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Abstract Urban environments are highly modified with unique assemblages of bird species. Much of the research on urban bird assemblages comes from the northern hemisphere. Southern hemisphere bird assemblages differ from northern hemisphere assemblages in that they contain a large proportion of nectarivores. In this study we focus on bird use of street trees in Australia. We investigate the relative influence of tree species (plane tree, Platanus x acerifolia; red gums, Eucalyptus camaldulensis; jacaranda, Jacaranda mimosifolia; bottlebrush, Callistemon citrinus), season and the environment surrounding street trees, on the abundance and species richness of birds in Adelaide, South Australia. Our study considers birds in terms of granivore, nectarivore and insectivore trophic guilds. Nectarivores accounted for the greatest proportion of observations, in terms of abundance, in each of the tree species investigated. Species of street tree was a significant influence on bird use of the trees for all birds and each dietary guild. Red gums were used more than the other tree species by nectarivores, while plane trees were used more than the other trees by insectivores. Use of the tree species by granivores varied with the season. The measures of the environment surrounding street trees were largely unimportant with the exception of traffic for nectarivores in some cases. Urban avifauna use street trees and the species of tree will strongly influence its use by birds. However, the pattern of use of street tree species varied at different times of year and differed between different trophic guilds of birds. The dominance of nectarivores in the southern avifauna will likely produce different patterns of urban environment use to northern hemisphere avifaunas.  相似文献   

Root‐associated mycobiomes (RAMs) link plant and soil ecological processes, thereby supporting ecosystem functions. Understanding the forces that govern the assembly of RAMs is key to sustainable ecosystem management. Here, we dissected RAMs according to functional guilds and combined phylogenetic and multivariate analyses to distinguish and quantify the forces driving RAM assembly processes. Across large biogeographic scales (>1,000 km) in temperate forests (>100 plots), RAMs were taxonomically highly distinct but composed of a stable trophic structure encompassing symbiotrophic, ectomycorrhizal (55%), saprotrophic (7%), endotrophic (3%) and pathotrophic fungi (<1%). Taxonomic community composition of RAMs is explained by abiotic factors, forest management intensity, dominant tree family (Fagaceae, Pinaceae) and root resource traits. Local RAM assemblies are phylogenetically clustered, indicating stronger habitat filtering on roots in dry, acid soils and in conifer stands than in other forest types. The local assembly of ectomycorrhizal communities is driven by forest management intensity. At larger scales, root resource traits and soil pH shift the assembly process of ectomycorrhizal fungi from deterministic to neutral. Neutral or weak deterministic assembly processes are prevalent in saprotrophic and endophytic guilds. The remarkable consistency of the trophic composition of the RAMs suggests that temperate forests attract fungal assemblages that afford functional resilience under the current range of climatic and edaphic conditions. At local scales, the filtering processes that structure symbiotrophic assemblies can be influenced by forest management and tree selection, but at larger scales, environmental cues and host resource traits are the most prevalent forces.  相似文献   

大蒜-小白菜间作套种对菜田节肢动物功能团的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年9-11月于福建省琅岐岛针对大蒜与小白菜间作(CG1)套种(CG2)对节肢动物群落功能团影响进行调查和分析。结果显示:CG1提高了植食性昆虫、寄生性和捕食性天敌丰盛度,CG2可在降低植食性昆虫数量的同时提高寄生性天敌的数量;多作田寄生性天敌物种丰富度、丰盛度和多样性指数均高于单作田;优势类群动态表现为菜蚜茧蜂与蚜虫种群在CG1出现"天敌跟随现象",多作田在整个生长期都有利于提高捕食者球腹蛛的控制效能;中性昆虫在生长前期和中期是菜蚜虫茧蜂和球腹蛛的替代寄主或猎物。因此合理的间作或套种,有利于提高菜田生境的多样化,强化自然天敌对害虫的生态控制作用。  相似文献   

鱼类资源保护是黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的重要环节.通过历史资料整理和野外调查发现,1960-2019年,黄河流域共分布鱼类16目35科201种.其中,鲤形目物种数最多,占比60.7%;鲈形目次之,占比10.0%.1960-1980年分布鱼类15目28科182种;1980-2019年分布鱼类10目23科112种.源区...  相似文献   

The aquatic macrophytes Ranunculus aquatilis and Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum were transplanted into substrate trays and placed in a stream alongside unvegetated substrate. Macrophytes were observed to have significant effects on 1) invertebrate community structure, 2) guild structure, and 3) microdistribution. 1) Significantly higher taxa richness and community abundances were associated with macrophytes. 2) Significantly higher abundances of shredder, scraper, and predator guilds were associated with macrophytes in fall, and all guilds had higher abundances in macrophytes in spring. However, guild frequency distributions did not differ among habitats except in spring. 3) Enallagma, Gammarus, Gyraulus, Physa, and Pisidium exhibited a strong association with macrophytes, while Hydropsyche, Simulium, Baetis tricaudatus, Glossosoma velona, and Helicopsyche borealis appeared to avoid them. A strong correlation appeared to exist between current velocity preferences of these taxa and their selection or avoidance of vegetated habitat. Thus, the effect of macrophytes in reducing current velocities appeared to be the most important influence on invertebrate microdistribution. However, macrophytes also increase physical heterogeneity and their large surface areas benefit invertebrate community abundances by creating additional living spaces in the water column where none exist above unvegetated substrate.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses of the diet relationships within fish assemblages resulted in the recognition of five major feeding guilds in shallow (0-9 m) rocky- and soft-bottom habitats on the Swedish west coast. The two habitats had similar guilds that could be broadly described as piscivores, decapod feeders, copepod feeders and amphipod and mollusc feeders. The last guild on the rocky bottom was more strictly one of amphipod feeders, whereas the last guild on soft bottoms consisted of infauna feeders (mainly polychaetes and bivalves). A comparison of the diet of the entire fish assemblages showed that amphipods and gastropods were more prevalent as prey taxa on rocky bottoms, whereas bivalves and teleosts were more common on soft bottoms. A large proportion (12 out of 27 species) of the fish species investigated was found in both habitats. These fish species generally seemed to rely on the same major prey groups in the two habitats, but also included prey taxa characteristic for the habitat in which they resided. Sea trout Salmo trutta , mackerel Scombrus scombrus , saithe Pollachius virens , whiting Merlangius merlangus and cod Gadus morhua were found to be the major piscivores in both the investigated habitats. Herring Clupea harengus and members of the family gobiidae were the most prevalent prey species for piscivores within the rocky- as well as the soft-bottom fish assemblage. A comparison of feeding modes suggested that the fish assemblage on rocky bottoms predominantly (60% of the food items) relied on food found in vegetation. On soft bottoms, the average distribution of food categories among fish species was 44% benthic, 35% pelagic and 21% vegetation-associated food items.  相似文献   

  • 1 Patterns of vertical habitat use of ten species of cockroaches are examined. Three assemblages of cockroaches are recognized on the basis of morphology, foraging behaviour, foraging heights, and overlaps and breadths of vertical distributions.
  • 2 Three apterous and brachypterous species occur near the ground and comprise one assemblage. They feed mainly on material in the leaf-litter.
  • 3 Species that perch higher either migrate into the leaf-litter on a diel basis and feed on both leaf-litter and epiphyllic materials, or some are strictly arboreal and forage on algae, liverworts, lichens, spores, pollen and trichomes on the surfaces of leaves.
  • 4 Trophic and behavioural correlations with perch height are described and the functions of perching are examined.
  • 5 We conclude that studies of interactions among species are confounded by our lack of understanding of stage- and sex-specific interactions of coexisting species. A simplistic ‘species’approach to such interactions is inadequate because it does not recognize intraspecific variation.

SUMMARY 1. We examined the relationship between catchment land cover, sediment regime and fish assemblage structure in four small streams in the upper Little Tennessee River basin of North Carolina. Study streams drained similar sized catchments (17–31 km2) with different fractions of non-forested land cover. Non-forested land cover was <3% in two 'reference' streams, whereas it was 13 and 22% in two 'disturbed' streams. Land cover data were compared with sediment transport data (suspended and bedload), benthic habitat data (embeddedness, substratum composition and coverage of fines) and fishes collected in autumn 1997.
2. Suspended sediment concentration was significantly higher in disturbed streams during both baseflow and stormflow. During baseflow disturbed streams nearly always exceeded 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), whereas reference streams never exceeded this threshold. The difference in suspended sediment concentration between reference and disturbed streams was more consistent at baseflow than at stormflow. Therefore, baseflow turbidity may be a useful indicator of potential stream degradation.
3. Disturbed sites had five- to nine-fold more bedload transport than reference sites. Both embeddedness and streambed instability increased with increasing non-forested land cover.
4. Relative abundance of fishes requiring clean cobble/gravel substratum for spawning was lower in disturbed streams, whereas relative abundance of mound-building cyprinids, their nest associates and fishes that excavate nests in soft sediments (centrarchids) was higher. Relative abundance of fishes spawning in benthic crevices and gravel (BC + G) declined as the proportion of non-forested land cover increased. This study supports growing evidence that human-induced sedimentation alters stream fish assemblages.  相似文献   

The study of fish feeding guild structure is a useful method to compare fish communities of complex marine ecosystems. Guild structure was determined in four coral reef depth zones, viz. the fringing reef at depths of 2, 5, 10, and 15 m, as well as in seven shallow-water biotopes within a single bay, viz. notches in fossil reef rock, mangroves, fossil reef boulders, seagrass beds, algal beds at a depth of 2 m, algal beds at a depth of 5 m, and the channel. The study was done in an inland bay on the Caribbean island of Curaçao, using a visual census technique. Total fish densities within the different feeding guilds varied considerably between the biotopes, and were generally higher in the reef biotopes and on the boulders than in the remaining bay biotopes. Cluster analysis revealed that the greatest dissimilarity in guild structures in terms of fish densities was that between the algal beds and all other biotopes, followed by that between the reef depth zones and other bay biotopes (notches, mangroves, seagrass beds, channel). The species composition of the guilds also differed considerably among the various biotopes. Species richness within the various guilds showed much smaller differences between the biotopes, but was generally somewhat higher in the reef biotopes. Cluster analysis of guild structures in terms of species richness revealed little dissimilarity among the various biotopes. The coral reef was dominated by omnivores and zooplanktivores, whereas the bay was dominated by zoobenthivores and herbivores. Differences in guild structure between the bay and the adjacent reef indicate differences in food availability.  相似文献   



The spatial distribution of ectotherms is strongly dependent on the temperature of their environments. In temperate lakes, fishes with different thermal optima can become spatially segregated during summer stratification. This habitat partitioning, or niche complementarity, may play a role in the coexistence of trophically similar species; however, the extent of partitioning is dependent on the resources available within each habitat. Although habitat partitioning of fish thermal guilds has been studied in individual lakes, broad-scale patterns of spatial overlap and segregation are not yet understood. In this study, we explore the patterns and drivers of spatial overlap among thermal guilds (cold-, cool-, and warm-water) at a broad scale.


Ontario, Canada.


We built a multivariate regression tree to explore patterns and environmental drivers of spatial overlap in freshwater fishes across three thermal guilds from 438 lakes.


We identified five clusters of lakes exhibiting different patterns of spatial overlap among the three thermal guilds. Temperature (growing degree days) and maximum lake depth were strong drivers of the spatial overlap patterns.

Main Conclusions

These findings provide a better understanding of broad-scale patterns of spatial overlap and allow us to predict how spatial overlap, and ultimately species interactions and competition, may change under a warming climate.  相似文献   

Defining species guilds in the Central Hardwood Forest,USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tree regeneration outcomes are challenging to generalize and difficult to predict. Many tree species can establish new propagules in a variety of post-disturbance environments and many different reproductive mechanisms may be used. In order to develop conceptual models that accurately reflect reproductive potential, we need a better understanding of the similarities in regeneration ecology among species. We used information from the forest ecology literature to evaluate the reproductive attributes of sixty-two tree species in the central hardwood region of the eastern United States. Each species was classified categorically for features such as flowering, seed production and dispersal, seed dormancy, germination requirements, seedling characteristics, and vegetative reproduction. Cluster analysis (Jaccard's similarity coefficient, complete linkage method) and ordination (homogeneity analysis) were used to separate nine groups (guilds) of species that had similar reproductive attributes. Individual attributes that had high variance in the first and second dimensions included: seed banking, seed dispersal, seedling shade tolerance, and seedbed requirements. Members of each guild had similar levels of reproductive specialization and guilds were either pioneer-like, opportunistic, or persistent. Pioneer guilds included: short-lived or fugitive species that colonize sites rapidly and are too shade intolerant to replace themselves; shade-tolerant species that colonize frequently disturbed sites; and stress-tolerant pioneers that survive on dry or nutrient-poor sites. Opportunistic guilds contained species that are remarkably versatile in their reproductive effort. The most flexible opportunists can colonize new sites, maintain seed in a seed bank, sprout from existing stems and persist as a seedling or sapling bank. Persistent guilds contain species that develop and maintain advance regeneration. These include: species with moderate understory tolerance that regenerate via cycles of dieback and resprouting; and more tolerant species that maintain seedling or sapling banks. Our regeneration guilds may provide a useful approach for more realistically representing large and diverse sets of tree species in forest ecosystem models.  相似文献   

刘超  丁志锋  丁平 《生态学报》2015,35(20):6759-6768
为探究千岛湖陆桥岛屿不同鸟类集团对栖息地片段化敏感性的差异和季节变化,于2009年4月—2012年1月鸟类繁殖季(4、5、6月)和冬季(11、12、1月)对千岛湖41个陆桥岛屿鸟类集团进行了研究。结果表明,冬季杂食鸟对片段化敏感性高于食虫鸟,繁殖季时二者无显著差异,繁殖季和冬季时下层鸟对片段化敏感性均高于林冠鸟,冬季留鸟对片段化敏感性高于候鸟,繁殖季则无显著差异。杂食鸟和留鸟对片段化敏感性存在季节差异,而食虫鸟、林冠鸟、下层鸟和候鸟对片段化敏感性均无季节差异。不同鸟类集团对栖息地片段化敏感性的差异和季节变化规律,有助于人们在栖息地管理和保护区设计时采取更有针对性的鸟类保护措施。  相似文献   

The pollinators of 29 ginger species representing 11 genera in relation to certain floral morphological characteristics in a mixed-dipterocarp forest in Borneo were investigated. Among the 29 species studied, eight were pollinated by spiderhunters (Nectariniidae), 11 by medium-sized Amegilla bees (Anthophoridae), and ten by small halictid bees. These pollination guilds found in gingers in Sarawak are comparable to the pollination guilds of neotropical Zingiberales, i.e., hummingbird-, and euglossine-bee-pollinated guilds. Canonical discriminant analysis revealed that there were significant correlations between floral morphology and pollination guilds and suggests the importance of plant–pollinator interactions in the evolution of floral morphology. Most species in the three guilds were separated on the plot by the first and second canonical variables. Spiderhunter-pollinated flowers had longer floral tubes, while Amegilla-pollinated flowers had wider lips than the others, which function as a platform for the pollinators. Pistils and stamens of halictid-pollinated flowers were smaller than the others. The fact that gingers with diverse morphologies in a forest with high species diversity were grouped into only three pollination guilds and that the pollinators themselves showed low species diversity suggests that many species of rare understory plants have evolved without segregating pollinators in each pollination guild.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic diet patterns and trophic guild structure of a 15 species temperate lake fish assemblage were analysed over wide size intervals (up to seven orders of magnitude in body mass), representing practically the whole life span in most species. A two-step objective clustering technique supplemented with other multivariate statistical tools proved that size-related diet changes clearly played an important role in structuring trophic organization of fishes inhabiting Lake Balaton. As many as 13 out of the 15 fish species showed marked size-related dietary changes with two to four ontogenetic feeding stages. At the assemblage level, 11 trophic guilds were separated. Guild membership was size-dependent in 11 fish species that participated in two to four trophic guilds during their life span. The most complex trophic ontogeny was observed in roach Rutilus rutilus and asp Aspius aspius with four guild memberships. This study showed that trophic status of fishes may be very size-sensitive and thus a universal classification of fish species to general trophic guilds, such as 'planktivore', 'benthivore', 'piscivore' or 'herbivore', should be applied very carefully even in environmental monitoring and fisheries management applications, unless it is supported by relevant results of life span diet analyses.  相似文献   

The response of communities to environmental change is expected to vary among feeding guilds. To evaluate the response of guilds to environmental factors without considering the taxonomic specificities, it is useful to examine Aculeata bees and wasps, which consist of closely related taxa including different guilds, pollinators, predators, and parasitoids. In this study, we evaluated changes in species diversity (SD) and functional traits of each feeding guild along an elevational gradient in a boreal forest in northern Japan. We used yellow pan traps to collect Aculeata bees and wasps at 200–1600 m above sea level. We investigated six functional traits (trophic level, seasonal duration, body size, elevational range, nesting position, and soil dependency) and the horizontal distribution of the species. The SD of all Aculeata, predators, and parasitoids decreased with an increase in elevation; however, the SD of pollinators did not show any specific trend. Although the functional trait composition of all Aculeata species did not show any trend, that of each feeding guild responded to elevation in different ways. Pollinators increased in body size and showed a decrease in seasonal duration with increasing elevation, suggesting that tolerance and seasonal escape from physical stress at high elevations are important for shaping pollinator communities. Predators increased their elevational range and the proportion of above‐ground nesting species increased with increasing elevation, suggesting that the ability to live in a wider range of environments and avoid unsuitable soil environments at high elevations might be important. Parasitoids changed their hosts and displayed variable traits with increasing elevation, suggesting that brood parasitoids have difficulty in surviving at high elevation. The traits for each guild responded in different ways, even if they were dominated by the same environmental factors. Our findings imply that differences in the responses of functional traits would produce different community assembly patterns in different guilds during further climate change.  相似文献   

The effects of grazing disturbance on insect communities were examined at a montane grassland in Central Argentina, by comparing two grazed sites differing in cattle load (heavy and continuous or moderate and discontinuous) and two cattle exclusions differing in age (7 and 19 years). Two aspects of insect diversity (taxonomic and guild structure) and two levels of taxonomic resolution (family and species) were considered. Four monthly samples were taken with a suction sampler in two 1 m2 areas at each site. Collected specimens were counted, identified to family (all insects) or species (Coleoptera) level, and allocated to trophic guilds. Abundance, richness, diversity and biomass of the insect assemblages had minimum values in the most intensely grazed habitat, which also differed from the other sites in terms of insect families and Coleoptera species composition. It also showed a distinct guild structure, with fewer secondary consumers, and chewers replacing suckers as the most abundant herbivore group. According to these observations, intense grazing in montane grasslands in Central Argentina could result in taxonomic and guild changes in the associated insect communities, but such effects would not be noticeable with less intensive use. Moreover, using family taxonomic level could be as or even more appropriate than species level in order to characterize insect communities in the studied habitats under varying disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

1. Information on the guild structure of foliage‐associated tropical insects is scarce, especially as caterpillars are mostly considered only as herbivores feeding on living leaves. However, many caterpillar species display alternative trophic associations, feeding on dead or withered leaves or epiphylls (‘non‐herbivores’). 2. To determine the contribution of these non‐herbivores, caterpillar communities associated with Chusquea Kunth (Poaceae) in the Andes of southern Ecuador were investigated. Caterpillars were collected at two elevation levels (montane rainforest ~2000 m and elfin forest at ~3000 m a.s.l.) and assigned to three feeding guilds (strict herbivores, non‐herbivores, and switchers) based on feeding trials. Foliage quality and leaf area were recorded to test for their influence on guild composition and caterpillar density. 3. Three hundred and eighty‐nine individuals belonging to 175 Lepidoptera species associated with Chusquea bamboos were found. The species richness of caterpillars was similarly high at both elevation levels but varied between feeding guilds. Approximately half (46.5%) displayed an alternative feeding association, i.e. were non‐herbivores (31.1%) or switchers (15.4%). 4. Caterpillar density was nearly two‐fold higher in the elfin forest, but only strict herbivores and switchers increased significantly with elevation. Leaf area positively influenced the density of strict herbivores and switchers; foliage quality only affected strict herbivores. The density of non‐herbivores did not differ significantly between the forest types and was not related to leaf area or foliage quality. 5. The present study underpins that non‐herbivores make up a considerable fraction of caterpillar communities in tropical mountain ecosystems and demonstrates that elevation, foliage quality and available plant biomass further shape feeding guild composition.  相似文献   

The identification and analysis of the guild structure of vertebrate assemblages has played a fundamental role in the understanding of the underlying mechanisms responsible for their community organization and structuring. This approach generally has not been undertaken for temperate water intertidal fish assemblages. In central Chile, fishes are important components of the intertidal community, but no studies attempting to understand their organization and structuring have been done. In the present study, the diets of 13 of the most abundant species which inhabit tidepools in the rocky intertidal zone of central Chile were determined. A total of 660 fishes was collected at 5 sites: Los Molles, Con-Cón, Quintay, El Tabo, and Las Cruces. Dietary overlap between all species pairs was calculated and a phenogram of dietary similarity was constructed and analyzed using a bootstrapping technique to objectively determine guild membership. The results showed that the intertidal fish assemblage of central Chile can be divided into three feeding guilds: two guilds consisting of carnivorous species and one guild of omnivorous and herbivorous species. The possible causes and implications of the resulting guild structure and the potential effects of predation by these fishes on other components of the intertidal community are discussed.  相似文献   

The functional composition of herbivorous insect assemblages was correlated with aspects of new and mature leaf surface features, anatomy and morphology across 18 co‐occurring plant species. Multivariate analyses of insects and leaf traits revealed that the functional composition of the herbivore assemblage was more strongly correlated with leaf structural traits than with leaf constituents. Leaf traits were more strongly correlated with the functional composition of the herbivore assemblage than with its taxonomic composition. Densities of sessile phloem feeders, ­rostrum chewers, and all herbivores were significantly negatively correlated with specific leaf weight, lamina and cuticle thickness, vascular tissue depth and stomate length, and were significantly positively correlated with stomate density. External chewer densities were significantly negatively correlated with percent lignified vein area, and significantly positively correlated with leaf surface area and the distance between lignified tissues. Spine‐like leaves were associated with significantly lower densities of sessile phloem feeders, external chewers and all herbivores compared to kite leaves (kite leaves are comprised of unfortified leaf tissue supported by a framework of vascular tissue). The presence of a thickened leaf hypodermis was associated with significantly lower densities of external chewers and rostrum chewers, while midrib protection was associated with significantly lower densities of external chewers. Leaf structural traits may not be the proximal factors influencing herbivorous insects, as leaf structural traits are correlated with many other plant traits such as photosynthetic rate, relative growth rate and leaf life‐span. Nonetheless, these results indicate that certain leaf structural traits may potentially be used to predict the functional structure of herbivorous insect assemblages. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 77 , 43–65.  相似文献   

城市公园植被特征对陆生鸟类集团的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨刚  许洁  王勇  丁由中  袁晓  裴恩乐  马波  王小明  王正寰 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4824-4835
城市公共绿地是城市生态系统中重要的鸟类栖息地,其植被特征对鸟类集团存在显著影响。在通过分析植被特征对陆生鸟类集团的作用,从而为公园合理配置植被来提高其作为野生动物栖息地的生态服务功能提供理论基础。2009年10月至2011年10月,采用样线法对上海滨江森林公园进行鸟类调查,利用主成分分析划分鸟类集团,用高度定义植被层次,用卡方检验分析鸟类行为在植被层次上的差异。结果表明,滨江森林公园陆生鸟类群落在乔木层的栖息行为和运动行为频次显著多于其在灌木层和地被层的行为频次,在地被层的取食行为频次显著多于其在乔木层和灌木层的行为频次。陆生鸟类可划分为8个鸟类集团,鸟类集团之间存在栖息、运动和取食空间生态位的重叠。食虫拾取集团、杂食拾取集团、食肉飞取集团和植食拾取集团在栖息、运动和取食空间生态位上均存在较高的重叠度,其通过食性分离各自空间生态位。食虫探取集团和食虫飞取集团互为栖息空间生态位重叠度最高集团,其通过取食方式的不同来实现生态位的分离。根据公园植被特征对鸟类集团的影响结果对上海市公园绿地植被配置提出了建议。  相似文献   

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