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The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate an alternative method for determining the position of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) during cycling. The approach used in this study employed an instrumented spatial linkage (ISL) system to determine the position of the ASIS in the parasagittal plane. A two-segment ISL constructed using aluminum segments, bearings, and digital encoders was tested statically against a calibration plate and dynamically against a video-based motion capture system. Four well-trained cyclists provided data at three pedaling rates. Statically, the ISL had a mean horizontal error of 0.03 +/- 0.21 mm and a mean vertical error of -0.13 +/- 0.59 mm. Compared with the video-based motion capture system, the agreement of the location of the ASIS had a mean error of 0.30 +/- 0.55 mm for the horizontal dimension and -0.27 +/- 0.60 mm for the vertical dimension. The ISL system is a cost-effective, accurate, and valid measure for two-dimensional kinematic data within a range of motion typical for cycling.  相似文献   

The external knee adduction moment (KAdM) during gait is an important parameter in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). KAdM measurement is currently restricted to instruments only available in gait laboratories. However, ambulatory movement analysis technology, including instrumented force shoes (IFS) and inertial and magnetic measurement systems (IMMS), can measure kinetics and kinematics of human gait free of laboratory restrictions. The objective of this study was a quantitative validation of the accuracy of the KAdM in patients with knee OA, when estimated with an ambulatory-based method (AmbBM) versus a laboratory-based method (LabBM). AmbBM is employing the IFS and a linked-segment model, while LabBM is based on a force plate and optoelectronic marker system. Effects of ground reaction force (GRF), centre of pressure (CoP), and knee joint position measurement are evaluated separately. Twenty patients with knee OA were measured. The GRFs showed differences up to 0.22 N/kg, the CoPs showed differences up to 4 mm, and the medio-lateral and vertical knee position showed differences to 9 mm, between AmbBM and LabBM. The GRF caused an under-estimation in KAdM in early stance. However, this effect was counteracted by differences in CoP and joint position, resulting in a net 5% over-estimation. In midstance and late stance the accuracy of the KAdM was mainly limited by use of the linked-segment model for joint position estimation, resulting in an under-estimation (midstance 6% and late stance 22%). Further improvements are needed in the estimation of joint position from segment orientation.  相似文献   

Helical axes of passive knee joint motions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

In this paper, a new method of determining spatial and temporal gait parameters by using centre of pressure (CoP) data is presented. A treadmill is used which was developed to overcome limitations of regular methods for the analysis of spatio-temporal gait parameters and ground reaction forces during walking and running. The design of the treadmill is based on the use of force transducers underneath a separate left and right plate, which together form the treadmill walking surface. The results of test procedures and measurements show that accurate recordings of vertical ground reaction force can be obtained. These recordings enable a separate analysis of vertical ground reaction forces during double support phases in walking, and the analysis of changes in the centre of pressure (CoP) position during subsequent foot placements. From the CoP data, temporal gait parameters (e.g. duration of left/right support and swing phases) and spatial gait parameters (i.e. left/right step lengths and widths) can be derived.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in the axis of rotation of the knee that occur during the stance phase of running. Using intracortical pins, the three-dimensional skeletal kinematics of three subjects were measured during the stance phase of five running trials. The stance phase was divided into equal motion increments for which the position and orientation of the finite helical axes (FHA) were calculated relative to a tibial reference frame. Results were consistent within and between subjects. At the beginning of stance, the FHA was located at the midepicondylar point and during the flexion phase moved 20mm posteriorly and 10mm distally. At the time of peak flexion, the FHA shifted rapidly by about 10-20mm in proximal and posterior direction. The angle between the FHA and the tibial transverse plane increased gradually during flexion, to about 15 degrees of medial inclination, and then returned to zero at the start of the extension phase. These changes in position and orientation of FHA in the knee should be considered in analyses of muscle function during human movement, which require moment arms to be defined relative to a functional rotation axis. The finding that substantial changes in axis of rotation occurred independent of flexion angle suggests that musculoskeletal models must have more than one kinematic degree-of-freedom at the knee. The same applies to the design of knee prostheses, if the goal is to restore normal muscle function.  相似文献   

Most E  Axe J  Rubash H  Li G 《Journal of biomechanics》2004,37(11):1743-1748
Various flexion axes have been used in the literature to describe knee joint kinematics. This study measured the passive knee kinematics of six cadaveric human knee specimens using two widely accepted flexion axes; transepicondylar axis and the geometric center axis. These two axes were found to form an angle of 4.0 degrees +/- 0.8 degrees. The tibial rotation calculated using the transepicondylar axis was significantly different than the rotation obtained using the geometric center axis for the same knee motion. At 90 degrees of flexion, the tibial rotation obtained using the transepicondylar axis was 4.8 degrees +/- 9.4 degrees whereas the rotation recorded using the geometric center axis at the same flexion angle was 13.8 degrees +/- 10.2 degrees. At 150 degrees of knee flexion, the rotations obtained from the transepicondylar and the geometric center axes were 7.2 degrees +/- 5.7 degrees and 19.9 degrees +/- 6.9 degrees, respectively. The data suggest that a clear definition of the flexion axis is necessary when reporting knee joint kinematics.  相似文献   

Joint injuries during sporting activities might be reduced by understanding the extent of the dynamic motion of joints prone to injury during maneuvers performed in the field. Because instrumented spatial linkages (ISLs) have been widely used to measure joint motion, it would be useful to extend the functionality of an ISL to measure joint motion in a dynamic environment. The objectives of the work reported by this paper were to (i) design and construct an ISL that will measure dynamic joint motion in a field environment, (ii) calibrate the ISL and quantify its static measurement error, (iii) quantify dynamic measurement error due to external acceleration, and (iv) measure ankle joint complex rotation during snowboarding maneuvers performed on a snow slope. An "elbow-type" ISL was designed to measure ankle joint complex rotation throughout its range (+/-30 deg for flexion/extension, +/-15 deg for internal/external rotation, and +/-15 deg for inversion/eversion). The ISL was calibrated with a custom six degree-of-freedom calibration device generally useful for calibrating ISLs, and static measurement errors of the ISL also were evaluated. Root-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) were 0.59 deg for orientation (1.7% full scale) and 1.00 mm for position (1.7% full scale). A custom dynamic fixture allowed external accelerations (5 g, 0-50 Hz) to be applied to the ISL in each of three linear directions. Maximum measurement deviations due to external acceleration were 0.05 deg in orientation and 0.10 mm in position, which were negligible in comparison to the static errors. The full functionality of the ISL for measuring joint motion in a field environment was demonstrated by measuring rotations of the ankle joint complex during snowboarding maneuvers performed on a snow slope.  相似文献   

杨培君 《西北植物学报》2002,22(4):T011-T014
植物在长期发展与进化过程中形成了拥有不同形态结构和生殖能力的有机体,形成了从细胞,组织,器官到物种个体形态结构的多样性,通过对我国西北地区藜科23属,42种植物根,茎基和茎轴器官的比较解剖表明,轴器官的结构式样包括:基本结构式样,皮层维管束,同心环状排列的附加维管束,螺旋状排列的附加维管束,内涵韧皮部5种结构式样及过渡类型,附加维管束间的结合组织的类型可分为厚壁木质化型,径向厚壁型和薄壁型3种式样及过渡类型,研究表明黎科植物轴器官在解剖学上表现出结构的多样性,从器官结构多样性的研究层面上可折射出其分类群的物种基因组成和表达的多样性,这种结构多样性是植物在进化中环境和基因共同作用的结果,达到与其生存环境和谐的结构与功能的统一的多样性,也应属生物多样性的范畴。  相似文献   

Avascular necrosis of the femoral head (ANFH) is a debilitating disease that commonly leads to destruction of the hip joint in adults. The etiology of ANFH is unknown, but previous studies have indicated that heritable thrombophilia (increased tendency to form thrombi) and hypofibrinolysis (reduced ability to lyse thrombi), alcohol intake, and steroid use are risk factors for ANFH. We recently identified two families with ANFH showing autosomal dominant inheritance. By applying linkage analysis to a four-generation pedigree, we excluded linkage between the family and three genes related to thrombophilia and hypofibrinolysis: protein C, protein S, and plasminogen activator inhibitor. Furthermore, by a genomewide scan, a significant two-point LOD score of 3.45 (recombination fraction [theta] = 0) was obtained between the family with ANFH and marker D12S85 on chromosome 12. High-resolution mapping was conducted in a second family with ANFH and replicated the linkage to D12S368 (pedigree I: LOD score 2.47, theta = 0.05; pedigree II: LOD score 2.81, theta = 0.10). When an age-dependent-penetrance model was applied, the combined multipoint LOD score was 6.43 between D12S1663 and D12S85. Thus, we mapped the candidate gene for autosomal dominant ANFH to a 15-cM region between D12S1663 and D12S1632 on chromosome 12q13.  相似文献   

This paper presents a practical and effective approach to the calibration of instrumented spatial linkages for biomechanical applications. A 6-DOF mechanical linkage with rotational transducers is designed and in-house manufactured for this purpose. In order to assess the validity of the proposed calibration technique and to distinguish between geometrical and electrical parameters uncertainties, high-precision optical encoders are used and calibration is addressed from a kinematic point of view only. The proposed technique is based on a closed-loop method, in which the end segments of the linkage are connected to each other by revolute joints. A parametrical model of the system is formulated using a standard link-to-link transformation matrices approach. Continuous data collection is carried out and a recursive identification of kinematic parameters is implemented by the use of an extended Kalman filter algorithm. Results shows that the proposed technique, despites its simplicity, is effective in improving the accuracy of the system up to its theoretically computed resolution, which limits the performance of the real system.  相似文献   

Prchalová  M.  Žák  J.  Říha  M.  Šmejkal  M.  Blabolil  P.  Vašek  M.  Matěna  J.  Peterka  J.  Seďa  J.  Kubečka  J. 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(9):2009-2027
Hydrobiologia - Many fish species exhibit female-biased size dimorphism that may lead to spatial segregation of sexes. We selected two common European percids (Percidae, European perch Perca...  相似文献   

高福元  赵成章 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6661-6669
空间格局和空间关联性是研究种群扩散和群落演替的重要方法。在石羊河上游高寒退化草地,运用点格局分析法,对不同演替阶段甘肃臭草和阿尔泰针茅的格局及关联性进行了研究。结果表明:甘肃臭草在没有形成斑块(CK)和斑块形成阶段(A),所有尺度上为聚集分布,在斑块扩散(B)、稳定(C)和衰退阶段(D)分别在0-90 cm、0-70 cm和0-40 cm上为聚集分布,90-100 cm、70-150 cm和40-150 cm为随机分布;阿尔泰针茅在CK阶段所有尺度上为随机分布,在A、B、C阶段分别在0-47 cm、0-75 cm、0-130 cm上为聚集分布,在47-50 cm、75-100 cm和130-150 cm上为随机分布,D阶段在所有尺度上为聚集分布;从CK-D阶段,甘肃臭草和阿尔泰针茅之间的关联性由显著负关联向关联性不显著转变,负关联显著程度先增强,后减弱;甘肃臭草种群从CK到D样地,种群领地密度先增大后减小,阿尔泰针茅种群领地密度逐渐减小。优势种替代过程中,种内竞争和种间竞争的相互转化影响格局的分布类型,竞争的不对称性影响关联性程度的强弱。  相似文献   

The linkage region constituents, namely, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose and asparagine are conserved in the N-glycoproteins of all the eukaryotes. The present work is aimed at understanding the reasons for the occurrence of GlcNAc and Asn as the linkage region constituents. A total of six sugar amides have been designed as models and analogs of the linkage region and their crystal structures have been solved. This is the first report on the X-ray crystallographic investigation of the effect of systematic changes in the linkage sugar as well as its aglycon moiety on the N-glycosidic torsion, psi(N) (O5-C1-N1-C1(')). This also forms the first report on the crystal structure of a model of L-RhabetaAsn, a variant linkage found in the surface layer glycoprotein of Bacillus stearothermophillus. Among the models and analogs examined, the acetamido derivatives of Man and Xyl, the linkage sugars of O-glycoproteins, show a psi(N) value of -114.5 degrees and -121.2 degrees, respectively, deviating maximum from the value of -89.8 degrees reported for the model compound GlcNAcbetaNHAc. The L-Rha and Gal derivatives also show noticeable deviations. The psi(N) values, -89.5 degrees and -91.0 degrees, of the propionamide derivatives of Glc and GlcNAc (analogs of GlcbetaGln and GlcNAcbetaGln, respectively) agree well with those (-93.8 degrees and -89.8 degrees ) reported for their corresponding acetamide derivatives suggesting Gln could serve as well as Asn as the linkage region amino acid. However, the rotational freedom about the additional C-C bond would lead to altered rigidity of the linkage region. An analysis of packing reveals that the molecular assembly of these compounds is driven by different infinite and finite chains of hydrogen bonds. The double pillaring of hydrogen bonds involving the amide groups at C1 and C2 is seen as a unique packing feature characteristic of beta-1-N-acyl derivatives of GlcNAc. Based on the findings of the present study, it is speculated that the linkage region constituents of the eukaryotic N-glycoproteins appear to fulfill three essential structural requirements: rigidity, planarity, and linearity and these are met by the trisaccharide core and Asn at the linkage region.  相似文献   

Nishimura T  Honda H  Takeichi M 《Cell》2012,149(5):1084-1097
Neural-tube closure is a critical step of embryogenesis, and its failure causes serious birth defects. Coordination of two morphogenetic processes--convergent extension and neural-plate apical constriction--ensures the complete closure of the neural tube. We now provide evidence that planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling directly links these two processes. In the bending neural plates, we find that a PCP-regulating cadherin, Celsr1, is concentrated in adherens junctions (AJs) oriented toward the mediolateral axes of the plates. At these AJs, Celsr1 cooperates with Dishevelled, DAAM1, and the PDZ-RhoGEF to upregulate Rho kinase, causing their actomyosin-dependent contraction in a planar-polarized manner. This planar-polarized contraction promotes simultaneous apical constriction and midline convergence of neuroepithelial cells. Together our findings demonstrate that PCP signals confer anisotropic contractility on the AJs, producing cellular forces that promote the polarized bending of the neural plate.  相似文献   

分别以群丛类型和生长基质类型(包括树生、石生、土生)作为资源轴,对小秦岭56个样方中苔藓植物的生态位特征进行分析和对比。结果表明:(1)两种资源轴上苔藓物种的生态位特征存在一定差异,不同资源轴上,苔藓物种生态位宽度排序发生一定改变。两种资源轴上,青藓属(Brachythecium)均具有较大的生态位宽度,而酸土藓属(Oxystegus)和叶苔属(Jungermania)在不同资源轴上生态位宽度差异较大。(2)对比两种资源轴上的生态位重叠值,生长基质类型明显高于群丛类型;在不同资源轴上,个别物种生态位重叠值排序还会发生明显改变。树平藓属(Homaliodendron)与金灰藓属(Pylaisiella)在两种资源轴上表现出完全相反结果。(3)与维管植物相似,生态位宽度较大的苔藓物种生态位重叠值高,生态位宽度小的苔藓物种也会有较大生态位重叠。  相似文献   

V Pausch  W R Mayr 《Human heredity》1987,37(4):260-262
The possible linkage groups JK-JGK, MNS-GC, GPT-ESD and GPT-HP have been analysed in families of middle-European origin. Linkage of JK-JGK and MNS-GC could be confirmed, the group GPT-ESD needs further data and for GPT-HP no evidence of linkage was revealed.  相似文献   

Genotype data from the Illumina Linkage III SNP panel (n = 4,720 SNPs) and the Affymetrix 10 k mapping array (n = 11,120 SNPs) were used to test the effects of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between SNPs in a linkage analysis in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism pedigree collection (143 pedigrees; 1,614 individuals). The average r2 between adjacent markers across the genetic map was 0.099 +/- 0.003 in the Illumina III panel and 0.17 +/- 0.003 in the Affymetrix 10 k array. In order to determine the effect of LD between marker loci in a nonparametric multipoint linkage analysis, markers in strong LD with another marker (r2 > 0.40) were removed (n = 471 loci in the Illumina panel; n = 1,804 loci in the Affymetrix panel) and the linkage analysis results were compared to the results using the entire marker sets. In all analyses using the ALDX1 phenotype, 8 linkage regions on 5 chromosomes (2, 7, 10, 11, X) were detected (peak markers p < 0.01), and the Illumina panel detected an additional region on chromosome 6. Analysis of the same pedigree set and ALDX1 phenotype using short tandem repeat markers (STRs) resulted in 3 linkage regions on 3 chromosomes (peak markers p < 0.01). These results suggest that in this pedigree set, LD between loci with spacing similar to the SNP panels tested may not significantly affect the overall detection of linkage regions in a genome scan. Moreover, since the data quality and information content are greatly improved in the SNP panels over STR genotyping methods, new linkage regions may be identified due to higher information content and data quality in a dense SNP linkage panel.  相似文献   

Dendooven  L.  Merckx  R.  Verstraeten  L.M.J.  Vlassak  K. 《Plant and Soil》1997,195(1):121-128
Fitting a double negative exponential function to N mineralization data can be used to characterize two organic nitrogen pools; an easily decomposable (Ndpm) and a resistant one (Nrpm). The relevance of those two calculated N mineralization pools was investigated by adding easily decomposable organic material to soils. Soil amended with crop residues of sugar-beet or bean was mixed with an equal amount of coarse sand, incubated at 35 °C and leached at specific time-intervals. Upon leaching, NH4 + and NO3 - were measured in the extracts. A double negative exponential function was fitted to the data and two organic N pools were defined. Fitting a double negative exponential function to N mineralization data to characterize an active and resistant organic N pool was sometimes impossible; the N mineralization data did not always resemble a negative exponential function. Additionally, the size of the two pools calculated were not constant with time and were often meaningless; the Nrpm pool was greater than the soil organic N content, the size of the Nrpm pool was smaller than the Ndpm pool or one of the N pools was negative. Relevant values for both Nrpm and Ndpm which were consistent with incubation time were only obtained when excessive amounts of organic material, normally not dealt with in the field, were applied.  相似文献   

Li Y  Li Y  Wu S  Han K  Wang Z  Hou W  Zeng Y  Wu R 《Genetics》2007,176(3):1811-1821
Analysis of population structure and organization with DNA-based markers can provide important information regarding the history and evolution of a species. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis based on allelic associations between different loci is emerging as a viable tool to unravel the genetic basis of population differentiation. In this article, we derive the EM algorithm to obtain the maximum-likelihood estimates of the linkage disequilibria between dominant markers, to study the patterns of genetic diversity for a diploid species. The algorithm was expanded to estimate and test linkage disequilibria of different orders among three dominant markers and can be technically extended to manipulate an arbitrary number of dominant markers. The feasibility of the proposed algorithm is validated by an example of population genetic studies of hickory trees, native to southeastern China, using dominant random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Extensive simulation studies were performed to investigate the statistical properties of this algorithm. The precision of the estimates of linkage disequilibrium between dominant markers was compared with that between codominant markers. Results from simulation studies suggest that three-locus LD analysis displays increased power of LD detection relative to two-locus LD analysis. This algorithm is useful for studying the pattern and amount of genetic variation within and among populations.  相似文献   

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