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Long-range migrations and the resulting admixtures between populations have been important forces shaping human genetic diversity. Most existing methods for detecting and reconstructing historical admixture events are based on allele frequency divergences or patterns of ancestry segments in chromosomes of admixed individuals. An emerging new approach harnesses the exponential decay of admixture-induced linkage disequilibrium (LD) as a function of genetic distance. Here, we comprehensively develop LD-based inference into a versatile tool for investigating admixture. We present a new weighted LD statistic that can be used to infer mixture proportions as well as dates with fewer constraints on reference populations than previous methods. We define an LD-based three-population test for admixture and identify scenarios in which it can detect admixture events that previous formal tests cannot. We further show that we can uncover phylogenetic relationships among populations by comparing weighted LD curves obtained using a suite of references. Finally, we describe several improvements to the computation and fitting of weighted LD curves that greatly increase the robustness and speed of the calculations. We implement all of these advances in a software package, ALDER, which we validate in simulations and apply to test for admixture among all populations from the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP), highlighting insights into the admixture history of Central African Pygmies, Sardinians, and Japanese.  相似文献   

The relationship between linkage disequilibrium (LD) and recombination fraction can be used to infer the pattern of genetic variation and evolutionary process in humans and other systems. We described a computational framework to construct a linkage–LD map from commonly used biallelic, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for outcrossing plants by which the decline of LD is visualized with genetic distance. The framework was derived from an open-pollinated (OP) design composed of plants randomly sampled from a natural population and seeds from each sampled plant, enabling simultaneous estimation of the LD in the natural population and recombination fraction due to allelic co-segregation during meiosis. We modified the framework to infer evolutionary pasts of natural populations using those marker types that are segregating in a dominant manner, given their role in creating and maintaining population genetic diversity. A sophisticated two-level EM algorithm was implemented to estimate and retrieve the missing information of segregation characterized by dominant-segregating markers such as single methylation polymorphisms. The model was applied to study the relationship between linkage and LD for a non-model outcrossing species, a gymnosperm species, Torreya grandis, naturally distributed in mountains of the southeastern China. The linkage–LD map constructed from various types of molecular markers opens a powerful gateway for studying the history of plant evolution.  相似文献   

The prevalence of recombination in eukaryotes poses one of the most puzzling questions in biology. The most compelling general explanation is that recombination facilitates selection by breaking down the negative associations generated by random drift (i.e. Hill–Robertson interference, HRI). I classify the effects of HRI owing to: deleterious mutation, balancing selection and selective sweeps on: neutral diversity, rates of adaptation and the mutation load. These effects are mediated primarily by the density of deleterious mutations and of selective sweeps. Sequence polymorphism and divergence suggest that these rates may be high enough to cause significant interference even in genomic regions of high recombination. However, neither seems able to generate enough variance in fitness to select strongly for high rates of recombination. It is plausible that spatial and temporal fluctuations in selection generate much more fitness variance, and hence selection for recombination, than can be explained by uniformly deleterious mutations or species-wide selective sweeps.  相似文献   

Through the theoretical analysis of the admixture linkage disequilibrium (ALD) in the gradual admixture (GA) model, in which admixture occurs in every generation, the ALD is found to be proportional to the difference in marker allele frequencies, p1-p2, between two subpopulations. Based on this property, we can employ a strict monotonic function (Δker=Δ/(p1-p2), where Δ denotes the linkage disequilibrium (LD)) of the recombination fraction between the marker locus and the disease locus to infer the true genetic linkage. We construct a quasi likelihood ratio test (LRT) for the case-only data utilizing the information of unlinked markers in the human genome. The simulation results show that our tests can be used to fine map a disease locus. The effects of parameter values in the ALD mapping are also discussed.  相似文献   

郭伟  冯荣锦 《遗传学报》2006,33(1):12-18
在渐近混合模型中,混合现象发生在每一世代,通过对其混合连锁不平衡的理论分析,发现混合连锁不平衡与两个子群体间的基因频率差成正比。基于这一点,构造了一个对重组率严格单调的函数(△ker=△/(p1-p2),其中△代表连锁不平衡),进而据此推断标记基因座与疾病基因座的遗传连锁。应用人类基因组上不连锁的标记基因提供的连锁不平衡信息,基于病人组数据构造了一个准似然比统计量。模拟结果显示,此检验可用于精确的基因定位。文章亦讨论了参数对检验的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to demonstrate possible recombination‐associated evolutionary forces affecting the genomic distribution of processed pseudogenes. The relationship between recombination rate and the distribution of processed pseudogenes is analysed in the human genome. The results show that processed pseudogenes preferentially accumulate in regions of low recombination rates and this correlation cannot be explained by indirect relationships with GC content and gene density. Several explanatory models for the observation are discussed. A model of selection against ectopic recombination is tested based on the difference in distribution pattern between two classes of processed pseudogenes, which differ in the possibility of stimulating ectopic recombination. Our results indicate that the correlation between processed pseudogene density and recombination rate is probably results, in part, from the selection against ectopic recombination between closely located homologous processed pseudogenes. We also found a length effect in processed pseudogene distribution, namely long processed pseudogenes are located more preferentially in regions of low recombination rates than short ones.  相似文献   

Although it is well established theoretically that selective interference among mutations (Hill–Robertson interference) favours meiotic recombination, genomewide mean rates of mutation and strengths of selection appear too low to support this as the mechanism favouring recombination in nature. A possible solution to this discrepancy between theory and observation is that selection is at least intermittently very strong due to the antagonistic coevolution between a host and its parasites. The Red Queen theory posits that such coevolution generates fitness epistasis among loci, which generates negative linkage disequilibrium among beneficial mutations, which in turn favours recombination. This theory has received only limited support. However, Red Queen dynamics without epistasis may provide the ecological conditions that maintain strong and frequent selective interference in finite populations that indirectly selects for recombination. This hypothesis is developed here through the simulation of Red Queen dynamics. This approach required the development of a method to calculate the exact frequencies of multilocus haplotypes after recombination. Simulations show that recombination is favoured by the moderately weak selection of many loci involved in the interaction between a host and its parasites, which results in substitution rates that are compatible with empirical estimates. The model also reproduces the previously reported rapid increase in the rate of outcrossing in Caenorhabditis elegans coevolving with a bacterial pathogen.  相似文献   

We build on previous observations that Hill–Robertson interference generates an advantage of sex that, in structured populations, can be large enough to explain the evolutionary maintenance of costly sex. We employed a gene network model that explicitly incorporates interactions between genes. Mutations in the gene networks have variable effects that depend on the genetic background in which they appear. Consequently, our simulations include two costs of sex—recombination and migration loads—that were missing from previous studies of the evolution of costly sex. Our results suggest a critical role for population structure that lies in its ability to align the long‐ and short‐term advantages of sex. We show that the addition of population structure favored the evolution of sex by disproportionately decreasing the equilibrium mean fitness of asexual populations, primarily by increasing the strength of Muller's Ratchet. Population structure also increased the ability of the short‐term advantage of sex to counter the primary limit to the evolution of sex in the gene network model—recombination load. On the other hand, highly structured populations experienced migration load in the form of Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities, decreasing the effective rate of migration between demes and, consequently, accelerating the accumulation of drift load in the sexual populations.  相似文献   

D Gianola  S Qanbari  H Simianer 《Heredity》2013,111(4):275-285
The analysis of systems involving many loci is important in population and quantitativegenetics. An important problem is the study of linkage disequilibrium (LD), a conceptrelevant in genome-enabled prediction of quantitative traits and in exploration ofmarker–phenotype associations. This article introduces a new estimator of a LDparameter (ρ2) that is much easier to compute than a maximumlikelihood (or Bayesian) estimate of a tetra-choric correlation. We examined theconjecture that the sampling distribution of the estimator of ρ2could be less frequency dependent than that of the estimator ofr2, a widely used metric for assessing LD. This was donevia an empirical evaluation of LD in 806 Holstein–Friesian cattle using 771single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and of HapMap III data on 21 991 SNPs(chromosome 3) observed in 88 unrelated individuals from Tuscany. Also, 1600 haplotypesover a region of 1 Mb simulated under the coalescent were used to estimate LD usingthe two measures. Subsequently, a simulation study compared the new estimator with that ofr2 using several scenarios of LD and allelic frequencies.From these studies, it is concluded that ρ2 provides a usefulmetric for the study of LD as the distribution of its estimator is less frequencydependent than that of the standard estimator of r2.  相似文献   

Studies on linkage disequilibrium (LD) across the genome and populations have been used in recent years with the main objective of improving gene mapping of complex traits. Here, we characterize the patterns of genetic diversity of HLA loci and evaluate LD (D'') extent in three genomic regions: Xq13.3, NRY and HLA. In addition, we examine the distribution of DXS1225-DXS8082 haplotype diversity in Azoreans and mainland Portuguese. Allele distribution has demonstrated that the São Miguel population is genetically very diverse; haplotype analysis revealed 100% discriminatory power for X- and Y-markers and 94.3% for HLA markers. Standardized multiallelic D'' in these three genomic regions shows values lower than 0.33, thereby suggesting there is no extensive LD in the São Miguel population. Data regarding the distribution of DXS1225-DXS8082 haplotypes indicate that there are no significant differences among all the populations studied, (Azorean geographical groups, the Azores archipelago and mainland Portugal). Moreover, in these as well as in other European populations, the most frequent DXS1225-DXS8082 haplotype is 210-219. Even though São Miguel islanders and Azoreans do not constitute isolated populations and show LD for only very short physical distances, certain characteristics, such as the absence of genetic structure, the same environment and the possibility of constructing extensive pedigrees through church and civil records, offer an opportunity for dissecting the genetic background of complex diseases in these populations.  相似文献   

Recombination has an impact on genome evolution by maintaining chromosomal integrity, affecting the efficacy of selection, and increasing genetic variability in populations. Recombination rates are a key determinant of the coevolutionary dynamics between hosts and their pathogens. Historic recombination events created devastating new pathogens, but the impact of ongoing recombination in sexual pathogens is poorly understood. Many fungal pathogens of plants undergo regular sexual cycles, and sex is considered to be a major factor contributing to virulence. We generated a recombination map at kilobase-scale resolution for the haploid plant pathogenic fungus Zymoseptoria tritici. To account for intraspecific variation in recombination rates, we constructed genetic maps from two independent crosses. We localized a total of 10,287 crossover events in 441 progeny and found that recombination rates were highly heterogeneous within and among chromosomes. Recombination rates on large chromosomes were inversely correlated with chromosome length. Short accessory chromosomes often lacked evidence for crossovers between parental chromosomes. Recombination was concentrated in narrow hotspots that were preferentially located close to telomeres. Hotspots were only partially conserved between the two crosses, suggesting that hotspots are short-lived and may vary according to genomic background. Genes located in hotspot regions were enriched in genes encoding secreted proteins. Population resequencing showed that chromosomal regions with high recombination rates were strongly correlated with regions of low linkage disequilibrium. Hence, genes in pathogen recombination hotspots are likely to evolve faster in natural populations and may represent a greater threat to the host.  相似文献   

Association mapping has permitted the discovery of major QTL in many species. It can be applied to existing populations and, as a consequence, it is generally necessary to take into account structure and relatedness among individuals in the statistical model to control false positives. We analytically studied power in association studies by computing noncentrality parameter of the tests and its relationship with parameters characterizing diversity (genetic differentiation between groups and allele frequencies) and kinship between individuals. Investigation of three different maize diversity panels genotyped with the 50k SNPs array highlighted contrasted average power among panels and revealed gaps of power of classical mixed models in regions with high linkage disequilibrium (LD). These gaps could be related to the fact that markers are used for both testing association and estimating relatedness. We thus considered two alternative approaches to estimating the kinship matrix to recover power in regions of high LD. In the first one, we estimated the kinship with all the markers that are not located on the same chromosome than the tested SNP. In the second one, correlation between markers was taken into account to weight the contribution of each marker to the kinship. Simulations revealed that these two approaches were efficient to control false positives and were more powerful than classical models.  相似文献   

Social heterosis is when individuals in groups or neighbourhoods receive a mutualistic benefit from across‐individual genetic diversity. Although it can be a viable evolutionary mechanism to maintain allelic diversity at a given locus, its efficacy at maintaining genome‐wide diversity is in question when multiple loci are being simultaneously selected. Therefore, we modelled social heterosis in a population of haploid genomes of two‐ or three‐linked loci. With such linkages, social heterosis decreases gametic diversity, but maintains allelic diversity. Genomes tend to survive as complimentary pairs, with alternate alleles at each locus (e.g. the pair AbC and aBc). The outcomes of selection appear similar to fitness epistasis but are novel in the sense that phenotypic interactions occur across rather than within individuals. The model’s results strongly suggest that strong linkage across gene loci actually increases the probability that social heterosis maintains significant genetic diversity at the level of the genome.  相似文献   

陈立  敖雪  任群  王振宁  鲁翀  徐岩  姜莉  罗阳  徐惠绵  张学 《遗传学报》2005,32(4):331-336
STK15基因编码一种丝氨酸苏氨酸蛋白激酶,哺乳动物细胞中其过量表达将导致中心体扩增、染色体不稳定和细胞癌变。STK15基因外显子3中有3种非同义单核苷酸多态(SNP),即:91A→T(131F)、169G→A(V571)和311C→T(S104L)。新近研究发现,91A→T与人类肿瘤遗传易感性相关。应用PCR-RFLP技术确定了91A→T(131F)和169G→A(V571)两种SNP在中国人群中的基因型和单体型。采用巢式PCR方法扩增了193例正常个体的DNA样品,通过错配正向巢式内引物引入EcoRⅠ酶切位点。巢式PCR扩增产物用限制性内切酶EcoRⅠ和ACCⅡ双酶切消化,其中EcoRⅠ能酶切91A,AccⅡ能切开169G,用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳银染法鉴定双酶切结果,发现了4种可能的单体型中的3种,其单体型频率分别为:p(91A-169G)=68.65%,p(91T-169A)=10.88%,p(91T-169G)=20.47%,p(91A-169A)=0%;它们组成的6种基因型及频率分别为:91A-169G/91A-169G(46.11%),91A-169G/91T-169A(14.51%),91A-169G/91T-169G(30.57%).91T-169G/91T-169G(3.11%),91T-169G/91T-169A(4.15%),91T-169A/91T-169A(1.55%)。等位基因及单体型数据分析结果表明,91A→T(131F)和169G→A(V571)之间存在连锁不平衡。  相似文献   

D Haig 《Heredity》2014,113(2):96-103
Common misconceptions of the ‘parental conflict'' theory of genomic imprinting are addressed. Contrary to widespread belief, the theory defines conditions for cooperation as well as conflict in mother–offspring relations. Moreover, conflict between genes of maternal and paternal origin is not the same as conflict between mothers and fathers. In theory, imprinting can evolve either because genes of maternal and paternal origin have divergent interests or because offspring benefit from a phenotypic match, or mismatch, to one or other parent. The latter class of models usually require maintenance of polymorphism at imprinted loci for the maintenance of imprinted expression. The conflict hypothesis does not require maintenance of polymorphism and is therefore a more plausible explanation of evolutionarily conserved imprinting.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing technologies provide unprecedented opportunities to analyze within-host evolution of microorganism populations. Often, within-host populations are analyzed via pooled sequencing of the population, which contains multiple individuals or “haplotypes.” However, current next-generation sequencing instruments, in conjunction with single-molecule barcoded linked-reads, cannot distinguish long haplotypes directly. Computational reconstruction of haplotypes from pooled sequencing has been attempted in virology, bacterial genomics, metagenomics, and human genetics, using algorithms based on either cross-host genetic sharing or within-host genomic reads. Here, we describe PoolHapX, a flexible computational approach that integrates information from both genetic sharing and genomic sequencing. We demonstrated that PoolHapX outperforms state-of-the-art tools tailored to specific organismal systems, and is robust to within-host evolution. Importantly, together with barcoded linked-reads, PoolHapX can infer whole-chromosome-scale haplotypes from 50 pools each containing 12 different haplotypes. By analyzing real data, we uncovered dynamic variations in the evolutionary processes of within-patient HIV populations previously unobserved in single position-based analysis.  相似文献   

We examined the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) block lengths in four breed populations: Japanese Black, Angus, Hereford and Holstein. Three chromosomal regions in which QTL were previously mapped in Japanese Black populations were scanned with 84 microsatellite markers. The estimated LD lengths in these four purebred populations varied from 535 to 683 kb, which is much shorter than the values reported previously. Our findings suggest that QTL can be mapped in sub-centimorgan regions in these populations using an LD-mapping method. We also developed breed identification methods to distinguish Japanese Black from Angus, Hereford, Holstein and F1 animals (Japanese Black × Holstein) respectively using the haplotypic frequencies of a pair of markers in the breed populations. After assessing the distributions of posterior probabilities to be Japanese Black, we obtained several pairs of markers that completely distinguished Japanese Black from the other breeds. We also obtained several combinations of six markers that completely distinguished Japanese Black animals from F1 animals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) on bovine chromosomes 19 and 29 and to study the pattern of selection signatures in beef and dairy breeds (Angus and Holstein) of Bos taurus. The extent of LD was estimated for 370 and 186 single nucleotide polymorphism markers on BTA19 and 29 respectively using the square of the correlation coefficient (r(2)) among alleles at pairs of loci. A comparison of the extent of LD found that the decline of LD followed a similar pattern in both breeds. We observed long-range LD and found that LD dissipates to background levels at a locus separation of about 20 Mb on both chromosomes. Along each chromosome, patterns of LD were variable in both breeds. We find that a minimum of 30 000 informative and evenly spaced markers would be required for whole-genome association studies in cattle. In addition, we have identified chromosomal regions that show some evidence of selection for economically important traits in Angus and Holstein cattle. The results of this study are of importance for the design and application of association studies.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the development of intrinsic reproductive isolation is still largely based on theoretical models and thorough empirical studies on a small number of species. Theory suggests that reproductive isolation develops through accumulation of epistatic genic incompatibilities, also known as Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller (BDM) incompatibilities. We can detect these from marker transmission ratio distortion (TRD) in hybrid progenies of crosses between species or populations, where TRD is expected to result from selection against heterospecific allele combinations in hybrids. TRD may also manifest itself because of intragenomic conflicts or competition between gametes or zygotes. We studied early stage speciation in Arabidopsis lyrata by investigating patterns of TRD across the genome in F2 progenies of three reciprocal crosses between four natural populations. We found that the degree of TRD increases with genetic distance between crossed populations, but also that reciprocal progenies may differ substantially in their degree of TRD. Chromosomes AL6 and especially AL1 appear to be involved in many single- and two-locus distortions, but the location and source of TRD vary between crosses and between reciprocal progenies. We also found that the majority of single- and two-locus TRD appears to have a gametic, as opposed to zygotic, origin. Thus, while theory on BDM incompatibilities is typically illustrated with derived nuclear alleles proving incompatible in hybrid zygotes, our results suggest a prominent role for distortions emerging before zygote formation.  相似文献   

Substantial increases of linkage disequilibrium (LD) both in magnitude and in range have been observed in recently admixed populations such as African-American (AfA). On the other hand, it has also been shown that LD in AfAs was very similar to that of African. In this study, we attempted to resolve these contradicting observations by conducting a systematic examination of the LD structure in AfAs by genotyping a sample of AfA individuals at 24,341 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning almost the entire chromosome 21, with an average density of 1.5 kb/SNP. The overall LD in AfAs is similar to that in African populations and much less than that in European populations. Even when the ancestry-informative markers (AIMs) were used, extended LD in AfA was found to be limited to certain magnitude range (0.2 < or = r(2) < or = 0.8) and certain distance range, that is, between-marker distance more than 200 kb. Furthermore, the inclusion of AfA individuals with predominant African ancestry was found to reduce the overall magnitude of LD. Elevation of LD in the AfA population, compared with its parental populations, can only be observed at the markers with large allele frequency differences between 2 parental populations at limited scenario. AfA individuals of wholly African ancestry contribute little to the extended LD in the AfA population, and further genotyping or association analysis conducted using only admixed individuals may lead to higher statistical power and possibly reduced cost.  相似文献   

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