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The monkshood-tuber of Aconitum kusnezoffii is a specialized structure attached to the root of the plant and is composed of apical bm4, axillary bud and its tuberous adventitious root. After the axillary bud emerges at the end of March of the following year, the primordium of the adventitious root develops from the procambium-like cells of the bud just below the first node at the abaxial part. With the active proliferation of the secondary phloem parenchyma ceils, the root increases its size very rapidly to form a “tuber”, When the adventitious root begins to develop, the first internode of the axillary bud extends horizontally to form a "bridge" connecting the daughter monkshood-tuber to the mother plant. In the third spring, each “tuber” sprouts one shoot giving rise to a new plant and in likewise produces a new “tuber”. It might be concluded that the monkshood-tuber is a renewal bud developing from a axillary bud. The so called “bridge” which connect the “tuber” and the mother plant is a special kind of subterraneous stem which is actually the first internode of the axillary bud.  相似文献   

草乌传粉过程中的广告效应与回报物质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虫媒传粉植物与其传粉者之间的相互作用被认为是被子植物花多样性的一个重要选择压力。这种相互作用体现在植物对传粉者的吸引以及传粉者行为对花粉的转运两个方面。本项研究通过去除不同的花部器官研究了草乌(Aconitum kusnezoffii)对其传粉者的吸引, 并结合传粉者的访问行为和草乌花的生物学特性探讨了传粉过程与交配系统的适应。红光熊蜂(Bombus ignites)是草乌的有效传粉者。去除花萼片显著降低了红光熊蜂的访问频率, 但去除特化成蜜腺叶的花瓣并没有显著改变红光熊蜂的访问频率, 这表明草乌吸引红光熊蜂的主要结构是由5枚萼片组成的花部外观形态, 而非花瓣。花蜜是草乌提供给红光熊蜂的回报物质, 糖浓度为39.23%, 组氨酸浓度为0.25 μg/μL。草乌花较大、单花花期长、雌雄异熟、花粉寿命长, 是一个自交亲和但需传粉者传粉完成繁殖过程的异交物种。草乌花序是无限花序, 当上部的花处于雄性阶段时, 下部的花正好处于雌性阶段。而红光熊蜂在草乌花序上的访问顺序通常自下而上, 带来异交花粉为下部的花进行异花授精, 同时又带走上部花的花粉, 这就很好地促进了草乌的异交。草乌雄蕊自外向内逐渐成熟, 是一种有效的限制传粉者单次访问浪费大量花粉的花粉装配策略, 能提高植物通过花粉散布获得的雄性适合度。  相似文献   

以花后82~87 d的石硖龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.‘Shixia’)未成熟果实在4℃贮藏24 h,研究种子与种胚的萌发与成苗情况。结果表明:河沙直播未成熟胚的最终成苗率达到80%,远高于离体培养未成熟种子的最终成苗率(12.63%~44.03%);虽然4℃的低温贮藏略为推迟了河沙直播未成熟胚的萌发时间,但对最终成苗率及幼苗生长的影响不大,这对龙眼杂交育种中未成熟种子种胚的挽救具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb., one of the earliest recorded toxic species of genus Aconitum, has been used as traditional Chinese medicine and medicinal diet over the last 2500 years to treat heart failure congestion, neuralgia, rheumatism and gout, etc. In the present paper, four water-soluble polysaccharide fractions isolated from the tubers of A. kusnezoffii Reichb. were studied the antioxidant and immunological activities for the first time. In vitro antioxidant assays indicated that fraction WKCP-A had noticeable scavenging activities on DPPH radical, hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion, H2O2 and self-oxidation of 1,2,3-phentriol, ferrous ion-chelating ability and reducing power. Moreover, the in vivo immunological assay exhibited that fractions WKCP-A and WKHP could more significantly enhance splenic lymphocyte proliferation and macrophage phagocytosis than other fractions. Therefore, the water-soluble polysaccharides from A. kusnezoffii Reichb., especially WKCP-A, have the potential to be explored as novel natural antioxidants and immunostimulating agents for using in functional foods or medicine.  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对农作物种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
研究模拟酸雨对3种农作物种子萌发年和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:不同pH值(2.5,4.5,5.6)的模拟酸雨对水稻和小麦的种子萌发没有影响,但明显抑制了玉米种子萌发。模拟酸雨条件下,3种农作物幼苗的生长受到抑制,生物量减少,叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量下降,而叶绿素a/b的变化却不明显。pH4.5和5.6的模拟酸雨对玉米Fv/Fm、光化学猝灭(qP)的影响较小,非光化学猝灭(NPQ)却明显下降,表明酸雨伤害了植物PSⅡ天线对激发能的非辐射耗散能力。  相似文献   

汞对小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长作用机制初探   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究表明,汞能抑制小麦种子萌发过程中淀粉酶、脂肪酶和蛋白酶活性,抑制幼苗生长和呼吸代谢,降低种子活力。在幼苗生长阶段,汞能降低叶绿素含量和可溶性糖的积累,降低根系活力,抑制硝酸还原酶活力。但浓度低时,在萌发初期有短暂促进作用。  相似文献   

为探索贵州石笔木(Tutcheria kweichowensis Chang et Y.K.Li)的种子特性及种苗繁育规律,对种子的生物学特征和贮藏方式对种子萌发的影响及幼苗年生长规律进行了研究。结果表明,贵州石笔木种子的千粒重、生活力、含水量分别为0.92 kg、66.17%、11.75%,吸水率最高可达15.62%。长期贮藏适宜采用低温湿沙层积方式,短期催芽适宜在25℃、相对湿度80%的湿沙层积贮藏40 d左右,种子萌发率可达80%以上。幼苗出土后1年的生长节律表现为"慢-快-慢",5-9月为生长盛期,这一时期的苗高、地径的生长量分别占全年的65.48%、42.02%。根据幼苗的生长特性,采取阶段性育苗措施,适时加强田间管理和水、肥定向供给,对提高苗木质量和生产效益具有重要意义。  相似文献   

测定不同产地野生草乌(Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb.)种子中生物碱类含量,并与草乌入药部分(块根、叶)生物碱含量做对比。采用HPLC法测定了内蒙古通辽市扎鲁特旗、赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗和赤峰市巴林右旗野生草乌的种子,色谱柱Supersil ODS2 5 μm(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm),流动相为甲醇-0.1 mol·L-1:三乙胺(75:25),流速为0.8 mL·min-1,检测波长为235 nm,柱温为35℃。草乌种子中检测到生物碱类,以苯甲酰新乌头原碱含量最高。通辽市扎鲁特旗种子含量为7.647 9 mg·g-1;赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗种子含量为8.256 3 mg·g-1;赤峰市巴林右旗种子含量为7.512 6 mg·g-1,双酯型生物碱含量较低。不同产地的总乌头碱含量通辽市的高于赤峰市的,同为赤峰市含量之间显著差异。相关文献报道草乌药材(块根)中双酯型生物碱的含量明显高于单酯型生物碱,本研究实验表明,不同地区草乌种子中单酯型生物碱的含量明显高于双酯型生物碱,为草乌种子的综合利用开发及筛选不同含量种质材料提供理论依据。  相似文献   

对锥连栎(Quercus franchetii Skan)在4种施水量下的种子萌发、幼苗早期生长形态及生物量分配的响应特征进行了研究。结果表明,施水量对锥连栎的种子萌发过程具有显著影响。随着施水量增加,其种子萌发率、萌发指数以及萌发时间和萌发持续时间均呈明显的上升趋势,而萌发时滞和萌发速率系数呈下降趋势。锥连栎幼苗早期生长对施水量的适应幅度较大,每次施水4~12 mm时,幼苗均能存活,但生长状况存在明显差异,随着施水量的减少,幼苗生长和生物量的积累速度均出现显著减缓。同时,施水量对锥连栎幼苗生物量分配具有显著影响,随着施水量增加,幼苗根冠比呈显著下降趋势,表明在生物量分配上锥连栎幼苗具有极大的可塑性,施水量减少时,光合产物将向地下部分迁移,增加根冠比。  相似文献   

常绿阔叶林内和林窗中栲树的种子萌发和幼苗生长   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对浙江天童地区常绿阔叶林林窗和林内两种生境下人工播埋的栲树(Castanopsis fargesii)种子的萌发和当年幼苗的生长进行了研究。在林窗和林内两种生境的栲树种子(单粒重约0.5-0.6g)的萌发率没有明显的差异,分别为31.7±7.1%和33.3±2.l%,一年龄幼苗的平均株高在生长季末分别为 6.56±1.2cm和 5.88±1.09cm,两者有明显差异,而平均叶长、平均叶宽以及平均根长等指标没有差异;幼苗的生物量也没有明显差异。但一年龄幼苗在生长过程中,其生物量分配有所变化,在林窗条件下,幼苗逐渐将较多的生物量分配于根,而林内幼苗则逐渐将生物量较多地分配于叶,生物量的分配反映出幼苗在不同生境下的适应性特征。  相似文献   

组织培养法快速繁殖川乌头种苗   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究探讨了川乌头组织培养过程中的外植体诱导建立无菌繁殖系;外植体生长分化和增殖培养基的筛选:生根及驯化移栽等关键技术环节,从而使川乌头通过组培快繁实现大规模育苗成为可能.  相似文献   

陕西羽叶报春(Primulafilchnerae)是百年绝迹、曾被植物界视为可能绝灭的二年生草本植物,其种子萌发和成苗是其种群续存的前提,也是其园林开发时繁育工作的理论依据。本研究发现,陕西羽叶报春种子细小,25℃、低光(2700Ix)和当年采集种子是其萌发的最适条件。然而,该条件的成苗率仅25%左右,成苗/萌发比也比其它处理低。29℃高温下陕西羽叶报春种子存在一定程度的休眠,赤霉素(GA。)处理后萌发率虽显著增加,始萌发时间缩短,但高浓度(200mg/L)GA。处理使种子成苗率和成苗/萌发比显著降低。经过2个多月的高温高湿(29℃下萌发)处理后,将未萌发的种子重新在最适温度25℃下萌发,发现它们的萌发率不受影响,但始萌发时间显著缩短。以上结果说明陕西羽叶报春种子成熟后,及时采收并适当让其高温休眠一段时间,萌发时先用低浓度(20mg/L)GA。处理,不但可以显著提高萌发率,而且可提高成苗率和成苗/萌发比。  相似文献   

The process of in vitro seed germination of Cymbidium ensifoliumcultivar Si-ji-lan could be divided into the following five stages: (1) Proembryos wereswollen, outer layer cells became irregular in shape. The tangential wall of outer layer cells of proembryos was thickened. The terminal cells were much smaller than basiccells. (2) Seeds germinated and differentiated into protocorms with terminal or lateralmeristem. (3) On one flank of the terminal meristem a single cotyledon was differen-tiated. (4) After the first foliage leaf was formed in the opposite side of the cotyledon,the protocorms developed into rhizomes. (5) As the third or forth leaf was formed, young roots were initiated. The results stained by Suden IV shot that the possiblecause for quite slow seed germination rate of Cymbidium ensifolium in vitro is due tothe thickened layers of seed coat, reducing its penetrability on the surface of proem-bryo. During seed germination the lipid and starch in the embryo cells were reduced.The reduction of starches may be closely correlated to the meristem formation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the result of comparative anatomical studies on medicinal roots of 53 species and varieties in the genus Aconitum from China. The anatomical structures of the roots can be classified into 6 types and 18 subtypes according to the level of their evolution. The anatomy of Aconitum roots is discussed in relation to phylogeny based on chemotaxonomy, cytology and other related disciplines. It was found that the six types of Aconitum roots are correlated with chemical components, chromosomes, toxicity and the gross morphology. The relatively advanced Types I and II roots always contain highly toxic alkaloids of diterpenoid diester of aconitine type, distributed mainly in Ser. 3, 5-11 of Sect. Aconitum of Subgen. Aconitum, while the relatively primitive Types III, IV and II roots with small diameters contain mainly atisine and aminal alcohol alkaloids, which have lower toxicity, present in Subgen. Gymnaconitum and Ser. 1, 2 of Sect. Aconitum of Subgen. Aconitum. The primitive Types V and VI roots of Subgen. Lycoctonum contain mainly the most low-toxic alkaloids of lycoctonine Type. The result is of significance both in theory or practice for the development of medicinal plant resourcesand the safety of clinical usage of these of plants.  相似文献   

This paper deals with chromosomal numbers and morphology of 10 species of Aconitum in China. According to the basic number of the genus (x=8), these species can be referred to diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid. Correlation is found between chromosomal numbers, sizes and structures. The perennial species with a rhizome are mostly diploid, with chromosomes larger than those in the biennial species with a tuber, and their chromosome pairs 3-7 are mostly subterminal ones, whereas most biennial species are polyploid, and their chromosome pairs 3-7 are almost submetacentric. The evolutionary trends of chromosome from diploid to polyploid, large to small, st to sm are considered possible. The data are agreed with the idea that rhizomal species are more primitive than tuberous ones. The existence of two types of karyotypes in these 10 species is a further support of taxonomic division of two subgenera, subgen. Paraconitum and subgen. Aconitum. In addition, some species are taxonomically discussed.  相似文献   

Studies on seed germination and seedling development of Ormosia glaberrima Wu, Ouercus hui Chun, Diospyros morrisiana Hance, Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent., Toona sinensis (A. Tuss. ) Roem. and Paulownia fortunei (Seem.) Hemsl. revealed that had rapid germination but Ormosia glaberrirna. Germination began 2--3 days and ceased 2—4 weeks after the initiation of the experiment. Fast-growing sun trees Oroxylum indicurn, T. sinensis, and P. fortunei germinated faster than did the species in the forest. Germination of Oroxylum glaberrirna was delayed because of its hard seed coat, but became rapid when its coat was slit open. Species in the forest and Oroxylurn indicurn and T. sinensis could germinate in both dark and light, tiny seeds of P. fortunei germinated poorly in dark. Water absorption of seeds presented three phases which varied among the species. Morphology of the seedlings might be related to shading-tolerance and growth speed of species.  相似文献   

三峡地区柏木种子萌发和幼苗更新的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对三峡地区柏木(Cupressus funebris)林柏木种子的萌发、幼苗存活、幼苗生长进行了研究.结果表明,(1)柏木种子的萌动期约为10 d,播种35-45 d后进入萌发高峰期,柏木种子的平均萌发率为47.7%.土壤基质对种子萌发的影响是极显著的,光照对萌发则没有显著的影响.(2)幼苗平均死亡率为52.6%.土壤类型和光照强度对幼苗的存活都有显著影响,在林下土和80%光照条件下幼苗的存活率最高.(3)柏木幼苗生长初期茎的生长动态呈"S"型,而叶片数量的增长动态近于直线型.幼苗生长初期生物量形成主要受光照条件的影响,土壤类型的影响不显著.土壤和光照条件对柏木林柏木幼苗的更新都有显著影响,但是土壤条件主要影响种子萌发和幼苗的存活,而光照条件则主要对幼苗的生长和存活产生影响.  相似文献   

内源抗坏血酸对水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解内源抗环血酸在水稻(Oryza sativa)种子中的作用,以野生型品种‘中花11’(ZH-11)、抗坏血酸合成关键酶GLDH基因的上调(超表达)株系GO-2及下调(干涉)株系GI-2为材料,研究了抗环血酸含量对其种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,GO-2株系的种子萌发率比野生型ZH-11高6%,比干涉型GI-2高60%。外源添加1 mmol L–1抗坏血酸后,干涉型GI-2萌发率提高了22%,GO-2及ZH-11则没有明显增加。GO-2株系在幼苗的根长、株高、分蘖数和鲜重等指标上均高于ZH-11和GI-2。实时荧光定量测定结果表明,GO-2株系叶片的GLDH基因表达量显著上调,而GI-2株系则显著下调。这说明抗坏血酸有助于维持水稻种子活力和促进水稻种子发芽和幼苗生长。  相似文献   

The masting phenomenon along with its accompanying suite of seedling adaptive traits has been well studied in forest trees but has rarely been examined in desert shrubs. Blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) is a regionally dominant North American desert shrub whose seeds are produced in mast events and scatter-hoarded by rodents. We followed the fate of seedlings in intact stands vs. small-scale disturbances at four contrasting sites for nine growing seasons following emergence after a mast year. The primary cause of first-year mortality was post-emergence cache excavation and seedling predation, with contrasting impacts at sites with different heteromyid rodent seed predators. Long-term establishment patterns were strongly affected by rodent activity in the weeks following emergence. Survivorship curves generally showed decreased mortality risk with age but differed among sites even after the first year. There were no detectable effects of inter-annual precipitation variability or site climatic differences on survival. Intraspecific competition from conspecific adults had strong impacts on survival and growth, both of which were higher on small-scale disturbances, but similar in openings and under shrub crowns in intact stands. This suggests that adult plants preempted soil resources in the interspaces. Aside from effects on seedling predation, there was little evidence for facilitation or interference beneath adult plant crowns. Plants in intact stands were still small and clearly juvenile after nine years, showing that blackbrush forms cohorts of suppressed plants similar to the seedling banks of closed forests. Seedling banks function in the absence of a persistent seed bank in replacement after adult plant death (gap formation), which is temporally uncoupled from masting and associated recruitment events. This study demonstrates that the seedling establishment syndrome associated with masting has evolved in desert shrublands as well as in forests.  相似文献   

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