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A palynological study using LM and SEM was made of the morphology, ornamentation, apertural system and structure of the pollen wall, of the 18 species of the genus Rubus which are present in the Iberian Peninsula. We demonstrate: a) the stenopalynous character of the genus (isopolar, subprolate, 3-lobate, 3-zonocolporate and striate-perforate, except for R. genevierii whose ornamentation is striate-gemmate-perforate and with a striated margin); b) the lalongate shape of the endoaperture, due to the disappearance or thinning of the nexine; and c) the existence of two structural types, Type I granular and Type II columellar with clearly-defined columellar spaces or compact without intercolumellar spaces.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology ofPrunus spinosa andPrunus mahaleb (Prunoideae, Rosaceae) in the northwest Iberian Peninsula. The two species flowered at the same time (peaking on March 9 and 11, respectively in 1990) but differ significantly in their fruit maturation times. Nectar volume peaked in the early morning in both species, and was ten times greater inP. spinosa than inP. mahaleb. Neither species shows apomixis, nor does fruit-set occur if pollinators are excluded. In both species self-pollination resulted in fewer fruits than open pollination. The principal pollinators belong to theApidae family (79% and 63% of visits toP. spinosa andP. mahaleb, respectively). Results are compared with those for other rosaceous plants with fleshy fruits.  相似文献   

Valle LG  Santamaria S 《Mycologia》2004,96(3):682-701
A study of larval Diptera (Chironomidae, Culicidae and Simuliidae) from Spain has been carried out to fulfill a catalogue of species of the genus Smittium (Harpellales: Legeriomycetaceae) present within these hosts. Among the reported taxa, eight are new species: Smittium brevisporum, S. bulbosporo-phorus, S. gracilis, S. hecatei, S. heterosporum, S. inex-pectans, S. prostratum and S. pseudodimorphum. We also report six previously described species, which are new for the Iberian Peninsula: S. alpinum, S. dipterorum, S. megazygosporum, S. pusillum, S. typhellum and S. fecundum. Three other species (S. simulii, S. culicis and S. culisetae) previously were reported from Spain. In two of them (S. fecundum and S. culicis), we describe for the first time the presence of zygospores. Some of the included species have been artificially cultured as well as ultrastructurally studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), with the purpose of observing the surface of both trichospores and the trichospore collar and the morphology of the trichospore appendage.  相似文献   

A revision of the three endemic Iberian species of Succisella G. Beck ( S. carvalhoana , S. microcephala and S. andreae-molinae ), based on herbarium studies, SEM photographs and field observations, is presented utilizing morphological, palynological, karyological, biogeographical and ecological characters. The distribution of the species in the Iberian Peninsula is shown in a grid map. Full synonymy is given for all taxa.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 351–364.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers in 80 populations belonging to 18 species of Potentilla L. subgen. Potentilla from the Iberian Peninsula and two of P. maura, a North African endemic taxon, have been counted. The basic number of chromosomes is always x = 7 and these chromosomes are small (between 1 and 2 μm). For three species, the number of chromosomes is reported for the first time and, for another six, this number has been established in Iberian representatives. Moreover, new ploidy levels have been obtained for P. hispanica and P. crantzii with regard to their entire distribution area, and in P. cinerea and P. neumanniana for the Iberian Peninsula. Some taxonomic, phylogenetic and phytogeographic comments are made for several species or groups of species from the West Mediterranean region. In 13 species only one ploidy level has been found, but six species have several ploidy levels. Seven ploidy levels occur in the investigated taxa. The frequency of each ploidy level represented within Iberian Potentilla is analysed and the data are compared with those available for taxa from the rest of the distribution area of the genus.  相似文献   

The taxonomy and distribution of the genus Quillaja (Quillajaceae) is examined and two species, Q. brasiliensis and Q. saponaria, are recognised and keyed out. Quillaja bra‐ siliensis is distributed in southern Brazil, northern Uruguay, northeastern Argentina and eastern Paraguay. The presence of Q. brasiliensis in Peru, indicated in some sources, is not confirmed with herbarium specimens. Quillaja saponaria is distributed in central Chile, besides one doubtful collection from Andean Bolivia. The mention of its presence in Peru is likewise unjustified. A distribution map of the species is provided and two names are lectotypified here. Se examina la taxonomía y distribución del género Quillaja (Quillajaceae), donde dos especies, Q. brasiliensis y Q. saponaria, se reconocen y diferencian mediante una clave. Quillaja brasiliensis se distribuye en el sur de Brasil, norte de Uruguay, noreste de Argentina y este de Paraguay. La presencia de Q. brasiliensis en Perú, indicada en algunas fuentes, no se ve respaldada por ejemplares de herbario. Quillaja saponaria se distrbuye en Chile central, más una colección dudosa proveniente de los Andes de Bolivia. La mención de Q. saponaria para Perú tampoco se justifica. Se presenta un mapa de distribución de las especies y se lectotipifican dos nombres. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The European dewberry (Rubus caesius) is a perennial shrub that is widely distributed in Europe but can also be found in North America. In folk medicine, the European dewberry is used to treat hyperglycaemia, diarrhoea and inflammation. LC-MS analysis of the European dewberry confirmed the presence of 35 compounds, mostly flavonoids, phenolic acids and derivatives of ellagic acid. Phytochemical analysis of R. caesius leaves led to the isolation of nine phenolics, namely: quercetin 3-O-β-D-rutinoside (1), kaempferol 3-O-β-D-glucuronide (2), quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucuronide (3), methyl brevifolincarboxylate (4), kaempferol 3-O-β-D-(6″-O-(E)-p-coumaroyl)-glucoside (5), kaempferol (6), quercetin (7), pedunculagin (8), and ellagic acid (9). Compounds 18 were isolated from this species for the first time. The chemophenetic significance was discussed.  相似文献   

For a long time it was considered that Cardamine raphanifolia is widely distributed with several infraspecific taxa in the Mediterranean region. Recent studies showed that C. raphanifolia is restricted to the northern Iberian Peninsula. Cardamine gallaecica from NW Spain was regarded to be closely related, but was originally regarded as C. amara, and later described as C. raphanifolia subsp. gallaecica. In this study, we validate the treatment of C. raphanifolia and C. gallaecica as distinct species, and show their clear differentiation based on morphometric and molecular AFLP analyses. Moreover, both species are clearly distinct from C. amara subsp. pyrenaea, which has an overlapping distributional range with C. raphanifolia. Hexaploid (2n = 48) and octoploid cytotypes (2n = 64) of C. raphanifolia, and tetraploid (2n = 32) and hexaploid (2n = 48) cytotypes of C. gallaecica were found. Due to their weak morphological and genetic differentiation, these polyploid races are not classified as separate taxa.  相似文献   

Micromorphological features of the leaf-blade, lemma, and palea were examined under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for 64 species of the genus Festuca L. occurring in the Iberian Peninsula. The objective of the study was to survey these characters for the first time in the whole of the genus Festuca in this region, to assess their taxonomic value, and to compare the variation with recent DNA sequence-based phylogenies. The principal features include the frequency, shape, and distribution of silica bodies, short cells, crown cells, and prickles, and the morphology of long cells. The abaxial lemma surface shows the most important taxonomical and phylogenetic characters. The variation observed was consistent with the subgenera and sections identified in molecular studies.  相似文献   

钻地风的三萜类成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从钻地风根的乙醇提取物中分离得到12个三萜及三萜皂苷类化合物,通过波谱分析并与有关对照品比较, 其结构鉴定为熊果酸(1),坡模酸(2),tormentic acid (3),蔷薇酸(4),sericic acid (5),23-hydroxytormentic acid (6), kaji-ichigoside F1 (7),野蔷薇苷 (8), sericoside (9), quadranoside VIII (10), crataegioside (11)和niga-ichigoside F1 (12).初步研究结果表明,这些化合物在体外5?mg/ml浓度下对耐药金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)无抑制作用.  相似文献   

Most blackberry species are apomictic but pseudogamous, i.e. embryo development is dependent on prior pollination. Two different types of stamen arrangement were noted in senescing flowers of 18 Swedish species and 2 common cultivars. The stamens of 'cross-pollinating' species seldom touch the stigmas while those of 'self-pollinating' species instead arch over the pistils and dry up in this position. All species set seed well after artificial self-pollination and are thus self-compatible. Isolation experiments were carried out during 3 years. When inflorescences were bagged, seed set was drastically lowered in 'cross-pollinators' but remained almost unaltered in 'self-pollinators'. The different responses to isolation are probably due to the inherent stamen behaviour.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of taxa of Festuca L. section Eskia Willk. in the Iberian Peninsula are given. The levels of ploidy for five taxa are confirmed. Idiograms and karyotypic formulae of the five taxa are presented for the first time. Two levels of ploidy occur in this section: diploid and tetraploid. One taxon, Festuca elegans ssp. merinoi is tetraploid and two other taxa have diploid and tetraploid populations. The remaining two taxa are solely diploid.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 331–337.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are presented for 32 collections of 29 European blackberry species (Rubus subg.Rubus) from Germany. One species is triploid (2n = 21), 27 species are tetraploid, (2n = 28), and one species is pentaploid (2n = 35). Chromosome numbers are reported for the first time ofR. adspersus, R. amisiensis, R. calvus, R. conothyrsoides, R. contractipes, R. demissus, R. elegantispinosus, R. ferocior, R. foliosus, R. hypomalacus, R. leucandrus, R. nemorosus, R. platyacanthus, R. praecox, R. rhombifolius, andR. rhytidophyllus. Chromosome numbers forR. dasyphyllus, R. gelertii, R. glandithyrsos, R. lamprocaulos, R. lindebergii, R. macrophyllus, R. montanus, R. muenteri, R. pedemontanus, R. polyanthemus, R. senticosus, R. silvaticus, andR. vigorosus are confirmed.  相似文献   

InRubus L. a connection seems to exist between the degree of meiotic disturbances on the one hand, and the production of unreduced embryo sacs, pollen fertility and relative seed set on the other hand. Severe meiotic disturbances commonly encountered in apomictic taxa decrease pollen fertility and thereby seed set since pollen is necessary for endosperm development. By contrast interspecific hybrids between apomictic taxa appear to be sexual and exhibit high pollen fertilities, probably due to an improved meiosis. Thus, apomixis leads to a decreased fertility inRubus, not the opposite, as often discussed.  相似文献   

The lichen genus Nephroma is represented by five species in the Iberian Peninsula. Anatomical, chemical, ecological and distributional data for each taxon are provided. A number of species have been found for the first time in several provinces.  相似文献   

The types of the species of the Coniacian ammonite genus Hemitissotia Peron, 1897, identified in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), which are currently held in the Wiedmann (Universität Tübingen, Germany) and Choffat (Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, Portugal) collections, have been revised and refigured. New specimens of the taxa Hemitissotia ceadouroensis Choffat, 1898, Hemitissotia celtiberica Wiedmann, 1975b, Hemitissotia turzoi Karrenberg, 1935, Hemitissotia dullai (Karrenberg 1935) and Hemitissotia lenticeratiformis Wiedmann in Wiedmann and Kauffman, 1978 have also been presented. As results, H. celtiberica has been considered as a junior synonym of H. ceadouroensis, and the lectotype of this species and the neotypes of H. turzoi and H. dullai have been designated and figured. Additionally, the geographical and stratigraphical distributions of all of these species have been determined with precision, and several phylogenetic relationships between them have been identified, revealing morphologies that become progressively smaller and more depressed and ornamented (hydrodynamically less efficient), interpreted as an adaptative response to sea-level changes.  相似文献   

I. Camarda 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):849-856
Rubus is poorly represented in Sardinia, mainly by the widespread R. ulmifolius and further by two narrow endemic species. Two new species, R. laconensis and R. pignatti, here described and illustrated, grow in two neighbouring small areas of the Sarcidano country. Both are characterized, in particular, by fruits with a low number of large drupelets. R. laconensis is for the time being attributed to the R. caesius aggregate, and R. pignatti to R. subg. Rubus.  相似文献   

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