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We tested age-0 red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, for sand or shell substrate preference in a circular tank (1.5 m diameter × 0.6 m deep). The test tank was divided into two equal areas of whole oyster shell or sand substrates. All trials were video taped for 20 to 25 min. Tapes were viewed on a monitor and locations of all fish recorded and timed with respect to substrate. Mean ± SE time on shell was 11.6 ± 0.5 sec (4 fish trial–1) and 13.8 ± 1.1 sec (1 fish trial–1). Mean ± SE time on sand was 9.7 ± 0.4 sec (4 fish trial–1) and 8.9 ± 0.5 sec (1 fish trial–1). Fish spent significantly more time on shell compared to sand substrate in four-fish trials (paired t-test, p < 0.10) and also in single-fish trials (paired t-test, p < 0.05). Shell substrate may offer increased food and shelter for age-0 red snapper compared to sand substrate. However, a preference for shell substrate in the natural habitat may occur only during the nursery period, because as fish grow (> 100 mm TL) in the late fall they probably outgrow the shell habitat.  相似文献   

Ovaries of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus were examined histologically to determine rates of oocyte maturation, diel spawning periodicity and whether lunar cycle influenced spawning rhythm. Hydration of red snapper oocytes began during the mid‐morning hours; c . 5 h was necessary for oocytes to become fully hydrated and ovulation occurred no more than 5 h after oocytes attained full hydration. Appearance of fresh postovulatory follicles after 1330 hours and the absence of hydrated oocytes after 1830 hours signified that red snapper spawning occurred during this 5 h period. In addition, evidence of a peak in spawning was seen near 1600 hours. Postovulatory follicles degenerated within a 24 h time period. A lunar spawning cycle was not evident.  相似文献   

Management of red snapper stocks is one of the most controversial issues in the Gulf of Mexico fisheries. Fish tagging programs can help to address many management issues if an appropriate tag is selected. In the study three types of tags were tested to determine tag retention and effects on red snapper growth and survival. Hatchery‐produced juveniles (43.7 ± 5.6 g) were either not tagged or given: internal anchor tags anchored in the abdominal cavity; passive integrated transponders (PIT) tags injected into the body cavity; or metal self‐piercing fish tags clamped around the dentary bone. Fish were stocked at 25 m?3 in three replicate circular tanks/tag type, and fed a commercial feed for a 150 days period. Fish survival did not differ by treatment. Average weight gains after 150 days were similar. Tag retention differed by treatment (P = 0.0002), with 100% retention of PIT tags, 98.4 ± 2.8% retention of jaw tags, and 90.4 ± 1.6% retention of internal anchor tags. Loss of internal anchor tags occurred primarily within the first month. Inflammation was frequently observed at the internal anchor tag insertion site. Irritation and cell proliferation was sometimes observed in areas around the jaw tags.  相似文献   

The study focused on small‐scale location and movement patterns of the bluestripe snapper Lutjanus kasmira on the north coast of Moorea (Society Archipelago, French Polynesia, south‐central Pacific). Juveniles of this species occur in the estuary, and adults occur widely in the lagoon, the outer slope and in the intermediate channel, where fish aggregate in large schools during daytime. While fish were all sampled within a few hundred metres, they exhibited significantly different parasite fauna and otolith shapes according to their locality: estuary, lagoon, channel and outer slope. While juveniles did not exhibit any parasites in the estuary parasitological and otolith‐shape data suggest that adults rarely move between their three adjoining habitats, and more interestingly that large aggregations in the channel are formed predominantly by resident individuals with limited local movement, including at night. Besides giving some information on the host biology, such findings may have application in local fisheries management.  相似文献   

Experimental investigation of the intensity of potential competitive interactions among increasingly abundant tropically‐associated grey Lutjanus griseus and lane snapper Lutjanus synagris and resident northern Gulf of Mexico (nGOM) red snapper Lutjanus campechanus was undertaken in large outdoor mesocosms. In pair‐wise interaction trials, compared with L. synagris, L. campechanus demonstrated significantly increased roving behaviour and predatory activity. While no significant difference in these activities was observed between L. campechanus and L. griseus, when all three snappers (Lutjanidae) were grouped together L. campechanus swimming activity significantly decreased in the presence of both tropically‐associated species. Overall, L. campechanus were more active and aggressive predators and appear to be competitively resistant to L. griseus and L. synagris. As lower latitude species have continued to become increasingly prevalent in nGOM habitats and regional warming continues to affect resident reef‐associated fishes, these findings contribute to the assessment of the effects of warming‐related species shifts upon nGOM fishes and document current partial resilience of L. campechanus to climate‐related expansions of tropical confamilials.  相似文献   

Amyloodinium ocellatum is a parasitic dinoflagellate that infects warm-water marine and estuarine fishes and causes mortalities in aquaculture. Its life cycle consists of 3 stages: a feeding trophont that parasitizes the gills and skin where it interferes with gas exchange, osmoregulation, and tissue integrity; a detached reproductive tomont; and a free-swimming infective dinospore. We compared the susceptibility and tolerance of juvenile spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, and red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, to this parasite by individually exposing fish in 3-L aquaria (at 25 C and 33 practical salinity units) to several dinospore doses over different time periods and quantified the size and number of resulting trophonts. We estimated the trophont detachment rate and trophont size at detachment, the 24-hr dinospore infection rate, the dinospore 48-hr median lethal dose (LD(50)), and the trophont lethal load at the 48-hr LD(50). There were no significant differences in dinospore infection rates or dinospore lethal doses between spotted seatrout and red snapper; however, trophonts remained attached longer and attained a larger size in red snapper than in spotted seatrout. The trophont lethal load was significantly higher in spotted seatrout than in red snapper. A proposed model simulating the trophont dynamics reflected our experimental findings and showed that A. ocellatum reproductive success is linked both to the number of dinospores and the size of the trophont, factors that, in turn, are linked to the time the trophont spends on the host and the number of trophonts the host can tolerate.  相似文献   

We report two species of deuteromycete fungi (Penicillium corylophilum and Cladosporium sphaerospermum) concurrently infecting the swim bladder and posterior kidney and causing erratic behavior in two specimens of wild-caught, tank-held red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus). Lesions produced by both species infiltrated the immediately surrounding tissue and produced severe pathological changes; however, the infection apparently was not systemic. Only P. corylophilum grew in the initial culture from the swim bladder and only C. sphaerospermum grew in the initial culture from the kidney. Infection may have occurred upon penetration of a syringe to deflate the swim bladder. There was no horizontal transmission to 13 other specimens of red snapper held in the same tank. This suggests that these fungi are not primary pathogens. Injection of each species into various sites in the Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, failed to produce infections within 1 month, suggesting differences in susceptibility among species.  相似文献   

This paper examines the life history of humpback red snapper Lutjanus gibbus, an important fishery species for coastal communities across the Indo-Pacific, in southern New Caledonia, where the species is lightly exploited. A total of 243 L. gibbus were sampled between January 2013 and December 2016 from occasional harvests of commercial fishers. Examination of sectioned otoliths revealed that opaque increment formation occurred annually between November and March, coinciding with the species' spawning season. Estimates of maximum age were similar between sexes, with observed ages of 38 and 36 years for females and males, respectively, extending the reported longevity of this species by at least 11 years. Growth differed significantly between sexes, with males reaching greater length at age and greater asymptotic length than females (38.88 v. 31.46 cm fork length (LF). Total mortality for all samples was estimated as 0.13 and was slightly higher for males (0.16) than females (0.11). Estimates of natural and fishing mortality were low and slightly higher for males than females. Male L. gibbus were found to mature at slightly greater lengths and younger ages than females, with the length and age at which 50% of individuals attained maturity estimated to be 25.8 cm LF and 3.9 years of age for females and 26.8 cm LF and 3.4 years of age for males. The results provide key baseline information from which to assess the effect of fishing on the species for populations in New Caledonia and adjacent locations and, when viewed with those of other studies, highlight the importance of understanding spatial patterns in demography of harvested fish species across gradients of exploitation and environmental influences.  相似文献   

In October 2006, an unusually old, red emperor snapper, Lutjanus sebae , was captured using fish traps off the north coast of Western Australia. Despite being very old the specimen was not exceptionally large, measuring 516 mm fork length. Of particular note was the fact the specimen was female, as female L. sebae do not attain the large sizes at age of male fish. Interpretation of the sectioned sagittal otolith was used to estimate an age of approximately 40 years. This is the oldest recorded age for an individual L. sebae and further contributes towards the knowledge of the demography of this species. The advanced age recorded for this specimen also confirms the low rates of natural mortality for L. sebae and therefore low population productivity and supports the precautionary management arrangements for this species in north-western Australia.  相似文献   

Lutjanus argentimaculatus, also called mangrove red snapper, is a commercially important fish in East Asia. A proper understanding of population structure is primarily linked with the management of genetic resources in exploiting marine fisheries. Herein, seven microsatellite loci, which showed high polymorphism (observed heterozygosity per locus ranging from 0.3571 to 0.7857 and expected heterozygosity per locus ranging from 0.6236 to 0.8821), were isolated and characterized from L. argentimaculatus. Cross‐species amplifications also indicate that primers designed for these loci may be useful for further studies about other closely phylogenetic species of the family Lutjanidae.  相似文献   

The tropical eastern Pacific (TEP) is a highly dynamic region and a model system to study how habitat discontinuities affect the distribution of shorefishes, particularly for species that display ontogenetic habitat shifts, including snappers (Lutjanidae). To evaluate the genetic structure of the Pacific red snapper (Lutjanus peru) and the yellow snapper (Lutjanus argentiventris) throughout their distribution range along the TEP, 13 and 11 microsatellite loci were analysed, respectively. The genetic diversity of L. peru (N = 446) and L. argentiventris (N = 170) was evaluated in 10 and 5 localities, respectively, showing slightly higher but non-significant values in the Gulf of California for both species. The genetic structure analysis identified the presence of significant genetic structure in both species, but the locations of the identified barriers for the gene flow differed between species. The principal driver for the genetic structure at large scales >2500 km was isolation by distance. At smaller scales (<250 km), the habitat discontinuity for juveniles and adults and the environmental differences throughout the distribution range represented potential barriers to gene flow between populations for both species.  相似文献   

Understanding the complex nature of direct and indirect species interactions is a critical precursor to successful resource management. In the northern Gulf of Mexico fisheries ecosystem, red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) and vermilion snapper (Rhomboplites aurorubens) are two commercially harvested species within a larger reef fish complex. These two species share similar habitats and diets; however, little is known about how these species partition habitat and dietary resources. In this study we examined the extent of spatial and dietary overlap between red snapper and vermilion snapper, and experimentally compared their feeding behavior. Field data from multiple gear types demonstrates that red snapper and vermilion snapper frequently cohabited reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and Pianka’s niche overlap indices suggest significantly overlapping diets. Experimental manipulations show that red snapper are the dominant forager of the two species, as red snapper foraging alone ate more shrimp per fish than vermilion snapper in both the single species (p = 0.003) and mixed species (p = 0.02) treatments. In addition, red snapper ate significantly more shrimp per fish in the mixed species treatment than in the single species treatment (p = 0.04). Vermilion snapper shrimp consumption per fish did not differ significantly between mixed and single species treatments. Cumulatively, our results suggest that spatial and dietary overlap could lead to competition between red and vermilion snapper in the study area; however, conclusively determining the existence of such competition would require further research.  相似文献   

The humpback red snapper Lutjanus gibbus (Lutjanidae) is an important species for fisheries in the Kagoshima and Okinawan region of Japan. The present study estimated the age, growth and reproduction of this lutjanid species in the waters around Ishigaki Island, southern part of Okinawa. An opaque zone was formed on the otolith every year, and this formation correlated with their spawning season; these zones were identified as annual rings. Maximum ages of 21 and 24 years were observed for males and females, respectively. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters clarifying the age–fork length relationship were as follows: L  = 390.5 mm, K = 0.210 year−1 and t 0 = −1.88 year for males, and L  = 303.4, K = 0.256 year−1 and t 0 = −3.05 year for females. The main spawning season was estimated as between May and October, since greater values of gonadosomatic index for females as well as maturation oocytes and/or postovulatory follicles were observed during those six months.  相似文献   

For wild red snapper Lutjanus campechanus , mean otolith increment deposition rate after marking with oxytetracycline dihydrate (OTC) was daily (0.97 increments day−1) when growth rates were fast (0.63 mm fork length, L F day−1), but were not daily (0.82 increments day−1) when somatic growth was slow (0.2 mm L F day−1). For reared larvae ( n =8), increment deposition rates were daily (0.99–1.03 increments day−1), and growth rates ranged from 0.6 to 0.9 mm L F day−1. Growth rate affected increment deposition rate as a threshold function, i.e. when growth rate was <0.3 mm L F day−1, deposition was less than daily, but above this level increment deposition did not exceed a daily rate. As growth rates increased increment widths increased. Examination of a sub-sample ( n =8) of the otoliths from the slowest growing wild fish by scanning electron microscopy did not increase increment counts. Because L. campechanus are late spring-early summer spawners, young fish can expect maximum growth due to warm summer temperatures. Thus, daily ageing methods should be well suited to this species.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - The steady demand for fish in the aquaculture sector has led to the study and implementation of new compounds of natural origin which seek to standardize and maximize...  相似文献   

We report the effects of food deprivation on the early development of Pacific red snapper Lutjanus peru during the first days of development. The point of no return (PNR) was determined using the feeding incidence after a delay in first feeding. The gradual deterioration of the larvae during food deprivation was recorded using morphometric, histological, enzymatic and biochemical analysis. The time to reach the PNR was 120 h after hatching. Morphologically, the total length, muscle height, head length, tail length and pectoral angle showed the biggest reductions and their growth coefficients changed significantly during food deprivation. Histologically, enterocyte height also was reduced significantly. The protein concentration and activities of the digestive enzymes trypsin, cathepsin-like and lipase showed a significant decrease; meanwhile, amylase activity remained constant during food deprivation. The concentration of total essential free amino acids (EFAAs) decreased significantly while that of the nonessential free amino acids (NEFAAs) remain stable during food deprivation. The most abundant EFAAs were lysine, leucine, isoleucine and valine; the most abundant NEFAAs were alanine, glycine and glutamate, suggesting a more prominent role as energy substrates. At the time of the PNR the concentration of almost all the free amino acids showed a significant decrease. Early food deprivation has a significant impact on the morphology and biochemical characteristics of L. peru. These results suggest that initial feeding of L. peru should begin within 3 days of yolk sac depletion to avoid the PNR. Further studies are necessary to confirm and validate the characters identified in this study as biomarkers of starvation under culture conditions and evaluate their possible utility in ichthyoplankton surveys.  相似文献   

In this study, the developmental expression pattern of myostatin (mstn) in the spotted rose snapper Lutjanus guttatus under culture conditions is presented. The full coding sequence of mstn from L. guttatus was isolated from muscle tissue, obtaining 1134 nucleotides which encode a peptide of 377 amino acids. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that this sequence corresponds to mstn‐1. mstn expression was detected in embryonic stages, and maintained at low levels until 28 days post‐hatch, when it showed a significant increase, coinciding with the onset of metamorphosis. After that, expression was fluctuating, coinciding probably with periods of rapid and slow muscle growth or individual growth rates. mstn expression was also analysed by body mass with higher levels detected in smaller animals, irrespective of age. mstn was also expressed in other tissues from L. guttatus, presenting higher levels in brain, eye and gill. In brain for instance, two variants of mstn were isolated, both coding sequences were identical to muscle, except that one of them contained a 75 nucleotide deletion in exon 1, maintaining the reading frame but deleting two conserved cysteine residues. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this brain variant was also mstn‐1. The function of this variant is not clear and needs further investigation. These results indicate that mstn‐1 participates in different physiological processes other than muscle growth in fishes.  相似文献   

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