based on codon correlations between biosynthetically related amino acids, is statistical in nature. Received: 8 August 1996 / Accepted: 26 December 1996  相似文献   

Synonymous codon usage in related species may differ as a result of variation in mutation biases, differences in the overall strength and efficiency of selection, and shifts in codon preference—the selective hierarchy of codons within and between amino acids. We have developed a maximum-likelihood method to employ explicit population genetic models to analyze the evolution of parameters determining codon usage. The method is applied to twofold degenerate amino acids in 50 orthologous genes from D. melanogaster and D. virilis. We find that D. virilis has significantly reduced selection on codon usage for all amino acids, but the data are incompatible with a simple model in which there is a single difference in the long-term N e, or overall strength of selection, between the two species, indicating shifts in codon preference. The strength of selection acting on codon usage in D. melanogaster is estimated to be |N e s|≈ 0.4 for most CT-ending twofold degenerate amino acids, but 1.7 times greater for cysteine and 1.4 times greater for AG-ending codons. In D. virilis, the strength of selection acting on codon usage for most amino acids is only half that acting in D. melanogaster but is considerably greater than half for cysteine, perhaps indicating the dual selection pressures of translational efficiency and accuracy. Selection coefficients in orthologues are highly correlated (ρ= 0.46), but a number of genes deviate significantly from this relationship. Received: 20 December 1998 / Accepted: 17 February 1999  相似文献   

How did the ``universal' genetic code arise? Several hypotheses have been put forward, and the code has been analyzed extensively by authors looking for clues to selection pressures that might have acted during its evolution. But this approach has been ineffective. Although an impressive number of properties has been attributed to the universal code, it has been impossible to determine whether selection on any of these properties was important in the code's evolution or whether the observed properties arose as a consequence of selection on some other characteristic. Therefore we turned the question around and asked, what would a genetic code look like if it had evolved in response to various different selection pressures? To address this question, we constructed a genetic algorithm. We found first that selecting on a particular measure yields codes that are similar to each other. Second, we found that the universal code is far from minimized with respect to the effects of mutations (or translation errors) on the amino acid compositions of proteins. Finally, we found that the codes that most closely resembled real codes were those generated by selecting on aspects of the code's structure, not those generated by selecting to minimize the effects of amino acid substitutions on proteins. This suggests that the universal genetic code has been selected for a particular structure—a structure that confers an important flexibility on the evolution of genes and proteins—and that the particular assignments of amino acids to codons are secondary. Received: 29 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1999  相似文献   

Distances between amino acids were derived from the polar requirement measure of amino acid polarity and Benner and co-workers' (1994) 74-100 PAM matrix. These distances were used to examine the average effects of amino acid substitutions due to single-base errors in the standard genetic code and equally degenerate randomized variants of the standard code. Second-position transitions conserved all distances on average, an order of magnitude more than did second-position transversions. In contrast, first-position transitions and transversions were about equally conservative. In comparison with randomized codes, second-position transitions in the standard code significantly conserved mean square differences in polar requirement and mean Benner matrix-based distances, but mean absolute value differences in polar requirement were not significantly conserved. The discrepancy suggests that these commonly used distance measures may be insufficient for strict hypothesis testing without more information. The translational consequences of single-base errors were then examined in different codon contexts, and similarities between these contexts explored with a hierarchical cluster analysis. In one cluster of codon contexts corresponding to the RNY and GNR codons, second-position transversions between C and G and transitions between C and U were most conservative of both polar requirement and the matrix-based distance. In another cluster of codon contexts, second-position transitions between A and G were most conservative. Despite the claims of previous authors to the contrary, it is shown theoretically that the standard code may have been shaped by position-invariant forces such as mutation and base content. These forces may have left heterogeneous signatures in the code because of differences in translational fidelity by codon position. A scenario for the origin of the code is presented wherein selection for error minimization could have occurred multiple times in disjoint parts of the code through a phyletic process of competition between lineages. This process permits error minimization without the disruption of previously useful messages, and does not predict that the code is optimally error-minimizing with respect to modern error. Instead, the code may be a record of genetic process and patterns of mutation before the radiation of modern organisms and organelles. Received: 28 July 1997 / Accepted: 23 January 1998  相似文献   

We consider a model of the origin of genetic code organization incorporating the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and their physicochemical properties. We study the behavior of the genetic code in the set of codes subject both to biosynthetic constraints and to the constraint that the biosynthetic classes of amino acids must occupy only their own codon domain, as observed in the genetic code. Therefore, this set contains the smallest number of elements ever analyzed in similar studies. Under these conditions and if, as predicted by physicochemical postulates, the amino acid properties played a fundamental role in genetic code organization, it can be expected that the code must display an extremely high level of optimization. This prediction is not supported by our analysis, which indicates, for instance, a minimization percentage of only 80%. These observations can therefore be more easily explained by the coevolution theory of genetic code origin, which postulates a role that is important but not fundamental for the amino acid properties in the structuring of the code. We have also investigated the shape of the optimization landscape that might have arisen during genetic code origin. Here, too, the results seem to favor the coevolution theory because, for instance, the fact that only a few amino acid exchanges would have been sufficient to transform the genetic code (which is not a local minimum) into a much better optimized code, and that such exchanges did not actually take place, seems to suggest that, for instance, the reduction of translation errors was not the main adaptive theme structuring the genetic code.  相似文献   

In genetic language a peculiar arrangement of biological information is provided by overlapping genes in which the same region of DNA can code for functionally unrelated messages. In this work, the informational content of overlapping genes belonging to prokaryotic and eukaryotic viruses was analyzed. Using information theory indices, we identified in the regions of overlap a first pattern, exhibiting a more uniform base composition and more severe constraints in base ordering with respect to the nonoverlapping regions. This pattern was found to be peculiar to coliphage, avian hepatitis B virus, human lentivirus, and plant luteovirus families. A second pattern, characterized by the occurrence of similar compositional constraints in both types of coding regions, was found to be limited to plant tymoviruses. At the level of codon usage, a low degree of correlation between overlapping and nonoverlapping coding regions characterized the first pattern, whereas a close link was found in tymoviruses, indicating a fine adaptation of the overlapping frame to the original codon choice of the virus. As a result of codon usage correlation analysis, deductions concerning the origin and evolution of several overlapping frames were also proposed. Comparison of amino acid composition revealed an increased frequency of amino acid residues with a high level of degeneracy (arginine, leucine, and serine) in the proteins encoded by overlapping genes; this peculiar feature of overlapping genes can be viewed as a way with which they may expand their coding ability and gain new, specialized functions. Received: 28 October 1996 / Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

Natural selection favors certain synonymous codons which aid translation in Escherichia coli, yet codons not favored by translational selection persist. We use the frequency distributions of synonymous polymorphisms to test three hypotheses for the existence of translationally sub-optimal codons: (1) selection is a relatively weak force, so there is a balance between mutation, selection, and drift; (2) at some sites there is no selection on codon usage, so some synonymous sites are unaffected by translational selection; and (3) translationally sub-optimal codons are favored by alternative selection pressures at certain synonymous sites. We find that when all the data is considered, model 1 is supported and both models 2 and 3 are rejected as sole explanations for the existence of translationally sub-optimal codons. However, we find evidence in favor of both models 2 and 3 when the data is partitioned between groups of amino acids and between regions of the genes. Thus, all three mechanisms appear to contribute to the existence of translationally sub-optimal codons in E. coli. Received: 18 July 2000 / Accepted: 17 April 2001  相似文献   

Statistical and biochemical studies of the genetic code have found evidence of nonrandom patterns in the distribution of codon assignments. It has, for example, been shown that the code minimizes the effects of point mutation or mistranslation: erroneous codons are either synonymous or code for an amino acid with chemical properties very similar to those of the one that would have been present had the error not occurred. This work has suggested that the second base of codons is less efficient in this respect, by about three orders of magnitude, than the first and third bases. These results are based on the assumption that all forms of error at all bases are equally likely. We extend this work to investigate (1) the effect of weighting transition errors differently from transversion errors and (2) the effect of weighting each base differently, depending on reported mistranslation biases. We find that if the bias affects all codon positions equally, as might be expected were the code adapted to a mutational environment with transition/transversion bias, then any reasonable transition/transversion bias increases the relative efficiency of the second base by an order of magnitude. In addition, if we employ weightings to allow for biases in translation, then only 1 in every million random alternative codes generated is more efficient than the natural code. We thus conclude not only that the natural genetic code is extremely efficient at minimizing the effects of errors, but also that its structure reflects biases in these errors, as might be expected were the code the product of selection. Received: 25 July 1997 / Accepted: 9 January 1998  相似文献   

We have assumed that the coevolution theory of genetic code origin (Wong JT, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 72:1909–1912, 1975) is essentially correct. This theory makes it possible to identify at least 10 evolutionary stages through which genetic code organization might have passed prior to reaching its current form. The calculation of the minimization level of all these evolutionary stages leads to the following conclusions. (1) The minimization percentages increased linearly with the number of amino acids codified in the codes of the various evolutionary stages when only the sense changes are considered in the analysis. This seems to favor the physicochemical theory of genetic code origin even if, as discussed in the paper, this observation is also compatible with the coevolution theory. (2) For the first seven evolutionary stages of the genetic code, this trend is less clear and indeed is inverted when we consider the global optimisation of the codes due to both sense changes and synonymous changes. This inverse correlation between minimization percentages and the number of amino acids codified in the codes of the intermediate stages seems to favor neither the physicochemical nor the stereochemical theories of genetic code origin, as it is in the early and intermediate stages of code development that these theories would expect minimization to have played a crucial role, and this does not seem to be the case. However, these results are in agreement with the coevolution theory, which attributes a role to the physicochemical properties of amino acids that, while important, is nevertheless subordinate to the mechanism which concedes codons from the precursor amino acids to the product amino acids as the primary factor determining the evolutionary structuring of the genetic code. The results are therefore discussed in the context of the various theories proposed to explain genetic code origin. Received: 25 October 1998 / Accepted: 19 February 1999  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae are the ethiological agents of tuberculosis and leprosy, respectively. After performing extensive comparisons between genes from these two GC-rich bacterial species, we were able to construct a set of 275 homologous genes. Since these two bacterial species also have a very low growth rate, translational selection could not be so determinant in their codon preferences as it is in other fast-growing bacteria. Indeed, principal-components analysis of codon usage from this set of homologous genes revealed that the codon choices in M. tuberculosis and M. leprae are correlated not only with compositional constraints and translational selection, but also with the degree of amino acid conservation and the hydrophobicity of the encoded proteins. Finally, significant correlations were found between GC3 and synonymous distances as well as between synonymous and nonsynonymous distances. Received: 30 October 1998 / Accepted: 16 August 1999  相似文献   

Biased codon usage is common in eukaryotic and prokaryotic genes. Evidence from Escherichia, Saccharomyces, and Drosophila indicates that it favors translational efficiency and accuracy. However, to date no functional advantages have been identified in the codon–anticodon interactions involving the most frequently used (preferred) codons. Here we present evidence that forces not related to the individual codon–anticodon interaction may be involved in determining which synonymous codons are preferred or avoided. We show that the ``off-frame' trinucleotide motif preferences inferrable from Drosophila coding regions are often in the same direction as Drosophila's ``in-frame' codon preferences, i.e., its codon usage. The off-frame preferences were inferred from the nonrandomness of the location of confamilial synonymous codons along coding regions—a pattern often described as a context dependence of nucleotide choice at synonymous positions or as codon-pair bias. We relied on randomizations of the location of confamilial codons that do not alter, and cannot be influenced by, the encoded amino acid sequences, codon usage, or base composition of the genes examined. The statistically significant congruency of in-frame and off-frame trinucleotide preferences suggests that the same kind of reading-frame-independent force(s) may also influence synonymous codon choice. These forces may have produced biases in codon usage that then led to the evolution of the translational advantages of these motifs as preferred codons. Under this scenario, tRNA pool size differences between preferred and nonpreferred codons initially were evolved to track the default overrepresentation of codons with preferred motifs. The motif preference hypothesis can explain the structuring of codon preferences and the similarities in the codon usages of distantly related organisms. Received: 10 November 1998 / Accepted: 23 February 1999  相似文献   

Annotated, complete DNA sequences are available for 213 mitochondrial genomes from 132 species. These provide an extensive sample of evolutionary adjustment of codon usage and meaning spanning the history of this organelle. Because most known coding changes are mitochondrial, such data bear on the general mechanism of codon reassignment. Coding changes have been attributed variously to loss of codons due to changes in directional mutation affecting the genome GC content (Osawa and Jukes 1988), to pressure to reduce the number of mitochondrial tRNAs to minimize the genome size (Anderson and Kurland 1991), and to the existence of transitional coding mechanisms in which translation is ambiguous (Schultz and Yarus 1994a). We find that a succession of such steps explains existing reassignments well. In particular, (1) Genomic variation in the prevalence of a codon's third-position nucleotide predicts relative mitochondrial codon usage well, though GC content does not. This is because A and T, and G and C, are uncorrelated in mitochondrial genomes. (2) Codons predicted to reach zero usage (disappear) do so more often than expected by chance, and codons that do disappear are disproportionately likely to be reassigned. However, codons predicted to disappear are not significantly more likely to be reassigned. Therefore, low codon frequencies can be related to codon reassignment, but appear to be neither necessary nor sufficient for reassignment. (3) Changes in the genetic code are not more likely to accompany smaller numbers of tRNA genes and are not more frequent in smaller genomes. Thus, mitochondrial codons are not reassigned during demonstrable selection for decreased genome size. Instead, the data suggest that both codon disappearance and codon reassignment depend on at least one other event. This mitochondrial event (leading to reassignment) occurs more frequently when a codon has disappeared, and produces only a small subset of possible reassignments. We suggest that coding ambiguity, the extension of a tRNA's decoding capacity beyond its original set of codons, is the second event. Ambiguity can act alone but often acts in concert with codon disappearance, which promotes codon reassignment. Received: 26 October 2000 / Accepted: 19 January 2001  相似文献   

In many unicellular organisms, invertebrates, and plants, synonymous codon usage biases result from a coadaptation between codon usage and tRNAs abundance to optimize the efficiency of protein synthesis. However, it remains unclear whether natural selection acts at the level of the speed or the accuracy of mRNAs translation. Here we show that codon usage can improve the fidelity of protein synthesis in multicellular species. As predicted by the model of selection for translational accuracy, we find that the frequency of codons optimal for translation is significantly higher at codons encoding for conserved amino acids than at codons encoding for nonconserved amino acids in 548 genes compared between Caenorhabditis elegans and Homo sapiens. Although this model predicts that codon bias correlates positively with gene length, a negative correlation between codon bias and gene length has been observed in eukaryotes. This suggests that selection for fidelity of protein synthesis is not the main factor responsible for codon biases. The relationship between codon bias and gene length remains unexplained. Exploring the differences in gene expression process in eukaryotes and prokaryotes should provide new insights to understand this key question of codon usage. Received: 18 June 2000 / Accepted: 10 November 2000  相似文献   

A simple nearly neutral mutation model of protein evolution was studied using computer simulation assuming a constant population size. In this model, a gene consists of a finite number of codons and there is no recombination within a gene. Each codon has two replacement and one silent sites. The fitness of a gene was determined multiplicatively by amino acids specified by codons (the independent multicodon model). Nucleotide diversity at replacement sites decreases as selection becomes stronger. A reduction of nucleotide diversity at silent sites also occurs as selection intensifies but the magnitude of the reduction is not a monotone function of the intensity of selection. The dispersion index is close to one. The average value of Tajima's and Fu and Li's statistics are negative and their absolute values increases as selection intensifies. However, their powers of detecting selection under the present model were not high unless the number of sites is large or mutation rate is high. The MK test was shown to detect intermediate selection fairly well. For comparison, the house-of-cards model was also investigated and its behavior was shown to be more sensitive to changes of population size than that of the independent multicodon model. The relevance of the present model for explaining protein evolution was discussed comparing its prediction and recent DNA data. Received: 24 May 1999 / Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

Highly expressed plastid genes display codon adaptation, which is defined as a bias toward a set of codons which are complementary to abundant tRNAs. This type of adaptation is similar to what is observed in highly expressed Escherichia coli genes and is probably the result of selection to increase translation efficiency. In the current work, the codon adaptation of plastid genes is studied with regard to three specific features that have been observed in E. coli and which may influence translation efficiency. These features are (1) a relatively low codon adaptation at the 5′ end of highly expressed genes, (2) an influence of neighboring codons on codon usage at a particular site (codon context), and (3) a correlation between the level of codon adaptation of a gene and its amino acid content. All three features are found in plastid genes. First, highly expressed plastid genes have a noticeable decrease in codon adaptation over the first 10–20 codons. Second, for the twofold degenerate NNY codon groups, highly expressed genes have an overall bias toward the NNC codon, but this is not observed when the 3′ neighboring base is a G. At these sites highly expressed genes are biased toward NNT instead of NNC. Third, plastid genes that have higher codon adaptations also tend to have an increased usage of amino acids with a high G + C content at the first two codon positions and GNN codons in particular. The correlation between codon adaptation and amino acid content exists separately for both cytosolic and membrane proteins and is not related to any obvious functional property. It is suggested that at certain sites selection discriminates between nonsynonymous codons based on translational, not functional, differences, with the result that the amino acid sequence of highly expressed proteins is partially influenced by selection for increased translation efficiency. Received: 21 July 1999 / Accepted: 5 November 1999  相似文献   

We have analyzed the patterns of synonymous codon preferences of the nuclear genes of Plasmodium falciparum, a unicellular parasite characterized by an extremely GC-poor genome. When all genes are considered, codon usage is strongly biased toward A and T in third codon positions, as expected, but multivariate statistical analysis detects a major trend among genes. At one end genes display codon choices determined mainly by the extreme genome composition of this parasite, and very probably their expression level is low. At the other end a few genes exhibit an increased relative usage of a particular subset of codons, many of which are C-ending. Since the majority of these few genes is putatively highly expressed, we postulate that the increased C-ending codons are translationally optimal. In conclusion, while codon usage of the majority of P. falciparum genes is determined mainly by compositional constraints, a small number of genes exhibit translational selection. Received: 10 November 1998 / Accepted: 28 January 1999  相似文献   

Two forces are in general, hypothesized to have influenced the origin of the organization of the genetic code: the physicochemical properties of amino acids and their biosynthetic relationships. In view of this, we have considered a model incorporating these two forces. In particular, we have studied the optimization level of the physicochemical properties of amino acids in the set of amino acid permutation codes that respects the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids. Where the properties of amino acids are represented by polarity and molecular volume we obtain indetermination percentages in the organization of the genetic code of approximately 40%. This indicates that the contingent factor played a significant role in structuring the genetic code. Furthermore, this result is in agreement with the genetic code coevolution hypothesis, which attributes a merely ancillary role to the properties of amino acids while it suggests that it was their biosynthetic relationships that organized the code. Furthermore, this result does not favor the stereochemical models proposed to explain the origin of the genetic code. On the other hand, where the properties of amino acids are represented by polarity alone, we obtain an indetermination percentage of at least 21.5%. This might suggest that the polarity distances played an important role and would therefore provide evidence in favor of the physicochemical hypothesis of genetic code origin. Although, overall, the analysis might have given stronger support to the latter hypothesis, this did not actually occur. The results are therefore discussed in the context of the different theories proposed to explain the origin of the genetic code. Received: 10 September 1996 / Accepted: 3 March 1997  相似文献   

We have previously proposed an SNS hypothesis on the origin of the genetic code (Ikehara and Yoshida 1998). The hypothesis predicts that the universal genetic code originated from the SNS code composed of 16 codons and 10 amino acids (S and N mean G or C and either of four bases, respectively). But, it must have been very difficult to create the SNS code at one stroke in the beginning. Therefore, we searched for a simpler code than the SNS code, which could still encode water-soluble globular proteins with appropriate three-dimensional structures at a high probability using four conditions for globular protein formation (hydropathy, α-helix, β-sheet, and β-turn formations). Four amino acids (Gly [G], Ala [A], Asp [D], and Val [V]) encoded by the GNC code satisfied the four structural conditions well, but other codes in rows and columns in the universal genetic code table do not, except for the GNG code, a slightly modified form of the GNC code. Three three-amino acid systems ([D], Leu and Tyr; [D], Tyr and Met; Glu, Pro and Ile) also satisfied the above four conditions. But, some amino acids in the three systems are far more complex than those encoded by the GNC code. In addition, the amino acids in the three-amino acid systems are scattered in the universal genetic code table. Thus, we concluded that the universal genetic code originated not from a three-amino acid system but from a four-amino acid system, the GNC code encoding [GADV]-proteins, as the most primitive genetic code. Received: 11 June 2001 / Accepted: 11 October 2001  相似文献   

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