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苔藓植物研究进展I.我国苔藓植物研究现状与展望   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
20世纪30年代以来,我国学者已发表有关苔藓植物方面的论文达800余篇、专著25本。本文扼要介绍了我国苔藓植物学的研究现状和我国苔藓工作者取得的成就。苔藓化学和苔藓分子生物学研究是我国目前相当薄弱的分支学科。  相似文献   

This overview presents a historical summary of the past collectors of bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and hornworts) in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, and some of the researchers who studied and published the results of their explorations. The first British collectors of the early nineteenth century were linked with the development of the Botanic Garden and herbarium in Peradeniya, of which George Gardner and George Thwaites made the greatest contributions, resulting in three publications by William Mitten on both mosses and liverworts. By the mid-nineteenth century, collectors from other countries took the lead, firstly Johannes Nietner from Germany and Odoardo Beccari from Italy. By the early twentieth century, Victor Schiffner from Austria and Max Fleischer from Germany became the leading bryologists throughout SE Asia, and both visited Ceylon. Fleischer’s work was part of a monographic revision of all mosses resulting in many new genera and species. After Fleischer, the most important bryologist was the German Theodor Herzog, who was the first to describe the ecological structure and bryological richness of different forest zones in southern Ceylon, with insight into forest loss from agricultural and population expansion, and a summary of biogeographical links of the bryoflora. The English bryologist H.N. Dixon took over from Mitten in describing many new moss species. Since independence in 1948, bryology in Sri Lanka has had major input from some local bryologists, such as B.A. Abeywickrama, as well as several important visitors, notably H. Inoue from Japan, C.C. Townsend from England, P.P.M. Tixier from France, and Maurice Onraedt from Belgium. Awareness in Sri Lanka of the need to taxonomically revise the extensive and scattered herbarium collections, has led to the running of some bryophyte workshops and training of new Sri Lankan bryologists. The ultimate goal of these efforts is to produce the first comprehensive bryophyte flora of the country, and priorities for future work are outlined.  相似文献   

综述了海南岛苔藓植物的研究历史和现状。目前海南岛已记录的苔藓植物共有87科227属806种,其中苔类33科71属366种,藓类51科152属436种,角苔类3科4属4种;苔藓植物的区系组成以热带亚洲成分为主,与香港、台湾地区的种属相似性高;对海南岛苔藓植物的研究集中在尖峰岭、霸王岭、吊罗山3个国家级自然保护区;叶附生苔是海南热带雨林主要的苔藓生态分布类型之一,共有7科23属123种;初步统计濒危苔藓植物有15种。今后应继续开展广泛和持续的物种多样性调查,从生态学、植物化学、分子生物学等领域进行研究,促进合理的开发利用和推动保护工作。  相似文献   

中国与北美苔藓植物区系关系的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
关于中国和北美间苔藓植物区系关系的研究是在20世纪90年代开始的。研究表明中国和北美苔类和藓类的种间关系疏远,这一事实说明两个大陆在第三纪后期分离后,由于地质、地理、气候等因素的差异致使苔藓植物区系成分也产生明显分异。虽然它们在科、属方面差异较小,但两个大陆已各自形成地区特有的苔类和藓类的属。已知的中国特有及东亚特有的苔类属有5个,藓类属有22个;而已知北美地区特有的苔类属有4个、藓类属有5个。北美东部和西部形成于不同地质时期,在苔藓植物方面与中国共同分布的科、属和种存在一定差异。从神农架藓类植物研究表明,从共同分布的种来看,北美东部与中国比北美西部与中国的相似性系数高约6%。从两地区间苔类和藓类植物的雌雄同株或雌雄异株及孢子直径大小而论,这两个因素似乎并不是影响苔藓植物在两大地区间分布的主要原因,但对苔藓植物的分布仍然十分重要。本文作者认为结合中国和北美的地史、地理条件及苔藓植物自身的特点,可以认为白令海峡不是阻碍中国和北美苔藓植物交流的绝对自然屏障;中国和北美苔藓植物区系关系目前的状况,是长期多次交流融合和分异的结果。  相似文献   

Mt. Wuyi, located at 27°37‛-27°54‛ N, 117°27‛-117°51‛ E, is the highest mountain in South-East China. Its main peak, Huanggangshan, is 2158 m above the sea level. In 1955, P. C. Chen organized the first expedition to Mt. Wuyi, and the authors investigated the different ravines and the forests of that area in 1976 and from 1979 to 1984 respectively. Up to now 355 species of the bryophytes have been found in Mt. Wuyi. I. The influence of the factors of geological history on the bryoflora of Mt. Wuyi Fujian Province, belonging to Cathaysian, one of three Chinese ancient lands, was a part of ocean until the end of the lower Tertiary. In the early Devonian, Fujian uplifted above the sea level, but it submerged in the sea later, and then uplifted above the sea level again in the upper Triassic. By the end of the lower Triassic the Himalayan movement influenced the paleogeography of China deeply, and the eastern and central mountains of Fujian uplifted again. In the Tertiary, Fujian was influenced by the hot maritime weather, so the tropical evergreen forests existed in southern Fujian at that time. The conclusion was made by Z. B. Zhao in 1983 after his long period of study on geological history of Fujian Province since the Yanshan movement. According to the morden geographical distribution of Chinese bryophytes, it seems that the above influence might be related to the bryophytes of Mt. Wuyi and also the southern part of Zhejian Province. By the end of the Tertiary the weather became cold in most parts of China. Since then the cold weather and hot weather alternated several times. One kind of the endemic elements of the bryoflora formed in the area from the south-eastern coast of China to the southeastern Xizang (Tibet), including Japan. They are not specialized at the family level or closely related to each other, but they have similar distribution and belong to different families. In the Quaternary, Mt. Wuyi gradually uplifted following the Himalayan movement. As the weather cooled down in the upper part of the mountain, deciduous broad-leaved and needleleaved trees increased there. Meanwhile, temperate genera and species of the bryophytes spread and invaded South China and entered Mr. Wuyi. Rhytidiadelphus and Hvlocomium probably began to grow in Mt. Wuyi at that time, and their distribution is quite different from their primary one. On the other hand, a part of tropical and subtropical bryophytes might enjoy the changed weather and environment in the Quaternary and existed in a few small localities of Mt. Wuyi, and the genera Haplomitrium, Endotrichella and Floribundaria are probably their representatives. From the point of view of geological history we are now living in the interglacial period and the present natural conditions will last continuously, so they will steadily influence the bryoflora of Mt. Wuyi in a long period of time. 2. Essential characteristics of the bryoflora in Mt. Wuyi Due to the geographical position and the other factors of Mt. Wuyi the bryoflora is represented by numerous tropical and subtropical elements (34.1%), but the East-Asiatic endemic ones (79.2%) are characteristic of the bryoflora in Mt. Wuyi (Tab. 1). The tropical and subtropical families of the bryophytes, found south of Changjiang (Yangtzi) River, are Haplomitriaceae (1 genus, 3 species), Porellaceae (2 genera, 8 species), Frullaniaceae (2 genera, 10 species), Lejeun eaceae (21 genera, 35 species), Trachypodaceae (3 genera, 4 species), Meteoriaceae (10 genera, 17 species), Neckeraceae (5 genera, 8 species) and Hookeriaceae (3 genera, 3 species). The above 8 families, including 46 genera and 85 species, represent about 1/4 genera (24.3%) and less than 1/4 species (23.9%) of the bryoflora of Mt. Wuyi. Most species of East-Asiatic elements show very close relationships with Japan, and are widely distributed from the low altitude of Mt. Wuyi to the summit of Mt. Huanggangshan. However, the Holarctic species (26.8%) are also important elements of the bryoflora in Mt. Wuyi, showing its transition nature, although it is located in the subtropics. Moreover, the in fluence of the Himalayas also exists in Mt. Wuyi, and the Himalayan elements cover 14.4% in the bryoflora of Mt. Wuyi. The similarity coefficients between the bryofloras of Central and South America, Africa and Oceania and that of Mt. Wuyi are from 5.0-9.2% respectively. The endemic species are not very many and cosmopolitan species are only 7 there. In 1958, P. C. Chen designated Mt. Wuyi as “the transition region of South and North China rich in East-Asiatic genera and species”. His very important conclusion is essentially in accordance with the fact of the bryoflora on Mt. Wuyi. Recently, some of the new records fur ther show the characteristics of the bryoflora in Wuyi. Two facts are worth being mentioned. One is that East-Asiatic genera are only five in Mt. Wuyi. However, there are 9 East-Asiatic genera in Mt. Huangshan more than in Mt. Wuyi; 4 East-Asiatic genera are recorded in Mt. Shennongjia. The other is that epiphyllous liverworts in Mt. Wuyi, consisting of 7 families, 21 genera and 36 species, are less than on Hainan Island and Xishuangbannan, located in the tro pics in China. 3. Comparison between the bryoflora of Mt. Wuyi and those of the neighbouring regions As China covers a very large area, bryofloristic elements are quite different in the diffe rent regions. In this section, we are concentrated on making a comparison between the bryof loras of Mt. Wuyi and the regions belonging to the Central China of the bryoflora named by P. C. Chen. Huaping Forest Region, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in South China, with both latitute and altitude very similar to Mt. Wuyi, is included in this comparison (Fig. 1). According to the rough estimation, the similarity coefficient of moss genera between Mt. Wuyi and Huaping is 56.3%, and those between the mountain and southern Zhejian and Mt. Huangshan, Anhui, are 62.7% and 51.6% respectively, while the similarity coefficient of the genera of the mossfloras between Mt. Shennongjia and Mt. Wuyi is 46.8%. Table 2 shows the statistics of mosses in Mt. Wuyi and the others, but the bryoflora of Huaping needs further study However, it is very interesting to note that Haplomitrium and Pleurozia of liverworts are both found in Mt. Wuyi and Huaping Forest Region, and the similarity coefficient between the mossfloras of Mt. Wuyi and Zhejian Province is also higher than those mentioned above. Tropical and subtropical elements reduce towards the north in China, and temperate ones increase. Huaping is located in the south, and, as expected, some tropical and subtropical genera such as Hookeriopsis and Symphyodon have been found there, but not in Mt. Wuyi; several temperate genera, such as Schwetschkeopsis and Fauriella, have been recorded in Mt. Huangshan, but not in Mt. Wuyi. For some unknown reasons, Octoblepharum and Neckeropsis are only found in southern Zhejiang, but not in Mt. Wuyi. Mt. Shennongjia, with its main peak over 1000 m higher than that of Mt. Wuyi, is located in its northwest, and more than ten temperate genera, such as, Ceratodon, Aulacomnium Myurella, Bryonoguchia and Abietinella have been found there. Generally, Mt. Wuyi belongs to the central subtropical region of China, and East-Asiatic endemic genera are the main elements of its bryoflora, but the bryoflora also consists of tropical and subtropical elements with some temperate ones. 4. East-Asiatic endemic genera in the bryoflora of Mt. Wuyi In the bryoflora of Mt. Wuyi, one of the main elements, East-Asiatic endemic genera, should not be neglected (Tab. 4). East-Asiatic endemic genera in Mt. Wuyi (five) are less than in Mt. Huangshan and Mt. West Tianmu, although the positions of the latter two are very close to Mt. Wuyi. East-Asiatic endemic genera of liverworts are Trichocolea and Macvicaria so far found in Mt. Wuyi, and the mosses are Myuriopsis, Meteoriella, Pseudospiridentopsis (Fig. 1). Myuriopsis is only distributed in Taiwan Province and Mt. Wuyi, and the other four are distributed in Mt. Huangshan or Mt. West Tianmu, and also in Taiwan, besides in Mt. Wuyi. About thirty EastAsiatic endemic genera have so far been known in China, which means that about one sixth of East- Asiatic endemic genera of the bryophytes occur in Mt. Wuyi. We may notice that nine and seven East-Asiatic endemic genera of the bryophytes have been recorded in Mt. Huangshan and Mt. West Tianmu respectively. In Mt. Shennongjia, Central China, there are four East Asiatic endemic genera, but only two have been found in the Huaping Forest Region, South China. In Mt. Dinghua, located south of Mt. Wuyi, on East-Asiatic endemic genus of the bryophytes has so far been found. East-Asiatic endemic genera of the bryophytes are mainly limited to China, Korea and Japan, including the East Himalayas, rarely occur in South Asia, Siberia of the Soviet Union. Therefore, these genera enjoy a warm and moist environment. In Mt. Wuyi, all the East-Asiatic endemic genera are monotypic ones with a disjunct distribution. Now in Taiwan Province five of six recorded East-Asiatic endemic genera are common to Mt. Wuyi. In Japan, about eleven, i.e. one third of, East Asiatic endemic genera so far found are common to China, which shows a long history of the phytogeographical relationships between Japan and China. East Asiatic endemic genera of the bryophytes might therefore exist on islands of Taiwan Province and Japan before they were separated from the mainland of Asia. However the fossil evidence is still lacking in the bryophytes, so we are not able to discuss about the distribution area and the distribution center of the East-Asiatic bryoflora in detail. The above estimation is more or less related to geological history, and we assume that the East-Asiatic endemic genera have existed at least since the end of the Tertiary. Starting from the Quaternary, the climatic change during glacial epoch has been possibly the most important factor affecting the bryoflora in Asia, and the upheaval of the Himalayas has stimulated the diversity and the specialization of the bryophy tes. Considering these factors, East-Asiatic endemic genera might be the “Tertiary fossil plants”. Another problem is difficult to explain, because Mts. Huangshan, West Tianmu and Shen nongjia were once influenced by glaciation directly, although Chinese geologists hold different views. However, no evidence of glaciation has been found in Mt. Wuyi. It is worth to study the close relationships between Mt. Wuyi, Mt. Huangshan and Mt. West Tianmu, where is the distri bution center of the East-Asiatic endemic genera. The above three mountain regions share half of the East-Asiatic endemic genera, and about 32% genera of the others are found in two of them (Fig. 2). Myuriopsis, one of the East Asiatic types, was only recorded in Taiwan Pro vince, Japan and Korea. Neodolichomitra, occuring in Taiwan Province, is endemic to China. More or less the differentiation has taken place in Mt. Huangshan, Mt. West Tianmu and Mt. Wuyi. The number of the East-Asiatic endemic genera is smaller in Mt. Wuyi, so it is possibly located on the border of the distributional center of the East-Asiatic endemic genera. Moreo ver, three of four East-Asiatic endemic genera in Mt. Shennongjia are also found in Mt. Huang shan and Mt. West Tianmu, but the other East-Asiatic genus in Mt. Wuyi is common to the mountain areas in SW China, the Qinglin Range of NW China, and the isolated mountain areas of NE China. Considering all the characteristics of the bryoflora of Mt. Shennongjia, we assume that Mt. Shennongjia may belong to another distribution center, including SW part of Sichuan Province, and the other neighbouring mountains.  相似文献   

广东内伶仃岛自然保护区的苔藓植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道广东内伶仃岛自然保护区的苔藓植物共19 科、34 属、61 种, 其中藓类13 科、26属、50 种, 苔类6 科、8 属、11 种。全缘疣鳞苔( Cololejeunea schwabei) 等3 种苔类和拟阔叶小石藓( Weisia platyphylloides) 等10 种藓类为广东省新记录。分析了保护区内的苔藓植物区系特点, 并与车八岭、黑石顶、鼎湖山及南岭自然保护区的苔藓植物区系进行了比较。研究表明, 内伶仃岛的苔藓植物区系由于受地理位置及地形特征的影响而具有一定的特殊性。  相似文献   

藻苔纲Takakiopsida,一个独特的苔藓植物类群   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
藻苔属Takakia在建立之初被认为是原始的苔类植物。这一神秘类群的出现引起了苔藓学家的兴趣,发表了一系列相关的论文。但是随着其孢子体的发现,它的系统位置引起了争论。本文详细分析了藻苔属植物的形态性状特征,参考了大量其他学科的研究成果,认为它既不能归于类,也不能归于苔类。就其系统位置而言,应该成为一独立的纲——藻苔纲。  相似文献   

由于地理环境优越、海拔跨度大、生境异质性高、人为影响小等原因,贵州施秉喀斯特世界自然遗产提名地的苔藓植物丰富,共有50科128属286种(含变种和亚种),其中苔类17科23属43种,藓类33科105属243种。其优势科、属均反映了该区系的温带向热带过渡的性质。区系地理成分分析结果显示,该区苔藓植物北方温带成分、热带成分和东亚成分分别占37.12%、31.82%和30.30%,其中中国特有分布型占12.12%,反映了施秉喀斯特苔藓植物区系具有温热并重、东亚色彩浓厚、特有性较高的特征。通过对施秉喀斯特与其它五个区域的苔藓区系进行对比发现.施秉苔藓区系丰富度高,与同为云贵区的香纸沟、马岭河、罗平喀斯特地区亲缘关系最近。  相似文献   

Shibing karst World Natural Heritage nominated property is rich in bryophytes because of its superior geography, huge elevation difference, high heterogeneity in habitats, and little human disturbance. A total of 286 species of bryophytes (including subspecies and varieties) in 128 genera, 50 families were found. There were 43 species of Hepaticae in 23 genera, 17 families and 243 species of Musci in 105 genera, 33 families. Both the dominant families and genera suggest that the bryoflora of Shibing karst area is transitional between temperate zone and tropic. The phytogeographical elements were dominated by northern temperate elements (3712%), tropical elements (3182%) and eastern Asia elements (3030%), while area pattern of endemic to China occupied 1212%. Therefore, the bryoflora of Shibing karst area is of the nature of both the temperate and tropical elements, and possessed strong eastern Asia colour and relatively high endemism. The results of comparison with other five sites show that the species abundance of Shibing karst area was higher and its bryoflora was most similar to Xiangzhigou, Malinghe and Luoping karst areas in Yunnan Guizhou Bryological Region.  相似文献   

A general introduction to the mycological and bryological researches in Yunnan during the last about 100 years was made . Although several contributors such as Lan Mao (1397 - 1476) and Li Shi-zhen (1518 - 1593) paid their attention to fungi and bryophytes for medical purposes in as early as the Ming Dynasty, much of scientific researches were done in the last one hundred years .Western missionaries and biological explorers, and domestic experts, such as F. L. Tai, T. N. Liou, S. T. Teng , W. F. Chiu. D. F. Yu and J. C. Chou, traveled and collected from different localities of Yunnan and its adjacent areas . Collections of fungi and bryophytes were then studied by mycologists and bryologists from both home and abroad .Many new species of fungi and bryophytes from Yunnan have been discovered and described. The bryophytes in Yunnan are now relatively well-known. However, much mycological work should be done in the future before the diversity of fungi in the region can be recognized and understood.  相似文献   

中国苔藓植物的地理分区及分布类型   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
在对中国苔藓植物相关研究资料进行总结归纳的基础上,对中国苔藓植物的分区进行了重新划分,将最初的7个分区划分为10个分区,从华中区中分出华东区,由华北区中分出华西区,并将青藏区及云贵区内的云南西北部、四川西南部和西藏东南部组成单独的横断山区。就中国苔藓植物的分布类型及可能的分布路线也作了讨论,指出中国苔藓植物的分布路线有3条,一条是从喜马拉雅地区经滇西北、川西沿长江流域到中国的东南部;一条位于喜马拉雅、横断山区和台湾之间;第三条则从喜马拉雅地区通过秦岭直至长白山区。  相似文献   

冀南云梦山苔藓植物区系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐伟斌  赵建成 《广西植物》2005,25(3):201-205
河北南部云梦山区苔藓植物种类较为丰富,有244种,隶属36科99属。区系成分以北温带成分为主(52.11%),其次是东亚成分(19.25%),具有明显的温带性质。提出该区系组成属于温暖干旱的北方山地和温暖潮湿的南方山地的中间类型,个别区域小气候环境条件对苔藓植物区系组成具有重要意义的观点。文中对成因进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Mountain Yunmeng(37°20'N,113°54'E)is 1520m above sea level and part of the Taihang Mountains.With a temperate continental monsoon climate,the mountain area belongs to the warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest region.This thesis was mostly based on the study of more than 2000 packages of bryophytes which were mainly collected by the authors in Mt.Yunmeng.Hebei Province.Of these specimens,there are 36 families,99 genera,and 244 species(including 17 varieties,5 formes,and 1 subspecies)which have been studied and identified.Moreover,it could be seen that Mt.Yunmeng has a diverse population of bryophytes.The bryoflora could be divided into 10 geographical elements:north temperate element make up the majority,accounting for 52.11% of the entire known bryoflora,and another belongs to the East Asian element,accounting for 19.25%.All temperate elements,not including 14 endemic to China and 31 Cosmopolitans,were added up to 188 species,which took 88.3% of all the entire known bryoflora in Mt.Yunmeng.However,there were only 11 Subtropical and Tropical elements.To all appearances,the bryoflora of Mt.Yunmeng showed obvious temperate characteristics.The authors conclude that the bryoflora in Mt.Yunmeng belongs to the middle type,between the warm and dry northern mountain area and the warm and damp southern mountain area.The microclimatic environment greatly influences the bryoflora.  相似文献   

The bryophytic flora has been widely studied in Atlantic coastal dune environments while bryological literature addressing the Mediterranean bryophytes is still scarce and fragmented, although they are an important component of this area, especially considering their ability to colonize and stabilize sandy soils. The aims of this study were: (i) to analyze the taxonomy, chorology and ecology of coastal dunes bryoflora; (ii) to analyze distribution patterns of bryophytic species along a coastal dune vegetation zonation. We used as coastal dune model system a particularly well-preserved study area of the Sardinian coast (Italy), which includes several habitats listed in European Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC. We conducted a general survey of the area and a random sampling. A total of 20 bryophytic species were detected most of which were acrocarpous mosses and, to a lesser extent, pleurocarpous and liverworts. Most bryophytes are pioneer colonizers, reflecting their adaptation to environments with high levels of stress/disturbance conditions such as those of coastal dunes. Finally, in this study we described for the first time how bryophytic species are distributed along a Mediterranean coastal dune vegetation zonation, focusing also on their chorological and ecological characteristics and on how they seem to follow the sea-land gradient, probably in response to different environmental conditions developing along this gradient.  相似文献   

在野外调查和采集标本的基础上,对北京东灵山苔藓植物区系成分及特点进行研究。结果显示,该地区共有苔藓植物27科64属150种(含2变种),其中32种为北京苔藓植物新记录。优势科为青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)、丛藓科(Pottiaceae)、灰藓科(Hypnaceae)、真藓科(Bryaceae)和绢藓科(Entodontaceae)5科;优势属为青藓属(Brachythecium)、绢藓属(Entodon)、紫萼藓属(Grimmia)、真藓属(Bryum)、金灰藓属(Pylaisia)、凤尾藓属(Fissidens)、美喙藓属(Eurhynchium)和毛口藓属(Trichostomum)8属。区系分析表明,东灵山苔藓植物区系地理成分以北温带成分为主(占36.7%)、东亚成分次之(占18.0%)。通过与我国15个地区苔藓植物区系谱主成分分析发现,东灵山苔藓植物区系成分与雾灵山、小五台山与贺兰山相近,与云蒙山最为接近。  相似文献   

Cytological studies were carried out for the first time on five populations of Trigonobalanus doichangensis in China and Thailand. In all populations, the pattern of interphase nuclei was of the simple chromocentre type, the mitotic prophases were of the proximal interstitial type and chromosome numbers were 2 n  = 2 x  = 14. Two B chromosomes were commonly observed at prophase and prophase–metaphase, but rarely at metaphase. Karyotype variation among the populations at the diploid level was limited, but there were some distinguishing cytological characters. Based on the comparison of all the available data on cytology, taxonomy, phytogeography and molecular systematics related to the genus Trigonobalanus , we recommend that the three species of Trigonobalanus comprise the subfamily Trigonobalanoideae and that the genus should not be segregated into three monotypic genera.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 321–330.  相似文献   

Mountain Yunmeng (37°20′N, 113°54′E) is 1 520m above sea level and part of the Taihang Mountains. With a temperate continental monsoon climate, the mountain area belongs to the warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest region. This thesis was mostly based on the study of more than 2 000 packages of bryophytes which were mainly collected by the authors in Mt. Yunmeng, Hebei Province. Of these specimens, there are 36 families, 99 genera, and 244 species (including 17 varieties, 5 formes, and 1 subspecies) which have been studied and identified. Moreover, it could be seen that Mt. Yunmeng has a diverse population of bryophytes. The bryoflora could be divided into 10 geographical elements: north temperate element make up the majority, accounting for 52.11% of the entire known bryoflora, and another belongs to the East Asian element, accounting for 19.25%. All temperate elements, not including 14 endemic to China and 31 Cosmopolitans, were added up to 188 species, which took 88.3% of all the entire known bryoflora in Mt. Yunmeng. However, there were only 11 Subtropical and Tropical elements. To all appearances, the bryoflora of Mt. Yunmeng showed obvious temperate characteristics. The authors conclude that the bryoflora in Mt. Yunmeng belongs to the middle type, between the warm and dry northern mountain area and the warm and damp southern mountain area. The microclimatic environment greatly influences the bryoflora. __________ Translated from Guihaia, 2005, 25 (3) [译自: 广西植物, 2005,25(3)]  相似文献   

应用排序分析藓类植物分类群分布与气候因素的关系   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
以我国21个山地藓类植物区系和气象资料为基础,应用典范对应分析(CCA)和除趋势典范对应分析(DCCA),比较了21个山地中藓类植物61个科,曲尾藓科(Dicranaceae)23个属、曲柄藓属(Campylopus)17种及曲尾藓属(Dicranum)35种分布与年均温度、>10℃积温、1月均温、7月均温、年均相对湿度、年均降雨量、年有雾天数、年有霜天数和年日照时数的关系,通过排序进行了直观的展示;同时还应用典范对应分析直观地反映了包括长白山在内的我国9个山地苔藓植物地理成分组成上的相似性及它们与气候因素间的关系.本文研究表明将DCCA和CCA应用到植物区系地理学研究上是可行的.  相似文献   

镜泊湖世界地质公园火山口孕育了罕见的原始地下森林,本研究为完善中国火山生态系统苔藓植物区系地理起源提供重要资料。基于前期野外调查、标本采集和物种鉴定数据,已知苔藓植物53科126属292种,采用分层聚类分析和主成分分析方法探讨区系地理特点。结果表明:(1)镜泊湖火山口地下森林苔藓植物单种属和寡种属占绝对优势,共106属(占总属数84.13%)152种(占总种数52.05%)。(2)区系地理成分共11种,北温带分布占主体(49.12%),东亚分布次之(21.55%),中国特有分布第三(8.48%)。(3)地下森林中国特有苔藓植物可能沿“北线”以山脉为通道进行传播。(4)镜泊湖火山口地下森林与镜泊湖火山熔岩台地苔藓植物区系相似性最高。此外,发现受威胁苔藓植物7种。总之,镜泊湖火山口地下森林苔藓植物区系的主要特点为起源古老,组成复杂,北温带性质明显,与东亚苔藓植物区系具有深厚的历史渊源,凭火山锥内部优越的微生境成为中国特有和珍稀濒危苔藓植物的避难所。  相似文献   

William R. Buck 《Brittonia》1996,48(3):399-403
Bryology has been a field of study at The New York Botanical Garden since its founding. Brief biographical sketches are provided for Elizabeth Gertrude Britton, Robert Statham Williams, and William Campbell Steere. The important bryological collections that have been acquired by NY are enumerated with a brief explanation of the circumstances.  相似文献   

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