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Although reliable docking can now be achieved for systems that do not undergo important induced conformational change upon association, the presence of flexible surface loops, which must adapt to the steric and electrostatic properties of a partner, generally presents a major obstacle. We report here the first docking method that allows large loop movements during a systematic exploration of the possible arrangements of the two partners in terms of position and rotation. Our strategy consists in taking into account an ensemble of possible loop conformations by a multi-copy representation within a reduced protein model. The docking process starts from regularly distributed positions and orientations of the ligand around the whole receptor. Each starting configuration is submitted to energy minimization during which the best-fitting loop conformation is selected based on the mean-field theory. Trials were carried out on proteins with significant differences in the main-chain conformation of the binding loop between isolated form and complexed form, which were docked to their partner considered in their bound form. The method is able to predict complexes very close to the crystal complex both in terms of relative position of the two partners and of the geometry of the flexible loop. We also show that introducing loop flexibility on the isolated protein form during systematic docking largely improves the predictions of relative position of the partners in comparison with rigid-body docking.  相似文献   

Zacharias M 《Proteins》2004,54(4):759-767
Most current docking methods to identify possible ligands and putative binding sites on a receptor molecule assume a rigid receptor structure to allow virtual screening of large ligand databases. However, binding of a ligand can lead to changes in the receptor protein conformation that are sterically necessary to accommodate a bound ligand. An approach is presented that allows relaxation of the protein conformation in precalculated soft flexible degrees of freedom during ligand-receptor docking. For the immunosuppressant FK506-binding protein FKBP, the soft flexible modes are extracted as principal components of motion from a molecular dynamics simulation. A simple penalty function for deformations in the soft flexible mode is used to limit receptor protein deformations during docking that avoids a costly recalculation of the receptor energy by summing over all receptor atom pairs at each step. Rigid docking of the FK506 ligand binding to an unbound FKBP conformation failed to identify a geometry close to experiment as favorable binding site. In contrast, inclusion of the flexible soft modes during systematic docking runs selected a binding geometry close to experiment as lowest energy conformation. This has been achieved at a modest increase of computational cost compared to rigid docking. The approach could provide a computationally efficient way to approximately account for receptor flexibility during docking of large numbers of putative ligands and putative docking geometries.  相似文献   

May A  Zacharias M 《Proteins》2008,70(3):794-809
Protein-protein association can frequently involve significant backbone conformational changes of the protein partners. A computationally rapid method has been developed that allows to approximately account for global conformational changes during systematic protein-protein docking starting from many thousands of start configurations. The approach employs precalculated collective degrees of freedom as additional variables during protein-protein docking minimization. The global collective degrees of freedom are obtained from normal mode analysis using a Gaussian network model for the protein. Systematic docking searches were performed on 10 test systems that differed in the degree of conformational change associated with complex formation and in the degree of overlap between observed conformational changes and precalculated flexible degrees of freedom. The results indicate that in case of docking searches that minimize the influence of local side chain conformational changes inclusion of global flexibility can significantly improve the agreement of the near-native docking solutions with the corresponding experimental structures. For docking of unbound protein partners in several cases an improved ranking of near native docking solutions was observed. This was achieved at a very modest ( approximately 2-fold) increase of computational demands compared to rigid docking. For several test cases the number of docking solutions close to experiment was also significantly enhanced upon inclusion of soft collective degrees of freedom. This result indicates that inclusion of global flexibility can facilitate in silico protein-protein association such that a greater number of different start configurations results in favorable complex formation.  相似文献   

Ehrlich LP  Nilges M  Wade RC 《Proteins》2005,58(1):126-133
Accounting for protein flexibility in protein-protein docking algorithms is challenging, and most algorithms therefore treat proteins as rigid bodies or permit side-chain motion only. While the consequences are obvious when there are large conformational changes upon binding, the situation is less clear for the modest conformational changes that occur upon formation of most protein-protein complexes. We have therefore studied the impact of local protein flexibility on protein-protein association by means of rigid body and torsion angle dynamics simulation. The binding of barnase and barstar was chosen as a model system for this study, because the complexation of these 2 proteins is well-characterized experimentally, and the conformational changes accompanying binding are modest. On the side-chain level, we show that the orientation of particular residues at the interface (so-called hotspot residues) have a crucial influence on the way contacts are established during docking from short protein separations of approximately 5 A. However, side-chain torsion angle dynamics simulations did not result in satisfactory docking of the proteins when using the unbound protein structures. This can be explained by our observations that, on the backbone level, even small (2 A) local loop deformations affect the dynamics of contact formation upon docking. Complementary shape-based docking calculations confirm this result, which indicates that both side-chain and backbone levels of flexibility influence short-range protein-protein association and should be treated simultaneously for atomic-detail computational docking of proteins.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein assemblies are currently poorly represented in structural databases and their structural elucidation is a key goal in biology. Here we analyse clefts in protein surfaces, likely to correspond to binding 'hot-spots', and rank them according to sequence conservation and simple measures of physical properties including hydrophobicity, desolvation, electrostatic and van der Waals potentials, to predict which are involved in binding in the native complex. RESULTS: The resulting differences between predicting binding-sites at protein-protein and protein-ligand interfaces are striking. There is a high level of prediction accuracy (< or =93%) for protein-ligand interactions, based on the following attributes: van der Waals potential, electrostatic potential, desolvation and surface conservation. Generally, the prediction accuracy for protein-protein interactions is lower, with the exception of enzymes. Our results show that the ease of cleft desolvation is strongly predictive of interfaces and strongly maintained across all classes of protein-binding interface.  相似文献   



A good scoring function is essential for molecular docking computations. In conventional scoring functions, energy terms modeling pairwise interactions are cumulatively summed, and the best docking solution is selected. Here, we propose to transform protein-ligand interactions into three-dimensional geometric networks, from which recurring network substructures, or network motifs, are selected and used to provide probability-ranked interaction templates with which to score docking solutions.  相似文献   

Improved side-chain modeling for protein-protein docking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Success in high-resolution protein-protein docking requires accurate modeling of side-chain conformations at the interface. Most current methods either leave side chains fixed in the conformations observed in the unbound protein structures or allow the side chains to sample a set of discrete rotamer conformations. Here we describe a rapid and efficient method for sampling off-rotamer side-chain conformations by torsion space minimization during protein-protein docking starting from discrete rotamer libraries supplemented with side-chain conformations taken from the unbound structures, and show that the new method improves side-chain modeling and increases the energetic discrimination between good and bad models. Analysis of the distribution of side-chain interaction energies within and between the two protein partners shows that the new method leads to more native-like distributions of interaction energies and that the neglect of side-chain entropy produces a small but measurable increase in the number of residues whose interaction energy cannot compensate for the entropic cost of side-chain freezing at the interface. The power of the method is highlighted by a number of predictions of unprecedented accuracy in the recent CAPRI (Critical Assessment of PRedicted Interactions) blind test of protein-protein docking methods.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are small subcellular compartments responsible for a range of essential metabolic processes. Efforts in predicting peroxisomal protein import are challenged by species variation and sparse sequence data sets with experimentally confirmed localization. We present a predictor of peroxisomal import based on the presence of the dominant peroxisomal targeting signal one (PTS1), a seemingly wellconserved but highly unspecific motif. The signal appears to rely on subtle dependencies with the preceding residues. We evaluate prediction accuracies against two alternative predictor services, PEROXIP and the PTS1 PREDICTOR. We test the integrity of prediction on a range of prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteomes lacking peroxisomes. Similarly we test the accuracy on peroxisomal proteins known to not overlap with training data. The model identified a number of proteins within the RIKEN IPS7 mouse protein dataset as potentially novel peroxisomal proteins. Three were confirmed in vitro using immunofluorescent detection of myc-epitope-tagged proteins in transiently transfected BHK-21 cells (Dhrs2, Serhl, and Ehhadh). The final model has a superior specificity to both alternatives, and an accuracy better than PEROXIP and on par with PTS1 PREDICTOR. Thus, the model we present should prove invaluable for labeling PTS1 targeted proteins with high confidence. We use the predictor to screen several additional eukaryotic genomes to revise previously estimated numbers of peroxisomal proteins. Available at http://pprowler.itee.uq.edu.au.  相似文献   

Seebeck B  Reulecke I  Kämper A  Rarey M 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1237-1254
The accurate modeling of metal coordination geometries plays an important role for structure-based drug design applied to metalloenzymes. For the development of a new metal interaction model, we perform a statistical analysis of metal interaction geometries that are relevant to protein-ligand complexes. A total of 43,061 metal sites of the Protein Data Bank (PDB), containing amongst others magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, cadmium, cobalt, and nickel, were evaluated according to their metal coordination geometry. Based on statistical analysis, we derived a model for the automatic calculation and definition of metal interaction geometries for the purpose of molecular docking analyses. It includes the identification of the metal-coordinating ligands, the calculation of the coordination geometry and the superposition of ideal polyhedra to identify the optimal positions for free coordination sites. The new interaction model was integrated in the docking software FlexX and evaluated on a data set of 103 metalloprotein-ligand complexes, which were extracted from the PDB. In a first step, the quality of the automatic calculation of the metal coordination geometry was analyzed. In 74% of the cases, the correct prediction of the coordination geometry could be determined on the basis of the protein structure alone. Secondly, the new metal interaction model was tested in terms of predicting protein-ligand complexes. In the majority of test cases, the new interaction model resulted in an improved docking accuracy of the top ranking placements.  相似文献   

Gao M  Skolnick J 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1623-1634
With the development of many computational methods that predict the structural models of protein-protein complexes, there is a pressing need to benchmark their performance. As was the case for protein monomers, assessing the quality of models of protein complexes is not straightforward. An effective scoring scheme should be able to detect substructure similarity and estimate its statistical significance. Here, we focus on characterizing the similarity of the interfaces of the complex and introduce two scoring functions. The first, the interfacial Template Modeling score (iTM-score), measures the geometric distance between the interfaces, while the second, the Interface Similarity score (IS-score), evaluates their residue-residue contact similarity in addition to their geometric similarity. We first demonstrate that the IS-score is more suitable for assessing docking models than the iTM-score. The IS-score is then validated in a large-scale benchmark test on 1562 dimeric complexes. Finally, the scoring function is applied to evaluate docking models submitted to the Critical Assessment of Prediction of Interactions (CAPRI) experiments. While the results according to the new scoring scheme are generally consistent with the original CAPRI assessment, the IS-score identifies models whose significance was previously underestimated.  相似文献   

Assessing the difficulty of inhibiting a specific protein by a small molecule can be highly valuable in risk-assessment and prioritization of a new target. In particular, when the disease linkage for a number of targets is broadly similar, being able to identify the most tractable can have a significant impact on informing target selection. With an increasing focus against new and novel protein classes, being able to assess the most likely targets to yield lead-like chemical start points can guide the selection and the lead-generation strategy implemented. This study exploits protein-ligand docking studies on published protein x-ray crystal structures to provide guidance on the feasibility of identifying small molecule inhibitors against a range of targets.  相似文献   

The prediction of the structure of the protein-protein complex is of great importance to better understand molecular recognition processes. During systematic protein-protein docking, the surface of a protein molecule is scanned for putative binding sites of a partner protein. The possibility to include external data based on either experiments or bioinformatic predictions on putative binding sites during docking has been systematically explored. The external data were included during docking with a coarse-grained protein model and on the basis of force field weights to bias the docking search towards a predicted or known binding region. The approach was tested on a large set of protein partners in unbound conformations. The significant improvement of the docking performance was found if reliable data on the native binding sites were available. This was possible even if data for single key amino acids at a binding interface are included. In case of binding site predictions with limited accuracy, only modest improvement compared with unbiased docking was found. The optimisation of the protocol to bias the search towards predicted binding sites was found to further improve the docking performance resulting in approximately 40% acceptable solutions within the top 10 docking predictions compared with 22% in case of unbiased docking of unbound protein structures.  相似文献   

ATTRACT: protein-protein docking in CAPRI using a reduced protein model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zacharias M 《Proteins》2005,60(2):252-256
Protein-protein complex structures have been predicted for CAPRI Rounds 3 and 5 using a reduced protein model. Proteins are represented by up to 3 pseudoatoms per amino acid. The docking approach termed ATTRACT is based on energy minimization in translational and rotational degrees of freedom of one protein with respect to another protein. The reduced protein model allows one to perform systematic docking minimization of many thousand start structures in reasonable computer time. Flexibility of critical surface side-chains can be accounted for by a multiple conformational copy approach. The multicopy approach allows simultaneous adjustment of side-chain conformations and optimization of translational and rotational degrees of freedom of one protein with respect to the partner during docking. For 3 (Targets 8, 14, and 19) out of 5 CAPRI targets, the approach resulted in predictions in close agreement with experiment [root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of backbone atoms within 10 A of the protein-protein interface < 1.8 A]. The comparison of predicted and experimental structures of the CAPRI targets indicates that besides local conformational changes (e.g., changes in side-chain conformations), global conformational changes of the protein backbone can be critical for complex formation. These conformational changes not accounted for during docking are a likely reason for the unrealistic predictions in 2 cases (Targets 9 and 18).  相似文献   

Most scoring functions for protein-protein docking algorithms are either atom-based or residue-based, with the former being able to produce higher quality structures and latter more tolerant to conformational changes upon binding. Earlier, we developed the ZRANK algorithm for reranking docking predictions, with a scoring function that contained only atom-based terms. Here we combine ZRANK's atom-based potentials with five residue-based potentials published by other labs, as well as an atom-based potential IFACE that we published after ZRANK. We simultaneously optimized the weights for selected combinations of terms in the scoring function, using decoys generated with the protein-protein docking algorithm ZDOCK. We performed rigorous cross validation of the combinations using 96 test cases from a docking benchmark. Judged by the integrative success rate of making 1000 predictions per complex, addition of IFACE and the best residue-based pair potential reduced the number of cases without a correct prediction by 38 and 27% relative to ZDOCK and ZRANK, respectively. Thus combination of residue-based and atom-based potentials into a scoring function can improve performance for protein-protein docking. The resulting scoring function is called IRAD (integration of residue- and atom-based potentials for docking) and is available at http://zlab.umassmed.edu.  相似文献   

M Rarey  B Kramer  T Lengauer 《Proteins》1999,34(1):17-28
Water is known to play a significant role in the formation of protein-ligand complexes. In this paper, we focus on the influence of water molecules on the structure of protein-ligand complexes. We present an algorithmic approach, called the particle concept, for integrating the placement of single water molecules in the docking algorithm of FLEXX. FLEXX is an incremental construction approach to ligand docking consisting of three phases: the selection of base fragments, the placement of the base fragments, and the incremental reconstruction of the ligand inside the active site of a protein. The goal of the extension is to find water molecules at favorable places in the protein-ligand interface which may guide the placement of the ligand. In a preprocessing phase, favorable positions of water molecules inside the active site are calculated and stored in a list of possible water positions. During the incremental construction phase, water molecules are placed at the precomputed positions if they can form additional hydrogen bonds to the ligand. Steric constraints resulting from the water molecules as well as the geometry of the hydrogen bonds are used to optimize the ligand orientation in the active site during the reconstruction process. We have tested the particle concept on a series of 200 protein-ligand complexes. Although the average improvement of the prediction results is minor, we were able to predict water molecules between the protein and the ligand correctly in several cases. For instance in the case of HIV-1 protease, where a single water molecule between the protein and the ligand is known to be of importance in complex formation, significant improvements can be achieved.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: We present a method for automatic test case generation for protein-protein docking. A consensus-type approach is proposed processing the whole PDB and classifying protein structures into complexes and unbound proteins by combining information from three different approaches (current PDB-at-a-glance classification, search of complexes by sequence identical unbound structures and chain naming). Out of this classification test cases are generated automatically. All calculations were run on the database. The information stored is available via a web interface. The user can choose several criteria for generating his own subset out of our test cases, e.g. for testing docking algorithms. AVAILABILITY: http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/agt-sdp/ CONTACT: fzoellne@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de.  相似文献   

Kramer B  Rarey M  Lengauer T 《Proteins》1999,37(2):228-241
We report on a test of FLEXX, a fully automatic docking tool for flexible ligands, on a highly diverse data set of 200 protein-ligand complexes from the Protein Data Bank. In total 46.5% of the complexes of the data set can be reproduced by a FLEXX docking solution at rank 1 with an rms deviation (RMSD) from the observed structure of less than 2 A. This rate rises to 70% if one looks at the entire generated solution set. FLEXX produces reliable results for ligands with up to 15 components which can be docked in 80% of the cases with acceptable accuracy. Ligands with more than 15 components tend to generate wrong solutions more often. The average runtime of FLEXX on this test set is 93 seconds per complex on a SUN Ultra-30 workstation. In addition, we report on "cross-docking" experiments, in which several receptor structures of complexes with identical proteins have been used for docking all cocrystallized ligands of these complexes. In most cases, these experiments show that FLEXX can acceptably dock a ligand into a foreign receptor structure. Finally we report on screening runs of ligands out of a library with 556 entries against ten different proteins. In eight cases FLEXX is able to find the original inhibitor within the top 7% of the total library.  相似文献   

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