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Rodents are important components of nearly every terrestrial ecosystem and display considerable ecological diversity. Nevertheless, a lack of data on the ecomorphology of rodents has led to them being largely overlooked in palaeoecological reconstructions. Here, geometric and linear morphometrics are used to examine how cranial and dental shapes reflect the diets of living rodent species. Although most rodents are omnivores or generalist herbivores, some species have evolved highly specialized carnivorous, insectivorous, and herbivorous diets. Results show that living rodents with similar diets display convergent morphology, despite their independent evolutionary histories. Carnivores have relatively elongate incisors, elongate and narrow incisor blades, orthodont incisor angles, reduced cheek tooth areas, and enlarged temporal fossae. Insectivores display relatively degenerate dentition, elongate rostra, narrow and thin zygomatic arches, and smaller temporal fossae. Herbivores are characterized by relatively broader incisor blades, longer molar tooth rows, larger cheek tooth areas, wider skull and rostrum, thicker and broader zygomatic arches, and larger temporal fossae. These results suggest that cranial and dental morphology can be used to accurately infer extinct rodent diets regardless of ancestry. Application to extinct beavers suggests that most had highly specialized herbivorous diets.  相似文献   

There are two types of cheek pouches in extant rodents. Internal cheek pouches are evaginations of the oral cavity deep to M. platysma and M. sphincter colli profundus, and have evolved independently in some species of the superfamilies Sciuroidea and Muroidea. External, furlined cheek pouches open lateral to and separate from the oral cavity, (also deep to M. platysma and M. sphincter colli profundus), and occur in all species of the families Geomyidae and Heteromyidae. The presence of external, furlined cheek pouches is a synapomorphy for the superfamily Geomyoidea. The posterior retractor muscle of the pouch is derived from facial musculature in sciurids, from trapezius musculature in cricetids, and from both facial and trapezius muscle groups in the Geomyoidea. Differences also exist in the musculature associated with the pouch opening. In the Sciuridae and Cricetidae, the M. buccinatorius muscle group acts as a sphincter to control the size of the pouch opening. In the Geomyoidea, the size of the opening is controlled by the M. orbicularis sacculi in concert with a slip of the M. platysma myoides. Thin sections and scanning electron micrographs of the pouch tissue reveal the presence of dermal papillae in Phodopus sungorus but not in a close relative, Mesocricetus auratus. All members of the subfamily Cricetinae have a peninsula of highly folded tissue projecting anteriorly from the posteromedial pouch wall. This folding allows for expansion of the pouch walls when food is stored in the pouch.  相似文献   

The morphology of the spermatozoon of representative species of the subfamily Nesomyinae (Muroidea: Nesomyidae), a monophyletic group of rodents endemic to Madagascar, was examined by light and electron microscopy to determine the sperm head shape and tail length across the species. Marked interspecific differences were found to occur in both the form of the sperm head and length of the tail. The species that possess a sperm head with an apical hook, which largely contains acrosomal material, generally displayed longer sperm tails, and a species with a spatulate sperm head had the shortest tail. The association between sperm head shape and tail length mirrors that previously found in Eurasian and Australasian murine rodents. Thus, the repeated association between sperm head shape and tail length across these groups of muroid rodents clearly indicates a functional relationship between these two features. A comparison of sperm morphology of the nesomyines to that of related muroid rodents on the mainland of Africa suggests that the possession of an apical hook is the ancestral condition. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In eutherian mammals, there are marked interspecific differences in sperm head shape and tail length. In a few species, sperm head variability occurs but intra-individual variation in sperm tail length has rarely been investigated or commented upon. Here, we ask the question: Do murine rodent species that have variable sperm head shapes exhibit greater intra-individual variation in sperm midpiece and total tail lengths than closely related species where little, or no, sperm head variability occurs? From three separate lineages, we selected three pairs of murine rodents, one of which has monomorphic, and the other variable, sperm head shape. These were from southern Asia the bandicoot rats Bandicota bengalensis and Bandicota indica , from southern Africa the veld rats, Aethomys chrysophilus and Aethomys ineptus and from Australia the fawn hopping mouse Notomys cervinus and the spinifex hopping mouse Notomys alexis . Cauda epididymal sperm smears were prepared and sperm midpiece and total tail lengths were determined. A linear mixed-effects model was used to estimate intra-individual variance. The results showed that in all three species where there are variable sperm head shapes ( B. indica , A. ineptus and N. alexis ), statistically significantly greater intra-individual variability of sperm midpiece and total tail lengths occurs ( P <0.0001 in all cases). These species all have relatively smaller testes mass compared with the closely related species with monomorphic sperm populations. This suggests that depressed levels of intermale sperm competition may result in the occurrence of variability in not only the divergent sperm head shape but also in the length of the midpiece as well as that of the total length of the sperm tail.  相似文献   

A new nomenclature of the lung lobes and of the bronchial tree is presented, with which the lungs in 40 species of 11 rodent families are described. Whole, fixed lungs and silicone casts of the bronchial tree are tested for 23 characters, based on the distribution of lung lobes, the number and geometry of first order bronchi, the pulmonary blood supply, and lung symmetry. Ten lung morphotypes are recognized, seven of them representing one or more families: Castor type (Castoridae), Cryptomys type (Bathyergidae), Ctenodactylus type (Ctenodactylidae), Eliomys type (Gliridae), Myocastor type (Myocastoridae), Octodon type (Octodontidae and Echimyidae) and Rattus type (Sciuridae, Muridae pt. and Dipodidae). The Hydromys type is found only in Hydromys chrysogaster (Muridae), while Galea type A and B both appear in Galea musteloides (Caviidae). The data are phylogenetically analyzed by the program PAUP 4.0 using as outgroup Lagomorpha or Insectivora. On the species level, there are no well-resolved cladograms. On the family level, the cladograms do not contradict traditional rodent systematics with one exception: the Caviidae do not fall within Caviomorpha or even within the Hystricomorpha, but form a sister group to Dipodidae (Myomorpha). This appears to be a result of convergence. The lungs of Gliridae are more similar to those of Muridae than to those of Sciuridae. Included in the ingroup, Oryctolagus (Lagomorpha) forms a clade with Caviidae + Dipodidae. Thus, the "Glires hypothesis" is neither supported nor refuted.  相似文献   

Deoxycorticosterone (DOC: a weak mineralocorticoid) is the precursor to corticosterone (B: the major glucocorticoid in rodents) and aldosterone (the major mineralocorticoid). The genes Cyp11b1 and Cyp11b2 that encode the enzymes responsible for DOC to B (11β-hydroxylase) and DOC to aldosterone (aldosterone synthase) conversions are located on the same chromosome. The aim of this study was to develop sensitive and specific ELISA methods to quantify urinary DOC and B concentrations to assess the physiological and genetic control of the Cyp11b1/b2 locus. Antibodies raised in rabbits against DOC and B and horse radish peroxidase-goat anti-rabbit IgG enzyme tracer were used to develop the assays. Urine samples collected from mice held in metabolic cages were extracted with dichloromethane and reconstituted in assay buffer. The assays were validated for specificity, sensitivity, parallelism, accuracy and imprecision. Cross-reactivities with major interfering steroids were minimal: DOC assay (progesterone = 0.735% and corticosterone = 0.045%), and for B assay (aldosterone = 0.14%, 11-dehydro-B = 0.006%, cortisol = 0.016% and DOC = 0.04%) and minimum detection limit for DOC ELISA was 2.2 pg/mL (6.6 pmol/L), and for B ELISA was 6.2 pg/mL (17.9 pmol/L). The validity of urinary DOC and B ELISAs was confirmed by the excellent correlation between the results obtained before and after solvent extraction and HPLC (DOC ELISA: Y = 1.092X − 0.054, R2 = 0.988; B ELISA: Y = 1.047X − 0.226, R2 = 0.996). Accuracy studies, parallelism and imprecision data were determined and all found to be satisfactory. The methods were used in a series of metabolic cage studies which demonstrated that (i) females produce more DOC and corticosterone than males; (ii) DOC and corticosterone respond to ACTH treatment but not dietary sodium restriction; (iii) DOC:B ratios in Cyp11b1 null mice were >200-fold greater than wild type.  相似文献   

Species identification methods are needed for small mammals. Herein, we present a simple and efficient identification key based on the hair morphology of Central African rodents (Rodentia) and shrews (Soricomorpha). A total of 1,320 museum hair samples from 51 species were analysed with an optical light microscope. One‐third (31.37%) of these samples could be identified to the species level using four morphological characters (medulla, cuticle, size and colour). The remaining species formed nine groups of two to 10 species each which could not be discriminated because of overlapping characteristics between different taxa. In addition, shrew, dormice and squirrel hair samples were clearly distinguishable from the other samples because they were either shorter (0.68 ± 0.19 cm) or longer (1.86 ± 0.3 and 1.85 ± 0.63 cm), respectively. In addition, 19 (43.18%) field‐collected samples of unknown origin were successfully identified to the level of species or group of species. Thus, to increase the efficiency of this identification key, the inclusion of more morphological characteristics (i.e. hair diameter and shape, cuticle index, cortex types) and DNA barcoding should be considered. Finally, the proposed identification key could be used as a simple and efficient tool for species inventories and ecological studies of targeted taxa in Central Africa.  相似文献   

Faeces may be ideal substances for scent marking because they have a minimal energetic cost to the signaller. However, marking with faeces is also constrained by the animal's ability to produce faeces. This study examined whether limits on the volume of faeces produced by oribi Ourebia ourebi, in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, caused territorial males to regulate their output and prioritize the placement of faecal marks. Territorial males marked with faeces more often, and with a smaller volume per defecation, than did juvenile males and females. Territorial males also defecated only on established dung middens along borders shared with other territorial males or on top of a female's urine and faeces. In contrast, juvenile males and females defecated randomly with regard to their location in territories. Territorial males with larger harems marked with faeces at higher rates and less volume than males with few or no females. This difference suggests that when males overmark female excretions they reduce the amount of faeces available for marking other preferred sites, such as along territory borders shared with other males. Dominant males with adult subordinates marked with faeces less often, and with a greater volume per mark, than males that defended territories without the aid of subordinates. Dominant males also reduced the volume of marks less as the number of females on their territory increased than did males without subordinates. Territories occupied by more than one adult male also were marked with faeces at higher rates, and with marks of greater volume, than territories held by single males. These results suggest that the presence of subordinate males reduced the demand on dominant males to regulate the volume and placement of faecal marks. Overall, these results suggest that territorial male oribi regulate their faecal marking behaviour in response to a limited supply of faeces. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Mammals are remarkably diverse in limb lengths and proportions, but the number and kind of developmental mechanisms that contribute to length differences between limb bones remain largely unknown. Intra- and interspecific differences in bone length could result from variations in the cellular processes of endochondral bone growth, creating differences in rates of chondrocyte proliferation or hypertrophy, variation in the shape and size of chondrocytes, differences in the number of chondrocytes in precursor populations and throughout growth, or a combination of these mechanisms. To address these questions, this study compared cellular mechanisms of endochondral bone growth in cross-sectional ontogenetic series of the appendicular skeleton of two rodent species: the mouse ( Mus musculus ) and Mongolian gerbil ( Meriones unguiculatus ). Results indicate that multiple cellular processes of endochondral bone growth contribute to phenotypic differences in limb bone length. The data also suggest that separate developmental processes contribute to intraspecific length differences in proximal versus distal limb bones, and that these proximo-distal mechanisms are distinct from mechanisms that contribute to interspecific differences in limb bone length related to body size. These developmental "divisions of labor" are hypothesized to be important features of vertebrate limb development that allow (1) morphology in the autopods to evolve independently of the proximal limb skeleton, and (2) adaptive changes in limb proportions related to locomotion to evolve independently of evolutionary changes in body size.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions may create increased demands for memory, which in turn may affect specific brain regions responsible for memory function. This may occur either via phenotypic plasticity or selection for individuals with enhanced cognitive abilities. For food-caching animals, in particular, spatial memory appears to be important because it may have a direct effect on fitness via their ability to accurately retrieve food caches. Our previous studies have shown that caching animals living in more harsh environments (characterized by low temperatures, high snow cover and short day lengths) possess more neurons within a larger hippocampus (Hp), a part of the brain involved in spatial memory. However, the relative role of each of these environmental features in the relationship is unknown. Here, we dissociate the effects of one theoretically important factor (day length) within the environmental severity/Hp relationship by examining food-caching birds (black-capped chickadee, Poecile atricapillus) selected at locations along the same latitude, but with very different climatic regimes. There was a significant difference in Hp attributes among populations along the same latitude with very different climatic features. Birds from the climatically mild location had significantly smaller Hp volumes and fewer Hp neurons than birds from the more harsh populations, even though all populations experienced similar day lengths. These results suggest that variables such as temperature and snow cover seem to be important even without the compounding effect of reduced day length at higher latitudes and suggest that low temperature and snow cover alone may be sufficient to generate high demands for memory and the hippocampus. Our data further confirmed that the association between harsh environment and the hippocampus in food-caching animals is robust across a large geographical area and across years.  相似文献   

Functionally relevant features and parameters of the outer, middle, and inner ear were studied morphologically and morphometrically in two species of voles, smaller Microtus arvalis and larger Arvicola terrestris. The findings in these fossorial (i.e., burrowing) rodents with components of surface activity were compared with respective findings reported for taxonomically related muroid rodents representing the same size classes but different eco-morphotypes: obligate subterranean rodents (Ellobius talpinus and Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies) and generalized rodents (Mus domesticus and Rattus norvegicus). The ear in voles was characterized by traits reported for subterranean rodents. The eardrum was round, without a distinct pars flaccida, and had an area of 5.4 mm2 in M. arvalis and 9 mm2 in A. terrestris. The middle ear exhibited reduced goniale, enlarged incus nearly parallel to the manubrium of the malleus. The malleus-incus lever ratio amounted to 2.1 (M. arvalis) and 2.0 (A. terrestris). The malleus-incus complex weighed about 0.8 mg in both vole species. The stapedial footplate had an area of 0.3 mm2 in M. arvalis and 0.4 mm2 in A. terrestris. The cochlea had 2.3 coils in both vole species; the basilar membrane was 8.5 mm and 10.5 mm long in M. arvalis and A. terrestris, respectively. There were on average 1,030 (M. arvalis) and 1,220 (A. terrestris) inner hair cells, and 3,760 (M. arvalis) and 4,250 (A. terrestris) outer hair cells in the organ of Corti. In quantitative terms, all these (as well as some further) traits and parameters were intermediate (related to body size) between those reported for generalized rodents on the one hand and subterranean ones on the other. The sound transmission system of the ear seems to be best tuned to frequencies of about 8-16 kHz with a high-frequency cut-off at about 50-60 kHz. The ear of A. terrestris seems to be tuned to somewhat lower frequencies than that in M. arvalis. In this aspect as well as regarding hearing sensitivity (as judged from the mechanical transmission parameters), voles can be considered intermediate not only in their lifestyle but also in their hearing abilities between the subterranean rodents (mole-vole and blind mole-rat) and the surface dwellers (house mouse and Norway rat).  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1986,12(4):349-361
The effects of active inhibition of aggression on male odours and urinary marking patterns were studied in mice belonging to a highly aggressive strain the TA (Turku Aggressive), which has been developed by selective breeding through 37 generations. These males were defeated by trained fighters until they showed no aggression. Individually housed TA males served as controls. Mice from the parental or Normal Strain, which is intermediate in aggression, were exposed to the odours. The males from the Normal Strain were tested for aggression against male castrates to which urine from the two types of TA males or water had been applied. The urine from the highly aggressive control TA males evoked most aggression. The Normal males were later tested against castrates on soiled sawdust. Fewer attacks occured on sawdust soiled by the urine from the control TA males. The preferences for areas covered with soiled sawdust were also assessed. The males from the Normal Strain preferred areas soiled by the TA males trained to nonaggressiveness while the females preferred areas soiled by the highly aggressive control TA males. Subsequently the size and number of urinary marks deposited were examined. The TA males trained to nonaggressiveness voided urine in fewer but larger pools. The differences showed the same direction as those previously found between the TA and TNA strains, selectively bred for aggression and non-aggression, respectively. In mice the odour signals and urinary marking patterns seem to be correlated with the level of aggressiveness, either hereditarily determined or acquired through learning.  相似文献   

Nectar-feeding birds are prominent in many parts of the world, and vary with respect to body size. Despite the availability of considerable morphometric data, few concerted efforts have been made to assess the influence of attributes such as mass, wing length and leg morphology upon the speed, acceleration, mode and energetic cost of movement by birds between flowers when foraging for nectar. This review attempts to consolidate and interpret available data and highlight areas where further investigations appear warranted. Australian honeyeaters are generally larger, and American hummingbirds smaller, than Hawaiian honeycreepers and sunbirds of Africa or Asia. Sunbirds, honeyeaters and honeycreepers generally perch while extracting nectar from flowers. Hummingbirds usually hover, apparently because suitable perches close to flowers are lacking, and not because hovering increases the speed at which flowers can be visited. Honeyeaters move from one flower to another at speeds that are at least as great as those for hummingbirds. Most passerine nectarivores need to ingest more nectar per day than hummingbirds in order to maintain energy balance, some species devoting more than 60% of the day to foraging. The major consequence of reduced foraging activity by hummingbirds, which spend only 5–30% of the day in this manner, appears to be male emancipation from nest construction and care of offspring. Large nectarivores have a greater capacity to store surplus food and to fast than smaller birds, and so can take advantage of short-lived peaks in nectar abundance. Nectarivores such as honeyeaters should therefore be favoured by the rapid diurnal changes in nectar availability which are characteristic of many Australian and African habitats. Body mass also determines the likely access to rich sources of nectar through size-related interspecific dominance hierarchies. In all families, larger species tend to monopolize the most rewarding nectar supplies, forcing smaller subordinate species to use poorer, more scattered sources. Within particular species, males usually have longer wings and greater masses than females. These variations imply that the two sexes differ with regard to their foraging ecology, although few supporting data are currently available.  相似文献   

Size-dependent structural patterns in the conductive bronchial tree of four species of myomorph rodents of different body weight were determined by lung casts. The lungs of the harvest mouse, Micromys minutus, body weight 5–7 g, the house mouse, Mus musculus, body weight 35–45 g, the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus, body weight 200–400 g, and the African giant pouched rat, Cricetomys gambianus, body weight 1,200–1,800 g, were inflated to 20 cm H2O, frozen, freeze-dried, hardened, and filled with silicone rubber. The casts were pruned, and branching pattern, diameter, and volume of the conductive bronchial tree were determined using a binocular magnifier. All four species have four lobes on the right lung and an undivided left lung, and the central bronchial tree on either side shows an identical monopodial branching pattern. Although the ramification of the central conductive bronchi is not size-dependent, the diameter and volume are. The diameter of the left main bronchus equals 1.24% of body length in Micromys and 0.6% in Cricetomys, and the conductive bronchial tree makes up 13% of the total lung volume in Micromys and 6% in Cricetomys. Relatively wider airways and a decline in airway resistance with declining body mass in small mammals compared to large ones result in a high ventilatory dead space, which is compensated for by a higher breathing frequency. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe molecular cloning and characterization of cDNAs encoding a novel rat prolactin-like protein. The rat cDNAs were isolated from the decidua and the gene was named PLP-I. cDNAs for the mouse equivalent were also cloned by the cross-hybridization technique. Pregnancy-specific expression of the rat PLP-I gene was observed in the rat placenta by Northern analysis. Location of signal peptide cleavage sites in rat and mouse pre-PLP-I proteins was predicted using a theoretical method. A molecular phylogenetic tree for the growth hormone-prolactin superfamily including the novel member, PLP-I, constructed using the neighbor-joining method, places rat/mouse PLP-I closest to rat/mouse placental lactogen I and II.  相似文献   

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