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Cells of Escherichia coli pump cobalamin (vitamin B12) across their outer membranes into the periplasmic space, and it was concluded previously that this process is potentiated by the proton motive force of the inner membrane. The novelty of such an energy coupling mechanism and its relevance to other outer membrane transport processes have required confirmation of this conclusion by studies with cells in which cobalamin transport is limited to the outer membrane. Accordingly, I have examined the effects of cyanide and of 2,4-dinitrophenol on cobalamin uptake in btuC and atp mutants, which lack inner membrane cobalamin transport and the membrane-bound ATP synthase, respectively. Dinitrophenol eliminated cobalamin transport in all strains, but cyanide inhibited this process only in atp and btuC atp mutant cells, providing conclusive evidence that cobalamin transport across the outer membrane requires specifically the proton motive force of the inner membrane. The coupling of metabolic energy to outer membrane cobalamin transport requires the TonB protein and is stimulated by the ExbB protein. I show here that the tolQ gene product can partly replace the function of the ExbB protein. Cells with mutations in both exbB and tolQ had no measurable cobalamin transport and thus had a phenotype that was essentially the same as TonB-. I conclude that the ExbB protein is a normal component of the energy coupling system for the transport of cobalamin across the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The role of K+ and Na+ in the maintenance of the proton motive force (delta p) was studied in Escherichia coli incubated in alkaline media. Cells respiring in Tris buffer (pH 7.8) that contained less than 100 microEq of K+ and Na+ per liter had a normal delta p of about -165 mV. At pH 8.2, however, the delta p was reduced significantly. The decrease in delta p at pH 8.2 was due to a marked decrease in the transmembrane potential (delta psi), while the internal pH remained at 7.5 to 7.7. When KCl or NaCl, but not LiCl or choline chloride, was added to the cells, the delta psi rose to the values seen at an external pH of 7.8. In addition, choline chloride inhibited the enhancement of delta psi by K+. None of the salts had a significant effect on the internal pH. The effects can be attributed to alterations of K+ or Na+ cycling in and out of the cells via the known K+ and Na+ transport systems.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli lac operon constitutive for lacY was subcloned into the EcoRI site of a wide-host-range plasmid of the Q incompatibility group, and the resulting recombinant plasmid was introduced into Tn5-generated Lac- mutants of Rhizobium meliloti. The R. meliloti transconjugants accumulated lactose about 1,000-fold, equivalent to a proton motive force of -170 to -180 mV, not significantly different from the values calculated from the distributions of weak acids and lipophilic cations.  相似文献   

Transport of lactose and methyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside, a melibiose analogue, was studied in intact cells of Escherichia coli. A proton motive force could drive the translocation of these solutes via these two transport systems, but the initial rates and steady-state levels of solute accumulation increased upon initiation of electron transfer. When the absolute value of the proton motive force was decreased by ionophores the steady-state levels of lactose accumulation did not decrease as expected if thermodynamic equilibrium with the proton motive force had existed. Accumulation of lactose was also observed in the absence of any measurable proton motive force as long as electron transfer took place. Since both proton/lactose and sodium/methyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside symport showed the same characteristics, an explanation based on local proton diffusion pathways is unlikely.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (nar) A, B and E mutants of Escherichia coli with plasmids carrying Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogen fixation (nif) genes reduced acetylene independently of added molybdate, but nar D mutants showed pleiotropic dependence on the concentration of added molybdate for expression of both nar and nif. No complementation of nar mutations by nif occurred; nitrite but not nitrate repressed nif in nar hosts. Derepression of nif occurred in molybdenum-deficient nar D (nif) strains since nitrogenase peptides were present. nifB mutants, thought to have a lesion in the pathway of molybdenum to nitrogenase, as well as nif deletion mutants, had normal nitrate reductase activity.  相似文献   

The proton motive force (PMF) was determined in Rhodobacter sphaeroides under anaerobic conditions in the dark and under aerobic-dark and anaerobic-light conditions. Anaerobically in the dark in potassium phosphate buffer, the PMF at pH 6 was -20 mV and was composed of an electrical potential (delta psi) only. At pH 7.9 the PMF was composed of a high delta psi of -98 mV and was partially compensated by a reversed pH gradient (delta pH) of +37 mV. ATPase inhibitors did not affect the delta psi, which was most likely the result of a K+ diffusion potential. Under energized conditions in the presence of K+ the delta psi depolarized due to electrogenic K+ uptake. This led to the generation of a delta pH (inside alkaline) in the external pH range of 6 to 8. This delta pH was dependent on the K+ concentration and was maximal at external K+ concentrations larger than 1.2 mM. In energized cells in 50 mM KPi buffer containing 5 mM MgSO4, a delta pH (inside alkaline) was present at external pHs from pH 6 to 8. As a result the overall magnitude of the PMF at various external pHs remained constant at -130 mV, which was significantly higher than the PMF under anaerobic-dark conditions. In the absence of K+, in 50 mM NaPi buffer containing 5 mM MgSO4, no depolarization of the delta psi was found and the PMF was composed of a large delta psi and a small delta pH. The delta pH became even reversed (inside acidic) at alkaline pHs (pH>7.3), resulting in a lowering of the PMF. These results demonstrate that in R. sphaeroides K+ uptake is essential for the generation of a delta pH and plays a central role in the regulation of the internal pH.  相似文献   

It has been reported that Escherichia coli is able to grow in the presence of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) when ATP is produced by glycolysis (N. Kinoshita et al., J. Bacteriol. 160:1074-1077, 1984). We investigated the effect of CCCP on the osmotic adaptation of E. coli growing with glucose. When E. coli growing in rich medium containing CCCP was transferred to medium containing sucrose, its growth stopped for a while and then started again. This lag time was negligible in the absence of CCCP. The same results were obtained when the osmolarity was increased by N-methylglucamine-maleic acid. In addition to adapting itself to the hyperosmotic rich medium, E. coli adapted itself to hyperosmolarity in a minimal medium containing CCCP, again with a lag time. Hyperosmotic shock decreased the internal level of potassium ion rather than causing the accumulation of external potassium ion in the presence of CCCP. The internal amount of glutamic acid increased in cells growing in hyperosmotic medium in the presence and absence of CCCP. Large elevations in levels of other amino acids were not observed in the cells adapted to hyperosmolarity. Trehalose was detected only in hyperosmosis-stressed cells in the presence and absence of CCCP. These results suggest that E. coli can adapt to changes in the environmental osmolarity with a negligible accumulation of osmolytes from the external milieu but that the accumulation may promote the adaptation.  相似文献   

For phenotypic expression of nif+Kp genes in Escherichia coli K-12, the anaerobic electron transport system to fumarate must be functional. The role of the fumarate reduction system is to energize the membrane and thus provide the energy necessary for nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase from Escherichia coli was reconstituted into liposomes from phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidic acid. The proteoliposomes were energized by an acid-base transition and a K(+)/valinomycin diffusion potential, and one second after energization, the electrochemical proton gradient was dissipated by uncouplers, and the ATP hydrolysis measurement was started. In the presence of ADP and P(i), the initial rate of ATP hydrolysis was up to 9-fold higher with pre-energized proteoliposomes than with proteoliposomes that had not seen an electrochemical proton gradient. After dissipating the electrochemical proton gradient, the high rate of ATP hydrolysis decayed to the rate without pre-energization within about 15 s. During this decay the enzyme carried out approximately 100 turnovers. In the absence of ADP and P(i), the rate of ATP hydrolysis was already high and could not be significantly increased by pre-energization. It is concluded that ATP hydrolysis is inhibited when ADP and P(i) are bound to the enzyme and that a high Delta mu(H(+)) is required to release ADP and P(i) and to convert the enzyme into a high activity state. This high activity state is metastable and decays slowly when Delta mu(H(+)) is abolished. Thus, the proton motive force does not only supply energy for ATP synthesis but also regulates the fraction of active enzymes.  相似文献   

The energy requirement for protein translocation across membrane was studied with inverted membrane vesicles from an Escherichia coli strain that lacks all components of F1F0-ATPase. An ompF-lpp chimeric protein was used as a model secretory protein. Translocation of the chimeric protein into membrane vesicles was totally inhibited in the presence of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) or valinomycin and nigericin and partially inhibited when either valinomycin or nigericin alone was added. Depletion of ATP with glucose and hexokinase resulted in the complete inhibition of the translocation process, and the inhibition was suppressed by the addition of ATP-generating systems such as phosphoenolpyruvate-pyruvate kinase or creatine phosphate-creatine kinase. These results indicate that both the proton motive force and ATP are required for the translocation process. The results further suggest that both the membrane potential and the chemical gradient of protons (delta pH), of which the proton motive force is composed, participate in the translocation process.  相似文献   

The basal proton motive force (PMF) levels and the influence of the bacteriocin nisin on the PMF were determined in Listeria monocytogenes Scott A. In the absence of nisin, the interconversion of the pH gradient (Z delta pH) and the membrane potential (delta psi) led to the maintenance of a fairly constant PMF at -160 mV over the external pH range 5.5 to 7.0. The addition of nisin at concentrations of greater than or equal to 5 micrograms/ml completely dissipated PMF in cells at external pH values of 5.5 and 7.0. With 1 microgram of nisin per ml, delta pH was completely dissipated but delta psi decreased only slightly. The action of nisin on PMF in L. monocytogenes Scott A was both time and concentration dependent. Valinomycin depleted only delta pH, whereas nigericin and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone depleted only delta psi, under conditions in which nisin depleted both. Four other L. monocytogenes strains had basal PMF parameters similar to those of strain Scott A. Nisin (2.5 micrograms/ml) also completely dissipated PMF in these strains.  相似文献   

When 50 microM carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP), a protonophore, was added to growth medium containing glucose at pH 7.5, Escherichia coli TK1001 (trkD1 kdpABC5) started exponential growth after 30 min; the generation time was 70 min at 37 degrees C. Strain AS1 (acrA), another strain derived from E. coli K-12, also grew in the presence of 50 microM CCCP under the same conditions, except that the lag period was ca. 3 h. When this strain was grown in the presence of 50 microM CCCP and then transferred to fresh medium containing 50 microM CCCP, cells grew without any lag. Neither a membrane potential nor a pH gradient was detected in strain AS1 cells growing in the presence of CCCP. When either succinate or lactate was substituted for glucose, these strains did not grow in the presence of 50 microM CCCP. Thus, it is suggested that E. coli can grow in the absence of a proton motive force when glucose is used as an energy source at pH 7.5.  相似文献   

Amensal indirect interactions between a Klebsiella pneumoniae microcin-producing strain and several Escherichia coli strains, all of intestinal origin, were studied. Mixed batch cultures of both microcin-producing and microcin-sensitive strains showed that microcin production and excretion into the medium allowed the producer strain to prevail over sensitive strains, even when initial competition conditions were highly unfavourable for the producer. Mixed cultures also showed the production of a microcin-antagonist by the same microcin-producing strain when the nutrients in the medium had been depleted. The antagonist apparently promoted the viability of sensitive cells already damaged by microcin. These results have likely ecological implications.  相似文献   

Hybrids were constructed between E. coli K12 chl? mutants defective in nitrate respiration and an F′ plasmid carrying nitrogen fixation genes from K. pneumoniae. Examination of these hybrids showed that expression of nifKp+ genes does not require a functional nitrate respiratory system, but that nitrate reductase and nitrogenase do share some Mo-processing functions. For nitrate repression of nitrogenase activity, reduction of nitrate to nitrite is not necessary, but the Mo-X cofactor encoded by chl genes is essential. Nitrate probably inhibits nitrogen fixation by affecting the membrane relationship of the nitrate and fumarate reduction systems such that the membrane cannot be energized for nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   

It was shown that infection of E. coli cells by phage T4 is suppressed, when the cells are treated by oxidative phosphorylation uncouplers. The inhibiting effects of the uncouplers manifest themselves at the stage of phage DNA entry into the cells. Study of the E. coli cells devoid of their H+-ATPase activity due to mutation showed that the infection is suppressed by a switch-off of the respiratory chain, the only generator of the proton motive force (PMF) in mutated cells. Infection of the E. coli cells containing intact H+-ATPase occured even in the case when the respiratory chain activity was inhibited. The kinetic studies showed that generation of PMF is necessary during phage DNA transport into the cells and is indispensable for phage DNA entry into bacterial cells.  相似文献   

Oxygen taxis and proton motive force in Azospirillum brasilense.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The microaerophilic nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense formed a sharply defined band in a spatial gradient of oxygen. As a result of aerotaxis, the bacteria were attracted to a specific low concentration of oxygen (3 to 5 microM). Bacteria swimming away from the aerotactic band were repelled by the higher or lower concentration of oxygen that they encountered and returned to the band. This behavior was confirmed by using temporal gradients of oxygen. The cellular energy level in A. brasilense, monitored by measuring the proton motive force, was maximal at 3 to 5 microM oxygen. The proton motive force was lower at oxygen concentrations that were higher or lower than the preferred oxygen concentration. Bacteria swimming toward the aerotactic band would experience an increase in the proton motive force, and bacteria swimming away from the band would experience a decrease in the proton motive force. It is proposed that the change in the proton motive force is the signal that regulates positive and negative aerotaxis. The preferred oxygen concentration for aerotaxis was similar to the preferred oxygen concentration for nitrogen fixation. Aerotaxis is an important adaptive behavioral response that can guide these free-living diazotrophs to the optimal niche for nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

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