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论山毛榉科植物的系统发育   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文运用分支分类学方法,对山毛榉科植物进行了系统发育的分析。山毛榉科作为单元发生群包括柯属、锥属、粟属、三棱栎属、水青冈属和栎属。桦木科和南山毛榉属被选择作为外类群。对大量的性状进行评估之后,选择了25对性状作为建立数据矩阵的基本资料。性状极化以外类群比较为主,同时也采用了化石证据和通行的形态演化的基本原则。数据矩阵由7个分类群、2个外类群和25个性状组成。采用最大同步法、演化极端结合法和综合分析法对该数据矩阵进行了分析。在得到的3个树状分支图中按照最简约的原则,选出演化长度最短的谱系分支图作为本文讨论山毛榉科属间的系统演化关系的基础。关于山毛榉科植物的系统发育,作者的观点如下:(A)现存的山毛榉科的6个属形成了4条平行进化的分支路线,它们分别被处理作4个亚科,即:栗亚科,三棱栎亚科,水青冈亚科和栎亚科;(B)平行进化是山毛榉科植物系统发育过程中的主要形式。生殖过程中的一些特征,如:果实第二年成熟,胚珠通常败育等,是影响山毛榉科植物属间基因交流的主要原因。在现存的山毛榉科植物中,柯属是最原始的类群。三棱栎属和锥属的起源也较早,而栗属、水青冈属和栎属是特化的类群。  相似文献   

山茶属植物的进化与分布   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:28  
山茶属Camellia植物在其进化过程中,以雄芯不定数、在某些类群中存在心皮离生至合生的中间过渡,认为是山茶科中较原始的一属,分布于亚洲东部和东南部,中国长江以南广袤的亚热带地区是该属的现代分布中心,中南半岛和我国云南、广西南部的热带地区种类虽少,却集中了本属原始或较原始的类群和种类。本属演化上的近缘属或姐妹群-核果茶属Pyrenaria(包括石笔木属Tutcheria)分布区大致与本属相似,其原  相似文献   

本文概述了当前分支系统学研究中涉及的主要理论和方法,包括性状的选取、性状状态和极性的确定、数据矩阵的分析计算、结果分支图的处理、分支图可靠性的评价及分支图的应用。本文同时以华东地区樟科山胡椒属Linderal2个种的分支系统学研究为例,讨论了用形态性状进行分支系统学研究中可能遇到的问题,也揭示了一些分支系统学与传统的系统学在应用性状推导进化关系上的不同点。对这12个种的分支系统学研究得出了一些不同于传统系统学方法所推测的山胡椒属内的系统发育关系,如分支系统学研究显示山胡椒组和球果组很近缘。在严格一致性分支图上,杯托组的黑壳楠和江浙山胡椒分别位于最原始和最进化的分支,表明这个组是复系类群。分支图也显示山胡椒组可能是复系类群。  相似文献   

山茶属Camellia植物在其进化过程中,以雄蕊不定数、在某些类群中存在心皮离生至合生的中间过渡,认为是山茶科中较原始的一属,分布于亚洲东部和东南部,中国长江以南广袤的亚热带地区是该属的现代分布中心,中南半岛和我国云南、广西南部的热带地区种类虽少,却集中了本属原始或较原始的类群和种类。本属演化上的近缘属或姐妹群——核果茶属Pyrenaria(包括石笔术属Tutcheria)分布区大致与本属相似,其原始(子房5室,心皮先端多少分离,花柱离生)的种类也分布于此,它们可能同出于一个心皮离生的古老祖先,即生长于亚洲古热带森林环境中的类似千五桠果属(Dillenia)的原始山茶科植物,上述地区是该属的早期分化中心和起源地,大约在白垩纪特提斯海(古地中海)东岸的劳亚古陆和冈瓦纳古陆接触地带由原始五桠果类植物演化而来。山茶属植物自热带亚洲起源和分化发生后,向四周辐射状扩展,在亚洲大陆,类群和种类明显表现出由南向北、从热带向亚热带分化和替代的规律。在漫长的进化过程中,经历第三纪以来地史和古气候的变迁,分化发展为具花梗和花梗强烈缩短变无便的两个演化枝,分道扬镳平行发展,两枝在演化上相似地表现出雌、雄蕊数目的减少及合生水平的提高,本属最进化的类群是分布区南界的管蕊茶组 Sect.Calpandria和广布我国亚热带林下的连蕊茶组Sect.Theopsis,前一组花丝全部合生成肉质管,后一组雌、雄蕊高度合生,果通常1室发育,中轴退化。晚第三纪以来,古气候的变迂和亚洲山体的隆升,山茶组 Sect.Camellia,油茶组Sect.Paracamellia以及连蕊茶组 Sect.Theopsis在新的环境中产生进一步分化和自然杂交,出现了一些多倍体种群,细胞地理学研究表明,自中南半岛向北呈现出核型由对称到极不对称、染色体从二倍体到多倍体的变异系列,从而对山茶属中演化与分布的一致性提供了证据。  相似文献   

菝葜科基于形态学证据的系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对全世界范围分布的菝葜科Smilacaceae的79个代表种(包括了全部的属和组), 以分布于南美洲的Philesia Comm. ex Juss.和Lapageria Ruiz &; Pav.属为外类群, 选取包括花粉和染色体性状在内的47个广义的形态学性状进行了分支分类系统发育分析, 同时以表征分类的方法构建了距离树(NJ)辅助分析, 首次对世界分布的菝葜科各属间及属内的系统发育关系作了探讨。(1)Ripogonum与菝葜属Smilax +肖菝葜属Heterosmilax互为姐妹群, 但是距离较远, 支持将类菝葜属(新拟中文名)Ripogonum独立为科的观点; (2)肖菝葜属在菝葜科内处于较为进化的分支上, 并与菝葜属土茯苓组sect. Coilanthus的部分种组成一个具较高支持率(88%)的单系分支, 分析表明肖菝葜属并非是一个好属, 应归入菝葜属; (3)菝葜属6个组的划分大都没有得到支持, 只有东亚北美间断分布的草本菝葜组sect. Nemexia的单系得到很好的支持(93%); (4)分布于南美洲巴西的种类聚为一个单系类群, 表明它们可能有共同的起源, 但由于取样局限, 南美洲种类的系统地位有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

在前人对列当科系统发育研究的基础上,追加了肉苁蓉属(Cistanche)的基因序列数据,运用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯推断方法探讨了其在列当科中的系统位置及列当科中属间关系.基于rps16基因序列及rps16+ ITS联合序列建立了列当科系统发育树,结果显示,肉苁蓉属、列当属(Orobanche)以及草苁蓉属(Boschniakia)聚在同一进化枝内,肉苁蓉属和列当属表现出最近亲缘关系;列当科中的全寄生类群、半寄生类群和非寄生类群分属在3个不同分支中.  相似文献   

中国紫金牛属的分支分类学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于60个形态学性状,对中国广义报春花科(Primulaceae s.l.)紫金牛属(Ardisia)90个分类群的系统发育关系运用分支分析方法进行了分析。采用最简约性分析得到了100个同等简约树。50%多数规则一致树的分支结构与以前建立的紫金牛亚属划分系统基本一致。外类群酸藤子属、铁仔属、密花树属聚在分支树的最基部,紫金牛属为一单系类群。形态分支树的一致性指数和保持性指数和各分支内部支持率均较低,只在种与变种或亚种之间获得较高的支持率。高木亚属、腋序亚属、短序亚属、顶序亚属处于分支树较为基部的位置,推测这四个亚属的类群在紫金牛属中较为原始;圆齿亚属和锯齿亚属共同组成一大支,二者亲缘关系紧密,推测这两个亚属为该属中最为进化的类群。结合形态学对属内系统发育关系进行了讨论和推测了一些性状的演化趋势,以期为分类修订提供依据。  相似文献   

似鮈类鱼类的系统发育研究(鲤形目:鲤科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对似类8属13种和外类群7属10种鱼类的比较研究,选取37个骨骼及外部特征,运用外类群比较法进行特征分析,根据分支系统学原理重建了似类的系统发育。特征分析和系统发育分析表明似类是具有许多共同离征的单系群,朝着流水性底栖生活和刮食性的主干方向发展;其中以似属最原始,胡属最特化构成7对姐妹群。蛇属是较早分化出的相对特化的类群,棒花鱼属和小鳔属的关系相对较远。  相似文献   

刘涵  孙冲  吴杰  黄威  黄勤琴  刘霞 《西北植物学报》2023,(11):1866-1871
为探究花椒属种水平系统进化关系以及为新品种培育研究奠定理论基础,该研究以芸香科物种的叶片为材料,采用改良CTAB法提取叶绿体DNA,利用BGISEQ-500平台进行叶绿体基因组测序,并对叶绿体基因组进行组装、注释,联合NCBI数据库数据,共获得芸香科19属49个物种的全叶绿体基因组序列。构建了芸香科属间系统进化关系。结果表明,(1)基于叶绿体基因组序列矩阵(总长196 641 bp),ML和BI 2种方法得到的系统发育树的拓扑结够基本一致,系统发育树各分支具有较强的支持率,叶绿体基因组数据可以解决芸香科属间的系统发育关系。(2)芸香科为单系类群,并进一步形成两大分支,其中柑橘亚科为单系,与芸香亚科内的芸香属聚为分支I,分支Ⅱ由芸香亚科和飞龙掌血亚科组成,两亚科均不是单系,其中飞龙掌血亚科的香肉果属,茵芋属与芸香亚科的白鲜属,臭常山属是最早分化出来的类群,其次是蜜茱萸属和山油柑属;黄檗属和吴茱萸属与花椒属类群形成姊妹群,飞龙掌血属的物种飞龙掌血嵌套于花椒属分支中,支持飞龙掌血物种并入花椒属的处理。  相似文献   

运用分支分类学方法对天南星属进行了系统发育分析,以天南星属13个组为13个分支分类单位,选择菖蒲属作为外类群,从天南星属植物特征中选取13个性状作为建立数据矩阵的基本资料,并以外类群比较和通行的形态演化规律为依据这些性状进行极化,采用改进后的最大同步法和最小平行进化法进行分类运算,按照最简约的原则,选出演化长度较短的最大同步法谱分支图,作为本文讨论的基础,并在此基础上,探讨了天南星属各组的系统关系。  相似文献   

The congenital fusion of carpels, or syncarpy, is considered a key innovation as it is found in more than 80% of angiosperms. Within the magnoliids however, syncarpy has rarely evolved. Two alternative evolutionary origins of syncarpy were suggested in order to explain the evolution of this feature: multiplication of a single carpel vs. fusion of a moderate number of carpels. The magnoliid family Annonaceae provides an ideal situation to test these hypotheses as two African genera, Isolona and Monodora, are syncarpous in an otherwise apocarpous family with multicarpellate and unicarpellate genera. In addition to syncarpy, the evolution of six other morphological characters was studied. Well-supported phylogenetic relationships of African Annonaceae and in particular those of Isolona and Monodora were reconstructed. Six plastid regions were sequenced and analyzed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference methods. The Bayesian posterior mapping approach to study character evolution was used as it accounts for both mapping and phylogenetic uncertainty, and also allows multiple state changes along the branches. Our phylogenetic analyses recovered a fully resolved clade comprising twelve genera endemic to Africa, including Isolona and Monodora, which was nested within the so-called long-branch clade. This is the largest and most species-rich clade of African genera identified to date within Annonaceae. The two syncarpous genera were inferred with maximum support to be sister to a clade characterized by genera with multicarpellate apocarpous gynoecia, supporting the hypothesis that syncarpy arose by fusion of a moderate number of carpels. This hypothesis was also favoured when studying the floral anatomy of both genera. Annonaceae provide the only case of a clear evolution of syncarpy within an otherwise apocarpous magnoliid family. The results presented here offer a better understanding of the evolution of syncarpy in Annonaceae and within angiosperms in general.  相似文献   

JUDD, W. S., STERN, W. L. & CHEADLE, V. I. 1993. Phylogenetic position of Apostasia and Neuwiedia (Orchidaceae). Cladistic analyses of the phylogenetic relationships of selected orchid taxa were conducted in order to assess the phylogenetic position of Apostasia and Neuwiedia (Orchidaceae: Apostasioideae). These analyses employed newly available anatomical characters, along with several morphological features that had been used in recent phylogenetic analyses of Orchidaceae. Our analyses indicate that Apostasia is more closely related to Neuwiedia than it is to Cypripedioideae. The two genera comprise an apostasiad clade; this clade is the sister-group to a clade including Cypripedioideae and monandrous orchids. The apostasiad clade is diagnosed by the derived features of operculate pollen colpi, Apostasia-type seeds, and vessel members with simple perforation plates. Of these, the presence of simple perforation plates is considered to be the most significant phylogenetically. Therefore, the apostasiads should not be considered ancestral to the remaining orchid groups. Vessel members of the monandrous orchids, as well as the cypripediads, are multiperforate–the hypothesized ancestral state based on the condition in Hypoxidaceae.  相似文献   

The phenetics of 12 genera of Afrotropical Cryptobiina have been analysed by multivariate statistics. Three analyses (principal component analysis, canonical discriminant analysis and cluster analysis) have been used to determine the relative positions of the taxa in a morphospace. These analyses have allowed us to confirm the generic divisions based on alpha-systematic and phylogenetic grounds. While phenetic systematics and cladistic systematics have often been opposed, this study shows that both approaches are, in the end, complementary. Phenetical analysis allow, in addition to a quantitative definition of the genera, the isolation of ethological or ecological characters, while the cladistic approch gives to them precision and a phylogenetic sense. The three types of analyses point out the importance in Cryptobiina of the size, length of the scapus and width of the neck, all three characters which were also designated as significant characters by the phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

铃兰族rbcL基因的PCR—RFLP分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文用7属9种铃兰族Tribe convallarieae植物的叶绿体DNA中rbcL基因片段的PCR产物的RFLP结果进行聚类分析。结果表明:开口箭属与蜘蛛抱蛋属关系密切,夏须草属与族内其余各属亲缘关系稍远,与外部器官形态、核型和孢粉学资料所得出的结论基本一致。此外,本文对铃兰属的系统位置也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Liparidae (snailfishes) is one of the most diverse and abundant fish families in polar and deep-sea habitats. However, the evolution of this family is poorly known because of the rarity of many species and difficulties in scoring morphological characters. We perform phylogenetic analyses of Liparidae using sequences from two mtDNA genes, 16S (585 bp) and cytochrome b (426 bp), and 84 morphological characters from 24 species of Liparidae and 4 species of Cyclopteridae (outgroup). The present study confirms earlier hypotheses that the shallow-water genera, such as Liparis and Crystallichthys, occupy basal positions and that deep-water genera, such as Careproctus, Elassodiscus, Rhinoliparis, Paraliparis, Rhodichthys and Psednos, are increasingly derived. The later two genera form a terminal clade which does not include Paraliparis. The topology shows that the family has undergone a reductive type of evolution, with a gradual loss of characters (e.g. sucking disc/pelvic fins, pseudobranchial filaments, skin spinules). Nectoliparis, which had previously been placed either as the basal most genus or among the most derived genera, are found to occupy the most basal position among the taxa analyzed. This result indicates that the sucking disc has been lost at least twice during the evolution of the Liparidae. The basal position of Nectoliparis is supported by its plesiomorphic otolith morphology, whereas an advanced overgrown otolith ostium, unique among teleosts, is found to be apomorphic for a clade containing the derived genera: Paraliparis, Psednos, Rhinoliparis and Rhodichthys. We also identify the presence of probable nuclear inserts of mitochondrial DNA (Numts) in three species of Careproctus and in Elassodiscus caudatus.  相似文献   

Trimeresurus (in its widest sense) is a very diverse and widespread radiation of Asian pitvipers, which has been subject to numerous taxonomic revisions, some of which have been based on characteristics of the skull. In order to evaluate the taxonomic utility of such characters, we conducted a comparison of the skulls of 57 specimens representing nine genera, and two currently unassigned species that are very closely related to each other. A canonical variate analysis reveals three distinct phenetic groups: the Protobothrops group, a group containing Ovophis monticola , ' Ovophis ' okinavensis , and ' Trimeresurus ' gracilis , and finally a group comprising the remaining species and characterized by considerable overlap between most genera with the exception of the monotypic Peltopelor and Himalayophis . Agreement between phenetic similarity based on skull characteristics and phylogenetic relationships based on molecular evidence varies between different groups: the morphological similarity of the skull of Protobothrops sieversorum to the other Protobothrops species is congruent with their recent synonymization while the phenetic similarity among the species within the second group does not reflect current molecular phylogenetic relationships and indicates that convergent or parallel evolution may be responsible for at least some of the phenetic similarity detected among skulls of the Asian pit vipers examined. A test of phylogenetic independence, however, indicates that there is still a significant phylogenetic signal that can be recovered from several skull characteristics. Thus, we conclude that skull morphology can contribute to an overall understanding of pitviper taxonomy, but that it would be unwise to rely on skull characteristics alone.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Turnicidae (Aves) was unresolved. Historically, they were classified as members of the Struthioniformes, Galliformes, Charadriiformes, Columbiformes or the Gruiformes. In these classifications they had taxonomic rank of order 'Turniciformes' or family 'Turnicidae'. However, most of these studies followed phenetic methodology and used morphological similarity of taxa and plesiomorphic characters to classify Turnix . Recent phylogenetic studies on the basis of morphological character analyses or phenetic comparisons based on DNA-DNA hybridization experiments failed to clarify the phylogenetic realtionship of Turnix and suggested a position as 'incerte sedis', either among the Gruiformes or as the parvclass 'Turnicac'as a sistergroup to the 'Neoaves'.
We studied skeletal and myological material of Turnix to resolve its phylogenetic position. Further, we considered all characters that were previously discussed in literature to classify Turnix and tested them for their potential use in phylogenetic analysis. We added several yet unemployed morphological characters of phylogenetic significance to the analysis. The Struthioniformes, 'Galloanseres', and Columbiformes are each characterized by a clear set of autapomorpies. Only one autapomorphy in known for the Gruiformes but this character is of satisfying consistency and can be found in all families of the Gruiformes (Gruidae, Psophiidae, Aramidae. Rallidae) and Turnix. Turnix and the Rallidae share four complex morphological characters implying a close phylogenetic relationship. The data presented in this paper support the hypothesis that Turnix is a member of the Gruiformes with close relationships to the Rallidae. No evidence was found that would support a parvclass 'Turnicae'as sistergroup to the 'Neoaves'.  相似文献   

Phenetic and cladistic relationships among tenebrionid beetles (Coleoptera)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. The higher classification of Tenebrionidae is analysed using numerical phenetic, numerical cladistic and traditional Hennigian methods. In all, eighty characters are examined for about 335 taxa; definitive analyses are made on combinations of eighteen to seventy characters for thirty-three OTUs. At lower levels of relationship (genera and closely related tribes) phenetic and cladistic classifications are shown to be congruent, but at higher levels (tribes and subfamilies) there is marked discordance with phenetic results being more stable. A consensus classification is more similar to the Hennigian cladogram than is any single computer generated cladogram. Two main tribal groups – the Lagrioid and Tenebrionoid groups – are suggested which differ in defensive glands, female anatomy, wing and mouthpart morphology, larval characters and other features. The Tenebrionoid group consists of three main subdivisions – the tenebrionine, coelometopine and diaperine lineages. Changes in classificatory position are recommended for eighty-seven genera and tribes (listed in Appendix E) and implied for numerous others.  相似文献   

Thum  Ryan A. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,519(1-3):135-141
The phylogenetic relationships among the numerous genera of diaptomid copepods remain elusive due to difficulties in obtaining sufficient numbers of phylogenetically informative morphological characters for cladistic analysis. Molecular phylogenetic techniques offer high potential to resolve phylogenetic relationships in the absence of sufficient morphological characters because of the ease in which many characters can be unambiguously coded. I present the first molecular phylogeny for diaptomid copepod genera using 18S rDNA. Specifically, I test Light’s (1939) hypothesis regarding the interrelationships among the North American diaptomid genera. The 18S phylogeny is remarkably consistent with Light’s hypothesis. The endemic North American genera represent a monophyletic group exclusive of the non-endemic genera. Moreover, his hypothesized basal genus for the North America genera, Hesperodiaptomus, is the basal genus in this analysis. However, his Leptodiaptomus group is not reciprocally monophyletic with his Hesperodiaptomus group, but is rather a derived member of the latter group. Finally, the genus Mastigodiaptomus is found to be more closely allied with the non-endemic genera, as Light suggested. This phylogeny contributes heavily to the understanding of phylogenetic relationships among North American diaptomids and has large implications for the systematics of diaptomids in general. The use of 18S rDNA sequences in phylogenetic analyses of diaptomid copepods can be used to confirm the monophyly of recognized genera, the interrelationships among genera, and subsequent biogeographic interpretation of the family’s diversification. The use of molecular data, such as 18S rDNA sequences, to test phylogenetic hypotheses based on a very limited number of morphological characters will be a particularly useful approach to phylogenetic analysis in this system.  相似文献   

Flowers of 23 species representing six subfamilies of Araceae were studied by means of serial cross sections, special attention being given to vascular patterns and to taxa of supposed phylogenetic importance. Floral structure is shown to be extremely diverse with no unifying pattern common to all subfamilies. Conclusions include the following: (1) Lysichiton has a specialized gynoecial vascular pattern which differs from others encountered in the survey and which weighs against the primitive position attributed to this genus by Hutchinson. (2) Philodendron, with its multiple stylar canals, cannot have originated from subfamily Pothoideae, as Engler's phylogenetic concept would require of all Araceae; instead, it appears that several syncarpous evolutionary lines have evolved independently from extinct apocarpous members of the family. (3) In Acorus, stamens are introrse and dorsal carpellary bundles are lacking; these characters and others justify the recognition of Acorus as a separate subfamily Acoroideae. In addition, the survey revealed a peculiar deterioration of the inner ovary wall and the septa in several taxa, apparently a normal feature of floral development. Spathiphyllum solomonense Nicolson is described in an appendix.  相似文献   

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