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The house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) is a sexually dichromatic passerine in which males display colorful plumage and females are generally drab brown. Some females, however, have a subdued version of the same pattern of ornamental coloration seen in males. In previous research, I found that female house finches use male coloration as an important criterion when choosing mates and that the plumage brightness of males is a reliable indicator of male nest attentiveness. Male house finches invest substantially in the care of young and, like females, stand to gain by choosing high-quality mates. I therefore hypothesized that a female's plumage brightness might be correlated with her quality and be the basis for male mate choice. In laboratory mate choice experiments, male house finches showed a significant preference for the most brightly plumaged females presented. Observations of a wild population of house finches, however, suggest that female age is the primary criterion in male choice and that female plumage coloration is a secondary criterion. In addition, yearling females tended to have more brightly colored plumage than older females, and there was no relationship between female plumage coloration and overwinter survival, reproductive success, or condition. These observations fail to support the idea that female plumage coloration is an indicator of individual quality. Male mate choice for brightly plumaged females may have evolved as a correlated response to selection on females to choose brightly colored males.  相似文献   

Conflicts between the sexes over control of reproduction are thought to lead to a cost of sexual selection through the evolution of male traits that manipulate female reproductive physiology and behaviour, and female traits that resist this manipulation. Although studies have begun to document negative fitness effects of sexual conflict, studies showing the expected association between sexual conflict and the specific behavioural mechanisms of sexual selection are lacking. Here we experimentally manipulated the opportunity for sexual conflict in the cockroach. Nauphoeta cinerea and showed that, for this species, odour cues in the social environment influence the behavioural strategies and fitness of males and females during sexual selection. Females provided with the opportunity for discriminating between males but not necessarily mating with preferred males produced fewer male offspring than females mated at random. The number of female offspring produced was not affected, nor was the viability of the offspring. Experimental modification of the composition of the males' pheromone showed that the fecundity effects were caused by exposure to the pheromone component that makes males attractive to females but also makes males less likely to be dominant. Female mate choice therefore carries a demographic cost but functions to avoid male manipulation and aggression. Male-male competition appears to function to circumvent mate choice rather than directly manipulating females, as the mate choice can be cryptic. The dynamic struggle between the sexes for control of mating opportunities and outcomes in N. cinerea therefore reveals a unique role for sexual conflict in the evolution of the behavioural components of sexual selection.  相似文献   

According to mate choice theory, females should consider both male quality and mating status when choosing a mate. In birds, strong experimental evidence indicates that females prefer males with elaborate traits. No comparable evidence exists to determine whether females take male mating status into account or how they may trade between male quality and male mating status. We studied mate choice of female pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in outdoor aviaries where the effect of territory quality could be eliminated and where we could control which males were mated and which were unmated. We used male plumage colour as our measure of male quality. In the aviaries, focal females could easily compare males and assess their plumage colour and mating status, and resident females were prevented from attacking prospecting females because of separation in different compartments. The study provided evidence for a trade-off in mate choice. Females may compromise by choosing an already mated male if he is more brightly coloured and, presumably, of higher quality than available unmated males. The study did not support the idea that polygyny is based on male deception of females, but the results were consistent with the female aggression hypothesis.  相似文献   

In many species of monogamous birds females copulate with males other than their social mates, resulting in extrapair fertilizations. Little is known about how females choose extrapair mates and whether the traits used to choose them are reliable indicators of male quality. Here we identify a novel male trait associated with extra-group mating success in the superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus), a cooperatively breeding bird with one of the highest known frequencies of extra-group mating. Female fairy-wrens chose extra-group mates that molted earlier into breeding plumage. Males molted up to five months before the breeding season began, and only males that molted at least one month prior to its onset gained any extra-group fertilizations. This conclusion held after controlling statistically for the effect of age and social status on molt date. Once males acquired breeding plumage, they began courtship display to females on other territories. Thus, some males were displaying to females for several months before the breeding season began. This extraordinarily long period of advertisement by males may be facilitated by the long-term ownership of territories. We suggest that early acquisition of breeding plumage or the subsequent display behavior can be reliable cues for mate choice because they are costly to acquire or maintain.  相似文献   

Coloration in birds can act as an important sexual signal in males, yet in many species, both sexes display bright colors. Social selection may account for this pattern, with more brightly colored individuals pairing together on the best territories. Mutual mate choice may also explain this, as males investing a great deal of parental care in the offspring should be choosy about their social mates. It is less clear whether this pattern of mate choice can apply to extra‐pair partners as well. We examined western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) to determine whether more colorful individuals tended to pair with one another, both in social pairs and between females and their extra‐pair partners. Both male and female western bluebirds display both UV‐blue structural plumage and a melanin‐based chestnut breast patch, although females are duller than males. Social pairs mated assortatively with regard to UV‐blue brightness, but not chestnut coloration. There was no evidence that extra‐pair partners mated assortatively, but males with brighter UV‐blue coloration had fewer extra‐pair offspring in their nests. Older males were more successful at siring extra‐pair offspring, despite displaying no differences in coloration compared to younger males. Coloration did not play a role in determining extra‐pair male success. These results suggest that coloration plays a role in the formation of social pairs, but not mate choice for extra‐pair partners.  相似文献   

Female choice based on multiple male traits has been documented in many species but the functions of such multiple traits are still under debate. The satin bowerbird has a polygynous mating system in which males attract females to bowers for mating; females choose mates based on multiple aspects of males and their bowers. In this paper, we demonstrate that females use some cues to decide which males to examine closely and other cues to decide which males to mate with. Female visitation rates to bowers were significantly related to male size and the males' 'solitary' display rates, and, to a lesser extent, to the numbers of bower decorations. After controlling for female visitation rates, it was found that a male's mating success was significantly related to his size and the rate at which he 'painted' his bower with saliva and chewed up plant material.  相似文献   

Male structural plumage coloration and UV signals in particular can provide information on individual quality and influence female choice, while melanin-pigmented plumage is largely considered to be important in intrasexual competition. Many avian species demonstrate both types of plumage ornamentation that may convey different information about the signaller's quality or condition in addition to age. We examine rufous and blue plumage ornamentation across multiple body regions in relation to age, condition and reproductive performance in male western bluebirds Sialia mexicana. We demonstrate a strong positive relationship between head plumage brightness and both male age and the mass of the offspring. Older males are in better condition and display a reduced plumage patch on the back while the size of the rufous breast patch increases with increasing condition but not with age. Spectral characters from the wings and rump were not associated with any of the reproductive parameters measured. In conjunction with published evidence showing that females preferentially accept extrapair copulations from older males, these data suggest a need for experimental manipulation of plumage colour in known-aged birds to understand mate choice in this species.  相似文献   

A series of trials was conducted to study the relationship of plumage phenotype with choice of mate. Males which exhibited preferences tended to choose either females of their own kind, those of a plumage color with which they had prior experience, or those of the darker hue in a choice situation.Wild-type males which had no prior experience with albino females, tended to avoid albinos in preference to wild-type hens. This preference persisted when the head and neck plumage of albinos was dyed black, but when the body plumage of the albinos was dyed black, wild-type males did not exhibit a preference between them and wild-type females. The data suggest that body plumage color is a factor in the male choice of females.  相似文献   

In pied flycatchers females seem to prefer male territory quality rather than male characteristics, and the results of female mate choice experiments are divergent. In this outdoor aviary study, we examined how altering the ultraviolet reflection of males affects female mate choice behaviour. We chose pairs of males with similar human-visible dorsal colour and morphological traits. We then reduced the proportional ultraviolet reflectance in one male with sunscreen chemicals. The other male was treated with a chemical that slightly increased the ultraviolet reflectance of the plumage. In the experiment females clearly preferred males with slightly increased ultraviolet reflection. Our results indicate that pied flycatcher females use ultraviolet cues for mate choice when the effect of territory quality is controlled for. The results give us new information about a possible mechanism of mate assessment in this species, and indicate the importance of colour cues in avian mate choice behaviour.  相似文献   

Lekking males compete for females within and among leks, yet female choice is expected to work differently at each of these spatial scales. We used paternity analyses to examine how lek versus male attributes influence mate choice in the blue-crowned manakin Lepidothrix coronata. We tested the hypotheses that females prefer (i) to mate at larger leks where a larger number of potential mates can be assessed, (ii) to mate with unrelated or highly heterozygous males expected to produce high-quality offspring, (iii) to mate with males that display at higher rates, and that (iv) display honestly reflects male genetic quality. Our results show that (i) males at larger leks are not more likely to sire young, although females nesting close to small leks travel further to reach larger leks, (ii) siring males are not less related to females or more heterozygous than expected, (iii) within a lek, high-display males are more likely to sire young, and (iv) both male heterozygosity and display rate increased with lek size, and as a result display does not reliably reflect male genetic quality across leks. We suggest that female mate choice in this species is probably driven by a Fisherian process rather than adaptive genetic benefits.  相似文献   

Understanding why males of many species exhibit two or more sexual ornaments depends upon identifying both the information conveyed and the intended receiver(s) for each signal. Here we focus on identifying the intended receivers for two sexual signals exhibited by male red-backed fairy-wrens Malurus melanocephalus , extent of nuptial plumage and tail length. In doing so we test the multiple receiver hypothesis, which predicts that each trait is directed toward a different type of receiver (e.g., males vs females). Male red-backed fairy-wrens in nuptial plumage exhibit reversed sexual dimorphism for tail length in the breeding season, when their tails are significantly shorter than those of females or males in eclipse plumage. Using both aviary-based experiments and indices of mate choice and social dominance from a natural population, we found that extent of nuptial plumage and age primarily affected female mate choice and that shorter tails were primarily associated with male:male dominance signaling. The field and aviary studies combined are consistent with the multiple receiver hypothesis, in that each trait appears to be directed primarily to a different set of receivers (plumage for females and tail length for males), though each trait may also signal information to the other set of receivers as well. We propose that sexual selection may favor shorter tail lengths in male red-backed fairy-wrens through social competition mechanisms.  相似文献   

多数鸟类通过性特征限制在同性竞争和配偶选择中的“欺骗者”存在,与此相反,雀形目扇尾莺科部分物种表现出繁殖季节性特征消退的身体特征变化模式.在广州市南沙区通过“目字笼”对黄腹山鹪莺配偶关系稳定性的限制机制进行研究,发现虽然雌性个体到访原配个体和对照个体的次数几乎相同,但是雌性个体对原配雄性的单次选择时间明显长于对照雄性个体,总计选择时间也明显长于对照雄性个体.选择实验过程中,原配雄性的跳动次数明显高于对照个体雄性,以竖尾扑哧和鸣声恐吓等为代表的威慑行为次数也明显高于对照雄性个体.结果说明,雌性更青睐于原配个体,配对时间越长,忠诚度越高,而且原配雄性比入侵雄性个体表现出更高的活跃度和威慑行为.繁殖季节性特征消退的物种可以通过保持稳定的配偶关系以限制“欺骗者”存在.可以推测繁殖的巨大投入和雌性之间的同性竞争可能是产生这种配偶稳定性的主要原因.  相似文献   

Studies on sexual selection have focused on behaviour and morphology, but several groups of animals build elaborate structures associated with acquiring a mate. I investigated female choice for nests built by male baya weavers (Ploceus philippinus). Nest choice by females should be strong, as nests are obvious direct benefits provided by males. I used a field experiment supplemented with correlational information to ask whether females appear to base mate choice decisions on male behaviour, nest architecture, and nest location. When the nests of highly visited males were exchanged with those of poorly visited males, female visits remained highest at the original male and location. I found no relationship between female choice and male display or other behaviour. Correlational analyses show that nest location was a better predictor of female choice than was nest architecture. These data suggest that current female choice is driven more by access to safe nesting sites rather than to well‐built nests, possibly because all males are able to build nests of adequate quality. However, nest architecture is unlikely to be irrelevant to females, and its role deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species it is rare for females to bemore intensely colored than males. The barn owl (Tyto alba)is one of the exceptions, as females usually exhibit more andlarger black spots on the plumage. The evolution of sexual dimorphismin plumage traits is commonly assumed to be the result of sexualselection. I therefore examined the prediction that male barnowls do not pair randomly with respect to female plumage spottinessduring a 5-year study in Switzerland. The prediction was supported,as males that changed mates acquired a new female that was similarlyspotted to the previous one, and pairing with respect to plumage spottinesswas positively assortative. Significant repeatability in male pairingwas presumably neither the consequence of sharing the same habitats withfemales displaying a given plumage spottiness nor of morphological characteristicsof the males that could influence mate sampling. A resemblance inplumage spottiness between the mates of sons and of their fathersuggests that repeatability could have resulted from sexualimprinting and/or heritable variance in male preference forspotted females. To test whether males assess female plumagespottiness, I either cut off black spots or small pieces of feathersbut not the spots of already mated females. Males mated to females withreduced plumage spottiness fed their brood at a lower cadencyand achieved a lower reproductive success than other males.This experiment further suggests that female plumage spottinessis a stimulus for males.  相似文献   

Predictions of mating patterns in animals have focused on males and how they compete for fertilizations by controlling females. With reference to the Odonata, a taxon in which mating requires cooperation of the female, the active role that females play in mating decisions is often ignored, leading to the premature conclusion that male coercion of females is common. A critical review of the outcome of sexual conflict among odonates leads me to alternative explanations of female mating patterns that need to be refuted before concluding that males coerce matings. Because Anisoptera males have greater control over tandem formation, they have a greater potential for coercion than Zygoptera males. However, Anisoptera females may simply be willing to remate more often if they receive insufficient sperm to fertilize an entire egg clutch. Contrary to prior assumptions, in both suborders, male defence of oviposition sites does not preclude females from choosing among sites or among males. I find that the evolution of non-aggressive sexual signals by males is a reliable indication that sexual conflict has been resolved in favour of female interests. Although I predict that the benefits to females of choice of male phenotype should rarely exceed the cost of such discrimination in Odonata, female choice is most likely to evolve in territorial species whose males must endure high physiological stress in order to mate, and when site quality is not a reliable predictor of the genetic quality of a potential mate.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated male mate choice for female ornaments in species without sex-role reversal. Despite these empirical findings, little is known about the adaptive dynamics of female signalling, in particular the evolution of male mating preferences. The evolution of traits that signal mate quality is more complex in females than in males because females usually provide the bulk of resources for the developing offspring. Here, we investigate the evolution of male mating preferences using a mathematical model which: (i) specifically accounts for the fact that females must trade-off resources invested in ornaments with reproduction; and (ii) allows male mating preferences to evolve a non-directional shape. The optimal adaptive strategy for males is to develop stabilizing mating preferences for female display traits to avoid females that either invests too many or too few resources in ornamentation. However, the evolutionary stability of this prediction is dependent upon the level of error made by females when allocating resources to either signal or fecundity.  相似文献   

Male mate choice has been reported in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, even though males of this species were previously thought to maximise their fitness by mating with all available females. To understand the evolution of male mate choice it is important to understand variation in male mating preferences. Two studies, using different stock populations and different methods, have reported contrasting patterns of variation in male mate choice in D. melanogaster. Two possible explanations are that there are evolved differences in each stock population or that the methods used to measure choice could have biased the results. We investigated these hypotheses here by repeating the methods used in one study in which variable male mate choice was found, using the stock population from the other study in which choice was not variable. The results showed a significant resource-independent male preference for less fecund, smaller females, which contrasts with previous observations of male mate choice. This indicates that different selection pressures between populations have resulted in evolved differences in the expression of male mate choice. It also reveals phenotypic plasticity in male mate choice in response to cues encountered in each choice environment. The results highlight the importance of variation in male mate choice, and of identifying mechanisms in order to understand the evolution of mate choice under varying ecological conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of predation risk on the opportunity for female mate choice was investigated in the tailspot wrasse Halichoeres melanurus at two sites on a coral reef in Okinawa, Japan. Females mated repeatedly with the nearest males, but they also changed mates frequently at both sites. Mate changes were seen not only in the context of spatiosocial changes (mate disappearance or shifts in male territories) but were also probably the result of actual mate choice by females. Females at one site (site A) changed mates more often and conducted longer spawning trips from their home ranges to male territories than at the other site (site B). Fish at site A were faced with a higher frequency of predators than that of site B. However, fish of site A suffered fewer attacks from predators because they had more shelter, suggesting lower predation risk in that site. These results suggest that females under higher predation risk had less opportunity to choose preferable mates and that they had to mate with the same, nearest males in most cases.  相似文献   

Among the factors that can influence female mate choice decisions is the degree to which females differentiate among similar displays: as differences decrease, females are expected to eventually stop discriminating. This discrimination threshold, in conjunction with the magnitude of male trait variation females regularly encounter while making mate choice decisions, may have important consequences for sexual selection. If local display variation is above the discrimination threshold, female preferences should translate into higher mating success for the more attractive male. But if display variation is frequently below the threshold, the resulting increased pattern of random mating may obscure the existence of female mate choice. I investigated the interplay between female discrimination and male display variation in green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) and found that call trait differences between nearest neighbour males were frequently smaller than what females are expected to discriminate. This finding has two important consequences for our understanding of sexual selection in the wild: first, low display variation should weaken the strength of selection on male display traits, but the direction of selection should mirror the one predicted from females choice trials. Second, caution is needed when interpreting data on realized mating success in the wild: a pattern of random mating with respect to male display traits does not always mean that female preferences are weak or that conditions are too challenging for females to express their preferences. Rather, insufficient display variation can generate the same pattern.  相似文献   

Male sexual behaviour was controlled by castration and testosterone replacement. The first experiment shows that, within a group of similarly coloured and castrated male mallards, females preferred males treated with testosterone. The second experiment shows that a testosterone-treated male was always preferred by the females, irrespective of plumage colour, in a choice between a wild and a white mallard drake. The results shows that testosterone dependent male cues is important in mate choice in the mallard duck.  相似文献   

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