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Three Escherichia coli phages, TuIa, TuIb, and TuII, were isolated from local sewage. We present evidence that they use the major outer membrane proteins Ia, Ib, and II, respectively, as receptors. In all cases the proteins, under the experimental conditions used, required lipopolysaccharide to exhibit their receptor activity. For proteins Ia and II, an approximately two- to eightfold molar excess of lipopolysaccharide (based on one diglucosamine unit) was necessary to reach maximal receptor activity. Lipopolysaccharide did not appear to possess phage-binding sites. It seemed that the lipopolysaccharide requirement reflected a protein-lipopolysaccharide interaction in vivo, and lipopolysaccharide may thus cause the specific localization of these proteins. Inactivation of phage TuII by a protein II-lipopolysaccharide complex was reversible as long as the complex was in solution. Precipitation of the complex with Mg2+ led to irreversible phage inactivation with an inactivation constant (37 degrees C)K = 7 X 10-2 ml/min per microgram. With phages TuIa and TuIb and their respective protein-lipopolysaccharide complexes, only irreversible inactivation was found at 37 degrees C. The activity of the three proteins as phage receptors shows that part of them must be located at the cells surface. In addition, the association of proteins Ia and Ib with the murein layer of the cell envelope makes this pair trans-membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The cell envelope of Escherichia coli was examined for changes during late stages of bacteriophage T4 infection. Late events in T4 infection are shown to result in (i) a reduction in the effectiveness of membrane separation procedures employing either isopycnic sucrose gradient centrifugation or selective solubilization of inner membrane by detergent (Sarkosyl or Triton X-100), (ii) the appearance of a 54 000 dalton host protein in membrane preparations, (iii) the adventitious presence of detergent-resistant phage morphogenetic structures in membrane preparations, and (iv) a decrease in the activity of NADH oxidase and an apparent alteration in its association with inner membrane. These modifications occur regardless of the state of the e and t genes of T4.  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of occurrence and the genetic structure of polylysogens were studied for phages , 80 and att80. In the case of , frequency of polylysogenization is high (0.20 to 0.41) with a tandem integration of prophages at the primary att site (att). With 80 and att80, this frequency is about 10 times lower, and usually one prophage becomes integrated at the primary att site (att80-I) while another (sometimes two others) integrates at one of the secondary sites. At least four secondary att80 sites have been found in wild-type Escherichia coli , two of which (near the his and tolC loci) are preferred. The frequency of secondary integration of 80 and att80 does not differ significantly in the wild-type host and in that deleted for the primary att site (0.041 and 0.045, respectively, among surviving cells at an MOI of 10).Homoimmune superinfection has revealed a constitutive cI-independent expression of the 80 int gene in the prophage state. The only 80 tandem detected proved to be unstable. With the 80int - mutant, we observed stabilization of 80 tandems; as a consequence, their frequency of occurrence during coinfection with 80int + was up to the level and no nontandem insertions were found. A model is proposed for the 80 and att80 nontandem integration.Abbreviations TP transducing phage(s) - PFU plaque-forming units - PC pink clear-resistant colonies on EMBO plates - MOI multiplicity of infection - O origin of Hfr transfer

Common type 1 fimbriae were isolated from Escherichia coli and their length distribution profile was determined before and after treatment with ultrasound. As fimbriae were shortened, so their haemagglutinating capacity decreased, but their ability to bind to erythrocytes did not decrease to the same extent. Isolated fimbriae did not agglutinate inside-out vesicles prepared from horse erythrocytes or liposomes, suggesting that the binding mechanism was not based on non-specific hydrophobic interactions. The results support a lateral rather than a terminal location for the fimbrial binding site responsible for haemagglutination.  相似文献   

Although the lambdoid bacteriophage phi 80 and P22 possess site-specific recombination systems analogous to bacteriophage lambda, they have different attachment (att) site specificities. We have identified and determined the nucleotide sequences of the att sites of phi 80 and P22 and have examined the interaction of these sites with purified Escherichia coli integration host factor (IHF). The sizes of the homologous core regions of the att sites vary greatly: P22 has a 46-base pair core, while phi 80 and lambda have 17- and 15-base pair cores, respectively. The core sequences of the three phage show no significant homology, although dispersed regions of homology in arm sequences indicate that the three phage att sites are related. All three att sites have a high A + T composition, and restriction fragments carrying these sites migrate anomalously upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. IHF binds to a site to the left of the common core in the phi 80 and P22 phage att sites (attP) and to a site to the right of the core in P22 attP and attB (the bacterial att site). In the lambda system, IHF interacts with three regions on attP (designated H1, H2, and H') and none on attB (Craig N., and Nash, H.A. (1984) Cell 39, 707-716). Alignment of the IHF sites of all three phage results in a consensus sequence for IHF binding, Pyr-AANNNNTTGATAT. Among the three phage, the number of IHF sites differs; however, the location and orientation of the binding sites in relation to the respective core regions are well conserved. An IHF site analogous to lambda H2 is present in both phi 80 and P22 attP, while a site analogous to lambda H' is present in P22 attP. This conservation suggests that IHF plays a very similar role in the site-specific recombination pathways of all three phage, and that the flanking arm sequences are necessary for phi 80 and P22 attP function, as is the case for lambda attP function. These structural similarities presumably reflect a conservation of the mechanism of site-specific recombination for the three phage.  相似文献   

Summary The family of lambdoid phages displays a varying specificity of integration into the host chromosome. The phage DNA failed to get inserted at the secondary site(s) of the gal operon (frequency <2.6x10-8) in the presence of the primary (normal) att site. By contrast, 80 and the att80 hybrid (x80) became integrated into wild-type Escherichia coli at at least two secondary att sites of the btuB locus, and the latter near purE and purC as well (frequency 2x10-3-10-4). The integration of 80 and att80 into btuB occurred with about the same frequency as in cells in which the normal insertion site had been deleted (0.7-4.0x10-6). An analysis of the secondary lysogens with the prophage in btuB showed them to be polylysogens; the additional prophage(s) was found at the primary att site. We also failed to observe the integration into other loci of 80 and att80 with the formation of secondary monolysogens (frequency <0.0035 at MOI-10-3 or 10). It is presumed that these prophages become integrated at secondary att sites only if the primary site is occupied.Abbreviations MOI multiplicity of infection (PFU/cell) - PFU plaque-forming unit - TP transducing phage - P1/HfrH P1vir multiplied on HfrH - Rif-R rifampin-resistance - Int int protein  相似文献   

Growth of the Escherichia coli cell envelope   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Jaffé  R D'ari 《Biochimie》1985,67(1):141-144
The growth pattern of the Escherichia coli envelope was studied by immunoelectron microscopy, using the outer membrane protein LamB specifically labelled by a double antibody gold particle technique. An operon fusion placing the lamB gene under lac promoter control permitted rapid turn-off of LamB synthesis. In the generation following turn-off no lamB-free regions appeared, strongly suggesting that bulk outer membrane material is not inserted in restricted growth zones.  相似文献   

Regulation of Escherichia coli carbamyl phosphate synthetase by UMP and IMP was examined in studies with various analogs of these nucleotides. Whereas UMP inhibits enzyme activity, the arabinose analog of UMP was found to be an activator. dUMP neither activates nor inhibits, but binds to the enzyme in a manner similar to UMP as evaluated by direct binding studies, sedimentation behavior, and ultraviolet difference spectral measurements. dUMP decreases inhibition by UMP and activation by IMP, but has no effect on activation by L-ornithine. The findings are in accord with the view that IMP and UMP bind to the same region of the enzyme; a possible general model for such overlapping binding sites is considered. Additional evidence is presented that inorganic phosphate can modulate regulation of the activity by nucleotides. Phosphate (and arsenate) markedly increase inhibition by UMP, decrease activation by IMP, but do not affect activation by L-ornithine. The extent of activation by IMP and by L-ornithine and that of inhibition by UMP are decreased when Mg2+ concentrations are increased relative to a fixed concentration of ATP. The findings suggest that the allosteric effectors may affect affinity of the enzyme for divalent metal ions as well as, as previously shown, the affinity of the enzyme for Mg-ATP.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding site on the Escherichia coli cell envelope.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The binding of 35S-labeled penicillin to distinct penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) of the "cell envelope" obtained from the sonication of Escherichia coli was studied at different pHs ranging from 4 to 11. At low pH, PBPs 1b, 1c, 2, and 3 demonstrated the greatest amount of binding. At high pH, these PBPs bound the least amount of penicillin. PBPs 1a and 5/6 exhibited the greatest amount of binding at pH 10 and the least amount at pH 4. With the exception of PBP 5/6, the effect of pH on the binding of penicillin was direct. Experiments distinguishing the effect of pH on penicillin binding by PBP 5/6 from its effect on beta-lactamase activity indicated that although substantial binding occurred at the lowest pH, the amount of binding increased with pH, reaching a maximum at pH 10. Based on earlier studies, it is proposed that the binding at high pH involves the formation of a covalent bond between the C-7 of penicillin and free epsilon amino groups of the PBPs. At pHs ranging from 4 to 8, position 1 of penicillin, occupied by sulfur, is considered to be the site that establishes a covalent bond with the sulfhydryl groups of PBP 5. The use of specific blockers of free epsilon amino groups or sulfhydryl groups indicated that wherever the presence of each had little or no effect on the binding of penicillin by PBP 5, the presence of both completely prevented binding. The specific blocker of the hydroxyl group of serine did not affect the binding of penicillin. These observations suggest that a molecule of penicillin forms simultaneous bonds between its S at position 1 and sulfhydryl groups of PBP 5 and between its C-7 and free epsilon amino groups of PBP 5.  相似文献   

We showed previously that the outer membrane of the Escherichia coli cell envelope normally contains about 200 to 250 B12 receptors, and that these receptors function both in B12 transport and as receptors for the E colicins. This paper shows that this receptor system is also shared with bacteriophage BF23. A strong positive correlation was observed between the number of B12 receptors per cell and the rate of adsorption of BF23. Cells from mutant strains that lacked B12 receptors did not adsorb BF23 particles. The rate of adsorption of BF23 to cells of a merodiploid strain (RK4151), with about 550 B12 receptors per cell, was approximately double that to cells of a normal, haploid strain. The adsorption of BF23 to hole cells, cell envelopes, outer membrane particles, and solubilized outer membranes was inhibited by vitamin B12, with 50% inhibition at B12 concentrations in the range of 0.5 to 2.0 nM. These values are close to the observed KS for B12 binding to the B12 receptors. Vitamin B12 concentrations as high as 100 nM did not inhibit adsorption of bacteriophages T5, T6, and lambdacI to cells of sensitive strains of E. coli. Bacteriophage BF23 inhibited B12 transport by whole cells and was shown to be a competitive inhibitor of B12 binding to isolated cell envelope particles. The B12/BF23 receptors from E. coli strains KBT069 (btuB69) and RK4104 (btuB69) were fully active, but the number per cell was reduced to an average value of about 0.5.  相似文献   

Mutants of the fhuA gene of Escherichia coli K-12, which encodes a receptor protein in the outer membrane, took up ferrichrome after exposure to pronase, whereas fhuB mutants remained transport negative. The latter finding supports our previous proposal that fhuB mutants are defective in a function that residues in the cytoplasmic membrane. Cells remained completely viable after treatment with pronase, although they became sensitive to the antibiotic actinomycin.  相似文献   

Examination of the localization of the dicarboxylate binding protein (DBP) in the cell envelope of Escherichia coli K12 reveals that this protein is present on the cell surface, and also in the inner and outer regions of the periplasmic space. The cell surface DBP is release by treating the cells with EDTA. This protein can be surface labeled by lactoperoxidase radioiodination, and by diazo[125I]iodosulfanilic acid in whole cells. It also binds tightly, but not covalently, to lipopolysaccharide. The DBP located in the outer region of the periplasmic space is released when the outer membrane is dissociated by EDTA-osmotic shock treatment. The DBP located in the inner region of the periplasmic space is released only when the EDTA-osmotic shocked cells are subjected to lysozyme treatment. At the moment, it is not certain whether this protein is bound to or trapped by the peptidoglycan network. This protein cannot be surface labeled in whole cells or in EDTA-osmotic shock treated cells; and it is not associated with lipopolysaccharide. Analysis of transport mutants indicates that these DBP are coded by the same gene.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli VC30 is a temperature-sensitive mutant which is defective in autolysis. Strain VC30 lyses at 30 degrees C when treated with beta-lactam antibiotics or D-cycloserine or when deprived of diaminiopimelic acid. The same treatments inhibit growth of the mutant at 42 degrees C but do not cause lysis. Strain VC30 was used here to investigate the mechanism of host cell lysis induced by bacteriophage phi X 174. Strain VC30 was transformed with plasmid pUH12, which carries the cloned lysis gene (gene E) of phage phi X174 under the control of the lac operator-promoter, and with plasmid pMC7, which encodes the lac repressor to keep the E gene silent. Infection of strain VC30(pUH12)(pMC7) with phage phi X174 culminated in lysis at 30 degrees C. At 42 degrees C, intracellular phage development was normal, but lysis did not occur unless a temperature downshift to 30 degrees C was imposed. Similarly, induction of the cloned phi X174 gene E with isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside resulted in lysis at 30 degrees C but not at 42 degrees C. Temperature downshift of the induced culture to 30 degrees C resulted in lysis even in the presence of chloramphenicol. These results indicate that host cell lysis by phage phi X174 is dependent on a functional cellular autolytic enzyme system.  相似文献   

Sequences of the cohesive ends and the 3'-terminal regions of phi80 DNA have been determined. Sequences of the cohesive ends were obtained through the use of two standard methods. The first method involved the incorporation of all four labeled deoxyribonucleotides into the phi80 cohesive ends using DNA polymerase I. The DNA was then partially digested with micrococcal nuclease or pancreatic DNase. The products were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and characterized by composition, 3'-terminal, and nearest neighbor analyses. The second method involved partial incorporation using one, two, or three labeled deoxyribonucleotides followed by similar analyses. Sequences of the double-stranded regions adjacent to the cohesive ends were determined by three new methods. These methods were: (a) the DNA was specifically labeled at the 3' terminus and then partially degraded. Labeled oligonucleotide products were sequenced by their mobilities on various separation systems. (b) The cohesive ends were enlarged by limited degradation with exonuclease III. After this treatment, the DNA was partially repaired with labeled nucleotides, digested, and the products were analyzed. (c) A synthetic ologonucleotide primer was bound to phi80 DNA which had been repaired with DNA polymerase I, and then partially digested with lambda-exonuclease. The primer was extended into the region of interest by partial repair with labeled nucleotides. The extended primer was isolated and analyzed.  相似文献   

Y Mano  H Sakai    T Komano 《Journal of virology》1979,30(3):650-656
phi X174am3trD, a temperature-resistant mutant of bacteriophage phi X174am3, exhibited a reduced ability to grow in a dnaP mutant, Escherichia coli KM107, at the restrictive temperature (43 degrees C). Under conditions at which the dnaP gene function was inactivated, the amount and the rate of phi X174am3trD DNA synthesis were reduced. The efficiency of phage attachment to E. coli KM107 at 43 degrees C was the same as to the parental strain, E. coli KD4301, but phage eclipse and phage DNA penetration were inhibited in E. coli KM107 at 43 degrees C. It is suggested that the dnaP gene product, which is necessary for the initiation of host DNA replication, participates in the conversion of attached phages to eclipsed particles and in phage DNA penetration in vivo in normal infection.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and partial genetic characterization of 247 amber (suppressor-sensitive) mutants of temperate bacteriophage phi 80 of Escherichia coli. Of these 247 mutants, the mutations of 201 mapped to the left arm of the phi 809 chromosome and the mutations of 39 mapped to the right arm of the genome. Complementation tests among these and previously described left arm mutants defined five additional genes in the left arm of the chromosome. The positions of these genes are consistent with the hypothesis that four of them represent functions essential for phi 80 tail assembly and one represents a capsid assembly function, probably the major coat protein. The identification of these genes brings the phi 80 genome into closer correspondence with the organization of the phage lambda genome. Two- and three-factor crosses performed between mutants with defects in each of the previously identified genes and mutants with defects in the five new genes allowed us to construct a consistent, roughly additive recombination map of the left arm of the bacteriophage phi 80 genome.  相似文献   

Protein complexes are an intrinsic aspect of life in the membrane. Knowing which proteins are assembled in these complexes is therefore essential to understanding protein function(s). Unfortunately, recent high throughput protein interaction studies have failed to deliver any significant information on proteins embedded in the membrane, and many membrane protein complexes remain ill defined. In this study, we have optimized the blue native-PAGE technique for the study of membrane protein complexes in the inner and outer membranes of Escherichia coli. In combination with second dimension SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry, we have been able to identify 43 distinct protein complexes. In addition to a number of well characterized complexes, we have identified known and orphan proteins in novel oligomeric states. For two orphan proteins, YhcB and YjdB, our findings enable a tentative functional assignment. We propose that YhcB is a hitherto unidentified additional subunit of the cytochrome bd oxidase and that YjdB, which co-localizes with the ZipA protein, is involved in cell division. Our reference two-dimensional blue native-SDS-polyacrylamide gels will facilitate future studies of the assembly and composition of E. coli membrane protein complexes during different growth conditions and in different mutant backgrounds.  相似文献   

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