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玉米鼠耳病及其介体二点叶蝉研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李小珍  刘映红  青玲  李雪燕 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1270-1279
玉米鼠耳病(Maize wauaby ear disease,MWED)是由介体昆虫二点叶蝉Cicadulina biptmctella(Mats)、Cicadulina bimaculata(Evans)以及Nesodutha pallida(Evans)传播的一种重要系统性植物病害。该病最早发生在澳大利亚昆士兰,20世纪80年代以来在我国四川、贵州省和重庆市的多个县(市)爆发,近年来又在日本九州、冲绳等地区发生,均造成了严重的经济损失。玉米鼠耳病的发生发展与介体叶蝉源的生物学和生态学特性、传毒规律、玉米品种、玉米生育期、环境条件以及栽培措施等密切相关。因此,切断传播途径、减少毒原、栽培抗性品种、选择合理的栽培措施是有效降低该病发生危害的重要措施。从玉米鼠耳病的发生发展、病原,介体二点叶蝉源的生物学和生态学特性、传毒规律以及防治措施等方面综述了国内外二点叶蝉及玉米鼠耳病的研究现状,以期为玉米鼠耳病及其介体叶蝉的研究与防治工作提供参考。  相似文献   

【目的】桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis(Guenée)已经成为黄淮海玉米穗期的重要害虫,本研究的目的是探究桃蛀螟发生危害与玉米镰孢穗腐病发病程度和玉米产量损失之间的关系。【方法】在玉米吐丝、灌浆和乳熟期,通过人工接种法将桃蛀螟初孵幼虫及拟轮枝镰孢菌Fusarium verticillioides单接或复合接种到玉米果穗上,收获时调查果穗上桃蛀螟为害级别、镰孢穗腐病发病率及病情指数,测定玉米产量。【结果】在玉米果穗的不同发育阶段,镰孢穗腐病病情指数均以复合接种处理最高,单接虫次之,单接菌最低。在单接虫处理中,镰孢穗腐病的发生程度及桃蛀螟为害级别均以吐丝期最重。拟轮枝镰孢菌与桃蛀螟复合侵染危害后,使得玉米产量性状发生改变,导致产量下降,以吐丝期危害影响最大,单穗损失率为33.09%,灌浆期和乳熟期分别为22.50%和10.13%。【结论】玉米穗期桃蛀螟的为害明显会加重镰孢穗腐病的发生,从而导致了更严重的玉米产量损失。  相似文献   

中国骨干玉米自交系抗旱性分析与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新疆典型干旱、半干旱地区,通过玉米自交系的14个主要产量性状对干旱胁迫的响应特征进行分析,用主成分分析法筛选其抗旱性的主要鉴定指标,并采用抗旱系数和抗旱指数对自交系的抗旱性进行聚类分析,综合评价47份自交系的抗旱性。结果显示:(1)干旱导致玉米自交系株高、穗位高、叶绿素含量降低,果穗短小,秃尖增大,穗行数和行粒数减小,千粒重和穗粒重降低,最终造成产量下降。(2)各自交系抗旱性强弱与干旱条件下的穗粒重、穗粗、行粒数、千粒重、株高、穗位高、穗长、秃尖长、穗行数、叶绿素含量等性状具有较密切的关系,其中抗旱性表现较好的自交系是掖52106、英64、478等,其次是Mo17Ht、Mo17、丹340、郑58、X178、C103等。研究表明,在育种实践中,田间自交系抗旱性筛选应以穗粒重、穗粗、行粒数、千粒重、株高、穗位高、穗长、秃尖长、穗行数、叶绿素含量等为主要指标,并结合产量抗旱系数、抗旱指数对自交系抗旱性进行综合评价。  相似文献   

本文以中国作物网提供的黄淮海玉米种植区的880条玉米数据为研究对象,利用结构方程模型对影响玉米千粒重的内在因素进行分析.研究结果表明穗粗和株高性状对千粒重的影响最大,路径系数分别达到0.42、0.41;生育日数通过株高性状对千粒重的间接影响大于生育日数对千粒重的直接影响;另外,穗粗对穗长、穗行数也有直接影响,路径系数均为0.34,且均达到显著水平.本研究可以表明结构方程模型在探究作物产量构成因素以及各因素间相互关系,尤其是因果关系方面有重要的应用前景,可以为玉米品种的选育提供指导依据.  相似文献   

土壤水分胁迫对夏玉米植株性状整齐度的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用大型防雨设施池栽,严格调控水量,研究夏玉米全程及阶段性土壤水分胁迫对植株性状整齐度的影响。结果表明,夏玉米生育全程水分胁迫,植株性状整齐度全面劣化,产量极低;苗期阶段水分胁迫导致大、小苗,壮、弱苗两极分化明显,株高整齐度显著下降,其负效应持续至生育后期,生育进程推迟,千粒重显著降低,对产量造成一定影响;穗期阶段水分胁迫对穗长、穗料数整齐度影响明显,产量降幅度较大;花粒期阶段水平胁迫对千粒重及穗  相似文献   

在2013年5-9月,采取5点取样,对云南省昭通温凉玉米种植区及普洱暖热玉米种植区玉米蚜种群动态进行定期、定点、定株的系统调查,明确云南省两种不同生态条件下玉米种植区玉米蚜发生规律及分布特征,为玉米蚜的防治提供理论依据。结果显示:昭通温凉玉米种植区玉米蚜在玉米各生育期均有发生;玉米蚜在抽雄散粉期主要集中在雄穗为害,籽粒建成期以后转移集中在苞叶及雌穗为害;玉米蚜在玉米田始终呈聚集分布,聚集度呈聚集—扩散—聚集趋势。普洱暖热玉米种植区玉米蚜种群数量在玉米进入籽粒建成期后才有所增长;玉米蚜在籽粒建成期以后主要集中在苞叶及雌穗上为害;玉米蚜在玉米田基本呈聚集分布,聚集度始终呈扩散趋势。两地玉米蚜自然种群消长、垂直分布动态,空间动态均具有一定差异,昭通温凉玉米种植区相对更适宜玉米蚜的发生。  相似文献   

杨云鹤  张海剑  石洁  刘树森  郭宁 《昆虫学报》2019,62(9):1065-1071
【目的】调查显示,二点委夜蛾Athetis lepigone在田间的虫口密度与玉米被害率之间无明显的相关性,田间虫口密度并不能准确预测玉米苗被害率。为了探索二点委夜蛾幼虫发生量与玉米苗被害程度之间的关系,解释田间调查遇到的幼虫即使有时大量发生玉米苗却受损轻微的现象,本研究室内检测了外部环境条件如温度和湿度对二点委夜蛾幼虫取食为害玉米的影响以及昆虫自身的相关取食习性。【方法】将3龄末、4龄初二点委夜蛾幼虫分别置于下述8种温湿度和食物组合条件下进行处理:低温低湿无食物(15℃, 30%RH, 饥饿)、低温干燥无食物(15℃, 0%RH, 饥饿)、低温低湿有食物[15℃, 30%RH, 饲喂人工饲料(AD)]、低温干燥有食物(15℃, 0%RH, AD)、高温高湿有食物(36℃, 90%RH, AD)、高温干燥有食物(36℃, 0%RH, AD)、高温高湿无食物(36℃, 90%RH, 饥饿)、高温干燥无食物(36℃, 0%RH, 饥饿);处理4 h后,评价其对盆栽玉米苗的为害程度,并测定幼虫在4个不同温度(15℃, 24℃, 28℃和33℃)下对玉米叶片的取食量。分别用8种食物(马齿苋、紫苏、甘薯、白菜、大豆、南瓜和玉米叶叶片以及麦秸)将初孵幼虫驯化饲喂至3龄后,检测经过驯化处理后的幼虫对初始驯化食物、麦秸和和玉米叶片的选择性。【结果】在干燥条件下,无论是否经过饥饿处理,幼虫对玉米苗的为害程度均较高,尤其是高温干燥处理后,对玉米苗的平均为害级别达3.1级;低温干燥处理组和高温干燥处理组为害级别在4级以上(含4级)的幼苗数分别占幼苗总数的50%和40%。在15-33℃,二点委夜蛾幼虫的取食量随温度的升高而逐渐增加,48 h校正取食量分别为12.8, 31.8, 38.0和60.0 mg。用甘薯、白菜、大豆和南瓜叶片驯化的幼虫对初始驯化食物的选择率显著高于对玉米和麦秸的选择率;初始取食紫苏叶片的幼虫对紫苏和麦秸的选择率显著高于对玉米的选择性,初始取食玉米叶片、麦秸的幼虫分别对玉米、麦秸的选择性更高。【结论】干燥是二点委夜蛾幼虫增加对玉米摄入量的一个主要因素;二点委夜蛾适应短时高、低温的能力较强,在一定的温度范围(15-33℃),短时间内的取食量随温度升高而增加。作为干燥的一个辅助因素,温度通过影响二点委夜蛾幼虫的取食量而决定其为害玉米苗的程度;二点委夜蛾倾向于选择初孵幼虫最先接触的食物;二点委夜蛾在玉米苗上的发生为害在很大程度上取决于其自身食性。  相似文献   

施氮量对不同茬口冬小麦产量及氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明不同茬口及施氮量对冬小麦产量及氮肥利用率的影响,以"豫农211"为材料,采用二因素裂区设计。主因素为玉米单作(SM)、玉米大豆间作(MS)、大豆单作(SS) 3个茬口,副因素为N0(0 kg·hm~(-2))、N180(180 kg·hm~(-2))、N240(240 kg·hm~(-2))、N300(300kg·hm~(-2)) 4个施氮量。结果表明:不同施氮水平下,与玉米单作相比,玉米大豆间作和大豆单作茬口冬小麦产量增幅分别为4.74%~10.01%、5.12%~17.05%,且均显著增加;茬口对小麦穗数及穗粒数均有显著影响,对千粒重影响不显著,与玉米单作相比,大豆单作和玉米大豆间作茬口穗数增幅分别为10%~15%、4%~19%,穗粒数增幅分别为2%~21%、4%~20%;施氮量对小麦穗数及千粒重有显著影响,对穗粒数影响不显著;不同茬口与施氮量的交互作用对穗粒数和千粒重差异均达显著水平;同一施氮处理下,茬口处理间氮肥农学利用效率和偏生产力均表现为大豆单作玉米大豆间作玉米单作,且在N180和N240水平下均达显著水平;结合施氮量与产量拟合曲线,相比玉米单作茬口,大豆单作及玉米大豆间作在保证冬小麦产量的同时降低了氮肥的投入,在生产实践中对不同茬口下小麦施氮量具有指导意义;玉米单作茬口,冬小麦最佳经济产量施氮量和最高产量施氮量分别为243和262 kg·hm~(-2);大豆单作和玉米大豆间作茬口,最佳经济产量施氮量分别为196和210 kg·hm~(-2),最高产量施氮量分别为205和222 kg·hm~(-2)。  相似文献   

利用农杆菌介导法将具有自主知识产权的Bt cry1Ah基因转入玉米自交系综31中,在获得的1 764株转基因植株中筛选获得1株对玉米螟有显著抗性的转基因植株。对该抗性植株进行了室内和田间抗虫性分析及外源基因表达分析,并研究了其杂交后代的农艺性状。结果表明,该转基因植株对亚洲玉米螟田间抗虫性达到高抗水平;外源基因能够正常高效表达,在玉米抽穗期的叶片中Cry1Ah蛋白表达量最高,达到1μg/g鲜重;株高、穗位高、穗长、穗粗等与非转基因对照植株相比差异不大,秃尖长明显短于对照,千粒重及单株产量明显高于对照,这种差异在人工模拟虫害爆发情况下达到极显著水平。  相似文献   

不同沼液用量对夏玉米源库代谢关键酶及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以玉米杂交种郑单958为材料,研究了3个不同沼液用量(15000、22500、30000 kg·hm-2)对夏玉米源库代谢关键酶和产量构成因素的影响.结果表明:与对照和施氮肥相比,田间浇灌沼液不仅可提高夏玉米地上部干物质量、叶面积指数和叶绿素含量,而且可提高叶片中硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)、蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)和籽粒中蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性,从而显著增加了玉米穗粗、穗长、穗行数、穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重和单位面积产量.在3个沼液用量中,以22500 kg·hm-2处理(拔节期、大口期、抽雄期各追施7500 kg·hm-2)对提高玉米酶活性和产量的效果最好,其产量可达14006.7 kg·hm-2,比对照增产40.7%.  相似文献   

Peter Kalm (1716–1779), a student of Linnaeus and later Professor of Economy at the University of Åbo, Sweden,3 was sent to North America in 1748 by the Swedish Academy of Science to obtain seed and other planting stock of New World herbs, shrubs and trees for possible use in Sweden. Kalm was a close, objective observer of things botanical and cultural and had a distinct sense of the utilitarian. HisTravels into North America; containing its Natural History, and a circumstantial Account of its Plantations and Agriculture in general, with the Civil, Ecclesiastical and Commercial State of the Country, the Manners of the Inhabitants, and several curious and Important Remarks on the various Subjects were, as the English title of the 1770 translation of John Reinhold Forster suggests, wide ranging in interests and observations. Kalm’s own title,En Resa til Norra America, in its conciseness better reflects the student of Linnaeus. In the Travels there are a number of references to maize and maize growing. From 1749 to 1778 Kalm contributed seventeen articles on North American subjects to the Kongliga Svenska Vetenskap-Academiens Handlingar. “Beskrifning om Mays,” published in two parts, in 1751 and 1752, has not previously been available in English translation. Kalm’s keen observations on maize culture and utilization in the late colonial period should prove of interest to students of maize and of the history of North American agriculture.  相似文献   

Comparison and characterization of maize stripe and maize line viruses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two morphologically similar viruses isolated from maize in East Africa induced two distinct symptom types in maize. One, designated maize stripe virus (MSV), showed broad yellow stripes or a yellowing of the entire leaf, acute bending of the shoot apex and severe stunting. The second, maize line virus (MLV), induced continuous, narrow yellow lines along the leaf veins and did not cause apical bending or stunting. MSV and MLV were both transmitted by Peregrinus maidis (Delphacidae), but not by Cicadulina mbila (Jassidae) or by sap inoculation. Both viruses were purified by extracting systemically infected leaves in 0–5 M sodium citrate buffer and clarifying with 7 ml n-butanol/100 ml extract, followed by differential, and finally sucrose density gradient, centrifugation. Partially purified preparations of both viruses contained isometric viruslike particles of two sizes: MSV particles were 35 and 40 nm in diameter with sedimentation coefficients (so2o, w) I09 anI0o respectively; MLV particles were 28 and 34 nm in diameter. Antisera prepared against MSV and MLV had dilution end points of 1/128 and 1/64 respectively in agar-gel diffusion tests. In tests with low-titre antisera, MSV did not react with MLV antiserum and MLV did not react with MSV antisreum; in the presence of antiserum containing antibodies to both MSV and MLV, the two viruses formed precipitin bands which crossed in the pattern of non-identity. Maize streak virus and maize mottle virus showed no serological relationship with MSV or MLV. On the basis of particle size and serology MSV and MLV are shown to be two distinct and possibly unrelated viruses. MSV and MLV apparently are dissimilar from any characterized viruses of the Gramineae.  相似文献   

Summary Allotetraploidization is the creation of synthetic allotetraploids. The allotetraploidization of maize can be accomplished by concentrating DPA (differential pairing affinity) factors into stocks by a recurrent selection breeding system. Selection is based on pairing configuration frequencies and altered genetic ratios that reflect DPA. Both an observed decline in the quadrivalent frequency per meiocyte from 8.10 to 7.31 and genetic data disclosing a reduction in the average frequency of recessive waxy (wx wx) pollen from Wx Wx wx wx plants from 17.48% to 13.35%, indicate considerable progress has been made toward allotetraploidization. A simple model for the effect of DPA on chromosome pairing and genetic ratios is presented.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, University of Missouri, Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station, Journal Series No. 9806  相似文献   

Summary Four barley telotrisomics (Triplo 3S, 5S, 6S, and 7S) were studied. No major qualitative differences in morphology between the telotrisomics and their diploid sibs were found. The pollen and seed fertility of these telotrisomics was comparable to their diploid sibs. The meiotic study showed that the average frequency of 6II + 1III at diakinesis and metaphase I was 84.2% and 71.7%, respectively. The normal chromosome separation ranged from 77.2% to 89.4% at anaphase I through telophase II. The transmission rate of the extra telocentric chromosomes averaged 28.4% upon selfing and 28.7% through the female. All four telotrisomics showed various degrees of pollen transmission, the average being 3.6%. Ditelotetrasomic plants (2n = 14 + 2 homologous telocentrics) were obtained in the progenies of selfed monotelotrisomic plants of all four types. These ditelotetrasomic plants were viable and showed various degrees of seed fertility.Contribution from the Department of Agronomy. Supported by USDA-CSU Cooperative Research Project No. 58-82HW-6-8 and CSU Hatch Project.  相似文献   

Summary Allotetraploidization is the creation of artificial allotetraploids. Allotetraploidization of maize can be accomplished by concentrating differential pairing affinity (DPA) factors into lines by a recurrent selection breeding system. Selection will be based on changes in genetic ratios which are the result of changes in the relative frequencies of various pairing configurations caused by DPA. Part 1 of this series gave extensive data on gene segregation in trisomic and tetraploid heterozygotes. Some of these tetraploids behaved like segmental allotetraploids. Part 2 presented a model for gene segregation in segmental allotetraploids. This paper presents an analogous model for gene segregation in trisomic heterozygotes. The pairing configurations of trisomes are analyzed by considering pairing in single arms which then are combined to obtain pairing configurations for whole chromosomes. The chromosome disjunction patterns of the various pairing configurations are hypothesized and expected genetic ratios are given that result from different levels of DPA expressed in several hypothetical trisomes. The model analyzes the effect of random pairing in one arm and non-random pairing in the other arms. Also, the effect of crossing over is taken into account. Because crossing over rates are affected by the environment, part of the variability in the data (Part 1) is explained. In addition, an hypothesis is advanced to explain the frequent enhancement of pairing affinity following x-irradiation.Contribution from Agricultural Research/Science and Education Administration, US Department of Agriculture, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, Missouri Agric. Exp. Sta. Jounal Series No. 8 670  相似文献   

Summary Allotetraploidization is the creation of artifical allotetraploids from a normally diploid species. The possible value of allotetraploid maize has been discussed in Section I of this series. Allotetraploidization of maize can be achieved by restructuring a maize genome so that its chromosomes will not pair with those of the standard maize genome. This restructuring can be done by concentrating differential pairing affinity (DPA) factors into a single line by a recurrent selection type of breeding program. Because the divergence of the maize genome is a gradual process, it is necessary to devise a model for chromosome pairing and gene segregation in segmental allotetraploids. This has been done by considering pairing in each arm separately and then combining paired arms to form pairing configurations for whole chromosomes. The chromosome disjunction patterns are hypothesized and genetic ratios in relation to different levels of DPA are suggested.Contribution from the Science and Education Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Agronomy Department, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 8090  相似文献   

The direction of root growth can be studied by analyzing the trajectories of roots growing in soil. Both the primary seminal root and nodal roots of maize attain a preferred, or liminal, angle of growth that deviates from the vertical. These roots are said to be plagiogravitropic. Experiments using plants grown in soil-filled boxes revealed that the primary seminal root is truly plagiogravitropic. It shows both positive and negative gravitropism in response to gravity stimuli and tends to maintain its direction even after growing around obstacles. These are experimental results suggesting that plagiogravitropic growth is controlled by internal factors. The orientation of the grain affects the establishment of the liminal angle of the primary seminal root, and both the position of their node of origin and the root diameter are closely related to the plagiogravitropic behaviour of nodal roots. Several external factors are also known to influence plagiogravitropism. Low soil water content causes a decrease in the angle of growth and soil mechanical resistance suppresses the gravitropic curvature. Plagiogravitropic behaviour of both seminal and nodal roots plays a significant role in shaping the root system.  相似文献   

Summary Allotetraploidization is the creation of artificial allotetraploids. Allotetraploidization of maize can be achieved by restructuring a maize genome so that its chromosomes will not pair with those of the normal maize genome. The restructuring can be done by concentrating induced or naturally occurring visible and cryptic chromosome aberrations and qualitatively different genetic material into a single line by a recurrent selection type of breeding program. The basis of allotetraploidization is the presence of differential pairing affinity between normal and restructured chromosomes. Experiments demonstrate that differential pairing affinity factors occur naturally in exotic races and in standard corn belt inbred lines and that they may be readily induced by X-irradiation and chemical mutagens.Contribution from the Science and Education Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Agronomy Department, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, Missouri Agric. Exp. Sta. Journal Series No. 8092  相似文献   

Nonchromosomal stripe of maize   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Shumway LK  Bauman LF 《Genetics》1967,55(1):33-38

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