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Metallothioneins (MTs) are proteins devoted to the control of metal homeostasis and detoxification, and therefore, MTs have been crucial for the adaptation of the living beings to variable situations of metal bioavailability. The evolution of MTs is, however, not yet fully understood, and to provide new insights into it, we have investigated the MTs in the diverse classes of Mollusks. We have shown that most molluskan MTs are bimodular proteins that combine six domains—α, β1, β2, β3, γ, and δ—in a lineage-specific manner. We have functionally characterized the Neritimorpha β3β1 and the Patellogastropoda γβ1 MTs, demonstrating the metal-binding capacity of the new γ domain. Our results have revealed a modular organization of mollusk MT, whose evolution has been impacted by duplication, loss, and de novo emergence of domains. MTs represent a paradigmatic example of modular evolution probably driven by the structural and functional requirements of metal binding.  相似文献   

In this work we develop a microscopic physical model of early evolution where phenotype—organism life expectancy—is directly related to genotype—the stability of its proteins in their native conformations—which can be determined exactly in the model. Simulating the model on a computer, we consistently observe the “Big Bang” scenario whereby exponential population growth ensues as soon as favorable sequence–structure combinations (precursors of stable proteins) are discovered. Upon that, random diversity of the structural space abruptly collapses into a small set of preferred proteins. We observe that protein folds remain stable and abundant in the population at timescales much greater than mutation or organism lifetime, and the distribution of the lifetimes of dominant folds in a population approximately follows a power law. The separation of evolutionary timescales between discovery of new folds and generation of new sequences gives rise to emergence of protein families and superfamilies whose sizes are power-law distributed, closely matching the same distributions for real proteins. On the population level we observe emergence of species—subpopulations that carry similar genomes. Further, we present a simple theory that relates stability of evolving proteins to the sizes of emerging genomes. Together, these results provide a microscopic first-principles picture of how first-gene families developed in the course of early evolution.  相似文献   

It has been a long-standing goal in systems biology to find relations between the topological properties and functional features of protein networks. However, most of the focus in network studies has been on highly connected proteins (“hubs”). As a complementary notion, it is possible to define bottlenecks as proteins with a high betweenness centrality (i.e., network nodes that have many “shortest paths” going through them, analogous to major bridges and tunnels on a highway map). Bottlenecks are, in fact, key connector proteins with surprising functional and dynamic properties. In particular, they are more likely to be essential proteins. In fact, in regulatory and other directed networks, betweenness (i.e., “bottleneck-ness”) is a much more significant indicator of essentiality than degree (i.e., “hub-ness”). Furthermore, bottlenecks correspond to the dynamic components of the interaction network—they are significantly less well coexpressed with their neighbors than nonbottlenecks, implying that expression dynamics is wired into the network topology.  相似文献   

Like shoelaces, the backbones of proteins may get entangled and form knots. However, only a few knots in native proteins have been identified so far. To more quantitatively assess the rarity of knots in proteins, we make an explicit comparison between the knotting probabilities in native proteins and in random compact loops. We identify knots in proteins statistically, applying the mathematics of knot invariants to the loops obtained by complementing the protein backbone with an ensemble of random closures, and assigning a certain knot type to a given protein if and only if this knot dominates the closure statistics (which tells us that the knot is determined by the protein and not by a particular method of closure). We also examine the local fractal or geometrical properties of proteins via computational measurements of the end-to-end distance and the degree of interpenetration of its subchains. Although we did identify some rather complex knots, we show that native conformations of proteins have statistically fewer knots than random compact loops, and that the local geometrical properties, such as the crumpled character of the conformations at a certain range of scales, are consistent with the rarity of knots. From these, we may conclude that the known “protein universe” (set of native conformations) avoids knots. However, the precise reason for this is unknown—for instance, if knots were removed by evolution due to their unfavorable effect on protein folding or function or due to some other unidentified property of protein evolution.  相似文献   

In Proteomics, gene/protein families including both specialized and non-specialized paralogs are an invaluable tool to study the evolution of structure/function relationships in proteins. Metallothioneins (MTs) of the pulmonate gastropod molluscs (snails) offer one of the best materials to study the metal-binding specificity of proteins, because they consist of a polymorphic system that includes members with extremely distinct metal preferences but with a high protein sequence similarity. Cantareus aspersus was the first snail where three paralogous MTs were isolated: the highly specific cadmium (CaCdMT) and copper (CaCuMT) isoforms, and an unspecific CaCd/CuMT isoform, so called because it was natively isolated as a mixed Cd and Cu complex. In this work, we have thoroughly analyzed the Zn2 +-, Cd2 +- and Cu+-binding abilities of these three CaMTs by means of the spectroscopic and spectrometric characterization of the respective recombinant, as well as in vitro-substituted, metal-complexes. The comparison with the orthologous HpMTs and the study of the isoform-determinant residues allow correlating the protein sequence variability with the coordination capabilities of these MTs. Surprisingly, the CaCuMT isoform exhibits a stronger Cu-thionein character than the HpCuMT ortholog, and the CaCd/CuMT isoform could be defined as a non-optimized Cu-thionein, which has not attained any defined functional differentiation in the framework of the snail MT gene/protein family.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule that regulates many physiological processes in plants. One of the most important regulatory mechanisms of NO is S-nitrosylation—the covalent attachment of NO to cysteine residues. Although the involvement of cysteine S-nitrosylation in the regulation of protein functions is well established, its substrate specificity remains unknown. Identification of candidates for S-nitrosylation and their target cysteine residues is fundamental for studying the molecular mechanisms and regulatory roles of S-nitrosylation in plants. Several experimental methods that are based on the biotin switch have been developed to identify target proteins for S-nitrosylation. However, these methods have their limits. Thus, computational methods are attracting considerable attention for the identification of modification sites in proteins. Using GPS-SNO version 1.0, a recently developed S-nitrosylation site-prediction program, a set of 16,610 candidate proteins for S-nitrosylation containing 31,900 S-nitrosylation sites was isolated from the entire Arabidopsis proteome using the medium threshold. In the compartments “chloroplast,” “CUL4-RING ubiquitin ligase complex,” and “membrane” more than 70% of the proteins were identified as candidates for S-nitrosylation. The high number of identified candidates in the proteome reflects the importance of redox signaling in these compartments. An analysis of the functional distribution of the predicted candidates showed that proteins involved in signaling processes exhibited the highest prediction rate. In a set of 46 proteins, where 53 putative S-nitrosylation sites were already experimentally determined, the GPS-SNO program predicted 60 S-nitrosylation sites, but only 11 overlap with the results of the experimental approach. In general, a computer-assisted method for the prediction of targets for S-nitrosylation is a very good tool; however, further development, such as including the three dimensional structure of proteins in such analyses, would improve the identification of S-nitrosylation sites.  相似文献   

Protein alignments are commonly used to evaluate the similarity of protein residues, and the derived consensus sequence used for identifying functional units (e.g., domains). Traditional consensus-building models fail to account for interpositional dependencies – functionally required covariation of residues that tend to appear simultaneously throughout evolution and across the phylogentic tree. These relationships can reveal important clues about the processes of protein folding, thermostability, and the formation of functional sites, which in turn can be used to inform the engineering of synthetic proteins. Unfortunately, these relationships essentially form sub-motifs which cannot be predicted by simple “majority rule” or even HMM-based consensus models, and the result can be a biologically invalid “consensus” which is not only never seen in nature but is less viable than any extant protein. We have developed a visual analytics tool, StickWRLD, which creates an interactive 3D representation of a protein alignment and clearly displays covarying residues. The user has the ability to pan and zoom, as well as dynamically change the statistical threshold underlying the identification of covariants. StickWRLD has previously been successfully used to identify functionally-required covarying residues in proteins such as Adenylate Kinase and in DNA sequences such as endonuclease target sites.  相似文献   

“Phylogenetic profiling” is based on the hypothesis that during evolution functionally or physically interacting genes are likely to be inherited or eliminated in a codependent manner. Creating presence–absence profiles of orthologous genes is now a common and powerful way of identifying functionally associated genes. In this approach, correctly determining orthology, as a means of identifying functional equivalence between two genes, is a critical and nontrivial step and largely explains why previous work in this area has mainly focused on using presence–absence profiles in prokaryotic species. Here, we demonstrate that eukaryotic genomes have a high proportion of multigene families whose phylogenetic profile distributions are poor in presence–absence information content. This feature makes them prone to orthology mis-assignment and unsuited to standard profile-based prediction methods. Using CATH structural domain assignments from the Gene3D database for 13 complete eukaryotic genomes, we have developed a novel modification of the phylogenetic profiling method that uses genome copy number of each domain superfamily to predict functional relationships. In our approach, superfamilies are subclustered at ten levels of sequence identity—from 30% to 100%—and phylogenetic profiles built at each level. All the profiles are compared using normalised Euclidean distances to identify those with correlated changes in their domain copy number. We demonstrate that two protein families will “auto-tune” with strong co-evolutionary signals when their profiles are compared at the similarity levels that capture their functional relationship. Our method finds functional relationships that are not detectable by the conventional presence–absence profile comparisons, and it does not require a priori any fixed criteria to define orthologous genes.  相似文献   

The microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton orchestrates the cellular plasticity and dynamics that underlie morphogenesis and cell division. Growing MT plus ends have emerged as dynamic regulatory machineries in which specialized proteins—called plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs)—bind to and control the plus-end dynamics that are essential for cell division and migration. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the plus-end regulation by +TIPs at spindle and astral MTs have remained elusive. Here, we show that TIP150 is a new +TIP that binds to end-binding protein 1 (EB1) in vitro and co-localizes with EB1 at the MT plus ends in vivo. Suppression of EB1 eliminates the plus-end localization of TIP150. Interestingly, TIP150 also binds to mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK), an MT depolymerase that localizes to the plus end of MTs. Suppression of TIP150 diminishes the plus-end localization of MCAK. Importantly, aurora B-mediated phosphorylation disrupts the TIP150–MCAK association in vitro. We reason that TIP150 facilitates the EB1-dependent loading of MCAK onto MT plus ends and orchestrates the dynamics at the plus end of MTs.  相似文献   

Raquel Assis 《Fly》2014,8(2):91-94
Gene duplication is thought to play a key role in phenotypic innovation. While several processes have been hypothesized to drive the retention and functional evolution of duplicate genes, their genomic contributions have never been determined. We recently developed the first genome-wide method to classify these processes by comparing distances between expression profiles of duplicate genes and their ancestral single-copy orthologs. Application of our approach to spatial gene expression profiles in two Drosophila species revealed that a majority of young duplicate genes possess new functions, and that new functions are acquired rapidly—often within a few million years. Surprisingly, new functions tend to arise in younger copies of duplicate gene pairs. Moreover, we found that young duplicates are often specifically expressed in testes, whereas old duplicates are broadly expressed across several tissues, providing strong support for the hypothetical “out-of-testes” origin of new genes. In this Extra View, I discuss our findings in the context of theoretical predictions about gene duplication, with a particular emphasis on the importance of natural selection in the evolution of novel phenotypes.  相似文献   

Gene inactivation often has little or no apparent consequence for the phenotype of an organism. This property—enetic (or mutational) robustness—is pervasive, and has important implications for disease and evolution, but is not well understood. Dating back to at least Waddington, it has been suggested that mutational robustness may be related to the requirement to withstand environmental or stochastic perturbations. Here I show that global quantitative data from yeast are largely consistent with this idea. Considering the effects of mutations in all nonessential genes shows that genes that confer robustness to environmental or stochastic change also buffer the effects of genetic change, and with similar efficacy. This means that selection during evolution for environmental or stochastic robustness (also referred to as canalization) may frequently have the side effect of increasing genetic robustness. A dynamic environment may therefore promote the evolution of phenotypic complexity. It also means that “hub” genes in genetic interaction (synthetic lethal) networks are generally genes that confer environmental resilience and phenotypic stability.  相似文献   

Contemporary methods for visualizing phenotypic evolution, such as phylomorphospaces, often reveal patterns which depart strongly from a naïve expectation of consistently divergent branching and expansion. Instead, branches regularly crisscross as convergence, reversals, or other forms of homoplasy occur, forming patterns described as “birds’ nests”, “flies in vials”, or less elegantly, “a mess”. In other words, the phenotypic tree of life often appears highly tangled. Various explanations are given for this, such as differential degrees of developmental constraint, adaptation, or lack of adaptation. However, null expectations for the magnitude of disorder or “tangling” have never been established, so it is unclear which or even whether various evolutionary factors are required to explain messy patterns of evolution. I simulated evolution along phylogenies under a number of varying parameters (number of taxa and number of traits) and models (Brownian motion, Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU)-based, early burst, and character displacement (CD)] and quantified disorder using 2 measures. All models produce substantial amounts of disorder. Disorder increases with tree size and the number of phenotypic traits. OU models produced the largest amounts of disorder—adaptive peaks influence lineages to evolve within restricted areas, with concomitant increases in crossing of branches and density of evolution. Large early changes in trait values can be important in minimizing disorder. CD consistently produced trees with low (but not absent) disorder. Overall, neither constraints nor a lack of adaptation is required to explain messy phylomorphospaces—both stochastic and deterministic processes can act to produce the tantalizingly tangled phenotypic tree of life.  相似文献   

All proteomes contain both proteins and polypeptide segments that don’t form a defined three-dimensional structure yet are biologically active—called intrinsically disordered proteins and regions (IDPs and IDRs). Most of these IDPs/IDRs lack useful functional annotation limiting our understanding of their importance for organism fitness. Here we characterized IDRs using protein sequence annotations of functional sites and regions available in the UniProt knowledgebase (“UniProt features”: active site, ligand-binding pocket, regions mediating protein-protein interactions, etc.). By measuring the statistical enrichment of twenty-five UniProt features in 981 IDRs of 561 human proteins, we identified eight features that are commonly located in IDRs. We then collected the genetic variant data from the general population and patient-based databases and evaluated the prevalence of population and pathogenic variations in IDPs/IDRs. We observed that some IDRs tolerate 2 to 12-times more single amino acid-substituting missense mutations than synonymous changes in the general population. However, we also found that 37% of all germline pathogenic mutations are located in disordered regions of 96 proteins. Based on the observed-to-expected frequency of mutations, we categorized 34 IDRs in 20 proteins (DDX3X, KIT, RB1, etc.) as intolerant to mutation. Finally, using statistical analysis and a machine learning approach, we demonstrate that mutation-intolerant IDRs carry a distinct signature of functional features. Our study presents a novel approach to assign functional importance to IDRs by leveraging the wealth of available genetic data, which will aid in a deeper understating of the role of IDRs in biological processes and disease mechanisms.  相似文献   

In osteoclasts (OCs) podosomes are organized in a belt, a feature critical for bone resorption. Although microtubules (MTs) promote the formation and stability of the belt, the MT and/or podosome molecules that mediate the interaction of the two systems are not identified. Because the growing “plus” ends of MTs point toward the podosome belt, plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) might regulate podosome patterning. Among the +TIPs, EB1 increased as OCs matured and was enriched in the podosome belt, and EB1-positive MTs targeted podosomes. Suppression of MT dynamic instability, displacement of EB1 from MT ends, or EB1 depletion resulted in the loss of the podosome belt. We identified cortactin as an Src-dependent interacting partner of EB1. Cortactin-deficient OCs presented a defective MT targeting to, and patterning of, podosomes and reduced bone resorption. Suppression of MT dynamic instability or EB1 depletion increased cortactin phosphorylation, decreasing its acetylation and affecting its interaction with EB1. Thus, dynamic MTs and podosomes interact to control bone resorption.  相似文献   

The accessory protein Nef of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV) is an important pathogenicity factor known to interact with cellular protein kinases and other signaling proteins. A canonical SH3 domain binding motif in Nef is required for most of these interactions. For example, HIV-1 Nef activates the tyrosine kinase Hck by tightly binding to its SH3 domain. An archetypal contact between a negatively charged SH3 residue and a highly conserved arginine in Nef (Arg77) plays a key role here. Combining structural analyses with functional assays, we here show that Nef proteins have also developed a distinct structural strategy—termed the "R-clamp”—that favors the formation of this salt bridge via buttressing Arg77. Comparison of evolutionarily diverse Nef proteins revealed that several distinct R-clamps have evolved that are functionally equivalent but differ in the side chain compositions of Nef residues 83 and 120. Whereas a similar R-clamp design is shared by Nef proteins of HIV-1 groups M, O, and P, as well as SIVgor, the Nef proteins of SIV from the Eastern chimpanzee subspecies (SIVcpzP.t.s.) exclusively utilize another type of R-clamp. By contrast, SIV of Central chimpanzees (SIVcpzP.t.t.) and HIV-1 group N strains show more heterogenous R-clamp design principles, including a non-functional evolutionary intermediate of the aforementioned two classes. These data add to our understanding of the structural basis of SH3 binding and kinase deregulation by Nef, and provide an interesting example of primate lentiviral protein evolution.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MTs) are small soluble proteins ubiquitously expressed in animals and plants. Different isoforms are present in deuterostomes and protostomes. They do not differ greatly in primary structure, but are clearly distinguishable. Here, I present the gene and the complete cDNA of a novel MT from the mollusk Megathura crenulata. This protein is closely related to the Cu-inducible MTs of the vineyard snail Helix pomatia, but has also some minor sequence features typical of Cd-inducible isoforms of H. pomatia and other molluscs. Overall, the deduced primary structure is similar to the known molluscan MTs, but in addition possesses an insertion of 5 amino acids not found in any other molluscan MTs, protostomic or deuterostomic MTs. In addition, a pentapeptide insertion, characteristic of mammalian MT-3 is present but it lacks the functional tetrapeptide CPCP within the beta-region of those MT-3 proteins that are known to suppress neuronal growth processes. The M. crenulata MT is a novel form of MT in comparison to all other known MTs. Possible functional aspects for this new MT are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic cores are fundamental structural properties of proteins typically associated with protein folding and stability; however, how the hydrophobic core shapes protein evolution and function is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the role of conserved hydrophobic cores in fold-A glycosyltransferases (GT-As), a large superfamily of enzymes that catalyze formation of glycosidic linkages between diverse donor and acceptor substrates through distinct catalytic mechanisms (inverting versus retaining). Using hidden Markov models and protein structural alignments, we identify similarities in the phosphate-binding cassette (PBC) of GT-As and unrelated nucleotide-binding proteins, such as UDP-sugar pyrophosphorylases. We demonstrate that GT-As have diverged from other nucleotide-binding proteins through structural elaboration of the PBC and its unique hydrophobic tethering to the F-helix, which harbors the catalytic base (xED-Asp). While the hydrophobic tethering is conserved across diverse GT-A fold enzymes, some families, such as B3GNT2, display variations in tethering interactions and core packing. We evaluated the structural and functional impact of these core variations through experimental mutational analysis and molecular dynamics simulations and find that some of the core mutations (T336I in B3GNT2) increase catalytic efficiency by modulating the conformational occupancy of the catalytic base between “D-in” and acceptor-accessible “D-out” conformation. Taken together, our studies support a model of evolution in which the GT-A core evolved progressively through elaboration upon an ancient PBC found in diverse nucleotide-binding proteins, and malleability of this core provided the structural framework for evolving new catalytic and substrate-binding functions in extant GT-A fold enzymes.  相似文献   

Podocytes are unique cells that are decisively involved in glomerular filtration. They are equipped with a complex process system consisting of major processes and foot processes whose function is insufficiently understood (Mundel, P., and W. Kriz. 1995. Anat. Embryol. 192:385–397). The major processes of podocytes contain a microtubular cytoskeleton. Taking advantage of a recently established cell culture system for podocytes with preserved ability to form processes (Mundel, P., J. Reiser, A. Zúñiga Mejía Borja, H. Pavenstädt, G.R. Davidson, W. Kriz, and R. Zeller. 1997b. Exp. Cell Res. 36:248–258), we studied the functional significance of the microtubular system in major processes. The following data were obtained: (a) Microtubules (MTs) in podocytes show a nonuniform polarity as revealed by hook-decoration. (b) CHO1/ MKLP1, a kinesin-like motor protein, is associated with MTs in podocytes. (c) Treatment of differentiating podocytes with CHO1/MKLP1 antisense oligonucleotides abolished the formation of processes and the nonuniform polarity of MTs. (d) During the recovery from taxol treatment, taxol-stabilized (nocodazole- resistant) MT fragments were distributed in the cell periphery along newly assembled nocodazole-sensitive MTs. A similar distribution pattern of CHO1/MKLP1 was found under these circumstances, indicating its association with MTs. (e) In the recovery phase after complete depolymerization, MTs reassembled exclusively at centrosomes. Taken together, these findings lead to the conclusion that the nonuniform MT polarity in podocytes established by CHO1/MKLP1 is necessary for process formation.  相似文献   

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