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In saturating irradiances of red light, photosynthesis of Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamouroux was stimulated by low irradiances of continuous blue light only when the supply of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was limiting. The degree of this stimulation was inversely proportional to the logarithm of the concentration of free CO2, whether this was adjusted by varying the total DIC or the pH at a given DIC concentration. The final pH reached in a closed system was higher in blue light than in red light. Both acetazolamide and ethoxyzolamide suppressed the responses to blue light almost completely, but reduced photosynthesis in red light by only 30%. Buffering the pH of the seawater also suppressed the stimulation of photosynthesis by blue light without affecting the photosynthetic rate in red light. The transient stimulation of O2 evolution by a blue light pulse was not accompanied by a corresponding increase in CO2 consumption. These observations could be explained if, in analogy to the mechanism proposed for Ectocarpus (Schmid, Mills & Dring 1996, Plant Cell and Environment 19,373–382, this issue, accompanying paper), photosynthesis was supported by a blue-light-activated release of CO2 from an internal store. We suggest that the store is located in the vacuoles of the cortical tissue of the blades. The main photosynthetic tissue, however, is in the overlying meristoderm, and blue-light-activated mobilization of the store could stimulate O2 evolution only if periplasmic carbonic anhydrase was available to facilitate CO2 uptake from the cortex.  相似文献   

Pulses of blue light cause stimulation of red light saturated photosynthesis in Ectocarpus siliculosus, because blue light activates the operation of a pathway for inorganic carbon (Ci) acquisition by inducing the mobilization of CO2 from an intermediate metabolite. In the absence of exogenous Ci, photosynthetic rates roughly equal those of CO2 release by respiration. In seawater of pH 9·5 (2·3 mol m–3 total Ci, but concentrations of free CO2 below 0·2 mmol m–3), photosynthesis was clearly above these rates, although they were only ≈ 30% of those in normal seawater (≈ pH 8). The degree and the time course of the stimulations of photosynthesis by pulses of blue light were unaltered at high pH. Essentially the same characteristics were found after buffering or in the presence of acetazolamide, an inhibitor of extracellular carbonic anhydrase activity. Therefore, it is concluded that Ectocarpus is able to directly take up HCO3 in addition to CO2 (uptake of CO32– cannot be excluded). The dependence of photosynthesis on Ci at pH 9·5 was biphasic, with Ci below 0·2 mol m–3 having no effect at all. In Ci-free seawater, the shapes of the stimulations after blue light pulses differed for pH 6, pH 8 and pH 9·5. At low pH, only the fast peak (maximum ≈ 5 min after blue light) was detected, whereas at high pH mainly the slow peak (maximum ≈ 20 min after blue light) was observed. At the intermediate pH 8, both peaks were present. As inhibition of total carbonic anhydrase by ethoxyzolamide brought out the fast peak of the stimulations at pH 9·5 it is concluded that the fast component was due to a transient disequilibrium of an intracellular pool of Ci which, after blue light, was fed by CO2 released from the postulated storage intermediate.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic capacities of five species of brown algae in red light were found to be strongly limited by the inorganic carbon supply of natural sea water. Under these conditions, pH 8·2 and dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (DIG) of 2·1 mol m?3, a short pulse of blue light was found to increase the subsequent rate of photosynthesis in saturating red light. The degree of blue light stimulation varied between species, ranging from an increase of over 200% of the original rate in Colpomenia peregrins to only 10% in Dictyota dichotoma. Increasing the DIG concentration of sea water by bicarbonate addition resulted in carbon saturation of photosynthesis in all five species. Blue light stimulation was greatly reduced at these higher DIG concentrations. The response in Laminaria digitata was examined in more detail by manipulation of pH and DIG to produce solutions with different concentrations of dissolved CO2. At a CO2 concentration typical of normal sea water (12·4 mmol m?3), blue light treatment increased photosynthetic rate by approximately 50%. Blue light stimulation was increased to over 150% at CO2 concentrations below that of sea water, whereas at concentrations above that of sea water, the effect was diminished. Therefore, the effect of blue light on photosynthetic capacity appears to involve an increase in the rate of supply of carbon dioxide to the plant.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis of Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngb. under continuous saturating red irradiation follows a circadian rhythm. Blue-light pulses rapidly stimulate photosynthesis with high effectiveness in the troughs of this rhythm but the effectiveness of such pulses is much lower at its peaks. In an attempt to understand how blue light and the rhythm affected photosynthesis, the effects of inorganic carbon on photosynthetic light saturation curves were studied under different irradiation conditions. The circadian rhythm of photosynthesis was apparent only at irradiances which were not limiting for photosynthesis. The same was found for blue-light-stimulated photosynthesis, although stimulation was observed also under very low red-light irradiances after a period of adaptation, provided that the inorganic-carbon concentration was not in excess. Double-reciprocal plots of light-saturated photosynthetic rates versus the concentration of total inorganic carbon (up to 10 mM total inorganic carbon) were linear and had a common constant for half-saturation (3.6 mM at pH 8) at both the troughs and the peaks of the rhythm and before and after blue-light pulses. Only at very low carbon concentrations was a clear deviation found from these lines for photosynthesis at the rhythm maxima (red and blue light), which indicated that the strong carbon limitation specifically affected photosynthesis at the peak phases of the rhythm. Very high inorganic carbon concentrations (20 mM) in the medium diminished the responses to blue light, although they did not fully abolish them. The kinetics of the stimulation indicate that the rate of photosynthesis is affected by two blue-light-dependent components with different time courses of induction and decay. The faster component seemed to be at least partially suppressed at red-light irradiances which were not saturating for photosynthesis. Lowering the pH of the medium had the same effects as an increase of the carbon concentration to levels of approx. 10 mM. This indicates that Ectocarpus takes up free CO2 only and not bicarbonate, although additional physiological mechanisms may enhance the availability of CO2.Abbreviation TIC total inorganic carbon  相似文献   

Macrocystis pyrifera is a widely distributed, highly productive, seaweed. It is known to use bicarbonate (HCO3?) from seawater in photosynthesis and the main mechanism of utilization is attributed to the external catalyzed dehydration of HCO3? by the surface‐bound enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CAext). Here, we examined other putative HCO3? uptake mechanisms in M. pyrifera under pHT 9.00 (HCO3?: CO2 = 940:1) and pHT 7.65 (HCO3?: CO2 = 51:1). Rates of photosynthesis, and internal CA (CAint) and CAext activity were measured following the application of AZ which inhibits CAext, and DIDS which inhibits a different HCO3? uptake system, via an anion exchange (AE) protein. We found that the main mechanism of HCO3? uptake by M. pyrifera is via an AE protein, regardless of the HCO3?: CO2 ratio, with CAext making little contribution. Inhibiting the AE protein led to a 55%–65% decrease in photosynthetic rates. Inhibiting both the AE protein and CAext at pHT 9.00 led to 80%–100% inhibition of photosynthesis, whereas at pHT 7.65, passive CO2 diffusion supported 33% of photosynthesis. CAint was active at pHT 7.65 and 9.00, and activity was always higher than CAext, because of its role in dehydrating HCO3? to supply CO2 to RuBisCO. Interestingly, the main mechanism of HCO3? uptake in M. pyrifera was different than that in other Laminariales studied (CAext‐catalyzed reaction) and we suggest that species‐specific knowledge of carbon uptake mechanisms is required in order to elucidate how seaweeds might respond to future changes in HCO3?:CO2 due to ocean acidification.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis by marine diatoms contributes significantly to the global carbon cycle. Due to the low concentration of CO2 in seawater, many diatoms use extracellular carbonic anhydrase (eCA) to enhance the supply of CO2 to the cell surface. While much research has investigated how the requirement for eCA is influenced by changes in CO2 availability, little is known about how eCA contributes to CO2 supply following changes in the demand for carbon. We therefore examined how changes in photosynthetic rate influence the requirement for eCA in three centric diatoms. Modeling of cell surface carbonate chemistry indicated that diffusive CO2 supply to the cell surface was greatly reduced in large diatoms at higher photosynthetic rates. Laboratory experiments demonstrated a trend of an increasing requirement for eCA with increasing photosynthetic rate that was most pronounced in the larger species, supporting the findings of the cellular modeling. Microelectrode measurements of cell surface pH and O2 demonstrated that individual cells exhibited an increased contribution of eCA to photosynthesis at higher irradiances. Our data demonstrate that changes in carbon demand strongly influence the requirement for eCA in diatoms. Cell size and photosynthetic rate will therefore be key determinants of the mode of dissolved inorganic carbon uptake.  相似文献   

The effects of blue light (B) on stem extension growth were investigated in wild-type (WT) and aurea (au ) mutant seedlings of tomato. The au mutant has reduced phytochrome levels. Etiolated seedlings were grown under background red light (R) or far-red light (FR) with or without B. Hypocotyl growth was inhibited by B added to R but not by B added to FR, both in WT and au seedlings. The levels of B and/or R reaching the stem of fully de-etiolated seedlings grown in a glasshouse were reduced by means of collars around it. Both in WT and au -mutant seedlings the responses to B were larger at high than at low R/FR quantum ratios. In etiolated and light-grown au seedlings, changing the levels of phytochrome-absorbable radiation did not cause the same effect as changing B levels, indicating the action of specific BL/UV-A photoreceptor(s) (BAP). The responses to B are reduced by the low calculated levels of Pfr established by light treatments but not by the low levels of phytochrome present in the au mutant. The au mutant appears to be deficient in a phytochrome pool that is not essential for the interdependent co-action observed between phytochrome and BAP in the control of stem extension growth in tomato.  相似文献   

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