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Foci of the HIV epidemic and helminthic infections largely overlap geographically. Treatment options for helminth infections are limited, and there is a paucity of drug-development research in this area. Limited evidence suggests that antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces prevalence of helminth infections in HIV-infected individuals. We investigated whether ART exposure and cotrimoxazole preventive therapy (CTX-P) is associated with a reduced prevalence of helminth infections.

Methodology and Principal Findings

This cross-sectional study was conducted at a primary HIV-clinic in Lambaréné, Gabon. HIV-infected adults who were ART-naïve or exposed to ART for at least 3 months submitted one blood sample and stool and urine samples on 3 consecutive days. Outcome was helminth infection with intestinal helminths, Schistosoma haematobium, Loa loa or Mansonella perstans. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess associations between ART or CTX-P and helminth infection. In total, 408 patients were enrolled. Helminth infection was common (77/252 [30.5%]). Filarial infections were most prevalent (55/310 [17.7%]), followed by infection with intestinal helminths (35/296 [11.8%]) and S. haematobium (19/323 [5.9%]). Patients on CTX-P had a reduced risk of Loa loa microfilaremia (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 0.47, 95% CI 0.23-0.97, P = 0.04), also in the subgroup of patients on ART (aOR 0.36, 95% CI 0.13-0.96, P = 0.04). There was no effect of ART exposure on helminth infection prevalence.


CTX-P use was associated with a decreased risk of Loa loa infection, suggesting an anthelminthic effect of antifolate drugs. No relation between ART use and helminth infections was established.  相似文献   

Mark Brenner 《Hydrobiologia》1983,103(1):205-210
The long-term impact of Maya culture on a lowland tropical watershed is assessed, using data from a 9.2 m sediment core taken from deep water (28 m) in Lake Quexil. Human population growth, estimated by the 1980 archaeological survey, is associated with a shift in the composition of the sediment to a dominance by inorganic material, the Maya clay formation, beginning ca. 3500 B.P. Increasing settlement densities are correlated with accelerated influxes of phosphorus, carbonates, and siliceous sediment. However, chemical data do not track short-term population fluctuations closely. Because much of the sediment is delivered as colluvium, and not by running water, there is a lag between terrestrial disturbance and impact on the aquatic system. As an indication of this lag, contemporary high sedimentation rates are a residual of Maya activity that virtually ceased some 300–400 years B.P. Comparison of the deep-water core with a shallow-water (7 m) section, based on palynological correlation, reveals only minor differences in proximate chemical composition. Chemical influxes are much higher at the deep-water site, however, as a consequence of sediment focusing in this hyperconical basin. Chemical analyses of soil samples from 21 test pits in the Quexil basin support the principal conclusion that bulk soil movement was the mode of nutrient transfer to the lake, following forest clearance by the Maya.  相似文献   

Social and economic changes—the lengthening life span, the shift of population from rural to urban areas, the growth of industry and other factors—have brought about radical changes in the nation''s health needs. Our greatest health problem today is chronic illness. To cope with these problems public health, medical care and hospital services, which are at present geared primarily for acute illness, must be revised.Immediate and specific steps which physicians, health departments and hospitals can take to accomplish this are to define the problem and to initiate studies in several areas: To determine the incidence and prevalence of disease, injuries and impairments; the nature, degree and duration of resulting disability; and the type of care received.The basic approach to chronic illness is prevention. To accomplish this, more emphasis needs to be placed upon health education. Good health cannot be forced upon the public, but educated and enlightened citizens can and do solve their own health problems and those of their families and communities.Due to the complex nature of today''s health problems, they must be approached jointly by physicians, local health services, hospitals and the public. The efforts of those groups must be coordinated and aimed, directly and indirectly, at preventing disease and disability.  相似文献   

The cabbage butterfly, Pieris melete is multivoltine with a pupal summer and winter diapause. Summer and winter diapause are induced principally by relatively long and short daylengths, respectively. The intermediate to relatively short daylengths of autumn permitted some pupae to develop without diapause in the field. A short daylength had a stronger diapause inducing effect than a relatively long one under higher temperatures. The principal sensitive phase for photoperiodic response occurred before the late 3rd larval instar. The critical daylength for wild autumnal populations was between 12h 30min and 12h 40min at an average temperature of 20.5 degrees C. A night interruption by 2h of light averted diapause most effectively when it was placed 10 to 12h after lights-off. High temperatures and long days during summer inhibited the incidence of diapause, suggesting that the occurrence of summer diapause is due to the specific climatic conditions occurring in April and early May, rather than to the high temperatures in summer. This indicates that the butterfly has a cryptic ability to reproduce in summer. High temperatures delayed diapause development, whereas low temperatures enhanced it, indicating that the optimum temperature of diapause development is lower. The diapause regulating mechanisms thus ensure that the species synchronises its development and reproduction with the growth seasons of the host plants and provide the species with a high degree of flexibility in its life cycle.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The Tournaisian–Viséan boundary of the Lower Carboniferous was established in carbonate facies deposits of the “Kipchak” section (Southern Urals)....  相似文献   

In the Lourdes Basin, pollen analytical results and 41 14C dates from three sites (four profiles, 538 spectra) have enabled a coherent biostratigraphy to be established from the last Pleniglacial to the present. The end of the Würm Pleniglacial is characterised by a long phase dominated by Poaceae that extended from ca. 20 000 to ca. 15 000 B.P. Another phase with Poaceae, in the context of a treeless environment, is recorded during the late-glacial between the Juniperus optimum (ca. 13 000 B.P.) and the Betula optimum (after ca. 12 500 B.P.). A marked decline in Betula and a rise in Artemisia values suggest a significant cooling of the climate during the Younger Dryas, an event which is now clearly recorded at several sites in southern Europe. The beginning of the Holocene is characterized by the minor role of Pinus and the early arrival of Quercus which achieves an absolute maximum before the arrival of Ulmus and Corylus. A critical assessment of previously published data is made in the light of these new results.  相似文献   

Grmek's important article on pathocenosis, which appeared in 1969 in the Annales, did not achieve the fame and significance which it seemed to merit. This needs to be explained not only in terms of Grmek's own history, but also in changes in intellectual fashion, including in the Annales themselves. The work was also eclipsed by W.H. McNeill's best-selling Plagues and Peoples. History's 'cultural turn' since the 1980s has also limited the article's perceived utility. Nevertheless, the value of the concept is underlined by the articles in this collection.  相似文献   



It is important for health policy and expenditure projections to understand the relationship between age, death and expenditure on health care (HC). Research has shown that older age groups incur lower hospital costs than previously anticipated and that remaining time to death (TTD) was a much stronger indicator for expenditure than age. How health behaviour or risk factors impact on HC utilisation and costs at the end of life is relatively unknown. Smoking and Body Mass Index (BMI) have featured most prominently and mixed findings exist as to the exact nature of this association.


This paper considers the relationship between TTD, age and expenditure for inpatient care in the last 12 quarters of life; and introduces measures of health status and risks. A longitudinal dataset covering 35 years is utilised, including baseline survey data linked to hospital and death records. The effect of age, TTD and health indicators on expenditure for inpatient care is estimated using a two-part model.


As individuals approach death costs increase. This effect is highly significant (p<0.01) from the last until the 8th quarter before death and influenced by age. Statistically significant effects on costs were found for: smoking status, systolic blood pressure and lung function (FEV1). On average, smokers incurred lower quarterly costs in their last 12 quarters of life than non-smokers (~7%). Participants’ BMI at baseline did show a negative association with probability of HC utilisation however this effect disappeared when costs were estimated.


Health risk measures obtained at baseline provide a good indication of individuals’ probability of needing medical attention later in life and incurring costs, despite the small size of the effect. Utilising a linked dataset, where such measures are available can add substantially to our ability to explain the relationship between TTD and costs.  相似文献   

History and evolution of the arctic flora: in the footsteps of Eric Hultén   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A major contribution to our initial understanding of the origin, history and biogeography of the present-day arctic flora was made by Eric Hultén in his landmark book Outline of the History of Arctic and Boreal Biota during the Quarternary Period, published in 1937. Here we review recent molecular and fossil evidence that has tested some of Hultén's proposals. There is now excellent fossil, molecular and phytogeographical evidence to support Hultén's proposal that Beringia was a major northern refugium for arctic plants throughout the Quaternary. In contrast, most molecular evidence fails to support his proposal that contemporary east and west Atlantic populations of circumarctic and amphi-Atlantic species have been separated throughout the Quaternary. In fact, populations of these species from opposite sides of the Atlantic are normally genetically very similar, thus the North Atlantic does not appear to have been a strong barrier to their dispersal during the Quaternary. Hultén made no detailed proposals on mechanisms of speciation in the Arctic; however, molecular studies have confirmed that many arctic plants are allopolyploid, and some of them most probably originated during the Holocene. Recurrent formation of polyploids from differentiated diploid or more low-ploid populations provides one explanation for the intriguing taxonomic complexity of the arctic flora, also noted by Hultén. In addition, population fragmentation during glacial periods may have lead to the formation of new sibling species at the diploid level. Despite the progress made since Hultén wrote his book, there remain large gaps in our knowledge of the history of the arctic flora, especially about the origins of the founding stocks of this flora which first appeared in the Arctic at the end of the Pliocene (approximately 3 Ma). Comprehensive analyses of the molecular phylogeography of arctic taxa and their relatives together with detailed fossil studies are required to fill these gaps.  相似文献   

The structure of the ovipositor sclerites and muscles was investigated in Spaziphora hydromyzina (Diptera, Scathophagidae).  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(3):147-158
Sample sites of `brousse tigrée' and related vegetation types are described for Mali and Niger. Species composition and physical structure of the herbaceous layer as well as woody plant population were recorded at all sites together with data on soils and natural resource management. Herbage yield was measured whereas foliage yield and wood mass were calculated using allometry equation calibrated for each species. `Brousse tigrée' is characterized by the regularly alternating bare-soil stripes with dense linear thickets arranged perpendicularly to the slope. There was no clear superiority in total plant production of `brousse tigrée' when compared to neighbouring site with diffuse vegetation. However, the pattern of `brousse tigrée' tended to favour woody plant yield to the detriment of herbage yield. The number of herbaceous species recorded per site (22–26) was slightly above Sahelian vegetation average despite low number of species per 1-m2 quadrat (6–9), bare soil excluded. This species richness reflects the diversity in edaphic niches resulting from the redistribution and local concentration of water resources and shade. The high spatial heterogeneity and species richness of the herbaceous layer in `brousse tigrée' did not attenuate the interannual variation in herbage yield despite low yields. Except for the herb layer, little evidence was found of grazing influence on the vegetation structure and yield a few hundred metres away from livestock concentration points. On the other hand, the clearing of thickets for cropping led to severe soil erosion which threaten the resilience of `brousse tigrée'. These observations and the well-defined climatic, soiland topographic situations under which the `brousse tigrée' occurs invalidate the hypothesis of an anthropic origin of that vegetationpattern.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to record the popular uses of various medicinal plants collected in the market medicinal stalls of Monterrey, Nuevo León, México. One hundred and thirty-five medicinal plants were collected from 11 hierberias (stalls) of two mercados (markets) and two additional medicinal plant sources. Included is a total of 70 species in 65 genera of 38 plant families. The plant vendors of the hierberias were interviewed to determine the folk uses of these plants. Eighty-five folk uses, of both general and specific nature, are reported for the specimens collected.  相似文献   

Comparison of the diets of sympatric gorillas and chimpanzees allows an analysis of niche separation between these two closely related species. Qualitatively, their diets are similar, being dominated by an equally diverse array of fruit species complemented with vegetative plant parts, seeds and insects. Gorillas eat more vegetative plant parts than do chimpanzees, but niche separation is most obvious in periods of fruit scarcity when the two species show different strategies that reduce competition for food. Their abilities to overcome mechanical and physical plant defences appear to differ, as gorillas are able to subsist entirely on abundant vegetative foods. Chimpanzees show social adjustment, foraging alone or in small groups, to reduce intra-specific competition for scarce fruit resources. Thus it seems that subtle physiological differences have far-reaching repercussions, defining potential evolutionary pathways for social organization and allowing sufficient niche separation between species.  相似文献   

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