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R. Howell 《Hydrobiologia》1985,123(3):245-249
The freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex was sampled from several sites in Northumberland, England and analysed for total body zinc and cadmium concentrations.The toxicity of cadmium to animals from the different sites was determined and a positive relationship was found between the initial total body zinc concentration and the ability to survive in an artificial medium containing 0.5 mg 1–1 cadmium as cadmium sulphate.Exposure in the laboratory to a low concentration of zinc (0.01 mg 1–1) as zinc sulphate for two weeks resulted in a decreased susceptibility to cadmium poisoning.  相似文献   

J. B. Keiper  B. A. Foote 《Hydrobiologia》1996,339(1-3):137-139
An effective rearing chamber for aquatic insects can be made from inexpensive commercially available products. An angled air line is attached to a round 400 ml Rubbermaid® dish with a snap-on lid to create a circular flow with bubbles. The lid included with the dish can be modified to accept a tube with fine mesh screen at one end for capturing emerging adults. This chamber is a reliable and effective technique for studying larval behavior and obtaining adults for species identification.  相似文献   

Group living has evolved as an adaptation to predation in many animal species. In a multitude of vertebrates, the tendency to aggregate varies with the risk of predation, but experimental evidence for this is less well known in invertebrates. Here, we examine the tendency to aggregate in the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex in the absence and presence of predator fish odour. Without fish odour, the gammarids showed no significant tendency to aggregate. In contrast to this, in fish-conditioned water, they significantly preferred to stay close to conspecifics. Predation risk can, thus, influence gammarids social behaviour.  相似文献   

Mark Crane 《Hydrobiologia》1994,281(2):91-100
Gammarus pulex were sampled from five English streams during April 1992. The population density, number of precopula pairs and incidence of parasitic infection were recorded, and the biomass was estimated from subsamples by relating body area to dry weight. Physical and chemical measurements were taken from each stream. The abundance and standing crop biomass differed significantly between streams, probably due to the influence of pollutants or the physical structure of the stream bed. The size of individual G. pulex also differed significantly between streams, although there was no obvious causal explanation for this. Few individuals were visibly parasitised in any of the populations. Males were significantly larger than females, both in precopula pairs and in the general populations. The sex ratio differed between populations and may explain inter-stream differences in the relationship between precopula male and female size.  相似文献   

Freeze dehydration provides instant immobilisation and fixation of living materials to capture particular events and avoids the need for dehydration through an ethanol series for SEM viewing. Examples of the technique are given from freshwater epiphytic and epizoic communities. The species and community architectures found show the great need which exists for the study of the biology of these systems in their natural, undisrupted states.  相似文献   

A sorting device for automatic sorting of benthic invertebrates into size groups is described. The animals are placed in the top of the apparatus and move downwards until they are unable to move further down. The advantages are less possibility of injuring animals and large yield of experimental animals with little effort. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Naylor  Caroline  Maltby  Lorraine  Calow  Peter 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):517-523
Although toxic substances affect the physiological processes of individual organisms, their ecological impacts occur at the population and community levels. However, physiological processes can often be assessed more easily and precisely than population and community ones. Here we argue that scope for growth, the difference between the energy input to an organism from its food and the output from respiratory metabolism, can give a good physiological measure of stress that, at least in principle, is straightforwardly related to population and community processes. We describe, in detail, how scope for growth can be measured in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda). The results indicate that both zinc and low pH can significantly reduce the scope for growth of individuals and that the most sensitive component of the energy budget is food absorption.  相似文献   

Grygier  Mark J. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,294(1):23-34
In 1990 and 1991 the distribution of the genus Gammarus was examined in the River Hunte and its tributaries (Lower Saxony, northern Germany). In contrast to data from the literature, Gammarus fossarum and G. roeseli were just as abundant as G. pulex, which had been known to inhabit rivers and brooks in northern Germany. G. pulex was most frequent (1900 at 57 out of 70 and 1991 at 37 out of 39 sampling sites) followed by G. fossarum (at 52 and 32 sampling sites, respectively), whereas G. roeseli was locally restricted (at 7 and 6 sampling sites, respectively). G. fossarum and G. pulex were distributed up to the level of the city of Oldenburg; further north their distribution is limited by tidal influences and they are replaced by G. zaddachi. The possibility of using gammarids as indicators of water quality, as it has been done in low mountain ranges, is discussed.  相似文献   

韭菜迟眼蕈蚊简便人工饲养技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了以鲜净韭菜假茎为饲料,温度为20~25℃,相对湿度为50~70%条件下,可正常累代饲养韭菜迟眼簟蚊幼虫及繁殖后代的方法。用该方法经14代累代饲养的韭菜迟眼簟蚊,各代幼虫成活率、幼虫历期、平均蛹重、羽化率、单雌产卵量及孵化率均无明显差异,证明了方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

Introduction of sculpins into a stream previously devoid of these predators significantly reduced drift rate of Gammarus pulex. The drift of insect larvae was not affected. High amounts of exudates after implantation of sculpins were probably responsible for the low number of drifting G. pulex specimens. Laboratory experiments confirmed reduced locomotory activity of G. pulex when exposed to caged sculpins, an observation that excludes reduced drift activity as a result only of predation.The average size of drifting G. pulex specimens was larger during the night than during the day. This result is in accordance with the hypothesis that large individuals should, in relation to small ones, turn nocturnal because of greater predation risk during daytime. Presence of sculpins did not alter the size composition of drifting G. pulex.  相似文献   

Gut passage times in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda) were calculated by counting and measuring voided faecal pellets. Following feeding on elm leaves conditioned in a stream, or summer fine detritus from the same source, calculated gut passage times were usually short, about 2 h or less at 15 °C. Using harder oak and beech leaves, not previously conditioned in the stream, apparent gut passage times were much longer, 8–48 h, but since intermittent feeding occurred these figures are not comparable to the others.In connection with summer feeding of the animal in the stream, the microbiological status of the fine detritus there was studied. It contained fungal hyphae, which were mostly empty, viable fungal spores of terrestrial derivation, and bacteria, all largely carried on fragments of vascular plant tissues. In experiments, such fungal spores (of Aureobasidium pullulans and of Mucor sp.), incorporated into fine detritus, were not digested by the animal. The bacterium Bacillus cereus was present in the fine detritus and when the latter was consumed it survived passage through the gut of the animal. Using B. cereus as a proportion marker it was concluded that other unicellular bacteria in the fine detritus were not digested either. In other experiments, not immediately related to the summer season, nutrient extraction by the animal from hyphae of the fungus Nectria lugdunensis was examined; it probably occurs through sub-microscopic pores connecting the cells. This mode of extraction may apply when the animal consumes vascular plant tissues.  相似文献   

The use of clove oil as a potential anaesthetic for freshwater amphipods was examined at 20 °C. Individuals of Gammarus minus, a common species in southern Illinois, USA, spanning the entire body size range (4.3–14.3 mm), were used to test four anaesthetic concentrations varying from 1.48 × 10−4 ml ml−1 to 5.9 × 10−4 ml ml−1. Small-bodied individuals (mean size = 5.4 mm ± 0.27SE) were used to test additional concentrations, up to 14.7 × 10−4 ml ml−1, a 10-fold span, to identify potential lethal concentrations. At the lowest concentration, time to anaesthesia and recovery was constant at all body sizes. For the three next higher concentrations, time to anaesthesia decreased with increasing concentration while recovery time increased. Activity of amphipods was not affected by the ethanol carrier. In addition, activity did not differ between amphipods that had recovered from anaesthesia and unexposed amphipods. At clove oil concentrations of 8.84 × 10−4 ml ml−1 and 14.7 × 10−4 ml ml−1, mortality was 7 and 40%, respectively, indicating, that 5.9 × 10−4 ml ml−1 was a safe working concentration. No mortality was observed with Gammarus acherondytes, a federally endangered cave amphipod on which the protocol with 80 μl of stock was used in the field. The method enabled us to obtain information on the endangered amphipod which normally would have required the sacrifice of individuals. Thus, research can continue on species for which population numbers are low and for which basic information is needed to formulate meaningful recovery plans.  相似文献   

Classic studies have demonstrated that isolation- and peer-rearing in infancy can result in overt deficits in maternal behavior in rhesus monkeys, although nonmother-reared monkeys may become adequate caretakers if allowed experience with infants. Maternal styles in normally-reared mothers have been reported to vary widely. In the present study, the range of maternal proficiency of nonabusive, nonrejecting nonmother-reared mothers was examined. The behavior of mother-reared, peer-reared, and isolate-reared multiparous mothers was observed and compared for the first six months following parturition. Both peer-reared and isolate-reared mothers exhibited differences in maternal behavior from mother-reared mothers. Inasmuch as variations in maternal behavior may impact on the infant, investigators should be aware of the rearing histories of females used as breeders in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Five larval diets for laboratory rearing of Ceratitis capitata were tested. These diets were based on wheat bran, microcellulose, potato starch and agar. To evaluate the quality of diet, pupal rearing efficacy and pupal weight were checked. The best results were obtained with an agar based diet used for Manduca sexta laboratory rearing. To simplify the preparation and to reduce the cost of this diet, a new formulation was developed. Larvae reared on the new agar-based diet achieved higher pupal rearing efficacy than larvae reared on bran diet recently used in medfly mass rearing facilities. Heat treated medflies reared on the new agar-based diet achieved similar pupal rearing efficacy with heat treated medflies reared on bran diet. When testing population density, higher pupal rearing efficacy was again achieved on new diet. The highest pupal rearing efficacy was achieved with 100 eggs per 25 g of diet, lowest with 500 eggs per 25 g of diet. Concerning pupal weight, there was no difference in results achieved on Petri dishes with different larval population densities. Larvae reared on new agar-based diet reached better results than larvae reared on bran diet. The preparation of the new diet is simple and the cost is low, so it is good for laboratory tests and rearing.  相似文献   

饲养五种夜蛾科昆虫的一种简易人工饲料   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
陈其津  李广宏  庞义 《昆虫知识》2000,37(6):325-327
以黄豆粉、酵母粉及麦麸粉等为主要营养成分 ,研制和筛选出了一种既可工厂化饲养斜纹夜蛾幼虫 ,又可大量饲养甜菜夜蛾、银纹夜蛾、粉纹夜蛾和棉铃虫幼虫的简易人工半合成饲料。利用该饲料目前已实现了工厂化饲养斜纹夜蛾幼虫增殖斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒  相似文献   

Although various species of acanthocephalan parasites can increase the vulnerability of their amphipod intermediate hosts to predation, particularly by altering their photophobic behaviour, their influence on the structure of amphipod communities and the success of invader species has so far received little attention. We compared the prevalence and behavioural influence of a fish acanthocephalan parasite, Pomphorhynchus laevis, in two species of amphipods, Gammarus pulex and Gammarus roeseli in sympatry in the river Ouche (Burgundy, eastern France). There, G. pulex is a resident species, whereas G. roeseli is a recent coloniser. Both uninfected G. pulex and G. roeseli were strongly photophobic, although less so in the invading species. However, there was no significant difference in reaction to light between infected and uninfected G. roeseli, whereas infected G. pulex were strongly photophilic. We discuss our results in relation to the parasite's ability to manipulate invading host species, the possibility that resistant individuals have been selected during the invasion process, and the role that acanthocephalan parasites can play in shaping the structure of amphipod communities.  相似文献   

Ethanol and water extracts of maple leaves and pine needles were analyzed for proteins, amino acids, sugars and phenolics. Leachates were mixed with a dissolved fungal cellulase. Within 24 h, insoluble particles formed, consisting of phenolics, proteins and amino acids. When exposed to an alkaline pH, or to a 0.04% solution of the surfactant lysolecithin, these particles released amino acids and proteins. Surface tensions of the gut fluids of Gammarus tigrinus and Tipula caloptera were considerably lower than that of distilled water, suggesting the presence of surfactants. Gut fluid of T. caloptera contained enzymes capable of digesting the proteins of particles formed with maple water extracts. The other particles did not appear susceptible to these enzymes. There was no evidence that G. tigrinus was able to digest the proteins of any of the particles examined.  相似文献   

In a study conducted over 30 years ago, a remarkable population of amphipod crustaceans (Gammarus minus) was discovered in which 100% of the females displayed intersex characteristics. Such high levels of intersexuality are atypical amongst gonochoristic crustaceans and current theories relating to sex allocation suggest intermediate (intersex) forms should be competitively selected against. This study set out to confirm the existence of this extraordinary population and to compare it with other G. minus populations in various spring and cave systems across Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia (USA), with varying environmental characteristics in an attempt to elucidate the prevalence and cause of intersexuality in this species. Results from this study verify the continued existence of these highly abundant, intersex female populations of G. minus, with proportions ranging between 73% and 100%. These populations were also associated with highly male-biased sex ratios, which is equally unusual amongst gonochoristic crustaceans. Intersex female specimens had a reduced fecundity compared to normal females, although this result was not statistically significant. Although no feminising microsporidian parasites were observed through histological examination, the presence of a novel feminising parasitic factor cannot be ruled out. The continued vigour of these populations over three decades suggests that anthropomorphic factors are not causing the high levels of intersexuality observed. Intersexuality was absent or very low in frequency (<1%) in most other springs that we investigated. Therefore, G. minus appears to represent an interesting and novel model system for studying sex determination.  相似文献   

We developed an improved method for rearing Halotydeus destructor in the laboratory. Mite numbers increased rapidly over the summer of 1992–1993 when fed on vetch, Vicia sativa cv Blanchefleur; in contrast mite numbers were low and fell over the second half of the summer of 1990–91 when fed on subterranean clover, Trifolium subterraneum cv Junee. On V. sativa at a fluctuating temperature from 11 to 18°C 200 mites produced a mean of 1308 and 1455 progeny per transfer in 2 years, a 6–7-fold rate of increase per transfer. The mean transfer time was 35 days and using the interval between transfers as a measure of generation time, the mites completed six to seven generations with no evidence for development of diapause eggs from August until April. There was considerable variability in the numbers of mites produced per pot, associated in part with the presence of Verticillium sp. fungus in 35% of the pots during transfers. Improvement in H. destructor rearing resulted from the use of V. sativa cv Blanchefleur as a food source, maintenance of high humidity and adequate ventilation within cages, and the transfer of mites to fresh food sources at early nymphal stages, which reduced the spread of fungal infections.  相似文献   

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