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描述了产于安徽境内的竹亚科刚竹属4个新种,即:糙竹、燥壳竹、广德芽竹、谷雨竹,并讨论了与近缘类群的区别,提供了显示鉴别特征的活植物及模式标本图片。新种的主模式标本均保存于安徽农业大学树木标本馆。  相似文献   

The mass spectra of phrymarolins, which were isolated from Phryma leptostachya L. as novel lignans, have been investigated. The most predominant fragmentation was the splitting of the acetal linkage. The fragment ions (m) and (n), at m/e 141 and m/e 99 respectively, are considered to be characteristic to the lignans. The accurate molecular weight measurements of important ions provided a further evidence for the structure of phrymarolin-I.  相似文献   

One new species of the genus lndocalamus (Bambusoideae) is describedfrom China . It is lndocalamus chishuiensis Y. L. Yang et Hsueh.  相似文献   

广东竹亚科新组合及新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了广东竹亚科13新组合,1新名称和3新异名,其中筋竹属3新组合1新名称,牡竹属4新组合,青篱竹属5组合1新异名,箬竹属2新异名及方竹属1新组合.  相似文献   

首次补充和描述了黄古竹Phyllostachysangusta、乌芽竹P.atrovaginata、角竹P.fimbriligula、美竹P.mannii、早园竹P.propinqua、芽竹P.robustiramea、水胖竹P.rubi-cunda、衢县红壳竹P.rutila、天目早竹P.tianmuensis 9种竹子的花部形态特征,并根据采得的可靠花枝标本对台湾桂竹P.makinoi的花部形态特征作了增补和修订。  相似文献   

10种刚竹属植物花部形态的补充描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次补充和描述了黄古竹Phyllostachys angusta,乌芽竹P.atrovaginata,角竹P.fimbriligula,美竹P.mannii,早园竹P.propinqua,芽竹P.robustirames,水胖竹P.rubicunda,衢县红壳竹P.rutila,天目早竹P.tianmuensis,9种竹子的花部形态特征,并根据采得了可靠花枝标本对台湾桂 竹P.makinoi的花部形态特征作了增补和修订。  相似文献   

杨光耀  赵奇僧 《植物研究》2001,21(4):513-514
作者研究了斑苦竹后认为, 当斑苦竹组合到青篱竹属Arundinaria 时, 其合法双名应为Arundinaria oleosa (Wen)C.S.Chao et G.Y.Yang。而Arundinaria chinensis C.S.Chao et G.Y.Yang 和Acidosasa lentiginosa W.T.Lin et Z.J.Feng 为斑苦竹的新异名。  相似文献   

Gelidocalamus stellatus Wen complex includes Gelidocalamus stellatus, Gauritus, Gmonophyllus, Gmultifolius and Gwugongshanensis, indicating the existence of some taxonomic disputes within this taxon. Based on 13 main phenotypic traits, in this paper, 13 populations of the complex are investigated and the results show that 1) All 13 characters have some changes between and within populations, of which the maximum is the height under branch with 276%, while the minimum is the ratio of length and width with 64%; 2) In the Jing Gang Mountain population (JGM), seven characters, such as the diameter at breast height, the node number, the height under branch, the leaf length, the leaf width, the ratio of leaf length and width, and numbers of each branch, are relatively stable among 4 different populations, and populations of Gstellatus Wen complex can be distinguished effectively by that seven characters, so it maybe have some worth for the clarification of the complex; 3) Besides that Jiu Yi Mountain population (JYM) and Xiao Long Gui population (XLG) share the same or similar traits with that of JGM, there have many remarkable differences between other populations, such the leaf in Lian Ping Country population (LPC) and Huang He Village population (HHV), the culm in Wu Gong Mountain population (WGM) and the numbers of each branch in Gan Zi Depression population (GZD) and Rong Jia Cavity population (RJC). With the observation of the culm sheath and the abaxial epidermis of leaves, the taxonomic position of some populations is discussed. Our results still indicate that Gmultifolius (Huang He Village population) and Gauritus may be null and void. Furthermore, we proposal Gwugongshanensis (Wu Gong Mountain population) and Gmonophyllus (Jiu Yi Mountain population) should be as a taxon under Gstellatus.  相似文献   

潮安黄杨新种图1 Buxus chaoanensis H. G. Ye, sp. nov. Fig. 1 Species fioribus femineis inter stylos 3 glandibus praeditis insignis, B. cephalanthae Levi.et Vant. var. shantouensi M. Cheng affinis, sed foliis obovato-spathulatis, crasse coriaceis,nervis lateralibus utrinque obsoletis differt. Type: Guangdong, Chaoan Xian, in crevices ofrocks of valleys, alt. 300 m. H. G. Ye 319 (holo-, IBSC).  相似文献   

常绿灌木,高10-30(-40)cm。小枝具棱,无毛。叶对生,叶片倒卵形或狭倒卵形,革质长1-1.5cm,宽(3-)4-7mm,顶端圆钝,微凹,基部楔形,下延成短柄,两面无毛,边缘全缘,反卷,中脉在两面凸起,侧脉不明显;叶柄长1-2mm,两侧具乳头状突起。头状花序腋生兼顶生,花序轴长4-6mm,被微柔毛;花序轴基部苞片l-2对,狭卵状三角形,长约1.5mm,宽约0.6mm,顶端渐尖;雄花:6-8朵,近无梗,萼片4枚,成2对,三角状卵形,凹陷呈舟状,长1.5-2mm,宽约0.8mm,花药长约1mm,花丝扁平,退化子房小,花柱长约 2mm;雌花1朵,位于花序轴顶端,萼片6枚,卵形,凹陷呈舟状,长约 2mm,  相似文献   

福建苦竹属一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了中国福建苦竹属(竹亚科)一新种,即罗公竹(Pleioblastus guilongshanensis M. M. Lin)。本新种与宜兴苦竹(P. yixingensis)相近似,区别在于前者节间较长(15~30 cm),幼时被微柔毛,仅节下有一圈白粉;竿箨上部无焦边;叶鞘被开展的刚毛等特征,易于区别。  相似文献   

中国云南巨竹属一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了中国巨竹属一新种——小巨竹Gigantochloa callosa NH. Xia, Y. Zeng & RS. Lin并绘制了图版。该种与Gigantochloa parvifolia (Brandis ex Gamble) TQ. Nguyen相似,区别在于此种各部分较Gparvifolia较小;箨鞘背面贴生深褐色与银灰色短硬毛,箨舌高2~3mm,全缘;叶舌高2~3mm,全缘;叶鞘背面与叶柄连接处一侧有一高2~3mm的半圆形薄鳞片状突起。  相似文献   

发表了产于贵州的玉山竹属2新种,即窄叶玉山竹和细弱玉山竹。赤竹(Sasa longiligula McClure)、单枝竹(Bonia saxatilis(Chia, H. L. Fung et Y. L. Yang) N. H. Xia)为贵州新分布竹种,并对其中赤竹的花做了补充描述。  相似文献   

巴西是全球生物多样性最丰富的地区,其竹类多样性也极为丰富。结合现存资料及野外调查,对巴西全境的竹类分布格局进行了讨论。巴西全国有原生竹亚科植物256种(含2亚种及3变种),北部地区草本竹类(莪莉竹族)最丰富,有61种,而东南部地区木本竹类(箣竹族)最丰富,有96种。偏穗竹属(Merostachys)(43种)和丘斯夸竹属(Chusquea)(45种)是最常见的属,并是最具潜在经济利用的竹类。属种的特有性分别高达32.4%和68.8%。特有属有11个,分别为莪莉竹族的双药莪利草竹属(Diandrolyra)、独焰草竹属(Eremitis)、小百瑞草竹属(Parianella)、赖茨草竹属(Reitzia)、苏克蕾草竹属(Sucrea)和箣竹族的南美梨藤竹属(Alvimia)、离枝竹属(Apoclada)、密穗竹属(Athroostachys)、卡姆巴珠瓦竹属(Cambajuva)、菲尔盖拉斯竹属(Filgueirasia)、无枝竹属(Glaziophyton)。  相似文献   

城隍竹——福建竹亚科一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了竹亚科(Bambusoideae)少穗竹属(Oligostachyum Z.P.Wang et G.H.Ye)一新种——城隍竹(O. heterophyllum M.M.Lin)。该新种分布于我国福建西部,它与糙花少穗竹[O.scabriflorum(McClure) Z.P.Wang et G.H.Ye]相似或近缘,但秆小,直径不超过1.5 cm;秆箨淡紫绿色,背面具有瘤基刺毛,无斑点,无白粉,亦无焦边,基部密被细刚毛;箨片直立,基部不收缩;箨舌淡禾秆色;叶鞘被细微柔毛而与后者相区别。  相似文献   

A new species of Gigantochloa Kurz ex Munro, Gigantochloa callosa NH. Xia, Y. Zeng & RS. Lin was described and illustrated. It is differed from Gparvifolia (Brandis ex Gamble) TQ. Nguyen by its smaller size; culm sheath proper covered with both dark brown and silvery appressed hairs abaxially; ligules 2-3mm tall, entire; leaf ligules 2-3mm tall, entire; one side of the apex of leaf sheath developed into a 2-3mm long, thin, scale like callus.  相似文献   

中国竹类植物新资料   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林万涛   《广西植物》1990,10(1):15-20
<正> 壮绿竹(牛角竹) 新组合 Bambusa valida(Q H Dai)W.T.Lin,comb.nov.—Dendrocalamopsis ualidus Q.H.Dai,Act.Phytotax.Sin.24:393—394.f.1.1986. 根据采自广州华南农业大学,林万涛31864(引自模式产区——广西,南宁,广西林科所)标本。该种植物体是有刺的,而绿竹属是无刺的,故作新组合。  相似文献   

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