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Protein kinase CK1 is a ser/thr protein kinase family which has been identified in the cytosol cell fraction, associated with membranes as well as in the nucleus. Several isoforms of this gene family have been described in various organisms: CK1alpha, CK1beta, CK1delta, CK1epsilon and CK1gamma. Over the last decade, several members of this family have been involved in development processes related to wnt and sonic hedgehog signalling pathways. However, there is no detailed temporal information on the CK1 family in embryonic stages, even though orthologous genes have been described in several different vertebrate species. In this study, we describe for the first time the cloning and detailed expression pattern of five CK1 zebrafish genes. Sequence analysis revealed that zebrafish CK1 proteins are highly homologous to other vertebrate orthologues. Zebrafish CK1 genes are expressed throughout development in common and different territories. All the genes studied in development show maternal and zygotic expression with the exception of CK1epsilon. This last gene presents only a zygotic component of expression. In early stages of development CK1 genes are ubiquitously expressed with the exception of CK1epsilon. In later stages the five CK1 genes are expressed in the brain but not in the same way. This observation probably implicates the CK1 family genes in different and also in redundant functions. This is the first time that a detailed comparison of the expression of CK1 family genes is directly assessed in a vertebrate system throughout development.  相似文献   

The High-Mobility Group Box (HMGB) proteins are highly abundant proteins with both nuclear and extracellular roles in key biological processes. In mammals, three family members are present: HMGB1, HMGB2 and HMGB3. We characterized the HMGB family in zebrafish and report a detailed phylogenetic analysis of HMGB proteins. The B1, B2, and B3 subfamilies are present in cartilaginous fish, bony fish, and tetrapods, while jawless fish sequences emerge as basal to the gene family expansion. Two co-orthologs of each mammalian HMGB gene are present in zebrafish. All six zebrafish hmgb genes are maternally expressed, but huge differences in expression levels exist during embryonic development. The hmgb2a/hmgb2b genes are the most highly expressed, while hmgb3b is expressed at the lowest level. Remarkably, hmgb3 genes are not present in fugu, medaka, Tetraodon and stickleback. Our analysis highlights substantial overlaps, but also subtle differences and specificities in the expression patterns of the zebrafish hmgb genes.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase gene expression in zebrafish embryos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Hexokinase-catalyzed glucose phosphorylation is the first and crucial step for glucose utilization. Although there are reported studies on glucose metabolism in commercial species, knowledge on it is almost nil in zebrafish (Danio rerio), an important model organism for biological research. We have searched these fish hexokinase genes by BLAST analysis; determined their expression in liver, muscle, brain and heart; measured their response to fasting and glucose administration; and performed homology sequences studies to glimpse their evolutionary history. We have confirmed by RT-qPCR studies that the six DNA sequences annotated as possible hexokinases in the NCBI GenBank are transcribed. The organ distribution of the HXK genes is similar in zebrafish as in mammals, to which they are distantly related. Of these, DrGLK and DrSHXK1 are expressed in the fish liver, DrHXK1 in brain and heart, and DrHXK2 in muscle. The only gene responsive to glucose was liver DrGLK. Its expression is induced approximately 1 h after glucose intraperitoneal injection, but not after saline solution injection. The comparison of the fish sequences and the corresponding mammalian ones imply that in both taxa the main muscle and brain isoforms are fusion products of the ancestral gene, their amino halves having separated before than their carboxy ones, followed by the fusion event, whereas fish and mammalian glucokinase genes remained unduplicated.  相似文献   

Xue Y  Kuok C  Xiao A  Zhu Z  Lin S  Zhang B 《遗传学报》2010,37(10):685-693
Mical(molecule interacting with CasL)represent a conserved family of cytosolic multidomain proteins that has been shown to be associated with a variety of cellular processes,including axon guidance,cell movement,cell-cell junction formation,vesicle trafficking and cancer cell metastasis.However,the expression and function of these genes during embryonic development have not been comprehensively characterized,especially in vertebrate species,although some limited in vivo studies have been carried out in neural and musculature systems of Drosophila and in neural systems of vertebrates.So far,no mica/family homologs have been reported in zebrafish,an ideal vertebrate model for the study of developmental processes.Here we report eight homologs of m/ca/family genes in zebrafish and their expression profiles during embryonic development.Consistent with the findings in Drosophila and mammals,most zebrafish mical family genes display expression in neural and musculature systems.In addition,five mica/homologs are detected in heart,and one,micall2a,in blood vessels.Our data established an important basis for further functional studies of mica/family genes in zebrafish,and suggest a possible role for mica/genes in cardiovascular development.  相似文献   

The zebrafish has emerged as a versatile model organism for biomedical research, yet its potential has been limited by a lack of conditional reverse-genetic tools. Here we report a chemically inducible gene expression technology that has orthogonality to vertebrate signaling processes, high induction levels, and rapid kinetics. Coupled with tissue-specific promoters, this system provides multidimensional control of gene expression and will enable new models of human disorders and diseases.  相似文献   

The PSD-95 family of membrane- associated guanylate kinases (MAGUKs) are thought to act as molecular scaffolds that regulate the assembly and function of the multiprotein signaling complex found at the postsynaptic density of excitatory synapses. Genetic analysis of PSD-95 family members in the mammalian nervous system has so far been difficult, but the zebrafish is emerging as an ideal vertebrate system for studying the role of particular genes in the developing and mature nervous system. Here we describe the cloning of the zebrafish orthologs of PSD-95, PSD-93, and two isoforms of SAP-97. Using in situ hybridization analysis we show that these zebrafish MAGUKs have overlapping but distinct patterns of expression in the developing nervous system and craniofacial skeleton. Using a pan-MAGUK antibody we show that MAGUK proteins localize to neurons within the developing hindbrain, cerebellum, visual and olfactory systems, and to skin epithelial cells. In the olfactory and visual systems MAGUK proteins are expressed strongly in synaptic regions, and the onset of expression in these areas coincides with periods of synapse formation. These data are consistent with the idea that PSD-95 family members are involved in synapse assembly and function, and provide a platform for future functional studies in vivo in a highly tractable model organism.  相似文献   

Chemical discovery and global gene expression analysis in zebrafish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The zebrafish (Danio rerio) provides an excellent model for studying vertebrate development and human disease because of its ex utero, optically transparent embryogenesis and amenability to in vivo manipulation. The rapid embryonic developmental cycle, large clutch sizes and ease of maintenance at large numbers also add to the appeal of this species. Considerable genomic data has recently become publicly available that is aiding the construction of zebrafish microarrays, thus permitting global gene expression analysis. The zebrafish is also suitable for chemical genomics, in part as a result of the permeability of its embryos to small molecules and consequent avoidance of external confounding maternal effects. Finally, there is increasing characterization and analysis of zebrafish models of human disease. Thus, the zebrafish offers a high-quality, high-throughput bioassay tool for determining the biological effect of small molecules as well as for dissecting biological pathways.  相似文献   

Tamura M  Kajikawa M  Okada N 《Gene》2007,390(1-2):221-231
Long interspersed elements (LINEs) are transposable elements that exist in many kinds of eukaryotic genomes, where they have a large effect on genome evolution. There are several thousands to hundreds of thousands of LINE copies in each eukaryotic genome. LINE elements are amplified by a mechanism called retrotransposition, in which a LINE-encoded protein reverse transcribes (copies) its own RNA. We previously isolated two retrotransposition-competent LINEs, ZfL2-1 and ZfL2-2, from zebrafish. Although it has generally been thought that LINEs do not have ‘introns’ (because the LINE RNA is used as the template during retrotransposition), we now show that these two LINEs contain multiple putative functional splice sites. We further show that at least one pair of these splice sites is actually functional in zebrafish cells. Moreover, some of these splice sites are coupled with the splicing signal of a host endogenous gene, thereby generating a new chimeric spliced mRNA variant for this gene. Our results suggest the possible role of these LINE splice sites in modulating retrotransposition and host gene expression.  相似文献   

Despite the known importance of long-chained polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) during development, very little is known about their utilization and biosynthesis during embryogenesis. Combining the advantages of the existence of a complete range of enzymes required for LC-PUFA biosynthesis and the well established developmental biology tools in zebrafish, we examined the expression patterns of three LC-PUFA biosynthesis genes, Elovl2-like elongase (elovl2), Elovl5-like elongase (elovl5) and fatty acyl desaturase (fad) in different zebrafish developmental stages. The presence of all three genes in the brain as early as 24 hours post fertilization (hpf) implies LC-PUFA synthesis activity in the embryonic brain. This expression eventually subsides from 72 hpf onwards, coinciding with the initiation of elovl2 and fad expression in the liver and intestine, 2 organs known to be involved in adult fish LC-PUFA biosynthesis. Collectively, these patterns strongly suggest the necessity for localized production of LC-PUFA in the brain during in early stage embryos prior to the maturation of the liver and intestine. Interestingly, we also showed a specific expression of elovl5 in the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) of the zebrafish pronephros, suggesting a possible new role for LC-PUFA in kidney development and function.  相似文献   

The nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (NTPDase) family cleaves tri- and diphosphonucleosides to monophosphonucleosides and is responsible for terminating purinergic transmission. Since the NTPDase family in zebrafish is poorly understood, here we evaluated the nucleotide hydrolysis in three tissues of adult zebrafish (brain, liver, and heart), confirmed the presence of distinct NTPDase members by a phylogenetic analysis and verified their relative gene expression profiles in the respective tissues. A different profile of ATP and ADP hydrolysis in the brain, liver, and heart as a function of time and protein concentration was observed. Sodium azide (20 mM), ARL 67156 (300 μM) and Suramin (300 μM) differently altered the nucleotide hydrolysis in zebrafish tissues, suggesting the contribution of distinct NTPDase activities. Homology-based searches identified the presence of NTPDase1-6 and NTPDase8 orthologs and the phylogeny also grouped three NTPDase2 and two NTPDase5 paralogs. The deduced amino acid sequences share the apyrase conserved regions, conserved cysteine residues, putative N-glycosylation, phosphorylation, N-acetylation sites, and different numbers of transmembrane domains. RT-PCR experiments revealed the existence of a distinct relative entpd1-6 and entpd8 expression profile in brain, liver, and heart. Taken together, these results indicate that several NTPDase members might contribute to a tight regulation of nucleotide hydrolysis in zebrafish tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The identification and cloning of the gene responsible for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and characterization of the protein product of the gene, dystrophin, has led to major advances in diagnostic and genetic counselling procedures for this inherited disorder. Due to its high mutation rate, however, individuals affected by DMD will continue to arise in large proportion by de novo mutations, and the search for direct therapies remains a high priority. In this respect direct genetic correction of dystrophin deficiency via grafting of healthy myoblast stem cells or direct introduction of functional DNA into diseased muscle tissue have both been proposed as potential therapeutic approaches. We describe here, the first example of the engineering and cloning of a synthetic gene encoding recombinant human dystrophin and its stable transfer to and expression in mammalian cells. This DMD gene construction represents a primary step towards evaluating direct DNA-mediated gene transfer as a potential treatment for this debilitating disorder.  相似文献   

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