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We review the systematics of the Hypsiboas calcaratus species complex, a group of widely distributed Amazonian hylid frogs. A comprehensive analysis of genetic, morphological, and bioacoustic datasets uncovered the existence of eleven candidate species, six of which are confirmed. Two of them correspond to Hypsiboas fasciatus and Hypsiboas calcaratus and the remaining four are new species that we describe here. Hypsiboas fasciatus sensu stricto has a geographic range restricted to the eastern Andean foothills of southern Ecuador while Hypsiboas calcaratus sensu stricto has a wide distribution in the Amazon basin. Hypsiboas almendarizae sp. n. occurs at elevations between 500 and 1950 m in central and northern Ecuador; the other new species (H. maculateralis sp. n., H. alfaroi sp. n., and H. tetete sp. n.) occur at elevations below 500 m in Amazonian Ecuador and Peru. The new species differ from H. calcaratus and H. fasciatus in morphology, advertisement calls, and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Five candidate species from the Guianan region, Peru, and Bolivia are left as unconfirmed. Examination of the type material of Hyla steinbachi, from Bolivia, shows that it is not conspecific with H. fasciatus and thus is removed from its synonymy.  相似文献   

Köhler, J., Koscinski, D., Padial, J. M., Chaparro, J. C., Handford, P., Lougheed, S. C. & De la Riva, I. (2010). Systematics of Andean gladiator frogs of the Hypsiboas pulchellus species group (Anura, Hylidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 572–590. We revisit the taxonomic status of Andean species and populations of frogs of the Hypsiboas pulchellus group using multiple lines of evidence potentially indicative of evolutionary lineage divergence in anurans: differences in qualitative morphological or bioacoustic character states, no overlap in quantitative characters of advertisement calls, and monophyly of gene genealogies. We found qualitative and quantitative morphological characters to be extremely variable among species and populations of the group and thus of very limited use in assessing lineage divergence. In contrast, phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA and cytochrome b sequences resolved highly supported clades that are in concordance with bioacoustic differences. The results support the specific distinctness of most nominal species recognized in the group, including the Bolivian Hypsiboas balzani and Hypsiboas callipleura, two species that were considered to be synonymous, and revealed the presence of an undescribed species from southern Peru, which is here described as Hypsiboas gladiator sp. n. In contrast, Hypsiboas andinus and Hypsiboas riojanus were mutually paraphyletic, and showed no differences in morphology and acoustic characters. Consequently, we regard the former as a junior synonym of the latter. However, we discovered that populations of H. riojanus from central Bolivia exhibit some degree of genetic differentiation and advertisement call differences with respect to Argentine populations, but sampling of these Bolivian populations is too sparse to draw taxonomic conclusions. Our phylogenetic results support the hypothesis that ancestral lineages of the Andean H. pulchellus group experienced successive splitting events along a latitudinal gradient from north to south.  相似文献   

We describe the tadpole of Scinax aromothyella from the surroundings of Quebrada de los Cuervos, Departamento de Treinta y Tres, Uruguay. It shares with other larvae of the Scinax catharinae clade the slightly depressed body, a dextral vent tube that reaches the free margin of the ventral fin, and the oral disc with a dorsal gap in the marginal row of papillae and with a concave posterior edge. It is most similar to the tadpole of Scinax berthae, from which it differs in the larger total length of S. aromothyella.

Describimos la larva de Scinax aromothyella de los alrededores de la Quebrada de los Cuervos, Departamento de Treinta y Tres, Uruguay. Comparte con las larvas de otras especies del clado de Scinax catharinae el tener el cuerpo levemente deprimido, el tubo proctodeal dextro que alcanza el borde libre de la aleta ventral, y el disco oral con un claro rostral en la hilera de papilas marginales y con su borde posterior cóncavo. Es muy parecida a la larva de Scinax berthae, de la que difiere en la mayor longitud total de S. aromothyella.  相似文献   

Environmental and morphological factors and social context influence the vocalizations of anuran species. Herein, we observed the acoustic behavior of Hypsiboas goianus males from Central Brazil and analyzed the following calls: advertisement, short aggressive and long aggressive. The acoustic parameters of advertisement calls were not correlated with air temperature, mass or snout–vent length; however, the acoustic parameters of short aggressive calls were influenced by these variables. The temporal parameters of advertisement and short aggressive calls were classified as dynamic properties, while the dominant frequency was considered a static property. Dominant frequency is the most important variable to discriminate calls among individuals.  相似文献   

Scinax species are still underrepresented in cytogenetic studies, mainly with respect to populations from northeastern and northern Brazil. In this study, we provide new chromosomal information on Scinax boesemani, S. camposseabrai, S. garbei, S. pachycrus, S. trilineatus and S. x-signatus, all belonging to clade S. ruber. They were collected at two locations in the Caatinga biome (northeastern Brazil) and at one in the Amazon (northern Brazil) biomes. Chromosomes were analyzed by conventional staining, C-banding, Ag-NOR staining, and fluorochrome staining. All species shared a modal diploid value of 2n = 24 and fundamental arm number (FN) of 48. Moreover, both chromosomal size and morphology were similar to other species in this Scinaxclade. C-banding revealed centromeric heterochromatin in all species, along with terminal species-specific C-bands in some species. Active nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) were identified at 11q in most species, except for S. boesemani and S. garbei (Ag-NORs at interstitial region of 8q). Differing from most anurans, GC-rich regions were not restricted to NORs, but also coincident with some centromeric and terminal C-bands. These data contribute to the cytotaxonomy of Scinax by providing chromosomal markers and demonstrating the occurrence of microstructural rearrangements and inversions on chromosomal evolution of Scinax.  相似文献   

Summary (1) Scanning electron microscopy and vascular casting were used to study the morphology and vascular anatomy of the fully developed internal gills of Litoria ewingii tadpoles. — (2) The four pairs of gills were located in two branchial baskets on either side of the heart. Each gill consisted of a branchial arch with gill tufts projecting ventrally and gill filters running dorsally. The gills bore a variable number of gill tufts in which a complex three-dimensional array of capillary loops, of varying lengths and diameters, was trailed in the path of the ventilatory current. — (3) The evidence presented in this paper suggests that the gill tufts have greater potential as gas exchangers than either the gill filters or skin. — (4) The study revealed structural and functional evidence for the existence of branchial shunts between afferent and efferent branchial arteries.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analyses were done on specimens of Hyla marginata and on three populations of H. semiguttata differing in morphology and in the physical parameters of their advertisement call, as well as in individuals of Hyla sp. (aff. semiguttata). All specimens had 2n=24 chromosomes with a morphology very similar to that of other 24-chromosome Hyla species. Hyla semiguttata and H. marginata showed the same C-banding pattern but were distinguished by the location of the NOR on pair 1 in H. semiguttata (in the three populations) and Hyla sp. (aff. semiguttata), and on pair 10 in H. marginata. The H. semiguttata populations did not differ cytogenetically, despite variations in their morphology and advertisement calls. Similarly, H. semiguttata and H. p. joaquini studied previously had identical C-banding patterns and NOR locations, suggesting that they are very closely related.  相似文献   

Herein, we provide external and internal morphological data of Scinax skuki tadpoles from its type locality. The benthic tadpole of S. skuki has eyes and nostrils positioned dorsally, vent tube dextral and reaching the free margin of the ventral fin, oral disk ventral with posterior margin concave when partially closed, labial tooth row formula 2/3, and the presence of nonpigmented spurs behind the lower jaw. These characters, together with the absence of a tectum parietale, and the shapes of the pars articularis quadrati and suprarostral, are useful for species identification and may be informative for systematic purposes.  相似文献   

The hyolaryngeal apparatus includes the arytenoid, cricoid and hyoid cartilages, and varied sizes and shapes can be distinguished between species. Although the larynx is an important morphological structure for sound production in frogs, few studies describe the structures and processes of its parts in hylids. We studied the hyolaryngeal anatomy of both males and females of Scinax ruber (Laurenti, 1768), using clearing and double staining methods, comparing it with that of Scinax wandae (Pyburn and Fouquette, 1971), Scinax kennedyi (Pyburn, 1973) and other hylid species. We found that S. ruber has the largest arytenoid cartilage of any species of the subfamily Scinaxinae studied to date. We described both the laryngeal differences among three Scinax species and the interspecific variability in the shapes of the projections of the arytenoid in the males of these species. The taxonomic characters (presence/absence of processes of the cartilage of Santorini, oesophageal process or bronchial processes) described here can play a key role in differentiating these species from Scinax species and from other species. In addition, we want to contribute to the natural history and comparison of the larynges in Scinax and within the genus and the Hylidae.  相似文献   

The genus Phyllomedusa has been the target of regular taxonomic investigations. The species Phyllomedusa nordestina was recently separated from P. hypochondrialis. Morphological variations in the P. rohdei interpopulation have already been reported, suggesting the existence of more than one taxon under that name. In the present study, we have cytogenetically characterized two populations of P. nordestina and one of P. rohdei. Both species displayed 2n = 26 chromosomes with 12 metacentric, 12 submetacentric and 2 subtelocentric chromosomes. The C-banding analyses revealed discrete differences in the quantity of centromeric heterochromatin between the two species. The nucleolus organizer region (NOR) was detected in pair 9 of both species, but is located in the pericentromeric region of the short arm in P. nordestina and in the long arm subtelomeric region of P. rohdei. Chromosomal data from this study indicate karyotypic homeology between the two groups of P. hypochondrialis species and suggest the existence of more than one taxon under the P. rohdei name.  相似文献   

Scinax fuscomarginatus, Scinax parkeri, Scinax trilineatus, Scinax lutzorum, and Scinax pusillus are morphologically similar species with controversial taxonomy associated with open formations of South America east of the Andes. We used external morphology, advertisement call, and molecular sequences to assess the taxonomy of these species. Phylogenetic analysis of molecular data showed a well‐supported monophyletic group divided into two main clades and several subclades. Specimens of Hyla madeirae (synonym of S. fuscomarginatus) and those from Serra do Cachimbo correspond to distinct subclades, whereas the currently valid species were grouped into a single clade. This clade showed a marked substructure, but concordance of the recognized species to subclades was limited, showing S. fuscomarginatus to be paraphyletic with respect to S. parkeri, S. trilineatus, S. lutzorum, and S. pusillus. The high intrapopulation and intraspecific variation found in morphological characters did not allow us to differentiate amongst the currently recognized species. Similarly, none of them was distinguishable by morphometric analysis or advertisement call. Based on multiple evidence, we propose the synonymy of S. parkeri, S. trilineatus, S. lutzorum, and S. pusillus with S. fuscomarginatus, the revalidation of H. madeirae, and describe the specimens from Serra do Cachimbo as a new species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

We describe the sperm ultrastructure of three species of frogs in the genus Phyllomedusa . According to micrographs, total size of the spermatozoon of Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis is significantly smaller than those of Phyllomedusa bicolor and Phyllomedusa tarsius . The acrosome complex consists of two conical structures covering the nucleus, the acrosome vesicle and the subacrosomal cone. The subacrosomal cone of P. bicolor and P. tarsius is less electron-dense and appears more granular in transverse section than in P. hypochondrialis . In P. bicolor and P. tarsius , the nuclear space is reduced and the subacrosomal cone fills most of the space between the acrosome vesicle and nucleus. The anterior region of the nucleus in the spermatozoa of P. bicolor and P. tarsius ends abruptly, while in P . hypochondrialis it is sharp-ended. In P. bicolor and P. tarsius , the axial fibre is much larger than in P . hypochondrialis . The sperm ultrastructure of Phyllomedusa appears conservative at the intrageneric level. Future studies on the sperm ultrastructure of hylids can provide new insights on the systematics of the group and a larger database for a cladistic analysis.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Hyla pulchella species group was performed to test its monophyly, explore the interrelationships of its species, and evaluate the validity of the taxa that were considered subspecies of H. pulchella. Approximately 2.8 kb from the mitochondrial genes 12s, tRNA valine, 16s, and Cytochrome b were sequenced. The analysis included 50 terminals representing 10 of the 14-15 species currently recognized in the H. pulchella group, including samples from several localities for some taxa, several outgroups, as well as two species previously suspected to be related with the group (Hyla guentheri and Hyla bischoffi). The results show that the H. pulchella and Hyla circumdata groups are distantly related, and, therefore, should be recognized as separate groups. As currently defined, the H. pulchella group is paraphyletic with respect to the Hyla polytaenia group; therefore, we recognize the Hyla polytaenia clade in the H. pulchella group. Two subspecies of H. pulchella recognized by some authors are considered full species including Hyla pulchella riojana because it is only distantly related to H. pulchella, and Hyla pulchella cordobae because molecular and non-molecular evidence suggests that it is specifically distinct. With the inclusion of the H. polytaenia clade, H. guentheri, and H. bischoffi, and the recognition of the two former subspecies of H. pulchella as distinct species, the H. pulchella group now comprises 25 described species. All representatives of the H. pulchella group with an Andean distribution are monophyletic and nested within a clade from the Atlantic forest from south-southeastern Brazil/northeastern Argentina, and Cerrado gallery forest from central Brazil.  相似文献   

We present a new phylogeny, based on DNA sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear genes, for frogs of the genus Osteocephalus with emphasis in the Osteocephalus buckleyi species complex. Genetic, morphologic, and advertisement call data are combined to define species boundaries and describe new species. The phylogeny shows strong support for: (1) a basal position of Osteocephalus taurinus + Osteocephalus oophagus, (2) a clade containing phytotelmata breeding species, and (3) a clade that corresponds to the Osteocephalus buckleyi species complex. Our results document a large proportion of hidden diversity within a set of populations that were previously treated as a single, widely distributed species, Osteocephalus buckleyi. Individuals assignable to Osteocephalus buckleyi formed a paraphyletic group relative to Osteocephalus verruciger and Osteocephalus cabrerai and contained four species, one of which is Osteocephalus buckleyi sensu stricto and three are new. Two of the new species are shared between Ecuador and Peru (Osteocephalus vilmae sp. n. and Osteocephalus cannatellai sp. n.) and one is distributed in the Amazon region of southern Peru (Osteocephalus germani sp. n.) We discuss the difficulties of using morphological characters to define species boundaries and propose a hypothesis to explain them.  相似文献   

A new member of the genus Osteocephalus is described from the Pakaraima mountains of western Guyana. This species is the smallest known member of the genus and is probably closely related to O. subtilis. Both share a small size (less than 40 mm snout-vent length), large and bulgy eyes directed somewhat rostrally, green bones, smooth and brownish dorsal skin, relatively short and truncate snout, small tympanum, subgular and laterally expanded vocal sac, poorly developed subarticular and supernumerary tubercles, a supra-anal glandular ridge, and cream-white venter and subocular region. The new species can be distinguished from O. subtilis by the Buff iris (vs black), smaller overall size (32.7 vs 35.8-38.8 mm snout-vent length), relatively larger toe disks, and less developed foot webbing. The cranium of the new species is well ossified, relatively reduced in width between the orbits, without an exposed frontoparietal fontanelle and with the anterior arm of the squamosal extending to about half the distance to the maxillary. The vocal sac is subgularly poorly developed and possess lateral extensions to the area behind the jaw angles. Well developed supraocular and suprasquamosal cartilages give support to the enlarged eyes of this species.  相似文献   

Acute toxicity and genotoxicity of imidacloprid (IMI) was evaluated on Hypsiboas pulchellus (Anura: Hylidae) tadpoles exposed under laboratory conditions. A lethal effect was used as the end point for lethality, whereas the frequency of micronuclei (MNs) and DNA single-strand breaks evaluated by the single cell gel electrophoresis assay were employed as end points for genotoxicity. Experiments were performed on tadpoles at stage 36 (range, 35–37) according to the classification proposed by Gosner. Mortality studies revealed an LC50 (96 h) value of 84.91 mg/L IMI (95% confidence limits, 77.20–93.04). While increased frequency of MNs was observed when 15 and 30 mg/L were assayed for 48 h, only 15 mg/L increased the frequency of MNs in tadpoles exposed for 96 h. Furthermore, other nuclear abnormalities, i.e., binucleated cells and blebbed and notched nuclei, were induced in tadpoles exposed for both 48 h when treated with 15 mg/L and 96 h when treated with 15 and 30 mg/L. An increase in the genetic damage index was observed in tadpoles treated with 30 mg/L for 48 and 96 h. This study represents the first evidence of acute lethal and sublethal effects exerted by IMI on tadpoles of an amphibian species native to Argentina. Finally, our findings highlight the hazardous properties of this insecticide for nontarget living species exposed to this agrochemical.  相似文献   

The leaf or monkey frogs of the hylid subfamily Phyllomedusinae are a unique group of charismatic anurans. We present a molecular phylogenetic analysis that includes 45 of the 60 species of phyllomedusines using up to 12 genes and intervening tRNAs. The aims were to gain a better understanding of the phylogenetic position of Phrynomedusa, test the monophyly and explore the relationships among several putative lineages (Hylomantis, the H. buckleyi Group, Phasmahyla, the four species groups of Phyllomedusa, and the species of Phyllomedusa that remain unassigned to any group), and to examine the implications of our phylogeny for the evolution of several characters in phyllomedusines. The analyses resulted in a well‐supported phylogenetic hypothesis that provides a historical framework for a discussion of the evolution of characters associated with reproductive biology, gliding behaviour, the physiology of waterproofing, and bioactive peptides. Implications include an earlier origin for eggless capsules than for leaf‐folding behaviour during amplexus, two independent origins of gliding, and an earlier origin of reduction in evaporative water loss than uricotelism, which is a result that originally was predicted on the basis of physiology alone. Furthermore, our results support the prediction that bioactive peptides from different peptide families are to be expected in all species of Phyllomedusinae. Hylomantis (as recently redefined) is shown to be paraphyletic and the synonymy of Agalychnis is revised to remedy this problem by including both Hylomantis and Pachymedusa. © The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

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