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山西轮藻属新植物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道采自山西省的轮藻属植物2个新种,运城轮藻Chara yunchengensis,拟灰色轮藻C.pseudocanescens和3个中国新记录,阿尔泰轮藻C.altaica,豪威轮藻C.howeana,味美轮藻簇毛变种C.delicatula var.barbata  相似文献   

In order to get a thorough understanding of the Characeae, the specimens collected from Guangxi and Gansu were identified. The result shows that the two provinces, especially Guangxi, are abundant in this family. In this paper, however, reported are only new species, new varieties and new records of Chara in China. They are Chara vernicosa sp. nov. C. globularis var. inflata var. nov. and C. howe-ana var. subgymnophylla var. nov., C. brionica stapf and C. calveraensis comb. nov.  相似文献   

In this paper, two new species, one new record of the Characeae from Xinjiang are reported. They are Chara brevibracteata Han, C.vesicata Fu et Q. F.Zhao and C. vandulurensis Sund.  相似文献   

The authors examined specimens collected from Beijing, Hebei Province and North-east China. Two new species, one variety and five new records of the Characeae from China are reported in this paper. They are Nitella nenjiangensis sp. nov., Chara vertillibracteata sp. nov., C. globularis Thuiller var. beijingensis var. nov., Nitella axillaris Braun, N. crispa Imah., N. gracillima Allan, N. pseudoflabellata var. imperialis T. F. A., Chara arru-densis Mendes.  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are two new species, one new variety, and three new records of the Characeae collected in China. They are Nitella anhuensis sp. nov., Chara paucicarpa sp. nov., Nitella alleninda var. tenuireticulata var. nov., N. gracilliformis J. Grove., N. formosa T. F. Allen and Chara tenuispina A. Br.  相似文献   

The formerly rich characean community in Botshol with six species of which the rareNitellopsis obtusa andChara hispida dominated at many sites, decreased to only two species,Chara globularis andC. connivens, in the period 1980–1988. The macrophyteNajas marina also remained at some sites, and the aquatic mossFontinalis antipyretica and the filamentous algaVaucheria dichotoma predominated at many sites. These phenomena may have been due to eutrophication by the inlet of polluted water. This process of eutrophication was stopped by restoration measures in 1989, resulting in a lower phosphorus concentration (ca. 0.024 mg l–1) and a higher water transparency. Immediately after these measures the Characeae community increased strongly in abundance and number of species. During the summer of 1990, and especially of 1991, a spectacular growth occurred ofChara connivens. Chara connivens was often accompanied byChara hispida. Other species with scattered occurrence wereChara aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria andC. Globularis. The reasons for the shift in dominance fromNitellopsis obtusa toChara connivens are discussed. One of the reasons may be the recent higher chloride content which is one of the consequences of the restoration measures.  相似文献   

Guizhou is situated in the southwestern China and is very rich in algae However, our present knowledge of the Charophytes is scanty. Over 400 specimens were collected from 22 counties or cities and from them 41 species, 2 subspecies, 3 varieties were found. In addition to previously known species of this region, Nitella rasilis, N. paludosa, N. pseudopapillata and N. guizhouensis are new species, N. mirabilis var. libera is new variety, and N. penicillata, Chara burmanica, C. vulgaris var. gymnophylla are new records for China. In this paper, only the new taxa are reported.  相似文献   

Simons  Jan  Ohm  Marieke  Daalder  Remco  Boers  Peter  Rip  Winnie 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):243-253
Till about 1965 a rich characean community occurred in the shallow peat lake Botshol with six species of which the rare Nitellopsis obtusa and Chara major dominated at many sites. In the period 1980–1988 characean biomass strongly decreased and only two species, Chara globularis and C. connivens, remained in small populations at a few localities. Of the macrophyte Najas marina also some small populations remained, while the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica and the filamentous alga Vaucheria dichotoma predominated at many sites. These phenomena may have been due to eutrophication by the input of polluted water. This process of impoverishment was stopped by restoration measures in 1989, resulting in a lower phosphorus concentration (ca 25 µg l-1) and a higher water transparency. Immediately after these measures the Characeae community increased in abundance and number of species. During the summer of 1990, and especially 1991, a spectacular growth occurred of Chara connivens. C. connivens was often accompanied by C. major. Other species with scattered occurrence were C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria and C. globularis. The reasons for the shift in dominance from Nitellopsis obtusa to Chara connivens are discussed. From growth experiments evidence was obtained that neither the recent higher chloride level, nor the lowered phosphate concentration were the main factors for the domination of Chara connivens.  相似文献   

In this paper, one new species, four new varieties and thirteen new records of Characeae from Hunan, China, are reported. They are Chara quadriscutulum, sp. nov., Nitella axilliformis var. biformis, var. nov., N. microcarpa var. unicarpa, var. nov., Chara braunii var. cylindrospora, var. nov., C. hydropitys var. hunanensis, var. nov., Nitella microcarpa Braun, N. leptoclada Braun, N. annandalei Pal, N. confervacea A. Braun, N. gracilliformis J. Groves, N. inversa Imahori, N. musashiensis Morioka, N. paucicostata T. F. Allen, N. acuminata var. gollmeriana (A. Br.) Zanev. et Wood, Tolypella boldii Sawa. Chara longifolia Robinson, C. pistianensis J. Vilhelm, C. grovesii Pal.  相似文献   

Guangxi, Situated in the southern border area of China, is extremely rich in Charophytes. In this paper, however, reported are only new species and new varieties. Among the new taxa, Nitella haplodactyla has only one dactyl on the fertile branchlet, N. brachyclema and N. rarissima are provided with more than 4-celled dactyls, the fertile branchlet of N. pseudoflabellata var. tetradynana has tetradynamous rays, and Chara piniformis is characterized by thehaplostichous cortex, long spinecells, and rudimentary stipulodes.  相似文献   

栾日孝  栾淑君 《植物研究》2002,22(3):262-270
报道中国海产刚毛藻科(Cladophoraceae),沙生刚毛藻Cladophora arenaria,蝾螺刚毛藻C. conchopheria,暗色刚毛藻C. opaca,透明刚毛藻C. pellucida,微小刚毛藻C. pusilla,棉形刚毛藻C. rudolphiana,光毛刚毛藻C. sericea,美丽刚毛藻C. speciosa。  相似文献   

西藏台错晚第四纪轮藻类的新类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文的研究材料来自西藏羌塘高原西部台错古湖一个3.69 m的天然剖面,其地层测年为32.6-4.5ka.从其156个样品中获取大量的轮藻类、介形类和腹足类及少量有孔虫等微体化石.据轮藻类藏卵器外形,顶部结构、螺旋细胞钙化式样等特征,该剖面的轮藻类应归属于轮藻科Characeae之轮藻属Chara.经研究得知,台错古湖在...  相似文献   

In addition to describing a new species, Cypripedium wumengense, as well as a new variety, C. bardolphianum var. zhongdianense, nomenclatural and taxonomic notes are made on its allies and the division to which they belong. They are ltrge]y found in the Hengduan Mountains in southwestern China, characterized by the absence of bract, havirg lip more or less covered with small wart-like outgrowths, and that as the capsule matures the scape becomes much elongated. Six species of this group have hitherto been reported, of which, however, C. ebracteatum and C. nutans are regarded here as conspecific with C. fargesii and C. bardolphianum respectively. Thus, including the new taxa described here, it composes five species and one variety: C. bardolphianum W. W. Sm. et Farrer (var. bardolphianum and var. zhongdianense S. C. Chen), C. micranthum Franch., C. fargesii Franch., C. margaritaceum Franch. and C. wumengense S. C. Chen. They are all grouped here into the same section, Sect. Trigonopedium (Franch.) Pfitz., the oldest legitimate name of this group in the rank of section.  相似文献   

欧洲东南部巴尔干轮藻植物由于其产地生境的差异及以镶嵌状分布的模式,具有较高的生物分异度,计有44种,归属于现生属Nitella(10),Tolypella(4),Nitellopsis(1),Lychnothamnus(1),Lamprothamnium(1) and Chara(27).巴尔干半岛产有4种土著类型Chara rohlenae,Chara ohridana,Chara corfuensis and Chara visianii.建立1新种Chara hydropitys.该地区轮藻植物分布不均衡,部分类型例如Chara strigosa,Chara kokeilii,Chara muscosa,Chara fragifera,Chara imperfecta,Lychnothamnus barbatus为稀有品种,仅在少数地点发现.巴尔干地区轮藻植物之丰富多彩远远超过已知的程度,有待于深入研究.  相似文献   

本文报道9种尾孢菌,其中有2个新种:蟹甲草尾孢 Cercospora cacaliae Y. L. Guo & Y.Jiang和菜蓟尾孢Cercospora  cynarae Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang,中国新记录种有迪氏尾孢Cercosporademetrioniana  G. Winter,田菁生尾孢 Cercospora  glothidiicola  Tracy &  Earle,甘草尾孢 Cercosporaglycyrrhizae  (Savulescu & Sandu)Chupp,野桐尾孢Cercospora malloti Ellis &  Evsrh,木薯尾孢Cercospora manihobae Viegas,补骨脂尾孢 Cercospora psoraleae-bituminosae Savul.& Sandu和香豆尾孢Cercospora traversiana Sacc。文中为新种提供了拉丁文描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

本文报道尾孢菌属五个新种,即美人蕉尾孢(Cercospora cannae Bai,Liu et Guo,sp.nov.),败酱尾孢(C.patriniae Liu et Guo,sp.nov.),骆驼蓬尾孢(C.pegani Liu et Guo,sp.nov.),旌节花尾孢(C.stachyuricola Liu et Guo,sp.nov.)和安息香尾孢(C.styracicola Liuet Guo,sp.nov.)。文中对各个新种作了汉文描述和附图,并有拉丁文特征简介。模式标本收藏于中国科学院真菌标本室。  相似文献   

报道我国齿裂菌属的5个分类单元,其中多角齿裂菌Coccomyces multangularis Y.R.Lin & Z.Z.Lisp.nov.,中国齿裂菌C.sinensis Y.R. Lin &Z.Z.Lisp.nov.和山矾齿裂菌C.symploci Y.R.Lin & Z.Z.Lisp.nov.是新种,辐射状齿裂菌C.radiatusSherw.为中国新记录。提供了新种的拉丁文简介、汉文描述和形态特征图。模式标本存放在安徽农业大学森林保护教研室(AAUFP)。  相似文献   

蒋毅  郭英兰 《菌物学报》2001,20(1):25-28
本文报道9种尾孢菌,其中有2个新种蟹甲草尾孢Cercospora cacaliae Y.L.Guo & Y.Jiang和菜蓟尾孢Cercospora cynarae Y.L.Guo & Y.Jiang,中国新记录种有迪氏尾孢Cercospora demetrioniana G.Winter,田菁生尾孢Cercospora glothidiicola Tracy & Earle,甘草尾孢Cercospora glycyrrhizae (Sǎvulescu & Sandu)Chupp,野桐尾孢Cercospora malloti Ellis & Everh.,木薯尾孢Cercospora manihobae Viégas,补骨脂尾孢Cercospora psoraleae-bituminosae Sǎvul. & Sandu和香豆尾孢Cercospora traversiana Sacc.。文中为新种提供了拉丁文描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

报道10种尾孢菌,其中有2个新种:蒿尾孢Cercospora artemisiae和筒轴茅生尾孢Cercospora rottboelligina,中国新记录种有鸭跖草生尾孢Cercospora commelinicola,秋英尾孢Cercospora cosmi,凤毛菊尾孢Cercospora ratibidae和苦苣菜尾孢Cercospora sonchi.文中为新种提供了拉丁文描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS).  相似文献   

报道我国齿裂菌属的 5个分类单元,其中多角齿裂菌 Coccomyces muttangularis Y. R.Lin & Z. Z. Li sp. nov,中国齿裂菌 C sinensis Y. R Lin &  Z. Z. Li sp. nov.和山矾齿裂菌 Csymploci Y.R Lin & z.z.Li sp.nov.是新种,辐射状齿裂菌Cradiatus Sherw为中国新记录。提供了新种的拉丁文简介、汉文描述和形态特征图。模式标本存放在安徽农业大学森林保护教研室(AAUFP)。  相似文献   

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