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湖南城步苗族自治县是我国苗族同胞最早聚居地之一,境内重山峻岭,植物资源丰富。苗胞们长期生活在山林中,依靠山林而生存,具有丰富的植物利用经验,其中日常习用的饮料植物也很独特。为此我们调查了城步苗族同胞日常的饮料植物,分为三大类。  相似文献   

中国饮料植物资源利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国饮料植物资源利用汪东风,王常红(安徽农业大学茶业系合肥230036)随着人民生活水平的提高,饮料的需求量愈来愈大,使得近几年饮料工业以年均约30%的发展速度发展,饮料的年总产量超过了400万吨。近几年随着人们保健意识的增强和不同消费者的特殊需要,...  相似文献   

山西野生保健饮料食品植物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国已开发利用或正在开发的饮料食品植物有二十余种 ,根据国内外研究和利用现状以及本地实际情况 ,我们选定山西省储量大 ,经济价值高的饮料食品植物 10种 ,隶属 8科做详细介绍 ,并对有重要开发前景的 14种资源植物做一般介绍 ,这些植物大多分布在空气新鲜、受污染小的山区 ,极少数生长在平原 ,是饮食中的佳品。  相似文献   

秦巴山区野生饮料植物资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文详细论述了秦巴山区野生饮料植物资源  相似文献   

西双版纳傣族传统饮料植物利用的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
利用民族植物学与人类学相结合的方法,对西双版纳州曼伞、曼安两个傣族村寨利用传统饮料植物的情况进行了调查。结果显示,两个村寨利用的传统饮料植物有114种,隶属43科、93属,其中65.8%的种具有药用价值。两村寨利用传统饮料植物的种类及物种数有较大不同,而村民传统饮料植物知识在性别间无明显差异。ANOVA分析表明,传统饮料植物平均被提及的物种数在村寨、性别间无明显差异,但在不同年龄组间有显著差异,即随着年龄减小,访谈中人均提及的物种数呈下降趋势,这种趋势在交通较为便利的曼安寨更为明显,表明环境变化和外来文化等对植物传统利用知识的传承有很大影响。  相似文献   

宁夏野生食用植物资源的调查与信息数据库的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外调查与室内工作相结合,对宁夏野生食用植物资源进行调查与统计,建立宁夏野生食用植物资源数据库,并提出了宁夏野生食用植物资源开发和利用存在的问题。结果初步调查到宁夏野生食用资源植物共计74科186属348种10类,其中饮料及野果类植物与野菜植物具有一定的开发潜力,应该在这些野生食用资源植物中进行进一步的筛选,最终主要集中于人工驯化与栽培上。此外针对宁夏野生食用植物资源开发和利用面临的问题,需加强对宁夏野生食用植物资源状况的调查,并进行深入的研究,在前面所做的基础研究上,筛选特色的野生食用资源植物进行合理的开发和利用,之后对筛选出的野生食用资源植物进行人工栽培等工作,在土地可持续利用的前提下,研究野生食用资源植物与其他栽培作物间作的模式,同时在发展过程中通过收集珍贵濒危野生植物资源植物的种质资源,而对其加以保护。  相似文献   

中国秋海棠属植物的传统利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秋海棠属植物除了具有较高的观赏价值外,在中国还作为药用、食用、饮料和饲料等被利用。本文应用民族植物学研究方法,通过野外调查、文献和标本收集整理和研究,共记载了中国产26种秋海棠属植物被作为药用、食用、饮料和饲料加以利用。在所记载的26种国产秋海棠属植物中,有24种作药用,8种作食用(蔬菜)或饮料,5种作饲料。3种作饮料的种类在其自然分布地被广泛利用。9种秋海棠作为多种用途加以利用,其中8种既被作为药用、食用和饮料,也被作为饲料加以利用。本研究还表明,国产秋海棠属植物中,有些种类由于过度采集利用或其它因素已变得稀有或濒危。由此提出,合理开发利用和有效保护应成为今后中国秋海棠属植物研究的重要内容。  相似文献   

中国沙棘属植物资源及其开发利用现状   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
我国沙棘资源蕴藏量大,野生资源丰富.沙棘属植物是一种具有重要经济价值和极好生态效应的野生浆果,其研究和开发利用倍受国内外重视,本文对我国沙棘属植物的资源情况作了简要介绍,并重点介绍了沙棘在医药、食品、饮料、化妆品、生态保护等领域的研究进展及应用价值.  相似文献   

建设国家热带香料饮料作物种质资源圃的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对热带香料饮料作物种质资源与生产发展现状,分析建立国家热带香料饮料作物种质资源圃的作用以及存在的问题,提出建设国家热带香料饮料作物种质资源圃,加快资源保护和创新利用的思路.  相似文献   

一、资源概况植物资源可分为栽培和野生两大类,近年在国外创立了“植物资源学”这门分支科学,不少学者专门从事植物资源研究。本世纪以来,相继发现了若干有价值的资源植物。譬如,抗癌植物、天然甜味植物,能源植物和工业原料植物。资源植物越来越多的被人类利用,许多含特殊化学物质组分的资源植物被发现和利用,促进了生产和科学技术的发展,而一些新的科学技术成就和生产的需要,同样又促进资源植物的开发和利用。譬如,本世纪初发现地中海地区野生长角豆(Ceratonia silligua)树的种子含半乳甘露聚糖胶,在造纸、印刷和纺  相似文献   

Summary Three laboratory-scale water pipe systems were set up to study the effects of adding two levels of acetic acid (10 and 50 μg acetate eq-C l−1) on the bacterial regrowth in water pipes. The results of the water pipe test showed that nearly all carbon in the acetic acid could be readily utilized by bacteria and resulted in an increase in biomass concentration. The maximum heterotrophic plate counts in biofilm were equal to 3.5 × 104, 8.9 × 105 and 2.9 × 107 c.f.u. cm−2 while the maximum heterotrophic plate counts of free bacteria were equal to 1.2 × 103, 5.0 × 103 and 6.8 × 104 c.f.u. ml−1 for the blank and with addition of 10 and 50 μg acetate eq-C l−1. These results showed that addition of acetic acid to drinking water has a positive effect on the assimilable organic carbon content of drinking water and bacterial regrowth in the distribution system. This effect is enhanced with addition of high-level acetic acid. Batch tests were also conducted using water samples collected from a Taiwanese drinking water distribution system. The bacterial regrowth potentials of the blank were equal to 4.3 × 103, 1.5 × 104, 4.9 × 104 and 7.5 × 104 c.f.u. ml−1 for water samples collected from treatment plant effluent, commercial area, mixed area, and residential area, respectively. These results showed that the biological stability of drinking water is the highest in treatment plant effluent, followed by distributed water of the commercial area, distributed water of the mixed area, and then the distributed water of residential area.  相似文献   

The blue green algae or cyanobacteria represent a diverse group of organisms that produce potent natural toxins. There have been case reports of severe morbidity and mortality in domestic animals through drinking water contaminated by these toxins. Microcystins, in particular, have been associated with acute liver damage and possibly liver cancer in laboratory animals. Although, there has been little epidemiologic research on toxin effects in humans, a study by Yu (1995) found an association between primary liver cancer and surface water. Surface water drinking supplies are particularly vulnerable to the growth of these organisms; current US drinking water treatment practices do not monitor or actively treat for blue green algal toxins including the microcystins.After a monitoring survey in Florida found organisms and microcystins (among other cyanobacterial toxins) in surface water drinking sources, a pilot ecological study was performed using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to evaluate the risk of primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and proximity to a surface water treatment plant at cancer diagnosis. The study linked all HCC cancers diagnosed in Florida from 1981 to 1998 with environmental databases.A significantly increased risk for HCC with residence within the service area of a surface water treatment plant was found compared to persons living in areas contiguous to the surface water treatment plants. However, this increased risk was not seen in comparison to persons living in randomly selected ground water treatment service areas or compared to the Florida cumulative incidence rate for the study period, using various comparison and GIS methodologies. Furthermore, these findings must be interpreted in light of significant issues of latency, high population mobility, and the lack of individual exposure information. Nevertheless, the issue of acute and chronic human health effects associated with the consumption of surface waters possibly contaminated by blue green algal toxins merits further investigation.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of heavy metal (HM) pollution and its effect on microorganisms from rhizosphere soil in Baia Mare area (Maramure? County, Romania). Two sites with different contamination degrees were included in the study: one with a long history of mining activities and one within a drinking water safeguard zone. Rhizosphere soil samples were characterized with respect to physico-chemical parameters and the Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn contents. Native bacteria were investigated for HM tolerance and biofilm formation under toxic exposure by the microdilution assay. The most resistant strains were identified and the minimum inhibitory concentrations for HMs were determined. Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn exceeded the intervention threshold in Bozânta tailings site, while Pb content exceeded the intervention level within the area of the drinking water treatment plant. Cd showed a very high potential ecological risk in Bozânta area. The long-term exposure to HMs contributed to the selection of HM-tolerant and weakly adherent strains. Biofouling was significantly reduced under the influence of copper ions. Arthrobacter, Rhodococcus and Acidovorax strains with exceptional resistant profiles were isolated from the tailings site, indicating the important role of native microorganisms in rhizosphere ecosystems of contaminated sites.  相似文献   

吴等等  宋志文  徐爱玲  郑远  夏岩 《生态学报》2015,35(7):2277-2284
选取青岛市5个功能区(市区街道、海滨区域、饮用水源地、垃圾填埋场和人工湿地污水处理系统),采用SAS ISO100空气浮游菌采样器于2013年冬季采集空气微生物样品,应用BIOLOG方法分析空气微生物群落代谢功能多样性,阐明群落代谢与环境相关性。结果表明,不同功能区空气微生物群落碳源代谢强度存在差异,代谢稳定时,海滨区域和饮用水源地样品平均光密度值(AWCD)分别为0.302、0.210,而人工湿地、市区街道及垃圾填埋场分别为0.063、0.025和0.034,海滨区域和饮用水源地空气微生物群落碳源代谢强度明显高于其他功能区。不同功能区空气微生物群落Shannon指数和Simpson指数接近,但海滨区域和饮用水源地Mc Intosh指数明显高于其他功能区。海滨区域和饮用水源地空气微生物群落碳源代谢类型丰富,代谢水平高,人工湿地、市区街道和垃圾填埋场碳源代谢类型单一,代谢水平低。5个功能区空气微生物群落碳源代谢差异呈现区域性,分异代谢差异的主要是羧酸类碳源。风速、温度、湿度等非生物因素对空气微生物群落碳源代谢具有不同程度影响,且不同功能区主导非生物因素存在差异。BIOLOG方法可以提供大量多维数据,能够分析样品间微生物群落碳源代谢差异,客观、全面表征空气微生物群落碳源代谢多样性特征,是研究空气微生物群落功能多样性较理想的方法之一。  相似文献   

Examination and characterization of distribution system biofilms.   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Investigations concerning the role of distribution system biofilms on water quality were conducted at a drinking water utility in New Jersey. The utility experienced long-term bacteriological problems in the distribution system, while treatment plant effluents were uniformly negative for coliform bacteria. Results of a monitoring program showed increased coliform levels as the water moved from the treatment plant through the distribution system. Increased coliform densities could not be accounted for by growth of the cells in the water column alone. Identification of coliform bacteria showed that species diversity increased as water flowed through the study area. All materials in the distribution system had high densities of heterotrophic plate count bacteria, while high levels of coliforms were detected only in iron tubercles. Coliform bacteria with the same biochemical profile were found both in distribution system biofilms and in the water column. Assimilable organic carbon determinations showed that carbon levels declined as water flowed through the study area. Maintenance of a 1.0-mg/liter free chlorine residual was insufficient to control coliform occurrences. Flushing and pigging the study area was not an effective control for coliform occurrences in that section. Because coliform bacteria growing in distribution system biofilms may mask the presence of indicator organisms resulting from a true breakdown of treatment barriers, the report recommends that efforts continue to find methods to control growth of coliform bacteria in pipeline biofilms.  相似文献   

Examination and characterization of distribution system biofilms   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Investigations concerning the role of distribution system biofilms on water quality were conducted at a drinking water utility in New Jersey. The utility experienced long-term bacteriological problems in the distribution system, while treatment plant effluents were uniformly negative for coliform bacteria. Results of a monitoring program showed increased coliform levels as the water moved from the treatment plant through the distribution system. Increased coliform densities could not be accounted for by growth of the cells in the water column alone. Identification of coliform bacteria showed that species diversity increased as water flowed through the study area. All materials in the distribution system had high densities of heterotrophic plate count bacteria, while high levels of coliforms were detected only in iron tubercles. Coliform bacteria with the same biochemical profile were found both in distribution system biofilms and in the water column. Assimilable organic carbon determinations showed that carbon levels declined as water flowed through the study area. Maintenance of a 1.0-mg/liter free chlorine residual was insufficient to control coliform occurrences. Flushing and pigging the study area was not an effective control for coliform occurrences in that section. Because coliform bacteria growing in distribution system biofilms may mask the presence of indicator organisms resulting from a true breakdown of treatment barriers, the report recommends that efforts continue to find methods to control growth of coliform bacteria in pipeline biofilms.  相似文献   

Isolated populations of Procolobus kirkii on Uzi Island, Zanzibar, use Rhizophora mucronata-dominated mangrove forest for refuge. Three groups, observed over 14 months, spent up to 85% of total observation time in mangroves with brief excursions to adjacent upland coral rag forest, habitat degraded by human cutting. A large proportion of monkeys' diets consisted of plant parts of five mangrove species. Water drinking was common and 326 water-drinking events were recorded at a rate of up to 0.87 drinks hr(-1). Groups used different strategies to obtain water including licking dew, drinking from treeholes, licking rain off leaves and tree trunks, and drinking from coral rock crevices with Cercopithecus mitis albogularis. Drinking frequency increased with time spent in and consumption of mangroves. Strategies for obtaining water were group-specific and likely the result of learning. Drinking appeared to be an acquired behavior in movement-restricted groups living in a habitat with low plant species diversity and limited salty foods.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to assess drinking water quality and potential health risk in the Nowshera District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. For this purpose drinking water samples were collected from local available sources and analyzed for physico-chemical characteristics, arsenic (As) and heavy metals. Results revealed high levels of toxic heavy metals such as chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and As contaminations in the drinking water. Results were evaluated for chronic risk including average daily intake (ADI) and hazard quotient (HQ). Among heavy metals the HQ values were highest for Cd (5.80) and As (2.00). Therefore, populations in the study area may be at a low level of chronic toxicity and carcinogenic risk. Statistical analyses showed that contribution of different drinking water sources to the mean contaminant levels in the study area was insignificant (p =.53). Correlation analysis further revealed that anthropogenic activities were the main sources of contamination, rather than geogenic. This study strongly recommends the treatment of urban and industrial wastewater in the vicinity of the study area and provision of safe drinking water.  相似文献   

There is evidence that drinking water may be a source of infections with pathogenic nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) in humans. One method by which NTM are believed to enter drinking water distribution systems is by their intracellular colonization of protozoa. Our goal was to determine whether we could detect a reduction in the prevalence of NTM recovered from an unfiltered surface drinking water system after the addition of ozonation and filtration treatment and to characterize NTM isolates by using molecular methods. We sampled water from two initially unfiltered surface drinking water treatment plants over a 29-month period. One plant received the addition of filtration and ozonation after 6 months of sampling. Sample sites included those at treatment plant effluents, distributed water, and cold water taps (point-of-use [POU] sites) in public or commercial buildings located within each distribution system. NTM were recovered from 27% of the sites. POU sites yielded the majority of NTM, with >50% recovery despite the addition of ozonation and filtration. Closely related electrophoretic groups of Mycobacterium avium were found to persist at POU sites for up to 26 months. Water collected from POU cold water outlets was persistently colonized with NTM despite the addition of ozonation and filtration to a drinking water system. This suggests that cold water POU outlets need to be considered as a potential source of chronic human exposure to NTM.  相似文献   

Present study was designed to obtain estimation about ground water quality of Bhimber, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Pakistan. A total of 12 water samples were collected from different localities of study area to analyze for various physicochemical and biological parameters i.e. namely temperature, pH, turbidity, color, odor, taste, electric conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (Calcium + Magnesium), chloride, arsenic, phosphate, lead, ammonium ion, nitrite, Fecal coliform and Escherichia coli. Results exposed that all ground water samples of study area were grossly contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms like E. coli and Fecal coliform except one water sample that was obtained from community filter plant Samahni Chowk site. Besides it, values of some physicochemical water quality determining parameters also deviated from recommended limits of World Health Organization (WHO). Chloride ion concentration was little below the prescribed limits in almost all water samples. It has been proven that consumption of un-safe drinking water is one of the major cause of prevalence of water borne diseases like diarrhea, gastroenteritis, typhoid fever and malaria etc. in study area. Community water supply and sanitation projects should be encouraged; government should provide filter plants in all regions of the country so that people could have easy approach to safe drinking water.  相似文献   

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