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Following application of 3H-Gibberellin A20 (GA20) to roots of G2 pea seedlings and homogenization of the roots, about 3% of the radioactivity in the tissue could be precipitated from a 30,000 × g supernatant with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) (soluble fraction) while about 5% of the radioactivity pelleted at 30,000 × g (particulate fraction). The radioactivity in the particulate fraction was soluble in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), but was not dialyzable and was insoluble in ethanol. Electrophoresis of the soluble fraction gave only one band of radioactivity, while that of the particulate fraction gave multiple bands. Acid hydrolysis of the soluble fraction released radioactivity that ran coincident with acid-treated GA20 on silicic-acid column chromatography. The particulate fraction gave numerous radioactive peaks following acid hydrolysis, two of which were coincident with GA20 and GA29 (hydroxylation product of GA20) on silicic acid chromatography. Treatment of the particulate and soluble fractions with RNase, DNase, and proteases showed a significant solubilization of radioactivity only with the proteases, suggesting that the GA is bound to a proteinaceous macromolecule. Complete proteolytic hydrolyis followed by thin layer chromatography showed 65% of the radioactivity from the soluble fraction running separately from free GAs or the individual amino acids; the particulate fraction gave mainly (60%) free GAs on enzymatic hydrolysis and much smaller amounts (17%) in a position separate from that of the GAs or amino acids. Binding of 3H-GA to protease-sensitive material was obtained with biologically active 3H-GA20 and 3H-GA1.  相似文献   

Summary A half diallel analysis involving nine cultivars showed that additive as well as non-additive gene effects were important for the inheritance of seed yield per plant, 100-seed weights, protein content and potassium per cent. For remaining traits non-additive genetic components were important. Overdominance was observed for all traits except for 100-seed weight, which expressed partial dominance. Parents PMR-T10, EC21857, EC109182, T163 and EC109189 were good general combiners for seed yield, seed weight and quality traits. In general there was a good relationship between per se performance and the gca effects of the parents for all traits. Cross combinations such as LMR8 x EC109182,LMR8 x PMR-T10,LMR8 x EC21857,PMRT10 x EC21857 and P23 x EC21857 were found promising. The seed yield was positively correlated with other quality traits. Protein had a positive correlation with methionine and phosphorus. All the values of correlation co-efficients were non-significant except for yield with potassium, 100-seed weight and protein with methionine, indicating that yield and quality attributes can be improved simultaneously by simple selection procedures.  相似文献   

The metabolite produced by Mycosphaerella pinodes, the causal agent of mycosphaerella blight on field peas, was detected by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and was analyzed for its chemical and pathogenic characteristics. One blue dot was detected using 254nm UV light on TLC plate, and a spray of rho-anisaldehyde (110 degrees C, 30 min) also produced a blue dot. The solvent systems used for TLC analysis were ethyl acetate/water/acetone (5/2/5), chloroform/methanol/glacial acetic acid (19/10/2), toluene/ethyl acetate/90% formic acid (6/3/1), diethylether/methanol/water/90% formic acid (95/4/1/1), and bezene/methanol/acetic acid (24/2/1), with R(f) values (min-max) of 0.09-0.18, 0.88-0.95, 0.06-0.15, 0.39-0.47 and 0.05-0.12, respectively. The recovered metabolite from the TLC plate displayed UV absorption peaks at 212, 244, 250, 256 and 261 nm. The proposed formula of the main component of the metabolite was C16H12N3O6. The TLC-purified metabolite induced symptom of discoloration on detached pea leaves.  相似文献   

The plastoquinone (PQ) pool of the photosynthetic electron transport chain becomes reduced under anaerobic conditions. Here, anaerobiosis was used as a tool to manipulate the PQ-pool redox state in darkness and to study the effects of the PQ-redox state on the Chl-a fluorescence (OJIP) kinetics in pea leaves (Pisum sativum L.). It is shown that the FJ (fluorescence intensity at 3 ms) is linearly related to the area above the OJ-phase (first 3 ms) representing the reduction of the acceptor side of photosystem II (PSII) and FJ is also linearly related to the area above the JI-phase (3–30 ms) that parallels the reduction of the PQ-pool. This means that FJ depends on the availability of oxidized PQ-molecules bound to the QB-site. The linear relationships between FJ and the two areas indicate that FJ is not sensitive to energy transfer between PSII-antennae (connectivity). It is further shown that a ∼94% reduced PQ-pool is in equilibrium with a ∼19% reduction of QA (primary quinone acceptor of PSII). The non-linear relationship between the initial fluorescence value (F20 μs) and the area above the OJ-phase supports the idea that F20 μs is sensitive to connectivity. This is reinforced by the observation that this non-linearity can be overcome by transforming the F20 μs-values into [QA ]-values. Based on the FJ-value of the OJIP-transient, a simple method for the quantification of the redox state of the PQ-pool is proposed. Szilvia Z. Tóth and Gert Schansker contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

A reliable Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method has been developed for peas (Pisum sativum) using immature cotyledons as the explant source. Transgenic plants were recovered from the four cultivars tested: Bolero, Trounce, Bohatyr and Huka. The method takes approximately 7 months from explant to seed-bearing primary regenerant. The binary vector used carried genes for kanamycin and phosphinothricin resistance. Transformed pea plants were selected on 10 mg/l phosphinothricin. The nptII and bar genes were shown to be stably inherited through the first sexual generation of transformed plants. Expression of the phosphinothricin-resistance gene in the transformed plants was demonstrated using the Buster (=Basta) leaf-paint test and the phosphinothricin acetyl transferase enzyme assay.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

The histological changes in pea roots axenically infected by Pratylenchus penetrans were studied and described. Roots of pea seedlings growing aseptically on the surface of nutrient agar slants were inoculated with axenized nematodes. Six hours after inoculation most of the nematodes introduced were probing the root epidermis, but none had completely entered though a few were observed with their anterior section already in the root. Most of the nematodes penetrated the roots after 12 hr inoculation. From 18 to 24 hr after inoculation the nematodes were mostly in the mid-cortex. Invaded regions of the cortex often showed orange discoloration. As incubation continued, the number of nematodes in these roots increased, and feeding and reproductive activities extended deeper into the cortex. These activities resulted in extensive breakdown of the cortex. No nematodes were observed within the stele of infected roots; however, the endodermis of infected roots stained dark-brown. Gravid female nematodes probed the root endodermis and some endodermal cells appeared to collapse after prolonged probing by the nematode. All stages in the life cycle of the nematode were observed in infected roots; the female to male ratio inside the root was about 5:1.  相似文献   

Polysome stability and the formation of various polysomal populations in pea stem and root tissue were examined. Both total ribosomal fraction and four polysome populations were isolated: FP (free polysomes), MBP (membrane-bound polysomes), CBP (cytoskeleton-bound polysomes) and CMBP (cytoskeleton-membrane-bound polysomes). The content of above mentioned populations decreased in roots and stems during germination. In both roots and stems a gradual decrease of FP participation in the total polysomal population was also observed during germination. On the other hand, an obvious increase in participation of CMBP population in the total polysomes pool was observed in later stages of germination. Increase of CMBP participation in pea root and stem tissues in later stages of germination is probably due to intensive enzymatic protein synthesis taking place in them. These proteins may participate in elongating growth of cells. The results of investigation on polysomes stability showed that total polysomes isolated from pea roots appeared to be more resistant to digestion by exogenous ribonuclease (EC than polysomes isolated from stems. As protein-mRNA interactions are widely known and ribosomes are also very adhesive structures, numerous non-ribosomal proteins are present in the polysome preparations. We suppose that changes in proteins bound to polysomes indicated by us previously, significantly influence both the stability and also translatability of polysomes isolated from different plant organs.  相似文献   

Expression of transferred genes during hairy root development in pea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Root border cell development and expression of reporter genes were evaluated in transgenic pea hairy roots. Successful induction of hairy roots in pea is conditioned by bacterial strain and plant genotype, as well as by developmental and environmental factors. Morphological changes sometimes occur when hairy roots are transferred from infected plants to tissue culture media, but such changes are confined to specific clones. Expression of reporter genes under the control of promoters from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) stress genes encoding phenylalanine ammonia lyase and chalcone synthase were evaluated. Expression patterns vary between hairy roots taken directly from infected plants, and those grown in culture; most hairy roots taken from infected plants exhibit expression throughout all tissues, whereas expression in cultured hairy roots is most often localized to specific tissues. Patterns of expression that occur during different stages of hairy root development are very similar to those observed in transgenic plants expressing the same fusion genes. Border cell separation and release in hairy roots is normal, and expression of glucuronidase in border cells of some transgenic roots resulted in development of bright blue single cells. Cultured hairy roots should provide a very useful model for studying the effect of defined changes in root border cells on microbial associations with roots of this important legume.Abbreviations YEM yeast extract-mannitol - GUS glucuronidase - PAL phenylalanine ammonium lyase - CHS chalcone syntase  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a pea catalase cDNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Summary Clathrin-coated vesicles have been isolated from cotyledons of both developing and germinating pea seeds using differential centrifugation, ribonuclease treatment, discontinuous sucrose gradients, and isopycnic centrifugation on a linear D2O-Ficoll gradient. The yield of coated vesicles from developing pea cotyledons was exceptional, being 1.6 × higher than the yield from hog and bovine brain, 5.3 × higher than the yield from carrot suspension cultures, and 13 × the yield from cotyledons of germinating pea seeds. The pea coated vesicles are similar to other plant coated vesicles in size (approximately 80 nm in diameter) and in having a clathrin heavy chain of 190,000 Mr. The lipid phosphorus to protein ratio, 190–250 nmol P per mg protein, of the coated vesicles from plants is comparable to that reported for highly purified coated vesicles from animals. The nondenatured pea clathrin reacted weakly with an antiserum to bovine brain clathrin, but pea clathrin denatured by sodium dodecyl sulfate did not.Abbreviations CLC Clathrin light chain - CHC clathrin heavy chain - CV coated vesicle - DTT dithiothreitol - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethyl ether) N,N-tetraacetic acid - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TBS Tris buffered saline  相似文献   

Endogenous cytokinin-like activity was detected in pea seedlings usingthe soybean callus bioassay. Higher levels of activity were found in two-day-oldseedling roots and in the root free zone of four-day-old seedlings compared tothe lateral root zone of four-day-old seedlings. By day six, the levels ofendogenous cytokinin-like activity was greatly reduced in both the lateral rootzone and root free zone. Decapitation of the root tip disrupted the spatialorganization of the root. Lateral roots were subsequently found along the entirelength of the root rather than in a discreet lateral root zone. Application of10–3 M dihydrozeatin to decapitated root tipsovercame the effect of root tip removal and restored the situation to what isnormally found in intact roots. There was little mobility of dihydrozeatin inthe root, with applied 3H-DHZ not moving from the root free zone,even 24 h after application.  相似文献   

Cores of repacked soil were consolidated with a compressive strength testing machine, after peas had been planted in the centre of the core. The number that emerged were counted and root and shoot lengths and diameters were measured. Consolidation had no effect on emergence, root length or root diameter of the peas grown in a loamy sand, whereas emergence, root length and root diameter were affected by a small increase in load in a clay loam.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscopic observations have shown that the intercellular spaces in the storage parenchyma of the cotyledons of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds arise schizogenously. The wall segments adjoining future intercellular spaces display a triple zonation and contain regions with electron-dense material. Space formation starts at the central point of contact between several cells and spreads then further up to the electron-dense, intra-wall structures. As a result of this the electron-dense material is found again in the corners of intercellular spaces. It is proposed that the intra-wall structures may have an important function in limiting the schizogenous process. The localization of the intercellular spaces is thus predetermined. The amount of electron-dense material in their corners increases considerably during further development of the embryo. During germination wall segments between two intercellular spaces diverge resulting in a fusion of several spaces.  相似文献   

Masaoka  Y.  Kojima  M.  Sugihara  S.  Yoshihara  T.  Koshino  M.  Ichihara  A. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):75-78
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was grown in hydroponic culture to investigate adaptation to Fe-deficiency. Root exudates released into the nutrient solution from Fe-deficient plants were trapped and condensed on an amberlite XAD-4 resin column. The diethyl ether fraction of these exudates dissolved ferric phosphate remarkably. The dissolving capability was about 62 times higher than that of root exudates obtained from Fe-sufficient plants in complete nutrient solution. The Fe-dissolving compound was separated and identified. It was a new natural compound with molecular formula C14H10O5 and was identified as 2-(3,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,6-dihydroxybenzofuran by means of mass spectrometry and 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance. This new compound worked as a phytoalexin and inhibited completely the fungal growth of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli.  相似文献   

Changes in cytokinin pool and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity (CKX EC: in response to increasing abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations (0.5–10 μM) were assessed in the last fully expanded leaves and secondary roots of two pea (Pisum sativum) varieties with different vegetation periods. Certain organ diversity in CKX response to exogenous ABA was observed. Treatment provoked altered cytokinin pool in the aboveground parts of both studied cultivars. Specific CKX activity was influenced significantly basically in roots of the treated plants. Results suggest that ABA-mediated cytokinin pool changes are leaf-specific and involve certain root signals in which CKX activity presents an important link. This enzymatic activity most probably regulates vascular transport of active cytokinins from roots to shoots.  相似文献   

A given plant species is able to resist most of the potentially pathogenic microorganisms with which it comes in contact. This phenomenon, known as non-host resistance, can be overcome only by a very small number of true pathogens which can use that plant as a host. In some cases, plants have developed mechanisms for overcoming infection by specific races or strains of a true pathogen. This race-specific resistance can be easily manipulated into agronomically important cultivars by plant breeders. We have previously described nine cDNA clones which represent pea genes active during non-host resistance against the fungus Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli. In the present work, we have used these cDNAs as probes to compare non-host resistance with race-specific responses of peas against three races of Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi. Five of the genes most active during non-host resistance were also active in direct correlation with the phenotypic expression of resistance in race-specific reactions of five differential pea cultivars against three races of Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi.  相似文献   

Summary Three isoenzyme systems (amylase, esterase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase) were examined in seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and shown to give clear variation in their band patterns on gel electrophoresis between different lines. The inheritance of these isoenzyme systems, and the location of their genes on the pea genome was investigated. Reciprocal crosses were made between lines, F2 seeds were analysed for segregation in the band patterns of the isoenzymes, and F2 plants were investigated to find linkage between the genes for these isoenzymes and genes for selected morphological markers. The results obtained showed that each of the investigated isoenzyme systems is genetically controlled by co-dominant alleles at a single locus. The gene for amylase was found to be on chromosome 2, linked to the loci k and wb (wb ... 9 ... k ... 25 ... Amy). The gene for esterase was found to be linked with the gene Br (chromosome 4) but the exact location is uncertain because of the lack of the morphological markers involved in the cross. The gene for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase was found to be on chromosome 1 and linked with the loci a and d (a... 24... Got... 41 ... d).  相似文献   

Lectins from two varieties (PG-3 and LFP-48) of pea have been purified by affinity chromatography on Sephadex G-50. The specific activity increased by 23 and 25 folds, respectively. These lectins from both the varieties were found to be specific for mannose. The purified fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) – labelled lectins showed binding reaction with homologous as well as heterologous strains of Rhizobium spp. The results revealed that pea lectins are not highly specific to their respective rhizobia. Moreover, these lectins showed a greater stimulatory effect on homologous Rhizobium leguminosarum strains.  相似文献   

The effect of cycloheximide (CH) on the indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA)-stimulated transport of 14C-labelled abscisic acid (ABA) and 14C-labelled sucrose was studied in 110 mm long pea epicotyl segments. IAA application resulted in elongation growth of the segments. This effect was decreased by CH treatment which also reduced [14C] ABA and [14C] sucrose accumulation in the growing apical part of the segments. A reduction in [14C] IAA uptake and in protein synthesis in this part of the segments was also observed. The simultaneous inhibition of protein synthesis and reduction of [14C] ABA and [14C] sucrose transport suggests that IAA can stimulate the transport of ABA and sucrose through a protein synthesis-based elongation growth.  相似文献   

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