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测定人猿超科(人、黑猩猩、大猩猩、红毛猩猩和长臂猿)和旧大陆猴(猕猴和叶猴)7种高等灵长类FKN全基因序列, 探讨其系统进化分析。用简并引物PCR(Degenerated PCR)法分别扩增FKN的3个外显子, 其产物经琼脂糖凝胶回收、纯化后测序, 然后用BioEdit软件剪切拼接FKN基因全序列, 用DNAStar比对后比较基因和氨基酸序列同源性, Mega软件重构FKN基因进化树, 应用Datamonkey分析FKN的负选择位点。序列分析发现人猿超科较旧大陆猴FKN基因除了有散在的点突变外, 还有一明显的30 bp的核苷酸缺失突变; 人FKN基因序列与黑猩猩、大猩猩、红毛猩猩、长臂猿、猕猴和叶猴的同源性分别是99.2%、98.4%、98.1%、96.5%、95.9%和93.8%, 由此推导的氨基酸序列同源性分别是98.5%、98.0%、97.7%、94.7%、93.7%和90.5%; FKN基因进化树表明人与黑猩猩关系更近, FKN基因进化和通常认为的物种进化一致; Datamonkey分析结果显示FKN存在3个负选择位点53Q、84D、239N。成功获得人、黑猩猩、大猩猩、红毛猩猩、长臂猿、猕猴和叶猴7种高等灵长类物种FKN全基因序列, 为后续探讨FKN在高等灵长类物种进化过程中免疫学功能演变及其结构与功能的关系奠定基础。  相似文献   

王春波  郭治友 《广西植物》2017,37(2):145-152
膜蕨科植物是薄囊蕨类中种类最多的科,主要分布在潮湿的热带地区,拥有陆生、附生、半附生和攀生等多种生态型。为进一步了解膜蕨科植物辐射式物种分化的分子适应机制,该研究在时间框架下采用位点模型对膜蕨科植物rbc L基因的进化式样进行分析。结果表明:共鉴定出6个氨基酸正选择位点(125I、227L、231A、258F、304S和351L),其中位点304S位于环六上,对维持Rubisco功能有重要作用。此外,还计算了Rubisco大亚基内部氨基酸位点之间的共进化关系,共检测出39组(35个氨基酸)共进化位点,其中位点在α螺旋上的占46%,在β折叠上的占14%。膜蕨科植物rbc L基因这种复杂的进化式样可能与其起源较早有关。鉴于此,基于UCLD分子钟模型对膜蕨科植物的分化时间进行了估计,结果显示膜蕨科植物首次发生分歧的时间在三叠纪早期,瓶蕨属和膜蕨属的分歧时间分别发生在侏罗纪早期和白垩纪晚期,并且得出陆生生态型是其它生态型进化的基础,推测最近几次最热事件可能对物种分化的形成产生一定的作用。该研究结果对认识膜蕨科植物如何应对被子植物兴起所导致的陆地生态系统改变具重要意义。  相似文献   

在时间框架下,采用机理式模型(Mechanistic model)和MEC模型(Mechanistic-empirical combination model)以及Datamonkey对细鳞苔科psbA基因的进化式样进行了分析.结果均未检测到统计上显著的正选择位点,显示负选择对细鳞苔科psbA基因起主导作用.另外,基于UCLD分子钟估算出的细鳞苔科各分支分歧时间表明,该科物种丰富度的辐射式增长发生在新生代渐新世.  相似文献   

凤尾蕨科旱生蕨类rbcL基因的适应性进化和共进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco,EC是植物参与光合作用的关键酶,其大亚基由叶绿体rbcL基因编码。为深入理解凤尾蕨科植物对干旱生境的分子适应机制,本研究以53种凤尾蕨科旱生植物的rbcL基因为对象,展开适应性进化和共进化研究。采用位点间可变ω比值模型以及SLAC、REL和FEL等方法进行的适应性进化分析显示:在氨基酸水平上共有15个正选择位点(66S、84E、139L、235G、245I、252A、273Y、295K、296N、299M、307G、330E、349S、365F、404A),其中位点245I、252A和273Y对维持Rubisco功能起重要作用。共进化分析共鉴定出2组共进化位点,分别由139L、273Y、295K和273Y、295K、349S组成,这些氨基酸位点间的共进化方式与蛋白质的疏水性和分子量都显著相关。以上结果一方面支持基于ω比值检验DNA编码序列发生适应性进化的有效性,另一方面也提示凤尾蕨科植物对干旱生境的适应可能与rbcL基因的适应性进化有关。  相似文献   

大黄属(Rheum L.)是蓼科(Polygonaceae)中一个高度分化的大属,广泛分布在亚洲和欧洲的高山和沙漠地区,全世界约60种,其中在青藏高原及其邻近地区发现了约40种。该属种的高度分化曾被推测是第三纪末青藏高原的快速隆升以及第四纪气候的反复变化所引发的适应性辐射导致。为进一步了解大黄属植物辐射式物种分化的分子适应机制,该研究选取34个形态上多样化的大黄属物种,利用系统发育分析软件,在时间框架下采用位点模型和分支模型对大黄属的叶绿体ndhF基因进行了适应性进化分析。结果表明:大黄属植物的分子进化系统树呈现短而平行的辐射式分支式样,显示出典型的物种快速辐射多样化特征;用位点模型检验ndhF基因是否存在经受正向选择(ω>1)时,在氨基酸水平上共鉴定出3个NDHF亚基的正选择位点(188H,465H,551L),对NDHF亚基的二级结构进行分析后发现编码的188H氨基酸位于α螺旋上。大黄属植物可能通过这些结构域的适应性进化,适应青藏高原的快速隆升以及第四纪气候的反复变化而引发的陆地生态系统改变。该研究结果可为今后对该属植物的实验分析提供首选位点。  相似文献   

凤尾蕨科植物rbcL基因的适应性进化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为深入理解蕨类植物辐射式物种分化的分子适应机制,在时间框架下,采用位点模型和分支-位点模型对凤尾蕨科植物rbcL基因的进化式样进行了分析.通过比较模型M1a/M2a和M7/M8,在氨基酸水平上共鉴定出6个正选择位点:1491、251M、255V、282F、359S和375F,其中位点282F对维持Rubisco功能有重要作用.分别检验凤尾蕨科的附生分支和水蕨类分支发现,前者不具适应性进化位点,而后者有两个位点(230A和247C)经历正选择.相对于荫蔽的光条件,水生生境可能对RbcL亚基的选择作用更强.另外,基于UCLD分子钟模型估算出的风尾蕨科各分支分化时间表明,该科物种丰富度的辐射式增长发生在新生代渐新世,推测古、始新世最热事件可能对物种分化的形成也产生一定作用.这对认识薄囊蕨类如何应对被子植物兴起导致的陆地生态系统改变具重要意义.  相似文献   

左泽远  刘琬琳  许杰 《植物学报》2020,55(2):147-162
在植物基因组中, 除了同源基因成簇现象外, 近年来还发现一些具有共表达特性的异源基因也能够以基因簇形式存在, 但这些异源基因簇的进化和生物学功能尚不清楚。花药发育和花粉形成是植物进化出的特有的生殖生物学过程, 同时产生了一些在花药绒毡层中特异表达和特定功能的基因簇基因。该研究通过筛选和分析花药绒毡层中基因簇基因的分子特性、表达调控、基因年龄和基因重复进化等信息, 探讨花药基因簇基因与植物开花功能进化之间的关系。结果表明, 在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中共筛选到84个(13个基因簇)花药绒毡层特异高表达的基因簇基因, 它们主要产生于串联重复事件, 76%的基因出现在开花植物分化后的阶段, 主要参与生殖发育、花粉鞘组成和脂代谢等生物学过程。研究初步解析了拟南芥花药绒毡层中基因簇基因的基本特征、生物学功能和基因进化机制, 为深入揭示植物基因簇基因的遗传学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Accurate divergence date estimates improve scenarios of primate evolutionary history and aid in interpretation of the natural history of disease-causing agents. While molecule-based estimates of divergence dates of taxa within the superfamily Hominoidea (apes and humans) are common in the literature, few such estimates are available for the Cercopithecoidea (Old World monkeys), the sister taxon of the hominoids in the primate infraorder Catarrhini. To help fill this gap, we have sequenced the entire mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genomes from a representative of three cercopithecoid tribes, Cercopithecini (Chlorocebus aethiops), Colobini (Colobus guereza), and Presbytini (Trachypithecus obscurus), and analyzed these new data together with other catarrhine mtDNA genomes available in public databases. Molecular divergence date estimates are dependent on calibration points gleaned from the paleontological record. We defined criteria for the selection of good calibration points and identified three points meeting these criteria: Homo-Pan, 6.0 Ma; Pongo-hominines, 14.0 Ma; hominoid/cercopithecoid, 23.0 Ma. Because a uniform molecular clock does not fit the catarrhine mtDNA data, we estimated divergence dates using a penalized likelihood and a Bayesian method, both of which take into account the effects of rate differences on lineages, phylogenetic tree structure, and multiple calibration points. The penalized likelihood method applied to the coding regions of the mtDNA genome yielded the following divergence date estimates, with approximate 95% confidence intervals: cercopithecine-colobine, 16.2 (14.4-17.9) Ma; colobin-presbytin, 10.9 (9.6-12.3) Ma; cercopithecin-papionin, 11.6 (10.3-12.9) Ma; and Macaca-Papio, 9.8 (8.6-10.9) Ma. Within the hominoids, the following dates were inferred: hylobatid-hominid, 16.8 (15.0-18.5) Ma; Gorilla-Homo+Pan, 8.1 (7.1-9.0) Ma; Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus-P. p. abelii, 4.1 (3.5-4.7) Ma; and Pan troglodytes-P. paniscus, 2.4 (2.0-2.7) Ma. These dates were similar to those found using penalized likelihood on other subsets of the data, but slightly younger than several of the Bayesian estimates.  相似文献   

Subtelomeric duplications of an obscure tubulin "genic" segment located near the telomere of human chromosome 4q35 have occurred at different evolutionary time points within the last 25 million years of the catarrhine (i.e., hominoid and Old World monkey) evolution. The analyses of these segments reported here indicate an exceptional level of evolutionary instability. Substantial intra- and interspecific differences in copy number and distribution are observed among cercopithecoid (Old World monkey) and hominoid genomes. Characterization of the hominoid duplicated segments reveals a strong positional bias within pericentromeric and subtelomeric regions of the genome. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis from predicted proteins and comparisons of nucleotide-substitution rates, we present evidence of a conserved b-tubulin gene among the duplications. Remarkably, the evolutionary conservation has occurred in a nonorthologous fashion, such that the functional copy has shifted its positional context between hominoids and cercopithecoids. We propose that, in a chimpanzee-human common ancestor, one of the paralogous copies assumed the original function, whereas the ancestral copy acquired mutations and eventually became silenced. Our analysis emphasizes the dynamic nature of duplication-mediated genome evolution and the delicate balance between gene acquisition and silencing.  相似文献   

利用SRY基因和微卫星标记鉴定反刍动物性别   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
张秀华  吴登俊 《遗传》2006,28(2):133-138
以反刍动物为研究对象,应用多重PCR技术扩增绵羊基因组中X、Y染色体上的4个微卫星标记和SRY基因, 根据基因型进行性别鉴定,试图通过一次DNA扩增同时提供性别鉴定和基因分型的信息。结果表明所设计SRY基因的引物具有高度特异性,是性别鉴定的主要依据,而Y染色体上的MCM158、MAF45两标记由于特异性不好,因此不适用于性别鉴定,对于X染色体上所选的两标记MILVET09和AE25只能进一步验证所鉴定的雄性个体。得出结论在被检个体中,能同时扩增出SRY基因、MCM158、MAF45,X染色体上MILVET09和AE25,且X染色体上的MILVET09、AE25基因型为纯合子的个体为正常的雄性;被检个体中只有Y染色体上MCM158、MAF45和X染色体上MILVET09、AE25的扩增产物,而没有SRY基因的扩增产物,则被检个体为雌性,且MILVET09、AE25的基因型对雌性个体的性别判断无影响。MCM158、MAF45两标记基因型不影响个体的性别鉴定结果。

A comparison of the distribution of brain monoamine neurons in several New World and Old World monkeys was undertaken using the Falck-Hillarp formaldehyde histofluorescence technique. The overall organization of the monoamine neurons was very similar in all species, although subtle variations were found. Catecholamine (noradrenaline and dopamine) and indoleamine (serotonin) cell bodies corresponding to groups A1–A7, A8–A10, and B1–B9, respectively were found throughout the brainstem. A few catecholamine (dopamine) cells equivalent to groups All and A12 in the diencephalon were also observed. Noradrenaline neurons, rather than those of the dopamine and serotonin systems, tended to be less numerous in the New World monkeys. Ascending catecholamine and indoleamine fiber bundles were observed in most monkeys. It is interesting that fibers corresponding to the “ventral noradrenaline bundle” appeared to be much finer in the common marmoset and tamarin than in other species. In addition, a substantial catecholamine (noradrenaline) innervation of the diencephalon was noted in all the Old World monkeys, while a much lower overall terminal density was apparent in the New World forms.  相似文献   

Because of the long‐term co‐evolution of TCR and MHC molecules, numerous nucleotide substitutions have accumulated within the domains of TCRβ genes. We previously found that nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions occurred more frequently in complementarity determining region (CDR)β than in CDRα, even though only a limited number of common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) and human T‐cell receptor β variable (TRBV) sequences were compared. This interesting finding raised the question of whether the increased selective pressure within CDRβ was species‐specific. In this study, we identified 21 TRBV region sequences from the common marmoset and performed comparative sequence analyses of the T‐cell receptor α variable (TRAV) and TRBV regions from human, chimpanzee, rhesus monkey, cotton‐top tamarin, Ma's night monkey, and common marmoset. The ratios of the number of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions per site (dN) to the dS values (dN/dS) were less than 1 within the framework regions (FRs) of TRAV and TRBV region sequences, suggesting that purifying selection is largely dominant within the FRs. In contrast, the dN values were statistically significantly greater for CDRβ than for CDRα only in New World monkeys. Also, increased dN/dS ratios (dN/dS>1) were observed within CDRβ between humans and New World monkeys and, interestingly, between New World monkeys, which share a relatively recent common ancestor. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood analysis provided firm evidence to support that positive selection occurred within CDRβ along New World monkey lineages. These results suggest that increased positive selection pressure within CDRβ is common in New World monkeys rather than being species‐specific. This study provides an intriguing insight into the co‐evolution of TCR and MHC molecules within primates. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1082–1092, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

睾丸决定因子基因(Testis-determining factor,TDF)位于Y染色体短臂上,它的表达产物诱导睾丸组织的发生。SRY基因(Sex-determining Region of the Y)位于Y染色体的性别决定区内,许多特征显示SRY就是TDF。我们选用与SRY基因相应的引物,用PCR技术对正常人男女各10例的基因组DNA进行扩增。将特异扩增的男性SRY基因片段重组到质粒PUC12中,得到含有中国人SRY基因片段的克隆,命名为PSY-1、PSY-2。用[~(32)p]标记重组质粒中的SRY基因片段作探针,与PCR结果进行Southern杂交,男性样品均显示特异杂交带,女性样品为阴性。用末端终止法测定克隆的SRY基因片段的全部核苷酸序列为299bp,含有SRY基因中高度保守及功能特异性区域的240bp,我们对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Relatively large (n = 20-30) samples of formalin-fixed brain specimens from five Old and New World monkey species were examined in a study measuring anatomical temporal-lobe asymmetries. Linear measurements of the length of the Sylvian fissure were taken on each cerebral hemisphere to evaluate lateral differences related to development of auditory association cortex. The results indicate significantly greater Sylvian fissure length on the left hemisphere than on the right hemisphere in four of these species. Measurements of a different parameter on Saimiri sciureus brain specimens (length of anterior portion of the Sylvian fissure) also suggested temporal-lobe asymmetry favoring the left hemisphere. Other measurements (length of the Sylvian fissure lying posterior to the central sulcus, and dorso-ventral position of the Sylvian point) in Macaca mulatta and M. fascicularis did not reveal significant right/left-hemisphere differences. Sylvian-fissure length determined from photographs of M. mulatta hemispheres in contrast to results of direct measurements did not yield significant right/left-hemisphere asymmetry. We mention possible reasons why previous anatomical studies of brains from monkeys did not discern temporal-lobe asymmetry, and we also discuss whether or not certain of these asymmetries in monkeys foreshadowed the evolution of language-processing areas of the cerebral cortex in hominids.  相似文献   

New information about the early cercopithecoids Prohylobates tandyi (Wadi Moghra, Egypt) and Prohylobates sp. indet. (Buluk and Nabwal, Kenya) is presented. Comparisons are made among all major collections of Early and Middle Miocene catarrhine monkeys, and a systematic revision of the early Old World monkeys is provided. Previous work involving the systematics of early Old World monkeys (Victoriapithecidae; Cercopithecoidea) has been hampered by a number of factors, including the poor preservation of Prohylobates material from North Africa and lack of comparable anatomical parts across collections. However, it is now shown that basal cercopithecoid species from both northern and eastern Africa can be distinguished from one another on the basis of degree of lower molar bilophodonty, relative lower molar size, occlusal details, symphyseal construction, and mandibular shape. Results of particular interest include: 1) the first identification of features that unambiguously define Prohylobates relative to Victoriapithecus; 2) confirmation that P. tandyi is incompletely bilophodont; and 3) recognition of additional victoriapithecid species.  相似文献   

For practical purposes two classes of blood groups of Old World monkeys can be distinguished: human-type and simian-type, depending on the kind of reagents used for testing. Of the human-type blood groups, only the A-B-O groups, defined by saliva inhibition and serum tests, are polymorphic in some, but not all, monkey species. The distributions of those groups show wide differences not only among monkey species but also among troops of one and the same species. The tests for other human-type antigens give with the monkey red cells either uniformly positive or uniformly negative results. Thus, the human-type blood groups seem to be of limited use as taxonomic tools in the systematics of the Old World monkeys.On the other hand, the simian-type blood groups, defined by isoor crossimmune monkey sera, display highly polymorphic patterns in most species of Old World monkeys, and the capability of the antisera to react with combining groups on the red cells of monkeys of closely related species seems to reflect the taxonomic closeness of two or more species. The fact that some of the simian-type specificities, notably those belonging to the rhesus Drh graded blood group system, are shared by many species of Old World monkeys, indicates that they were introduced into genotypes during early stages of evolution of the Cercopithecidae.  相似文献   

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