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We present a stochastic sequence evolution model to obtain alignments and estimate mutation rates between two homologous sequences. The model allows two possible evolutionary behaviors along a DNA sequence in order to determine conserved regions and take its heterogeneity into account. In our model, the sequence is divided into slow and fast evolution regions. The boundaries between these sections are not known. It is our aim to detect them. The evolution model is based on a fragment insertion and deletion process working on fast regions only and on a substitution process working on fast and slow regions with different rates. This model induces a pair hidden Markov structure at the level of alignments, thus making efficient statistical alignment algorithms possible. We propose two complementary estimation methods, namely, a Gibbs sampler for Bayesian estimation and a stochastic version of the EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation. Both algorithms involve the sampling of alignments. We propose a partial alignment sampler, which is computationally less expensive than the typical whole alignment sampler. We show the convergence of the two estimation algorithms when used with this partial sampler. Our algorithms provide consistent estimates for the mutation rates and plausible alignments and sequence segmentations on both simulated and real data.  相似文献   

Exact and heuristic algorithms for the Indel Maximum Likelihood Problem.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Given a multiple alignment of orthologous DNA sequences and a phylogenetic tree for these sequences, we investigate the problem of reconstructing the most likely scenario of insertions and deletions capable of explaining the gaps observed in the alignment. This problem, that we called the Indel Maximum Likelihood Problem (IMLP), is an important step toward the reconstruction of ancestral genomics sequences, and is important for studying evolutionary processes, genome function, adaptation and convergence. We solve the IMLP using a new type of tree hidden Markov model whose states correspond to single-base evolutionary scenarios and where transitions model dependencies between neighboring columns. The standard Viterbi and Forward-backward algorithms are optimized to produce the most likely ancestral reconstruction and to compute the level of confidence associated to specific regions of the reconstruction. A heuristic is presented to make the method practical for large data sets, while retaining an extremely high degree of accuracy. The methods are illustrated on a 1-Mb alignment of the CFTR regions from 12 mammals.  相似文献   

This article proposes a novel approach to statistical alignment of nucleotide sequences by introducing a context dependent structure on the substitution process in the underlying evolutionary model. We propose to estimate alignments and context dependent mutation rates relying on the observation of two homologous sequences. The procedure is based on a generalized pair-hidden Markov structure, where conditional on the alignment path, the nucleotide sequences follow a Markov distribution. We use a stochastic approximation expectation maximization (saem) algorithm to give accurate estimators of parameters and alignments. We provide results both on simulated data and vertebrate genomes, which are known to have a high mutation rate from CG dinucleotide. In particular, we establish that the method improves the accuracy of the alignment of a human pseudogene and its functional gene.  相似文献   

This work presents a novel pairwise statistical alignment method based on an explicit evolutionary model of insertions and deletions (indels). Indel events of any length are possible according to a geometric distribution. The geometric distribution parameter, the indel rate, and the evolutionary time are all maximum likelihood estimated from the sequences being aligned. Probability calculations are done using a pair hidden Markov model (HMM) with transition probabilities calculated from the indel parameters. Equations for the transition probabilities make the pair HMM closely approximate the specified indel model. The method provides an optimal alignment, its likelihood, the likelihood of all possible alignments, and the reliability of individual alignment regions. Human alpha and beta-hemoglobin sequences are aligned, as an illustration of the potential utility of this pair HMM approach.  相似文献   

The model of insertions and deletions in biological sequences, first formulated by Thorne, Kishino, and Felsenstein in 1991 (the TKF91 model), provides a basis for performing alignment within a statistical framework. Here we investigate this model.Firstly, we show how to accelerate the statistical alignment algorithms several orders of magnitude. The main innovations are to confine likelihood calculations to a band close to the similarity based alignment, to get good initial guesses of the evolutionary parameters and to apply an efficient numerical optimisation algorithm for finding the maximum likelihood estimate. In addition, the recursions originally presented by Thorne, Kishino and Felsenstein can be simplified. Two proteins, about 1500 amino acids long, can be analysed with this method in less than five seconds on a fast desktop computer, which makes this method practical for actual data analysis.Secondly, we propose a new homology test based on this model, where homology means that an ancestor to a sequence pair can be found finitely far back in time. This test has statistical advantages relative to the traditional shuffle test for proteins.Finally, we describe a goodness-of-fit test, that allows testing the proposed insertion-deletion (indel) process inherent to this model and find that real sequences (here globins) probably experience indels longer than one, contrary to what is assumed by the model.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment plays an important role in molecular sequence analysis. An alignment is the arrangement of two (pairwise alignment) or more (multiple alignment) sequences of 'residues' (nucleotides or amino acids) that maximizes the similarities between them. Algorithmically, the problem consists of opening and extending gaps in the sequences to maximize an objective function (measurement of similarity). A simple genetic algorithm was developed and implemented in the software MSA-GA. Genetic algorithms, a class of evolutionary algorithms, are well suited for problems of this nature since residues and gaps are discrete units. An evolutionary algorithm cannot compete in terms of speed with progressive alignment methods but it has the advantage of being able to correct for initially misaligned sequences; which is not possible with the progressive method. This was shown using the BaliBase benchmark, where Clustal-W alignments were used to seed the initial population in MSA-GA, improving outcome. Alignment scoring functions still constitute an open field of research, and it is important to develop methods that simplify the testing of new functions. A general evolutionary framework for testing and implementing different scoring functions was developed. The results show that a simple genetic algorithm is capable of optimizing an alignment without the need of the excessively complex operators used in prior study. The clear distinction between objective function and genetic algorithms used in MSA-GA makes extending and/or replacing objective functions a trivial task.  相似文献   



The comparison of homologous sequences from different species is an essential approach to reconstruct the evolutionary history of species and of the genes they harbour in their genomes. Several complete mitochondrial and nuclear genomes are now available, increasing the importance of using multiple sequence alignment algorithms in comparative genomics. MtDNA has long been used in phylogenetic analysis and errors in the alignments can lead to errors in the interpretation of evolutionary information. Although a large number of multiple sequence alignment algorithms have been proposed to date, they all deal with linear DNA and cannot handle directly circular DNA. Researchers interested in aligning circular DNA sequences must first rotate them to the "right" place using an essentially manual process, before they can use multiple sequence alignment tools.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood alignment of DNA sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The optimal alignment problem for pairs of molecular sequences under a probabilistic model of evolutionary change is equivalent to the problem of estimating the maximum likelihood time required to transform one sequence to the other. When this time has been estimated, various alignments of high posterior probability may be written down. A simple model with two parameters is presented and a method is described by which the likelihood may be computed. Maximum likelihood estimates for some pairs of tRNA genes illustrate the method and allow us to obtain the best alignments under the model.  相似文献   

Hypersensitive (HS) sites in genomic sequences are reliable markers of DNA regulatory regions that control gene expression. Annotation of regulatory regions is important in understanding phenotypical differences among cells and diseases linked to pathologies in protein expression. Several computational techniques are devoted to mapping out regulatory regions in DNA by initially identifying HS sequences. Statistical learning techniques like Support Vector Machines (SVM), for instance, are employed to classify DNA sequences as HS or non-HS. This paper proposes a method to automate the basic steps in designing an SVM that improves the accuracy of such classification. The method proceeds in two stages and makes use of evolutionary algorithms. An evolutionary algorithm first designs optimal sequence motifs to associate explicit discriminating feature vectors with input DNA sequences. A second evolutionary algorithm then designs SVM kernel functions and parameters that optimally separate the HS and non-HS classes. Results show that this two-stage method significantly improves SVM classification accuracy. The method promises to be generally useful in automating the analysis of biological sequences, and we post its source code on our website.  相似文献   

Models of molecular evolution tend to be overly simplistic caricatures of biology that are prone to assigning high probabilities to biologically implausible DNA or protein sequences. Here, we explore how to construct time-reversible evolutionary models that yield stationary distributions of sequences that match given target distributions. By adopting comparatively realistic target distributions,evolutionary models can be improved. Instead of focusing on estimating parameters, we concentrate on the population genetic implications of these models. Specifically, we obtain estimates of the product of effective population size and relative fitness difference of alleles. The approach is illustrated with two applications to protein-coding DNA. In the first, a codon-based evolutionary model yields a stationary distribution of sequences, which, when the sequences are translated,matches a variable-length Markov model trained on human proteins. In the second, we introduce an insertion-deletion model that describes selectively neutral evolutionary changes to DNA. We then show how to modify the neutral model so that its stationary distribution at the amino acid level can match a profile hidden Markov model, such as the one associated with the Pfam database.  相似文献   

There has been considerable interest in the problem of making maximum likelihood (ML) evolutionary trees which allow insertions and deletions. This problem is partly one of formulation: how does one define a probabilistic model for such trees which treats insertion and deletion in a biologically plausible manner? A possible answer to this question is proposed here by extending the concept of a hidden Markov model (HMM) to evolutionary trees. The model, called a tree-HMM, allows what may be loosely regarded as learnable affine-type gap penalties for alignments. These penalties are expressed in HMMs as probabilities of transitions between states. In the tree-HMM, this idea is given an evolutionary embodiment by defining trees of transitions. Just as the probability of a tree composed of ungapped sequences is computed, by Felsenstein's method, using matrices representing the probabilities of substitutions of residues along the edges of the tree, so the probabilities in a tree-HMM are computed by substitution matrices for both residues and transitions. How to define these matrices by a ML procedure using an algorithm that learns from a database of protein sequences is shown here. Given these matrices, one can define a tree-HMM likelihood for a set of sequences, assuming a particular tree topology and an alignment of the sequences to the model. If one could efficiently find the alignment which maximizes (or comes close to maximizing) this likelihood, then one could search for the optimal tree topology for the sequences. An alignment algorithm is defined here which, given a particular tree topology, is guaranteed to increase the likelihood of the model. Unfortunately, it fails to find global optima for realistic sequence sets. Thus further research is needed to turn the tree-HMM into a practical phylogenetic tool.  相似文献   

We study the problem of similarity detection by sequence alignment with gaps, using a recently established theoretical framework based on the morphology of alignment paths. Alignments of sequences without mutual correlations are found to have scale-invariant statistics. This is the basis for a scaling theory of alignments of correlated sequences. Using a simple Markov model of evolution, we generate sequences with well-defined mutual correlations and quantify the fidelity of an alignment in an unambiguous way. The scaling theory predicts the dependence of the fidelity on the alignment parameters and on the statistical evolution parameters characterizing the sequence correlations. Specific criteria for the optimal choice of alignment parameters emerge from this theory. The results are verified by extensive numerical simulations.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a promising approach to the diagnosis of biological diversity in which DNA sequences serve as the primary key for information retrieval. Most existing software for evolutionary analysis of DNA sequences was designed for phylogenetic analyses and, hence, those algorithms do not offer appropriate solutions for the rapid, but precise analyses needed for DNA barcoding, and are also unable to process the often large comparative datasets. We developed a flexible software tool for DNA taxonomy, named TaxI. This program calculates sequence divergences between a query sequence (taxon to be barcoded) and each sequence of a dataset of reference sequences defined by the user. Because the analysis is based on separate pairwise alignments this software is also able to work with sequences characterized by multiple insertions and deletions that are difficult to align in large sequence sets (i.e. thousands of sequences) by multiple alignment algorithms because of computational restrictions. Here, we demonstrate the utility of this approach with two datasets of fish larvae and juveniles from Lake Constance and juvenile land snails under different models of sequence evolution. Sets of ribosomal 16S rRNA sequences, characterized by multiple indels, performed as good as or better than cox1 sequence sets in assigning sequences to species, demonstrating the suitability of rRNA genes for DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

When two sequences are aligned with a single set of alignment parameters, or when mutation parameters are estimated on the basis of a single ``optimal' sequence alignment, the variability of both the alignment and the estimated parameters can be seriously underestimated. To obtain a more realistic impression of the actual uncertainty, we propose sampling sequence alignments and mutation parameters simultaneously from their joint posterior distribution given the two original sequences. We illustrate our method with human and orangutan sequences from the hyper variable region I and with gene–pseudogene pairs. Received: 16 November 2000 / Accepted: 15 May 2001  相似文献   

Sequence alignment by cross-correlation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many recent advances in biology and medicine have resulted from DNA sequence alignment algorithms and technology. Traditional approaches for the matching of DNA sequences are based either on global alignment schemes or heuristic schemes that seek to approximate global alignment algorithms while providing higher computational efficiency. This report describes an approach using the mathematical operation of cross-correlation to compare sequences. It can be implemented using the fast fourier transform for computational efficiency. The algorithm is summarized and sample applications are given. These include gene sequence alignment in long stretches of genomic DNA, finding sequence similarity in distantly related organisms, demonstrating sequence similarity in the presence of massive (approximately 90%) random point mutations, comparing sequences related by internal rearrangements (tandem repeats) within a gene, and investigating fusion proteins. Application to RNA and protein sequence alignment is also discussed. The method is efficient, sensitive, and robust, being able to find sequence similarities where other alignment algorithms may perform poorly.  相似文献   

Identifying and characterizing the structure in genome sequences is one of the principal challenges in modern molecular biology, and comparative genomics offers a powerful tool. In this paper, we introduce a hidden Markov model that allows a comparative analysis of multiple sequences related by a phylogenetic tree, and we present an efficient method for estimating the parameters of the model. The model integrates structure prediction methods for one sequence, statistical multiple alignment methods, and phylogenetic information. This unified model is particularly useful for a detailed characterization of DNA sequences with a common gene. We illustrate the model on a variety of homologous sequences.  相似文献   

Multi-species comparisons of DNA sequences are more powerful for discovering functional sequences than pairwise DNA sequence comparisons. Most current computational tools have been designed for pairwise comparisons, and efficient extension of these tools to multiple species will require knowledge of the ideal evolutionary distance to choose and the development of new algorithms for alignment, analysis of conservation, and visualization of results.  相似文献   

DNA sequence is an important determinant of the positioning, stability, and activity of nucleosomes, yet the molecular basis of these effects remains elusive. A "consensus DNA sequence" for nucleosome positioning has not been reported and, while certain DNA sequence preferences or motifs for nucleosome positioning have been discovered, how they function is not known. Here, we report that an unexpected observation concerning the reassembly of nucleosomes during salt gradient dialysis has allowed a breakthrough in our efforts to identify the nucleosomal locations of the DNA sequence motifs that dominate histone-DNA interactions and nucleosome positioning. We conclude that a previous selection experiment for high-affinity, nucleosome-forming DNA sequences exerted selective pressure chiefly on the central stretch of the nucleosomal DNA. This observation implies that algorithms for aligning the selected DNA sequences should seek to optimize the alignment over much less than the full 147 bp of nucleosomal DNA. A new alignment calculation implemented these ideas and successfully aligned 19 of the 41 sequences in a non-redundant database of selected high-affinity, nucleosome-positioning sequences. The resulting alignment reveals strong conservation of several stretches within a central 71 bp of the nucleosomal DNA. The alignment further reveals an inherent palindromic symmetry in the selected DNAs; it makes testable predictions of nucleosome positioning on the aligned sequences and for the creation of new positioning sequences, both of which are upheld experimentally; and it suggests new signals that may be important in translational nucleosome positioning.  相似文献   

Performance of existing algorithms for similarity-based gene recognition in eukaryotes drops when the genomic DNA has been sequenced with errors. A modification of the spliced alignment algorithm allows for gene recognition in sequences with errors, in particular frameshifts. It tolerates up to 5% of sequencing errors without considerable drop of prediction reliability when a sufficiently close homologous protein is available (normalized evolutionary distance similarity score 50% or higher).  相似文献   

DNA and protein sequence comparisons are performed by a number of computational algorithms. Most of these algorithms search for the alignment of two sequences that optimizes some alignment score. It is an important problem to assess the statistical significance of a given score. In this paper we use newly developed methods for Poisson approximation to derive estimates of the statistical significance ofk-word matches on a diagonal of a sequence comparison. We require at leastq of thek letters of the words to match where 0<qk. The distribution of the number of matches on a diagonal is approximated as well as the distribution of the order statistics of the sizes of clumps of matches on the diagonal. These methods provide an easily computed approximation of the distribution of the longest exact matching word between sequences. The methods are validated using comparisons of vertebrate andE. coli protein sequences. In addition, we compare two HLA class II transplantation antigens by this method and contrast the results with a dynamic programming approach. Several open problems are outlined in the last section. This work was supported by grants DMS 90-05833 from NSF and GM 36230 from NIH.  相似文献   

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