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Purine nucleoside phosphorylase had previously been engineered to accept 6-amino substituted purine nucleosides by two active site substitutions, Asn243Asp; Lys244Gln. In the present study, recombinant adenosine phosphorylase (AP) has been conjugated to branched polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymers of approximately 42.5 kDa. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization analysis and SDS acrylamide electrophoresis analysis indicated a subunit composition of greater than 205 kDa consistent with the conjugation of as many as four PEG molecules per AP subunit. The PEG-conjugated enzyme retained greater than 90% of the native catalytic activity. Administration of the enzyme to mice demonstrated the PEG-AP to have a 67-fold increased plasma half-life compared to the native enzyme, 65.1+/-2.9 h versus 57.8+/-1.1 min, respectively. PEG-AP was principally confined to the plasma with minimal activity detected in tissues and of these spleen had the greatest activity and essentially no activity was found in urine. PEG-AP has retained activity with inosine and its injection into PNP-deficient mice resulted in a 2.7-fold increase in urine urate. AP was also shown to protect human CEM cells in culture from the toxic effects of 2'-deoxyadenosine. These studies provide evidence for consideration of PEG-AP as an alternative enzyme therapy for the inherited deficiency of adenosine deaminase.  相似文献   

Recent reports revealed that dendritic cell (DC)–natural killer (NK) cell interaction plays an important role in tumor immunity, but few DC vaccine studies have attempted to evaluate the non-specific, yet potentially clinically relevant, NK response to immunization. In this study, we first analyzed in vitro activation of NK cells by DCs similar to those used in clinical trials. Subsequently, NK cell responses were analyzed in a phase I clinical trial of a vaccine consisting of autologous DCs loaded with a fowlpox vector encoding CEA. The data were compared with the clinical outcome of the patients. DC enhances NK activity in vitro, partly by sustaining NK cell survival and by enhancing the expression of NK-activating receptors, including NKp46 and NKG2D. Among nine patients in our clinical trial, NK cytolytic activity increased in four (range 2.5–5 times greater lytic activity) including three who had increased NK cell frequency, was stable in two and decreased in three. NKp46 and NKG2D expression showed a good correlation with the patients’ NK activity. When patients were grouped by clinical activity (stable disease/no evidence of disease (stable/NE, n=5) vs progressive disease (N=4) at 3 months), the majority in the stable/NE group had increases in NK activity (P=0.016). Anti-CEA T cell response was enhanced in all the nine patients analyzed, but was not significantly different between the two groups (P=0.14). Thus, NK responses following DC vaccination may correlate more closely with clinical outcome than do T cell responses. Monitoring of NK response during vaccine studies should be routinely performed.  相似文献   

Mammary cancer is among the most prevalent canine tumors and frequently resulting in death due to metastatic disease that is highly homologous to human breast cancer. Most canine tumors fail to raise effective immune reactions yet, some spontaneous remissions do occur. Hybrid canine dendritic cell–tumor cell fusion vaccines were designed to enhance antigen presentation and tumor immune recognition. Peripheral blood-derived autologous dendritic cell enriched populations were isolated from dogs based on CD11c+ expression and fused with canine mammary tumor (CMT) cells for vaccination of laboratory Beagles. These hybrid cells were injected into popliteal lymph nodes of normal dogs, guided by ultrasound, and included CpG-oligonucleotide adjuvants. Three rounds of vaccination were delivered. Significant IgG responses were observed in all vaccinated dogs compared to vehicle-injected controls. Canine IgG antibodies recognized shared CMT antigens as was demonstrated by IgG-recognition of three unrelated/independently derived CMT cell lines, and recognition of freshly isolated, unrelated, primary biopsy-derived CMT cells. A bias toward an IgG2 isotype response was observed after two vaccinations in most dogs. Neither significant cytotoxic T cell responses were detected, nor adverse or side-effects due to vaccination or due to the induced immune responses noted. These data provide proof-of-principle for this cancer vaccine strategy and demonstrate the presence of shared CMT antigens that promote immune recognition of mammary cancer.  相似文献   

Adenosine has been established as an important regulator of immune activation. It signals through P1 adenosine receptors to suppress activation of T cells and professional APCs. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) counters this effect by catabolizing adenosine. This regulatory mechanism has not been tested in a disease model in vivo. Questions also remain as to which cell types are most sensitive to this regulation and whether its dysregulation contributes to any autoimmune conditions. We approached this issue using the NOD model. We report that ADA is upregulated in NOD dendritic cells, which results in their exuberant and spontaneous activation. This, in turn, triggers autoimmune T cell activation. NOD DCs deficient in ADA expression have a greatly reduced capacity to trigger type I diabetes. We also provide evidence that although many cell types, particularly T cells, have been implicated as the suppression targets by adenosine in an in vitro setting, DCs also seem to be affected by this regulatory mechanism. Therefore, this report illustrates a role of ADA in autoimmunity and suggests a potential target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

Mammalian adenosine deaminase has been shown by genetic and biochemical evidence to be essential for the development of the immune system. For the purpose of studying the function and structure of this enzyme, we have isolated by genetic selection a mouse cell line, B-1/50, in which adenosine deaminase levels were increased 4,300-fold over the parent cell line. The enzyme was purified from these cells in large quantity and high yield by a simple two-step purification scheme. The enzyme derived from the B-1/50 cells was indistinguishable from that of the parental cells as judged by several biochemical criteria. The Km (30 microM) and Ki (4 nM) values using adenosine as substrate and 2'-deoxycoformycin as inhibitor, respectively, were identical for the enzyme derived from the parental cells as well as the adenosine deaminase gene amplification mutants. The enzyme from both cell types exhibited multiple isoelectric focusing forms which co-purified using our purification protocol. Electrophoretic analysis using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels showed that adenosine deaminase migrated with an apparent molecular weight of 41,000 or 36,000 depending on whether the enzyme was reduced or oxidized, respectively. This shift was reversible, indicating that proteolysis was not responsible for the faster migrating form. Monospecific antibodies raised against purified adenosine deaminase cross-reacted with the enzyme derived from the parental cells and precipitated 37% of the total soluble protein in the B-1/50 cells. Continued genetic selection resulted in the isolation of cells in which adenosine deaminase was overproduced by 11,400-fold and accounted for over 75% of the soluble protein.  相似文献   

The structure of human adenosine deaminase mRNA from normal and mutant lymphoblasts was examined by sequence analysis of a cDNA for normal mRNA and electrophoretic analyses of DNA fragments generated by S1 endonuclease cleavage of mRNA-cDNA hybrids. The 1,533-base sequence of the cloned cDNA represents the complete mRNA sequence with the possible exception of some of the 5' untranslated region. S1 nuclease analyses of hybrids between cloned cDNA and normal adenosine deaminase mRNA confirmed that a 76-base sequence in a previously examined adenosine deaminase cDNA is an intron. S1 nuclease analyses of mRNAs from seven mutant cell lines demonstrated that four of the mutants, those in the GM-2471, GM-2756, GM-4258, and GM-2606 cells, contain small defects, such as single-base changes, that are not detectable by the S1 nuclease technique. Three of the mRNAs, those in GM-3043, GM-2294, and GM-2825A cells, do contain defects detectable with S1 nuclease. These defects differ from each other and have been mapped to specific regions of the mRNA. Some or all of these defective mRNAs are postulated to result from anomalous RNA processing.  相似文献   

A severe genetic deficiency of adenosine deaminase is causally associated with an autosomal recessive form of severe combined immunodeficiency disease, while subjects with absent erythrocyte but partial lymphocyte enzyme activity remain immunocompetent. The genetic expression of adenosine deaminase in B-lymphoblast cell lines derived from four unrelated subjects with the "partial" enzyme deficiency was examined. Enzymatic activity among these cell lines ranged from 5 to 50% of normal with the level of immunoreactive adenosine deaminase protein either proportional to enzyme activity or elevated in two of the cases. Northern blot analysis using a cDNA probe showed that adenosine deaminase mRNA in each of these cell lines was of normal expected size (1.6-1.8 kilobases) and was present in normal to above normal amounts. Rates of enzyme synthesis varied from 165 to 15% of normal. Adenosine deaminase protein degradation rates in these cell lines were 1.5 to almost 3 times faster than normal, consistent with the observed absence of the enzyme in erythrocytes. From these analyses apparent abnormalities in mRNA regulation, translation, and protein degradation can be identified among the partially adenosine deaminase-deficient cell lines studied. Ultimately, it will be essential to determine the nature of the protein mutation and the gene defect to define the structural alterations and functional abnormalities of enzyme variants isolated from subjects with partial adenosine deaminase deficiency.  相似文献   

In this age of targeted therapy, the failure of most current drug-discovery efforts to yield safe, effective, and inexpensive drugs has generated widespread concern. Successful drug development has been stymied by a general focus on target selection rather than clinical safety and efficacy. The very process of validating the targets themselves is inefficient and in many cases leads to drugs having poor efficacy and undesirable side effects. Indeed, some rationally designed drugs (e.g., inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), bcr-abl, and proteasomes) are ineffective against cancers and other inflammatory conditions and produce serious side effects. Since any given cancer carries mutations in an estimated 300 genes, this raises an important question about how effective these targeted therapies can ever be against cancer. Thus, it has become necessary to rethink drug development strategies. This review analyzes the shortcomings of rationally designed target-specific drugs against cancer cell signaling pathways and evaluates the available options for future drug development.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase, a purine salvage enzyme essential for immune competence, was studied by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. The heterogeneous emission from this four-tryptophan protein was separated into three lifetime components: tau 1 = 1 ns and tau 2 = 2.2 ns an emission maximum at about 330 nm and tau 3 = 6.3 ns with emission maximum at about 340 nm. Solvent accessibility of the tryptophan emission was probed with polar and nonpolar fluorescence quenchers. Acrylamide, iodide, and trichloroethanol quenched emission from all three components. Acrylamide quenching caused a blue shift in the decay-associated spectrum of component 3. The ground-state analogue enzyme inhibitor purine riboside quenched emission associated with component 2 whereas the transition-state analogue inhibitor deoxycoformycin quenched emission from both components 2 and 3. The quenching due to inhibitor binding had no effect on the lifetimes or emission maxima of the decay-associated spectra. These observations can be explained by a simple model of four tryptophan environments. Quenching studies of the enzyme-inhibitor complexes indicate that adenosine deaminase undergoes different protein conformation changes upon binding of ground- and transition-state analogue inhibitors. The results are consistent with localized structural alterations in the enzyme.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase (ADA) could be quantitated and the isozyme pattern characterized in cultured amniotic fluid cells. In 20 amniotic fluid cell cultures the mean specific activity was 14.3 U/g protein +/- 6.7 (SD) and compared favorably with values of 14.6 U/g protein +/- 6.8 (SD) observed in 26 cultures of skin fibroblasts. In cultures of skin fibroblasts established from two obligate heterozygotes for ADA deficiency, the specific activity of ADA was 7.0 and 7.7 U/g protein. The ADA isozyme pattern that existed in cultures of amniotic fluid cells was the same as that observed in cultured skin fibroblasts. This identification of the same apparent enzyme may permit the prenatal diagnosis of that form of combined immunodeficiency disease caused by ADA deficiency. Residual enzyme activity of less than 1% and 10% of the mean of normal fibroblasts could be measured in cultured fibroblasts from two unrelated children with ADA deficiency and combined immunodeficiency disease. The tissue-specific enzyme from cultured skin fibroblasts from the child with 10% residual activity had a faster electrophoretic mobility and greater heat stability than normal ADA. This enzymatic evidence indicates that at least two mutant alleles exist at the locus for ADA which predispose to combined immunodeficiency disease when present in the homozygous state.  相似文献   

Bryostatin-1 (Bryo-1), a PKC modulator, was previously shown to activate monocytes and lymphocytes to produce cytokines. In this report, we investigated the adjuvanticity of Bryo-1 both in vitro and in vivo. First, Bryo-1 was found to induce the release of CCL2 and CCL3 from mouse bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDC) in a dose-dependent manner. As little as 0.1 nM Bryo-I induced release of chemokines from BMDC and the maximal induction could be achieved at 5–10 nM. Both PKC and ERK inhibitors attenuated the release of CCL2 and CCL3. Consistently, Western blot indicated that Bryo-I activated ERK in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Experiments with the NF-κB inhibitor, MG-132, demonstrated that NF-κB was involved in the induction of CCL2 but not CCL3. Because chemokines have been demonstrated to have profound effects on immune reactions by regulating the trafficking of DC and other lymphocytes into lymphoid organs, Bryo-I was tested as an adjuvant in an E7 peptide (MHC class I-restricted peptide epitope derived from human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 E7 protein)-based cancer vaccine. Mice immunized by s.c. injection with Bryo-I/E7 had enlarged draining lymph nodes and showed an antigen specific T-cell response demonstrated by the release of IFN-γ from isolated splenocytes and in vivo CTL activity. Finally, immunization with Bryo-I/E7 totally prevented the E7-expressing TC-1 tumor growth in mice. In conclusion, for the first time, we demonstrated that Bryo-I induced chemokine release from dendritic cell and was an effective adjuvant for peptide cancer vaccine.  相似文献   

Infection by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), which has devastating effects on the host immune system. HIV entry into host cells and subsequent viral replication induce a proinflammatory response, hyperactivating immune cells and leading them to death, disfunction, and exhaustion. Adenosine is an immunomodulatory molecule that suppresses immune cell function to protect tissue integrity. The anti-inflammatory properties of adenosine modulate the chronic inflammation and immune activation caused by HIV. Lack of adenosine contributes to pathogenic events in HIV infection. However, immunosuppression by adenosine has its shortcomings, such as impairing the immune response, hindering the elimination of the virus and control of viral replication. By attempting to control inflammation, adenosine feeds a pathogenic cycle affecting immune cells. Deamination of adenosine by ADA (adenosine deaminase) counteracts the negative effects of adenosine in immune cells, boosting the immune response. This review comprises the connection between adenosinergic system and HIV immunopathogenesis, exploring defects in immune cell function and the role of ADA in protecting these cells against damage.  相似文献   

Kinetic and thermodynamic studies have been made on the effect of diethyl pyrocarbonate as a histidine modifier on the active site of adenosine deaminase in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer pH 6.8, at 27 degrees C using UV spectrophotometry and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Inactivation of adenosine deaminase by diethyl pyrocarbonate is correlated with modification of histidyl residues. The number of modified histidine residues complexed to active site of adenosine deaminase are equivalent to 4. The number and energy of histidine binding sets are determined by enthalpy curve, which represents triple stages. These stages are composed of 3,1 and 1 sites of histidyl modified residues at diethyl pyrocarbonate concentrations, 0.63, 1.8, 3.3 mM. The heat contents corresponding to the first, second and third sets are found to be 18000, 22000 and 21900 kJ mol(-1) respectively.  相似文献   

Nucleotidase cascades (apyrase, 5′ nucleotidase, and adenosine deaminase (ADA) were investigated in the parasitic trematode Fasciola gigantica. ADA had the highest activity in the nucleotidase cascades. Adenosine deaminase was purified from F. gigantica through acetone precipitation and chromatography on CM-cellulose. Two forms of enzyme (ADAI, ADAII) were separated. ADAII was purified to homogeneity after chromatography on Sephacryl S-200. The molecular mass was 29 KDa for the native and denatured enzyme using gel filtration and SDS-PAGE, respectively. The enzyme (ADAII) had a pH optimum at 7.5 and a Km 1.0 mM adenosine, a temperature optimum at 40 °C and heat stability up to 40 °C. The order of effectiveness of metals as inhibitors was found to be Hg2+ > Mn2+ > Cu2+ > Ca2+ > Zn2+ > Ni2+ > Ba2+.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase, which catalyzes the deamination of adenosine and deoxyadenosine, plays a central role in purine metabolism. Indeed, its deficiency is associated with severe immunodeficiency and abnormalities in the functioning of many organs, including nervous system. We have mimicked an adenosine deaminase-deficient situation by incubating a human astrocytoma cell line in the presence of deoxycoformycin, a strong adenosine deaminase inhibitor, and deoxyadenosine, which accumulates in vivo when the enzyme is deficient, and have monitored the effect of the combination on cell viability, mitochondrial functions, and other metabolic features. Astrocytomas are the most common neoplastic transformations occurring in glial cell types, often characterized by a poor prognosis. Our experimental approach may provide evidence both for the response to a treatment affecting purine metabolism of a tumor reported to be particularly resistant to chemotherapeutic approaches and for the understanding of the molecular basis of neurological manifestations related to errors in purine metabolism. Cells incubated in the presence of the combination, but not those incubated with deoxyadenosine or deoxycoformycin alone, underwent apoptotic death, which appears to proceed through a mitochondrial pathway, since release of cytochrome c has been observed. The inhibition of adenosine deaminase increases both mitochondrial reactive oxygen species level and mitochondrial mass. A surprising effect of the combination is the significant reduction in lactate production, suggestive of a reduced glycolytic capacity, not ascribable to alterations in NAD+/NADH ratio, nor to a consumption of inorganic phosphate. This is a hitherto unknown effect presenting early during the incubation with deoxyadenosine and deoxycoformycin, which precedes their effect on cell viability.  相似文献   

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