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Summary During investigations on the migration of 120 individual White Storks by means of satellite tracking, four birds were tracked into their winter quarters several times, one bird on nine successive journeys. These storks did not exhibit strong winter-site fidelity, but instead occupied somewhat different winter quarters from one year to the next, probably depending on the food supply.
Langzeit Satelliten-Telemetrie beim Wei?storch gibt Hinweise auf variable Zug- und überwinterungsstrategien
Zusammenfassung Bisher konnten wir 120 Wei?st?rche auf ihrem Zug mit Hilfe der Satelliten-Telemetrie verfolgen, 4 V?gel mehrfach und einen auf neun aufeinander folgenden Wanderungen. Dabei zeichnet sich ab, dass Wei?st?rche im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Afrikaziehern nur geringe Winterquartiertreue zeigen und im Laufe von Jahren in verschiedenen Gebieten überwintern, wahrscheinlich in Abh ?ngigkeit vom Nahrungsangebot.

Open landfills seem to be playing an increasing role as target feeding areas for several species, not only in their breeding areas or during the winter, but also during the migration period. Evaluating the extent to which landfill sites are used by migrants is crucial to understanding their role in driving stopover decisions during migration, and in the potential health risks linked to feeding on refuse. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of two open landfills located just before (France) and after (Spain) the East‐Atlantic flyway enters Iberia through the western Pyrenees as potentially important stopover sites for the White Stork populations moving along this route. Overall, we detected that these sites were used by storks that had been ringed from many western European breeding populations, mainly during the migration period, but also in winter. The mean distance between the stork breeding/ringing origin and the landfill sites increased from summer to winter, suggesting that storks breeding further away pass through Iberia later in the season, reflecting population‐specific timing of migration. During the autumn migration period (August–September), the first encountered landfill in France was estimated to be used by c. 1200 storks, and the other in Spain by 4000 storks. Our study hence contributes to a better understanding of the current and potentially hazardous role played by landfill sites in White Stork ecology, which is essential in order to provide management recommendations, and to evaluate the consequences of proposed open landfill closures in Europe.  相似文献   

From 1998 through to 2000, we satellite-tracked the movements of 13 Oriental White Storks (Ciconia boyciana) on their autumnal migration in order to identify their important stopover sites for preserving links from the Russian Far East breeding sites to the wintering sites in south-eastern China. New analytical methods of satellite tracking data were employed to derive robust information on the locations of stay sites, the number of stopovers made during migration, and the distance traveled without making stopovers. Based on the derived information, we modeled a stay site network as an abstraction of the storks potential migration routes from their breeding sites to wintering sites. Using network analysis techniques, we explored how the loss of stopover sites could affect the connectivity of potential migration routes. The results suggested that if the seashore stopover sites facing Bohai Bay in eastern China were lost, the storks wintering sites along the Yangtze River in south-eastern China would be isolated. Among the seashore stopover sites, Jiantuozhi Gley Mire (39.185°N, 118.627°E), located on the northern seashore of Bohai Bay, was considered particularly important for migrating storks, because it was used every year by the storks we tracked. If conservation needs of this critically located site fail to be addressed, the stay site network of storks can create weak links in the chain of migration and, if broken, storks will have great difficulties in completing their autumnal migration.  相似文献   

North Western European populations of White Storks (Ciconia ciconia) appear to have been saved from extinction by settling, i.e. stopping migration. Settled storks exposed to winter conditions must cope with periods of potentially high energy demands that would otherwise be avoided by the migration process. Doubly labeled water (DLW) was therefore used to examine the seasonal variation (summer vs winter) in daily energy expenditure (DEE) and the body composition of adult and immature storks of both sexes. Male White Storks showed a higher DEE over the winter period than in summer compared with females; in particular, immature males exhibited greater energy expenditure in winter than adult males. Thus, the DEE did not significantly differ between summer and winter (except for immature males), reflecting an absence of thermoregulation cost in winter. For both age classes, total body mass increased in winter, which was mainly due to an increase in fat mass. Adult storks were 5% heavier than immature storks. The sexes differed in body mass, with males weighing significantly more than females by 11%. Mean LBM (lean body mass) was 8.5% higher in adults than in immatures, and was 11.5% higher in males compared with females. Between their first and second summers, immatures accumulated a lean body mass to finally reach the same values as adults, indicating a phase of muscle development. The mean fat mass of the storks did not differ between age classes or between sexes. Based on physiological parameters, this study shows that settled White Storks are able to cope with mild winter periods when they are artificially provided with food. In a view to preserve favourable habitats for this species, it is therefore necessary to decide on a plan of action for breeding areas.  相似文献   

For many bird species, recovery of ringed individuals remains the best source of information about their migrations. In this study, we analyzed the recoveries of ringed European Hoopoe (Upupa epops) and the Eurasian Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) from 1914 to 2005 from all European ringing schemes. The aim was to define general migration directions and to make inferences about the winter quarters, knowing that hardly any recoveries are available from sub-Saharan Africa. For the autumn migration, there is evidence of a migratory divide for the Hoopoe in Central Europe, at approximately 10–12°E. Autumn migration directions of Wrynecks gradually change from SW to SE depending on the longitude (west to east) of the ringing place. In both species, only a few recoveries were available indicating spring migration directions, but they showed similar migration axes as for autumn migration, and hence no evidence for loop-migration. Due to a paucity of recoveries on the African continent, we can make only limited inferences about wintering grounds: extrapolating migration directions are only indicative of the longitude of the wintering area. The directions of autumn migration indicate a typical pattern observed in European long-distance migrants: west-European Hoopoes and Wrynecks are likely to winter in western Africa, while central- and east-European birds probably winter more in the east. Due to the migratory divide, for the Hoopoe, this phenomenon is more pronounced.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a satellite tracking study of seven adult Abdim's Storks Ciconia abdimii that were followed from the nesting areas in southern Niger across the equator to the non-breeding range and back. Post-breeding migration started between early November and early December when all birds migrated directly to an area south of Lake Victoria in Tanzania, where they arrived between late November and early January. One bird moved to Zimbabwe for 2.5 months before returning to Tanzania; this bird returned to the same place in Zimbabwe the following year. The other tagged storks remained in northern Tanzania, suggesting that this region (at least in 2003–2004) is more important as a wintering area for the species than previously thought. While in Tanzania and Zimbabwe, most storks were almost completely stationary. Prenuptial migration started during mid-February, when one stork moved to the Central African Republic (CAR). The other storks moved to northern Uganda in mid-March and four continued into southern Sudan in mid-April, following the progression of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Final migration towards Niger started between early April and early May, when the storks returned to the nests of the previous year in mid-May, almost simultaneously with the first major rainfall. Storks from the same village differed widely in migration strategy. Post-breeding maximum migration speed was between 216km/day and 307km/day, while migration was generally faster on the last leg of the return trip to the nest, with a maximum of 456km/day.  相似文献   

Migratory connectivity plays an important role in conservation of long-distance migrant birds. Here, we study migratory links of dunlin (Calidris alpina), focusing on a stopover and wintering region (Portugal) where it is known that migration routes of dunlin from a broad geographic range (three subspecies) converge, and populations occur simultaneously or separated in time. We combine three methods (ringing recoveries, morphometrics and molecular genetics) to assess breeding origins and extent of temporal segregation of dunlin assemblages. Ringing recoveries show temporal separation of dunlin from different migration routes. Birds found in Portugal during August and September, migrating via Britain, reveal links to breeding areas in Iceland and Greenland. In October, a clear shift to more eastern migration routes occurs, with most Portuguese winter records from stopover sites along migration routes of populations from northern Scandinavia and Russia. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of Portuguese dunlin was compared with breeding populations. Spring and autumn migrants in Portugal corresponded to C. a. schinzii and C. a. arctica populations, while the Portuguese winter population clearly differs by including mtDNA haplotypes of C. a. alpina. For genetically sexed individuals, we found significant differences in morphology (bill and tarsus length) supporting the temporal separation of populations/subspecies revealed by recoveries and mtDNA. Our results give evidence for migratory connectivity of dunlin populations between geographic areas previously not considered connected. They confirm the existence of clear differences in breeding origin between birds in Portugal at different times of year. These results are important in the consideration of future long-term conservation plans.  相似文献   

The African Odyssey project focuses on studying the migration of the black stork Ciconia nigra breeding at a migratory divide. In 1995–2001, a total of 18 black storks breeding in the Czech Republic were equipped with satellite (PTT) and VHF transmitters. Of them, 11 birds were tracked during at least one migration season and three birds were tracked repeatedly. The birds migrated either across western or eastern Europe to spend the winter in tropical west or east Africa, respectively. One of the juveniles made an intermediate route through Italy where it was shot during the first autumn migration. The mean distance of autumn migration was 6,227 km. The eastern route was significantly longer than the western one (7,000 km and 5,667 km respectively). Important stopover sites were discovered in Africa and Israel. Wintering areas were found from Mauritania and Sierra Leone in the west to Ethiopia and Central African Republic in the east and south. One of the storks migrating by the eastern migration route surprisingly reached western Africa. Birds that arrived early in the wintering areas stayed longer than those arriving later. On the average, birds migrating via the western route spent 37 d on migration compared to 80 d for birds migrating via the eastern route. The mean migration speed in the autumn was 126 km/d and the fastest stork flew 488 km/d when crossing the Sahara. The repeatedly tracked storks showed high winter site fidelity.  相似文献   

Human‐induced changes in the climate and environment that occur at an unprecedented speed are challenging the existence of migratory species. Faced with these new challenges, species with diverse and flexible migratory behaviors may suffer less from population decline, as they may be better at responding to these changes by altering their migratory behavior. At the individual level, variations in migratory behavior may lead to differences in fitness and subsequently influence the population's demographic dynamics. Using lifetime GPS bio‐logging data from 169 white storks (Ciconia ciconia), we explore whether the recently shortened migration distance of storks affects their survival during different stages of their juvenile life. We also explore how other variations in migratory decisions (i.e., time, destination), movement activity (measured using overall body dynamic acceleration), and early life conditions influence juvenile survival. We observed that their first autumn migration was the riskiest period for juvenile white storks. Individuals that migrated shorter distances and fledged earlier experienced lower mortality risks. In addition, higher movement activity and overwintering “closer‐to‐home” (with 84.21% of the tracked individuals stayed Europe or North Africa) were associated with higher survival. Our study shows how avian migrants can change life history decisions over only a few decades, and thus it helps us to understand and predict how migrants respond to the rapidly changing world.  相似文献   

The relation between wind, latitude and daily migration speed along the entire migration route of white storks was analysed. Mean daily migration speed was calculated using satellite telemetry data for autumn and spring migration of white storks from their breeding grounds in Germany and Poland to wintering grounds in Africa and back. The National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data were used to systematically fit 850 mb wind vectors to daily migration speed along the migration route. White storks migrated significantly faster and had a shorter migration season in autumn (10 km/h) compared to spring (6.4 km/h). In autumn mean daily migration speed was significantly slower in Europe (8.0 km/h) than in the Middle East (11.1 km/h) and Africa (11.0 km/h). In spring mean daily migration speed was significantly faster in Africa (10.5 km/h) as birds left their wintering grounds than in the Middle East (4.3 km/h). Migration speed then increased in Europe (6.5 km/h) as birds approached their breeding grounds. In both spring and autumn tailwind (at 850mb) and latitude were found to be significant variables related to daily migration speed.  相似文献   

C. J. Mead 《Bird Study》2013,60(4):259-261
The results of ringing over the last 60 years show that while the majority of British raptors migrate within the British Isles, some go to Europe and a few to Africa This analysis looks at British recoveries, both of locally bred and foreign birds, in the context of European movements as a whole. Besides providing information on migration routes and winter quarters, the ringing results emphasise that raptor conservation needs to be on an international scale.  相似文献   

When and where to move is a fundamental decision to migratory birds, and the fitness‐related costs and benefits of migratory choices make them subject to strong selective forces. Site use and migration routes are outcomes of opportunities in the surrounding landscape, and the optimal migration strategy may be conservative or explorative depending on the variability in the environment occupied by the species. This study applies 25 years of resighting data to examine development in winter migration strategy of pink‐footed geese divided among Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium, and analyse potential drivers of strategy change as well as individuals’ likelihood to break with migratory tradition. Contrary with the general notion that geese are highly traditional in their winter site use, our results reveal that winter migration strategy is highly dynamic in this species, with an average annual probability of changing strategy of 54%. Strategy was not related to hunting pressure or winter temperature, but could be partly explained by a tracking of food resources in a landscape of rapid land use changes. The probability of individuals changing strategy from year to year varied considerably between birds, and was partly related to sex and age, with young males being the most likely to change. The annual probability of changing wintering strategy increased substantially from ≈40% to ≈60% during the study period, indicating an increasingly explorative behaviour. Our findings demonstrate that individual winter strategies are very flexible and able to change over time, suggesting that phenotypic plasticity and cultural transmission are important drivers of strategy choice in this species. Growing benefits from exploratory behaviours, including the ability to track rapid land use changes, may ultimately result in increased resilience to global change.  相似文献   

In northern Slovakia an adult male Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) occupied the same nest site for 11 years running (1992–2002), where it was ringed and fitted with two satellite transmitters. In six of these years it successfully reared a young. In 1994 and 2000–2002 its behaviour during migration could be followed in detail by means of satellite telemetry. The eagle took the known route for this species to South Africa. In 2001, it spent 43% of the year at its breeding site, 33% in its winter quarters, the remaining 24% being spent on migration. In three cases the autumn migration took 40, 48 and 61 days respectively. In two cases the spring migration took 49 days. All five recorded autumn and spring migrations averaged a daily flight distance of 178 km. In spring the daily flight distance was in general slightly greater than in autumn. The longest was recorded from 30 March to 2 April 2001, between Uganda and the Red Sea, during which the bird covered a total of 1,650 km, averaging 412 km per day. In 2001, the spring migration from the wintering grounds was 2 weeks later than in 2002. The wintering grounds, where in 2 years the bird spent around 3.5 months, covering at least 1,666 and 2,269 km, respectively, comprised a large part of Zimbabwe together with the Kruger National Park in South Africa and neighbouring parts of Mozambique. The annual journeys flown, including movements around the wintering grounds, amounted in 2000-2001 to at least 20,396 km and in 2001-2002 to 19,041 km. Except during its crossing of the Sahara, the eagle must have taken food on nearly all its days of migration.  相似文献   

The strength of migratory connectivity is a measure of the cohesion of populations among phases of the annual cycle, including breeding, migration, and wintering. Many Nearctic‐Neotropical species have strong migratory connectivity between breeding and wintering phases of the annual cycle. It is less clear if this strength persists during migration when multiple endogenous and exogenous factors may decrease the cohesion of populations among routes or through time along the same routes. We sampled three bird species, American redstart Setophaga ruticilla, ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla, and wood thrush Hylocichla mustelina, during spring migration through the Gulf of Mexico region to test if breeding populations differentiate spatially among migration routes or temporally along the same migration routes and the extent to which within‐population timing is a function of sex, age, and carry‐over from winter habitat, as measured by stable carbon isotope values in claws (δ13C). To make quantitative comparisons of migratory connectivity possible, we developed and used new methodology to estimate the strength of migratory connectivity (MC) from probabilistic origin assignments identified using stable hydrogen isotopes in feathers (δ2H). We found support for spatial differentiation among routes by American redstarts and ovenbirds and temporal differentiation along routes by American redstarts. After controlling for breeding origin, the timing of American redstart migration differed among ages and sexes and ovenbird migration timing was influenced by carry‐over from winter habitat. The strength of migratory connectivity did not differ among the three species, with each showing weak breeding‐to‐spring migration MC relative to prior assessments of breeding‐wintering connectivity. Our work begins to fill an essential gap in methodology and understanding of the extent to which populations remain together during migration, information critical for a full annual cycle perspective on the population dynamics and conservation of migratory animals.  相似文献   

Migration is a critical period in a bird’s life that can affect the fitness of individuals. Intra-population migratory patterns and the way different sex and/or age classes within a population differ in timing and/or distance of migration are not completely understood. The present study aims to observe inter- and intra-population migratory patterns in the western population of Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus fuscus spp.), shedding light on age-related differences of temporal patterns of occurrence in the Portuguese coastal areas during migration and winter. One thousand seven hundred and fifty-four colour ring records were analysed matching a 30-year period of observations on the Portuguese coast between 1975 and 2005. During migration, the graellsii population represents 90% of the migratory flow of L. fuscus through Portugal with the intermedius accounting for 9% and the fuscus population, being vestigial in this period, accounting for 1%. Nevertheless, interesting significant differences were observed between the age classes of the three populations during this period, the graellsii population having a large number of first winters (40% of the migratory contingent of this population) followed by immatures and adults whilst in the intermedius and fuscus populations, the largest age class is the adults. During winter, no inter-population differences were found. When comparing migration and winter periods, intra-population differences were found in the graellsii and fuscus populations regarding distribution and age classes. These results indicate different migratory routes amongst different populations suggesting a leapfrog migration in L. fuscus and also a differential age-related migration pattern that might result from first winters migrating further south in search of a wintering place since adults heavily occupy the closest wintering quarters in their attempt to arrive earlier at their breeding ground.  相似文献   

The fauna of Mesostigmata in nests of the white stork Ciconia ciconia was studied in the vicinity of Poznań (Poland). A total of 37 mite species was recovered from 11 of the 12 nests examined. The mite fauna was dominated by the family Macrochelidae. Macrocheles merdarius was the most abundant species, comprising 56% of all mites recovered. Most of the abundant mite species were associated with dung and coprophilous insects. It is likely that they were introduced into the nests by adult storks with dung as part of the nest material shortly before and after the hatching of the chicks.  相似文献   

Fall migration of Red‐headed Woodpeckers (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) can be erratic, with departure rates, directions, and distances varying among populations and individuals. We report fall migration departure dates, rates, and routes, and the size of fall home ranges of 62 radio‐tagged Red‐headed Woodpeckers in western South Carolina. Rates of fall migration differed among years; all radio‐tagged woodpeckers migrated in 2005 (15 of 15), none (0 of 23) migrated in 2006, and 54.2% (13 of 24) migrated in 2007. Of 28 woodpeckers that left their breeding territories, we relocated eight either en route or on their fall home ranges. These woodpeckers migrated short distances (4.3–22.2 km) south along the floodplain forest of a large creek. The variable migration patterns we observed indicate that Red‐headed Woodpeckers may best be described as facultative migrants. We determined the home range sizes of 13 woodpeckers in both seasons, regardless of whether they migrated, and fall home ranges were smaller (mean = 1.12 ha) than summer home ranges (mean = 3.23 ha). Fall‐winter movements of Red‐headed Woodpeckers were concentrated on mast‐producing oak (Quercus spp.) trees, which may have restricted home range sizes. The partial migration we observed in 2007 suggests that factors other than mast crop variability may also influence migration patterns because woodpeckers that year responded to the same annual mast crop in different ways, with some migrating and some remaining on breeding season home ranges during the fall.  相似文献   

Sara Henningsson  Thomas Alerstam 《Oikos》2008,117(11):1619-1628
Several different factors may determine where species range limits are located within regions of otherwise continuously available habitat and suitable climate. Within the Arctic tundra biome many bird species are migratory and their breeding distributions are affected by migration routes that are in turn limited by factors such as suitable winter habitat, migratory stopover sites, geographical barriers and historical routes of colonization. We identified longitudinal zones in the circumpolar Arctic of pronounced changes in the avian species composition (high species spatial turnover; ‘species divides’). We tested for the association between migratory status and the geographical location and numbers of such species divides for species with non‐breeding habitats mainly within terrestrial, pelagic and coastal ecosystems. Our results demonstrate that migration is of profound importance for both the number and locations of species divides in the Arctic. Long‐distance migration is associated with a large number of divides among terrestrial and coastal arctic birds but with a reduced number of divides among pelagic birds. We suggest that long‐distance migration permits pelagic but not terrestrial and coastal birds to colonize large winter ranges, which in turn causes expansion of breeding ranges, with more homogenous communities and reduction of species divides as consequences, among the long‐distance migrants of pelagic but not of terrestrial and coastal birds. Furthermore, the divides among long‐distance migrants are situated in two main regions, the Beringia and Greenland zones, while divides among short‐distance migrants are more evenly spaced throughout the circumpolar Arctic. The Beringia and Greenland divides result largely from inter‐continental colonization of new breeding ranges but retainment of original winter quarters in a process of evolution through extension of migration routes, leading to aggregated divides in the meeting zones of major global flyways.  相似文献   

An important assumption in observational studies is that sampled individuals are representative of some larger study population. Yet, this assumption is often unrealistic. Notable examples include online public‐opinion polls, publication biases associated with statistically significant results, and in ecology, telemetry studies with significant habitat‐induced probabilities of missed locations. This problem can be overcome by modeling selection probabilities simultaneously with other predictor–response relationships or by weighting observations by inverse selection probabilities. We illustrate the problem and a solution when modeling mixed migration strategies of northern white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Captures occur on winter yards where deer migrate in response to changing environmental conditions. Yet, not all deer migrate in all years, and captures during mild years are more likely to target deer that migrate every year (i.e., obligate migrators). Characterizing deer as conditional or obligate migrators is also challenging unless deer are observed for many years and under a variety of winter conditions. We developed a hidden Markov model where the probability of capture depends on each individual's migration strategy (conditional versus obligate migrator), a partially latent variable that depends on winter severity in the year of capture. In a 15‐year study, involving 168 white‐tailed deer, the estimated probability of migrating for conditional migrators increased nonlinearly with an index of winter severity. We estimated a higher proportion of obligates in the study cohort than in the population, except during a span of 3 years surrounding back‐to‐back severe winters. These results support the hypothesis that selection biases occur as a result of capturing deer on winter yards, with the magnitude of bias depending on the severity of winter weather. Hidden Markov models offer an attractive framework for addressing selection biases due to their ability to incorporate latent variables and model direct and indirect links between state variables and capture probabilities.  相似文献   

Migratory geese accumulate energy and nutrient stores in winter to fly to refuelling spring staging areas before onward migration to breeding areas. Mean ground temperatures at two important Greenland White-fronted Geese wintering sites rose in winter and spring by 1.0–1.3°C during 1973–2007. Greenland White-fronted Geese departed the Wexford winter quarters on 3rd April 2007 for Icelandic spring staging areas, the earliest on record, representing a mean advancement of 15 days since 1973, mirrored amongst mean dates of departure amongst Scottish wintering birds that have advanced by 12 days during 1973–2007. Icelandic temperatures at critical midway staging areas en route to Greenland showed no significant change since 1973, suggesting that it is warming on the winter quarters that enable geese to depart earlier, rather than elevated temperatures at ultimate spring staging areas. However, Wexford departure date did not correlate with spring temperature. Data presented here show that Greenland White-fronted Geese have accumulated threshold body stores progressively earlier in spring migration, especially during 1995–2007. Although this did not correlate with ambient temperature, the mean degree of accumulated fat stored by 1st April in each year was a statistically significant predictor of departure date for the wintering population at Wexford. These data support the hypothesis that it is intrinsic factors (i.e. improvements in internal body state resulting from better feeding conditions) that has permitted progressively earlier departure of these geese from Wexford on spring migration, rather than amelioration of spring conditions in Iceland or solely the result of warming of the winter quarters.  相似文献   

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