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Many methods have been proposed for removing contaminating host cells from mouse peritoneal exudates infected with Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. Of these, eight established methods were compared. They were density gradients, sonication and trypsin digestion, differential centrifugation, haemolysin digestion, filtration through glass wool and cellulose columns, and sintered glass and polycarbonate filtration. The methods were assessed for zoite recovery, host cell removal, effect on zoite viability and antigenic integrity, time, cost, and ease. They were almost all capable of removing >90% of the mouse leucocytes, but in some cases this resulted in low zoite recoveries. The sonication and trypsin method produced the best zoite recovery and highest purity, but appeared to affect zoite viability and antigenic integrity. The haemolysin digestion procedure has been adopted by our laboratory because of its high recovery of zoites, and it is inexpensive, quick, and easy to perform.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii: lymphocyte function during acute infection in mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
T-cell function during acute Toxoplasma gondii infection was evaluated in murine models. Blastogenic response to the T-cell mitogen concanavalin A (Con A) was not depressed during infection with either the C37 or the C56 strain of T. gondii in either BALBc or C57BL6J mice that were inoculated either intravenously or intraperitoneally with varying doses of tachyzoites 7, 14, or 30 days earlier. In evaluation of lymphocytes from individual mice, utilization of a range of concentrations of Con A was found to be important for correct interpretation of results. There was variability in the magnitude of response of individual mice and in the concentration of mitogen that produced an optimal response among the inbred mice. The T-cell-dependent, primary antibody response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) was not depressed in BALBc mice infected with the C37 strain of Toxoplasma 1 and 8 days prior to inoculation with SRBC. A lower blastogenic reponse to Con A of lymphocytes from C57BL6J mice compared with that of BALBc mice appeared to correlate with increased susceptibility of C57BL6J mice to low-challenge inocula of T. gondii.  相似文献   

Yields of Trypanosoma congolense grown in rats may be increased by placing the rats in a 37 °C environment for 1 hr prior to sacrifice. A further increase in the number of parasites recovered per rat may be achieved by replacement of blood removed by a lactated Ringer's solution with 5% glucose as the rat is being bled from the abdominal aorta. The Ringer's solution serves to maintain intravascular volume during the bleeding procedure and thereby prevents premature cardiac arrest. Erythrocytes in infected blood may be then lysed by raising and rapidly lowering the osmolarity of the blood. This permits separation of the trypanosomes from 95% of the erythrocytes by differential centrifugation. The remaining blood cell contamination may then be removed on a small DEAE-cellulose column. The purified trypanosomes are motile, infective, and intact as judged by electron microscopy. More than 1010 purified T. congolense can be obtained from three adult rats by these methods.  相似文献   

When purified Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites were treated with hemolysin, DNase, and RNase, the organisms yielded a three-component system containing the outer membrane (pellicle), microtubules, and conoid in relatively normal morphological configuration. Further treatment of this preparation with protease digested all but the pellicle which was more collapsed in appearance. These two preparations were used in rabbit anti-toxoplasma and goat anti-rabbit ferritin labeling experiments. The three-component system showed ferritin label on the conoid and equal ferritin label on the outer and inner surfaces of the pellicle. The microtubules were unlabeled. The pellicle after protease treatment was labeled equally on its outer and inner surfaces, which indicated that the rabbit anti-toxoplasma serum contained antibodies against antigens on the outer and inner surfaces of the pellicle.  相似文献   

The ability of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites to penetrate erythroid-differentiating Friend erythroleukemia cells (FL cells) was examined in vitro. The parasites were incubated for 4 hr with FL cells which had been induced to synthesize spectrin, a major erythrocyte membrane protein, or hemoglobin by culturing the cells in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or sodium butyrate. The penetration rate, in terms of both the average number of T. gondii per cell and the percentage of cells containing parasities, observed in the DMSO-treated FL cells was depressed as compared with that found in untreated cells. However, this depression was not related to the presence of spectrin or hemoglobin. This conclusion was based on the fact that the penetration rate in the butyrate-treated cells was the same as that in untreated cells. These results suggest that it is not the presence of spectrin and hemoglobin that inhibits penetration by T. gondii. The failure of T. gondii to enter mammalian erythrocytes is discussed in relation to surface changes in FL cells undergoing erythroid differentiation.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 consistently induced the exit of Toxoplasma gondii trophozoites from cultured macrophages which they had recently infected. Following exit of toxoplasmas, the host macrophages underwent degeneration. A23187 was active at concentrations higher than 0.25 μM and the activity reached a plateau at the concentration of 1.0 μM. Noninfected macrophages or those engulfing heat-killed toxoplasmas, or some other particles, were not affected by treatment with A23187. The toxoplasmas exiting host cells were capable of infecting and proliferating in normal macrophages. The A23187-mediated exit of toxoplasmas proceeded despite external Ca2+ and was enhanced by the addition of ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) in the reaction mixture. On the other hand, the A23187-mediated exit of toxoplasmas was inhibited significantly by exogenous Mg2+.  相似文献   

A liquid medium was developed for the continuous cultivation of Trypanosoma cruzi. Among the several highly purified macromolecules tested only bovine liver catalase, horseradish peroxidase, lactoperoxidase, and bovine hemoglobin supported the continuous growth, at high yield, of mice-virulent Trypanosoma cruzi; other hemoproteins were inactive. Bovine liver catalase showed optimal Trypanosoma cruzi growth-promoting activity, parasites reaching 20 × 106 parasites/ml (95% epimastigotes) at about 10 days in most of the 45 subpassages to date. Furthermore, this protein in the incubation medium provided all the amino acid requirements of actively growing parasites, thus eliminating the need for exogeneous free amino acids. Additional experiments revealed that the hemoprotein's growth-promoting activity was independent of any enzymatic activity and that reconstituting the exact protein composition by means of exogeneous amino acids did not support parasite multiplication, suggesting the importance of the primary structure of the active proteins for growth-promoting activity. These active macromolecules supported the multiplication of five different strains of Trypanosoma cruzi, but did not support Leishmania brasiliensis or Leishmania mexicana proliferation, suggesting species specificity.  相似文献   

Fifteen strains of Plasmodium falciparum have been cultivated since 1979 using the Trager and Jensen method of continuous culture on isolates from malaria patients. One hundred and two drug sensitivity studies have been carried out on these strains using a semimicro test. Three isolates, initially resistant to chloroquine, adapted rapidly to in vitro cultivation and maintained their high level of resistance (ED50 above 660 nM). Eleven isolates, initially chloroquine sensitive (ED50 under 90 nM) became resistant to this drug (ED50 = 190 to 1950 nM) after the 2–15 weeks required for their adaptation to continuous culture. The resistance of these strains never decreased during the following 15 months of continuous culture. The sensitivity to quinine varied initially from one strain to another (ED50= 160 to 660 nM) and fluctuated during cultivation in the ratio of 1, 3.5 for a given strain. The sensitivity of mefloquine remained high for all strains (ED50 under 150 nM) but one (ED50 = 560 nM). These results suggest that there might be a relationship between in vitro adaptation to culture of P. falciparum by the Trager-Jensen method and a chloroquine-resistant characteristic of the strain. There is the possibility of the emergence of a drug-resistant subpopulation or of changes in the metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and NO-derived reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are present in the food vacuole (FV) of Plasmodium falciparum trophozoites. The product of PFL1555w, a putative cytochrome b5, localizes in the FV membrane, similar to what was previously observed for the product of PF13_0353, a putative cytochrome b5 reductase. These two gene products may contribute to NO generation by denitrification chemistry from nitrate and/or nitrite present in the erythrocyte cytosol. The possible coordination of NO to heme species present in the food vacuole was probed by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The spectroscopic data revealed that in situ generated NO interacts with heme inside the intact FVs to form ferrous heme nitrosyl complexes that influence intra-vacuolar heme solubility. The formation of heme nitrosyl complexes within the FV is a previously unrecognized factor that could affect the equilibrium between soluble and crystallized heme within the FV in vivo.  相似文献   

Lysates of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes were able to hydrolyze casein (Km = 2.5 mg/ml) as well as bovine and human hemoglobins (Km = 12.2 mg/ml); there was optimum activity was around pH 7.0. The proteinase activity detected with these substrates was enhanced by sodium diaminotetraacetate (EDTA) and reducing agents (SO2?3, mercaptoethanol, cysteine) and was inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents, thus suggesting an SH-dependent enzyme. Purification (60×) of the proteinase was carried out as follows: (1) precipitation at ?20 C, pH 4.5, with 80% acetone, (2) gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, (3) affinity chromatography on Sepharose 4B covalently linked to p-aminophenyl mercuric acetate. Only a single component (with an estimated molecular weight of 60,000) was detected in purified preparations by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, in addition to the major component identified as a proteinase, crossed immunoelectrophoresis experiments indicated the presence of at least three other antigens that apparently were devoid of proteinase activity. Optimum pH activity of the purified preparations was around pH 6.0 for casein and pH 3.0 for hemoglobins, but these activities probably are due to the one enzyme since they were altered identically by the same agents.  相似文献   

This study shows the feasibility of using density gradient centrifugation in the “A” zonal rotor for large-scale purification of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites from the host cells of mouse peritoneal exudate. Ficoll and Dextran 40 were used as gradients. Using Ficoll gradient, up to 70% of the toxoplasms were recovered by pooling purified fractions with the peak fractions giving recoveries around 38%. In the experiment using dextran gradients Toxoplasma recovery was of 41%, but the band of host cells was not so sharply formed.  相似文献   

Three clones (H7, D7, and C5) were established from single cells of a bovine lymphoblastoid cell line (IR.TPM.1) infected with macroschizonts of the protozoan parasite Theileria parva. The cloning efficiency using feeder layers was 0.3–0.4. The mean parasite size (the number of parasite nuclei per cell) was different in each clone and was correlated to the growth rate. The fast growing clone, C5 (population doubling time 24 hr), contained smaller (mean parasite nuclear number, 12) parasites than a slow growing clone, D7 (population doubling time, 73 hr; mean number of parasite nuclei per cell, 35.3). The third clone, H7, had an intermediate growth rate (population doubling time, 49 hr) and parasite size (mean nuclei number, 18.1). There was variation in the incidence of microschizonts among the clones but microschizont-free clones were not isolated. When the clones were subjected to 4.3 × 10?7M aminopterin, 20–25% of the cell population of clones H7 and C5 and the uncloned parent line lost their parasites in 4 days, while it took 7 days to reach a similar result (31% parasite-free cells) in clone D7. We were unable to isolate parasite-free clones from cells treated with aminopterin. Hydroxyurea (4 × 10?4M) inhibited the growth of clone C5, but the macroschizonts continued to proliferate, and the incidence of cells with microschizonts increased. The size profile analysis showed that most of the aminopterin-treated cells were 9.0 μm, the hydroxyurea-treated cells 14.7 μm, and the untreated cells 10.8 μm in diameter.  相似文献   

An in vitro correlate of the binding in vivo of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes to capillary and venular endothelium, using cultured human endothelial cells and amelanotic melanoma cells, was previously developed. The effects of different times in continuous culture on binding of erythrocytes infected with nine different isolates of P. falciparum is now reported. Four isolates, which bound at the time they were first tested, rapidly lost the ability to bind after 26-43 days in culture. One of these, the Cameroun isolate, tested 12 h after the blood was obtained from the patient, had the highest rate of binding of all isolates (680 infected erythrocytes per 100 melanoma cells). After 37 days in culture, only 18 infected erythrocytes per 100 melanoma cells bound. Three isolates first tested after 30-62 days in culture bound poorly. In contrast, two others, the Vietnam (VI) and Brazil (It), continued to bind during the period of study. The Brazil (It) isolate studied after 43 days in culture bound 505 infected erythrocytes per 100 melanoma cells; its clone ItG2G1 continued to bind equally well after 400 days in culture. The ultrastructural morphology of knobs on the binding and nonbinding infected erythrocytes were indistinguishable. Since evidence from other studies indicates that knobs are necessary for binding to endothelium, it is proposed that some parasites in continuous culture may not express the molecules responsible for binding, although the morphologic knobs are still present.  相似文献   

Serial, in vitro passage of Toxoplasma gondii (Rh strain) was successfully performed in a cell line derived from ovine fetal kidney cells. Invasion of this parasite into the kidney cells was easily discernible 1 hr after inoculation. The subsequent proliferation of the parasite was followed in the cytoplasm of the kidney cells. Very active endodyogeny and rosette formations, as many as 13 in a cell, were observed in the cytoplasm of the kidney cells 48 hr postinoculation. After 96 hr of incubation, the parasite population had increased about 132-fold. The virulence of T. gondii against mice was not attenuated after 2 years of in vitro growth which represented 100 serial passages through the kidney cell cultures. Although no "exotoxin" was produced by T. gondii grown in vitro, a Toxoplasma sp. agar gel immunodiffusion test antigen was isolated from the cell-free supernatant fluid of the kidney cell cultures which was identical to an antigen isolated from "toxogenic" organisms harvested from infected mice.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of Leishmania major were isolated from an infected mouse in two media, blood agar and Schneider's medium + 30% fetal calf serum, and maintained continuously for over 1 year. Infectivity studies in two strains of mice, outbred CD1 strain and inbred BALB/c strain, showed that promastigotes grown in Schneider's medium maintained infectivity to BALB/c mice throughout the period of cultivation. Infectivity to CD1 strain mice was progressively lost. Promastigotes grown in blood agar medium, however, lost infectivity to both strains of mice at a faster rate than promastigotes grown in Schneider's medium.  相似文献   

A new procedure for isolating spontaneously released merozoites from in vitro cultures of Plasmodium falciparum (FVO and FCB strains) is described. The mature forms of relatively synchronous cultures containing predominantly trophozoites and few schizonts were concentrated with Plasmagel and then incubated at 37 C, without adding fresh red blood cells, until trophozoites matured into schizonts. Merozoites which were subsequently released were harvested and freed from host red blood cell material by low-speed centrifugations and nylon membrane sieves (3- and 1.2-μm pore size). From a culture containing about 5.2 × 109 mature-form parasites, a total of about 10.7 × 109 merozoites were released during three consecutive harvests and about 69% of these merozoites were recovered after the isolation and purification procedures. As demonstrated by both light and electron microscopy, most merozoites were morphologically intact and the merozoite preparations were free of host cell constituents. SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed the absence of host cell material and also showed that merozoites had a complex protein pattern of apparent molecular weights between 225 and 15 kdaltons. Such purified merozoite preparations will be invaluable for malaria immunization studies, for identification of protective antigens of P. falciparum, and for other immunological and biochemical studies.  相似文献   

A liquid medium containing a high concentration of water-soluble vitamins and ATP was developed for serial cultivation of Trypanosoma cruzi at 27–37 C; fetal bovine serum and trypticase were the only undefined substances in this medium. At 27 C, Trypanosoma cruzi grows primarily (over 99%) as epimastigotes with a population density reaching 92.7 × 106/ml after 12 days of incubation. During the first subculture at 37 C, many epimastigotes from the original inocula changed into metacyclic trypomastigotes after 48 hr; the trypomastigotes subsequently transformed into amastigotes by 96 hr. In the second passage at 48 hr, 57.8% of the organisms were trypomastigotes which changed into amastigotes by the end of the incubation period. The proportion of amastigotes in the third and subsequent passages increased steadily as the proportion of epimastigotes gradually diminished. Amastigotes thus obtained could be serially subcultured indefinitely, yielding population densities of over 3.0 × 107/ml of medium in 4–5 days at 37 C. Available evidence indicates that these amastigotes are morphologically and physiologically similar to intracellular amastigotes.  相似文献   

A semi-automated apparatus for the continuous cultivation of the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, was developed. It changes the culture medium and redistributes ths infected erythrocytes at preselected intervals. Parasitemias between 2 and 16% can be maintained by adding fresh erythrocytes every 2 or 3 days. This apparatus produces approximately 10 ml of packed erythrocytes per week with parasitemias between 12 and 16%  相似文献   

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