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The quantification of trace proteins in complex environmental samples and mixed microbial communities would be a valuable monitoring tool in countless applications, including the bioremediation of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Measuring the concentrations of specific proteins provides unique information about the activity and physiological state of organisms in a sample. We developed sensitive (< 5 fmol), selective bioindicator assays for the absolute quantification of select proteins used by Dehalococcoides spp. when reducing carbon atoms in the common pollutants trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE). From complex whole‐sample digests of two different dechlorinating mixed communities, we monitored the chromatographic peaks of selected tryptic peptides chosen to represent 19 specific Dehalococcoides proteins. This was accomplished using multiple‐reaction monitoring (MRM) assays using nano‐liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry (nLC‐MS/MS), which provided the selectivity, sensitivity and reproducibility required to quantify Dehalococcoides proteins in complex samples. We observed reproducible peak areas (average CV = 0.14 over 4 days, n = 3) and linear responses in standard curves (n = 5, R2 > 0.98) using synthetic peptide standards spiked into a background matrix of sediment peptides. We detected and quantified TCE reductive dehalogenase (TceA) at 7.6 ± 1.7 × 103 proteins cell?1 in the KB1TM bioaugmentation culture, previously thought to be lacking TceA. Fragmentation data from MS/MS shotgun proteomics experiments were helpful in developing the MRM targets. Similar shotgun proteomics data are emerging in labs around the world for many environmentally relevant microbial proteins, and these data are a valuable resource for the future development of MRM assays. We expect targeted peptide quantification in environmental samples to be a useful tool in environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a species of small RNAs ∼21–23-nucleotides long that have been shown to play an important role in many different cellular, developmental, and physiological processes. Accordingly, numerous PCR-, sequencing-, or hybridization-based methods have been established to identify and quantify miRNAs. Their short length results in a high dynamic range of melting temperatures and therefore impedes a proper selection of detection probes or optimized PCR primers. While miRNA microarrays allow for massive parallel and accurate relative measurement of all known miRNAs, they have so far been less useful as an assay for absolute quantification. Here, we present a microarray-based approach for global and absolute quantification of miRNAs. The method relies on the parallel hybridization of the sample of interest labeled with Cy5 and a universal reference of 954 synthetic miRNAs in equimolar concentrations that are labeled with Cy3 on a microarray slide containing probes for all human, mouse, rat, and viral miRNAs (miRBase 12.0). Each single miRNA is quantified with respect to the universal reference canceling biases related to sequence, labeling, or hybridization. We demonstrate the accuracy of the method by various spike-in experiments. Furthermore, we quantified miRNA copy numbers in liver samples and CD34(+)/CD133(−) hematopoietic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Biomarkers are widely used in clinical diagnosis, prognosis and therapy monitoring. Here, we developed a protocol for the efficient and selective enrichment of small and low concentrated biomarkers from human serum, involving a 95% effective depletion of high‐abundant serum proteins by partial denaturation and enrichment of low‐abundant biomarkers by size exclusion chromatography. The recovery of low‐abundance biomarkers was above 97%. Using this protocol, we quantified the tumour markers DcR3 and growth/differentiation factor (GDF)15 from 100 μl human serum by isotope dilution mass spectrometry, using 15N metabolically labelled and concatamerized fingerprint peptides for the both proteins. Analysis of three different fingerprint peptides for each protein by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry resulted in comparable concentrations in three healthy human serum samples (DcR3: 27.23 ± 2.49 fmol/ml; GDF15: 98.11 ± 0.49 fmol/ml). In contrast, serum levels were significantly elevated in tumour patients for DcR3 (116.94 ± 57.37 fmol/ml) and GDF15 (164.44 ± 79.31 fmol/ml). Obtained data were in good agreement with ELISA and qPCR measurements, as well as with literature data. In summary, our protocol allows the reliable quantification of biomarkers, shows a higher resolution at low biomarker concentrations than antibody‐based strategies, and offers the possibility of multiplexing. Our proof‐of‐principle studies in patient sera encourage the future analysis of the prognostic value of DcR3 and GDF15 for colon cancer patients in larger patient cohorts.  相似文献   



Angiotensin II acts as a peptide hormone and component of renin-angiotensin- system (RAS) regulating the blood pressure, and seems to be involved in renal and vascular disorders. There is no reliable quantification method for angiotensin II available until now and the angiotensin II plasma levels described in the literature are correspondingly strongly divergent. Therefore, we developed and validated a sensitive, selective and reliable LC-ESI-MS/MS method for absolute quantification of angiotensin II concentration in human plasma based on the AQUA strategy.


Plasma samples were extracted using MAX Oasis cartridges and were subjected to a further immunoaffinity-purification using immobilized anti-angiotensin II antibodies in order to isolate endogenous angiotensin II. Stable isotope (13C- and 15 N-) labeled angiotensin II was used as an internal standard. The fractionated samples were analysed using LC-ESI-MS/MS.


The calibration curve was established in plasma in the concentration range 6–240 pM (r2 > 0.999). The developed and validated method was successfully applied for quantification of endogenous angiotensin II in human plasma of healthy volunteers and chronic kidney disease (CKD-5D) patients. The mean plasma angiotensin II levels were found to be 18.4 ± 3.3 pM in healthy subjects and 64.5 ± 32.4 pM in CKD-5D patients (each n =9).


The LC-ESI-MS/MS-based method for quantification of angiotensin II levels in human plasma was successfully evaluated within the study. This method is applicable for clinical applications aiming at the validation of the impact of highly physiologically and pathophysiologically active angiotensin II.  相似文献   

Biomedical research requires protein detection technology that is not only sensitive and quantitative, but that can reproducibly measure any set of proteins in a biological system in a high throughput manner. Here we report the development and application of a targeted proteomics platform termed index-ion triggered MS2 ion quantification (iMSTIQ) that allows reproducible and accurate peptide quantification in complex mixtures. The key feature of iMSTIQ is an approach called index-ion triggered analysis (ITA) that permits the reproducible acquisition of full MS2 spectra of targeted peptides independent of their ion intensities. Accurate quantification is achieved by comparing the relative intensities of multiple pairs of fragment ions derived from isobaric targeted peptides during MS2 analysis. Importantly, the method takes advantage of the favorable performance characteristics of the LTQ-Orbitrap, which include high mass accuracy, resolution, and throughput. As such it provides an attractive targeted proteomics tool to meet the demands of systems biology research and biomarker studies.  相似文献   

The plant cell wall is a dynamic cellular compartment consisting of a complex matrix of components that can change dramatically in response to environmental stresses. During pathogen attack, for instance, a wide spectrum of proteins that participate in various sequential processes involved in plant defense is secreted into the cell wall. In this study, a mass spectrometry, data-independent acquisition approach known as LC/MS (E) was used to assess temporal changes in the cell wall proteome in response to different levels of an endogenous inducer of plant disease defense responses, salicylic acid (SA). LC/MS (E) was used as a label-free method that enabled simultaneous protein identification and absolute femtomole quantification of each protein secreted into the extracellular matrix. A total of 74 secreted proteins were identified, 63 of which showed increased specific secretion in response to SA. A majority of this induced secretion occurred within 2 h of treatment, indicating that many proteins are involved in the early stages of plant defenses. We also identified a number of apparently nonclassically secreted proteins, suggesting that, as in many nonplant systems, Golgi/ER-independent mechanisms exist for plant protein secretion. These results provide new insight into plant apoplastic defense mechanisms and demonstrate that LC/MS (E) is a powerful tool for obtaining both relative and absolute proteome-scale quantification that can be applied to complex, time- and dose-dependent experimental designs.  相似文献   

Proteomic studies of post-translational modifications by metal affinity or antibody-based methods often employ data-dependent analysis, providing rich data sets that consist of randomly sampled identified peptides because of the dynamic response of the mass spectrometer. This can complicate the primary goal of programs for drug development, mutational analysis, and kinase profiling studies, which is to monitor how multiple nodes of known, critical signaling pathways are affected by a variety of treatment conditions. Cell Signaling Technology has developed an immunoaffinity-based LC-MS/MS method called PTMScan Direct for multiplexed analysis of these important signaling proteins. PTMScan Direct enables the identification and quantification of hundreds of peptides derived from specific proteins in signaling pathways or specific protein types. Cell lines, tissues, or xenografts can be used as starting material. PTMScan Direct is compatible with both SILAC and label-free quantification. Current PTMScan Direct reagents target key nodes of many signaling pathways (PTMScan Direct: Multipathway), serine/threonine kinases, tyrosine kinases, and the Akt/PI3K pathway. Validation of each reagent includes score filtering of MS/MS assignments, filtering by identification of peptides derived from expected targets, identification of peptides homologous to expected targets, minimum signal intensity of peptide ions, and dependence upon the presence of the reagent itself compared with a negative control. The Multipathway reagent was used to study sensitivity of human cancer cell lines to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors and showed consistent results with previously published studies. The Ser/Thr kinase reagent was used to compare relative levels of kinase-derived phosphopeptides in mouse liver, brain, and embryo, showing tissue-specific activity of many kinases including Akt and PKC family members. PTMScan Direct will be a powerful quantitative method for elucidation of changes in signaling in a wide array of experimental systems, combining the specificity of traditional biochemical methods with the high number of data points and dynamic range of proteomic methods.  相似文献   

Protein cleavage-isotope dilution mass spectrometry (PC-IDMS) can be used to quantify proteins, with an isotope-labeled analogue of the peptide fragment used as an internal standard. Here, we investigate use of a standard LC-MS/MS platform for quantifying a model biomarker directly from serum by this technique. We synthesized a peptide (IVGGWECEK) identical to the N-terminal tryptic fragment of PSA but with each glycine containing two 13C atoms and one 15N atom. PSA-free human serum was denatured with urea followed by the introduction of PSA standard and the stable isotope labeled internal standard peptide. The sample was then proteolyzed with trypsin and subjected to quantification using LC-MS/ MS on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. A linear least squares calibration curve made from five different concentrations of PSA added to serum and digested (each made in triplicate and randomly injected three times) had a mean slope of 0.973 (SE = 0.023), intercept of -0.003 (SE = 0.022), and R2 of 0.971. Recovery of calibrators ranged from 70 to 85% with a mean run-to-run CV of 13% and a mean within-run CV of 5.7%. PC-IDMS is a promising technique for quantifying proteins covering a broad range of applications from standardizing immunoassays to monitoring post-translational modifications to quantifying newly discovered biomarkers prior to the development and implementation of an immunoassay, just to name a few. Issues surrounding the application of PC-IDMS for the absolute quantification of proteins include selection of a proteolytic fragment for quantification that can be cleaved and isolated reproducibly over a broad dynamic range, stable isotope labeled synthetic peptide standards that give consistent results, and LC-MS/MS methods that provide adequate sensitivity and reproducibility without creating impractical analysis times. The results presented here show that absolute quantification can be performed on the model biomarker PSA introduced into denatured serum when analyzed by LC-MS/MS. However, concerns still exist regarding sensitivity compared to existing immunoassays as well as the reproducibility of PC-IDMS performed in different matrixes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Naturally occurring native peptides provide important information about physiological states of an organism and its changes in disease conditions but protocols and methods for assessing their abundance are not well-developed. In this paper, we describe a simple procedure for the quantification of non-tryptic peptides in body fluids. The workflow includes an enrichment step followed by two-dimensional fractionation of native peptides and MS/MS data management facilitating the design and validation of LC- MRM MS assays. The added value of the workflow is demonstrated in the development of a triplex LC-MRM MS assay used for quantification of peptides potentially associated with the progression of liver disease to hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

The availability of label-free data derived from yeast cells (based on the summed intensity of the three strongest, isoform-specific peptides) permitted a preliminary assessment of protein abundances for glycolytic proteins. Following this analysis, we demonstrate successful application of the QconCAT technology, which uses recombinant DNA techniques to generate artificial concatamers of large numbers of internal standard peptides, to the quantification of enzymes of the glycolysis pathway in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A QconCAT of 88 kDa (59 tryptic peptides) corresponding to 27 isoenzymes was designed and built to encode two or three analyte peptides per protein, and after stable isotope labeling of the standard in vivo, protein levels were determined by LC-MS, using ultra high performance liquid chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry. We were able to determine absolute protein concentrations between 14,000 and 10 million molecules/cell. Issues such as efficiency of extraction and completeness of proteolysis are addressed, as well as generic factors such as optimal quantotypic peptide selection and expression. In addition, the same proteins were quantified by intensity-based label-free analysis, and both sets of data were compared with other quantification methods.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) has evolved into the main proteome discovery technology. Up to several thousand proteins can now be reliably identified from a sample and the relative abundance of the identified proteins can be determined across samples. However, the remeasurement of substantially similar proteomes, for example those generated by perturbation experiments in systems biology, at high reproducibility and throughput remains challenging. Here, we apply a directed MS strategy to detect and quantify sets of pre‐determined peptides in tryptic digests of cells of the human pathogen Leptospira interrogans at 25 different states. We show that in a single LC–MS/MS experiment around 5000 peptides, covering 1680 L. interrogans proteins, can be consistently detected and their absolute expression levels estimated, revealing new insights about the proteome changes involved in pathogenic progression and antibiotic defense of L. interrogans. This is the first study that describes the absolute quantitative behavior of any proteome over multiple states, and represents the most comprehensive proteome abundance pattern comparison for any organism to date.  相似文献   

Advances in biological mass spectrometry have resulted in the development of numerous strategies for the large-scale quantification of protein expression levels within cells. These measurements of protein expression are most commonly accomplished through differential incorporation of stable isotopes into cellular proteins. Several variations of the stable isotope quantification method have been demonstrated, differing in isotope composition and incorporation strategy. In general, the majority of these methods establish only relative quantification of expressed proteins. To address this, the absolute quantification (AQUA) strategy was developed for the precise determination of protein expression and post-translational modification levels. The AQUA method relies on the use of a synthetic internal standard peptide that is introduced at a known concentration to cell lysates during digestion. This AQUA peptide precisely mimics a peptide produced during proteolysis of the target protein, except that it is enriched in certain stable isotopes. Analysis of the proteolyzed sample by a selected reaction monitoring (SRM) experiment in a tandem mass spectrometer results in the direct detection and quantification of both the native peptide and isotope labeled AQUA internal standard peptide. As an example, the development and application of a method to measure a tryptic peptide representing the amount of polyubiquitin chain formation through lysine 48 (K48) is presented. The simplicity and sensitivity of the method, coupled with the widespread availability of tandem mass spectrometers, make the AQUA strategy a highly useful procedure for measuring the levels of proteins and post-translational modifications directly from cell lysates.  相似文献   

A strategy based on isotope labeling of peptides and liquid chromatography matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LC-MALDI MS) has been employed to accurately quantify and confidently identify differentially expressed proteins between an E-cadherin-deficient human carcinoma cell line (SCC9) and its transfectants expressing E-cadherin (SCC9-E). Proteins extracted from each cell line were tryptically digested and the resultant peptides were labeled individually with either d(0)- or d(2)-formaldehyde. The labeled peptides were combined and the peptide mixture was separated and fractionated by a strong cation exchange (SCX) column. Peptides from each SCX fraction were further separated by a microbore reversed-phase (RP) LC column. The effluents were then directly spotted onto a MALDI target using a heated droplet LC-MALDI interface. After mixing with a MALDI matrix, individual sample spots were analyzed by MALDI quadrupole time-of-flight MS, using an initial MS scan to quantify the dimethyl labeled peptide pairs. MS/MS analysis was then carried out on the peptide pairs having relative peak intensity changes of greater than 2-fold. The MS/MS spectra were subjected to database searching for protein identification. The search results were further confirmed by comparing the MS/MS spectra of the peptide pairs. Using this strategy, we detected and compared relative peak intensity changes of 5480 peptide pairs. Among them, 320 peptide pairs showed changes of greater than 2-fold. MS/MS analysis of these changing pairs led to the identification of 49 differentially expressed proteins between the parental SCC9 cells and SCC9-E transfectants. These proteins were determined to be involved in different pathways regulating cytoskeletal organization, cell adhesion, epithelial polarity, and cell proliferation. The changes in protein expression were consistent with increased cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion and decreased proliferation in SCC9-E cells, in line with E-cadherin tumor suppressor activity. Finally, the accuracy of the MS quantification and subcellular localization for 6 differentially expressed proteins were validated by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence assays.  相似文献   

In order to assess the biological function of proteins and their modifications for understanding signaling mechanisms within cells as well as specific biomarkers to disease, it is important that quantitative information be obtained under different experimental conditions. Stable isotope labeling is a powerful method for accurately determining changes in the levels of proteins and PTMs; however, isotope labeling experiments suffer from limited dynamic range resulting in signal change ratios of less than approximately 20:1 using most commercial mass spectrometers. Label-free approaches to relative quantification in proteomics such as spectral counting have gained popularity since no additional chemistries are needed. Here, we show a label-free method for relative quantification based on the TIC from peptide MS/MS spectra collected from data-dependent runs can be used effectively as a quantitative measure and expands the dynamic range over isotope labeling experiments allowing for abundance differences up to approximately 60:1 in a screen for proteins that bind to phosphotyrosine residues.  相似文献   

We present MassSieve, a Java‐based platform for visualization and parsimony analysis of single and comparative LC‐MS/MS database search engine results. The success of mass spectrometric peptide sequence assignment algorithms has led to the need for a tool to merge and evaluate the increasing data set sizes that result from LC‐MS/MS‐based shotgun proteomic experiments. MassSieve supports reports from multiple search engines with differing search characteristics, which can increase peptide sequence coverage and/or identify conflicting or ambiguous spectral assignments.  相似文献   

Sirolimus and its derivative everolimus are widely used today as immunosuppressive agents for example in the transplantation medicine. The problematic pharmacokinetic behavior of those substances makes therapeutic drug monitoring mandatory. Therefore, a fast, simple and sensitive high-throughput procedure using online extraction with turbulent flow chromatography for the concurrent measurement of sirolimus and everolimus has been developed. 200 μl of whole blood was mixed with internal standard (23-desmethoxyrapamycin) and the precipitation solution and centrifuged. An aliquot of the supernatant was transferred into autosampler vials. 50 μl of the supernatant was injected into the LC system, where the analytes were extracted using turbulent flow chromatography and thereafter analyzed using reversed phase chromatography. Detection was done by atmospherical pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mass spectrometry in the negative ionization mode. The method has been fully validated and compared to a previously used method. The method was shown to be linear over the entire calibration range (2.2–43.7 μg/l for everolimus and 2.9–51.2 μg/l for sirolimus). The lower limit of quantification was 0.5 μg/l for both compounds. For within-day and between-day analysis, the CV's were <7.6% for everolimus and <8.7% for sirolimus, respectively. The accuracy was between 92.1% and 105% for everolimus and 96.1% and 106% for sirolimus. Recovery ranged between 46.3% and 50.6% for everolimus and 51.2% and 57.2% for sirolimus. The method was demonstrated to be free of matrix effects and comparable to the previously used method. The presented LC–MS/MS method, using turbulent flow chromatography online extraction, allows a fast, simple and reliable determination of everolimus and sirolimus.  相似文献   

We describe a computational method that infers tumor purity and malignant cell ploidy directly from analysis of somatic DNA alterations. The method, named ABSOLUTE, can detect subclonal heterogeneity and somatic homozygosity, and it can calculate statistical sensitivity for detection of specific aberrations. We used ABSOLUTE to analyze exome sequencing data from 214 ovarian carcinoma tumor-normal pairs. This analysis identified both pervasive subclonal somatic point-mutations and a small subset of predominantly clonal and homozygous mutations, which were overrepresented in the tumor suppressor genes TP53 and NF1 and in a candidate tumor suppressor gene CDK12. We also used ABSOLUTE to infer absolute allelic copy-number profiles from 3,155 diverse cancer specimens, revealing that genome-doubling events are common in human cancer, likely occur in cells that are already aneuploid, and influence pathways of tumor progression (for example, with recessive inactivation of NF1 being less common after genome doubling). ABSOLUTE will facilitate the design of clinical sequencing studies and studies of cancer genome evolution and intra-tumor heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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