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Mutations in six genes that eliminate responsiveness of Saccharomyces cerevisiae a cells to alpha-factor were examined by assaying the binding of radioactively labeled alpha-factor to determine whether their lack of responsiveness was due to the absence of alpha-factor receptors. The ste2 mutants, known to be defective in the structural gene for the receptor, were found to lack receptors when grown at the restrictive temperature; these mutations probably affect the assembly of active receptors. Mutations in STE12 known to block STE2 mRNA accumulation also resulted in an absence of receptors. Mutations in STE4, 5, 7, and 11 partially reduced the number of binding sites, but this reduction was not sufficient to explain the loss of responsiveness; the products of these genes appear to affect postreceptor steps of the response pathway. As a second method of distinguishing the roles of the various STE genes, we examined the sterile mutants for suppression. Mating of the ste2-3 mutant was apparently limited by its sensitivity to alpha-factor, as its sterility was suppressed by mutation sst2-1, which leads to enhanced alpha-factor sensitivity. Sterility resulting from each of four ste4 mutations was suppressed partially by mutation sst2-1 or by mutation bar1-1 when one of three other mutations (ros1-1, ros2-1, or ros3-1) was also present. Sterility of the ste5-3 mutant was suppressed by mutation ros1-1 but not by sst2-1. The ste7, 11, and 12 mutations were not suppressed by ros1 or sst2. Our working model is that STE genes control the response to alpha-factor at two distinct steps. Defects at one step (requiring the STE2 gene are suppressed (directly or indirectly) by mutation sst2-1, whereas defects at the other step (requiring the STE5 gene) are suppressed by the ros1-1 mutation. The ste4 mutants are defective for both steps. Mutation ros1-1 was found to be allelic to cdc39-1. Map positions for genes STE2, STE12, ROS3, and FUR1 were determined.  相似文献   

The cytosol fraction of rat pancrease can bind [3H] estradiol specifically and extensively. In contrast to the rat uterus, the binding protein in pancreas requires an accessory factor as a coligand in the steroid-binding reaction. Removal of this accessory factor by passage of the cytosol through CM Affi-Gel blue columns renders eluate fractions virtually incompetent with respect to binding of [3H]estradiol (10 nM). Certain synthetic oligopeptides such as N-benzoyl-L-argininyl-p-nitroanilide, as well as an endogenous accessory factor, can reactivate binding of [3H]estradiol. Thus, localization of the protein that binds [3H]estradiol following chromatography with CM Affi-Gel blue columns can be determined readily by assaying eluate fractions in the absence and presence of either accessory factor or N-benzoyl-L-argininyl-p-nitroanilide. Addition of somatostatin (tetradecapeptide referred to as SRIF14; somatotropin release inhibiting factor) to the activatable, but incompetent, eluate fractions, also enhanced binding of [3H]estradiol. The effect of SRIF14 was biphasic. The threshold concentration required for activation of [3H]estradiol binding was about 1 microM, and maximal stimulation occurred at 25 microM. At higher concentrations of SRIF14, binding declined and reached basal levels at about 75 microM. The concentrations of somatostatin required for activation of binding of [3H]estradiol in vivo may be lower than those indicated above since 1) preparations containing [3H]estradiol-binding protein also contained an SRIF14 peptidase. Following incubation of [125I-Tyr1]SRIF14 with these preparations there was loss of binding of radiolabeled peptide with SRIF14 antiserum. 2) The biphasic nature of SRIF14 activation may reflect feedback inhibition of [3H]estradiol binding by a degradation product of SRIF14. Since SRIF14 has been identified in the delta- (or D-) islet cells of the pancreas, and in concentrations that may be in the microM range, the possibility is raised that these cells serve a paracrine function with respect to acinar cell secretion.  相似文献   

A Grossman 《Life sciences》1984,35(22):2275-2279
N-benzoyl-L-arginyl-p-nitroanilide (BAN), a synthetic substrate for trypsin-like proteolytic enzymes, is a potent activator of [3H]estradiol-binding to a protein present in rat pancreas. When partially purified, this protein is almost devoid of [3H]estradiol-binding activity in the absence of an endogenous accessory factor. BAN can mimic the natural coligand in this steroid binding reaction. The effect of BAN is specific since a number of derivatives of this substance are inactive or may even inhibit steroid binding. It is unlikely that BAN exerts this stimulatory action indirectly, possibly by preventing proteolytic inactivation of the [3H]estradiol-binding protein, since preincubation of the protein in the absence of BAN resulted neither in reduced rate, nor extent, of steroid binding following BAN addition. Also, a number of protease inhibitors had no effect on the binding reaction. Of those inhibitors tested, only antipain significantly enhanced binding of [3H]estradiol, but only about 20 percent as effectively as BAN.  相似文献   

alpha-Factor, a secreted tridecapeptide pheromone, is required for mating between the a- and alpha-haploid mating types of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An analogue of alpha-factor, [DHP8,DHP11,Nle12] tridecapeptide (where DHP represents 3,4-dehydro-L-proline and Nle represents norleucine), was catalytically reduced in the presence of 3H gas to produce a radiolabeled pheromone with high specific activity, purity, and biological activity. Association and dissociation kinetics indicated values of 4.9 x 10(4) M-1 s-1 for k1 and 1.1 x 10(-3) s-1 for k-1. Saturation binding studies gave an equilibrium dissociation constant equal to 2.3 x 10(-8) M, which approximated the kinetically derived KD of 2.2 x 10(-8) M. These values compare favorably to the previously determined KD of 6 x 10(-9) M (Jenness, D.D., Burkholder, A.C., and Hartwell, L.H. (1986) Mol. Cell. Biol. 6, 318-320). Scatchard analysis and dissociation in the presence of excess unlabeled ligand indicated interaction with a homogeneous population of noninteracting binding sites (13,000 sites/cell). A number of alpha-factor analogues, previously investigated for their structure-function relationships (Naider, F., and Becker, J.M. (1986) CRC Crit. Rev. Biochem. 21, 225-249), were used to compete with [3H]alpha-factor binding. Four tridecapeptides having conservative amino acid replacements bound strongly to the receptor. In contrast, [Phe3]alpha-factor and 10 des-Trp1-alpha-factor analogues bound to the receptor 1-3 orders of magnitude less effectively than did alpha-factor itself. The binding constants for all active pheromones correlated with biological activity. However, des-Trp1[Phe3]alpha-factor and des-Trp1-[Ala3]alpha-factor, which were not biologically active, still competed with alpha-factor binding, indicating that these analogues fail to induce a secondary signal necessary for biological response to the pheromone. One analogue, des-Trp1-[Cha3,L-Ala9]alpha-factor (where Cha represents cyclohexylalanine), was not biologically active and did not demonstrate binding to the receptor, whereas des-Trp1-[Cha3,D-Ala9]alpha-factor was active and bound to the receptor. This finding suggests that a type II beta-turn is necessary for binding of alpha-factor to its receptor and for subsequent biological activity.  相似文献   

Alpha adrenergic receptor subtypes in rat hippocampal membranes were studied, using [3H]clonidine as the radioactive ligand. On the basis of competitive binding studies, using the selective antagonist-prazosin, WB-4101, and yohimbine, [3H] clonidine appeared to bind to a population of presynaptic sites that are pharmacologically similar to receptors previously classified as alpha2. A computerized model that linearized and produced the best possible fit to the experimental data points indicated that [3H]clonidine binds to a single population of receptors possessing equal affinity for the ligand. Binding data also indicated that rat hippocampus contains significantly fewer [3H]clonidine binding sites than rat cortex.  相似文献   

The rat uterus contains two classes of specific nuclear estrogen-binding sites which may be involved in estrogen action. Type I sites represent the classical estrogen receptor (Kd = 1 nM) and type II sites (Kd = 10-20 nM) are stimulated in the nucleus by estrogen under conditions which cause uterine hyperplasia. Dilution of uterine nuclear fractions from estrogen treated rats prior to quantitation of estrogen binding sites by [3H]estradiol exchange results in an increase (3- to 4-fold) in the measurable quantities of the type II site. Estimates of type I sites are not affected by dilution. These increases in type II sites following nuclear dilution occur independently of protein concentration and result from the dilution of a specific endogeneous inhibitor of [3H]estradiol binding to these sites. The inhibitor activity is present in cytosol preparations from rat uterus, spleen, diaphragm, skeletal muscle, and serum. Preliminary characterization of the inhibitor activity by Sephadex G-25 chromatography shows two distinct peaks which are similar in molecular weight (300). These components (alpha and beta) can be separated on LH-20 chromatography since the beta-peak component is preferentially retained on this lipophilic resin. Partial purification of the LH-20 beta inhibitor component by high performance liquid chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis suggests the putative inhibitor activity is not steroidal in nature and consists of two very similar phenanthrene-like molecules (molecular weights 302 and 304). Analysis of cytosol preparations on LH-20 chromatography shows that non-neoplastic tissues (uterus, liver, lactating mammary gland) contain both and inhibitor components whereas estrogen-induced rat mammary tumors contain very low to nonmeasurable quantities of the beta-peak inhibitor activity.  相似文献   

Binding of the alpha-adrenergic agonist [3H]clonidine and the alpha-adrenergic antagonist [3H]WB-4101 exhibited multiple binding site characteristics in both rat frontal cortex and cerebellum. Kinetic analysis of the dissociation of both radioligands in rat frontal cortex suggests two high affinity sites for each ligand. Competition of various noradrenergic agonists and antagonists for [3H]WB-4101 binding yielded shallow competition curves, with Hill coefficients ranging from 0.45 to 0.7. This further suggests multiplicity in [3H]WB-4101 binding. In the rat cerebellum, competition of various noradrenergic drugs for [3H]clonidine binding yielded biphasic competition curves. Furthermore Scatchard analysis of [3H]clonidine binding in rat cerebellum showed two high affinity sites with KD = 0.5 nM and 1.9 nM, respectively. Competition of various noradrenergic drugs for [3H]WB-4101 binding in the rat cerebellum yielded biphasic competition curves. Lesioning of the dorsal bundle with 6-hydroxydopamine did not significantly affect the binding of either [3H]clonidine or [3H]WB-4101. These findings for both [3H]clonidine and [3H]WB-4101 binding in rat frontal cortex and cerebellum can be explained by the existence of postsynaptic binding sites for both 3H ligands.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae pheromone, alpha-factor (WHWLQLKPGQPMY), and Ste2p, its G protein-coupled receptor, were studied as a model for peptide ligand-receptor interaction. The affinities and activities of various synthetic position-10 alpha-factor analogs with Ste2p expressing mutations at residues Ser47 and Thr48 were investigated. All mutant receptors were expressed at a similar level in the cytoplasmic membrane, and their efficacies of signal transduction were similar to that of the wild-type receptor. Mutant receptors differed in binding affinity (Kd) and potency (EC50) for gene induction by alpha-factor. One mutant receptor (S47K,T48K) had dramatically reduced affinity and activity for [Lys10]- and [Orn10]alpha-factor, whereas the affinity for Saccharomyces kluyveri alpha-factor (WHWLSFSKGEPMY) was increased over 20-fold compared with that of wild-type receptor. In contrast, the affinity of [Lys10]- and [Orn10]alpha-factor was increased greatly in a S47E,T48E mutant receptor, whereas the binding of the S. kluyveri alpha-factor was abolished. The affinity of [Lys10]- and [Orn10]alpha-factor for the S47E,T48E receptor dropped 4-6-fold in the presence of 1 m NaCl, whereas the affinity of alpha-factor was not affected by this treatment. These results demonstrate that when bound to its receptor the 10th residue (Gln) of the S. cerevisiae alpha-factor is adjacent to Ser47 and Thr48 residues in the receptor and that the 10th residue of alpha-factors from two Saccharomyces species is responsible for the ligand selectivity to their cognate receptors. Based on these data, we have developed a two-dimensional model of alpha-factor binding to its receptor.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae alpha-factor receptor that lead to improved response to Saccharomyces kluyveri alpha-factor were identified and sequenced. Mutants were isolated from cells bearing randomly mutagenized receptor gene (STE2) plasmids by an in vivo screen. Five mutations lead to substitutions in hydrophobic segments in the core of the receptor (M54I, S145L, S145L-S219L, A229V, L255S-S288P). Remarkably, strains expressing these mutant receptors exhibited positive pheromone responses to desTrp1,Ala3-alpha-factor, an analog that normally blocks these responses. The M54I mutation appeared to affect only ligand specificity. The other mutations conferred additional effects on signaling or recovery. Two mutants were more sensitive to alpha-factor than wild type (S145L, A229V). One mutant was more sensitive to alpha-factor-induced cell cycle arrest initially, but then recovered more efficiently (S145L-S219L). One mutant (L255S-S288P) conferred positive pheromone responses to alpha-factor as assayed by FUS1-lacZ reporter induction, but did not display growth arrest. The hydrophobic receptor core thus appears to control activation by some ligands and to play roles in aspects of signal transduction and recovery.  相似文献   

Binding studies with the beta-adrenoceptor antagonist ligand [3H]-dihydroalprenolol ([3H]-DHA, spec. act, 90-102 Ci/mmol) were performed with ventricular membranes L-D-synchronized (L:0.7-19 hr, D:-07 hr) male rats, sacrificed either at 08 hr or at 20 hr. Saturation experiments with crude or washed and preincubated membranes revealed two affinity states of specific [3H]-DHA binding which were abolished after addition of the guanine nucleotide Gpp(NH)p. In crude membranes the apparent Bmax-value at 20 hr was about 40% higher than at 08 hr, in washed and preincubated membranes the nocturnal increase in the apparent Bmax-value was not observed. Pretreatment of rats with isoprenaline (50 mg/kg, i.p.) decreased and catecholamine depletion (reserpine plus inhibition of tyrosine-hydroxylase) increased Bmax-values in crude membranes. The circadian-stage-dependent and the drug-induced effects on the apparent number of beta-adrenoceptors are assumed to be due to circadian or drug-induced variations in the turnover of cardiac noradrenaline.  相似文献   

(±)-[3H]Epinephrine and (?)-[3H]norepinephrine bind saturably to calf cerebral cortex membranes under appropriate incubation conditions in a fashion indicating that they label α-noradrenergic receptors. Binding of the two [3H]catecholamines is saturable with dissociation constants of 20–30 nM. Binding is stereoselective with (?)-norepinephrine displaying about twenty times greater affinity than (+)-norepinephrine. The relative potencies of catecholamines in competing for these binding sites parallels their relative pharmacologic effects at α-noradrenergic receptors in numerous tissues. Thus, (?)-epinephrine is 2–3 times more potent than (?)-norepinephrine and 500 times more potent than (?)-isoproterenol. Binding is inhibited by low concentrations of the α-antagonists phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine but not by the β-antagonist propranolol.  相似文献   

Ketoconazole an orally active imidazole drug and bifonazole, clotrimazole, econazole, isoconazole, miconazole and tioconazole are known inhibitors of cytochrome P-450 dependent steroidogenic enzymes. The aim of the present study was to determine whether these imidazole drugs also have an effect on [3H]R1881 binding to the human prostatic androgen receptor, [3H]5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-DHT) binding to plasma sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and [3H]cortisol binding to plasma corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG). In comparison the effect of both steroidal (cyproterone acetate; CPA) and non-steroidal (anandron, flutamide, hydroxyflutamide, ICI 176344) antiandrogens on these steroid binding proteins was also determined. The results of the present study show that the imidazole drugs were without effect on [3H]R1881 binding to the androgen receptor and on [3H]cortisol binding to CBG up to 100 mumol/l. However, they were weak competitors of [3H]5 alpha-DHT binding to SHBG inhibiting 20-53% of binding at 100 mumol/l. In comparison the antiandrogens were strong competitors of [3H]R1881 binding to the androgen receptor, the order of decreasing potency, determined from ID50 (mumol/l) values were CPA (0.073) greater than ICI 176344 (0.4) greater than anandron (0.63) greater than hydroxyflutamide (1) greater than flutamide (greater than 100). The non-steroidal antiandrogens were without effect on [3H]cortisol binding to CBG whereas CPA caused 36% inhibition of binding at 100 mumol/l. Of the antiandrogens studied CPA was the strongest competitor of [3H]5 alpha-DHT binding to SHBG with an ID50 of 23 mumol/l, in contrast the non-steroidal antiandrogens were weak competitors causing less than 40% inhibition at 100 mumol/l. It is concluded that the primary mode of action of the imidazole drugs is through the inhibition of cytochrome P-450 dependent steroidogenic enzymes with little or no effect on steroid binding proteins. In comparison, the antiandrogens were strong competitors of [3H] binding to the androgen receptor but relatively weaker competitors of [3H] steroids binding to plasma binding proteins.  相似文献   

High affinity binding of [3H] cocaine to rat liver microsomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[3H]Cocaine bound reversibly, with high affinity (KD 2.3 +/- 1.1 nM) and stereospecificity to rat liver microsomes. Little binding was detected in the lysosomal, mitochondrial and nuclear fractions. The binding kinetics were slow (T1/2 for association, 6 min and for dissociation 17 min), and the kinetically calculated KD was 2 nM. Induction of mixed function oxidases by phenobarbital did not produce significant change in [3H]cocaine binding. On the other hand, chronic administration of cocaine reduced [3H]cocaine binding drastically. Neither treatment affected the affinity of the liver binding protein for cocaine. Microsomes from mouse and human livers had less cocaine-binding protein and lower affinity for cocaine than those from rat liver. Binding of [3H]cocaine to rat liver microsomes was insensitive to monovalent cations and greater than 10 fold less sensitive to biogenic amines than the cocaine receptor in rat striatum. However, the liver protein had higher affinity for cocaine and metabolites except for norcocaine. Amine uptake inhibitors displaced [3H]cocaine binding to liver with a different rank order of potency than their displacement of [3H]cocaine binding to striatum. This high affinity [3H]cocaine binding protein in liver is not likely to be a monooxygenase, but may have a role in cocaine-induced hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

Properties of [3H] diazepam binding to rat peritoneal mast cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Benzodiazepine binding to rat peritoneal mast cells was investigated using [3H] diazepam as the radioactive probe. The specific binding of [3H] diazepam reaches equilibrium within 10–15 min, is saturable and is linear with cell number. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium binding indicates the existence of only one class of binding sites with a KD = 90 ± 10 nM and Bmax of 261 ± 60 fmoles/106 cells. The binding of [3H] diazepam is temperature dependent, the highest amount is bound at 0°C and shows a pH-optimum between pH 6.8 – 7.4. The binding of [3H] diazepam is reversible with t12 = 1.2 ± 0.2 min. Based on the relative potency of clonazepam and Ro5-4864 in displacing the specific [3H] diazepam binding, the binding sites in the mast cell are similar to those in the peripheral tissues like lung, liver, and kidney and are different from those in the brain. These data indicate that the mast cells have benzodiazepine binding sites which are of the peripheral type.  相似文献   

Chlorpromazine acts to inhibit the specific binding of estradiol in rat uterine cytosol in vitro at concentrations between 0.1 and 0.75 mM. However, at higher concentrations (1.0-2.0 mM) it causes an apparent increase in binding that is due to free labeled estradiol in the assay buffer which is not adsorbed by the charcoal-dextran. This artifactual elevation can lead to misinterpretations of drug-induced potentiation of receptor sites.  相似文献   

[3H]Spiperone ([3H]SPI) binding sites in rat or bovine striata have been solubilized using CHAPS or digitonin detergents. Solubilized sites retained the binding characteristics of those in native membrane preparations. The same solubilized material, however, did not bind [3H]tyramine ([3H]PTA), thus indicating that [3H]PTA binding sites and DA receptors are different chemico-physical entities. In membrane preparations or crude synaptosomes obtained from the c.striatum of neonatally-rendered hypothyroid rats, when central DA-pathways are impaired, both [3H]PTA binding and [3H]DA uptake processes were markedly decreased, with no effect on [3H]mazindol ([3H]MAZ) binding, compared to euthyroids. Reserpine, a well-known inhibitor of DA-uptake into a variety of secretory vesicles, and a potent in vivo andin vitro inhibitor of [3H]PTA binding, did not affect the [3H]MAZ binding process. This further supported the suggestion that while [3H]PTA binding sites are almost totally associated with the vesicular transporter for DA, [3H]MAZ does label a site involved in the DA-translocation across the neuronal membrane. The latter process seems to be rather insensitive to thyroid hypofunction, when however the intracellular storage of DA might be consistently impaired. In conclusion, PTA might be well exploited as a marker of the DA vesicular transporter through its molecular characterization, whenever possible.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras  相似文献   

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