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以拟南芥野生型和相关转基因株系为材料,设置0、50、100、200和400μg/mL头孢霉素处理,考察头孢霉素对主根伸长生长、根尖分生组织活性、生长素分布运输以及干细胞活性的影响,探究头孢霉素对拟南芥主根生长发育的毒性作用机制。结果显示:(1)头孢霉素能以浓度依赖的方式抑制拟南芥主根的生长,并抑制分生组织长度和CYCB1;1基因的表达,说明它能抑制根尖分生组织活性。(2)头孢霉素能降低根尖生长素报告基因DR5∷GUS、DR5∷GFP和生长素极性运输蛋白PIN1、PIN2、PIN3、PIN7和AUX1的表达,说明它能抑制根尖生长素的分布和极性运输。(3)头孢霉素能下调根尖静止中心标记系WOX5∷GFP、QC25和QC46的表达,以及SHR和SCR蛋白的表达,说明它能抑制根尖干细胞活性。研究表明,头孢霉素能通过抑制根尖分生组织活性、生长素的分布和极性运输以及干细胞活性,从而调节拟南芥主根的生长发育。  相似文献   

石墨烯量子点(GQDs)在电化学生物传感器、生物成像和生物医学等领域具有巨大的应用潜力, 在公众和环境中的暴露程度也越来越高, 近年来其生物安全性备受关注。截至目前, 有关石墨烯量子点对植物生长发育影响的研究较少。该文从细胞和分子水平探究了氮掺杂石墨烯量子点(N-GQDs)处理对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)主根生长方向的影响。结果表明, N-GQDs能够被根摄取, 并通过维管束运输。50-100 mg∙L-1 N-GQDs处理可改变主根的生长方向, 使其朝着远离培养基的方向发生弯曲。研究发现, N-GQDs处理导致根尖小柱细胞中淀粉粒的积累减少, 生长素外排载体PIN3的表达量降低, 小柱细胞中的PIN3重新定位到远离培养基一侧的细胞外侧膜(即朝向空气), 促进根尖生长素的不对称分布, 从而引发主根朝着远离培养基的方向弯曲生长, 以避开较高浓度的N-GQDs环境。研究结果为进一步阐明N-GQDs处理改变根生长方向的机制提供了重要线索, 同时也为N-GQDs的生物安全性评价提供参考依据。  相似文献   

李芃  郇兆蔚  丁兰 《植物研究》2019,39(6):908-916
利用3种拟南芥生长素极性运输外运载体突变体及4种转基因株系研究了二萜rabdosinate抑制拟南芥幼苗主根及侧根生长的作用机制。结果显示,60~80 μmol·L-1的rabdosinate显著抑制野生型拟南芥幼苗主根生长及侧根形成,而对突变体pin1、pin2和pin3主根未显示明显的抑制效应,对侧根的抑制减弱;发现rabdosinate (60~80 μmol·L-1)引起生长素报告株系根尖DR5活性升高,并增加融合蛋白PIN1-GFP丰度以及减少PIN3-GFP和PIN4-GFP的丰度。推断rabdosinate可通过增加PIN1丰度促进了根部生长素向顶运输,而减少PIN3丰度降低根尖部生长素的横向转运,引起了生长素在根尖部的累积及生长素浓度梯度的改变,进而抑制幼苗主根生长及侧根发育。  相似文献   

李语丽于军  宋述慧 《遗传》2013,35(12):1340-1351
RNA酶促共价修饰研究, 尤其是m6A(6-甲基腺嘌呤), 是RNA生物学研究的一个新兴领域。m6A是真核生物mRNA内部序列中最常见的一种转录后修饰形式, 由包含3个独立组分的复合物mRNA: m6A甲基转移酶催化生成。最新研究发现肥胖相关蛋白FTO可以脱掉m6A上的甲基, 表明该甲基化过程是可逆的。抑制或敲除m6A甲基转移酶会引起重要的表型变化, 但是由于过去的检测方法受限, m6A确切的作用机制目前为止还不甚清楚。二代测序技术结合免疫沉淀方法为大规模检测m6A修饰并研究其作用机制提供了可能。文章主要综述了m6A的发现史、生成机制、组织和基因组分布、检测方法、生物学功能等及其最新研究进展, 并通过比较3种IP-seq技术和数据分析的异同及优缺点, 对m6A这种RNA表观修饰研究中尚未解决的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的:鉴于生长素结合蛋白(Auxin Binding Protein,ABP)能与生长素特异性结合,因而探讨研究其直接用于生长素信号转导机理和生物传感器的可能性与可行性。方法:通过RT-PCR获得拟南芥生长素结合蛋白1(Auxin bing protein 1,ABP1)的全长CDS,将其克隆到原核表达载体pGEX4T-1中,成功构建pGEX4T-1-ABP1重组表达载体。经酶切、PCR及DNA测序鉴定后,将阳性质粒转化表达受体菌BL21(DE3)。加入异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)进行诱导后,取样进行SDS-PAGE分析。结果:成功表达出一个分子量约为43 kD的可溶性融合蛋白,并利用GST亲和柱纯化方式得到了ABPl。结论:通过原核表达并经GST柱纯化后获得ABP1,为生长素生物传感器的研制开辟新的途径。同时为进一步研究ABP1与生长素的信号转导机制和生长素在生物传感测定技术中的研究和应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

为探讨多胺生物合成抑制剂D-精氨酸(D-arginine,D-Arg)对拟南芥根系生长的影响,首先用腐胺(0.1mmol‘L-1)和D—Arg(1.0mmol·L-1)处理种子萌发后生长2d的拟南芥幼苗。腐胺(0.1mmol·L-1)显著促进主根伸长,D-Arg(1.0mmol-L-1)显著抑制主根伸长,并对主根根尖的细胞形态有明显影响。为了进一步了解D—Arg影响拟南芥主根生长的机理,采用浓度梯度D.Arg处理幼苗根系。实验结果表明,随着D-Arg浓度增加(0.2~1.0mmol·L-1),拟南芥幼苗主根生长受抑制的程度越严重。微分干涉观察主根根尖发现,外源施加D—Arg,引起拟南芥主根根尖分生区的细胞数目减少,使拟南芥幼苗表现出主根的伸长生长变缓。当分生区数目较少时,出现主根几乎不再仲长的现象。由此推测,多胺生物合成抑制剂D-Arg对拟南芥幼苗根生长的抑制作用机制,是D-Arg影响了其根尖分生区的细胞分裂活动,使分生区细胞数目减少,从而引起分生区长度减小,最终导致拟南芥主根仲长生长受到抑制。  相似文献   

研究生长素、乙烯和一氧化氮(NO)对拟南芥下胚轴插条形成不定根的调节,以及生长素和乙烯信号转导成员在IAA促进不定根形成中的作用的结果表明:拟南芥切条以IAA和硝普钠(N0供体)单独处理7d后的不定根形成均受到促进,其中以50μmol·L^-1 IAAμmol·L^-1 SNP的促进作用为最强,乙烯的促进作用不明显;生长素运输和信号转导以及乙烯信号转导相关突变体对IAA促进生根作用的敏感性比野生型有所下降,特别是IAA14功能获得型的突变体。IAA和NO在促进不定根形成中有协同效应。  相似文献   

探讨了磷脂酶Dα1(PLDα1)在ABA抑制拟南芥主根伸长过程中的作用。PLOα1基因突变体pldα1主根伸长受ABA抑制小于野生型(WT);根系PLDα1活性在ABA处理下升高;拟南芥根细胞原生质体中活性氧(ROS)含量在ABA处理下升高,但是pldα1升高小于WT;根系NADPH氧化酶活性在ABA处理下升高,pldα1升高小于WT,外源加入10μmol/L^-1 PA(磷脂酸,PLD水解产物)后,前者活性显著升高;外源加入H2O2可诱导WT和pldα1主根伸长都受到抑制,且二者差异不明显。结果表明,PLDα1产生的PA通过激活NADPH氧化酶产生ROS介导ABA调控的拟南芥主根伸长过程。此外,初步探讨了PLDα1在拟南芥根毛尖端生长中的作用:pldα1突变体根毛长度小于WT,根毛尖端ROS和Ca^2+浓度低于WT。  相似文献   

缺硫培养6天的水稻幼苗,其叶片和根中的硝酸还原酶(NR)活性明显下降。用1pPm 的6-苄氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA)处理培养了10天的水稻幼苗根系,24小时后缺硫培养的水稻幼苗叶片和根系的 NR 活性升高,加硫培养的水稻幼苗叶片和根中的 NR 活性下降。用~(35)S示踪发现,6-BA 可降低加硫幼苗对~(35)S 的吸收和转化,但促进缺硫幼苗对~(35)S 的转化。  相似文献   

目的:进一步找出拟南芥钙调素结合蛋白IQM1介导茉莉酸信号转导的证据。方法:比较分析IQM1基因的功能缺失突变体iqm1-1及其野生型幼苗在茉莉酸甲酯(Me JA)处理后的主根长度和JAZ(jasmonate ZIM-domain)家族基因的表达。结果:Me JA抑制iqm1-1及其野生型植株的主根生长,但iqm1-1对Me JA反应的敏感度比野生型弱;与此结果一致,iqm1-1幼苗中几个JAZ基因表达上调。结论:IQM1介导茉莉酸信号转导,参与对植物根生长的调节。  相似文献   

蛋白质N-糖基化修饰在植物生长发育中发挥重要作用。为探究蛋白质N-糖基化在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)整个生长周期中的变化规律以及去N-糖基化对拟南芥生根发育的影响,通过N-糖链酶解和HPLC与MALDI-TOF-MS分析解析了不同生长时期的拟南芥Col-0植株的N-糖链组成(结构和含量)变化。以...  相似文献   

以‘红地球’葡萄和‘克瑞森无核’葡萄为试材,研究了采前6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)处理对果实采收时的品质及采后贮藏特性的影响。结果表明,采前20mg·L-1 6-BA处理可以显著提高两种葡萄果实单粒重和单穗重,有效控制贮藏过程中果实腐烂与落粒,显著抑制葡萄的呼吸速率,维持果实硬度,延缓可滴定酸的下降,提高贮藏期间可溶性固形物的含量,抑制果实细胞膜透性的增加,保持细胞膜的完整性,提高葡萄的贮藏品质。  相似文献   

Root apical meristems (RAMs) in dicotyledonous plants have two organizational schemes; closed (with highly organized tiers) and open (tiers lacking or disorganized). These schemes are commonly believed to remain unchanged during the growth of the root axis. Individual roots are commonly thought to have indeterminate growth. We challenge these two generalizations through the study of five species with closed apical organization: Clarkia unguiculata L., Oxalis corniculata L., Dianthus caryophyllus L., Blumenbachia hieronymi Urb., and Salvia farinaceae Benth. cv. Strata. These roots have phased growth patterns where early growth is followed by deceleration, after which the initial cells stop dividing, elongation ceases, and the root reaches its determinate length. At or before reaching determinacy, the root apical meristem stops maintaining its closed organization and becomes less organized. These observations will be placed in context with observations from the literature to suggest two new generalizations, namely, that apical organization does change over the growth phases of roots, and that roots are determinate.  相似文献   

During plant development, the frequency and context of cell division must be controlled, and cells must differentiate properly to perform their mature functions. In addition, stem cell niches need to be maintained as a reservoir for new cells. All of these processes require intercellular signaling, whether it is a cell relaying its position to other cells, or more mature cells signaling to the stem cell niche to regulate the rate of growth. Receptor-like kinases have emerged as a major component in these diverse roles, especially within the Arabidopsis root. In this review, the functions of receptor-like kinase signaling in regulating Arabidopsis root development will be examined in theareas of root apical meristem maintenance, regulation of epidermal cell fate, lateral root development and vascular differentiation.  相似文献   

磷空间有效性对拟南芥根形态构型的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
磷空间有效性显著影响拟南芥主、侧根生长。在均一的磷处理下,极度磷胁迫或过量供磷均会导致拟南芥主根变短和侧根密度降低。在分层的磷处理下,上层高磷下层低磷能明显促进主根伸长生长,提高侧根在高磷区域的密度,说明植物根系在下层低磷区感受到磷胁迫信号后,可促进上层高磷区侧根的形成和发育。  相似文献   

Arabidopsis rfc3 mutants have previously been isolated with an altered fatty acid composition of membrane lipids. In this study, rfc3 was found to have a sucrose-conditional defect in the patterning of distal elements in the lateral root meristem. By utilizing this feature, a sucrose-sensitive process important for lateral root development was localized to the growing portion of rfc3 primary root. Because lateral root formation occurs at a later stage, this finding suggests the existence of an RFC3-dependent, non-primordium autonomous signal playing a role in the organization of lateral root meristem. Map-based cloning of RFC3 gene revealed that it encodes a plastid-localized ribosomal protein S6-like protein and provides a potential link between control of plastid gene expression and LR development.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana, axr4 , was restored by the addition of 30–300 nM 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) to the growth medium. Neither indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) nor 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) showed such an effect. Growth of axr4 roots was resistant to IAA and 2,4-D, but not at all to NAA. The differential effects of the three auxins suggest that the defects of axr4 result from a lower auxin influx into its cells. The partially agravitropic growth habit of axr1 roots, which was less severe than that of axr4 roots, was only slightly affected by the three auxins in the growth medium at concentrations up to 300 nM; growth of axr1 roots was resistant to all three of the auxins. These results suggest that the lesion of axr1 mutants is different from that of axr4. Received 9 June 1999/ Accepted in revised form 16 August 1999  相似文献   

低磷供应对拟南芥根系构型的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王学敏 《植物研究》2010,30(4):496-502
在人工气候箱中,采用Johnson培养基对拟南芥在低磷供应条件下根系构型的变化进行了研究,结果表明:拟南芥在磷饥饿诱导下,主根缩短,侧根密度、根毛的数量和长度显著增加,并且,根尖到第一侧根和第一根毛的距离也大大缩短。这些改变增加了根系比表面积,并且使得根系分布更加靠近土壤表层,有利于提高植物吸收土壤中有机磷的效率。低磷胁迫还导致拟南芥根系分生组织区细胞形状变异,柱细胞数量减少;主根生长和细胞伸长的动力学分析显示,磷饥饿促使拟南芥主根生长变缓,细胞长度随磷饥饿程度的加深迅速缩小。CycB1;1:GUS染色分析结果表明,低磷破坏拟南芥根系分生组织细胞分裂能力,这些结果说明磷胁迫同时抑制了细胞的伸长和分裂,从而引起拟南芥主根的缩短。  相似文献   

Root apical meristem (RAM) and shoot apical meristem (SAM) are vital for the correct development of the plant. The direction, frequency, and timing of cell division must be tightly controlled in meristems. Here, we isolated new Arabidopsis mutants with shorter roots and fasciated stems. In the tonsoku (tsk) mutant, disorganized RAM and SAM formation resulted from the frequent loss of proper alignment of the cell division plane. Irregular cell division also occurred in the tsk embryo, and the size of cells in meristems and embryo in tsk mutant was larger than in the wild type. In the enlarged SAM of the tsk mutant, multiple centers of cells expressing WUSCHEL (WUS) were observed. In addition, expression of SCARECROW (SCR) in the quiescent center (QC) disappeared in the disorganized RAM of tsk mutant. These results suggest that disorganized cell arrangements in the tsk mutants result in disturbed positional information required for the determination of cell identity. The TSK gene was found to encode a protein with 1311 amino acids that possesses two types of protein-protein interaction motif, leucine-glycine-asparagine (LGN) repeats and leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). LGN repeats are present in animal proteins involved in asymmetric cell division, suggesting the possible involvement of TSK in cytokinesis. On the other hand, the localization of the TSK-GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusion protein in nuclei of tobacco BY-2 cells and phenotypic similarity of tsk mutants to other fasciated mutants suggest that the tsk mutation may cause disorganized cell arrangements through defects in genome maintenance.  相似文献   

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