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Epyrini (Epyrinae) are the largest and morphologically most diverse group within Bethylidae. Evans' conception of Epyrini induces misclassification of several taxa and their diagnostic features, such as median lobe of clypeus projected, and fovea in lateroposterior angle of propodeal disc, are insufficient to place species in the tribe. No previous comprehensive cladistic study has recovered Epyrini as a clade, and no synapomorphies are reported for the tribe, suggesting that the group is artificial. We infer a phylogeny based on 391 informative morphological characters for 42 terminal taxa (31 ingroup, 11 outgroup). Monophyly of Epyrini is supported by a petiole with fused root and body as an autapomorphy. Anisepyris Kieffer, Laelius Ashmead, Holepyris Kieffer, Formosiepyris Terayama, Disepyris Kieffer, Bakeriella Kieffer and Trachepyris Kieffer were retrieved as monophyletic. Epyris Westwood and Chlorepyris Kieffer are paraphyletic. The addition of new characters was essential to define Epyrini, and the ventral region of the mesosoma, petiole and male genitalia may help to better understand genera and species limits. All resulting trees indicate that Epyrinae are polyphyletic. Tribes Epyrini and Sclerodermini are revalidated to subfamily status.  相似文献   

Abstract Four Chinese species of genus Bryomyia Kieffer are recorded in the present paper, among which, one species: B. puberula Li et Bu is described as new to science; two species; B. bergrothi Kieffer and B. gibbosa (Felt) are recorded for the first time from China. Key to the known Chinese species of the genus is given. Type specimen is deposited in the Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.  相似文献   

Abstract. Orthocladius (Orthocladius) is a subgenus of one of the more speciose genera amongst the Holarctic chironomids of the subfamily Orthocladiinae. Although many names have been applied, adult males are difficult to distinguish. However, the immature stages often are known, and pupae discriminate taxa reliably. Based predominantly upon examination of exuviae, Orthocladius atripluma Kieffer and Orthocladius mitisi Goetghebuer are syn.n . of Orthocladius glabripennis (Goetghebuer); Orthocladius smolandicus Brundin a syn.n . of Orthocladius holsatus Goetghebuer; Orthocladius lenzi Kieffer a syn.n . of Orthocladius oblidens (Walker); Orthocladius rhyacobius Kieffer, Orthocladius rhyacophilus Kieffer and Orthocladius excavatus Brundin are syn.n . of Orthocladius obumbratus Johannsen; Orthocladius saxicola Kieffer and Orthocladius curtiseta Sæther are syn.n . of Orthocladius rubicundus (Meigen). Orthocladius (Orthocladius) vaillanti is described as sp.n ., based upon distinctive pupal exuviae. Lectotypes are designated for Orthocladius rhyacobius Kieffer, Orthocladius rhyacophilus Kieffer, Orthocladius rivinus Kieffer, Chironomus rubicundus Meigen and Orthocladius saxicola Kieffer. A key to the thirteen western palaearctic species is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):288-295

This contribution is a result of collaborative work based on the fieldwork organized during a workshop of the Tropical Bryology Group on Mascarene bryophytes in September 2008, and also from previous unpublished records of the authors. We add 35 new taxon records (17 mosses and 18 liverworts) as well as five other interesting records for Réunion Island (Mascarene Archipelago). Grimmia austrofunalis Müll. Hal., Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. subsp. magellanicum, Didymodon tectorum (Müll. Hal.) K. Saito, Anastrophyllum revolutum Steph. and Lejeunea exilis (Reinw. et al.) Grolle are reported for the first time for Africa. Syrrhopodon vardei L. T. Ellis, Ceratolejeunea papuliflora Steph. and Xylolejeunea grolleana (Pócs) X.-L. He & Grolle, previously known as endemic from Madagascar, are here recorded for Réunion. The latter species is also illustrated with SEM pictures.  相似文献   

Abstract. Thirteen species of Australian acacias are invasive plants in agricultural and native vegetation areas of South Africa. Biological control programmes for Australian acacias in South Africa have been implemented and are aimed at suppressing reproductive vigour and, in some cases, vegetative growth of these weeds. Gall-forming midges are under consideration as potential biological control agents for invasive acacias in South Africa. Entomological surveys in southern Australia found a diverse cecidomyiid fauna associated with the buds, flowers and fruits of Acacia species. Nine new Dasineura species are described and two species, D. acaciaelongifoliae (Skuse) and D. dielsi Rübsaamen, are redescribed. The newly described taxa are D. fistulosa sp.n. , D. furcata sp.n. , D. glauca sp.n. , D. glomerata sp.n. , D. oldfieldii sp.n. , D. oshanesii sp.n. , D. pilifera sp.n. , D. rubiformis sp.n. and D. sulcata sp.n. All eleven species induce galls on ovaries and prevent the formation of fruit. Two general types of gall are caused. Type A comprises woody, tubular galls with larvae living inside ovaries (D. acaciaelongifoliae, D. dielsi, D. fistulosa, D. furcata, D. glauca, D. glomerata, D. oldfieldii). Type B includes soft-tissued, globose galls that belong to four subtypes: inflated, baglike, hairy galls with larvae living between ovaries (D. pilifera); pyriform, pubescent swellings with larvae living inside ovaries (D. rubiformis); globose, hairy, swellings with larvae living superficially on ovaries in ovoid chambers (D. oshanesii); and inconspicuous, glabrous swellings with larvae living superficially on ovaries in shallow groovelike chambers (D. sulcata). The gall types are associated with a particular pupation pattern. In type A galls, larvae pupate within larval chambers in galls, whereas in type B galls pupation takes place between ovaries in galls or in the soil beneath the host tree. Gall midges responsible for the same general gall type are morphologically related and differ from species causing the other gall type. Phylogenetic analysis of a 410 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene supports the division of the gall midge species into two groups except for D. sulcata, which appears as a subgroup of the group causing type A galls. The interspecific divergence values in group A species were between 0.5 and 3.9% with intraspecific divergence estimates of 0–0.2%. Gall midges causing type B galls had interspecific divergence values of 4.6–7.3% and intraspecific divergence values of 0–3.7%. Closely related biology and morphology together with low cytochrome b divergence estimates suggest a more recent speciation in group A when compared with species of group B. Dasineura rubiformis and D. dielsi are proposed as potential biological control agents for Acacia mearnsii De Wild. and Acacia cyclops A. Cunn. ex G. Don, respectively, in South Africa due to their narrow host range and ability to form high population densities that reduce seed formation. Both species produce galls with low biomass, which makes them compatible with commercial exploitation of their host species in Africa.  相似文献   

记述锤角细蜂科中国及东洋区1新纪录属:扁锤角细蜂属Pentapria Kieffer,1905,并描述采自云南的1新种:中华扁锤角细蜂Pentapria sinica sp.nov.。提供了形态描述、特征图以及新种与分布于古北区相似种类的鉴别检索表。模式标本保存于华南农业大学膜翅目标本室(SCAU)。  相似文献   

Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) chimalapasensis n. sp. (Eoacanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) is described from the intestine of Awaous banana (Valenciennes) (Pisces: Gobiidae) collected in the Río Negro, a tributary in the upper Río Coatzacoalcos basin, Santa María Chimalapa, Oaxaca State, Mexico. It is the third species of Neoechinorhynchus Stiles & Hassall, 1905 described from Mexican freshwater fishes, although 36 other species are known from freshwater fishes in the Americas. Like four other species of Neoechinorhynchus from freshwater fishes in North America and Mexico, N. (N.) limi Muzzall & Buckner, 1982, (N.) rutili (Müller, 1780) Stiles & Hassall, 1905, N. (N.) salmonis Ching, 1984 and N. (N.) roseus Salgado-Maldonado, 1978, males and females of the new species are less than 20 mm in length, lack conspicuous sexual dimorphism in size, have a small proboscis of about 0.1 mm in length with the largest hooks being the anteriormost, about 30–90 μm in length and of equal size, and have subequal lemnisci, larger than the proboscis receptacle but still relatively short and, in males, generally restricted to a position considerably anterior to the testes. The new species is closest to N. (N.) roseus, but it is distinguished from it by having: (1) a slightly larger cylindrical proboscis with almost parallel sides versus a globular proboscis with a rounded tip which is shorter and somewhat wider in N. (N.) roseus; (2) smaller but robust anterior proboscis hooks that do not reach the equatorial level or extend beyond the hooks of the middle circle as in N. (N.) roseus; and (3) the female gonopore situated ventrally subterminal, as opposed to being a significant distance anteriorly to the posterior extremity in N. (N.) roseus.  相似文献   

The morphology of the larval ventromental plates of Y. tahitiensis Sublette & Martin and four Oceanian species of Chironomus Meigen, C. hawaiiensis Grimshaw, C. javanus Kieffer, C. magnivalva Kieffer and C. samoensis Edwards, has been studied by scanning electron micrography. Data on ventromental plate ultrastructure are used in phenetic and cladistic analyses of the relationships of T. tahitiensis and the Oceanian Chironomus to other species in Chironomus and additional genera. The results of these analyses support the current generic status of T. tahitiensis but indicate that Yama is less closely related to Chironomus than previously supposed, a finding that is supported by a reexamination of ‘traditional’ morphological features.  相似文献   

The adult female of Chaetocladius insolitus Caspers, 1987 (Diptera, Chironomidae) is described and discussed in the context of the generic diagnosis of adult females of the genus Chaetocladius Kieffer, 1911. In addition, distributional notes on this rare chironomid species are included.  相似文献   

Two new species of Allobethylus Kieffer, 1905 are described and illustrated. Allobethylus korystus sp. nov. from Thailand is characterized as having a mandible with four apical teeth, a clypeus with a trapezoidal frontal profile and a pronotal declivity with a conspicuous crest. The last two traits are new characteristics to the genus. Allobethylus lamprus sp. nov. from Myanmar is characterized as having a mandible with three apical teeth, a clypeus with a triangular frontal profile and a bidentate median lobe. Additionally, A. multicolor Kieffer is recorded for the first time from Thailand. An updated world key to the species of genus is also provided.  相似文献   

The characters of the genitalia of the females of Glyptotendipes glaucus (Meigen, 1818), Glyptotendipes pallens (Meigen, 1804), Glyptotendipes paripes (Edwards, 1929), Glyptotendipes gripekoveni (Kieffer, 1913), Glyptotendipes aequalis (Kieffer, 1922), Glyptotendipes barbipes (Staeger, 1839) and Glyptotendipes salinus Michailova, 1987 are described. A key for the identification of these species is given.The taxonomic status of Glyptotendipes aequalis is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Poptella is described from the Río Putumayo, Upper Río Amazon basin, Peru. The new species is distinguished from congeners by having a dense field of dark chromatophores homogeneously spread over the posterior half of the body, posterior humeral blotch extending to three to four horizontal scale rows below the lateral line, and a higher number of branched dorsal-fin rays. The new species can be readily distinguished from P. paraguayensis by having a comparatively shorter predorsal spine.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Saphonecrus Dalla Torre et Kieffer, 1910, S. flavitibilis sp. n. and S. tianmushanus sp. n., are described and illustrated, and a key to the Chinese species of genus Saphonecrus is provided.  相似文献   

记述剑盾狭背瘿蜂属Prosaspicera Kieffer 2新种:天目剑盾狭背瘿蜂P.tianmunensis sp.nov.和福建剑盾狭背瘿蜂P.fujianensis sp.nov.以及2中国新记录种:异剑盾狭背瘿蜂P.confusa Ros-Farré,2006和东方剑盾狭背瘿蜂P.orientalis Pujade-Villar,2006,提供了中国该属的分种检索表。模式标本保存于浙江农林大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

During the northern Europe epidemic of bluetongue (BT), Onderstepoort‐type blacklight traps were used to capture Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges weekly between November 2006 and December 2008 on 21 livestock farms in the Netherlands. Proven and potential vectors for the bluetongue virus (BTV) comprised almost 80% of the midges collected: the Obsoletus complex, constituting C. obsoletus (Meigen) and C. scoticus Downes & Kettle (44.2%), C. dewulfi Goetghebuer (16.4%), C. chiopterus (Meigen) (16.3%) and C. pulicaris (Linnaeus) (0.1%). Half of the 24 commonest species of Culicoides captured completed only one (univoltine) or two (bivoltine) generations annually, whereas multivoltine species (including all BTV vectors) cycled through five to six generations (exceeding the one to four generations calculated in earlier decades). Whether this increment signals a change in the phenology of northern Europe Culicoides or simply is an adaptive response that manifests during warmer episodes, thus heightening periodically the incursive potential of midge‐borne arboviruses, remains to be clarified. Culicoides duddingstoni Kettle & Lawson, C. grisescens Edwards, C. maritimus Kieffer, C. pallidicornis Kieffer and C. riethi Kieffer are new records for the biting midge fauna of the Netherlands. It is suggested that C. punctatus (Meigen) be added to the European list of vector Culicoides.  相似文献   

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