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O'Neill M  Schultz W 《Neuron》2010,68(4):789-800
Risky decision-making is altered in humans and animals with damage to the orbitofrontal cortex. However, the cellular function of the intact orbitofrontal cortex in processing information relevant for risky decisions is unknown. We recorded responses of single orbitofrontal neurons while monkeys viewed visual cues representing the key decision parameters, reward risk and value. Risk was defined as the mathematical variance of binary symmetric probability distributions of reward magnitudes; value was defined as non-risky reward magnitude. Monkeys displayed graded behavioral preferences for risky outcomes, as they did for value. A population of orbitofrontal neurons showed a distinctive risk signal: their cues and reward responses covaried monotonically with the variance of the different reward distributions without monotonically coding reward value. Furthermore, a small but statistically significant fraction of risk responses also coded reward value. These risk signals may provide physiological correlates for the role of the orbitofrontal cortex in risk processing.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasticity is an underlying mechanism of learning and memory in neural systems, but it is controversial whether synaptic efficacy is modulated in a graded or binary manner. It has been argued that binary synaptic weights would be less susceptible to noise than graded weights, which has impelled some theoretical neuroscientists to shift from the use of graded to binary weights in their models. We compare retrieval performance of models using both binary and graded weight representations through numerical simulations of stochastic attractor networks. We also investigate stochastic attractor models using multiple discrete levels of weight states, and then investigate the optimal threshold for dilution of binary weight representations. Our results show that a binary weight representation is not less susceptible to noise than a graded weight representation in stochastic attractor models, and we find that the load capacities with an increasing number of weight states rapidly reach the load capacity with graded weights. The optimal threshold for dilution of binary weight representations under stochastic conditions occurs when approximately 50% of the smallest weights are set to zero.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》2013,107(6):452-458
Microelectrode recordings of cortical activity in primates performing working memory tasks reveal some cortical neurons exhibiting sustained or graded persistent elevations in firing rate during the period in which sensory information is actively maintained in short-term memory. These neurons are called “memory cells”. Imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation studies indicate that memory cells may arise from distributed cortical networks. Depending on the sensory modality of the memorandum in working memory tasks, neurons exhibiting memory-correlated patterns of firing have been detected in different association cortices including prefrontal cortex, and primary sensory cortices as well.Here we elaborate on neurophysiological experiments that lead to our understanding of the neuromechanisms of working memory, and mainly discuss findings on widely distributed cortical networks involved in tactile working memory.  相似文献   

Working memory is an emergent property of neuronal networks, but its cellular basis remains elusive. Recent data show that principal neurons of the entorhinal cortex display persistent firing at graded firing rates that can be shifted up or down in response to brief excitatory or inhibitory stimuli. Here, we present a model of a potential mechanism for graded firing. Our multicompartmental model provides stable plateau firing generated by a nonspecific calcium-sensitive cationic (CAN) current. Sustained firing is insensitive to small variations in Ca2+ concentration in a neutral zone. However, both high and low Ca2+ levels alter firing rates. Specifically, increases in persistent firing rate are triggered only during high levels of calcium, while decreases in rate occur in the presence of low levels of calcium. The model is consistent with detailed experimental observations and provides a mechanism for maintenance of memory-related activity in individual neurons.  相似文献   

Neurons in the cortex exhibit a number of patterns that correlate with working memory. Specifically, averaged across trials of working memory tasks, neurons exhibit different firing rate patterns during the delay of those tasks. These patterns include: 1) persistent fixed-frequency elevated rates above baseline, 2) elevated rates that decay throughout the tasks memory period, 3) rates that accelerate throughout the delay, and 4) patterns of inhibited firing (below baseline) analogous to each of the preceding excitatory patterns. Persistent elevated rate patterns are believed to be the neural correlate of working memory retention and preparation for execution of behavioral/motor responses as required in working memory tasks. Models have proposed that such activity corresponds to stable attractors in cortical neural networks with fixed synaptic weights. However, the variability in patterned behavior and the firing statistics of real neurons across the entire range of those behaviors across and within trials of working memory tasks are typical not reproduced. Here we examine the effect of dynamic synapses and network architectures with multiple cortical areas on the states and dynamics of working memory networks. The analysis indicates that the multiple pattern types exhibited by cells in working memory networks are inherent in networks with dynamic synapses, and that the variability and firing statistics in such networks with distributed architectures agree with that observed in the cortex.  相似文献   

Recent data on learning-related changes in animal and human auditory cortex indicate functions beyond mere stimulus representation and simple recognition memory for stimuli. Rather, auditory cortex seems to process and represent stimuli in a task-dependent fashion. This implies plasticity in neural processing, which can be observed at the level of single neuron firing and the level of spatiotemporal activity patterns in cortical areas. Auditory cortex is a structure in which behaviorally relevant aspects of stimulus processing are highly developed because of the fugitive nature of auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

The sparseness of the encoding of stimuli by single neurons and by populations of neurons is fundamental to understanding the efficiency and capacity of representations in the brain, and was addressed as follows. The selectivity and sparseness of firing to visual stimuli of single neurons in the primate inferior temporal visual cortex were measured to a set of 20 visual stimuli including objects and faces in macaques performing a visual fixation task. Neurons were analysed with significantly different responses to the stimuli. The firing rate distribution of 36% of the neurons was exponential. Twenty-nine percent of the neurons had too few low rates to be fitted by an exponential distribution, and were fitted by a gamma distribution. Interestingly, the raw firing rate distribution taken across all neurons fitted an exponential distribution very closely. The sparseness a s or selectivity of the representation of the set of 20 stimuli provided by each of these neurons (which takes a maximal value of 1.0) had an average across all neurons of 0.77, indicating a rather distributed representation. The sparseness of the representation of a given stimulus by the whole population of neurons, the population sparseness a p, also had an average value of 0.77. The similarity of the average single neuron selectivity a s and population sparseness for any one stimulus taken at any one time a p shows that the representation is weakly ergodic. For this to occur, the different neurons must have uncorrelated tuning profiles to the set of stimuli.  相似文献   

Compelling behavioral evidence suggests that humans can make optimal decisions despite the uncertainty inherent in perceptual or motor tasks. A key question in neuroscience is how populations of spiking neurons can implement such probabilistic computations. In this article, we develop a comprehensive framework for optimal, spike-based sensory integration and working memory in a dynamic environment. We propose that probability distributions are inferred spike-per-spike in recurrently connected networks of integrate-and-fire neurons. As a result, these networks can combine sensory cues optimally, track the state of a time-varying stimulus and memorize accumulated evidence over periods much longer than the time constant of single neurons. Importantly, we propose that population responses and persistent working memory states represent entire probability distributions and not only single stimulus values. These memories are reflected by sustained, asynchronous patterns of activity which make relevant information available to downstream neurons within their short time window of integration. Model neurons act as predictive encoders, only firing spikes which account for new information that has not yet been signaled. Thus, spike times signal deterministically a prediction error, contrary to rate codes in which spike times are considered to be random samples of an underlying firing rate. As a consequence of this coding scheme, a multitude of spike patterns can reliably encode the same information. This results in weakly correlated, Poisson-like spike trains that are sensitive to initial conditions but robust to even high levels of external neural noise. This spike train variability reproduces the one observed in cortical sensory spike trains, but cannot be equated to noise. On the contrary, it is a consequence of optimal spike-based inference. In contrast, we show that rate-based models perform poorly when implemented with stochastically spiking neurons.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that networks of spiking neurons with noise can emulate simple forms of probabilistic inference through “neural sampling”, i.e., by treating spikes as samples from a probability distribution of network states that is encoded in the network. Deficiencies of the existing model are its reliance on single neurons for sampling from each random variable, and the resulting limitation in representing quickly varying probabilistic information. We show that both deficiencies can be overcome by moving to a biologically more realistic encoding of each salient random variable through the stochastic firing activity of an ensemble of neurons. The resulting model demonstrates that networks of spiking neurons with noise can easily track and carry out basic computational operations on rapidly varying probability distributions, such as the odds of getting rewarded for a specific behavior. We demonstrate the viability of this new approach towards neural coding and computation, which makes use of the inherent parallelism of generic neural circuits, by showing that this model can explain experimentally observed firing activity of cortical neurons for a variety of tasks that require rapid temporal integration of sensory information.  相似文献   

We expose hidden function-follow-form schemata in the recorded activity of cultured neuronal networks by comparing the activity with simulation results of a new modeling approach. Cultured networks grown from an arbitrary mixture of neuron and glia cells in the absence of external stimulations and chemical cues spontaneously form networks of different sizes (from 50 to several millions of neurons) that exhibit non-arbitrary complex spatio-temporal patterns of activity. The latter is marked by formation of a sequence of synchronized bursting events (SBEs)--short time windows (approximately 200 ms) of rapid neuron firing, separated by longer time intervals (seconds) of sporadic neuron firing. The new dynamical synapse and soma (DSS) model, used here, has been successful in generating sequences of SBEs with the same statistical scaling properties (over six time decades) as those of the small networks. Large networks generate statistically distinct sub-groups of SBEs, each with its own characteristic pattern of neuronal firing ('fingerprint'). This special function (activity) motif has been proposed to emanate from a structural (form) motif--self-organization of the large networks into a fabric of overlapping sub-networks of about 1 mm in size. Here we test this function-follow-form idea by investigating the influence of the connectivity architecture of a model network (form) on the structure of its spontaneous activity (function). We show that a repertoire of possible activity states similar to the observed ones can be generated by networks with proper underlying architecture. For example, networks composed of two overlapping sub-networks exhibit distinct types of SBEs, each with its own characteristic pattern of neuron activity that starts at a specific sub-network. We further show that it is possible to regulate the temporal appearance of the different sub-groups of SBEs by an additional non-synaptic current fed into the soma of the modeled neurons. The ability to regulate the relative temporal ordering of different SBEs might endow the networks with higher plasticity and complexity. These findings call for additional mechanisms yet to be discovered. Recent experimental observations indicate that glia cells coupled to neuronal soma might generate such non-synaptic regulating currents.  相似文献   

Most neuronal networks, even in the absence of external stimuli, produce spontaneous bursts of spikes separated by periods of reduced activity. The origin and functional role of these neuronal events are still unclear. The present work shows that the spontaneous activity of two very different networks, intact leech ganglia and dissociated cultures of rat hippocampal neurons, share several features. Indeed, in both networks: i) the inter-spike intervals distribution of the spontaneous firing of single neurons is either regular or periodic or bursting, with the fraction of bursting neurons depending on the network activity; ii) bursts of spontaneous spikes have the same broad distributions of size and duration; iii) the degree of correlated activity increases with the bin width, and the power spectrum of the network firing rate has a 1/f behavior at low frequencies, indicating the existence of long-range temporal correlations; iv) the activity of excitatory synaptic pathways mediated by NMDA receptors is necessary for the onset of the long-range correlations and for the presence of large bursts; v) blockage of inhibitory synaptic pathways mediated by GABA(A) receptors causes instead an increase in the correlation among neurons and leads to a burst distribution composed only of very small and very large bursts. These results suggest that the spontaneous electrical activity in neuronal networks with different architectures and functions can have very similar properties and common dynamics.  相似文献   

The effects of noise on patterns and collective phenomena are studied in a small-world neuronal network with the dynamics of each neuron being described by a two-dimensional Rulkov map neuron. It is shown that for intermediate noise levels, noise-induced ordered patterns emerge spatially, which supports the spatiotemporal coherence resonance. However, the inherent long range couplings of small-world networks can effectively disrupt the internal spatial scale of the media at small fraction of long-range couplings. The temporal order, characterized by the autocorrelation of a firing rate function, can be greatly enhanced by the introduction of small-world connectivity. There exists an optimal fraction of randomly rewired links, where the temporal order and synchronization can be optimized.  相似文献   

Estimating the difficulty of a decision is a fundamental process to elaborate complex and adaptive behaviour. In this paper, we show that the movement time of behaving monkeys performing a decision-making task is correlated with decision difficulty and that the activity of a population of neurons in ventral Premotor cortex correlates with the movement time. Moreover, we found another population of neurons that encodes the discriminability of the stimulus, thereby supplying another source of information about the difficulty of the decision. The activity of neurons encoding the difficulty can be produced by very different computations. Therefore, we show that decision difficulty can be encoded through three different mechanisms: 1. Switch time coding, 2. rate coding and 3. binary coding. This rich representation reflects the basis of different functional aspects of difficulty in the making of a decision and the possible role of difficulty estimation in complex decision scenarios.  相似文献   

We used phase resetting methods to predict firing patterns of rat subthalamic nucleus (STN) neurons when their rhythmic firing was densely perturbed by noise. We applied sequences of contiguous brief (0.5–2 ms) current pulses with amplitudes drawn from a Gaussian distribution (10–100 pA standard deviation) to autonomously firing STN neurons in slices. Current noise sequences increased the variability of spike times with little or no effect on the average firing rate. We measured the infinitesimal phase resetting curve (PRC) for each neuron using a noise-based method. A phase model consisting of only a firing rate and PRC was very accurate at predicting spike timing, accounting for more than 80% of spike time variance and reliably reproducing the spike-to-spike pattern of irregular firing. An approximation for the evolution of phase was used to predict the effect of firing rate and noise parameters on spike timing variability. It quantitatively predicted changes in variability of interspike intervals with variation in noise amplitude, pulse duration and firing rate over the normal range of STN spontaneous rates. When constant current was used to drive the cells to higher rates, the PRC was altered in size and shape and accurate predictions of the effects of noise relied on incorporating these changes into the prediction. Application of rate-neutral changes in conductance showed that changes in PRC shape arise from conductance changes known to accompany rate increases in STN neurons, rather than the rate increases themselves. Our results show that firing patterns of densely perturbed oscillators cannot readily be distinguished from those of neurons randomly excited to fire from the rest state. The spike timing of repetitively firing neurons may be quantitatively predicted from the input and their PRCs, even when they are so densely perturbed that they no longer fire rhythmically.  相似文献   

We discuss numerical methods for simulating large-scale, integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuronal networks. Important elements in our numerical methods are (i) a neurophysiologically inspired integrating factor which casts the solution as a numerically tractable integral equation, and allows us to obtain stable and accurate individual neuronal trajectories (i.e., voltage and conductance time-courses) even when the I&F neuronal equations are stiff, such as in strongly fluctuating, high-conductance states; (ii) an iterated process of spike-spike corrections within groups of strongly coupled neurons to account for spike-spike interactions within a single large numerical time-step; and (iii) a clustering procedure of firing events in the network to take advantage of localized architectures, such as spatial scales of strong local interactions, which are often present in large-scale computational models—for example, those of the primary visual cortex. (We note that the spike-spike corrections in our methods are more involved than the correction of single neuron spike-time via a polynomial interpolation as in the modified Runge-Kutta methods commonly used in simulations of I&F neuronal networks.) Our methods can evolve networks with relatively strong local interactions in an asymptotically optimal way such that each neuron fires approximately once in operations, where N is the number of neurons in the system. We note that quantifications used in computational modeling are often statistical, since measurements in a real experiment to characterize physiological systems are typically statistical, such as firing rate, interspike interval distributions, and spike-triggered voltage distributions. We emphasize that it takes much less computational effort to resolve statistical properties of certain I&F neuronal networks than to fully resolve trajectories of each and every neuron within the system. For networks operating in realistic dynamical regimes, such as strongly fluctuating, high-conductance states, our methods are designed to achieve statistical accuracy when very large time-steps are used. Moreover, our methods can also achieve trajectory-wise accuracy when small time-steps are used. Action Editor: Nicolas Brunel  相似文献   

F J White  R Y Wang 《Life sciences》1984,34(12):1161-1170
The present experiments investigated the relationship between the spontaneous basal firing rate of A10 dopamine (DA) neurons and their sensitivity to the rate-suppressant effects of intravenously administered apomorphine (APO) and d-amphetamine (AMP) as well as microiontophoretically ejected DA. The results indicated highly significant inverse relationships between basal neuronal activity and sensitivity to DA and DA agonists, i.e. the faster the spontaneous rate of an A10 DA neuron, the less sensitive that cell was to agonist-induced suppression. This relationship was not found for the rate suppressant effects of iontophoretic gamma-aminobutyric acid. There were no significant differences between the effects of iontophoretic DA on pre-glutamate and glutamate-driven activity of the same A10 DA neurons indicating that faster firing rates, per se, did not determine the sensitivity of these cells to DA agonists. Rather, these results suggest that both spontaneous activity and sensitivity to DA agonists may be determined by the density (or sensitivity) of DA autoreceptors on A10 DA neurons. This hypothesis was supported by the finding that antidromically identified mesocortical DA neurons, which were significantly less responsive to DA, APO and AMP exhibited significantly faster firing rates than other A10 DA neurons. Thus, this subpopulation of A10 DA neurons is primarily made up of cells with low autoreceptor density (or sensitivity).  相似文献   

The intervals between successive action potentials (impulses, or "spikes") produced the maintained firing of a neuron (ISIs) are often treated as if they were independent on each other; that is, an impulse train is considered as a stationary renewal process. If this is so, the variability of the mean rate of firing impulses in a sequence of temporal windows should be predictable from the distribution of ISIs. This was found not to be the case for the maintained firing of retinal ganglion cells in goldfish. Although some evident nonstationarity sometimes resulted in greater variability of the observed rate distributions than those predicted (for relatively long temporal windows), as a general rule the observed rate distributions were considerable less dispersed than would be predicted by sampling of the ISI distributions. This was taken as evidence of long-term serial dependency between successive ISIs; however, two standard test for dependency (autocorrelations and serial correlograms failed to to reveal structure of sufficiently long duration to account for the effect noted.  相似文献   

Izhikevich神经元网络的同步与联想记忆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联想记忆是人脑的一项重要功能。以Izhikevich神经元模型为节点,构建神经网络,神经元之间采用全连结的方式;以神经元群体的时空编码(spatio-temporal coding)理论研究所构建神经网络的联想记忆功能。在加入高斯白噪声的情况下,调节网络中神经元之间的连接强度的大小,当连接强度和噪声强度达到一个阈值时网络中部分神经元同步放电,实现了存储模式的联想记忆与恢复。仿真结果表明,神经元之间的连接强度在联想记忆的过程中发挥了重要的作用,噪声可以促使神经元间的同步放电,有助于神经网络实现存储模式的联想记忆与恢复。  相似文献   

Star-nosed moles have a series of mechanosensory appendages surrounding each nostril. Each appendage is covered with sensory organs (Eimer's organs) containing both rapidly adapting and slowly adapting mechanoreceptors and each appendage is represented in primary somatosensory cortex (S1) by a single cortical module. When the skin surface of an appendage is depressed, neurons in the corresponding module in S1 respond in either a transient or sustained fashion. The aim of this study was to characterize and compare the responses of these two classes of neurons to both short (5 or 20 ms) and long (500 ms) mechanosensory stimulation. Activity from neurons in the representation of appendage 11, the somatosensory fovea, was recorded while delivering mechanosensory stimuli to the corresponding skin surface. Transient and sustained neurons had different levels of spontaneous activity and different responses to both short and long mechanosensory stimulation. Neurons with sustained responses had a significantly higher spontaneous firing rate than neurons with transient responses. Transient neurons responded to a 5 ms stimulus with excitation followed by suppression of discharge whereas sustained neurons did not exhibit post-excitatory suppression. Rather, responses of sustained neurons to 5 ms stimuli lasted several hundred milliseconds. Consequently sustained responses contained significantly more spikes than transient responses. These experiments suggest contact to the appendages causes two distinct firing patterns in cortex regardless of the duration of the stimulus. The sustained and transient responses could reflect either the activity of fundamentally different classes of neurons or activity in distinct subcortical and cortical networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we systematically investigate both the synfire propagation and firing rate propagation in feedforward neuronal network coupled in an all-to-all fashion. In contrast to most earlier work, where only reliable synaptic connections are considered, we mainly examine the effects of unreliable synapses on both types of neural activity propagation in this work. We first study networks composed of purely excitatory neurons. Our results show that both the successful transmission probability and excitatory synaptic strength largely influence the propagation of these two types of neural activities, and better tuning of these synaptic parameters makes the considered network support stable signal propagation. It is also found that noise has significant but different impacts on these two types of propagation. The additive Gaussian white noise has the tendency to reduce the precision of the synfire activity, whereas noise with appropriate intensity can enhance the performance of firing rate propagation. Further simulations indicate that the propagation dynamics of the considered neuronal network is not simply determined by the average amount of received neurotransmitter for each neuron in a time instant, but also largely influenced by the stochastic effect of neurotransmitter release. Second, we compare our results with those obtained in corresponding feedforward neuronal networks connected with reliable synapses but in a random coupling fashion. We confirm that some differences can be observed in these two different feedforward neuronal network models. Finally, we study the signal propagation in feedforward neuronal networks consisting of both excitatory and inhibitory neurons, and demonstrate that inhibition also plays an important role in signal propagation in the considered networks.  相似文献   

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