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Four thousand 8-week-old SPF B6C3F1 mice (2000 of each sex) were divided into four groups, one nonirradiated (control) and three irradiated. The irradiated groups were exposed to (137)Cs gamma rays at dose rates of 21, 1.1 and 0.05 mGy day(-1) for approximately 400 days with total doses equivalent to 8000, 400 and 20 mGy, respectively. All mice were kept until natural death, and pathological examination was performed to determine the cause of death. Neoplasms accounted for >86.7% of all deaths. Compared to the nonirradiated controls, the frequency of myeloid leukemia in males, soft tissue neoplasms and malignant granulosa cell tumors in females, and hemangiosarcoma in both sexes exposed to 21 mGy day(-1) were significantly increased. The number of multiple primary neoplasms per mouse was significantly increased in mice irradiated at 21 mGy day(-1). Significant increases in body weights were observed from 32 to 60 weeks of age in males and females exposed to 1.1 mGy day(-1) and 21 mGy day(-1), respectively. Our results suggest that life shortening (Tanaka et al., Radiat. Res. 160, 376-379, 2003) in mice continuously exposed to low-dose-rate gamma rays is due to early death from a variety of neoplasms and not from increased incidence of specific neoplasms.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation has been shown to have dose- and dose-rate-dependent carcinogenic effects on the hematopoietic and lymphoreticular systems. We report here that continuous exposure to a low dose of gamma rays influences the course of spontaneous B-cell lymphoma in SJL mice. We studied the biological effects of 10 cGy year(-1) gamma rays on the life span of 560 4-week-old SJL/J female mice and on various parameters of the cell-mediated immune response. Life span was slightly prolonged. The mean survival was 397 days for controls and 417 days for irradiated mice that died with lymphoma (P = 0.34). In lymph nodes and spleen, lower percentages of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were observed in irradiated mice before 32 weeks. Interestingly, the percentages of CD49+ NK cells were increased in the spleens of irradiated mice at 28 weeks (0.61 +/- 0.08% compared to 0.43 +/- 0.12% in controls, P = 0.01) and at 32 weeks (0.62 +/- 0.24% compared to 0.33 +/- 0.09%, P = 0.02), while NK cell activity remained unchanged in exposed mice. These results provide further support for the absence of harmful effects of a continuous very low dose of radiation on life span and incidence of lymphoma in SJL mice.  相似文献   

Induction of cell killing and mutation to 6-thioguanine resistance was studied in growing mouse leukemia cells in culture following gamma rays at dose rates of 30 Gy/h, 20 cGy/h, and 6.3 mGy/h, i.e., acute, low dose rate, and very low dose rate irradiation. A marked increase was observed in the cell survival with decreasing dose rate; no reduction in the surviving fraction was detected after irradiation at 6.3 mGy/h until a total dose of 4 Gy. Similarly, the induced mutation frequency decreased after low dose rate irradiation compared to acute irradiation. However, the frequency after irradiation at 6.3 mGy/h was unexpectedly high and remained at a level which was intermediate between acute and low dose rate irradiation. No appreciable changes were observed in the responses to acute gamma rays (in terms of cell killing and mutation induction) in the cells which had experienced very low dose rate irradiation.  相似文献   

Levels of DNA-protein cross-links (DPC) and DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) in spleen lymphocytes were studied in mice exposed to low-intensity gamma-radiation (1.7 mGy/day) for 1, 4, 10, 20, and 30 days. The spleen mass and count of lymphocytes isolated from this organ also has been investigated. The significant increase in the DPC level as compared to the control occurred on the 10-th and 30-th days of irradiation at doses of 1.7 and 5.1 cGy, accordingly. The number of spleen lymphocytes normalized to organ mass significantly decreased on the 4-th and 30-th days of the experiment. No increase was found in levels of alkali-labile sites and SSB. In contrast, the increase in the amount of duplex form DNA was recorded on the 4-th and 30-th days of the experiment. Our indicate that DPC formation after irradiation at low doses represents some form of cellular response to the damaging agent.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the mean after survival of female B6CF1 mice exposed to single doses of neutrons (1 to 40 rad) or gamma rays (22.5, 45, and 90 rad). For gamma-ray exposures and for neutron exposures up to 10 rad, the dose-response curves are indistinguishable from linear; higher neutron doses produce significant departures and linearity. Consequently, in these data, an upper limit of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) exists for life shortening from all causes of death after single neutron exposures; this value is 15.0 +/- 5.1. The RBE depends on the cause of death, ranging from 2 to 5 for lymphoreticular tumors to 23-24 for lung tumors.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the mean aftersurvival of male B6CF1 mice exposed for 22 h per day, 5 days per week, to 60Co gamma radiation at dose rates of 1.36 to 12.64 x 10(-3) cGy/min for 23 weeks or 1.36 to 6.32 x 10(-3) cGy/min for 59 weeks. For deaths from all causes, linear dose-response curves were obtained with slopes (days of life lost/cGy) of 0.158 +/- 0.016 and 0.077 +/- 0.002 for 23- and 59-week exposures, respectively. These values were not significantly altered when the analysis was restricted to those mice dying with tumors (92% of the total) or to those presumably dying from tumors (82% of the total). Analysis of mortality rates showed that about 90% of the radiation-specific excess mortality was tumor related. The 59-week exposure series induced only a small increase in the number of days of life lost/cGy/weekly fraction over that induced by 23 weeks of irradiation, 4.53 +/- 0.15 compared to 3.64 +/- 0.36 days lost/cGy/weekly fraction. This lower than expected value for 59 weeks of exposure may signal the approach to the final linear, additive, injury term postulated from earlier studies at this laboratory with low-dose-rate, daily, duration-of-life 60Co gamma irradiation.  相似文献   

Female CD 1 mice were exposed from the thirty-fifth day of age for the remainder of their lives to 2.45 GHz, CW-microwave radiation at a power density of 3 or 10 m W/cm2 (SAR = 2.0 or 6.8 W/kg). Exposures took place 1 h/day, 5 day/week in an anechoic chamber at an ambient temperature of 22 °C and a relative humidity of 50%. There were 25 animals in each exposure group, and an equal number of controls were concurrently sham exposed. The average life span of animals exposed at 10 mW/cm2 was significantly shorter than that of sham-exposed controls (572 days vs. 706 days; P = .049; truncation >20%). In contrast, the average lifespan of the animals exposed at 3 mW/cm2 was slightly, but not significantly, longer (738 days) than that of controls (706 days). © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    As the total dose of X or gamma rays is delivered at lower and lower rates, the yield of chromosome aberrations progressively diminishes. Simultaneously, the shape of the dose response changes from one exhibiting pronounced upward curvature at high dose rates to one approaching linearity at low dose rates. Although the maximum sparing effect caused by lowering the dose rate can be predicted from classical cytogenetic theory, it has yet to be verified experimentally. Here, noncycling normal human fibroblasts were exposed to graded doses of (137)Cs gamma rays at chronic dose rates of 6.3 and 2.8 cGy h(-1), dose rates that we reasoned should be lower than those required to achieve maximal sparing. This was indeed shown to be the case, after it was determined that the two chronic dose rates produced identical linear dose responses of 0.05 total aberrations per cell Gy(-1). Consistent with cytogenetic theory, this value was statistically indistinguishable from the linear coefficient derived from a fit to aberration frequencies produced by high-dose-rate exposure. Exposure to (238)Pu alpha particles also produced a linear dose response for total aberrations, whose slope-with respect to (137)Cs gamma rays as a reference radiation-implied a maximum RBE of 35 +/- 2.  相似文献   

    Induction of cell killing and mutation to 6-thioguanine resistance was examined in a radiation-sensitive mutant strain LX830 of mouse leukemia cells following gamma irradiation at dose rates of 30 Gy/h (acute), 20 cGy/h (low dose rate), and 6.2 mGy/h (very low dose rate). LX830 cells were hypersensitive to killing by acute gamma rays. A slight but significant increase was observed in cell survival with decreasing dose rate down to 6.2 mGy/h, where the survival leveled off above certain total doses. The cells were also hypersensitive to mutation induction compared to the wild type. The mutation frequency increased linearly with increasing dose for all dose rates. No significant difference was observed in the frequency of induced mutations versus total dose at the three different dose rates so that the mutation frequency in LX830 cells at 6.2 mGy/h was not significantly different from that for moderate or acute irradiation.  相似文献   

    E. J. Yunis  M. Salazar 《Genetica》1993,91(1-3):211-223
    Thymic involution that occurs earlier in some individuals than others may be the result of complex interactions between genetic factors and the environment. Such interactions may produce defects of thymus-dependent immune regulation associated with susceptibility to developing autoimmune diseases, malignancy, and an increased number of infections associated with aging.The major histocompatibility complex may be important in determining profiles of cause of death and length of life in mice. Genetic influences on life span involve interactions between loci and allelic interactions during life which may change following viral infections or exposure to other environmental factors. We have used different experimental protocols to study the influence of H-2 on life span and found that interactions between genetic regions, are inconsistent, particularly when comparing mice infected or not infected with Sendai virus.Genes important for life span need to be studied against many genetic backgrounds and under differing environmental conditions because of the complexity of the genetics of life span. Several genetic models were used to demonstrate that the MHC is a marker of life span in backcross and intercross male mice of the H-2d and H-2b genotypes in B10 congenic mice. Females lived longer than males in backcross and intercross mice, while males lived longer than females in B10 congenics. H-2d was at a disadvantage for life span in backcross mice of the dilute brown and brown males exposed to Sendai infection, but intercross mice not exposed to Sendai virus of the same genotype were not at a disadvantage. H-2d mice were not disadvantaged when compared to H-2b in B10 congenics that had not been exposed to Sendai virus infection but the reverse was true when they were exposed. Overall, all our studies suggest that genetic influences in life span may involve interactions between loci and many allelic interactions in growing animals or humans. These genetic influences on life span may vary after they are exposed to infections or other environmental conditions. This paper emphasizes the need to use several genetic models, especially animals that have been monitored for infections, to study the genetics of life span.  相似文献   

    A total of 6316 B6CF1 mice were exposed to 60 equal once-weekly doses of 0.85-MeV fission neutrons (0.033 to 0.67 cGy per weekly fraction) or 60Co gamma rays (1.67 to 10 cGy per weekly fraction) and were observed until they died. The mean aftersurvival times showed that the dose-response curves for both neutron and gamma-ray exposures were indistinguishable from linear over all doses except the highest neutron dose. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for neutrons, calculated as the ratio of the initial slopes of the dose-response curves, was about 20 for both males and females. Essentially the same value was obtained by a number of other analyses of the data. Virtually all of the radiation-specific excess mortality could be attributed to tumors; after decrementation of the population for nontumor deaths, the value of the RBE was not significantly changed.  相似文献   

    Molecular and cytogenetic parameters were estimated in male CBA/lac mice exposed to chronic low dose-rate gamma-radiation (62 cGy/year) for 40, 80, 120, 210, and 365 days. After 40 days of exposure (6.7 cGy), spleen lymphocyte susceptibility to hydrogen peroxide was shown to increase. However, beginning from the day 120 of the treatment (20.4 cGy), the opposite effect was observed. An increase in number of the DNA-protein crosslinks was recorded in spleen lymphocytes only on day 40 of the experiment. The number of DNA breaks increased significantly beginning from day 120 of the experiment, as shown by the DNA-comet method. On the day 210 of irradiation, the frequency of abnormal sperm heads in the mice significantly increased. The number of normochromatic micronucleated erythrocytes of the peripheral blood remained unchanged.  相似文献   

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