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Streptokinase reacts very rapidly with human plasmin (rate constant 5.4 S 10(7) M-1 s-1) forming a 1:1 stoichiometric complex which has a dissociation constant of 5 X 10(-11) M. This plasmin-streptokinase complex is 10(5) times less reactive towards alpha 2-antiplasmin than plasmin, the inhibition rate constant being 1.4 X 10(2) M-1 s-1. The loss of reactivity of the streptokinase-plasmin complex towards alpha 2-antiplasmin is independent of the lysine binding sites in plasmin since low-Mr plasmin, which lacks these sites, and plasmin in which the sites have been blocked by 6-aminohexanoic acid, are both equally unreactive towards alpha 2-antiplasmin on reaction with streptokinase. The plasmin-streptokinase complex binds to Sepharose-lysine and Sepharose-fibrin monomer in the same fashion as free plasmin, showing that the lysine binding sites are fully exposed in the complex. Bovine plasmin is rapidly inhibited by human alpha 2-antiplasmin (k1 = 1.6 X 10(6) M-1 s-1) and similarly loses reactivity towards the inhibitor on complex formation with streptokinase (50% binding at 0.4 microM streptokinase).  相似文献   

T Nilsson  B Wiman 《FEBS letters》1982,142(1):111-114
Rabbits were immunized with a conjugate of leukotriene (LT) C4 and bovine serum albumin prepared by coupling the single free amino group of the hapten to the protein using gluteraldehyde. Binding of [3H]LTC4 to the antibodies obtained is inhibited by 50% with 1.5 ng LTC4. The relative cross-reaction of LTD4 is 16% and of LTC4-methyl ester 3.6%. The validity of the radioimmunoassay was demonstrated by comparison with bioassay using the isolated guinea pig ileum. Using the radioimmunoassay it could be shown that endogenous LTC4 is released in a dose-dependent manner by human polymorphonuclear leucocytes stimulated with the divalent cation ionophore A23187.  相似文献   

The kinetic of plasmin, Va1442-plasmin, Lys530-plasmin inhibition reaction by alpha 2-antiplasmin as well as interaction of the inhibitor with different derivatives of the plasminogen and its fragments were studied. It was shown that plasmin, mini- and micro-plasmin activity decreased by 97, 88 and 85%, respectively, for equimolar ratio 1:1 of the inhibitor. The value of the inhibition reached its maximum in 1-2, 5-10 and 10-15 min, respectively. The constants of the complex formation rate were 1.4 x 10(6); 1.7 x 10(5) and 6.2 x 10(4) M-1s-1 for the plasmin, mini- and micro-plasmin with alpha 2-antiplasmin, respectively. Both 10(-2) M 6-aminohexanoic acid and 10(-1) M arginine reduced the complex formation rate between plasmin, mini-plasmin and alpha 2-antiplasmin to the value of the rate reaction between micro-plasmin and inhibitor. alpha 2-Antiplasmin bound with all investigated derivatives and fragments of plasminogen. The amount of inhibitor decreased in the series: plasmin, kringle 1-3, kringle 4, mini-plasminogen, micro-plasminogen. The kringle 1-4 and kringle 5 were determined to control the rate of reaction between enzyme and inhibitor, being not necessary for the inhibition. The comparison of the inhibitor interaction with DPP-plasmin, mini-plasminogen and micro-plasminogen displayed the possibility of the additional region existence in catalytic domain. This region participated in the complex with alpha 2-antiplasmin formation. It is supposed that the multisite interaction between plasmin and alpha 2-antiplasmin provides for the specificity and efficiency the inhibitor action.  相似文献   

Plasminogen and plasminogen derivatives which contain lysine-binding sites were found to decrease the reaction rate between plasmin and alpha2-antiplasmin by competing with plasmin for the complementary site(s) in alpha2-antiplasmin. The dissocwation constant Kd for the interaction between intact plasminogen (Glu-plasminogen) and alpha2-antiplasmin is 4.0 microM but those for Lys-plasminogen or TLCK-plasmin are about 10-fold lower indicating a stronger interaction. The lysine-binding site(s) which is situated in triple-loops 1--3 in the plasmin A-chain is mainly responsible for the interaction with alpha2-antiplasmin. The interaction between Glu-plasminogen and alpha2-antiplasmin furthermore enhances the activation of Glu-plasminogen by urokinase to a comparable extent as 6-aminohexanoic acid, suggesting that similar conformational changes occur in the proenzyme after complex formation. Fibrinogen, fibrinogen digested with plasmin, purified fragment E and purified fragment D interfere with the reaction between plasmin and alpha2-antiplasmin by competing with alpha2-antiplasmin for the lysine-binding site(s) in the plasmin A-chain. The Kd obtained for these interactions varied between 0.2 microM and 1.4 microM; fragment E being the most effective. Thus the fibrinogen molecule contains several complementary sites to the lysine-binding sites located both in its NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal regions; these sites are to a large extent.  相似文献   

Spectropolarimetric studies of alpha 2-antiplasmin in the far ultraviolet region indicates a content of 16% alpha-helix, 18% beta-structure and 66% random coil. Two of its three disulphide bridges are reduced under non-denaturing conditions without major changes in conformation of functionality. Cleavage of the third disulphide bridge requires denaturing agents and is accompanied by complete loss of activity. The interaction of alpha 2-antiplasmin with plasminogen or fragments derived from plasminogen by elastase digestion has been studied by circular dichroism analysis in the near ultravoilet region. The results indicate that the fragment of plasminogen constituting the three NH2-terminal triple-loop structures contains at least two lysine-binding sites: one with high affinity and one with low affinity. One of these sites, probably the high-affinity site, is involved in the interaction with alpha 2-antiplasmin. This site seems also to be exposed in the intact plasminogen molecule. The formation of the stable complex between plasmin (EC and alpha 2-antiplasmin is also accompanied by conformational changes.  相似文献   

Interaction of tissue plasminogen activator with alpha-2-antiplasmin and its influence on tissue activator binding to fibrin was studied. Alpha-2-Antiplasmin decreases the binding of tissue activator to fibrin by 20%. The inhibitor formed a complex with tissue plasminogen activator (Kd 78.2 nM) and had no effect on amidolytic activity of the activator. The tissue activator binding to alpha-2-antiplasmin decreases by 20-35% in the presence of 6-aminohexanoic acid. It indicates that not only kringle 2 of the tissue activator molecule takes part in complex formation with alpha-2-antiplasmin, but also other activator domains. Two models were proposed to explain the alpha-2-antiplasmin effect on the Glu-plasminogen activation by tissue activator on fibrin. In the first place, the inhibitor binds to fibrin in the site where the activator complex is localized. It can create steric hindrances for the proenzyme interaction with its activator on fibrin. In the second place, alpha-2-antiplasmin in a complex with tissue plasminogen activator can bring to a change in the activator conformation and a decrease of its functional activity.  相似文献   

The role of the streptokinase (SK) alpha-domain in plasminogen (Pg) and plasmin (Pm) interactions was investigated in quantitative binding studies employing active site fluorescein-labeled [Glu]Pg, [Lys]Pg, and [Lys]Pm, and the SK truncation mutants, SK-(55-414), SK-(70-414), and SK-(152-414). Lysine binding site (LBS)-dependent and -independent binding were resolved from the effects of the lysine analog, 6-aminohexanoic acid. The mutants bound indistinguishably, consistent with unfolding of the alpha-domain on deletion of SK-(1-54). The affinity of SK for [Glu]Pg was LBS-independent, and although [Lys]Pg affinity was enhanced 13-fold by LBS interactions, the LBS-independent free energy contributions were indistinguishable. alpha-Domain truncation reduced the affinity of SK for [Glu]Pg 2-7-fold and [Lys]Pg 相似文献   

Serum antithrombin III and alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor concentrations has been evaluated in 26 patients with lung carcinoma. We observed a twofold decrease in antithrombin III level and no differences between test and control groups in alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor concentrations. Evidently, the decreased antithrombin III level may reflect its consumption because of enhanced plasma thrombin activity, whereas normal alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor may result in no induction of secondary fibrinolysis followed by the stimulation of the coagulation system or no conditions for primary increased fibrinolysis. It seems possible, that the antithrombin III level in the serum may at least partly reflect the tendency for hypercoagulability and spreading of cancer.  相似文献   

Paclitaxel (trade name Taxol) is one of the world's most effective anticancer drugs. It is used to treat several cancers including tumours of the breast, ovary and lung. In the present work the interaction of paclitaxel with human serum albumin (HSA) in aqueous solution at physiological pH has been investigated through CD, fluorescence spectroscopy and by the antibody precipitate test. Binding of paclitaxel to albumin impact on protein structure and it influences considerably albumin binding of other molecules like warfarin, heme or bilirubin. The paclitaxel-HSA interaction causes the conformational changes with the loss of helical stability of protein and local perturbation in the domain IIA binding pocket. The relative fluorescence intensity of the paclitaxel-bound HSA decreased, suggesting that perturbation around the Trp 214 residue took place. This was confirmed by the destabilization of the warfarin binding site, which includes Trp 214, and high affinity bilirubin binding site located in subdomain IIA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to characterize the reaction of alpha 2-antiplasmin (alpha 2AP) and alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) with human plasmin bound to rat C6 glioma cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Binding of plasmin (0.1 microM) to C6 cells at 4 degrees C did not cause cell detachment, decrease viability or change cell morphology. The KD and Bmax for the binding of diisopropyl phosphoryl plasmin (DIP-plasmin) to C6 cells were 0.9 microM and 2.6 x 10(6) sites/cell. The dissociation rate constants (koff) for 125I-plasmin were 9.7 x 10(-4) and 4.0 x 10(-4) s-1 at 4 degrees C in the presence and absence of 0.3 microM DIP-plasmin, respectively. Similar constants were determined for 125I-plasminogen and 125I-DIP-plasmin. Neither alpha 2AP nor alpha 2M affected the dissociation of DIP-plasmin. C6 cell-associated 125I-plasmin reacted slowly with alpha 2AP; however, the inhibition rate constants exceeded the koff. alpha 2AP-plasmin complex formed after the plasmin dissociated into solution (reaction pathway 1) and by direct reaction of alpha 2AP with cell-associated enzyme (reaction pathway 2). High concentrations of alpha 2AP favored pathway 2. C6 cell-associated plasmin was also protected from inhibition by alpha 2M. While the same pathways were probably involved in this reaction, alpha 2M was less effective than alpha 2AP as an inhibitor of nondissociated plasmin (pathway 2). When C6 cell-bound plasmin reacted with alpha 2AP, alpha 2AP-plasmin complex was recovered primarily in the medium, suggesting dissociation of complexes formed on the cell surface. Plasmin-receptor dissociation and inhibition experiments were performed at 22 degrees and 37 degrees C, confirming the conclusions of the 4 degrees C studies. Comparable results were also obtained using HUVEC cultures. These studies demonstrate that cell-associated plasmin is protected from inhibition by alpha 2M as well as alpha 2AP. At least two reaction pathways may be demonstrated for the inhibition of plasmin that is initially receptor-bound; however, neither pathway is highly effective, accounting for the "plasmin-protective" activity of the cell surface.  相似文献   

Possible interaction of alpha-2-antiplasmin with fibrinogen, fibrin and their fragments independent of factor XIII as well as the inhibitor effect on the Glu-plasminogen activation by tissue activator were studied. It was shown that alpha-2-antiplasmin is adsorbed on desAA- and desAABBfibrin films (Kd 69.0 +/- 1.0 nM 68.6 +/- 5.3 nM, respectively). Glu-Plasminogen has no effect on the inhibitor binding with desAABBfibrin. Alpha-2-antiplasmin shows strong affinity for fibrin D-dimer (Kd 65.0 +/- 4.0 nM) and D-fragment of fibrinogen (Kd 119.0 +/- 21.0 nM), but it does not interact with E-fragment. The inhibitor inside the fibrin clot decreases 10 times the activation rate of Glu-plasminogen by the tissue activator both is the presence and without factor XIII at physiological ratio of Glu-plasminogen, tissue activator, fibrin and alpha-2-antiplasmin. Thus we have shown that fibrinogen/fibrin binds alpha-2-antiplasmin independent of the factor XIII. Binding sites of the inhibitor are localized in D-fragment of fibrinogen and/or fibrin D-dimer. Alpha-2-antiplasmin inhibits the Glu-plasminogen activation by tissue activator on fibrin.  相似文献   

α(2)-Antiplasmin is the physiological inhibitor of plasmin and is unique in the serpin family due to N- and C-terminal extensions beyond its core domain. The C-terminal extension comprises 55 amino acids from Asn-410 to Lys-464, and the lysine residues (Lys-418, Lys-427, Lys-434, Lys-441, Lys-448, and Lys-464) within this region are important in mediating the initial interaction with kringle domains of plasmin. To understand the role of lysine residues within the C terminus of α(2)-antiplasmin, we systematically and sequentially mutated the C-terminal lysines, studied the effects on the rate of plasmin inhibition, and measured the binding affinity for plasmin via surface plasmon resonance. We determined that the C-terminal lysine (Lys-464) is individually most important in initiating binding to plasmin. Using two independent methods, we also showed that the conserved internal lysine residues play a major role mediating binding of the C terminus of α(2)-antiplasmin to kringle domains of plasmin and in accelerating the rate of interaction between α(2)-antiplasmin and plasmin. When the C terminus of α(2)-antiplasmin was removed, the binding affinity for active site-blocked plasmin remained high, suggesting additional exosite interactions between the serpin core and plasmin.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Antiplasmin Enschede is a variant of alpha 2-antiplasmin which has lost its ability to inhibit plasmin irreversibly and which is associated with a haemorrhagic disorder [Kluft et al. (1987) J. Clin. Invest. 80, 1391-1400]. The abnormal protein was purified from the plasma of a homozygous patient and subjected to one-dimensional peptide mapping using papain for digestion. A slightly abnormally migrating polypeptide (Mr 17,000) was found which represented the C-terminal part of the molecule (the N-terminus of the polypeptide corresponded to Gly-338 in normal alpha 2-antiplasmin) and which contained the reactive centre. The interaction of plasmin with alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede was studied by adding plasmin to plasma of the homozygous patient. SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting showed that no complex persisted, but that the abnormal alpha 2-antiplasmin was cleaved into two fragments of Mr 56,000 and 14,000 respectively. The latter fragment co-migrated with the post-complex peptide, which is cleaved from normal alpha 2-antiplasmin during complex-formation with plasmin. In a purified system, catalytic amounts of plasmin rapidly cleaved alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede into the aforementioned fragments. In kinetic studies alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede reversibly and temporarily inhibited the plasmin-catalysed hydrolysis of D-valyl-L-leucyl-L-lysine p-nitroanilide ('S-2251') as a competitive inhibitor (Ki,app. 35 nM). It was concluded that alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede apparently forms a normal complex with plasmin. The complex is, however, not stable, but disintegrates rapidly to a cleaved form of alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede and active plasmin. The abnormal protein thus behaves like a substrate, instead of an inhibitor, of plasmin.  相似文献   

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