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辽宁早白垩世早期—鸟化石   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文记述了发现于辽宁朝阳地区早白垩世早期一新的鸟类。这是继三塔中国鸟(Sinornis santensis)、燕都华夏鸟(Cathayomis yandica)之后报道的辽宁中生代第三种鸟化石,它的脊柱和腰带与始祖鸟和恐龙相似,但其肋骨又具有现代鸟类的性状,这是早期鸟类化石的又一新材料。  相似文献   

辽宁中生代鸟类综述   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
本文对发现于辽宁中生代地层中的鸟类化石,进行了简单的总结。化石的系统分析表明,从晚侏罗世到早白垩世在这一地区存在两个亚纲的鸟类分子:蜥鸟亚纲(Sauriurae)和今鸟亚纲(Ornithurae)。其中,蜥鸟亚纲的成员不仅数量居多,而且存在较大的分异。今鸟亚纲的分子则种类和数量都相对较少。辽西中生代鸟类的大量出现,除了鸟类自身的发展原因外,晚侏罗世到早白垩世这一地区适宜的生态环境也为鸟类的繁荣提供了必要的条件。辽西地区陆相中生代地层义县组和九佛堂组的时代分别为晚侏罗世和早白垩世。  相似文献   

李志恒 《化石》2023,(1):77-79+82
<正>中生代记录了鸟类如何从恐龙演化出来,并演化出独有的体型特征的过程,这一演化阶段鸟类谱系的多样性主要以反鸟类和今鸟型类构成的鸟胸类为主,而鸟胸类已经演化出大量与现生鸟类相似的形态特征,与最原始的鸟类(始祖鸟)在形态上差异巨大。演化位置介于二者之间的非鸟胸类鸟类(以下简称基干鸟类)则为填补这一鸿沟提供了重要信息,然而,长期以来受限于化石的发现,科学家对基干鸟类早期分异的研究仍十分罕见。  相似文献   

中国中生代的鸟类:介绍及综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周忠和  张福成 《动物学报》2004,50(6):913-920
最近十来年 ,中国辽宁发现的早白垩世的鸟类化石超过了世界上其它任何一个地区。中国的中生代鸟类化石代表了始祖鸟化石之后鸟类历史上第一次显著的分异。它们不仅包括了带有明显恐龙祖先特征的长尾的鸟类 ,而且还包括了许多进步或特化的种类 ,如早白垩世最大的鸟类 ,最原始的反鸟类 ,以及保存最好的、飞行结构和现生鸟类几乎一样的今鸟类。这些早期鸟类在诸如飞行、大小和食性等所反映的演化、形态和生态学特征等方面出现了重大的分异。具有长尾骨骼的原始基干鸟类热河鸟和驰龙类具有的相似性 ,进一步支持了鸟类起源于恐龙的学说。中国发现的早白垩世的鸟类以及树栖的恐龙化石还为鸟类飞行的树栖起源假说提供了十分重要的证据。“恐龙下树”的假说结合了鸟类起源于恐龙的学说和鸟类飞行的树栖起源学说 ,因此也得到了化石证据的支持。由于多种恐龙带有羽毛 ,因此羽毛不一定代表了恒温。恒温的鸟类可能到了早白垩世的进步鸟类中才开始出现  相似文献   

契氏鸟(Chiappeavis)是首次发现保存有扇状尾羽的反鸟类,显示出尾羽球茎这一结构在较原始的反鸟类中已经发育。详细描述了巨前颌契氏鸟(C.magnapremaxillo)正型标本的骨骼形态学特征。契氏鸟的腭区形态与始祖鸟(Archaeopteryx)相似,而区别于晚白垩世的反鸟类戈壁鸟(Gobipteryx)。即使具有尾羽球茎,鹏鸟类的尾综骨形态也表明该结构发育较差。估算了在契氏鸟中由扇状尾羽所产生的浮力,并与其他早白垩世鸟类进行对比。结果显示,契氏鸟的扇状尾羽所产生的空气浮力小于同时代生活的今鸟型类,这有可能解释了反鸟类中具有空气动力学功能的尾羽形态普遍缺乏的现象。  相似文献   

契氏鸟(Chiappeavis)是首次发现保存有扇状尾羽的反鸟类,显示出尾羽球茎这一结构在较原始的反鸟类中已经发育.详细描述了巨前颌契氏鸟(C.magnapremaxillo)正型标本的骨骼形态学特征.契氏鸟的腭区形态与始祖鸟(Archaeopteryx)相似,而区别于晚白垩世的反鸟类戈壁鸟(Gobipteryx).即使具有尾羽球茎,鹏鸟类的尾综骨形态也表明该结构发育较差.估算了在契氏鸟中由扇状尾羽所产生的浮力,并与其他早白垩世鸟类进行对比.结果显示,契氏鸟的扇状尾羽所产生的空气浮力小于同时代生活的今鸟型类,这有可能解释了反鸟类中具有空气动力学功能的尾羽形态普遍缺乏的现象.  相似文献   

依据3件近乎完整的骨骼化石,记述了辽宁建昌早白垩世湖相地层九佛堂组反鸟类的两个新属种:马氏副渤海鸟(Parabohaiornis martini gen.et sp.nov.)和库氏长爪鸟(Longusunguis kurochkini gen.et sp.nov.)。这两个新属种与此前报道的渤海鸟(Bohaiornis)、神七鸟(Shenqiornis)、齿槽鸟(Sulcavis)和周鸟(Zhouornis)具有一些独特的形态特征,包括吻端粗壮、牙齿粗大并近似锥形、叉骨上升支的末端明显膨大、胸骨的后外侧突向外侧强烈偏转、跗蹠骨粗短、第三脚趾具有很长的爪子。对包含有大量中生代鸟类和形态特征的矩阵进行了系统发育分析,其结果显示这两个新属种与上述的这些反鸟构成了一个单系类群,基于此建立了一个新科——渤海鸟科。渤海鸟科包括6个属,代表了目前已知的反鸟类中多样性最丰富的一个类群,进一步增加了我们对于反鸟类高阶分类单元之间亲缘关系的认识。渤海鸟科强壮的吻端和脚爪表明其占据了不同于其他早白垩世反鸟的生态位。  相似文献   

正反鸟类是中生代物种数目最多、地理分布范围最广的中生代鸟类支系。然而,此前,反鸟类的化石仅在我国辽西的热河生物群以及内蒙古和甘肃的早白垩世地层中有过报道。2014年3月出版的北美《古脊椎动物杂志》发表了中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所周忠和研究员、徐光辉副研究员和研究生王敏完成的一篇题为"中国晚白垩世第一件反鸟"的研究成果。  相似文献   

59 .辽宁鸟和孔子鸟有什么区别 ?辽宁鸟和孔子鸟虽然发现于同一地层中 ,但两者的区别十分显著。前者是今鸟亚纲的最早代表 ,和现代鸟类的关系非常密切 ;而后者属于十分特化的种类 ,一方面具有角质喙 ,而另一方面在原始性上仅次于始祖鸟 ,和现代鸟类相差甚远。60 孔子鸟主要在地面还是在树上生活 ?孔子鸟是主要在树上生活的鸟类 ,但显然也能够在地面生活较长的时间。61 .孔子鸟的最主要特征是什么 ?孔子鸟的最主要特征是牙齿完全退化 ,取而代之的是和现代鸟类相似的角质喙。62 .朝阳鸟的主要特征是什么 ?朝阳鸟是早白垩世最进步的鸟…  相似文献   

反鸟类是繁盛于中生代的鸟类类群,它们在鸟类演化史上第一次成功地实现了全球性辐射,化石发现于除极地以外的各大陆白垩纪地层中,目前全世界被命名的反鸟类1属种超过了50个,其中我国辽西早白垩世"热河生物群"被命名的反鸟类新属种占总数的一半以上。最新的研究表明,在白垩期早期反鸟类的个体大小和相对翼长已有很大的分化,肩带和前肢上与飞行相关的骨骼特征已与现代鸟类基本相似,进步程度甚至高于同时期的今鸟类,表明适应飞行的演化已达到了很高的水平;吻部和牙齿的改变也较同时期的今鸟类多样,说明在食性也有了大的分异。新的发现也进一步减少了反鸟类和今鸟类——这两个中生代进步鸟类姊妹群之间的特征差异。  相似文献   

The origin of baleen in mysticete whales represents a major transition in the phylogenetic history of Cetacea. This key specialization, a keratinous sieve that enables filter-feeding, permitted exploitation of a new ecological niche and heralded the evolution of modern baleen-bearing whales, the largest animals on Earth. To date, all formally described mysticete fossils conform to two types: toothed species from Oligocene-age rocks ( approximately 24 to 34 million years old) and toothless species that presumably utilized baleen to feed (Recent to approximately 30 million years old). Here, we show that several Oligocene toothed mysticetes have nutrient foramina and associated sulci on the lateral portions of their palates, homologous structures in extant mysticetes house vessels that nourish baleen. The simultaneous occurrence of teeth and nutrient foramina implies that both teeth and baleen were present in these early mysticetes. Phylogenetic analyses of a supermatrix that includes extinct taxa and new data for 11 nuclear genes consistently resolve relationships at the base of Mysticeti. The combined data set of 27,340 characters supports a stepwise transition from a toothed ancestor, to a mosaic intermediate with both teeth and baleen, to modern baleen whales that lack an adult dentition but retain developmental and genetic evidence of their ancestral toothed heritage. Comparative sequence data for ENAM (enamelin) and AMBN (ameloblastin) indicate that enamel-specific loci are present in Mysticeti but have degraded to pseudogenes in this group. The dramatic transformation in mysticete feeding anatomy documents an apparently rare, stepwise mode of evolution in which a composite phenotype bridged the gap between primitive and derived morphologies; a combination of fossil and molecular evidence provides a multifaceted record of this macroevolutionary pattern.  相似文献   

中国花椒属(广义)叶结构研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对国产花椒属32种4变种叶结构特征进行了研究。结果发现,花椒属叶脉均属于羽状脉弓形脉序类型;叶齿具全缘、具齿或钝齿3种类型;二级叶脉有分支或不分支;三级叶脉有分支、网状和及顶3种类型;多数种类叶齿无腺点,仅4种叶齿有腺点。叶结构研究结果支持花椒亚属和崖椒亚属的亚属等级,它们共同组成广义的花椒属,并支持花椒属为芸香科中比较原始类群的观点;但不支持Engler将花椒亚属和崖椒亚属独立成属的分类处理。基于重要外部形态学特征和叶结构特征,重新对花椒属下两个亚属的检索表进行了修订。  相似文献   

Brilliant colour displays and diverse feather morphologies that are often sexual ornaments are common throughout much of extant Avialae. Here we describe a new basal enantiornithine bird specimen recovered from the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Liaoning Province in northeastern China. We present new information on the plumage of Bohaiornithidae as well as the first detailed colour reconstruction of an enantiornithine bird. The new specimen retains subadult skeletal characteristics, including periosteal pitting of the long bone epiphyses and unfused elements, while also preserving plumage evidence consistent with sexual maturity at the time of death. Exceptionally‐preserved feathers cover the body, including elongate crown feathers, body contour feathers, asymmetrically‐veined wing primaries, an alula and two elongate rachis‐dominated rectrices that may have been sexual ornaments. The crown, neck, and body contour feathers retain elongate melanosome morphologies associated with weakly iridescent colouration in extant feathers. We provide additional evidence of preserved melanin using Raman spectroscopy; a rapid, non‐destructive chemical technique. The new specimen provides data on skeletal ontogeny in the Bohaiornithidae as well as evidence for intraspecific communication functions of plumage.  相似文献   

Enantiornithes is the most speciose clade of Cretaceous birds, but many taxa are known from isolated postcranial skeletons. Two embryonic enantiornithine bird skeletons of Gobipipus reshetovi gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Barun Goyot Formation of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia provide new insights into the anatomy, radiation, and mode of development of early avialans. In recent times, both enantiornithine and ornithuromorph birds are known from the Barun Goyot Formation as well as from the Djadokhta and Nemegt Formations. The 80-million-year-old Gobipipus skeletons encased within eggshells shows several features characteristic of enantiornithine birds. The wing skeleton and shoulder girdle show morphological features indicating that Gobipipus achieved sophisticated powered flight. Gobipipus reshetovi gen. et sp. nov. is quite distinct from the sympatric enantiornithine species Gobipteryx minuta from the same strata in many anatomical features. Phylogenetic analysis of 26 avialan ingroup taxa based on distribution of 202 characters indicate that Gobipipus is a basal member of enantiornithine birds along with Confuciusornis and shares more characters with ornithuromorphs than previously recognized. The embryonic nature of Gobipipus specimens sheds new light on the developmental history of enantiornithine birds. The well-ossified bones of the fore- and hind limbs, and fusion of many skeletal elements indicate a precocial mode of development in Gobipipus. Apparently Gobipipus hatchlings could walk away from the ground nests as soon as they emerged from their eggs. The asymmetry of egg poles are unique features of Gobipipus eggs (oogenus Gobioolithus) among Cretaceous avialans. The microstructure of the shell in Gobioolithus eggs with the embryos of Gobipipus is typical avian (of ornithoid basic type) and less ratite-like in morphology of the spongy layer than is that in the other possible egg-remains of enantiornitine birds (oofamily Laevisoolithidae).  相似文献   

Teeth are conspicuous features of many leaves. The percentage of species in a flora with toothed leaves varies inversely with temperature, but other ecological controls are less known. This gap is critical because leaf teeth may be influenced by water availability and growth potential and because fossil tooth characters are widely used to reconstruct paleoclimate. Here, we test whether ecological attributes related to disturbance, water availability, and growth strategy influence the distribution of toothed species at 227 sites from Australian subtropical rainforest. Both the percentage and abundance of toothed species decline continuously from riparian to ridge-top habitats in our most spatially resolved sample, a result not related to phylogenetic correlation of traits. Riparian lianas are generally untoothed and thus do not contribute to the trend, and there is little association between toothed riparian species and ecological attributes indicating early successional lifestyle and disturbance response. Instead, the pattern is best explained by differences in water availability. Toothed species' proportional richness declines with proximity to the coast, also a likely effect of water availability because salt stress causes physiological drought. Our study highlights water availability as an important factor impacting the distribution of toothed species across landscapes, with significance for paleoclimate reconstructions.  相似文献   

A coracoid of an enantiornithine bird from Upper Cretaceous (probably late Campanian) fluvial sediments at Castigno (Villespassans, Hérault, southern France) is described. It differs from all hitherto reported enantiornithine coracoids and is referred a new genus and species, Castignovolucris sebei. This bone is large and robust, indicating a bird that was among the largest known enantiornithines, possibly the size of a Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). The new taxon is an addition to the short list of Late Cretaceous birds from France and confirms that enantiornithines were an important component of European avifaunas until late in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Jin XiaoHua  Li Heng 《Brittonia》2007,59(3):243-244
Listera fugongensis, a new species from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is probably related to Listera nipponica, but differs from it by having green flowers, petals slightly wider than lateral sepals, and a toothed lip with ciliate margins.  相似文献   

Why the leaves of cold temperate deciduous and moisture-loving angiosperms are so often toothed has long puzzled biologists because the functional consequences of teeth remain poorly understood. Here we provide functional and structural evidence that marginal leaf teeth of Chloranthus japonicus, an understory herb, enable the release of guttation sap during root pressure. When guttation from teeth hydathodes was experimentally blocked, we found that the leaf intercellular airspaces became flooded. Measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence revealed that internal flooding resulted in an inhibition of photosynthesis, most likely through the formation of a film of water within the leaf that reduced CO2 diffusion. Comparing a developmental series of leaves with and without teeth experimentally covered with wax, we found that teeth did not affect overall leaf stomatal conductance and CO2 uptake. However, maximal and effective light-saturation PSII quantum yields of teeth were found to be lower or equal to the surrounding lamina throughout leaf ontogeny. Collectively, our results suggest hydathodes and their development on teeth apices enable the avoidance of mesophyll flooding by root pressure. We discuss how these new findings bear on the potential physiological interpretations of models that apply leaf marginal traits to infer ancient climates.  相似文献   

The weakly electric fish from the main channel of the Amazon river, Sternarchogiton nattereri, offers a striking case of morphological variation. Females and most males are toothless, or present only few minute teeth on the mandible, whereas some males exhibit exaggerated, spike-like teeth that project externally from the snout and chin. Androgens are known to influence the expression of sexually dimorphic traits, and might be involved in tooth emergence. In this study we assess the relationship in S. nattereri between morphological variation, 11 ketotestosterone (11-KT) and testosterone (T). We also examine relationships of morphology and androgen levels with electric organ discharge (EOD) frequency, reproductive condition, and seasonality. Our main finding is that male morph categories differed significantly in plasma concentrations of 11-KT, with toothed males showing higher levels of 11-KT than toothless males. By contrast, we did not detect statistical differences in T levels among male morph categories. Reproductive condition, as measured by gonadosomatic indexes (GSI), differed across two sample years, increased as the season progressed, and was higher in toothed males than in non-toothed males. EOD frequency was higher in toothed males than in either toothless males or females. Taken together, our findings suggest that S. nattereri male sexual characters are regulated by 11-KT levels, and that both morphology and androgens interact with reproductive condition and EOD frequency in ways that vary within and across reproductive seasons.  相似文献   

Embryonic remains within a small (4.75 by 2.23 cm) egg from the Late Cretaceous, Mongolia are here re-described. High-resolution X-ray computed tomography (HRCT) was used to digitally prepare and describe the enclosed embryonic bones. The egg, IGM (Mongolian Institute for Geology, Ulaanbaatar) 100/2010, with a three-part shell microstructure, was originally assigned to Neoceratopsia implying extensive homoplasy among eggshell characters across Dinosauria. Re-examination finds the forelimb significantly longer than the hindlimbs, proportions suggesting an avian identification. Additional, postcranial apomorphies (strut-like coracoid, cranially located humeral condyles, olecranon fossa, slender radius relative to the ulna, trochanteric crest on the femur, and ulna longer than the humerus) identify the embryo as avian. Presence of a dorsal coracoid fossa and a craniocaudally compressed distal humerus with a strongly angled distal margin support a diagnosis of IGM 100/2010 as an enantiornithine. Re-identification eliminates the implied homoplasy of this tri-laminate eggshell structure, and instead associates enantiornithine birds with eggshell microstructure composed of a mammillary, squamatic, and external zones. Posture of the embryo follows that of other theropods with fore- and hindlimbs folded parallel to the vertebral column and the elbow pointing caudally just dorsal to the knees. The size of the egg and embryo of IGM 100/2010 is similar to the two other Mongolian enantiornithine eggs. Well-ossified skeletons, as in this specimen, characterize all known enantiornithine embryos suggesting precocial hatchlings, comparing closely to late stage embryos of modern precocial birds that are both flight- and run-capable upon hatching. Extensive ossification in enantiornithine embryos may contribute to their relatively abundant representation in the fossil record. Neoceratopsian eggs remain unrecognized in the fossil record.  相似文献   

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