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Summary Some new species of Benthimermis Petter, 1980 (Benthimermithidae, Nematoda) from the South Indian Ocean. Six new species of Benthimermis collected from the shallows of the Crozet-Prince Edward ridge (South Indian Ocean) are described. Benthimermis australis n.sp. is the first species in the genus of which both male and female are known; the male differs from previously described males in lacking cervical alae as well as a cuticular ring-like thickening around the amphids; the female is characterized by a rounded tail with a thick mucron and with a cuticular thickening at its end. Benthimermis crozetensis n.sp., of which only the male is known, resembles B. breviptera in the form of the cervical alae and reproductive system, but is distinguished by the length of the cervical alae and tail, and the diameter of the anterior vas deferens. The following four species are known only by their females: B. hureaui n.sp. is distinguished by a short conical tail; B. edouardensis n.sp. is distinguished by a tail with a long terminal spike bearing refringment granules; B. marionensis n.sp. and B. arnaudi n.sp. are characterized by a short round tail without a cuticular thickening at its end and are distinguished from one another by the length of the ovaries. These species are the first in the Benthimermithidae which have been found in relatively shallow sediments (between 90 and 980 m). Keys to males and females of the genus Benthimermis are given. ac]19820408
Quelques nouvelles espèces du genre Benthimermis Petter, 1980 (Benthimermithidae: Nematoda) du Sud de l'Océan Indien

In this paper, two new species of Cricetidae, Hispanomys adroveri nov. sp. and Kowalskia meini nov. sp., from the locality of Casa del Acero (Fortuna basin, Middle Turolian, MN 12) are described. They have, in general, less evolved characters than their vicariant pairs in the Central Spain basins Ruscinomys schaubi and Kowalskia fahlbuschi. The latter is interpreted as being the result of the presence of more humid conditions in the Levant province than in the Interior basins.  相似文献   

Trois espèces nouvelles de Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858, parasites de Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824) sont décrites du Brésil: P. euzeti n. sp., P. azevedoi n. sp. et P. catzeflisi n. sp. Ces trois espèces, ainsi que P. jarara (Fuhrmann, 1927), ont été comparées entre elles par leur caractéres morpho-anatomiques et biologiques. Leur appartenance à des populations isolées génétiquement a été démontré par électrophorèse des protéines (isoenzymes) sur gel d'amidon. Parmi les douze enzymes testées, six d'entre elles ont fourni des zymogrammes interprétables génétiquement; les loci AAT, GPI, MDH, MPI présentent différents allèles pour chacune des quatre espèces.Three new species of Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858, parasites of Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824), are described from Brazil: P. euzeti n. sp., P. azevedoi n. sp. et P. catzeflisi n. sp. The three species and P. jarara (Fuhrmann, 1927) are compared morpho-anatomically and biologically. Electrophoresis of proteins (isoenzymes) on starch gel shows that the four taxa belong to genetically isolated populations. Twelve enzymes were analysed of which six produced genetically interpretable zymograms; the four species differ in the alleles of the loci AAT, GPI, MDH and MPI.Três novas especies de Proteocephalus Weinland, 1858, parasitos de Bothrops jararaca (Wied, 1824) do Brasil foram descritas: P. euzeti n. sp., P. azevedoi n. sp. et P. catzeflisi n. sp. Estas três espécies, asim como P. jarara (Fuhrmann, 1927), foram comparadas por seus caracteres morfo-anatômicos e biológicos. Sua colocaçâo em populações isoladas genéticamente, foi demostrada por eletroforese das proteinas (isoenzimas) em gel de amido. Entre as doze enzimas interpretáveis geneticamente, os loci AAT, GPI, MDH, MPI apresentam diferentes alelos para cada uma das quatro espécies.  相似文献   

The genus Hansenula was considered a long time ago as a good pattern for phylogenetic research. In 1969, Wickerham proposed an evolutive scheme based upon morphological, physiological and ecological criteria. Recently, relatedness among yeasts were analysed by DNA-DNA hybridization in liquid medium. H. anomala var. anomala (G + C content: 37,1%) was compared with H. anomala var. schneggii (37.6%), H. subpelliculosa (33,8%), H. ciferrii (33,1%), H. holstii (37%) belonging to the same line 2, and also with H. beckii (38,3%) line 3, H. sydowiorum (40,1%) and H. muscicola (37,1%).These results showed little relatedness between H. anomala var. anomala /H. ciferrii and H. anomala var. anomala/ H. subpelliculosa. On the other hand, H. anomala var. schneggii shared 89,5% of its nucleotide sequences with H. anomala var. anomala. These 2 strains were considered to represent the same species. H. holstii showed 67.1% complementarity with H. anomala var. anomala: this strain is considered to represent valid species, different from H. anomala var. anomala, but H. muscicola with 72.5% relatedness to H. anomala var. anomala could be considered as a limit species. An unexpected finding was that H. beckii was closely related to H. anomala var. anomala (84.8%). These data suggested the inadequacy of current criteria used to establish the phylogenetic lines in genus Hansenula.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of Apodemus,A. agustii, a Middle Pliocene Muridae from the Guadix-Baza basin. Its morphology is far from that postulated as more frequent in Apodemus: its molars crowns are relatively high: there is no connection between t6 and t9 in M1 and M2. Taking in account this and its age, it is placed in an evolutionary branch, convergent with “Rhagapodemus” morphotype.  相似文献   

The study of the diplectanid gill parasites of Diplodus Rafinesque (Teleostei: Sparidae) from off the Algerian coast revealed the presence of several species of Lamellodiscus Johnston & Tiegs, 1922 on D. sargus (Linnaeus) and D. vulgaris (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire). Some of these species differ from the others by having a copulatory organ "en lyre" and lamellodiscs of the morphological group 'ignoratus' of Oliver (1987). In Lamellodiscus, the subgroup 'ignoratus', proposed by Amine & Euzet (2005), characterised by a simple lateral dorsal bar, includes L. ignoratus Palombi, 1943 and L. fraternus Bychowsky, 1957. Two new species, L. falcus n. sp. and L. neifari n. sp. form part of the 'ignoratus' subgroup. These species are distinguished by the morphology and the size of the sclerotised parts of the haptor and copulatory organ.  相似文献   

Soulié  J. 《Insectes Sociaux》1962,9(3):265-272
Insectes Sociaux - Among the antsCr. scutellaris which form foraging columns in order to exploit their «trophoporic» area (these are aphidicolous ants mostly feeding upon the honeydew...  相似文献   

J. R. Steffan 《BioControl》1962,7(2):181-188
Summary In this paper four new palearctic species ofTorymidae are described:Monodontomerus gladiatus andTorymus favardi from South of France,Glyphomerus signifer from Austria andPseudotorymus amethystinus from Algeria.Torymus favardi is a parasite of bothDryocosmus australis mayr andAndricus singulus (mayr), whereasGlyphomerus signifer has been bred from galls ofDiplolepis spinosissimae (gir.).   相似文献   

Two new Rhynchonellide brachiopods from the Albian stratotype region (Paris Basin) (Dipoloceas cristatum zone), analyzed according to their external morphology and internal characters completed by the observation of their corresponding microstructure, are set apart from a cluster of specimens previously recognized as Rhynchonella sulcata d’Orbigny. They correspond to Lamellaerhynchia carronensis n. sp. (Cyclothyrididae) and Burrirhynchia albiensis n. sp. (Tetrarhynchiidae) brought up and described in this context, in respect to the demand of the amended article 8.6 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. This article concerns works published after 1999 which does not make use of printing edition. Therefore, these two species previously figured by Gaspard (2010a, paper version) then described and figured by Gaspard (2010b) in a joint CD-ROM of the collective edition entitled “Stratotype Albien”, will be definitively available in this printing version.  相似文献   

Pahl Bernier 《Geobios》1979,12(6):839-861
The genus Petrascula has not been reviewed since J. Pia in 1920. At present, seven species are attributed to this genus. Different characteris have been used to define it by the authors. After abundant sampling in the Upper Kimmeridgian or the Southern Jura Mountains, the species-type has been reviewed and divided in two species, the second one named: Petrascula guembeli nov. sp.An other level of Portlandian age, in the same azea, is very rich in Petrascula piaiBachmayer, 1944. This species which has not been observed since that time is here reviewed. Associated with this species, a new one was found and described Petrascula? bugesiaca nov. sp., in spite a doubtful genus attribution.So many different species allow the review and emendation of the genus Petrascula. Then, the other species of the genus: P. globosa (Alth) P. herakiSokac & Nikler, P. illyricaSokac & Nikler, are discussed using the new definition.  相似文献   

In the Lower Cretaceous of Provence Cylindroporella faronensis n. sp. and Cylindroporella massiliana n. sp. represent small size species with a limited number of branches. The former ranges from the Middle (or Lower p.p. ?) Berriasian to the Lower Valanginian, the latter is found in the Lower Hauterivian, but could appear earlier in other regions. Clypeina isabellae n. sp. is also a small size form with a fibrous, yellowish microstructure, close to Clypeina sulcata, it is restricted to the Middle (or Lower p.p. ?) and Upper Berriasian. Besides their biostratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic potential value this material from Provence is also interesting from an evolutionary point of view. At generic levels it shows distinctive patterns relatively to the “Cope law”.  相似文献   

Résumé Une analyse par électrophorèse des protéines à 20 locus a été réalisée sur trois espèces du genre Mastomys au Sénégal. Malgré l'absence de locus diagnostique, une approche multivariée par analyses factorielles (AFC et AFD) permet néanmoins de reconnaître de façon sûre une des espèces en présence (M. cf. natalensis, 100% d'individus bien classés par l'AFD) et d'attribuer correctement les individus des deux autres espèces (M. erythroleucus et M. huberti) dans 92% et 77% des cas respectivement. Bien qu'écologiquement nettement différenciées, ces deux dernières espèces apparaissent très proches génétiquement (DNei=0,12) et montrent par ailleurs de hétérozygoties très elevées. Les faibles distances génétiques entre les trois espèces contrastent avec la forte différenciation chromosomique observée par ailleurs. Chez M. erythroleucus et M. huberti, les distances génétiques observées entre populations continentales ne sont pas corrélées avec les distances géographiques alors que les populations insulaires présentent une nette baisse de variabilité, en relation probable avec leur isolement géographique important. Par ailleurs, chez M. huberti, plusieurs populations s'écartent fortement de la panmixie. Ces tensions génétiques pourraient résulter de phénomènes d'introgression avec M. erythroleucus.
Compared genetic structures of three species of African rodents of the genus Mastomys from Senegal. A protein electrophoresis analysis at 20 loci was performed on three species of the genus Mastomys from Senegal. Although no diagnostic locus was found between the three species, they can be readily recognized by multivariate analysis (100% of the M. cf. natalensis, 92% of the M. erythroleucus and 77% of the M. huberti individuals could be correctly classified by discriminant analysis). Although ecologically quite clearly differentiated, M. erythroleucus and M. huberti were found to be genetically very close (DNei=0.12) and display very high heterozygosities. On the whole, the small genetic distances between the three species contrast with the high chromosomal differentiation that has been reported in another study. In M. erythroleucus and M. huberti, genetic distances between mainland populations are not correlated with geographic distances, whereas insular populations show an important decrease of variability probably linked with their geographic isolation. In M. huberti, some populations show a strong departure from panmictic equilibrium: these genetical tensions could result from introgression phenomena with M. erythroleucus.

The study of an Upper Kimmeridgian madreporarianfauna collected in the southern french Jura (between Valfin and Belley), allowed: 1) to describe five Scleractinian new species: Mitrodendron biennensis nov. sp., Hexapetalum nemorosum nov. sp., Thalamocoenia gironensis nov. sp., Cryptocoenia stelliserrata nov. sp., Columnocoenia miniflora nov. sp. and a new variety of Heliocoenia (Kobycoenia) claudiopolisensisBeauv., 1964, characterized by its small calices; 2) to modify the diagnosis and the systematic position of the species Baryhelia crassa (de From.) which was created as Heterocoenia crassade From.; 3) to increase of a new species the genus Hexapetalum only known, till now, by its Stramberg Tithon type-species; and 4) to give some palaeoenvironmental conclusions = the Upper Jurassic reef formations in the Southern Jura grew in shallow water characterized by an abundant carbonate sedimentation. Genera associations and distribution confirm the presence, between Oyonnax and Belley, of a low energy area, protected by a barrier reef and, northern of this barrier, of a higher hydrodynamic environment.  相似文献   

Four new species of Splendidofilariinae from different families of lizards are described: Thamugadia wertheimae n. sp., from Acanthodactylus b. boskianus from Israel, Madathamugadia versterae n. sp., from Mabuya capensis from the Northern Transvaal; M. bissani n. sp., from Mabuya quinquetaeniata from Mali; and M. ineichi n. sp., from Pseudocordylus microlepidotus melanotus from the Orange Free State. The life-cycle of M. ineichi is described. It occurs in a Phlebotomus species and is similar to the two known life-cycles in the genus. The new combination Madathamugadia huambensis (Petit, Bain, Gomes & Touratier, 1983) is proposed for the filarial worm from Mabuya aff. quinquetaeniata in Angola, previously placed in the genus Piratuboides (Oswaldofilariinae). Pseudothamugadia physignathi, from Physignathus lesueurii in Australia, is redescribed. In New Guinea, this filarid, or a closely related species, is a parasite of Chlamydosaurus kingii. The presence of splendidofilariines in lizards from southern and western Africa is a new finding. These Ethiopian species show several original characteristics but exhibit affinities with the two Madathamugadia spp. from Malagasy. M. ineichi appears to be a primitive form with a well-developed buccal capsule and well-developed pre- and post-cloacal papillae. Two lines appear to derive from this group: the first is characterised by the reduction of the post-cloacal papillae and comprises the eight species of Madathamugadia in the Ethiopian and Mediterranean regions; the second line is characterised by a reduction of the pre-cloacal papillae and includes the four species of Thamugadia in the Mediterranean region. Morphologically, Pseudothamugadia appears to be closely related to Madathamugadia.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(4):227-234
Two viperid snakes, Vipera natiensis sp. n. (belonging to the Vipera aspis group) and Vipera sp., have been found in the Pliocene of Minorca. On the other hand, an indeterminate viperid extends back the fossil record of the family in the Balearic Islands, to the Middle Miocene. These fossils represent the first report of viperids from the Balearic Islands. Vertebra of Vipera natiensis sp. n. are characterised by a concave anterior border of zygosphene, dorsoventrally flattened, short (as wide as long) and blunt prezygapophyseal processes. Centrum convex in transverse section, subcentral margins poorly marked and presence of two well defined subcotylar tubercles. Hypapophysis located posteriorly on the centrum and not prolonged anteriorly, or only slightly prolonged as a keel. The dorsal border of the neural spine is slightly thickened; the posterior border of the neural spine is markedly inclined posteriorly; as a result, the spine forms a posterior point, which is more or less developed, depending on the position of the vertebra along the vertebral column. The presence of Viperidae in the Neogene of the Balearic Islands involves the existence of a terrestrial connection between this archipelago and the continent during the Early Miocene and/or Middle Miocene and perhaps the presence of a later connection during the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

Cantharellus pseudominimus nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement for C. minimus L. L. Daniel, 1912 (non C. minimus Vaill. ex Roussel, 1795–1796). C. cibarius var. tenuis Romagn. is described and illustrated after revision of the type specimen. As this taxon can not be considered a mere variety of C. cibarius, C. romagnesianus nom. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

In a first approach to studying the effects of air pollutants, we describe some experimental results obtained after ingestion of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (HAP)* by three species of locusts (Gomphocerus sibiricus, Gomphocerus rufus and Euchorthippus pulvinatus). We wanted to evaluate their toxicity, then to locate them in the organism. Two HAP, carcinogenic for mammals, were used. They are highly toxic for our locusts. Ingestion of 0.015 or 0.06 mg of 3 methylcholanthrene kills respectively 25 % and 50 % of them. Moreover, benzo-a-pyrene seems to have a greater toxicity, and E. pulvinatus is the most resistant species. Strongly fluorescent in UV light, 3 MC and BaP can be easily detected in the organism after dissection, and with more detail using frozen material. The microscope shows absorption activity of midgut; most of the organs are consequently invaded by intact hydrocarbon or its various derivatives. Muscles and reproductive organs show a bright fluorescence, which reaches its maximum in the nervous system. Tubes of Malpighi seem to be the principal route of elimination of these products. The remarkable susceptibility of some organs is encouraging for the progress of our study.  相似文献   

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