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Abramova  L. M.  Ilyina  V. N.  Mustafina  A. N.  Karimova  O. A. 《Biology Bulletin》2019,46(10):1199-1205
Biology Bulletin - Abstract—The results of the study of 23 natural cenopopulations of Cephalaria uralensis (Murr.) Schrad. ex Roem. et Schult., a rare subendemic species of the Eastern...  相似文献   

The present paper reports the first record of the genus Hymenopyramis in China. H. cana is a new record on Hainan Island of Guangdong Province. It grows in deciduous monsoon forests or shrubby savanna (western Hainan) at 50 to 150 m alt.  相似文献   

The monotypic genus Archakebia from China is described as new.The genus shares many characters with members of the genus Akebia,except sepals 6,lanceolate or linear,which are common in members of the genus Stauntonia.  相似文献   

Triodanis Raf. (Campanulaceae), a genus native to America and Mediterranean regions, is here reported from China for the first time. Two species (T. perfoliata and T. bifiora) are identified. The former was collected in Chong’an,and Jianning, Fujian Province, the latter was collected from Anqing,Anhui Province, Putuo, Zhejiang Province and Jiangle, Fujian Province.  相似文献   

After having examined all specimens of the genus Prenanthes L. of Compositae in the Herbarium of Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, I find that the classic concept on the genus Prenanthes established by G. Bentham in 1873 has not been held exactly by some of European, American, Japanese and Chinese botanists. For example, W. B. Hemsley, S. T. Dunn, A. Franchet, S. Kitamura and C. C. Chang placed plants from China which belong to other groups into the genus; I also find that the classic concept of the genus is not clear. The present paper makes a revision not only on the classic concept of the genus, but also on its concept assumed by the above-mentionded botanists. With the combination of numerous (25-35), white or yellow ligular florets, numerous ribs of achenes, Prenanthes alba L. (Nabalus albus (L.) Shih, comb. nov.) is distinctly different from Prenanthes purpurea L., which has the combination of purple, few (5-15) ligular florests and few ribs of achenes. Nabalus Cass., as a genus established early (1825) by H. Cassini, should be restored. It is not reasonable to treat Nabalus as a subgenus (E. B. Babcock et al. 1947) or a section (S. Kitamura, 1956) or as a synonym (G. Bentham, 1983) of the genus Preanathes L. The present author recognizes seven species in the new revised genus Prenanthes L. in China, 4 of which are described as new. In the genus Nabalus Cass. only one species, N. ochroleuca Maxim., is distributed in Northeast China. As Lactuca melanantha Franch. (1895), Prenanthes henryi Dunn (1903), P. glandulosa Dunn (1903), Lactuca triflora Hemsl. (1888) (it was transferred to Prenanthes L. by C. C. Chang in 1934), Prenanthes formosana Kitam. (1934) and P. wilsoni Chang (1934) all have campanulate involucres, purple phyllaries, purple dorsi-ventrally compressed achenes, longitudinal rids 6-9 on each side of achene truncate and beakless at its apex and pilose tubes of corollae, they should be placed neither into the genus Prenanthes with obtusely tri-or pentagonous, subterete achenes and glabrous tubes of corollae, nor into the genus Lactuca with beak achenes. Besides the above-mentioned species misnamed by some of foreign and Chinese botanists, 6 other species also have the same structure in achenes and corollae. Evidently, they fall into a new genus with the name Notoseris Shih. The new genus Notoseris Shih of the tribe Lactuceae of Compositae seems to be more reminiscent of Lactuca L. than of Prenanthes L. emend. All the 12 species of the genus Notoseris Shih are endemic to China and distributed in the area of south of Yantze River. Of them 6 are new combinations and 6 are described as new.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Amplectosporangium jiangyouense, is described from the Pingyipu Formation (Siegenian) of the Lower Devonian in Jiangyou district, Sichuan, China. The plant consists of naked dichotomizing erect axes with terminal fertile branch-systems. Sporangia are oval-shaped each with a short stalk and are arranged along the inner side of dichotomized axes in single row. By comparison with other known Devonian plants the genus is considered to represent a new morphological type of early land plants. Based on the theory of the telomic origin of the ovular integument, the plant may represent an early stage in the evolution of integument.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new microstrobilus of palaeozoic Cycadaceae collected from the upper part of Lower Shihezi Formation, Dongshan Mine, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China and named it as Cycadostrobilus paleozoicus Zhu, gen. et sp. nov. This new cycad is the oldest microstrobilus to our knowlege of cycads. In the same locality and layer, there are Primocycas chinensis Zhu et Du, Sphenophyllum emarginatum Brongn. , S. costae Sterz. , S. verticallatum (Schloth.) Brongn. , S. oblongifolium (Germ. et Kaulf. ) Ung. , Tingia carbonica (Schenk.) Halle, T. hamaguchii Kon’no, Macrostachys huttoniformis Halle, Sphenopteris norinii Halle, S. firmata Sze, S. gothanii Halle, Sphenopteridium pseudogermanicum (Halle) Gu et Zhi, Pecopteris feminaeformis (Schloth.) Sterz. , P. wongii Halle, P. tuberculata Halle, P. unita Brongn. , P. taiyuanensis Halle, Emplectopteris triangularis Halle, Taeniopteris norinii Halle, T. spp. , Cordaites principalis (Germ.) Gein. , Cornucarpus patulus Halle, Radicites spp. and a few taxa unknown to palaeobotanical data. The authors consider that Cycadostrobilus paleozoicus is the same species as Primocycas chinensis, and its veg.etative leaves are similar to those of the genus Taeniopteris, e.g.T. norinii Halle.  相似文献   

A new subtribe of the family Urticaceae, Sphaerotylinae C. J. Chen, a new genus, Sphaerotylos C. J. Chen and its type species S. medogensis C. J. Chen from south-eastern Xizang (Tibet) in China are described and illustrated. The subtribe is regarded as a primitive group in the tribe Boehmerieae. The ring-shaped stigma and the ball-like connective are the first discovery in the family Urticaceae. The types of the stigma of the family, their taxonomic significance and their evolution are also discussed in the present paper.  相似文献   

Kengyilia longiaristata , a new species of Gramineae from Qinghai Province , is described .  相似文献   

Aeschynanthus hildebrandii Hemsl. ex Hook. f. is reported as a new record for China.  相似文献   

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