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The impact of Holocene drought events on the presumably stable Central African rainforest remains largely unexplored, in particular the significance of fire. High‐quality sedimentary archives are scarce, and palynological records mostly integrate over large regional scales subject to different fire regimes. Here, we demonstrate a direct temporal link between Holocene droughts, palaeofire and vegetation change within present‐day Central African rainforest, using records of identified charcoal fragments extracted from soil in the southern Mayumbe forest (Democratic Republic of Congo). We find three distinct periods of local palaeofire occurrence: 7.8–6.8 ka BP, 2.3–1.5 ka BP, 0.8 ka BP – present. These periods are linked to well‐known Holocene drought anomalies: the 8.2 ka BP event, the 3rd millennium BP rainforest crisis and the Mediaeval Climate Anomaly. During and after these Holocene droughts, the Central African rainforest landscape was characterized by a fragmented pattern with fire‐prone open patches. Some fires occurred during the drought anomalies although most fires seem to lag behind them, which suggests that the open patches remained fire‐prone after the actual climate anomalies. Charcoal identifications indicate that mature rainforest patches did persist through the Early to Mid‐Holocene climatic transition, the subsequent Holocene thermal optimum and the third millennium BP rainforest crisis, until 0.8 ka BP. However, disturbance and fragmentation were probably more prominent near the boundary of the southern Mayumbe forest. Furthermore, the dominance of pioneer and woodland savanna taxa in younger charcoal assemblages indicates that rainforest regeneration was hampered by increasingly severe drought conditions after 0.8 ka BP. These results support the notion of a dynamic forest ecosystem at multicentury time scales across the Central African rainforest.  相似文献   

In many highland forests of Eucalyptus delegatensis in Tasmania the establishment and healthy growth of eucalypts is promoted and maintained by fire. In the absence of fire, secondary succession from eucalypt forest to rainforest occurs, during which the eucalypts decline and die prematurely. On sites that are prone to radiation frost severe reduction or removal of a tree canopy allows a sward of tussock grasses to develop, in competition with which seedlings of eucalypts decline in growth and a high proportion dies.Factors of the soil that could contribute to these phenomena were investigated by means of pot experiments that used soils from:o  相似文献   

Abstract: Eucalyptus tereticornis seedlings occurring on the edges of grassy balds on the Bunya Mountains were burnt by four separate fires. From the results, a logistic model demonstrated that lignotuber size was positively related and fire temperature negatively related to survivorship. While mortality was high for young seedlings there was no mortality of 5‐year old survivors from these trials subject to repeat burning. The model predicted that burning every 2 years will not substantially limit seedling establishment. This prediction was strengthened by results verifying that management fires on the grassy balds are generally of low intensity. Fire intensity is weakly related to a Fire Danger Index, indicating that the timing of burning in relation to weather conditions will not substantially enhance opportunities for more intense fires. Thus, even with biennial burning under optimal conditions eucalypt forest will replace grassy balds where they adjoin. Regular burning by aborigines may have maintained grassy bald‐rainforest boundaries, but not boundaries with eucalypt forest. Seed dispersal and migration barriers may have limited the expansion of eucalypt forest. It is concluded that under current conditions the long‐term preservation of the grassy balds is only possible where they are entirely surrounded by rainforest and are regularly burnt.  相似文献   

受气候变化和人为活动的影响,近年来全球重特大森林火灾频发,给生态系统、大气环境和人类健康带来重大影响.美国在林火管理方面积累了大量的实践经验.全面梳理美国林火管理的框架体系,可以为我国的森林防火工作提供有力借鉴.本文从美国林火政策的历史演变入手,系统介绍了政策演变的4个阶段及各阶段的特点,从可燃物管理、行政管理权责、火灾扑救和林火管理科研支撑4个方面对美国林火管理概况进行综合分析.同时,通过总结相关文献,提出美国未来可燃物管理、政策政治和火灾扑救3方面的改进策略.最后,通过对美国林火管理的综合分析,提出对我国林火管理的几点启示性意见,旨在推动建立健全具有我国特色的林火管理体系.  相似文献   

Fire and succession in the ultramafic maquis of New Caledonia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aim This study investigates the role of fire and post fire succession in determining the structure and composition of vegetation on ultramafic iron crust soils. Location The study was conducted in the Plaines des Lacs region of southern New Caledonia. Methods A survey was made of eighty-eight sites, recording floristic composition, trunk size-class distributions, regeneration after fire, growth ring counts of Dacrydium araucarioides (Podocarpaceae) and historical information on past fires. Floristic data was ordinated using multidimensional scaling and an index of succession based on structural and historical information. A transition matrix model was developed to predict the effect of fire frequency on vegetation composition. Results The vegetation is undergoing postfire succession from maquis to forest, after about 75 years, and eventually to rainforest. Gymnostoma deplancheanum has a key role as an early colonist that produces shade, the bulk of the litter, and forms nitrogen fixing nodules with Frankia sp. However, the open canopy of Gymnostoma and slow litter decay creates flammable conditions. Though many species resprout from rootstocks, only thirty-nine persist through fires while 114 others colonize at later successional stages, as the litter layer and shade increase. Some early successional species are later excluded but these can persist locally in swamps and on rocky hill tops. Forest and rainforest are less flammable and the matrix model suggests that ignition frequency has a critical role in determining the abundance of maquis or forest. Main conclusions The vegetation mosaic represents a post fire succession from open maquis to forest. Palynological and charcoal records from late Pleistocene sediments suggest that fire has been a major factor determining the development of maquis vegetation since before the arrival of humans. Recently, frequent fires have converted much of the vegetation to maquis, posing a threat to some forest species and largely eliminating rainforest from iron crust soils.  相似文献   

Abstract The relationship between sclerophyll forest and temperate rainforest in Tasmania is believed to be driven by climate, soils and fire regime; however, this has been tested infrequently on time frames relevant to the longevity of the major forest trees involved. This study uses sediments in four small hollows from within a rainforest stand in the Upper Ringarooma valley in northeastern Tasmania, Australia, to analyse vegetation dynamics and disturbance over the last 1000 years. Pollen-vegetation relationships were investigated by comparing pollen rain and current vegetation, and the chronology was established by radiocarbon and lead-210 dates. The lead-210 data indicate that the two Sphagnum humus profiles were not always closed systems for inorganic inwash; however, the pollen and charcoal records are generally consistent indicating that a mixed Eucalyptus-Nothofagus forest shifted to a Kothofagus dominated rainforest as fire became a less prominent component of the environment. About 400 years ago Leptospermum lanigerum invaded the community as canopy gaps developed, possibly as the older Nothofagus Cunninghamii trees died. There is no strong evidence of invasion by Atherosperma moschatum as suggested by some models of forest dynamics in these forests in Tasmania. In this stand of forest, fire and erosion following flooding have been the major causes of disturbance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of fire in mediating the relative abundance of two of the world's major ecologically dominant ant genera, Iridomyrmex and Oecophylla, where they coexist across the tropical savanna landscapes of northern Australia. These taxa have contrasting biogeographical histories, which are predicted to lead to contrasting responses to fire. Iridomyrmex is an autochthonous Australian genus that has radiated primarily in the arid zone; as such, its abundance is predicted to be promoted by frequent fire because this maintains an open habitat. In contrast, Oecophylla is a genus of leaf‐nesting ants occurring in the canopies of Old World tropical rainforest, and is a recent arrival to Australia in geological time; the abundance of these ants is predicted to decline under frequent fire. We test these predictions using results from a landscape‐scale fire experiment, where three experimental fire regimes (including no fire) were applied to replicated subcatchments over a 5‐year period. Using sweep nets, ants were sampled in the grass layer (the habitat layer of greatest overlap between Iridomyrmex and Oecophylla) in eucalypt woodland (canopy cover < 30%) and open eucalypt forest (canopy cover about 50%) habitats. A total of 27 species from 11 genera were collected during the study; eight were common enough for statistical analysis, and the abundances of four of these were significantly affected by fire treatment. As predicted, the abundance of Iridomyrmex was promoted by fire, whereas that of Oecophylla declined. These changes occurred only under late‐season (relatively high intensity) fires, and for Oecophylla occurred only in open forest (not woodland) habitat. This fire‐mediated relationship between Iridomyrmex and Oecophylla mirrors the much broader, ecosystem‐wide dynamic between eucalypt‐dominated savanna and rainforest in tropical Australia, with savannas dominated by fire‐resistant sclerophyll elements of Australian origin, and rainforest dominated by fire‐sensitive mesophyll elements of South‐East Asian origin.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing fire regime shifts in ecosystems worldwide. Plant species with regeneration strategies strongly linked to a fire regime, such as obligate seeders, may be particularly threatened by these changes. It is unclear whether changes in fire regimes or the direct effects of climate change will be the dominant threats to obligate seeders in future. We investigated the relative importance of fire-related variables (fire return interval and fire severity) and environmental factors (climate and topography) on seedling establishment in the world’s tallest angiosperm, an obligate seeder, Eucalyptus regnans. Throughout its range, this species dominates the wet montane forests of south-eastern Australia and plays a keystone role in forest structure. Following major wildfires, we investigated seedling establishment in E. regnans within 1 year of fire as this is a critical stage in the regeneration niche of obligate seeders. Seedling presence and abundance were strongly related to the occurrence of fire but not to variation in fire severity (moderate vs. high severity). Seedling abundance increased with increasing fire return interval (range 26–300 years). First-year seedling establishment was also strongly associated with low temperatures and with high elevations, high precipitation and persistent soil water availability. Our results show that both climate and fire regimes are strong drivers of E. regnans seedling establishment. The predicted warming and drying of the climate might reduce the regeneration potential for some obligate seeders in future and these threats are likely to be compounded by changes in fire regimes, particularly increases in fire frequency.  相似文献   

Abstract The objective of this study was to identify attributes of the understorey vegetation, soil root biomass, soil chemistry and microbial community that may be associated with tree decline in high altitude eucalypt forests in Tasmania. The sites studied were in healthy eucalypt forest, forest in decline and forest containing dead eucalypts dominated by rainforest, in north‐east (Eucalyptus delegatensis forest) and in north‐west (Eucalyptus coccifera forest) Tasmania. In both regions bare ground, rock and shrubby species were associated with healthy sites whereas decline sites were associated with moss and a tall understorey with a high percentage cover of rainforest species. Healthy sites had low root biomass in the top 10 cm of the soil profile relative to decline and rainforest sites. Seedlings of high altitude species were grown in rainforest soil (0.314% N and 0.060% P) and healthy eucalypt soil (0.253% N and 0.018% P). The four eucalypt species studied had similar root to shoot ratio in the two soils, but the rainforest species, Nothofagus cunninghamii and Leptospermum lanigerum, had higher root to shoot ratio in the healthy eucalypt than in the rainforest soil. We produced three soil filtrates: (i) fungi and bacteria present; (ii) bacteria only present and; and (iii) sterile, from healthy, decline and rainforest sites in north‐east and in north‐west Tasmania and used linseed as a germination bioassay. Filtrates from the north‐east decline and rainforest sites induced a significantly greater dysplastic germination response than healthy sites in (i) and (ii) filtrates, but this was not found in filtrates from sites in the north‐west. We conclude that while the development of a rainforest understorey and elevated soil root biomass in the long absence of fire is generally associated with high altitude eucalypt decline, altered bacterial and/or chemical attributes of soil are not always associated with high altitude eucalypt decline.  相似文献   

Impact of a drier Early-Mid-Holocene climate upon Amazonian forests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses a palaeoecological approach to examine the impact of drier climatic conditions of the Early-Mid-Holocene (ca 8000-4000 years ago) upon Amazonia's forests and their fire regimes. Palaeovegetation (pollen data) and palaeofire (charcoal) records are synthesized from 20 sites within the present tropical forest biome, and the underlying causes of any emergent patterns or changes are explored by reference to independent palaeoclimate data and present-day patterns of precipitation, forest cover and fire activity across Amazonia. During the Early-Mid-Holocene, Andean cloud forest taxa were replaced by lowland tree taxa as the cloud base rose while lowland ecotonal areas, which are presently covered by evergreen rainforest, were instead dominated by savannahs and/or semi-deciduous dry forests. Elsewhere in the Amazon Basin there is considerable spatial and temporal variation in patterns of vegetation disturbance and fire, which probably reflects the complex heterogeneous patterns in precipitation and seasonality across the basin, and the interactions between climate change, drought- and fire susceptibility of the forests, and Palaeo-Indian land use. Our analysis shows that the forest biome in most parts of Amazonia appears to have been remarkably resilient to climatic conditions significantly drier than those of today, despite widespread evidence of forest burning. Only in ecotonal areas is there evidence of biome replacement in the Holocene. From this palaeoecological perspective, we argue against the Amazon forest 'dieback' scenario simulated for the future.  相似文献   

The role of fire in governing rainforest–eucalypt forest ecotone dynamics is of theoretical interest and has conservation management implications. Several eucalypt forests in the Wet Tropics of Australia have an endangered status due to extensive conversion to rainforest. Rainforest plants are known to survive occasional low intensity fires in the eucalypt forest ecotone. However, the ability of rainforest plants to survive frequent fires remains untested. The timing of rainforest expansion is also a subject of interest, and is generally considered to be delayed until fire has been absent for several years. We used 14 years of data collected across 13 plots in the Wet Tropics of north‐eastern Australia to test predictions regarding rainforest seedling recruitment and post‐fire regenerative capacity. The 13 plots received different numbers of fires, between zero and five, over the 14‐year study. The recruitment of new rainforest plants in the ecotone was most abundant in the initial year after fire. If this post‐fire pulse of recruitment is left undisturbed, it can facilitate the subsequent germination of additional rainforest species. The removal of grass cover, whether temporarily in the immediate post‐fire environment or once a developing rainforest mid strata shades out grasses, appears crucial to abundant rainforest recruitment. A variety of tropical rainforest species can persist under a frequent fire regime through resprouting. The difference in the mode of resprouting, between ground‐level coppicing rainforest plants and canopy resprouting eucalypt forest trees, is the critical mechanism that causes regular fire to maintain an open structure in eucalypt forests. The inability of rainforest species to maintain their height when fires fully scorch their crowns, temporarily resets the forest's open structure and delays the rainforest's ability to dominate through shading out grasses to transform the ecosystem into a closed forest.  相似文献   

The Siskiyou Mountains of northwestern California and southwestern Oregon are a floristic hotspot, and the high diversity of conifers there likely results from a combination of geological, ecological, climatological and historical factors. To evaluate how past climate variability has influenced the composition, structure and fire regime of the Siskiyou forests, pollen, charcoal, and lithological evidence was examined from two lakes along a moisture gradient to reconstruct the vegetation, fire and climate history. The late-glacial period was characterized by subalpine parkland and infrequent fire at both sites. During the late-glacial/Early Holocene transition period, subalpine parkland was replaced by a closed forest of Pinus, Cupressaceae, Abies and Pseudotsuga and more frequent fires a 1000 years earlier at the wetter site, and it is likely that reduced Pacific Ocean upwelling created warmer drier conditions at the coast. In the Early Holocene, Pinus, Cupressaceae were less abundant and fire less frequent at the coastal site during a period of increased coastal upwelling and fog production. In the Late Holocene, Abies, Pseudotsuga, Pinus, and Quercus vaccinifolia increased in the forest at both sites suggesting a widespread response to cooling. Fewer fires at the wetter site may account for the abundance of Picea breweriana within the last 1000 years. The comparison of the two records implies that large-scale controls in climate during the last 14,000 cal yr BP have resulted in major changes in vegetation and fire regime. Asynchrony in the ecosystem response of wetter and drier sites arises from small-scale spatial variations in effective moisture and temperature resulting from topographically-influenced microclimates and coastal-to-inland climate gradients.  相似文献   

Abstract Spatial heterogeneity in the intensity of past disturbances has directly influenced the structure and composition of present‐day forests around the world. In south‐eastern Australia infrequent, high‐intensity wildfires are a major part of the historical disturbance regime. While these fires are often assumed to produce even‐aged stands, spatial heterogeneity in fire intensity due to highly variable topography may lead to more complex forest age structures. Our study describes the influence of disturbance on the age structure and dynamics of a mosaic of tall, open eucalypt forest, cool temperate rainforest and mixed species forest surrounding Bellel Creek in the Central Highlands of Victoria using dendrochronological techniques. We were particularly interested in the impacts of the 1939 Black Friday fire and its effects on forest age structure and subsequent stand development patterns. Within our study site tall open forest displayed two distinct age cohorts: (i) trees that established immediately after the 1939 fire and accounted for the majority of individuals in the forest, and (ii) scattered groups of older trees estimated to be approximately 200–250 years old. Cool temperate rainforest and mixed forest were also dominated by the post‐1939 fire age cohort. However, a greater proportion of trees in these forest types survived the 1939 fire relative to the tall open forest. The impact of the 1939 fire on the growth of surviving trees was highly variable but generally short‐lived. In most cases growth decreased after the 1939 fire, but generally returned to prefire levels within 1–3 years. Non‐fire disturbances were limited to small‐scale branch‐ and tree‐fall events, although the extreme snowstorm of 1977 appears to have caused extensive damage to rainforest communities. Our study demonstrates the opportunities for dendroecological studies to reconstruct historical dynamics and disturbance patterns in Australian forests and provides important insights into variation in landscape‐scale fire impacts and their effect on subsequent forest development patterns.  相似文献   

New Zealand forests burn less frequently than tussock grasslands,heath or shrublands. Species composition, past disturbance andstand condition determine inflammability and fuel load, andconsequent fire intensity and spatial extent. Before peoplearrived, fires were ignited by lightning during drought yearson the eastern sides of both islands. Volcanism occurring every300–600 years was associated with fires in the centralNorth Island. A review of radiocarbon-dated charcoal from theeastern South Island, and of evidence for fire in pollen profilesfrom the North Island, provide the basis for an assessment offire frequency. Forest fires have occurred on both New Zealand'sislands throughout the Holocene at least every few centuries,until the last millennium when frequency increased. The ‘returntime’ of fire at any one place in the forested landscapewas probably one or two millennia. Burned areas usually succeededto forest again before the next inflagration. Consequently fireadaptation is infrequent in the New Zealand flora, and Polynesianforest clearance was rapid and largely permanent. There is anindication of an increase in fire frequency in the late Holocene,and a clear signal associated with people approx. 700 yearsBP. Separating the earliest anthropogenic fires from the backgroundlevel of natural burning will be difficult without additionalevidence.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Comapny Fire history, New Zealand, palynology, Maori, climate, volcanism.  相似文献   

Elling Tryterud 《Ecography》2003,26(2):161-170
I have used occurrence of macroscopic charcoal particles, pollen analyses and radiocarbon datings to examine local forest fire abundance in southern and central Norway. Peat cores, covering the last 1000 to 6000 yr, were sampled from 20 bog margin and swamp forest sites, and the charcoal records documented local fire occurrence in 10 of the sites. Forest fires have not occurred in the sites located in central Norway, whereas the fire occurrence in southern Norway showed large variation among the sites. However, forest fires ceased prior to the establishment of Norway spruce Picea abies in seven of the sites, whereas the establishment of spruce preceded the fire decline in three of the sites. Odds ratio calculations indicated that it is several hundred times more likely that fires occurred prior to, than after, the spruce establishment. Although time spans between fire decline and spruce establishment showed some variation, they did not increase along a gradient from east to west in Norway, suggesting that the establishment of spruce might have initiated a change from fire-prone to fire-free ecosystems.  相似文献   

Analysis of 58 floristic quadrats from two areas near Jim Jim Falls on the Arnhem Land Plateau revealed seven plant communities: wetland; monsoon forest; Allosyncarpia forest; broadleaf woodland; shrubby Eucalyptus woodland; Eucalyptus arnhemensis woodland; and sandstone scrub. The communities inter-grade with each other and form a complex mosaic. The patterning of vegetation is related to topography, rockiness, degree of fire protection and moisture supply. Surface soil nutrient concentrations were similar in all the communities with the exception of the monsoon forest which was substantially more fertile. We suggest that moisture supply is the primary determinant of vegetation and soil fertility patterns. Fire in the preceding dry season stimulated some herbaceous species, while a long unburnt shrubby Eucalyptus woodland was invaded by some monsoon forest seedlings. Conservation of the present mosaic of vegetation presents a major challenge to land managers because of this variable impact of fire.  相似文献   

西双版纳勐宋山区热带山地雨林的群落学研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王洪  朱华  李保贵 《广西植物》2001,21(4):303-314
首次报道了云南西双版纳勐宋的热带山地雨林群落 ,该群落植物区系组成特殊 ,森林上层乔木组成中以古老的单室茱萸科 (Mastixiaceae)和紫树科 (Nyssaceae)植物为优势 ,亦富有木兰科 (Magnoliaceae)的长蕊木兰、云南拟单性木兰 ,红花木莲等系统发育上较原始的植物以及一些典型东南亚热带山地雨林群落的代表植物。通过对该热带山地雨林群落组成与结构的调查研究 ,认为该热带山地雨林可区分为沟谷和山坡 2个类型。沟谷群落类型以八蕊单室茱萸和大萼楠为乔木层优势种 ,可定义为八蕊单室茱萸—大萼楠林。山坡群落类型以云南拟单性木兰和云南裸花为优势 ,可定义为云南拟单性木兰—云南裸花林。  相似文献   

Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and black spruce (Picea mariana) forests are the main conifer forest types in the North American boreal zone. The coexistence of the two species as well as their respective canopy dominance in distinct stands raises questions about the long-term evolution from one forest type to the other in relation to environmental factors including climate and stand disturbance. We tested the hypothesis that repetitive fire events promote the succession of balsam fir forest to black spruce forest and vice versa. Postfire chronosequences of one black spruce (BSP) and one balsam fir (BFI) sites were reconstructed based on the botanical composition and 14C-dated soil macrocharcoals. The results support the hypothesis of a successional dynamics. The BSP site has been affected by fires for the last 7600 years, whereas the BFI site, after having been impacted by several fires during the first half of the Holocene, evolved in a fire-free environment for the last 4400 years. Periods of fire activity facilitated the dominance of black spruce forests. The cessation of fires around 4400 cal. years BP on BFI site marks the beginning of the transition from black spruce to balsam fir stands. This succession is a long process, due to the ability of black spruce to regenerate by layering in the absence of fire. The resulting balsam fir stands are ancient and precarious ecosystems, since fire generally leads to the return of black spruce. The increase in balsam fir to the detriment of black spruce in boreal forests is a response to a decrease in fire frequency.  相似文献   

Aim The assumedly anomalous occurrence of savannas and forest–savanna mosaics in the Gran Sabana – a neotropical region under a climate more suitable for tropical rain forests – has been attributed to a variety of historical, climatic, and anthropogenic factors. This paper describes a previously undocumented shift in vegetation and climate that occurred during the early Holocene, and evaluates its significance for the understanding of the origin of the Gran Sabana vegetation. Location A treeless savanna locality of the Gran Sabana (4°30′–6°45′ N and 60°34′–62°50′ W), in the Venezuelan Guayana of northern South America, at the headwaters of the Caroní river, one of the major tributaries of the Orinoco river. Methods Pollen and charcoal analysis of a previously dated peat section spanning from about the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary until the present. Results Mesothermic cloud forests dominated by Catostemma (Bombacaceae) occupied the site around the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary. During the early Holocene, a progressive but relatively rapid trend towards savanna vegetation occurred, and eventually the former cloud forests were replaced by a treeless savanna. Some time after the establishment of savannas, a marked increase in charcoal particles indicates the occurrence of the first local fires. Main conclusions The occurrence of cloud forests at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary contradicts the historical hypothesis according to which the Gran Sabana is a relict of the hypothetical widespread savannas that have been assumed to have dominated the region during the last glaciation. The first local fires recorded in the Holocene were on savanna vegetation, which is against the hypothesis of fire as the triggering factor for the establishment of these savannas. Climate change, in the form of global warming and a persistently drier climate, emerges as the most probable cause for the forest–savanna turnover.  相似文献   

Opportunities to directly study infrequent forest disturbance events often lead to valuable information about vegetation dynamics. In mesic temperate forests of North America, stand-replacing crown fire occurs infrequently, with a return interval of 2000-3000 years. Rare chance events, however, may have profound impacts on the developmental trajectories of forest ecosystems. For example, it has been postulated that stand-replacing fire may have been an important factor in the establishment of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) stands in the northern Great Lakes region. Nevertheless, experimental evidence linking hemlock regeneration to non-anthropogenic fire is limited. To clarify this potential relationship, we monitored vegetation dynamics following a rare lightning-origin crown fire in a Wisconsin hemlock-hardwood forest. We also studied vegetation in bulldozer-created fire breaks and adjacent undisturbed forest. Our results indicate that hemlock establishment was rare in the burned area but moderately common in the scarified bulldozer lines compared to the reference area. Early-successional, non-arboreal species including Rubus spp., Vaccinium angustifolium, sedges (Carex spp.), grasses, Epilobium ciliatum, and Pteridium aquilinium were the most abundant post-fire species. Collectively, our results suggest that competing vegetation and moisture stress resulting from drought may reduce the efficacy of scarification treatments as well as the usefulness of fire for preparing a suitable seedbed for hemlock. The increasing prevalence of growing-season drought suggests that silvicultural strategies based on historic disturbance regimes may need to be reevaluated for mesic species.  相似文献   

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