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Chromosome segregation depends on kinetochore biorientation so that sister kinetochores attach to microtubules from opposite poles and come under tension. The budding yeast Ipl1/Aurora protein kinase allows the absence of tension to activate the spindle checkpoint. We found that checkpoint activation in the mtw1-1 kinetochore mutant requires Ipl1p, suggesting that Mtw1p promotes tension. We isolated mtw1-1 dosage suppressors and identified Dsn1, a kinetochore protein that immunoprecipitates with the Mif2/CENP-C and Cse4/CENP-A proteins, as well as the Mtw1, Nnf1, and Nsl1 kinetochore proteins. mtw1 and dsn1 mutant strains exhibit similar phenotypes, suggesting that Mtw1p and Dsn1p act together. Although mtw1 mutant cells contained unattached chromosomes, attachment was restored by impairing Ipl1p function. These results suggest that mtw1 mutant kinetochores are competent to bind microtubules but Ipl1p generates unattached chromosomes. We therefore propose that an Mtw1 complex is required for kinetochore biorientation that is monitored by the Ipl1p kinase.  相似文献   

The Aurora kinase Ipl1p plays a crucial role in regulating kinetochore-microtubule attachments in budding yeast, but the underlying basis for this regulation is not known. To identify Ipl1p targets, we first purified 28 kinetochore proteins from yeast protein extracts. These studies identified five previously uncharacterized kinetochore proteins and defined two additional kinetochore subcomplexes. We then used mass spectrometry to identify 18 phosphorylation sites in 7 of these 28 proteins. Ten of these phosphorylation sites are targeted directly by Ipl1p, allowing us to identify a consensus phosphorylation site for an Aurora kinase. Our systematic mutational analysis of the Ipl1p phosphorylation sites demonstrated that the essential microtubule binding protein Dam1p is a key Ipl1p target for regulating kinetochore-microtubule attachments in vivo.  相似文献   

Oscillating cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) activity is the major regulator of cell-cycle progression, whereas the Aurora B kinase, as part of the chromosome passenger complex (CPC), controls critical aspects of mitosis such as chromosome condensation and biorientation on the spindle. How these kinases mechanistically coordinate their important functions is only partially understood. Here, using budding yeast, we identify a regulatory mechanism by which the Cdk1 kinase Cdc28 directly controls the Aurora kinase Ipl1. We show that Cdk1 phosphorylates Ipl1 on two serine residues in the N-terminal domain, thereby suppressing its association with the microtubule plus-end tracking protein Bim1 until the onset of anaphase. Failure to phosphorylate Ipl1 leads to its premature targeting to the metaphase spindle and results in constitutive Bim1 phosphorylation, which is normally restricted to anaphase. Cells expressing an Ipl1-Sli15 complex that cannot be phosphorylated by Cdk1 display a severe growth defect. Our work shows that Ipl1/Aurora is not only the catalytic subunit of the CPC but also an important regulatory target that allows Cdk1 to coordinate chromosome biorientation with spindle morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Members of the Aurora/Ipl1p family of mitotically regulated serine/threonine kinases are emerging as key regulators of chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. Proper chromosome segregation and cytokinesis ensure that each daughter cell receives the full complement of genetic material. Defects in these processes can lead to aneuploidy and the propagation of genetic abnormalities. This review discusses the Aurora/Ipl1p kinases in terms of their protein structure and proposed function in mitotic cells and also the potential role of aurora2 in human cancer.  相似文献   

Although there has been a recent explosion in the identification of budding yeast kinetochore components, the physical interactions that underlie kinetochore function remain obscure. To better understand how kinetochores attach to microtubules and how this attachment is regulated, we sought to characterize the interactions among kinetochore proteins, especially with respect to the microtubule-binding Dam1 complex. The Dam1 complex plays a crucial role in the chromosome-spindle attachment and is a key target for phospho-regulation of this attachment by the Aurora kinase Ipl1p. To identify protein-protein interactions involving the Dam1 complex, and the effects of Dam1p phosphorylation state on these physical interactions, we conducted both a genome-wide two-hybrid screen and a series of biochemical binding assays for Dam1p. A two-hybrid screen of a library of 6000 yeast open reading frames identified nine kinetochore proteins as Dam1p-interacting partners. From 113 in vitro binding reactions involving all nine subunits of the Dam1 complex and 32 kinetochore proteins, we found at least nine interactions within the Dam1 complex and 19 potential partners for the Dam1 complex. Strikingly, we found that the Dam1p-Ndc80p and Dam1p-Spc34p interactions were weakened by mutations mimicking phosphorylation at Ipl1p sites, allowing us to formulate a model for the effects of phosphoregulation on kinetochore function.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that Ipl1 and Sli15 are required for chromosome segregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sli15 associates directly with the Ipl1 protein kinase and these two proteins colocalize to the mitotic spindle. We show here that Sli15 stimulates the in vitro, and likely in vivo, kinase activity of Ipl1, and Sli15 facilitates the association of Ipl1 with the mitotic spindle. The Ipl1-binding and -stimulating activities of Sli15 both reside within a region containing homology to the metazoan inner centromere protein (INCENP). Ipl1 and Sli15 also bind to Dam1, a microtubule-binding protein required for mitotic spindle integrity and kinetochore function. Sli15 and Dam1 are most likely physiological targets of Ipl1 since Ipl1 can phosphorylate both proteins efficiently in vitro, and the in vivo phosphorylation of both proteins is reduced in ipl1 mutants. Some dam1 mutations exacerbate the phenotype of ipl1 and sli15 mutants, thus providing evidence that Dam1 interactions with Ipl1-Sli15 are functionally important in vivo. Similar to Dam1, Ipl1 and Sli15 each bind to microtubules directly in vitro, and they are associated with yeast centromeric DNA in vivo. Given their dual association with microtubules and kinetochores, Ipl1, Sli15, and Dam1 may play crucial roles in regulating chromosome-spindle interactions or in the movement of kinetochores along microtubules.  相似文献   

Waller T  Lee SJ  Sattlegger E 《The FEBS journal》2012,279(10):1761-1776
Adjusting protein synthesis by phosphorylating eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α) is a major mechanism by which eukaryotes adapt to and overcome stress. The eIF2α kinase Gcn2 is essential for overcoming amino acid starvation in all eukaryotes. We have shown that to sense starvation, the Gcn2 RWD domain must directly contact its effector protein, Gcn1, and both must bind to the ribosome, suggesting that starvation is sensed within a Gcn1-Gcn2-ribosome complex. The mammalian protein IMPACT, highly expressed in neurons, and its yeast orthologue yeast IMPACT homologue (Yih1) harbour an RWD domain with Gcn1-binding activity. We have shown that Yih1 downregulates Gcn2 by competing with Gcn2 for Gcn1-binding. Here, we provide evidence that Yih1 forms a complex with ribosomes. In velocity sedimentation assays, overexpressed glutathione S-transferase (GST)-tagged Yih1 cosedimented with polyribosomes independently of Gcn1. Reduction of polyribosomes to monosomes concomitantly decreased GST-Yih1 sedimentation in the heavy fractions where polyribosomes are normally found. Furthermore, GST-Yih1 coprecipitated large ribosomal protein Rpl39 independently of Gcn1. GST-Yih1 overexpression did not significantly affect Gcn1-ribosome or Gcn2-ribosome cosedimentation. myc-tagged Yih1 expressed from its own promoter cosedimented with polyribosomes independently of Gcn1, indicating that Yih1-ribosome interaction occurs under physiological conditions. GST-IMPACT cosedimented with yeast ribosomes and coprecipitated Rpl39 in a Gcn1-independent fashion, suggesting that Yih1/IMPACT-ribosome association is evolutionarily conserved. Moreover, GST-IMPACT coprecipitated actin as found for GST-Yih1. Taken together, our findings strongly suggest that IMPACT/Yih1 associates with ribosomes and that these ribosomes may simultaneously carry Gcn1 and Gcn2. Close physical proximity of Yih1 to the Gcn1-Gcn2-ribosome complex would allow cells to quickly inhibit Gcn2 whenever or wherever necessary.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping between the human and the mouse genomes allows characterization of linkage groups that have been conserved over evolution. In this study, genes previously localized to adjacent regions of human chromosome 1 were mapped to discrete regions on distal mouse chromosomes 1 and 3 using an interspecific cross. Linkage analysis in mouse defined two groups in which the gene order appears to be the same as that in humans: 15 genes localized between human chromosome 1q21 and 1q32 were found to span 29.5 cM on distal mouse chromosome 1; 6 genes localized between human chromosome 1q21 and 1p22 spanned 15.6 cM on distal mouse chromosome 3. These data suggest that gene order within large chromosome segments may remain stable over long periods of evolution and that the position of the centromere may reflect a late event in the evolution of higher eukaryotic organisms. These studies provide a model for examination of specific evolutionary events.  相似文献   

Mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (MTORC1) and polo like kinase 1 (PLK1) are major drivers of cancer cell growth and proliferation, and inhibitors of both protein kinases are currently being investigated in clinical studies. To date, MTORC1′s and PLK1′s functions are mostly studied separately, and reports on their mutual crosstalk are scarce. Here, we identify PLK1 as a physical MTORC1 interactor in human cancer cells. PLK1 inhibition enhances MTORC1 activity under nutrient sufficiency and in starved cells, and PLK1 directly phosphorylates the MTORC1 component RPTOR/RAPTOR in vitro. PLK1 and MTORC1 reside together at lysosomes, the subcellular site where MTORC1 is active. Consistent with an inhibitory role of PLK1 toward MTORC1, PLK1 overexpression inhibits lysosomal association of the PLK1-MTORC1 complex, whereas PLK1 inhibition promotes lysosomal localization of MTOR. PLK1-MTORC1 binding is enhanced by amino acid starvation, a condition known to increase autophagy. MTORC1 inhibition is an important step in autophagy activation. Consistently, PLK1 inhibition mitigates autophagy in cancer cells both under nutrient starvation and sufficiency, and a role of PLK1 in autophagy is also observed in the invertebrate model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. In summary, PLK1 inhibits MTORC1 and thereby positively contributes to autophagy. Since autophagy is increasingly recognized to contribute to tumor cell survival and growth, we propose that cautious monitoring of MTORC1 and autophagy readouts in clinical trials with PLK1 inhibitors is needed to develop strategies for optimized (combinatorial) cancer therapies targeting MTORC1, PLK1, and autophagy.  相似文献   

The U1 snRNP-A (U1A) protein has been known for many years as a component of the U1 snRNP. We have previously described a form of U1A present in human cells in significant amounts that is not associated with the U1 snRNP or U1 RNA but instead is part of a novel complex of non-snRNP proteins that we have termed snRNP-free U1A, or SF-A. Antibodies that specifically recognize this complex inhibit in vitro splicing and polyadenylation of pre-mRNA, suggesting that this complex may play an important functional role in these mRNA-processing activities. This finding was underscored by the determination that one of the components of this complex is the polypyrimidine-tract-binding protein-associated splicing factor, PSF. In order to further our studies on this complex and to determine the rest of the components of the SF-A complex, we prepared several stable HeLa cell lines that overexpress a tandem-affinity-purification-tagged version of U1A (TAP-tagged U1A). Nuclear extract was prepared from one of these cell lines, line 107, and affinity purification was performed along with RNase treatment. We have used mass spectrometry analysis to identify the candidate factors that associate with U1A. We have now identified and characterized PSF, p54(nrb), and p68 as novel components of the SF-A complex. We have explored the function of this complex in RNA processing, specifically cleavage and polyadenylation, by performing immunodepletions followed by reconstitution experiments, and have found that p54(nrb) is critical.  相似文献   

Adaptive (or stationary-phase) mutation is a group of phenomena in which mutations appear to occur more often when selected than when not. They may represent cellular responses to the environment in which the genome is altered to allow survival. The best-characterized assay system and mechanism is reversion of a lac allele on an F' sex plasmid in Escherichia coli, in which the stationary-phase mutability requires homologous recombination functions. A key issue has concerned whether the recombination-dependent mutation mechanism is F' specific or is general. Hypermutation of chromosomal genes occurs in association with adaptive Lac(+) mutation. Here we present evidence that the chromosomal hypermutation is promoted by recombination. Hyperrecombinagenic recD cells show elevated chromosomal hypermutation. Further, recG mutation, which promotes accumulation of recombination intermediates proposed to prime replication and mutation, also stimulates chromosomal hypermutation. The coincident mutations at lac (on the F') and chromosomal genes behave as independent events, whereas coincident mutations at lac and other F-linked sites do not. This implies that transient covalent linkage of F' and chromosomal DNA (Hfr formation) does not underlie chromosomal mutation. The data suggest that recombinational stationary-phase mutation occurs in the bacterial chromosome and thus can be a general strategy for programmed genetic change.  相似文献   

Sequences related to the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) gene have been identified on several human chromosomes. In the centromeric region of chromosomes 14 and 15, two NF1 pseudogenes have been described. Sequence comparison between NF1-related exons amplified from two yeast artificial chromosome clones hybridizing to chromosomal region 15q11.2 and published NF1-related sequences localized at 15q11.2 suggested that a third NF1 pseudogene resides in this chromosomal region. The previous localization of an NF1-related locus to the telomeric part of chromosome 15 could not be confirmed by us. Our findings further support pericentromeric spreading of partial NF1 gene copies at chromosome 15q11.2 during evolution. Received: 27 January 1996 / Accepted: 26 May 1997  相似文献   

The natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1) was mapped in the pig for study as a potential candidate gene in controlling pig resistance to Salmonella infection. Primers were designed from the pig cDNA to amplify a 1·6 kb fragment between exons 1 and 3. By using a pig-rodent somatic cell hybrid panel, NRAMP1 was mapped to pig chromosome 15 (SSC15) with 100% probability, and the regional assignment was SSC15q23-26 with 87% concordance. A polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) marker was developed by using the Hinf I enzyme and three alleles were identified from a population including 11 breeds. Linkage analysis confirmed the physical assignment by using the PiGMaP reference families. Pig NRAMP1 was linked to SSC15 markers S0088, S0149 and S0284 (LOD > 3). A small population study revealed large allele frequency differences among tested breeds. An A allele is only observed in dam (white) lines whereas a similar exclusivity of the C allele was seen in sire (colored) breeds.  相似文献   

Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) remains an important health problem among children in developing countries. Children living in these areas have a higher mortality from respiratory infections, which likely results in part from suboptimal nutrition, including VAD. Bronchial hyperreactivity can follow viral respiratory infections and may complicate the recovery. To investigate whether VAD promotes bronchial hyperreactivity, we have assessed methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction in VAD and vitamin A-sufficient rats. Bronchial constriction developed at lower concentrations of inhaled methacholine in VAD than in vitamin A-sufficient rats. This did not result from an increase in the bronchial wall thickness or the clearance of a small molecule (with a size similar to methacholine) from the air space. The function and abundance of the muscarinic M(2) receptors in bronchial tissue were reduced in VAD rats, suggesting that this receptor may contribute to these animals' diminished ability to limit cholinergic-mediated bronchoconstriction. A similar reduction in muscarinic M(2) receptor function has been observed in asthma. Vitamin A (retinol) and its congeners (retinoids) may be required to regulate bronchial responsiveness in addition to maintaining a normal bronchial epithelium.  相似文献   

The Aurora B kinase complex is a critical regulator of chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. In Caenorhabditis elegans, AIR-2 (Aurora B) function requires ICP-1 (Incenp) and BIR-1 (Survivin). In various systems, Aurora B binds to orthologues of these proteins. Through genetic analysis, we have identified a new subunit of the Aurora B kinase complex, CSC-1. C. elegans embryos depleted of CSC-1, AIR-2, ICP-1, or BIR-1 have identical phenotypes. CSC-1, BIR-1, and ICP-1 are interdependent for their localization, and all are required for AIR-2 localization. In vitro, CSC-1 binds directly to BIR-1. The CSC-1/BIR-1 complex, but not the individual subunits, associates with ICP-1. CSC-1 associates with ICP-1, BIR-1, and AIR-2 in vivo. ICP-1 dramatically stimulates AIR-2 kinase activity. This activity is not stimulated by CSC-1/BIR-1, suggesting that these two subunits function as targeting subunits for AIR-2 kinase.  相似文献   

A minor fraction of cohesin complexes at chromosome arms is not removed by the prophase pathway, and maintained until metaphase and enriched at centromeres. Sgo1 localizes to chromosome arms from prophase to metaphase, and is indispensable for removing cohesin complexes from chromosome arms. However, it has not been established how the chromosome arm localization of Sgo1 leads to the establishment of cohesion on chromosomes. Here, we report that Aurora B kinase interacts with and phosphorylates Sgo1 in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, the phosphorylation of Sgol by Aurora B kinase regulated the distribution of Sgo1 between centromeres and chromosome arms, and the expression of Aurora B kinase-dead mutants of Sgo1 caused mislocalization from centromeres to chromosome arms. These results suggest Aurora B kinase directly regulates the subcellular distribution of Sgo1 to facilitate the accurate separation of mitotic chromosomes  相似文献   

To understand the role of the splice regulator muscleblind 1 (MBNL1) in the development of RNA splice defects in myotonic dystrophy I (DM1), we purified RNA-independent MBNL1 complexes from normal human myoblasts and examined the behavior of these complexes in DM1 myoblasts. Antibodies recognizing MBNL1 variants (MBNL1(CUG)), which can sequester in the toxic CUG RNA foci that develop in DM1 nuclei, were used to purify MBNL1(CUG) complexes from normal myoblasts. In normal myoblasts, MBNL1(CUG) bind 10 proteins involved in remodeling ribonucleoprotein complexes including hnRNP H, H2, H3, F, A2/B1, K, L, DDX5, DDX17, and DHX9. Of these proteins, only MBNL1(CUG) colocalizes extensively with DM1 CUG foci (>80% of foci) with its partners being present in <10% of foci. Importantly, the stoichiometry of MBNL1(CUG) complexes is altered in DM1 myoblasts, demonstrating an increase in the steady state levels of nine of its partner proteins. These changes are recapitulated by the expression of expanded CUG repeat RNA in Cos7 cells. Altered stoichiometry of MBNL1(CUG) complexes results from aberrant protein synthesis or stability and is unlinked to PKCα function. Modeling these changes in normal myoblasts demonstrates that increased levels of hnRNP H, H2, H3, F, and DDX5 independently dysregulate splicing in overlapping RNA subsets. Thus expression of expanded CUG repeats alters the stoichiometry of MBNL1(CUG) complexes to allow both the reinforcement and expansion of RNA processing defects.  相似文献   

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