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APSIM模型在黄土丘陵沟壑区不同耕作措施中的适用性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了揭示黄土丘陵区不同耕作措施对作物生长发育和土壤水分的影响及相互作用规律,根据2002~2005年两个轮作序列(小麦→豌豆(W→P)和豌豆→小麦(P→W))的3种耕作措施(传统耕作(T)、免耕(NT)和免耕覆盖(NTS))的定位试验,对APSIM模型的适用性进行了研究.通过定位试验得到了一套APSIM模型的参数值,并对其进行了率定.运用均方根误差法对APSIM模型进行检验,结果表明:小麦和豌豆产量与生物量的模拟值与实测值具有显著的正相关(R>0.9),误差范围在±15%之内;土壤贮水量的模拟值与实测值也具有显著的正相关(R>0.7),误差范围在±20%以内.表明APSIM模型可以用来模拟不同耕作方式和不同轮作序列的小麦和豌豆产量、生物量及土壤水分的动态变化,模型可以用于指导作物生产及耕作措施的优化管理.  相似文献   

作物农田蒸散计算模型的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
农田蒸散是指田间条件下,作物棵间蒸发和蒸腾之和,它涉及土壤作物大气系统,受气象、作物和土壤等多种因素的制约。本文从田间试验出发,综合考虑影响农田蒸散的各种因素,建立了不同作物(棉花、玉米和冬小麦)农田蒸散的计算模型,为今后农业生产中的合理灌溉、节...  相似文献   

不同空间尺度下的ALMANAC模型验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ALMANAC模型最早作为EPIC模型的一部分,用于模拟土壤侵蚀导致的土地生产力的下降.它将试验数据的统计过程和作物生长的机理过程结合起来,是一种典型的基于过程模拟的应用型作物生长模型.如能在不同的空间尺度上验证模型的适用性,无疑会大大扩展模型的应用范围.从这一目的出发,利用美国得克萨斯州19个试验田和9个县的玉米和高粱产量资料及其相关的作物、土壤、田问管理等数据,模拟了1998年田间尺度,1989~1998年县级尺度的平均作物产量.模拟结果表明,ALMANAC模型能够很好地模拟两种不同空间尺度的作物产量,其相对误差在田问尺度上分别为8.9%(高粱)和9.4%(玉米),在县级尺度上分别达到2.6%(玉米)和—0.6%(高粱).该模型在进行产量预测、掌握作物生长动态,指导农业生产管理和土地利用等方面具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

APSIM模型对华北平原小麦-玉米连作系统的适用性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王琳  郑有飞  于强  王恩利 《应用生态学报》2007,18(11):2480-2486
利用中国科学院禹城试验站1999—2001年大田试验及2002—2003年水分池处理数据进行APSIM模型参数的调试及验证,检验其对华北地区冬小麦-夏玉米连作系统的适用性.模型调试和验证结果表明:禹城1999—2000年大田试验的作物叶面积指数、生物量和土壤含水量模拟结果的平均误差分别为27.61%、24.59%和7.68%,2000—2001年分别为32.65%、35.95%和10.26%;2002—2003年高水分处理的作物叶面积指数和生物量模拟结果的平均误差分别为26.65%和14.52%,低水分处理分别为23.91%和27.93%.叶面积指数、生物量的模拟值和实测值拟合较好,除2000—2001年叶面积指数的决定系数为0.78外,其他处理均大于0.85.表明APSIM模型在模拟华北地区小麦-玉米连作系统的作物生物量和土壤水分方面具有较好的准确性,对叶面积指数模拟误差稍大.  相似文献   

用于模拟土壤干旱胁迫对作物影响的模型分为两类,一是水分管理模型,此类模型并不模拟作物的生长发育,但可以用于灌溉管理;二是作物生长模拟模型,这类模型模拟作物生长的主要过程(如叶片生长、生物量的积累与分配等),通常以实际蒸腾与潜在蒸腾的比值估算土壤干旱胁迫对作物光合的影响,近年来发展的耦合模型将植物的碳同化、蒸腾、能量平衡以及气孔行为相耦合,使得土壤干旱胁迫对作物影响的模拟更具机理性。本文从不同模型模拟土壤干旱对作物影响的原理入手,阐述了水分管理模型(FAO水分生产函数模型)、作物生长模型(Aqua Crop模型、CERES-Maize模型、WOFOST模型、EPICphase模型、耦合模型)等具有代表性模型是如何模拟土壤干旱胁迫对作物生长发育和(或)产量影响的,提出了作物模型模拟土壤干旱胁迫影响时应着力解决的问题:完善干旱对作物物候的影响模拟;考虑花期不遇对作物产量影响的模拟;考虑后续持续影响的模拟机制;发展更加基于物理和生理过程的模型。提出:作物模型的发展还需要多领域如模型程序员、田间试验、植物生理学家的相互协同与发展,田间试验研究是作物模型发展不可或缺的数据来源与坚实基础。  相似文献   

APSIM模型在西南地区的适应性评价——以重庆冬小麦为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用重庆市4个代表性站点的小麦田间观测数据和同期逐日气象数据对APSIM模型在重庆小麦产区的适应性进行研究,确定了12个小麦品种的作物参数.结果表明:模拟小麦的播种至出苗、开花和成熟各阶段天数与实测值具有较好的一致性,其均方根误差值分别为0~3、1~8和0~8 d;模拟的12个小麦品种中,模拟与实测地上部分生物量的归一化均方根误差(NRMSE)均低于30%,10个品种模拟与实测产量的NRMSE均低于30%,作物生育期、地上部分生物量和产量的模拟结果均在可接受范围内波动.说明APSIM模型对不同品种冬小麦的生育期、地上部分生物量和产量模拟效果较好,该模型在重庆地区具有较好的适应性,为后续基于模型评估该地区小麦生产提供了基础支撑.  相似文献   

活性X-3B红染料在水-土壤-作物连续体中的迁移模型研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
进入环境的自学成才性X-3B红染料是一典型的持久性有机污染物(POPs)。它从水分室向土壤分室再到作物分室的迁移,是一连续的生态过程,基于此,从理论上对活性X-3B红染料在水-土壤两相,土壤-作物两相以及水-土壤-作物整个连续体中的迁移进行了定量描述与探讨,并采用棕壤-大豆、褐土-小麦,红壤-萝卜和水稻土-水稻等系统给予了实验论证,表明活性X-3B红染料通过吸附机制从水分室到土壤分室的迁移符合Langmuir模型。通过作物根系吸收机制从土壤分室到作物分室的迁移可以用对数化的作物-土壤积累因子(CSAF)模型予以定量描述。  相似文献   

基于GIS的黄土丘陵沟壑区作物生产潜力模拟研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从YIELD模型的来源、输入文件及基本参数,模型中作物生产力计算各个子模型以及计算流程4个方面作了简单的叙述,以黄土丘陵沟壑区典型小流域晋西狼窝沟为例,在地理信息系统(GIS)技术十,应用YILD模型对该流域的作物生产潜力进行了模拟,并从作物类型,地类,耕作措施及气候条件4个方面对影响该流域作物产量的因素进行了分析。结果表明,该模型对不同作物的模拟产量在总体上与实体产量基本相符合,表明模型可以应用于黄土丘陵沟壑区的作物产量模拟之中,对于不同地类来说,坝地的土壤水分和以力条件明显高于梯田和坡耕地,因而坝地的模拟产量地高于梯田和坡地,但三者之间的差距没有实测产量显著,耕作措施是提高作物生产力的有效途径,对地膜覆盖,梯田以及施肥等耕作措施的模拟产量表明,这3种耕作措施均能有效的物生产力;其产量提高率均平均在85%以上,其中以施肥对作物的增产作用最大,增产率高达95%,,这与实测产量资料基本一致;气候条件是影响作物生产的直接因素,模拟结果表明模型对降水量和温度等气候条件十分敏感,不同年份降水量和温度的差异将直接导致作物生产力的显著不同。对YIELD模型的模拟结果分析表明,该模型可以有效地应用于黄土丘陵沟壑区的作物生产潜力研究。  相似文献   

基于华北地区3个长期定位试验站点(河南郑州、山东禹城和河北曲周)的试验数据,用站点实测作物产量和土壤有机碳(SOC)双标准对Daycent模型进行校验和验证.结果表明: 模型参数组合对作物产量和SOC的长期变化动态拟合效果良好,表明Daycent模型可较好地模拟作物产量和SOC的动态变化.用校验和验证了的模型对3个站点在气候情景RCP 4.5下4种不同管理措施(单施化肥NPK、化肥+有机肥MNPK、秸秆还田SNPK、免耕+秸秆NT)下SOC的变化动态进行模拟.结果表明: 郑州站点NPK、MNPK、SNPK处理中,MNPK处理的SOC相对年平均增幅最高,2001—2050年间的SOC年增幅达1.7%,其次为SNPK处理(年均增幅为1.3%)和NPK处理(年均增幅为0.8%),从长远角度看,增施有机肥对灌溉轻壤土有机碳的增加有明显效果.在禹城站点,研究期间,MNPK处理的SOC年均增幅(0.4%)高于NPK处理(0.3%),由于该站点土壤有轻度盐化特征,因此各措施下SOC的增幅较低.在曲周站点,NT处理更有利于SOC的增加,研究期间的SOC年均增幅达1.3%,远高于SNPK处理(0.7%)和NPK处理(0.4%).华北地区气温适宜、灌溉条件好、具备秸秆还田及免耕机械条件,免耕+秸秆还田是该地区增加SOC的较好农作管理措施.  相似文献   

施肥进步在粮食增产中的贡献及其地理分异   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
采用中长期田间试验对8种模拟施肥模型在温带的海伦试验站、暖温带的沈阳试验站和亚热带的桃源试验站进行了6~10年试验,以比较、评价施肥在粮食生产中的贡献.结果发现,施肥在作物产量形成中的贡献随施肥制度和气候的热量因素所影响;在最佳施肥条件下,施肥在产量中的贡献率分别为海伦(温带)30%、沈阳(暖温带)38%、桃源(亚热带)44%.按这一实验结果可以一般地估计:当其他技术条件不变时,施肥在产量形成中的贡献率最高可达30~45%,随所在地区气候的热量条件而不同.  相似文献   

The influence of 10 years reduced tillage (RT) on the potential carbon mineralization of the 0-5 cm layer of silt loam soils in Belgium under a temperate climate was investigated. Therefore, four fields at three locations under 10 years of RT and fields under conventional tillage (CT) with comparable crop rotation were selected. The higher % soil organic carbon in the upper layer resulted in a higher potential carbon mineralization of the RT fields. The small increase in % soil organic carbon and potential carbon mineralization of RT fields was contributed to the high soil disturbance due to incorporation of manure in the upper layer and the production of sugar beets and potatoes. Simulating ploughing by emptying and refilling the soil cores resulted mostly in a higher potential carbon mineralization. However, the differences were not significant due to the high variability in potential carbon mineralization.  相似文献   

In most studies concerning the carbon (C) exchange between soil and atmosphere only the topsoil (0–0.3 m) is taken into account. However, it has been shown that important amounts of stable soil organic carbon (SOC) are also stored at greater depth. Here, we developed a quantitative model to estimate the evolution of the distribution of SOC with depth between 1960 (database 'Aardewerk') and 2006 in northern Belgium. This temporal analysis was conducted under different land use, texture and drainage conditions. The results indicate that intensified land management practices seriously affect the SOC status of the soil. The increase in plough depth and a change in crop rotation result in a significant decrease of C near the surface for dry silt loam cropland soils, (i.e. 1.02 ± 0.23 kg C m−2 in the top 0.3 m between 1960 and 2006). In wet to extremely wet grasslands, topsoil SOC decreased significantly, indicating a negative influence of intensive soil drainage on SOC stock. This resulted in a decline of SOC between 1960 and 2006 in the top 1 m, ranging from 3.99 ± 2.57 kg C m−2 in extremely wet silt loam soils to 2.04 ± 2.08 kg C m−2 in wet sandy soils. A slight increase of SOC stock is observed under dry to moderately wet grasslands at greater depths corresponding to increased livestock densities in the region. The increase of SOC in the top 1 m under grassland ranges from 0.65 ± 1.39 kg C m−2 in well drained silt loam soils to 2.59 ± 6.49 kg C m−2 in moderately drained silt loam soils over entire period.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) export from soils to streams and groundwater under the intensifying cropping schemes of the Pampas is modest compared to intensively cultivated basins of Europe and North America; however, a slow N enrichment of water resources has been suggested. We (1) analyzed the fate of fertilizer N and (2) evaluated the contribution of fertilizer and soil organic matter (SOM) to N leaching under the typical cropping conditions of the Pampas. Fertilizer N was applied as 15N-labeled ammonium sulfate to corn (in a corn/soybean rotation) sown under zero tillage in filled-in lysimeters containing two soils of different texture representative of the Pampean region (52 and 78 kg N ha-1, added to the silt loam and sandy loam soil, respectively). Total fertilizer recovery at corn harvest averaged 84 and 64% for the silt loam and sandy loam lysimeters, respectively. Most fertilizer N was removed with plant biomass (39%) or remained immobilized in the soil (29 and 15%, for the silt loam and sandy loam soil, respectively) whereas its loss through drainage was negligible (<0.01%). We presume that the unaccounted fertilizer N losses were related to volatilization and denitrification. Throughout the corn growing season, subsequent fallow and soybean crop, which took place during an exceptionally dry period, the fertilizer N immobilized in the organic pool remained stable, and N leaching was scarce (7.5 kg N ha-1), similar at both soils, and had a low contribution of fertilizer N (0–3.5%), implying that >96% of the leached N was derived from SOM mineralization. The inherent high SOM of Pampean soils and the favorable climatic conditions are likely to propitiate year-round production of nitrate, favoring its participation in crop nutrition and leaching. The presence of 15N in drainage water, however, suggests that fertilizer N leaching could become significant in situations with higher fertilization rates or more rainy seasons.  相似文献   

Enumeration of denitrifying microbial populations in turf   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Denitrifer populations of a silt and silt loam soil under a Kentucky bluegrass turf were enumerated using the most probable number (MPN) procedure. The influence of soil texture, soil depth, soil moisture, and additions of nitrate fertilizer on denitrifier populations were determined. Saturated soil conditions increased denitrifier populations 87-fold in the silt soil and 121-fold in the silt loam soil. Denitrifier populations did not differ significantly between soil depths and additions of fertilizer nitrate did not influence populations.  相似文献   

Population increase of Pratylenchus hexincisus on corn was tested over 3 months at 15, 20, 25, and 30 C in Marshall silt loam, Clarion silt loam, Buckner coarse sand, and Haig silty clay loam soils. The optimum temperature for increase was 30 C in all soils. The nematode population was significantly larger in Buckner coarse sand than in other soil types at 50 C. The recovered P. hexincisus populations equaled or exceeded initial inoculum levels at the two higher temperatures in Marshall silt loam and Haig silty clay loam and at 30 C in Clarion silt loam and Buckner coarse sand. P. hexincisus required 32,400 heat units in Haig silty clay loam and more than 40,000 heat units in the three other soil types to reach a level that is known to cause significant height and biomass reduction in corn under controlled condition.  相似文献   

Excessive corn (Zea mays L.) stover removal for biofuel and other uses may adversely impact soil and crop production. We assessed the effects of stover removal at 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% from continuous corn on water erosion, corn yield, and related soil properties during a 3‐year study under irrigated and no‐tillage management practice on a Ulysses silt loam at Colby, irrigated and strip till management practice on a Hugoton loam at Hugoton, and rainfed and no‐tillage management practice on a Woodson silt loam at Ottawa in Kansas, USA. The slope of each soil was <1%. One year after removal, complete (100%) stover removal resulted in increased losses of sediment by 0.36–0.47 Mg ha?1 at the irrigated sites, but, at the rainfed site, removal at rates as low as 50% resulted in increased sediment loss by 0.30 Mg ha?1 and sediment‐associated carbon (C) by 0.29 kg ha?1. Complete stover removal reduced wet aggregate stability of the soil at the irrigated sites in the first year after removal, but, at the rainfed site, wet aggregate stability was reduced in all years. Stover removal at rates ≥ 50% resulted in reduced soil water content, increased soil temperature in summer by 3.5–6.8 °C, and reduced temperature in winter by about 0.5 °C. Soil C pool tended to decrease and crop yields tended to increase with an increase in stover removal, but 3 years after removal, differences were not significant. Overall, stover removal at rates ≥50% may enhance grain yield but may increase risks of water erosion and negatively affect soil water and temperature regimes in this region.  相似文献   

Abstract After the introduction of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii into natural loamy sand and silt loam, bacterial numbers increased only directly after inoculation. Thereafter, bacterial numbers decreased until an equilibrium was reached. This decrease was exponential on a log scale and could be described by the function Y = A + B − R ', where Y is the log number of rhizobial cells at time: T ; A represents the lgo of the final population size; B is the difference between the log (initial number of bacteria) and A ; R is the daily reduction factor of Y−A and t is time in days after inoculation. The final population sizes increased with increasing inoculum densities (104−108 bacteria/g soil). In sterilized soil, however, the populations increased up to an equilibrium, which was not affected by the inoculum density.
The final population sizes were higher in silt loam than in loamy sand in natural, as well as in sterilized soil. The final population size was reached earlier in natural silt loam than in loamy sand. Also the growth rate in sterilized soil was higher in silt loam than in loamy sand. The growth rate of low inoculum densities in silt loam was exponential and approximately the same as in yeast extract mannitol broth. The growth rate in loamy sand could be improved by incresing the bulk density of the soil from 1.0 to 1.4 g/cm3.  相似文献   

Dazomet applied in the ridges in autumn or in spring, before potatoes were planted in them, controlled potato cyst-nematode (Heterodera rostochiensis), British pathotype A, better in sandy loam and peaty loam than Telone (1,3-dichloropropene mixture). In sandy loam dazomet controlled potato cyst-nematode as well when applied in spring as when applied in autumn and as well when the soil was ridged after treatment as when it was not. Telone was as effective when applied to ridges in autumn as when applied to ridges in spring. In peaty loam potato cyst-nematodes were least abundant after a crop of Maris Piper potatoes. The yields of King Edward potatoes were greatly increased and nematode multiplication was greatly reduced by dazomet incorporated in the ridges in autumn. Two equal doses of dazomet, one incorporated in the topsoil before, the other after ploughing, controlled potato cyst-nematode as well and increased the yield of King Edward potatoes more than an equivalent amount of dazomet applied after ploughing. Dazomet applied to silt loam soil in two dressings, one before, the other after, ploughing, controlled potato cyst-nematode better than an equal amount applied as a single dressing after ploughing. The nematode was controlled best by two large dressings of dazomet or by a combined treatment of dazomet and Telone.  相似文献   

Gill  J. S.  Sivasithamparam  K.  Smettem  K. R. J. 《Plant and Soil》2000,221(2):113-120
The effect of different soil textures, sandy (97.5% sand, 1.6% silt, 0.9% clay), loamy sand (77% sand, 11% silt, 12% clay) and a sandy clay loam (69% sand, 7% silt, 24% clay), on root rot of wheat caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn Anastomosis Group (AG) 8 was studied under glasshouse conditions. The reduction in root and shoot biomass following inoculation with AG-8 was greater in sand than in loamy sand or sandy clay loam. Dry root weight of wheat in the sand, loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils infested with AG-8 was 91%, 55% and 28% less than in control uninfested soils. There was greater moisture retention in the loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils as compared to the sand in the upper 10–20 cm. Root penetration resistance was greater in loamy sand and sandy clay loam than in sand. Root growth in the uninfested soil column was faster in the sand than in the loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils, the roots in the sandy soil being thinner than in the other two soils. Radial spread of the pathogen in these soils in seedling trays was twice as fast in the sand in comparison to the loamy sand which in turn was more than twice that in the sandy clay loam soil. There was no evidence that differences among soils in pathogenicity or soil spread of the pathogen was related to their nutrient status. This behaviour may be related to the severity of the disease in fields with sandy soils as compared to those with loam or clay soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract Transfer of plasmid RP4p from introduced Pseudomonas fluorescens to a co-introduced recipient strain or to members of the indigenous bacterial population was studied in four different soils of varying texture planted with wheat. Donor and recipient strains showed good survival in the four soils throughout the experiment. The numbers of transconjugants found in donor and recipient experiments in two soils, Ede loamy sand and Löss silt loam were significantly higher in the rhizosphere than in corresponding bulk soil. In the remaining two soils, Montrond and Flevo silt loam, transconjugant numbers were not significantly higher in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil.
The combined utilization of a specific bacteriophage eliminate the donor strain and the pat sequence as a specific marker to detect RP4p was found to be very efficient in detecting indigenous transconjugants under various environmental conditions. The numbers of indigenous transconjugants were consistently higher in rhizosphere than bull soil. A significant rhizosphere effect on transconjugant numbers of transconjugants were recovered from Flevo and Montrond silt loam; these soils possess characteristics such as clay or organic matter contents which may be favorable to conjugation.  相似文献   

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