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Ecophysiology of phloem loading in source leaves   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
The nature of phloem loading of photosynthesis products – either symplastic or apoplastic – has been a matter of debate over the last two decades. This controversy was reconciled by proposing a multiprogrammed loading mechanism. Different modes of phloem loading were distinguished on the basis of the variety of plasmodesmatal connectivity between the minor vein elements. Physiological evidence for at least two phloem loading mechanisms as well as recent support for coincidence between plasmodesmatal connectivity and the loading mechanism is shortly reviewed. The present paper attempts to correlate the plasmodesmatal connectivity between sieve element/companion cell complex and the adjacent cells (the minor vein configuration) – and implicitly the associate phloem loading mechanisms – with different types of climate. The minor vein configuration is a family characteristic. This enables one to relate vein configuration with ecosystem using the family distribution over the globe. The uneven distribution of vein types between terrestrial ecosystems indicates that apoplastic phloem loading predominates in cold and dry climate zones. Projection of the minor vein configuration on the Takhtajan system of flowering plants suggests evolution from apoplastic to symplastic phloem loading. Accordingly, the distribution of minor vein configurations suggests that drought and temperature stress have led to the transformation of the ancient symplastic mode into the more advanced apoplastic mode of loading.  相似文献   

The mechanism of phloem loading in rice (Oryza sativa)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbohydrates, mainly sucrose, that are synthesized in source organs are transported to sink organs to support growth and development. Phloem loading of sucrose is a crucial step that drives long-distance transport by elevating hydrostatic pressure in the phloem. Three phloem loading strategies have been identified, two active mechanisms, apoplastic loading via sucrose transporters and symplastic polymer trapping, and one passive mechanism. The first two active loading mechanisms require metabolic energy, carbohydrate is loaded into the phloem against a concentration gradient. The passive process, diffusion, involves equilibration of sucrose and other metabolites between cells through plasmodesmata. Many higher plant species including Arabidopsis utilize the active loading mechanisms to increase carbohydrate in the phloem to higher concentrations than that in mesophyll cells. In contrast, recent data revealed that a large number of plants, especially woody species, load sucrose passively by maintaining a high concentration in mesophyll cells. However, it still remains to be determined how the worldwide important cereal crop, rice, loads sucrose into the phloem in source organs. Based on the literature and our results, we propose a potential strategy of phloem loading in rice. Elucidation of the phloem loading mechanism should improve our understanding of rice development and facilitate its manipulation towards the increase of crop productivity.  相似文献   

The epicotyl of 5-day-old derooted cuttings of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) with and without cotyledons exuded sucrose and glucose in the presence of EDTA. The amount of sugars exuded was greatly affected by the position at which the epicotyl was cut. The largest amount of sugars was exuded when the epicotyl was cut 2 mm below the hook, leaving the growing subhook. Gibberellic acid (GA) substantially increased the amount of sugars exuded from the epicotyl in the presence of cotyledons but only slightly in their absence. GA stimulated sugar exudation from the cotyledonary node as well as from the epicotyl. In cuttings with cotyledons, GA enhanced invertase activity in the apoplast, and in the intraceUular soluble and bound fractions in the growing subhook. In decotylized cuttings, GA enhanced only soluble invertase activity. GA did not affect invertase activity in the epicotyl below the subhook. These results suggest that GA stimulates sugar accumulation in the growing subhook by stimulating not only phloem loading of sucrose in the cotyledons but also unloading in the subhook.  相似文献   

The application of gibberellic acid (GA3,10 μ M ) as a root drench to 16-day-old plants of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Masterpiece stimulated growth of the stem internodes and reduced root growth. GA3 treatment did not affect the export of 14C from a primary leaf to which [14C]-sucrose was applied, but greatly increased upward translocation to the elongation region of the stem at the expense of transport to the hypocotyl and root system. The observed changes in the patterns of growth and [14C]-labelled assimilate distribution were correlated with an increase in the specific activity of acid invertase in the elongating stem internodes and a decrease in invertase activity in the hypocotyl and root. Sucrose concentration in the elongating internodes fell substantially after treatment with GA3 while the concentration of hexose sugars increased. We suggest that by stimulating acid invertase synthesis in the elongating internodes, GA3 acts to establish a more favourable sucrose gradient between these sinks and source leaves. Under source-limiting conditions this, in turn, will lead to a reduced rate of assimilate translocation to competing sinks in the root system.  相似文献   

  • Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is one of the most important sugar‐producing plants worldwide and provides about one third of the sugar consumed by humans. Here we report on molecular characterisation of the BvSUT1 gene and on the functional characterisation of the encoded transporter.
  • In contrast to the recently identified tonoplast‐localised sucrose transporter BvTST2.1 from sugar beet taproots, which evolved within the monosaccharide transporter (MST) superfamily, BvSUT1 represents a classical sucrose transporter and is a typical member of the disaccharide transporter (DST) superfamily.
  • Transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing the β‐GLUCURONIDASE (GUS) reporter gene under control of the BvSUT1‐promoter showed GUS histochemical staining of their phloem; an anti‐BvSUT1‐antiserum identified the BvSUT1 transporter specifically in phloem companion cells. After expression of BvSUT1 cDNA in bakers’ yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) uptake characteristics of the BvSUT1 protein were studied. Moreover, the sugar beet transporter was characterised as a proton‐coupled sucrose symporter in Xenopus laevis oocytes.
  • Our findings indicate that BvSUT1 is the sucrose transporter that is responsible for loading of sucrose into the phloem of sugar beet source leaves delivering sucrose to the storage tissue in sugar beet taproot sinks.

The activities of sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SUSY), neutral invertase (NI) and soluble acid invertase (SAI) regulates sucrose activity in sugarcane were studied. Micropropagated sugarcane plants were obtained from callus cultures of four Mexican commercially available sugarcane varieties characterized by differences in sugar production, and activities of SPS, SUSY, NI, SAI and concentrations of sucrose were monitored in the sugarcane stem. The results indicated that sucrose accumulation was positively and significantly related to an increase in activity of SPS and SUSY and negatively to a reduction in activity of SAI and NI (P<0.05). SPS explained most of the variations found for sucrose accumulation and least for NI. The relationship between activity of SPS, SUSY, NI and SAI in sugarcane stem was similar in each variety.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of invertase in the action of gibberellic acid (GA) on stimulating sugar accumulation in growing subhooks of Alaska pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) was studied. GA and indoleacetic acid (IAA) stimulated elongation growth to a similar extent. GA, in contrast to IAA, increased the amount of soluble sugars in the subhook. GA substantially increased invertase activity whereas IAA did not. These results suggest that the mode of action of GA and IAA differs, although both stimulate pea subhook growth.
Cycloheximide (CH) inhibited the effect of GA on invertase activity, accumulation of soluble sugars, and elongation growth. Good correlations were found between invertase activity, the amount of soluble sugars and growth. The results suggest that GA-induced enhancement of sugar accumulation in the subhook cells is dependent on increased invertase activity. The sugar accumulated in the subhook may be involved in growth promotion by GA.  相似文献   

Previously 'frozen' Tulipa gesneriana L. bulbs cv. Apeldoorn, were planted and grown at higher temperatures to study the role of invertase (EC in the cold-induced elongation of the flower stalk internodes. After planting, flower stalks were left intact, or, the leaves and flower bud were both removed to inhibit internode elongation. In intact flower stalks, elongation of the internodes was accompanied by an accumulation of glucose and an initial decrease in the sucrose content g,−1 dry weight. Insoluble invertase activity g,−1 dry weight hardly changed, but soluble invertase activity showed a peak pattern, that was related, at least for the greater part, to the changes in the sugar contents. Peak activities of soluble invertase were found during (lower- and uppermost internodes) or around the onset of the rapid phase of internode elongation (middle internodes). Internode elongation and glucose accumulation immediately ceased when the leaves and flower bud were removed. Insoluble invertase activity g,−1 dry weight remained at its initial level (lowermost internode) or increased more towards the upper internodes. Soluble invertase activity did not further increase (uppermost internode) or decreased abruptly to a low level. It is concluded that soluble invertase may be one of the factors contributing to glucose accumulation and internode elongation in the tulip flower stalk.  相似文献   

Almost no δ18O data are available for leaf carbohydrates, leaving a gap in the understanding of the δ18O relationship between leaf water and cellulose. We measured δ18O values of bulk leaf water (δ18OLW) and individual leaf carbohydrates (e.g. fructose, glucose and sucrose) in grass and tree species and δ18O of leaf cellulose in grasses. The grasses were grown under two relative humidity (rH) conditions. Sucrose was generally 18O‐enriched compared with hexoses across all species with an apparent biosynthetic fractionation factor (εbio) of more than 27‰ relative to δ18OLW, which might be explained by isotopic leaf water and sucrose synthesis gradients. δ18OLW and δ18O values of carbohydrates and cellulose in grasses were strongly related, indicating that the leaf water signal in carbohydrates was transferred to cellulose (εbio = 25.1‰). Interestingly, damping factor pexpx, which reflects oxygen isotope exchange with less enriched water during cellulose synthesis, responded to rH conditions if modelled from δ18OLW but not if modelled directly from δ18O of individual carbohydrates. We conclude that δ18OLW is not always a good substitute for δ18O of synthesis water due to isotopic leaf water gradients. Thus, compound‐specific δ18O analyses of individual carbohydrates are helpful to better constrain (post‐)photosynthetic isotope fractionation processes in plants.  相似文献   

Sugar transporters are necessary to transfer hexose from cell wall spaces into parenchyma cells to boost hexose accumulation to high concentrations in fruit. Here, we have identified an apple hexose transporter (HTs), MdHT2.2, located in the plasma membrane, which is highly expressed in mature fruit. In a yeast system, the MdHT2.2 protein exhibited high 14C‐fructose and 14C‐glucose transport activity. In transgenic tomato heterologously expressing MdHT2.2, the levels of both fructose and glucose increased significantly in mature fruit, with sugar being unloaded via the apoplastic pathway, but the level of sucrose decreased significantly. Analysis of enzyme activity and the expression of genes related to sugar metabolism and transport revealed greatly up‐regulated expression of SlLIN5, a key gene encoding cell wall invertase (CWINV), as well as increased CWINV activity in tomatoes transformed with MdHT2.2. Moreover, the levels of fructose, glucose and sucrose recovered nearly to those of the wild type in the sllin5‐edited mutant of the MdHT2.2‐expressing lines. However, the overexpression of MdHT2.2 decreased hexose levels and increased sucrose levels in mature leaves and young fruit, suggesting that the response pathway for the apoplastic hexose signal differs among tomato tissues. The present study identifies a new HTs in apple that is able to take up fructose and glucose into cells and confirms that the apoplastic hexose levels regulated by HT controls CWINV activity to alter carbohydrate partitioning and sugar content.  相似文献   

Movement of photoassimilates from leaves to phloem is an important step for the flux of carbon through plants. Fractionation of carbon isotopes during this process may influence their abundance in heterotrophic tissues. We subjected Eucalyptus globulus to 20, 25 and 28 °C ambient growth temperatures and measured compound-specific δ(13)C of carbohydrates obtained from leaves and bled phloem sap. We compared δ(13)C of sucrose and raffinose obtained from leaf or phloem and of total leaf soluble carbon, with modelled values predicted by leaf gas exchange. Changes in δ(13)C of sucrose and raffinose obtained from either leaves or phloem sap were more tightly coupled to changes in c(i)/c(a) than was δ(13)C of leaf soluble carbon. At 25 and 28 °C, sucrose and raffinose were enriched in (13)C compared to leaf soluble carbon and predicted values - irrespective of tissue type. Phloem sucrose was depleted and raffinose enriched in (13)C compared to leaf extracts. Intermolecular and tissue-specific δ(13)C reveal that multiple systematic factors influence (13)C composition during export to phloem. Predicting sensitivity of these factors to changes in plant physiological status will improve our ability to infer plant function at a range of temporal and spatial scales.  相似文献   

Starch and sucrose metabolism of one- and two-year-old needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst., about 30 years old) was investigated from three months before until three months after bud break at a natural site. We distinguish different metabolic states according to the extractable activities of enzymes (α-amylase [EC], ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase [AGP, EC], D-enzyme [EC], starch phosphorylase [STP. EC]), sucrose phosphate synthase [SPS, EC], sucrose syntbase [SS, EC]. acid invertase [AI, EC and pool sizes of related metabolites (starch, glucose, fructose, sucrose, raffinose, stachyose, fructose 6-phosphate [F6P], glucose 6-phosphate [G6P], fructose 2,6-bisphosphate [F26BP], and inorganic phosphate [P1]). The period ending with bud break was characterized by high rates of net photosynthesis, a pronounced decrease in the amount of soluble sugars, and a steep rise in starch (from the detection limit to approximately 600 nmol glycosyl units [mg dry weight]-1). In parallel, the extractable activity of AGP increased, while D-enzyme was on a relative high level when compared with the period after bud break. With respect to sucrose metabolism, F26BP, an inhibitor of sucrose synthesis, decreased from 1 to 0.4 pmol (mg dry weight)-1. This was complemented by SPS activity, which was due to both increased protein levels shown by immunoblotting and activation under metabolite control (high levels of G6P and a low Pi/G6P ratio). This indicates a high capacity of synthesis of starch and sucrose in the period before bud break. These observations are in accordance with estimates of photosynthetic carbon gain, which indicate that in early spring large amounts of carbon from current photosynthesis are exported out of the needles. In addition, the content of nonstructural carbohydrates (expressed as hexoses) increased in the bark of the stem. This could also be a consequence of an enhanced carbon export from the needles. After the onset of bud break, starch concentration decreased in all tissues under investigation. In contrast, the level of total nonstructural carbohydrates in the outermost sapwood nearly doubled from bud break until the end of sampling. In the needles, net photosynthesis was reduced by about 75% and a decrease in SPS activity and protein level were found together with lower G6P concentration, and an increased Pi/G6P ratio. These results suggest that during that period sucrose synthesis was reduced in the older needles. In addition, under conditions of reduced photosynthesis, carbon demand of current year needles was in part ensured by the mobilization of starch in the older needles. Taken together our data show that before bud break carbon metabolism of mature leaves is related with the sink demands of storage organs. After bud break the accumulated assimilate pools in needles and stem, mainly the bark, are mobilized and support carbon supply to new tissues.  相似文献   

To study the export of sugars from leaves and their long-distance transport, sucrose-proton/co-transporter activity of potato was inhibited by antisense repression of StSUT1 under control of either a ubiquitously active (CaMV 35S ) or a companion-cell-specific (rolC) promotor in transgenic plants. Transformants exhibiting reduced levels of the sucrose-transporter mRNA and showing a dramatic reduction in root and tuber growth, were chosen to investigate the ultrastructure of their source leaves. The transformants had a regular leaf anatomy with a single-layered palisade parenchyma, and bicollateral minor veins within the spongy parenchyma. Regardless of the promoter used, source leaves from transformants showed an altered leaf phenotype and a permanent accumulation of assimilates as indicated by the number and size of starch grains, and by the occurrence of lipid-storing oleosomes. Starch accumulated throughout the leaf: in epidermis, mesophyll and, to a smaller degree, in phloem parenchyma cells of minor veins. Oleosomes were observed equally in mesophyll and phloem parenchyma cells. Companion cells were not involved in lipid accmulation and their chloroplasts developed only small starch grains. The similarity of ultrastructural symptoms under both promotors corresponds to, rather than contradicts, the hypothesis that assimilates can move symplasmically from mesophyll, via the bundle sheath, up to the phloem. The microscopical symptoms of a constitutively high sugar level in the transformant leaves were compared with those in wild-type plants after cold-girdling of the petiole. Inhibition of sugar export, both by a reduction of sucrose carriers in the sieve element/companion cell complex (se/cc complex), or further downstream by cold-girdling, equally evokes the accumulation of assimilates in all leaf tissues up to the se/cc complex border. However, microscopy revealed that antisense inhibition of loading produces a persistently high sugar level throughout the leaf, while cold-girdling leads only to local patches containing high levels of sugar. Received: 4 March 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1998  相似文献   

Fractions of acid invertase and acid phosphatase of the ericoid mycorrhizal fungus Hymenoscyphus ericae (Read) Korf & Kernan were compared by column chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Acid invertase levels were measured during the exponential phase after 14 days growth in pure culture. Most acid invertase was wall associated (50%) with 41% forming an extracellular fraction and 9% a soluble, cytoplasmic fraction. The wall-bound fraction was partially solubilized by 1 M NaCl, bulked with the extracellular fraction and separated by gel filtration into two acid invertase activity peaks. These peaks corresponded closely to two acid phosphatase activity peaks measured in the same eluates. Anion exchange chromatography under a continuous salt gradient separated the invertase and phosphatase isoforms from each other. Non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that the more active isoforms of each enzyme have different electrophoretic properties and are high mannose-type glycoproteins with a high affinity for the lectin, concanavalin A. The results are discussed in terms of the functional aspects of the two enzymes and their cytochemical localization.  相似文献   

Acid invertase (EC is one of the key enzymes involved in the carbohydrate sinkorgan development and the sink strength modulation in crops. The experiment conducted with ‘Starkrimson’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh) fruit showed that, during the fruit development, the activity of acid invertase gradually declined concomitantly with the progressive accumulation of fructose, glucose and sucrose, while Western blotting assay of acid invertase detected a 30 ku peptide of which the immuno-signal intensity increased during the fruit development. The immunolocalization via immunogold electron microscopy showed that, on the one hand, acid invertase was mainly located on the flesh cell wall with numbers of the immunosignals present in the vacuole at the late stage of fruit development; and on the other hand, the amount of acid invertase increased during fruit development, which was consistent with the results of Western blotting. The in vivo preincubation of fruit discs with soluble sugars showed that the activity of extractible acid invertase was inhibited by fructose or glucose, while Western blotting did not detect any changes in apparent quantity of the enzyme nor other peptides than 30 ku one. So it is considered that fructose and glucose induced the post-translational or translocational inhibitory regulation of acid invertase in developing apple fruit. The mechanism of the post-translational inhibition was shown different from both the two previously reported ones that proposed either the inhibition by hexose products in the in vitro chemical reaction equilibrium system or the inhibition by the proteinaceous inhibitors. It was hypothesized that fructose and glucose might induce acid invertase inhibition by modulating the expression of some inhibition-related genes or some structural modification of acid invertase.  相似文献   

Acid invertase (EC is one of the key enzymes involved in the carbohydrate sink-organ development and the sink strength modulation in crops. The experiment conducted with 'Starkrimson' apple (Malus domestica Borkh) fruit showed that, during the fruit development, the activity of acid invertase gradually declined concomitantly with the progressive accumulation of fructose, glucose and sucrose, while Western blotting assay of acid invertase detected a 30 ku peptide of which the immuno-signal intensity increased during the fruit development. The im-muno-localization via immunogold electron microscopy showed that, on the one hand, acid invertase was mainly located on the flesh cell wall with numbers of the immunosignals present in the vacuole at the late stage of fruit development; and on the other hand, the amount of acid invertase increased during fruit development, which was consistent with the results of Western blotting. The in vivo pre-incubation of fruit discs with soluble sugars showed that  相似文献   

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