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Summary The production ofBordetella pertussis extracytoplasmic filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) and pertussis toxin (PT) in a bioreactor under stirring conditions was studied in order to investigate the effect of hydromechanical forces on yields of both antigens. It was shown that FHA loses its haemagglutinin activity when the power transmitted by the agitator and the aerator per unit volume increases, whereas PT production is not affected. The loss of FHA activity can be explained by the action of shear forces on the filamentous structure of this antigen.Nomenclature C* dissolved oxygen saturation concentration - C1 dissolved oxygen concentration - D impeller diameter - power transmitted by the agitator and the aerator per unit of liquid volume - Em maximum local energy dissipation rate per unit of liquid volume - KLa volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient - N impeller speed - Pg power input in aerated system - qO2m maximum specific oxygen consumption rate - Re Reynold number (D2N /) - VVM volume of air per volume of fermentation broth per minute - Xm maximum of biomass concentration - o Kolmogorov-microscale - fermentation broth viscosity - fermentation broth kinematic viscosity - fermentation broth density - expt experiment  相似文献   

The development of acellular pertussis vaccines has raised a number of issues relevant to the control of these products. Of particular importance is the need for robust and accurate in vitro assays for the antigen content of the vaccines which might contain up to five different antigen components, each of which needs to be independently assayed. This paper describes a simple method for the quantification of three component antigens. Because relatively high doses of purified antigens are used in those preparations, the elimination of residual toxicity is a major concern. This is achieved by genetic modification of chemical treatment. The latter results in modification of the immunological reactivity of the antigens making direct assay by such methods as ELISA ineffective. A single radial diffusion technique using polyclonal antisera for the assay of pertussis toxoid (PTxd), chemically treated filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) and pertactin (69 kDa) has been developed. The method uses low concentrations of antisera, allowing accurate and reproducible quantification of antigen content as low as 25 microg/ml of protein for pertussis toxoid and filamentous haemagglutinin and 5 microg/ml for pertactin. Since by the addition of detergent, diffusible subunits are produced irrespective of the original physical state of the antigens, the assay is suitable for assay of these antigens after detoxification/or stabilization by chemical treatment and is able to determine the differences between preparations which have the same protein concentration but different antigenic contents. This provides a means for assuring the consistency of the antigens after detoxification/or chemical stabilization which could be used as an in-process control method for acellular pertussis vaccines.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis, the causative agent of whooping cough, secretes and releases adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT), which is a protein bacterial toxin that targets host cells and disarms immune defenses. ACT binds filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), a surface‐displayed adhesin, and until now, the consequences of this interaction were unknown. A B. bronchiseptica mutant lacking ACT produced more biofilm than the parental strain; leading Irie et al. to propose the ACT‐FHA interaction could be responsible for biofilm inhibition. Here we characterize the physical interaction of ACT with FHA and provide evidence linking that interaction to inhibition of biofilm in vitro. Exogenous ACT inhibits biofilm formation in a concentration‐dependent manner and the N‐terminal catalytic domain of ACT (AC domain) is necessary and sufficient for this inhibitory effect. AC Domain interacts with the C‐terminal segment of FHA with ~650 nM affinity. ACT does not inhibit biofilm formation by Bordetella lacking the mature C‐terminal domain (MCD), suggesting the direct interaction between AC domain and the MCD is required for the inhibitory effect. Additionally, AC domain disrupts preformed biofilm on abiotic surfaces. The demonstrated inhibition of biofilm formation by a host‐directed protein bacterial toxin represents a novel regulatory mechanism and identifies an unprecedented role for ACT.  相似文献   

Abstract Adherence of B. pertussis to NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts was efficiently inhibited by a mouse immune serum reacting specifically with the filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), whereas a mouse immune serum reacting specifically with the pertussis toxin (Ptx) produced partial inhibition only significant after 3 h infection. Protection against cytopathic effects on infected 3T3 cells with anti-FHA antibodies was at least as effective (83.3%± 7.5) as with anti-Ptx antibodies (75%± 4). This suggests that adherence of B. pertussis to eukaryotic receptors is a primary mechanism determining both bacterial proliferation and toxic effects in susceptible cells, and that prevention of B. pertussis attachment to cell receptors might be sufficient to protect against both infectious and toxic processes in whooping cough.  相似文献   

The antibody response to filamentous haemagglutinin and pertussis toxin was studied in N:NIH mice vaccinated according to the WHO recommendations for potency test with the International Standard for Pertussis Vaccine (ISPV). Some of the vaccinated animals were challenged intracerebrally on day 14. All animals, whether challenged or not, were bled on days 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 after immunization. The relationship between anti-PT and anti-FHA antibodies measured by ELISA and protection from intracerebral challenge was examined. All those mice with anti-PT titres on day 14 higher than 43 EU/ml survived challenge. No relationship was found between anti-FHA antibodies and survival. Anti-PT titres on day 14 below 43 EU/ml were related to the days of survival after challenge; a linear regression curve of y = 13 + 2.4x, with a correlation coefficient r = 0.61 was found. Anti-PT antibodies seem to play an important role in protection when animals are challenged intracerebrally, as is the case in the standard potency test for pertussis vaccine.  相似文献   

Antibody synthesis was spontaneously induced in lymphoid cell cultures prepared from the draining lymph nodes of immunized rabbits. Induction of this response was attributed to cell-associated persisting antigen. The identity of the cell with which the antigen was associated was sought. Removal of the macrophage-rich adherent cell population did not diminish spontaneous induction. However, removal of a different cell population by the carbonyl iron method markedly inhibited spontaneous antibody synthesis. In addition, treatment of cultured lymph node cells with ethylenediaminetetraacetate, which is known to remove antigen bound to cell surfaces, also inhibited spontaneous induction. Induction of antibody synthesis could be restored in either of these situations by the addition of a suitable quantity of specific antigen. Although removal of the cell type which adhered to carbonyl iron depressed spontaneous antibody synthesis, the treatment had no effect on concanavalin A-mediated lymphocyte transformation. The combined evidence indicates that the persisting antigen responsible for induction of the spontaneous response is bound to the surface of an accessory cell which is probably a sessile macrophage or a dendritic-type cell.  相似文献   

An immunostimulatory factor was identified to be secreted by antigen-pulsed macrophages.This factor was able to induce the generation of antigen specific T helper lymphocytes in vitro as well as in vivo.Further in vitro experiments testing for the genetic restriction of this factor indicated that it is a geneticallyrestricted antigen specific factor (ASF).The Cunningham plaque assay was used to quantify the generation of T helper lymphocytes by measuring the number of plaque forming cells after sequential incubations of antigen-qulsed macrophages with T lymphocytes,and then spleen cells,and finally the TNP-coated sheep red blood cells.  相似文献   

In comparison with the presently used potency test for diphtheria vaccine, in vitro examination of the immunogenicity of the vaccine would have great advantages. For this reason in vitro induction of diphtheria toxoid specific antibody synthesis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes cultivated in the presence of diphtheria toxoid was investigated. The results showed that a dose dependent synthesis of diphtheria antibody was induced by adsorbed diphtheria toxoid and combined vaccines containing the diphtheria toxoid component. Plain diphtheria toxoid appeared to be less immunogenic in comparison with adsorbed toxoid. There is some indication that the pertussis component had a stimulating effect on the diphtheria antibody synthesis. In conclusion, these results are promising for in vitro examination of the immunogenicity of diphtheria vaccines. The model will be validated for the routine control of diphtheria vaccine.  相似文献   

The immunomodulating activity of acellular pertussis vaccine (APV) and adsorbed DPT vaccine with acellular pertussis component (DPTA vaccine) was studied. The study revealed that only large doses of APV, 10 immunizing doses (ID), suppressed humoral and cell-mediated response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). 1 ID produced no influence on the formation of antibody producing cells, but increased the development of delayed hypersensitivity (DH) to SRBC. The modulation of cell-mediated immune response, induced by APV, returned to normal after the injection of purified staphylococcal toxoid, used as immunomodulator, in doses of 0.15 BU per mouse and 1.5 BU per mouse. DPTA vaccine containing 1 ID, as well as 10 ID, produced no immunomodulating effect. This was established by the evaluation of humoral response to SRBC in CBA mice and the study of the formation of DH to SRBC in BALB/c mice. As indicated by the total of the presented data, the inclusion of APV into DPTA vaccine enhanced the immunological safety of its pertussis component.  相似文献   

A commercially available whole-cell pertussis IgG ELISA was used to test the response of 137 2-month-old infants to immunization with a trivalent acellular pertussis vaccine. The pre-immunization geometric mean (GM) IgG index was 6.96 (95% confidence interval (CI) 5.88-8.04) and the postimmunization GM index was 13.16 (95% CI 12. 20-14.11), P < 0.001. Eighty percent of subjects (110/137) had a significant 1.5-fold increase of pertussis IgG index (97/137, 71%) or a postimmunization IgG index > 10 (93/137, 68%). In single antigen ELISA, 83% showed at least a fourfold increase in pertussis toxin-specific IgG (PT-IgG) and 91% showed an increase in IgG specific for filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA-IgG). Four percent had high pre- immunization antibody levels (index > 20), likely to reflect recent maternal exposure to pertussis. This correlated with a smaller increase in pertussis IgG index. A decline in pertussis IgG index postimmunization occurred in 17/24 infants (71%) whose pre-immunization IgG index was > 10. This postimmunization pertussis IgG index was not significantly different to that of infants with a low pre-immunization index. A similar trend was noted with PT-IgG and FHA-IgG results. The whole-cell ELISA can detect a response to acellular pertussis vaccination in most infants if both antibody index and degree of seroconversion are calculated and at least one criterion is satisfied.  相似文献   

Cloned human T lymphocytes induced with influenza A virus (A/Texas/1/77) and maintained in continuous culture with T cell growth factor were assayed for helper function in the in vitro production of anti-influenza antibody. Helper function mediated by both cloned helper T cells and normal peripheral blood lymphocytes was highly antigen dose-dependent, requiring lower concentrations than that necessary to induce blastogenesis. Optimal help was observed with 1 X 10(2) cloned T cells per culture, whereas excess helper cells inhibited the response. After culture with influenza A virus-induced cloned helper T cells, the antibodies formed were directed against influenza A and not B virus. Furthermore, the cloned helper T cells despite being specific for matrix protein collaborated in the production of predominantly anti-hemagglutinin antibody, suggesting associative recognition of the two discrete antigens. Cellular interactions between cloned helper cells from an HLA-Dw1,3 DR1,3 individual and erythrocyte rosette-negative cells required HLA-Dw1; DR1 compatibility for the production of specific antibody. This was confirmed by using subclones. Finally, it was observed that supernatants of the cloned helper T cells contained functional activity capable of replacing the parent cells in the production of anti-influenza A virus antibody.  相似文献   

T cytotoxic cells generated to syngeneic SV40 virus transformants lyse only SV40 target cells that are syngeneic at the H-2 locus. In contrast, SV40-specific tumor transplantation immunity shows no requirements for syngeneic H-2. Inoculation of allogeneic or even xenogeneic transformants will confer immunity to a challenge of syngeneic SV40 tumor cells. The experiments described here represent an attempt to reconcile these apparently conflicting observations. In our hands, generation of SV40-specific T cytotoxic cells in vitro requires both in vivo priming and secondary in vitro sensitization. We have found that priming for a secondary syngeneic-restricted response requires only that the cell employed be SV40 transformed. That is, priming may be accomplished with syngeneic, allogeneic, or xenogeneic SV40 transformants. Thus, the apparent lack of H-2 restriction in vivo immunity does not eliminate a role for the H-2-restricted cytotoxic T cell in tumor transplantation immunity.  相似文献   

Selective induction of DNA synthesis in T and B lymphocytes   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  

The study is based on assumption that B. pertussis strains harbouring different allele variants of genes encoding subunit S1 of pertussis toxin and pertactin might be eliminated with different efficiency from lung tissue of mice which were immunized with whole-cell and acellular pertussis vaccines. It has been assumed that strains containing combinations of genes alleles which were not prevalent since 1990-ties are consisting of mutated strains in respect to pertussis toxin subunit S1 and pertactin, and are capable to decrease efficiency of pertussis vaccines. Experiments performed in vivo dealt with activity of tested vaccines against B. pertussis strains of different combinations of ptxS1/prn. The study indicated for lowered efficiency of whole-cell and acellular pertussis vaccines in elimination of mutated strains of B. pertussis from animal lung tissue in comparison with strains currently used for vaccine production.  相似文献   

Only antibodies of the IgM class were produced in vitro by peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with streptococcal carbohydrate. B cells of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells, however, synthesized both IgM and IgG class antibodies when combined with tonsillar T cells, suggesting that T cells inducing immunoglobulin class switching are present in the tonsils. Peripheral blood T cells also became capable of inducing B cells to produce IgG class antibodies when the T cells were incubated with antigen-pulsed macrophages. Surface IgM-positive, IgG-negative high-density B cells produced IgG antibodies for streptococcal carbohydrate in the presence of these T cells or tonsillar T cells. The culture supernatant solutions from these T cells or tonsillar T cells, however, failed to cause the B cells to produce IgG, indicating that class switching is not mediated by factors released from T cells. Lymphokines such as interleukin-2, human B cell growth factor, helper T cell factor, or interferon-gamma were also incapable of inducing IgG production. These results suggest that the cognate interaction between T cells and B cells is necessary for the immunoglobulin class switching.  相似文献   

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