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汪天虹  刘相梅 《遗传学报》1998,25(5):464-470
以携带质粒pAM120(Ap^r,Tc^r/Tn916)的大肠杆菌(E.coli CG120)为供体菌株,与受体菌巴西固氮螺菌采用膜接合法进行接合转移,在选择平板上得到具较高频率的接合子(10^-5/每个供体菌,选择四环素抗性)。从846株四环素抗性接合子中进一步用奈氏法筛选得到氨分泌突变株3株。在无氮培养基上,其氨分泌量可达7.5 ̄14.0mmol/L。用乙炔还原法分析氨分泌突变株在不同浓度氮源  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白在生命科学研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来,随着水母Aequoreavictoria来源的绿色荧光蛋白(Greenfluorescentprotein,GFP)在各种异源细胞,如细菌、霉菌、线虫、酵母、果蝇、昆虫细胞、哺乳动物细胞及植物细胞中的表达,GFP作为一种新型的报告物在生物学界...  相似文献   

固氮生物在固氮过程中不可避免地将产生电子的消耗和能量的损失;固氮酶每转化一分子儿为氨需消耗4对电子和16个ATP,同时释放出一分子H2。而吸氢酶对所产生氢气的氧化作用可提供固氮过程中所需的还原力,从而提高了固氮微生物的固氮效率。通过分子生物学的实验手段可进行巴西固氮螺菌吸氢酶基因(hup基因)的定位和分离克隆,并进一步构建含多拷贝hup基因的固氮基因工程菌,为提高固氮效率,增加农作物经济产量提供一种有效的氮素营养供给手段。氛是植物生长发育不可缺少的元素。氮气虽然占空气重量的75.54畅,但植物和大多数微生物都不…  相似文献   

据黑龙江省1990年7个中试点试验证明,小麦根际联合固氮菌田间接种效果在5.2—20.6%,平均为9.8%;每田可增产小麦19.1公斤。小麦根际联合固氮菌能促进小麦本长发育,在生育期间可使株高、鲜重增加,叶色变缘。秋收考种证明,对产量构成因子的平方米穗数、穗粒数和千粒重均有增加。  相似文献   

以携带有自杀性质粒pR64::Tn5的大肠杆菌(E.Coil RL29)为供体菌株,与受体菌巴西固氮螺菌W251-10(Azospirillura brasilense W251-10)进行杂交,在选择性平板上测得卡那霉素抗性菌落与受体菌菌落之比为5.0x 10-7。受体菌W251-10的卡那霉素抗性自发突变频率小于1.14×10-9。经气相色谱仪分析测得一株丧失吸氢酶(Hydrogen Uptake Hydrogenase)活性的突变株(编号为 Azospin llum brasilense WG15),同时发现其固氮酶(Nitrogenase)话性也已丧失。 DNA分子点杂交结果表明,所获得的突变株WGl5的总DNA中存在有’n5的序列,而w251—10呈阴性结果,从而证实了WGl5吸氢活性的丧失是由于Tn5在DNA中的插入引起的,同时也揭示了巴西固氯螺菌的吸氢酶基因(缸p)和固氮基因(nr,) 在遗传学上有着连锁的关系。  相似文献   

巴西固氮螺菌(Azospirillam brasilense)...   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

固氮螺菌(A.brasilense)Yu-62在以谷氨酸为氮源好气液体培养条件下,氨离子使固氮酶迅速失活,Western blotting实验证明这种失活的分子基础是固氮酶铁蛋白一亚基被修饰.测定加NH_4~ 后细胞内α-ketoglutarte和glutamine的含量.α-ketoglutarate/glutamine比值在加NH_4~ 后瞬间下降然后上升,而细胞内ATP/ADP的比值没有明显变化.谷氨酸合成酶的抑制剂azaserine使固氮酶失活.Western blotting实验表明这种失活的分子基础也是固氮酶铁蛋白一亚基被修饰.测定加azaserine后细胞内α-ketoglutarate及glutamine比值的变化以及外源α-ketoglutarate及glutamine对细胞固氮活性的影响,表明细胞内一些小分子化合物的变化可能是作用于固氮酶活性氨关闭的重要因素.  相似文献   

应用亚硝基脏(N-nitrosoguanidine,NTG)诱变剂对固氮螺菌菌株Ma241、Ma99、Sp7和G14进行诱变处理后,在掭加了铵的类似物乙撑二胺(ethyleae diamina)的D6bcreiner无氯培养基中进行筛选.反复纯化,获得了在4 5 n、M NH}浓度以上,保持固氯酶活性的耐铵突变株共9株。突变株22的耐铵固氮酶活性最强,在75mM NH+4浓度下,固氮酶活性达到464n mol乙烯/mg蛋白·小时,在200m M NH+4浓度下,固氯酶话性仍有32nmol/mg蛋白·小时。  相似文献   

固氮螺菌(A.brasilense)Yu-62在以谷氨酸为氮源好气液体培养条件下,氨离子使固氮酶迅速失活,Western blotting实验证明这种失活的分子基础是固氮酶铁蛋白一亚基被修饰.测定加NH_4^+后细胞内α-ketoglutarte和glutamine的含量.α-ketoglutarate/glutamine比值在加NH_4^+后瞬间下降然后上升,而细胞内ATP/ADP的比值没有明显变化.谷氨酸合成酶的抑制剂azaserine使固氮酶失活.Western blotting实验表明这种失活的分子基础也是固氮酶铁蛋白一亚基被修饰.测定加azaserine后细胞内α-ketoglutarate及glutamine比值的变化以及外源α-ketoglutarate及glutamine对细胞固氮活性的影响,表明细胞内一些小分子化合物的变化可能是作用于固氮酶活性氨关闭的重要因素.  相似文献   

Transfer of transposon Tn916 from Bacillus subtilis to Thermus aquaticus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Broad host range conjugating transposon Tn916 has been introduced into the extreme thermophile Thermus by transposon transformation and transposition into the Bacillus subtilis chromosome followed by broth mating with Thermus aquaticus ATCC27634. Tetracycline resistant Thermus transconjugants were obtained at a frequency of 1.4 X 10(-7) per donor and 1.2 X 10(-7) per recipient. Transposon transfer from Thermus to Bacillus subtilis was also demonstrated in similar broth matings. Transfer characteristics were consistent with the conjugation mechanism described for Tn916 in mesophiles.  相似文献   

Abstract The streptococcal transposons Tn916 and Tn925 were transferred to several strains of Leuconostoc (Ln.) oenos using the filter mating method. The insertion of both transposons into the chromosome occurred at different sites. Transconjugants of Ln. oenos carrying Tn916 could serve as donors in mating experiments with Lactococcus lactis LM2301. Further analysis of L. lactis LM2301 transconjugants showed that the insertion of the transposon Tn916 into the chromosome was site-specific. These studies establish a basis for the initiation of genetic studies in this Leuconostoc species since there are no efficient conjugal or transformation systems previously described for this microorganism.  相似文献   

The conjugative transposon Tn916 and a derivative Tn916 delta E was transferred from Bacillus subtilis into Clostridium difficile CD37 by filter mating. All the C. difficile transconjugants appeared to contain one copy of the transposon integrated into the same position in the genome. Transposition from the original site of integration was not observed. Like Tn916 the transferable tetracycline resistance determinant (Tc-CD) of C. difficile has a preferred site of integration in C. difficile and is homologous with Tn916 along the whole length of Tn916. However comparisons of the distribution of TaqI and Sau3AI sites in the homologous regions of the two elements did not demonstrate any hybridizing fragments in common.  相似文献   

Disruption of an open reading frame (ORF) of 840 bp (280 amino acids; ORF280) in an Azospirillum brasilense Tn5 mutant resulted in a pleiotrophic phenotype. Besides an enhanced N(2)-fixing capacity and altered expression pattern of a nifH-gusA fusion, growth on the charged polar amino acids glutamate and arginine was severely affected. ORF280, similar to previously identified ORFs present in Bradyrhizobium japonicum (ORF277), Paracoccus denitrificans (ORF278) and Rhodobacter capsulatus (ORF277), exhibits in its C-terminus a significant similarity with the recently defined family of universal stress proteins.  相似文献   

NH4+-excreting mutants were isolated from Enterobacter gergoviae 57–7 wild type as methylamine resistant strains which were obtained by mutagenesis with a transposable element Tn5. The MG 61 mutants excreted 2 mmol/L of ammonium during a diazotrophic growth. The growth of MG 61 mutants were slower than the growth of wild types because of its excreting ammonium. MG 61 mutants expressed up to 86% of the fully depressed nitrogenase activity when grown in a medium containing 20 mmol/L ammonium. By contrast the ammonium grown cultures of wild type had no nitrogenase activity. In the presence of 5 mmol/L or 30 mmol/L of ammonium in the medium, the growth of MG 61 mutants was as same as CK and much slower than that of the wild types which means that the mutants could not utilize amonium very well in the medium. But MG 61 mutants could utilize glutamate as a sole nitrogen source. In the presence of nitrate (10 mmol/L) in the medium, MG 61 mutants grew slowly but excreted 7.8 mmol/L of ammonium.  相似文献   

应用DEAE-纤维素和凝胶柱层析,分别将N_2和NU_1~ (30 mmol/L)培养的粪产碱菌固氮酶铁蛋白(Af2和Af~ 2)分离并提纯52倍,在SDS-PAGE上呈均一状态。Af2的比活性达1540 nmol C_2H_4mg~(-1)protein min~(-1),Af~*2无活性。Af2和Af~*2理化性质基本相同,分子量为64.5 kD;均由2个亚基组成,每个亚基分子量为32.5kD;氨基酸种类相同,总残基数分别为537和553,不含色氨酸;每分子Af2和Af~ 2均含有4个Fe原子和4个酸不稳定S~(2-)原子;UV-vis光谱吸收特征相同;荧光探剂测定结果为:每分于Af2和Af~*2均络合2个分子MgATP或2个分子MgADP。  相似文献   

目的:从玉米根际和土壤中分离具有高产吲哚乙酸较强的泌氨能力的巴西固氮螺菌。方法:分别通过半固体NFb培养基、CR培养基、LB培养基分离培养固氮菌株,并经过一系列菌落菌体形态特征、生理生化特性和16S rDNA序列测定等试验对其进行鉴定。结果:经分离纯化获得10株固氮菌,并鉴定均为巴西固氮螺菌(Azospirillum brasilense),其中菌株R7在甘油半固体培养基上能分泌约14mmol/L的氨,在添加了色氨酸的培养基中能够合成58.8μg/ml的吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)。结论:成功筛选得到一株既高产吲哚乙酸又有较强的泌氨能力的巴西固氮螺菌。  相似文献   

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